The New GHCHugs Runtime System

Simon Marlow Simon Peyton Jones

University of Glasgow



This pap er describ es the new runtime system b eing developed for the Glasgow Haskell

Compiler The goal is to provide supp ort for mixed interpretedcompiled of

Haskell programs with Hugs as the In the pro cess weve taken the opp or

tunity to x some of the deciencies of the old system such as garbage collection of

CAFs add some new features costcentre stack proling and a more exible storage

manager and improve p erformance one stack instead of two b etter register usage on

registerchallenged architectures

We also to ok the opp ortunity to design a clean simple API to the runtime system that

would allow it to b e used in a variety of applications from standalone Haskell binaries

and interactive interpreters to encapsulated COMCORBA ob jects


Compilers get the headlines but b ehind every great lies a great runtime system A

surprising amount of work go es into runtime systems but disprop ortionately few pap ers are

written ab out them This pap er describ es the design of the runtime system we have built to

supp ort mixed compiledinterpreted execution of Haskell

Runtime systems start simple after all the compiler translates all the programmerwritten

source into co de so what is there to do Initially not much p erhaps but serious

language implementations rapidly grow features that require runtime supp ort To b e sp eci

the runtime system we describ e in this pap er supp orts the following features

Mixed compiledinterpreted execution was our prime goal Section The program

mer sees the Hugs interpreter but can load mo dules compiled by the Glasgow Haskell

compiler GHC Execution switches b etween compiled and interpreted co de at a rather

negrain level

The storage manager includes a generational garbage collector Section The storage

manager is made more complicated by the need to supp ort a number of language ex

tensions namely

 Mutable variables and arrays supp ort the state monad LJ

 Weak pointers allow the programmer to build selfcleaning memotables among

other things DBE

 Stable pointers are immutable names for heap ob jects they allow p ointers to

Haskell ob jects to b e held outside the heap

From the programmers p oint of view a big improvement is that the maximum heap size

no longer has to b e sp ecied instead the heap simply grows and shrinks as required

Concurrency The runtime system supp orts Concurrent Haskell by default PJGF and

hence has to manage multiple Haskell threads

Proling is now recognised as even more imp ortant for functional languages than for imp er

ative ones We supp ort b oth space and time proling using Jarviss costcentre stacks

Jar a development of our earlier work on cost centres SPJ Section

The foreign language interface allows C or COMCORBA to call a Haskell function or

b e called by a Haskell function


The runtime system has three main comp onents see Figure

 A scheduler which manages the various threads in the system The scheduler sits at

the centre of the action every returns to the scheduler b efore the next thread is

run and the garbage collector is normally called from the scheduler level The scheduler

is describ ed in detail in Section

 The storage manager consists of a lowlevel blo ck allo cator that requests storage on

demand from the op erating system and a garbage collector The storage manager is

describ ed in Section

 The interpreter executes These may b e read from a le or dump ed directly

in the heap by an external compiler

The entire runtime system is a that can b e embedded in some larger program the

client application The ones we have in mind are

 The Hugs interpreter

 a standalone GHCcompiled binary

 a library callable from some enclosing C or Java program

 a COM or CORBA ob ject Client Appliccation

Runtime System

Storage Manager Interpreter Block Allocator


Compiled Haskell


Figure Runtime System Overview

Heap ob jects

A central asp ect of the design is the shap e of heapallo cated ob jects In particular since an

ob ject might b e allo cated by Hugs and then used by GHCcompiled co de or vice versa Hugs

and GHC must agree precisely on the layout of heap ob jects

Every heap ob ject lo oks like Figure The rst word of every ob ject is called its info pointer

and p oints to the static entry code of that ob ject The entry co de is the co de that evaluates

the ob ject to weak head normal form it is the mostused eld during execution as opp osed

to garbage collection

Immediately b efore the entry co de is the ob jects info table The info table has elds that say

what kind of ob ject this is and hence what its layout is this information is required by the

garbage collector More sp ecically the elds of an info table are as follows Closure

