22 11 Na 11 1 Decay Scheme 2 Nuclear Data 2.1 Electron Capture

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22 11 Na 11 1 Decay Scheme 2 Nuclear Data 2.1 Electron Capture 22 LNE – LNHB/CEA Table de Radionucl´eides 11 Na 11 22 11 Na 11 1 Decay Scheme Na-22 disintegrates predominantly to the 1275 keV level of Ne-22 . A very small fraction (0,056 %) disintegrates to the ground state of Ne-22. Le Na-22 se d´esint`egre essentiellement vers le niveau de 1275 keV de Ne-22 par ´emission bˆetaplus et capture ´electronique. Une faible proportion (0,056 %) se d´esint`egre vers le niveau fondamental. 2 Nuclear Data 22 T1/2( Na ) : 2,6029 (8) a Q+(22Na ) : 2843,02 (21) keV 2.1 Electron Capture Transitions Energy Probability Nature lg ft PK PL keV × 100 0,1 1568,44 (21) 9,64 (9) Allowed 7,41 0,923 (4) 0,077 (4) 0,0 2843,02 (21) 0,00098 (25) Unique 2nd Forbidden 14,91 2.2 β+ Transitions Energy Probability Nature lg ft keV × 100 + β0,1 546,44 (21) 90,30 (9) Allowed 7,4 + β0,0 1821,02 (21) 0,055 (14) Unique 2nd Forbidden 14,9 CIEMAT /M. Galan 1 11/05/2009 − 27/7/2009 22 LNE – LNHB/CEA Table de Radionucl´eides 11 Na 11 2.3 Gamma Transitions and Internal Conversion Coefficients Energy Pγ+ce Multipolarity αK αT απ keV × 100 (10−6) (10−6) (10−5) γ 1,0(Ne) 1274,577 (7) 99,94 (13) E2 6,36 (9) 6,71 (9) 2,34 (3) 3 Atomic Data 3.1 Ne ωK : 0,0152 (8) ω¯L : 0,0001 (1) nKL : 1,985 (6) 3.1.1 X Radiations Energy Relative keV probability XK Kα2 0,8486 50,28 Kα1 0,8486 100 3.1.2 Auger Electrons Energy Relative keV probability Auger K KLL 0,75 – 0,81 CIEMAT /M. Galan 2 11/05/2009 − 27/7/2009 22 LNE – LNHB/CEA Table de Radionucl´eides 11 Na 11 4 Electron Emissions Energy Electrons keV per 100 disint. eAK (Ne) 8,8 (1) KLL 0,75 - 0,81 } ec1,0 α (Ne) 252 0,002339 (30) + β0,0 max: 1821,02 (21) 0,055 (14) + β0,0 avg: 835,04 (19) + β0,1 max: 546,44 (21) 90,30 (9) + β0,1 avg: 215,62 (17) 5 Photon Emissions 5.1 X-Ray Emissions Energy Photons keV per 100 disint. XKα2 (Ne) 0,8486 0,0453 (25) } Kα XKα1 (Ne) 0,8486 0,090 (5) } 5.2 Gamma Emissions Energy Photons keV per 100 disint. γ± 511 180,7 (2) γ 1,0(Ne) 1274,537 (7) 99,94 (13) 6 Main Production Modes F − 19(α,n)Na − 22 Mg − 24(d,α)Na − 22 CIEMAT /M. Galan 3 11/05/2009 − 27/7/2009 22 LNE – LNHB/CEA Table de Radionucl´eides 11 Na 11 7 References - B. T. Wright. Phys. Rev. 90 (1953) 159 (Beta plus emission probabilities) - W.E.Kreger. Phys. Rev. 96 (1954) 1554 (Electron Capture/Beta plus ratio) - R.Sherr, R.H.Miller. Phys. Rev. 93 (1954) 1076 (Electron Capture/Beta plus ratio) - P.F.Zweifel. Phys. Rev. 96 (1954) 1572 (Electron Capture/Beta plus ratio) - R.A.Allen, W.E.Burcham, K.F.Chakett, G.L.Munday, P.Reasbeck. Proc. Phys. Soc. 68 (1955) 681 (Electron Capture/Beta plus ratio) - W.F.Merrit, P.J.Campion, R.C.Hawkings. Can. J. Phys. 35 (1957) 16 (Half-life) - J.Konijn,¨ B.Van Nooijen, H.L.Hagedoorn, A.H.Wapstra. Nucl. Phys. 9 (1958) 296 (Electron Capture/Beta plus ratio) - M.K.Ramaswamy. 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Galan 5 11/05/2009 − 27/7/2009 22 LNE-LNHB/CEA - Table de Radionucléides 11Na 11 3 + ; 0 2,6029 (8) a 0 22 e + b Na 11 11 g Emission intensities per 100 disintegrations 4 ,9 9,64 90,3 9 9 2 + ; 1274,577 0,00524 ns 1 0,00098 0,055 0 + ; 0 Stable 0 22 Ne 10 12 Q + = 2843,02 keV + % b + %e = 100 CIEMAT / M. Galan Scheme page : 1/1 11/05/2009 - 11/05/2009 .

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