12 THE NEW YORK HERALD,, MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1922. AMATEUl8SCULLERS TO ROW FOR TITLE ON £iCHUYLKILL THIS 1QRNING ~ % contests as a member of a college crew Ito the only resident of this section to than any other oarsman. He made the ot>tain prominence as an athlete at the MAY STOP Lar son of Naval Academy varsity In hla first year, aoademy. His grandfather, of the same and Best a a TENDLER been Paulist A. C. Runner Wins King a most unusual accomplishment, and has ntttme, had for lontf time FOUR OARSMEN TO never missed a race since. missionary in China and settledmedicalin Stephen P. Barchet, the crack back thfc section after reaching an advanced Tivo Mile Race BOBBY BARRETT Naval Academy Athletes of the Naval Academy football team and agcv Barchet Is stronger and heavier Exciting was last and there Is every reason <$ shortstop of the nine, brought up thafl year < r on a farm within a few miles of the to eixpect a brilliant season for him In FOR far he 1922. STRIVE HONOR So Is known if Kaplan, Wtililniton Heights, second; /H. tlnguished athlete the Naval Academy Naval Academy. as n| Clinton Sullivan, When Dukln, Ninety-second Street, third: S. Veteran Expected to Be Named for has ever produced. The supreme athletic Hronx, fourth. Time. H 3-3 seconds.Pol.sietn. Lightweight 100 V V!!l> DASH honor won by the Naval Academy was Beaten, Finishes HANDICAP).Won hy Honors Athletic crew In RESORTS. Apparently\V. Net'.o'r, Ninety-a eonil Street t3 yards); Boxer and Very Excellent Highest by the victory of the the Olympics RESORTS^ Hoover and His Rivals I)o A. Ilothman, Ninety-second Street <3 yards), at Antwerp In 1920. It won a world's W ith a Sprint. second; W. Frankfort, Washington Heights Hitter. Association. In addition King was a (4 third. 10 seconds. Effective championship. Work 011 yards), Time, 4-." won a Very Little Displaying exceptionally line form and S80 VARI) WALK (HANDICAP).Won member of the crew which . at I*oughkiepsie last year C * using superior racing judgment, Clinton Uappaport, South Ilrooklyn tseratch);byIt. victory decisive oil 11 llll^ H. Warmhausky. Hronx (5 seconds), to Tub Sew Vosk Heiuid. and he Is captain of the crew this year. of Paulist A. C. won the Time, 3-3. ny CHARLKS P. MATHISON. Special Dispatch nights *vfc Sullivan the 3:M second. He earned a regular tackie position In ONK MILE RUN (ll.\.\I)ICAP)-\Vnn by H. Ankapoms, Md., Jun« i..Clyde YV. Mew his York two mile open A. A. L*. run in Moskoultx, Street (20 The most attractive bout of the week of stroke of the Olympic his flrs year at the academy ami In Ninety-second yards); King: Jowa, scored in a at the annual championship II. Polsteln. Ninety-second Street tseratch), will be staged In the Philadelphia of the crew this year second made nil the points style sensationalsecond; P. Hronx third; champions, captain two STAR H. A. Athletic Schcer, (60 yards), Park and tackle on the eleven for four game agalrtst the Army by kicking FAVORITE! games of the Y. M. K. Mendolonltz, Washington Heights (01) League Baseball to-nightNational from Bp*"'DL'Ll"Til at Macomfts Dam Park yards), fourth. Time, 4:31 2-,". Is the leading: candidate this year Held goals placement. JsMgue be Lew Tendler. seasons, ilacler The contestants will Side cinder ISO YARD RUN FOll JUNIORS (SCRATCH) for the hiirheat athletic honor at the Should King he awarded the sword, as The West pathyesterday. Mount M. who Is Larson will undoubtedly appeared to be hopelessly beaten .Won by H. Nlney, Vernon; ronnNylvania'3 favorite lightweight, Naval Academy, th£ sword presented by probable, atianal Park. performerSohwartztnnn, Ninety-second Street, to Leonard In to the h;t\u his name engraved on the until 100 from the finish, where I la niatcned fight Benny the Navy Athletic Association r Contest Will Be Decided Over yards I. Goldstein, Ninety-second Street,second; as the midshipman who he en me along with a wonderful sprint, third; H Rrier, South , fourth. this vicinity July 20, and Bobby best athlete o£ the year. trophy cup Thompson Oriental' Limited daily from which carried hint to th» tape five yards Time, 2:20 2-". only serious competitor is has done the most to promote athletics and a who recently leaped lntca King's ago, via Burlington Route. Course of One Mile ahead of Harvey Lfitchensteln of the 220 YARD RUN (HANDICAP).Won by R rett, youth Bar! Emory E. I^arson. cnptaln and center y his