Info Payload Pointer

Info Table


Figure A Closure

 Closure type a constant indicating which kind of closure this is eg function thunk

constructor etc

 Layout information for the garbage collector either a pair p ointers nonp ointers or

a bitmap

 A p ointer to the SRT for the ob ject see Section

 Closure ags several ono ags for quick access to certain prop erties of the closure

eg is static is p ointed etc

 Various optional proling parallel and elds


A simpler alternative would b e to make the info p ointer p oint to the info table and p oint

to the entry co de from an entry in the info table Having the info p ointer p oint directly to

the entry co de instead lo oks attractive b ecause it requires one fewer indirections However

it p ollutes the instruction cache with neverexecuted info tables and may not b e a win on

mo dern architectures We intend to exp eriment with the more conventional layout

The runtime system supp orts quite a wide variety of heap ob jects They fall into three main



Simpler not only b ecause it is more conventional but also b ecause one can only generate this layout if one

generates assembly co de directly If one go es via C then one has to p ostpro cess the output co de to achieve

the same eect

Pointed ob jects represent values of a p ointed type that is a type that includes b ottom

All p ointed ob jects may b e evaluated or entered This is done by putting the address

of the ob ject in a register and jumping to the ob jects entry co de Pointed ob jects


 Thunks unevaluated closures

 Data constructors


 Partial applications these arise from an up date of a functionvalued thunk

 Indirections which are used to overwrite a thunk with its value

 Black holes which overwrite a thunk when its evaluation is b egun but b efore its

value has b een computed Section

Unp ointed ob jects represent values of unp ointed type that is a type that do es not include

b ottom A p ointer to an unp ointed heap ob ject never p oints to a thunk or an indirection

it always p oints to the ob ject itself Examples include

 Immutable arrays

 Mutable arrays and variables

 MVars required for Concurrent Haskell

 Weak Pairs for supp orting memo tables

Administrative ob jects are allo cated by the runtime system itself and never seen by the

programmer They include

 Thread state ob jects TSOs These contain the state of a given Haskell thread

including the threads stack

 Byte co de ob jects BCOs These contain byte co des for the interpreter

 The stable p ointer table which maps the stable name of an ob ject to its heap


The Storage Manager

The runtime system includes a completely rewritten storage manager providing several en

hancements b oth for compiled and interpreted execution Hugs in particular will b enet from

an industrialstrength garbage collector

To summarise the main improvements provided by the new storage manager and garbage


 Dynamic resizing for heap and thread stacks b etter p erformance for programs with

low memory requirements and no more heapsize settings The storage manager will

also b e able to adjust its memory requirements to optimise the tradeo b etween time

and space For example it could reduce the size of the heap if the system is paging excessively

 The garbage collector will supp ort multiple generations and will even b e able to adjust

the number of generations during execution dep ending on the storage requirements of

the program It will also allow ob jects to b e aged within a generation by dividing the

generation into steps this prevents ob jects b eing promoted to the next generation when

they are still very young

 Toplevel expressions CAFs will b e garbage collected Previously the storage allo c

ated by a CAF would b e retained throughout the lifetime of the program The new

storage manager will b e able to traverse the co de tree and discover which CAFs are still

accessible allowing garbage CAFs to b e collected More ab out this in Section

 Large ob jects such as arrays and thread stacks can b e treated indep endently by the

storage manager allowing them to remain at static lo cations in memory

 Weak p ointers Using weak p ointers or weak pairs we can provide supp ort for hashed

memo tables without space leaks

The driving technical decision is to allow the heap to consist of many discontiguous areas

rather than a single large continguous address space In fact we go further dividing the heap

into blocks of uniform size k bytes at present The heap can then b e partitioned b etween

generations and age steps with each generation in a exible and dynamic way The blo cks

making up a partition do not need to b e contiguous so it is easy to use any free blo ck for

any purp ose

Many other sophisticated storage managers have adopted a similar design DEB Rep

It makes the storage manager more complicated and a little less ecient but it is much more

exible and robust as we discuss b elow


The storage manager is divided into two layers

 The Blo ck Allo cator This is the low level machine dep endent layer in the storage

manager It provides memory in units of blocks to the upp er levels

 The rest of the storage manager This consists of the garbage collector and two memory

allo cation interfaces one for compiled co de which provides a collection of blo cks for fast

sequential allo cation and a separate interface for the interpreter and other external use

