Laobrabma Eggs
3, 1894. jlOHAYE, TY,MO. Cattle, bulls Rt low �&SON, I., Kansas. �1I1lNE 10. I ,ollng '1 ,OliO rOkCrI,UOO Ie In- �O:d �y-two I . \ due. at 10 ESTABLISHED 1888. l J SIXTEEN TO TWENTY VOL. XXXII, No. 41. f TOPEKA, KANSAS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOb�i� 10,1894. 1 PAGl!lS-.U.OO A YEAH. 110. I TABLE' OF CONTENTS. SWINE. SWINE. CATTLE. � TROTT. Abilene, Kae.":Pedtgreed POland-ChI CLOVER LA.WN HERD /D'• Il,I's and Duroo-Jerseys. Also M. B. Turkeys. POLAND-CHINAS. s� SLOPE FARM, PAGE 2-THB STOOX 1l'ITBBBBT.-A Valu Llgbt'Brabma. Plymonth Rook, S. Wyandotte ohlok Young BOWS' and boar81!oDd ens and R. Pekin du·oks. Of the C.,B. CROSS, Proprietor, Emp.orla, Kas • able Experiment. Our Ex Eggs. b.est. Cheap. •4. Hog-Feeding �!���!'�f:. Breeder of pure-bred Herefords. Beau Real 11006 Trade. Kaffir Fodder. Live f���I:H�::'� port Corn IMPROVED CHESTER SWINE-Pure·bred W.N.D. BIRD, EmpOria, Kae. heads the herd. Young bulls and heifers for sale. �lId- Stock Husbandry. OHIOand registered. Stock of all ages and botb sexes Also for Bale, Poland·Chlna swine. Choice bred I line PAGE S-AGBIOULTURAL MATTBRB.-Wheat for nle by H. S. Day. Dwight. MORI. Co., Kae. P. A. PEARSON f the and Wheaten Flour. Don't Sacrifice Your ��:�:r:t��J�f�!c'2���!!� V�:��reFa��J:�lzgi axes, W. the noted' Duohen and Lee strains of N. H. TJlEMANSON, wathena, DonIphan co., Kansal!, .. Lady An Alfalfa Balance-Sheet. Feed KInsley, (fOnS Hay. A• Kansae.- Large Poland-China pigs sired oy Breeder of Gentry.
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