PAEC) for Scientists and Researchers Interested in the Study of Cobalt Isotopes (Co-60)

PAEC) for Scientists and Researchers Interested in the Study of Cobalt Isotopes (Co-60)

i We regret that some of the pages in the microfiche copy of this report may not be up to the proper legibility standards, even though the best possible copy was used for preparing the master fiche. • i i i H! *"-~TJ -MT"*^1**' M**u'«**tigftrfff ^^?ty&ffi1$P ?'' J1 TV <'Mj »WW^«0-iiM#<iw«Mfoq«^*^^ frAEC(A)7*7 :\<lf?>' COBALT - 60 A Literature 3«oreh ^* JANUARY 1972 Phtlippint Atomic En#r«y Committlon Monila ^ i ^ihtlfrfffl" •*••*»' i • • ''UX^' PABCU) 727 COBALT - 60 A Literature Search January 1972 PHILIPPINE ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Herran, Manila PREFACE This bibliography has been prepared by the Classification and Information Branch of the Philippine Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) for scientists and researchers interested in the study of Cobalt Isotopes (Co-60). There are 1, 411 entries which are listed under the following headings: Chemistry; Earth Sciences; Engineering; Instrumentation; Metals, Ceramics and other Materials; Physics (General); Physics (High Energy); Physics (Nuclear); Reactor Technology, The reference' cited in this work are abstracted in the Nuclear Science Abstract (NSA) of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission covering the period July 1955 to July 1970. The entries are arranged alphabetically by titles under their respective subject headings. All NSA abstracts are available in the Philippine Atomic Energy Commission Library and the Documentation Division , National Institute of Science and Technology. Entries followed by NIST and/or PAEC have their texts available in the library so designated. Personal author and corporate author indexes are provided to facilitate prompt retrieval of the particular research information* TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PREFACE i CHEMISTRY 1 Analytical Chemistry 1 Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry 7 Radiation and Nuclear Chemistry 9 Radiochemistry 13 Separation Process 21 EARTH SCIENCES Zk Oceanography 30 ENGINEERING 31 Nuclear Explosion 31 Facilities and Equipment J>k Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow 39 Isotope Technology 39 Protective Structures 66 Radioactive Materials Handling 6? INSTRUMENTATION 68 Radiation Detection Instruments 68 Radiometric Instruments 76 Miscellaneous Instruments and Components 77 Radiation Effects on Instruments and Instruments Components 78 LIFE SCIENCES 78 Genetics and Cytogenitics 9^ Health Physics and Safety 96 Radiation Effects on Animals 135 Radiation Effects on Plants 1*t0 Radiosterilization and Radiopreservation 1*+0 METALS, CERAMICS AND OTHER MATERIALS iVl Metals and Alloys 1*f1 Ceramics and Cermets 1^5 PHYSICS (GENERAL) 1^5 Atomic and Molecular Physics 1^7 Cosmic Radiation 1^7 Direct Energy Conversion 1^8 Low-Temperature Physics and Cryogenic Equipment ,1**8 Shielding 1^9 Solid State Physics 150 Theoretical Physics 151 PHYSICS (HIGH ENERGY) 151 Particle Interaction and Properties (Experimental) 151 Scattering Theory 151 PHYSICS (NUCLEAR) 153 Neutron Interaction with Matter 155 Nuclear Properties and Reactions 153 Nuclear Properties and Reactions A 90 179 Nuclear Theory 179 REACTOR TECHNOLOGY 180 Commercial Power Reactor 180 Power Reactor Development 180 Research and Test Reactors 181 Production Reactors 183 Reactor Theory 183 Reactor Components, Fuels and Accessories 183 GENERAL PERSONAL AUTHOR INDEX CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX -1- COBALT ISOTOPES Co-60 CHEMISTRT Analytical Chemistry 1 ALPHA: A COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR THE DETEPJCENATION OF RADIOISOTOPES BY LEAST-SQUARES RESOLUTION OF THE GAMMA-RAY SPECTROMETER. Hizsarelli, R. A. A. (Sherbrooke Univ., Can.)