A block is a p owerof sized chunk of memory Blo cks may b e lump ed together to form larger

contiguous chunks of memory called groups Each blo ck has an asso ciated block descriptor

which stores information ab out the blo ck

 The address of the blo ck itself

 the rst byte of free memory in the blo ck

 for the rst blo ck in a group the number of blo cks in the group

 which generationstep the blo ck b elongs to

 a link to another blo ck descriptor

Blo cks and groups can b e linked together using the link eld to form chains Chains are

used for example to link together all the blo cks in a single generation and to maintain the

list of free blo cks in the blo ck allo cator

The exibility of a blo ckstructured storage manager provides several advantages

 If memory runs short the runtime system can request more from the op erating system

without requiring it to b e contiguous with the existing area The requirement that

the programmer must often sp ecify a maximum heap size is a ma jor annoyance of the

current GHC implementation

 Individual generations and allo cation areas can b e resized according to the memory

requirements of the program by chaining blo cks together There is no need for the

memory in a generation to b e contiguous

 Large ob jects can b e allo cated and managed indep endently allowing the garbage col

lector to simply chain the ob jects onto new lists instead of copying the data itself during

garbage collection

 Memory can b e recycled quickly as a blo ck b ecomes free it can b e immediately linked

onto a new list and reused Consider a twospace collector running at residency

if the amount of live data is n bytes then the total memory use is n With a blo ck

structured garbage collector we can do this in n bytes b ecause the allo cation area is

reused after each GC

The blo ck allo cator provides an interface whereby blo cks and groups may b e allo cated to

the upp er levels and later freed again The blo ck allo cator maintains a p o ol of free blo cks

and requests memory from the op erating system as necessary Memory is requested from

the op erating system in units of megablocks a multiple of the blo ck size Each megablo ck is

divided into blo cks with a small amount of space reserved for blo ck descriptors at the start

of the megablo ck The blo ck descriptor for the blo ck containing any address is given by a

simple function of the address

The storage manager is largely indep endent of the actual size of blo cks and megablo cks that

are chosen with the only requirements that b oth are p owers of in size and a megablo ck is

a multiple of the blo ck size Currently we use k blo cks and M megablo cks

The storage manager is selfcontained with a simple API consisting of just functions In

the following sections we will describ e these functions

Fast Sequential Allo cation

Three functions provide access to contiguous chunks of memory which compiled co de can

ll with ob jects sequentially The storage manager provides a number of blo cks collectively

known as the nursery where ob jects are b orn Each nursery blo ck will b e lled in turn

until the nursery is full when a garbage collection is needed The garbage collector will

provide a new set of nursery blo cks The size of the new nursery can b e adjusted to maximise

p erformance or reduce memory use




Compiled co de uses two registers for allo cation purp oses the heap p ointer Hp and the heap

limit HpLim On entering compiled co de from the scheduler a call to OpenNursery is p er

formed This call initialises the Hp and HpLim registers usually with Hp p ointing to the start

of the next free nursery blo ck and HpLim p ointing to the end

Each blo ck p erforms a heap check which simultaneously increases Hp while checking

that it has not exceeded the value of HpLim The co de following the heap check then lls in

the memory with new ob jects If the check fails then ExtendNursery is called This function

either initialises Hp and HpLim to the next free nursery blo ck or fails indicating the nursery

blo ck p o ol is exhausted and a garbage collection is required

On exiting compiled co de CloseNursery is called which saves away the next free lo cation in

the current nursery blo ck in the blo ck descriptor ready for the next OpenNursery

The upshot is that co de can allo cate away happily by incrementing Hp until HpLim is reached

when either a new blo ck will b e chained on or the co de must return to the scheduler for a

garbage collection The calls to ExtendNursery are p erformed out of line the compiled co de

jumps to some common heapcheck failure co de but are nevertheless very cheap All the

nursery functions are implemented as short macros

One advantage with this allo cation scheme is that we have the opp ortunity to p erform some

extra checks out of line in the minor heap check failure co de that we wouldnt want to do at

every heap check One example is checking the rescheduling timer we cant allow the timer

to interrupt a thread in midexecution since it must leave everything in a tidy state so that

garbage collection can b e p erformed On a heapcheck failure however the thread is already

prepared for a p ossible garbage collection so we can easily yield if the rescheduling timer has


