TORRANCE PRESS Thursday, November 17, 1955 AUTOMOBILES

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TORRANCE PRESS Thursday, November 17, 1955 AUTOMOBILES • AUTOMOBILES 112 • AUTOMOBILES 113 112* AUTOMOBILES 112 • AUTOMOBILES 112 Page 30TORRANCE PRESS Thursday, November 17, 1955 AUTOMOBILES • MISCELLANEOUS '•OMOBIT.KS 112 • AUTOMOBILES 112 FOR SALE FOR SALE SAN PEDRO SPECIAL THANKSGIVING *'^l?CHANGrsfoRE * STORAGE 'SALE ¥ R-O-L-A-N-D \ / BUY SELL TRADE WARDROBE, Hourly. $22.50 * N e w Bankru pt Used $.'12.50: china closets, $16.50 852 Gardena Blvd DA 9-4858 ii|i; chrome top Gaffers & Sal­ tier range. $KJ9; other* $5 to TOYS* SPECIAL SALE $85. Khowca.«e«, $20 «nd $45; HARBOR .Small Appliance for Xrna OLDSMOBILE Typewriters (50) ...... ..$15.95 up 20 washers. $8.50 to $59; din­ ........$.'{9.95 up ing and dinette setx. $12.50 to Adding machines roll- uixey Luggage special ..........$2.,'J!) ii| $98; antique secretary, FR TV tables ($9.05) ............... $5.95 top deHks, $98.50; office roll 1951 OLDSMOBILE . $795 Phonograph records ...........,9r up top. $42, others $8 up: 50 "88" 4-door, 2-Ume blur, radio, heater, hydramatjc. white- ri-Kpeer] phono ($29.95 ... ....$19.95 chair." and rockcrn, 50 cenls walla. This week-enrl> only. with every car sold from this ad Guitar* ........... $12..ri to $25; period style couch $59: ($:59 50) .................. $21.95 Other* $4 up: 20 mirror x. $1 Violins Mrx. bed room PONTIAC '55 CHEVROLET I '53 CHEVROLET to $25; Mr. und 1952 FORD ..... $II95 Proto-Tools. 'J5'/« to 50% oil power- Galoshes ($1 OS) ................... 9K( sH. $49.50. other* $24 \<> $89; Blnck. Rral ahnrp. Ford-n-matic. Ra­ Brlairp sport rounr. Radio, heater', Fi'laire sport coupe. Bountiful 2-tr>ni (tostcr beds. $29 each, ('onveitihle. glide, & whitewalls. radio & heater Deep Fryer f.V{9.95) ............\$W> twin dio and heater. White wall*. Continental Kit. fjreen A Ivory. Whitewalls, TV lead-in wire <5c> ........2c. ft. mattrcxs and box xpring net. Pillows, special ($1.59) ........ 8!»c $1750 to $25; matt res* $4 up; $2499 $1499 Bird cages ................ !M.9H. *A!)S antique wardrobe closet. CADILLAC . , ... $1995 The Fabulous 1956 Pontiac Br-oorns . ............ .«l.69 for 8Pc $.'J».50' 100 .«tand:<. offe,-. and 1952 '51 CHEVROLET '51 CHEVROLET end table*, $2 to $2.".; junior & 4-Hr. "62". Radio * hoalnr. Whitewall tirea. $SO~EQUITYF"RKE~Pick-up baby bedx. $8 to $19.50: 100 Styline club roupe. Powerghde., radio * Stylinp 2-door a^dan. Radio, heatereater and payments on water' softener ciio.Hlx. $4 to $17: llarvpy Glo STILL heater. x sentcovers. Spotlifrht. Private party.FR. -Offer 5. fire gnu log, $f8.50: antique 1950 OLDSMOBILE .... $595 ." wiiiR table. $19.50: Hewing $899 $699 machine, electric. .W2.50: rug*. Hydramntif, iwdio, heater, w.w. Arctic whits over DELTA home, workshop. KHW, $19.50; lot of floor Kolly jfieen. Tu-tone. Orig. (3S2431). A steal! * The Biggest Car * The Lowest Price planer, drill ptfyK & saridrr. up to '47 PLYMOUTH '54 CHEVROLET lamp* and table lamp*. Hicup. 4-door spdan. Immaculate. Coupe. Lixal low miles. $150. ' IH77 W. 256th Refrigerator. $29.50 to $75. BT-UK WOOL frieze. ru(T~wlth Some apt.