* Talanta, 13:1689-93 (Deo. 1966) 21:2990 PAEC 2 THE ANAI^SIS OF STAINLESS-STEEL NEUTRON-ACTIVATION PRODUCTS BY COMBINED GROUP SEPARATION AND?-RAY SPECTROMETRY. McMillaia, J. W. (United Kingdom Atomic Energy- Authority, Royal Arsenal, London), Analyst, 89:594-8 (Sept. 1964). 18:41325 *' NIST 3 ANALYSIS OF TRACE ACTIVITIES OF COBALT-60 IN HANFORD THREADED WASTE SOLUTIONS. Helaholz, Henry R.; Schneider, Richard A. (General Electric Co., Richland, Wash.) Anal. Chem. 31:1151-7 (1959). July. 13:25988 NIST 4 (GRNL-4039) ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY DIVISION ANNUAL FRuGRESS REPORT FOR PERIOD ENDING OCTOBER 31, 1966. Raaem, Helen P. (Comp.. and ed). (Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn.)v Jan. 1967. l68p. 21:12285 5 A BASIC STUDY Oil THE APPLICABILITY OF GAMMA RAY BACK SCATTERING 1 TO AUTOMATIC DISCRIMINATION OF COAL AND ROCKS. Matsuguma, K.; Oba, S.; Takiguchi, I. Saiko to Hoan, 9:451-8 (Sept. 1963)$ (in Japanese). 18:31405 6 (IN-1203, pp. 37-51) CHEMLGAL AHALXSIS. (Idaho Nuclear Corpv. Idaho Falls). 23:6 PAEC nm V (JAERI-1125) CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PROCEDURES FOR JPDR LABORATORY, Ishiwatari, Nasumi (Japan Atomic Energr Research Inst., Tokyo).4 Sop*. 1968. 18p. (In Japanese),} ,21:25770 PAEC - 2 8 CHROMATOGRAPHIC SEPARATION AND DETERMINATION OF ^ Cr, J Mn, 60 59 Co, and '7Fe. Fojtik, K.; Koprda, V. (Research Inst, of In­ dustrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Bratislava) Chem. Zvesti., 20:180-7 (1966). (In Ceech.) 20:26?86 9 COLLECTION OF '1Cr IN SEAWATER. Iwachima, Kiyoshi; Momma, Toshiko (Inst, of Public Health, Tokyo). Bunseki Kagaku, 16:831-2 (Aug. 1967) (In Japanese) 21:40796 10 COHPLEXOMETER MICRODETSRMIKATION OF HEAVY METALS WITH Co AS THE RADIOACTIVE INDICATOR. A. Fuchs (Univ., Zurich)* Helv. Chin:. Acta, 49:1023-9 O966) (In German) ^ 20:31181 11 COMPUTER EXPERIENCE WITH VERY LOW-LEVEL GAMMA ANALYSIS OF OCEANCGRAPHIC SPECIMENS. Grismore, R.; Weitz, W.E., Jr.; Folsom, T.R. (Univ. of California, San Diego) IEEE (Inst. Elec. Electron. Eng.) Trans. Nucl. Sci., NS-17: No. 1, 194-201 (Feb. 1970) 24:387^0 12 CONCENTRATION OF RADIOACTIVITY AND DETECTION OF COBALT-60 AND ZIIIC-65 IN RAINOUT. Kriger, H.L.; Gilchrist, J.E. and Gold, S. (Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, Cincinnati, Ohio), Talanta, 6:254-64 (1960)^ 15:8758 13 COSMIC-RAY-INDUCED RADIOACTIVITIES IN METEORITES. I. CHEMICAL AND RADIOMETRIC PROCEDURES FOR ALUMINUM, BERYLLIUM AND COBALT. Ehroann, W. D. and Kohman, T. P. (Carnegie Inst, of Tech., Pittsburgh) Geochim. et Cosmochim, Acta, 14:340-63 (1958) Oct. 14 COSMOGENIC AND PRIMORDIAL RADIOCLIDES IN LUNAR SAMPLES BY NONDESTRUCTIVE GAMMA-RAY SPECTROMETRY. Perkins, Richard V/„; Rancitelli, Louis A*; Cooper, John A.; Kaye, James H.; Wezman, Ned A. (Battelle Memorial Inst., Richland, Wash*) Science; 167:577-80 (30 Jan. 1970) -3- 15 DETERMINATION OF NUCLIDE CONCENTRATIONS IN SOLUTIONS CON­ TAINING LOW LEVELS OF RADIOACTIVITY BY LEAST-SQUARES RESOLUTION OF THE GAMMA-RAY SPECTRA. Schonfeld, B.; Kibbey, A. H.; Davis, W. Jr. (Oak Ridge National Lab., Term.) Nucl. Instruct. Methods 45:1-21 (Nov. - Dec. 1966) 21:2999 PAEC 16 DETERMINATION OF RADIOACTIVE COBALT. Hahn, Richard B.; Marsh, Richard H. (Wayne State Univ., Detroit) J. Am. Water Works Assoc., 57:234-8 (Feb. 1965) 19:15384 NISI 17 DETERMINATION OF RADIOACTIVE COBALT IN REACTOR COOLANT WATER 3Y SOLVENT EXTRACTIONS. Motojina, Kenji; Bando, Shoji; Taraura, Nori (Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo) Talanta, 14:1179-83 (Oct. 1967) 21:45031 PAEC 18 DETERMINATION OF 9°Sr IN SEAWATER AFTER CONCENTRATION BY MANGANESE DIOXIDE. Shipman, William H. (Naval Radiological Defense Lab., San Francisco). Anal. Chem., 38:1175-7 (Aug. 1966) 20:35405 NIST 19 (IA-1203) DETERMINATION OF RADIOELEMENTS AIID TCKIC METALS IN URINE. Manual Part I. Padova, A, (ed.) (Israel Atomic Energy Commission, Tel Aviv) 1969. 