Out of band allo cation

The following interface can b e used when the sequential allo cation scheme isnt appropriate

well give some examples b elow

StgPtr allocateint words

Bool doYouWantToGCvoid

The allocate function provides a chunk of memory of size words It always succeeds It seems

that we are fo oling ourselves and pretending that weve got an innite supply of memory but

the idea is that allocate is only used in short b ounded sections of C or Haskell co de

where garbage collection isnt convenient At an appropriate p oint the application can call

doYouWantToGC and ask the storage manager if it thinks a garbage collection is called for if

so the application should save away all live p ointers on the thread stack and call the garbage


A prime example is the GNU multiprecision integer library that we use to implement the

Integer type in Haskell The library allows the application to provide its own allo cation

interface but we cant garbage collect while in the allo cator b ecause we dont know what

live p ointers the library function has hold of at any given time Its p ossible to guess how

much memory is needed b eforehand but this is a risky business and requires knowledge of the

internals of the library The solution is to use the allocate interface and call doYouWantToGC

on returning from the library call

The allocate interface can also allo cate ob jects larger than the blo ck size which is imp ossible

with the sequential allo cation scheme b ecause the dierence b etween Hp and HpLim is never

larger than a blo ck So functions which need large chunks of memory such as for an array

or a thread stack must use allocate to get their memory Large allo cations are fullled by

asking the blo ck allo cator for a blo ck group a contiguous sequence of blo cks of the correct

size and then keeping track of the group on a list separate from the nursery Large ob jects

are never moved in memory their blo ck groups are simply chained onto a new list during

garbage collection

Garbage Collection

The garbage collector is normally called from the scheduler but may b e called by external C

co de provided the calling thread has saved away its state on the thread stack

void GarbageCollectvoid getrootsvoid

StgClosure MarkRootStgClosure p

The garbage collector is invoked by calling GarbageCollect passing a p ointer to a function

which will b e called back to nd all the p ossible live ro ots The reason for the callback is that

the application and not the storage manager knows where all the p ossible ro ots are When

called from the scheduler for example the ro ots will normally consist of the various thread

queues plus things like the stable p ointer table

The applicationsp ecic getroots function calls MarkRoot for each p ossible ro ot which

returns the new lo cation of the ob ject The garbage collector will traverse the reachable

graph from each ro ot to nd the closure of live data

Supp ort for generational GC

To supp ort generational garbage collection the storage manager needs to know the lo cation

of ob jects than can refer to ob jects in newer generations This can happ en in two ways

 An up date overwrites a thunk in an older generation with an indirection to a new ob ject


 a destructive write is p erformed to a mutable ob ject in an older generation

We provide two functions to indicate to the storage manager when one of these situations has

o ccurred

void UpdateWithIndirectionStgPtr p StgPtr p

void RecordMutableStgPtr p

When an ob ject is to b e up dated the actual up date is p erformed by UpdateWithIndirection

which checks whether the ob ject to b e up dated is in an old generation and if so it must b e

marked for traversal during garbage collection UpdateWithIndirection is implemented as

a macro for sp eed

There are two ways to cop e with destructive writes in a generational garbage collector either

trap the write itself and mark the target ob ject for later traversal or keep track of all mutable

ob jects in older generations and traverse them all during GC We opt for the latter approach

since the number of mutable ob jects is usually low and we would like to keep the write

op erations fast and inline

Only certain ob jects are explicitly mutable and they are indicated as such by their ob

ject types Hence the garbage collector can easily keep a record of all live mutable ob jects

in the heap except when an ob ject is changed from b eing immutable to mutable The

RecordMutable op eration is provided for this eventuality which only o ccurs in one place in

GHC the thawArray function the opp osite of freezeArray which makes a mutable array


Garbage Collecting CAFs

A CAF constant applicative form is a toplevel expression with no arguments The expres

sion may need a large even unbounded amount of storage when it is fully evaluated