-size. 1950 FORD ..... $295 pad. 9x18. Kxcellent condition. inOO« of!u>r Items 2 Door. Factory «i|iiipprrl. w.w. Beautiful custom The Best Deal $299 $999 $50. After 5. DA. 6-015) 8 Buildings of 20.'J2 Meadowbrook P.d furniture and Junk. seat covers. (7N33432). Special ! '50 PACKARD '53 DE SOTO 4-door sedan. Radio, heater, and seat- Kircdome V-R Sportsman hard-top. Radio, BABY BED natural wood. $10; — Welcome to Browse— (overs. heater, full power windows, seats, steer­ potty ch.-iir. $.'J: hiph chair, $5: 1950 CADILLAC "62" . $1595 ing. Air conditioning. folda-rola .M roller. $5. STORAGE Convertible. Hydramatic. radio and heater, whilewnll*. TK 4-.'{R.'ll "GARDENA Original interior, new black top with nparkling yellow $499 finish, duals. Many other extra*. Thin is the car you $1499 FOR AN UNUSUAL GIFT Hour* 9 to 6 been dreaming about, hurry! Hand made Jewelery. Rr-aHon- Sunday 9 to R have '48 WILLYS '53 FORD able. FA. 8-2816 Cloned Monday* 4-cyl. Station wagon. Overdrive. Very Station wagon. Radio, heater, whitewalls. $3295 clean. Very clean. 18611 S Western Av«. 1955 OLDSMOBILE Super "88" Holiday 4-door. H> dramatic, radio and $99 $79 MUST SELL OAVI8 4-8MM heater, power *teerlng, power brakes, deluxe hubcap*, down or equity $499 $1499 Diirxan Pliyfc maHtr-r rliniiiK tinted glHfls, rear speaker, back-up light. 2-tone finiHh PER MONTH room s<»t. Hofa hfd with match­ TKU-STEER- Trailer dolly - fiff white over black with operial custom matching in your car '51 STUDEBAKER '54 CHEVROLET ing chair, coffee and tier top Eastern make, 200x1fl tires interior. Champion Slarlite rluh oonpr Radio, Belaire sport coupe. Radio, healer. Power- tahk. Ohin<*5P status*. All in on it, practically new. healer, & overdrive. Jet blac-k with white- glide, whitewalls. & beautiful Ivory and good condition * rf-axonahU-. 20.35 W. 2.">5th'SI.. Lomita walls, «e»t covers. Tarr ' ' ' ' ' ___DA._8-724M afterij? p.m. '51 PONTIAC $695 860 - 2-Dr. red finish. Club coupe. H\ dramatic, radio, whitr-wall*. FR. 5-4616 • SWAPS 99 original IlKhl green finish Thi* I* our week-end Hydramatic - Underseat Heater Defroster - Oil $599 $1899 or you'll mIM thl* wonderful buy! npecial. Hurry Bath Air Cleaner - Directional Signals - 2-Tone THAYER BABY MY FURNITURE Bring This Ad With You And Go Home With a FREE TURKEYI Very good condition Filter. P'R. .'>-:> 1HK Paint - Full Flow Oil That's right, every purchasei of one of these used <vu-s listed above will receive a r- YOUR TRAILER FREE TURKKY tills week-end at 3-PcT~LIVTNG~ROOM SET $50 LIVING ROOM, h'-droom. liv­ ROLAND OLDSMOBILE 926 Fonthlll. Torrance ing room furniture, glove. 17- '55 Pontiac ...... $2695 '53 Cadillac .... $2695 FA. 8-228!* In. combination rafllo-phftno- Vermont TV and miscellaneous items to 7833 S. "fla" roiipe. Radio, h«at- HOLLYWOOD BED Starolilef custom catalina. er. power steering, power TWIN «e|| or- trade for equity In LA. whHewalls. $2:100 trailer. PL 1-2112 Radio, healer. brakes. Sharpest one in powor steering. power town. ________DA fl-.'W97 _ _ DA. 9-2772 orakf.