Gov Gaz Week 6 Colour.Indd
5931 Government Gazette OF THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES Number 130 Friday, 16 August 2002 New South Wales Published under authority by the Government Printing Service LEGISLATION Proclamation Proclamations under the Conveyancing Legislation Amendment (e-plan) Act 2002 New South Wales , Governor I, Professor Marie Bashir AC, Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of section 2 of the ProclamationConveyancing Legislation Amendment (e-plan) Act 2002, do, by this my Proclamation, appoint 19 August 2002 as the day on which that Act commences. Signed and sealed at Sydney, this day of 2002. under the Conveyancing Legislation AmendmentBy Her Excellency’s (e-plan) Command, Act 2002 MARIE BASHIR,, Governor Governor I, Professor Marie Bashir AC, Governor ofMinister the State for of Information New South Technology Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of section 2 of the Conveyancing LegislationGOD Amendment SAVE THE (e-plan) QUEEN! Act 2002, do, by this my Proclamation, appoint 19 August 2002 as the day on which that Act commences. Signed andand sealedsealed atat Sydney,Sydney, this this 14th day of dayAugust of 2002. 2002. By Her Excellency’s Command, L.S. KIM YEADON, M.P., MinisterMinister for for Information Information Technology Technology GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! p02-148-p01.03 Page 1 P:\pr\02\p02-148-03\p01\ 14/8/02, 3:49pm p02-148-p01.03 Page 1 P:\pr\02\p02-148-03\p01\ 14/8/02, 3:49pm 5932 LEGISLATION 16 August 2002 Witness Protection Amendment Act 2002 No 54—Proclamation MARIE BASHIR,, Governor Governor I, Professor Marie Bashir AC, Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of section 2 of the Witness Protection Amendment Act 2002, do, by this my Proclamation, appoint 19 August 2002 as the day on which that Act commences.
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