CAFs are represented by closures in static memory that are up dated with indirections to

ob jects in the heap once the expression is evaluated Previous versions of GHC maintained a

list of all evaluated CAFs and traversed them all during GC the result b eing that the storage

allo cated by a CAF would reside in the heap until the program ended

The problem with garbage collecting CAFs is that they cant b e reached by following the live

ro ots of the running program we dont store p ointers to static ob jects in dynamic memory

b ecause we already know at where the ob ject lives so theres no need to store

p ointers to it in the heap The problem with this approach is that we cant know whether a

CAF expression will ever b e referenced again just by lo oking at the contents of the heap and

stack we have to lo ok at the co de itself

The solution we adopted is to generate a static reference table SRT for each co de segment

in the program containing p ointers to all of the toplevel functions and CAFs that it directly

references During garbage collection we traverse all the ob jects referred to by the reachable

SRTs recursively to identify the reachable CAFs

For example each thunk in the heap will have some asso ciated co de which evaluates the

thunk This co de will also have an SRT which records the top level functions and CAFs

referenced by the co de for the thunk any nontoplevel ob jects will b e p ointed to by the

thunk in the heap By recursively following the p ointers in the SRT we can identify all the

CAFs that can p ossibly b e reached directly or indirectly by the thunk Similarly for stack

frames however constructors are fully evaluated and hence have no SRTs Each static ob ject

has a spare eld which we use to link together all the reachable static ob jects and also stop

the traversal from lo oping

The scheme can b e optimised by noting that many co de sequences dont reference any static

ob jects at all and hence have an empty SRT A toplevel function with an empty SRT need

not b e referenced from other SRTs p ossibly resulting in more empty SRTs and so on We

have found by using this optimisation that most functions get away with an empty SRT and

nonempty SRTs generally have no more than a few entries esp ecially if the information is

passed across mo dule b oundaries which we do The increase in co de size has so far b een

minimal There is a p enalty at garbage collection time for following the SRTs but it is oset

by the saving in heap residency when CAFs can b e garbage collected

Execution mo del changes

The basic execution mo del that the runtime system supp orts is the STG machine Jonb

However the need to supp ort mixed compiledinterpreted execution led us to make a number

of changes to the original STG execution mo del Sp ecically

One stack The original STG machine used two stacks one for p ointers and one for non

p ointers Segregating the p ointers makes garbage collection easier but it makes everything

else more complicated The compiler has to mo del two stacks two registers are con

sumed as stack p ointers copying chunks of stack into separate heap ob jects is more

complex this happ ens when up dating a functionvalued thunk and so on

Our new mo del has a single stack containing b oth p ointers and nonp ointers The

stack grows downwards towards decreasing addresses This makes it easy to think of

an activation record as a kind of stackallocated heap ob ject the return address at the

lowest address of the activation record is like an info p ointer and it is furnished with

an info table that describ es the layout of the activation record The garbage collector

uses this information to identify the p ointers and nonp ointers in the activation record

The idea of attaching layout information to return addresses is not new but we have

found that thinking of an activation record as a stackallocated but otherwise normal

heap ob ject is quite helpful

When calling an unknown function it turns out to b e necessary to tag each nonp ointer

explicitly Jonb gives an example that shows the problem We do this by allo cating

an extra tag word on the stack for each such nonp ointer Fortunately calls to unknown

functions with unboxed arguments are pretty rare

The single stack mo del is a bit more ecient than the twostack mo del b ecause there

is now no need to stub dead p ointers that is overwrite them with a null p ointer

in the p ointer stack Previously this was necessary to avoid space leaks but now the

descriptor in the info table can simply describ e the dead stack slot as a nonp ointer

and hence not to b e treated as a ro ot by the garbage collector

Uniform return in heap convention for b oxed values The original STG machine had

the nifty feature that a function returning say a pair would return the two comp onents

in registers If the caller of the function was a case expression that to ok the pair

apart then the returned pair might never b e allo cated at all This return in registers

convention contrasts with the simpler return in heap approach of allo cating the pair

and returning a p ointer to it We have now reverted to this simpler approach

The returninregisters scheme lo oks sup ercially very attractive but it has a number

of undesirable consequences

 Since garbage collection may strike or an up date may need to b e p erformed an

info p ointer has to b e returned along with the comp onents of the pair This uses

another instruction and another register and is only needed some of the time

 The case expression might not use all of the comp onents of the returned value

selectors have this prop erty This matters when an existing value is returned

b ecause then the comp onents are loaded into registers only to b e discarded

 Matters get complicated when switching back to interpreted execution the latter

certainly uses the simple returninheap convention and imp edancematching is


Returninregisters lo oks a particularly p o or choice for registerimp overished architec

tures such as the x an architecture for which we would particularly like go o d p er