personal work and example; This Sober. Bronx (0 yards) S. Ebersteln. the by reason of knocking out lacrosse team Is the second honor In athletics at the t Northern Railway to a Brooklyn A. A., the second man. Ninety second Street (8 yards), second: P. limelight of the football team and Quarter. John Costello of the Pauilst A. C., Eanhrlnk. Ninety-second Street til yards), a number of opponents. man. Larson would liprdly be academy. andteharming citiesGlaParkof who started from the seventy-five yard third; Jack l.ov.v. Ninety-second Street Inches; for the his sculling event to-morrow, l.oth of passed scratch), with a Jump of feet ure of Tendler. This is a dangerous Tlaciuna, Portland, In the early part of the race, M. Posner, Ninety-second Street (3 Inches), for, although the unfavorable rowing effort second; method of 'comparison, as Gold Is f \ COUV Alaska and California, challenged him. He was so tired from with a Jump of S feet 4 Inches, For free books and infor- Victoria,Vaner, conditions which caused a M Goldberg, Mount Vernon (scratch), with to hit than Tendler, and much AFTER motion, call, writ* or phone his efforts that ho mucheasierEIGHTY-FIVE I Elks Baseball offat GlacierParkwhere it's of the early pocemaklng a jump of 3 feet .2 Inches, third: Kaufman hurt. In addition, Barrett Stop contest yesterdaypostponementhad! and Sullivan and with more easily M. M. iv.r f?nnf /iruf Clnminrtnhla lost ground rapidly, Gelst. Ninety-second Street (scratch), man to reach on the HUBBERT Altvt given away to bright sunshine and ho were fourth. Is not a difficult Championship General Eastern r>- Litchensteln left him as if a Jump of 3 feet 3 Inches, _ waters of the lnd a little ONE MIRK WALK (HANDICAP) FOR Jaw, and Tendler has a punch which in Passenger Agent "'8 nnodern hotels.rustic chalet placid to-day, none standing still. Sullivan Harry Leonard's. TITLE A. A U. ATHLETES.Won by effectiveness is second only to DISTRICT GOLF spent more tfran an hour on more speed in reserve than I-Jtchen- 30 seconds; Joseph THE baseball team of the Staten 280 Broadway Tel.Worth 0410 CSUT1J>s. Make your plans now. challengers him the coveted La boil, unattached, If Barrett can drop Tendler for the No. the river. stein, and It earned Asronson. Pastime A. C. (40 yards), the Island Lodge, 841, first F. Fekoto, Pastime A. C. (2." full count it will be proof that the of the All were out In the forenoon for prize. A.secondC. for the championship captured I.abou, a one time Metropolitan third M. Oreenberg. Pastime seconds), is a real contender newcomer Elks Interstate League for the LotoerRatesVia brief spins, but Hilton Belyea. the Harry (32 seconds), fourth. Time. 7:18 3-". honors. Mot' Round Starts A. A. U. Junior champion pedestrian, \. A. U. ATHLETES lightweight Qualifying; consecutive year yesterdaysecondat Canadian champion, was the only one one TWO MTLE RUN FOR event in this vicinity seored an Impressive victory in- the (HANDICAP).Won hv Clinton Sullivan, Au interesting Over the Dexter Park, defeating 1 RK to row over the mile and a of I'ancho Villa RAILWAY! quarter liule open A. A. U. walk. His victory Pnidlvt A C. (130 yards) : Ilervoy I.lchten will be the^appearance Wednesday Lodge, No. 841. In the fir.al game of course more than once. Walter Hoover track at Travers Island Rrooklyn A. A. (100 yards), second; the and bantam chain- series to WOO SeeAmericaFirst over the muddy toin, Filipino flyweight the by the score of 9 6. GREAT C. '73 ynrds). Course. of holder of the helped him, for he John Costello, Paull>t A. in a bout with Abe Goldstein at C. C. Lakewood Eight thousand members witnessed Duluth, national Saturday evidently Cain. Mohawk A. C. (173 plon, the third; John the Oakland A. A. open air arena in contest. I early pacemakers D;33 the Schwab, the Bronx title; Paul'V. Coatelio and W.scullingE. quickly joined yards), fourth Time. l'Jfi and won by forty vnrds. ;'t TTIV("f i*j nnui «vn,v... Jersey City. Villa, who weighs but pitcher, retired in the fifth inning Garrett Gtfmore. the local entries, a put of Island. New of the Street V.'on by I,.- Frankel, Bronx. with is said those who have seen when hit a ball. Long .Knglnnd. were satisfied after a Athletes Ninety-second Samuel, Routh pounds, by Eighty-five golfers are eager to wear by batted single leisurely Ftranch won the Y. M. H. A. team prize, -11 foot 7 Inchoa;

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