3Qp. 24:38749 20 DETERMINATION OF SMALL AMOUHTS OF COBALT USING ISOTOPE DILUTION WITH COBALT-60. Sporek, K. F. (Biofun Corp., Wasco, California) Anal. Chem., 33:754-8 (May 1961) 15:16912 NIST 21 EXPERIENCES WITH THE LEAST-SQUARES AI4ALYSIS OF X-fcAY SPECTRA 07 NUCLIDE MIXTURES AND THE SIMULTANEOUS DETERMINATION OF LONG-LIVED RADIONUCLIDES IN NEUTRON-ACTIVATED LEAD AND ALUMINIUM. Erdtmann, G.; Freiburg, C; Petri, H. (Kernforschunganlage, Juelich, Ger.) Z. Anal. Chem., 250:1-12 (1970) (in German) 24:31270 -4- 22 (AECL-2679) GRAVIMETRIC SAMPLING HI THE STANDARDIZATION OF SOLUTIONS OF RADIONUCLIDES. Meritt, Janet S.; Taylor, J. G. V, (Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Chalk River (Ontario) Mar, 1967. 4Sp. 21:278S4 23 IDENTIFICATION AND DETERMINATION OF VARIOUS URANIUM FISSION PRODUCTS AFTER REMOVAL FROM I^ETAL SURFACES. I. Sorantin, K. (Oesterreichische Studiengesellschaft fuer Atomenercie GmbH, Seibers- dorf, Austria) Mikrochim Acta, No, 5, 925-50 (1969) (in German) 23:47395 24 ISOTOPE IDENTIFICATION BY AUTORADIOGRAPHY. Bishop, M. ; Fletcher, K. E. (British Aluminium Co., Ltd., Gerrads Cross, Eng.) Int. J. Appl. Radiat, Isotop., 18:465-71 (July 1967) 21:32104 PAEC 25 (CONF-642-27) THE MEASUREMENT OF LONG-LIVED ACTIVATION PRODUCTS III SOIL BY GAMMA SPECTROSCOPY. Krieger, Herman L. (Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, Cincinnati) I8p. 19:19829 26 NEW METHOD FOR THE CALIBRATION OF -EMITTING HUCLEES, Aten, A. H. W. (institcnitvoor Kernphysisch Onderzoek, Amsterdam) pp. 121-30 of nPriiaera Conferencia Interamericanade Radioquiraica, Washington, D, C« Union Panamericana, 1965. 20:8870 27 NONDESTRUCTIVE MEASUREMENT OF RADIONUCLIDES IN APOLLO 11 SAMPIES. Perkins, R. W.; Rancitelli, L. A.; Cooper, J.. A.; Kaye, J. H.; Wogman, M. A. (Battelle-Northwest Richland, Wash,)* Trans. Amer. Nucl. Soc. 13:55-6 (Jun- July 1970) . 2401252 PAEC 28 NONDESTRUCTIVE RADIOACTIVATION ANALYSIS OF Al CANS USED FOR IRRADIATIONS IN THE Ra REACTOR AT VINCA, YUGOSLAVIA. Kakas, M.,; Marinkov, L.; Draskovic, R. (Boris Kidric Inst, of Nuclear Sciences, Vinca, Yugoslavia)^ Radiochim, Acta 13*75-81 (1970) 24:33662 PAEC -5- 29 ON METAL IONS IN THE WATER COOLANT OF WWR-S REACTOR. Schneer- Erdey, A.; Szabo, E.; Csada, G. I. (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest). Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Rolando Eotvos Nominatol, Sect. Chim., 8:27-41 (1966) 22:12258 30 PATTERN OF BOMBARDMENT-PRODUCED RADIONUCLIDES IN ROCK 10017 AND IN LUNAR SOIL. Shedlovsky, Julian P. (National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colo.) Honda, Masatake; Reedy, Robert C. (and others) Science 167:574-6 (30 Jan. 1970) 24:20723 NIST-PAEC 31 PREPARATION OF CARRIER-FREE IRON-59. Kenny, A. W.; Maton, W. R.E.; Spragg, W. T. Nature 165, 483 0950), Mar. 4*3019 32 RADIOACTIVITY: 1ETECTI0N CF GAMMA-RAY EMISSION IN SEDIMENTS IN SITU. Jenninga, David ; Cutshall, Norman; Osterberg, Charles (Oregon State Univ., Corvallis) Science, 148:948-50 (May 14, 1965) 19:26267 NIST 33 RADIOACTIVITY OF A SPUTNIK 4 FRAGMENT.

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