Using the returninheap convention means that we can no longer up date thunks in

place except by copying the value which is clearly a bad idea b ecause the returned

value is already allo cated Necessity is the mother of invention we have designed but

not implemented a scheme that recovers up date in place by returning unboxed tuples

only in registers

Better register usage The STG also has a registerbased whereby call

ing a known function with the right number of arguments is done by loading the argu

ments into registers and jumping to the functions entry p oint Registers were previously

used for the rst arguments which is a p essimisation when real machine registers are

not available and these pseudoregisters are mapp ed to memory lo cations In the

new system we adjust the calling convention based on the number of machine registers

available for instance on the x only the rst argument to a function is passed in a

register the rest are passed on the stack

Polymorphic case Haskell allows any value whether a data value or a function value

to b e evaluated to weak head normal form using the seq op erator The execution

mo del supp orts this by using a sp ecial sort of up date frame

Space leaks and black holes

A program exhibits a space leak if it retains storage that is sure not to b e used again Space

leaks are b ecoming increasingly common in imp erative programs that malloc storage and

fail subsequently to free it They are however also common in garbagecollected systems

esp ecially where lazy evaluation is used Wad RW

Quite a bit of exp erience has now accumulated suggesting that implementors must b e very

conscientious ab out avoiding gratuitous space leaks that is ones which are an accidental

artefact of some implementation techniqueappel b o ok The up date mechanism is a case in

p oint as Jona p oints out Consider a thunk for the expression

let xs in last xs

where last is a function that returns the last element of its argument list When the thunk

is entered it will call last which will consume xs until it nds the last element Since the

list is pro duced lazily one might reasonably exp ect the expression to evaluate in

constant space But until the moment of update the thunk itself stil l retains a pointer to the

beginning of the list xs So until the up date takes place the whole list will b e retained

Of course this is completely gratuitous The p ointer to xs in the thunk will never b e used

again In Jonb the solution to this problem that we advocated was to overwrite a thunks

info with a xed black hole info p ointer at the moment of entry The storage management

information attached to a blackhole info p ointer tells the garbage collector that the closure

contains no p ointers thereby plugging the space leak

Lazy blackholing

Blackholing is a wellknown idea The trouble is that it is gallingly exp ensive To avoid the

o ccasional space leak for every single thunk entry we have to load a fullword literal constant

into a register often two instructions and then store that register into a memory lo cation

Fortunately this cost can easily b e avoided The idea is simple instead of blackholing every

thunk on entry wait until the garbage collector is called and then blackhole al l and only

the thunks whose evaluation is in progress at that moment There is no b enet in blackholing

a thunk that is up dated b efore garbage collection strikes In eect the idea is to p erform

the blackholing op eration lazily only when it is needed This dramatically cuts down the

number of blackholing op erations

How can we nd all the thunks whose evaluation is in progress They are precisely the ones

for which up date frames are on the stack So all we need do is nd all the up date frames via

the Su chain and blackhole their thunks right at the start of garbage collection Notice that

it is not enough to refrain from treating up date frames as ro ots rstly b ecause the thunks to

which they p oint may need to b e moved in a copying collector but more imp ortantly b ecause

the thunk might b e accessible via some other route

Detecting lo ops

Blackholing has a second minor advantage evaluation of a thunk whose value dep ends on

itself will cause a black hole closure to b e entered which can cause a suitable error message

to b e displayed For example consider the denition

x x

The co de to evaluate xs right hand side will evaluate x In the absence of blackholing the

result will b e a stack overow as the evaluator rep eatedly pushes a return address and enters

x If thunks are blackholed on entry then this innite lo op can b e caught almost instantly