*, dual *>xrh. I»w COLD8POT refrlReratorT'sVi ' ". ._ __ _ .. _ . .... ^r- __._.._____.. down payment. 3 years o)d. Kxcellent cnri TRADE your home, vacant lot, ft. house trailer, or car In on '55 Chevrolet .. $2195 dltlon. Divan * chair n«»t. bath 22315 Avin Court, Torrance. this new 3-bed room. 1 */i V-R Pel-sir hsrd-top. Rs- G ec home in Lomita. FA. 8-5050 ~rec DA. 6-4489 after 5 p.m. FRANK '53 Chrysler .... $1295 dio snd healer. 2-tone paint. whltewall tires. PORTABLE EMERSON radio * 100 * • MISCELLANEOUS healer, Like n*w. Low down pay­ CHEVROLET carrying case. Like new. 4-ilooi Radio, ment. FA. 8-01Mfl WANTED whltewall tires, torque. 304 E. Anaheim, Wilmington AIR COMPRESSOR, jcauge tank KUKMTUKB,. A F V TE. 4-3492 and rcg.. $15; Toast ma«ter. PIANOS W H O '50 Pontiac ........ $595 $5: Hi-Fi tuner amp. *pPHkcr AFT"ONDEALER Top Prirea HT1IDEBAKKR chanjjpr. 25 W outpiU. W-C Immediate rash DA 4-8508 is giving the '51 Pontiac $595 Chief deluxe 4-door. Ra­ recorder. Klpclrolux, $12; 240 N. MARKET ST. Chieftain 2-door. Radio A dio and heater, hydra- Bendix $4,'.: AfU' wa.«hpr, $20; BUY. sell, trade new. bankrupt, INGLE WOOD heater. matir. A good buy. Zenith. .'J-wny portable. $750; used. EXCHANGE STORE WILDEST 2-whee| Hxli box tmjplr. $70. 852 Gardena Blvd DA 9-4858 '49 CADILLAC irirl'* bike, $8; precise en- high 4-DOOR SEDAN. larRPr. $12; ArKii* C-3. $.'J7: vVANTH-U Used furniture, Practically new white wall DISCOUNTS garden frartor. $10O: $65 9x12 ««t nrlr<»» paid Call l»Av^n tires. New »i*at rover*, radio, fiber rujr. $10! B A S engine. port 6 S7'/2 IXiMITA LERIES 2016 Partflr heater. automatic tranamli- in thu most 2-h.p.. $35. aion. Light blue. Harbor Pontiac Hlehwav in T/omlta 4J2 W. 214th SI. FA. 8-6«3;i $898 '48 FAREL %-ton 4-*pppd tran*- mlMlon with 3-*pepd Brown- fantastic llfp. Good condition. NPW Special model 4-door sedan III So. PACIFIC AVE. You Have Been Waiting For ,P«lnt. Job 2071.1 Raymond V/oll th«n, call New seat rovers. Very good This Is What. LARG'K'DKARBORN KB»Th^i»Tr\ liirht tan finish Tires excel l/ike new. $20 RAY'S FURNITURE lent. A fine second car. 20713 Raymond $194 Phone TE. 3-2484 LARGE PILASTER MIXER W» Ruv Anythinq of Value $100 8 Hawthorn* Blvd. '46 PLYMOUTH SALE 14829 1.M09 R. We.Htern Ave. OS fl-.T7fifl_______ Hprcial deluxe 4-door Original on at fompton Mlvd.. Gardena llglit blue flninh Very goo SAN PEDRO First Come First Served!! BUlTk BEDS" eornpiet e. Thor • I»ETS. POULTRY 104 tiros Motor runs like now *eml-autoniatic waxliri-. Magic (ftiipplte*) The car for the 2-car family. NEW 1956 Chef » range. FA. 8-464.1 $179 p.m. and Saturday. '51 Buick Spec. 4-dr. Stude. 4-dr. sedan Mercury Monterey after 5:,10 YOUNG COCK ATI EL * mod- '52 '52 'rnlstic bra«a and b!a<'k bird off. Open up to 8 '47 CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILES TOVB 30% :age. DA. 6--1SI02 Aero 2-door. Radio and heat­ NO R., H. & 2-tone paint. R., H. & O.D. R., H. &'O.D. p.m.. Including Sunday. Well- St.. Lomlta worth Trading rv>.. corner 2332 W. 254th er. Good tires. Lljfht finish. A iteal at Norman Hie and 220th. AKC BOXBR PUPS 6 wk*.
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