Surnames in the Master Index. Names were transcribed from many different sources including: Birth Records, Cemetery Records, Census, Church Records, Death Certificates, Funeral Home Records, High School Graduation Records, Historical Books, Land Records, Marriage Records, Military Records, Museum Records, Newspaper Clippings, Obituaries, Passport Applications. For additional information contact the Excelsior Springs Museum & Archives at
[email protected] Aaron Achenbach Adkison Aid Albriecht Allee Aastrom Achtenberg Adkisson Aiken Albright Allegrini Abanishe Acimoff Adle Aikers Albrighton Alleman Abar Acker Adlen Aikmus Albrigts Allen Abbas Ackerly Adler Ailor Albritton Allenbrand Abbe Ackerman Adlich Ailshier Albro Allender Abbett Ackers Admire Ailshire Alburtis Aller Abbey Ackerson Admires Aimmlath Alcoorn Alley Abbiatti Acklane Adock Aines Alcorn Allgaier Abbington Ackley Adrain Ainsworth Alcott Allie Abbot Acklin Adrews Aires Alcox Alliet Abbott Ackromavich Adrian Airhart Aldana Alliott Abdoler Acord Adriany Airvin Alden Allison Abdullah Acre Aethis Aitkens Alder Allman Abdy Acree Afer Akagi Aldera Allmon Abel Acreg Affalter Ake Alderdice Allnutt Abele Acres Afflack Aken Alderman Allon Abell Action Affolter Aker Alderson Allred Abeln Acton Affronti Akerman Aldred Allres Aber Acuff Affult Akers Aldredge Allsman Aberle Adair Afromob Akerson Aldrete Allspan Abernathy Adam Agans Akes Aldrich Allspaugh Abernethy Adames Agderian Akimoto Aldrick Allstat Abertson Adamoli Agee Akin Aldridge Allstate Abfalder Adams Agey Akins Alee Allton