With our new metho d of lazy blackholing a selfreferential program might cause either stack

overow or a blackhole error message dep ending on exactly when garbage collection strikes

It is quite easy to conceal these dierences however If stack overow o ccurs all we need do

is examine the up date frames on the stack to see if more than one refers to the same thunk

If so there is a lo op that would have b een detected by eager blackholing

Lazy lo cking

In a parallel implementation it is necessary somehow to lo ck a thunk that is under evalu

ation so that other parallel evaluators cannot simultaneously evaluate it and thereby duplicate

work Instead an evaluator that enters a lo cked thunk should b e blo cked and made runnable

again when the thunk is up dated

This lo cking is readily arranged in the same way as blackholing by overwriting the thunks

info p ointer with a sp ecial lo cked info p ointer at the moment of entry If another evaluator

enters the thunk b efore it has b een up dated it will land in the entry co de for the lo cked

info p ointer which blo cks the evaluator and queues it on the lo cked thunk


The details are given by THM However the close similarity b etween lo cking and black

holing suggests the following question can lo cking b e done lazily to o The answer is that it

can except that lo cking can b e p ostp oned only until the next context switch rather than the

next garbage collection We are assuming here that the parallel implementation do es not use

shared memory to allow two pro cessors to access the same closure If such access is p ermitted

then every thunk entry requires a hardware lo ck and b ecomes much to o exp ensive

Is lazy lo cking worth while given that it requires extra work every context switch We

b elieve it is b ecause contexts switches are relatively infrequent and thousands of thunk

entries typically take place b etween each

The scheme can b e further optimised by only lo cking each thunk once if while traversing

a threads stack lo cking the thunks referred to by each up date frame we encounter a thunk

which is already lo cked we can safely assume that all thunks further down the stack have

already b een lo cked This reduces the cost of lazy lo cking if context switches o ccur frequently

The Scheduler

The scheduler manages the concurrent execution of multiple Haskell threads and is the heart

of the runtime system

Concurrency mo del

A Haskell thread is meant to b e an extremely lightweight execution engine and there may

b e hundreds or thousands of them in a Concurrent Haskell program PJGF Furthermore

they all share and mutate a common heap If each Haskell thread were an op erating system

thread then every access to a heap ob ject would have to b e synchronised using relatively

exp ensive OS supp ort

Accordingly the scheduler runs as a single OS thread and multiplexes this single execution

thread among the runnable Haskell threads Once started a Haskell thread is never pre

empted b etween two arbitrary instructions Instead it is preempted only when it makes

the next call to ExtendNursery the ExtendNursery pro cedure insp ects a global preemption

ag This may delay thread switching but it do es make everything very simple and do esnt

increase co de size since the call to ExtendNursery is outofline in a generic heapcheck

failure fragment Instruction sequences are therefore atomic by default so no sp ecial supp ort

is required when mutating MVars Requesting preemption is just a matter of setting a global

variable Threads are susp ended only at a moment when they have tidied up their activation

record and left a suitable info p ointer to describ e the activation record on the stack

A Haskell thread is represented by a heapallo cated Thread State Object TSO The TSO has

ro om to save the register state at thread susp ension and also contains the threads stack If

the stack overows we simply allo cate a new TSO of double the size and copy the old TSO

into the new one

The scheduler state

The scheduler state gives the entire state of the Haskell program In particular this state

gives all garbage collection ro ots It consists of

 A queue of runnable threads

 A queue of threads waiting for a timeout or blo cked IO op erations

 A queue of threads currently engaged in external C calls which called back to Haskell

see Section

 A p ointer to the stable p ointer table

The scheduler API

To facilitate calling Haskell functions from a variety of clients the scheduler provides an API

that lets a client create and execute Haskell threads Here it is

void startupHaskellint argc char argv

void shutdownHaskellvoid

StgTSO createThreadStgClosure closure

void scheduleStgTSO mainthread

The whole Haskell system is started by invoking startupHaskell with some optional command

line style arguments This function initialises the scheduler and storage manager and prepares

for execution

Threads may b e created using the createThread interface which takes a closure argument

indicating the closure to evaluate when the thread is run For example to create a thread

which will run the computation f in compiled mo dule Foo you can say

thread createThreadFoofclosure

To start running Haskell threads the application invokes schedule passing it the address


of a main thread The scheduler will run all the existing runnable threads until the main

thread nishes or is killed there is nothing else sp ecial ab out the main thread

The scheduler will also return if all threads b ecome blo cked waiting on nonIO resources

deadlo ck

The scheduler also provides an interface for passing arguments to newly created threads This

is useful for calling Haskell functions from outside and running Haskell IO computations see


void pushIntStgTSO thread

void pushFloatStgTSO thread

void pushDoubleStgTSO thread

void pushStablePtrStgTSO thread

void pushAddrStgTSO thread

void pushRealWorldStgTSO thread

Arguments are pushed on the stack in reverse order as normal Only certain types of values

may b e pushed but these include Addr a generic address value from which the Haskell

thread may unpack any kind of structured data type

In GHC a value of type IO a actually has type


It may b e necessary to extend this interface to return a value from the Haskell thread In the meantime

the Haskell thread may have type IO a and mo dify global variables in order to return values

State State a

where State is the state of the world and the syntax indicates an unboxed tuple


To evaluate an IO computation it must b e passed a state token The state token is pushed

using pushRealWorld

For example to create a thread for running Mainmain we could use

main createThreadMainmainclosure


in fact this is the guts of the default main function provided by the runtime system for

standalone compiled Haskell programs

int mainint argc char argv

StgTSO main


main createThreadMainmainclosure




Switching b etween compiled and interpreted execution

The interpreter executes byte co des which are stored in Byte Co de Ob jects BCOs in the

heap BCOs are stored and garbage collected along with the rest of the heap for example

when a mo dule is reloaded by the interpreter the storage used by the co de for the old copy

will b e collected at the next GC

How do es a thread switch b etween compiled and interpreted execution Supp ose it is execut

ing interpreted co de and is ab out to evaluate a value thunk or function The interpreter

lo oks at the heap ob ject it if is a Byte Co de Ob ject BCO the interpreter moves the

bytecode program counter to the start of the ob ject and continues execution Otherwise

it returns to the scheduler requesting compiled execution The scheduler res up compiled

execution by loading machine registers with the heap p ointer stack p ointer and so on and

branching to the co de for the thunk or function

Now supp ose that compiled co de enters the co de for a function or thunk If it is a compiled

function or thunk then execution pro ceeds normally If it is a BCO the BCOs entry co de


Most manipulations of the state token are optimised away by the compilers backend which assumes that

the state token takes up no space on the heap or in registers It do es however take up a stack slot b ecause

the argument must b e counted for the purp oses of nding out whether a function was partially applied

simply returns to the scheduler requesting interpreted execution This return rst saves the

machine registers in the threads TSO of course

In practice we can optimise these returns to the scheduler but logically that is what happ ens

Similar things happ en when returning to a return address on top of the stack if one thinks of

the return address as the info p ointer of a stackallocated heap ob ject as discussed in Section

Dynamic loading of compiled co de

Hugs will need to dynamically load and unload compiled mo dules during a session When

a mo dule is loaded its external references need to b e up dated to p oint to other compiled

mo dules or into the interpreter itself when the reference is to a mo dule that is currently

b eing interpreted This requires some sp ecial supp ort in the compiler as well as the runtime


It seems inevitable that we will have to compile mo dules into sp ecial dynamicallylinkable

ob jects which will imp ose some overhead as most jumps will have to go through a jump

table There are several dynamic linking schemes in use but most of these are sp ecic to a

particular architecture op erating system or binary format To avoid p ortability problems

we intend to implement our own dynamic linking scheme

Callouts and Callbacks

Integration with existing languages and to ols is of the utmost imp ortance if GHC is to b e

used in the real world Hence wed like to provide metho ds by which Haskell programs can

call foreign language routines a callout and external systems can invoke Haskell functions

The scheduler API describ ed ab ove caters for the latter requirement but how do we allow

arbitrary foreign calls from Haskell

As a rst guess we could just p erform the call inline in a Haskell function For most ap

plications this works ne although the entire Haskell system is temp orarily susp ended until

the foreign call returns However this approach could get us into trouble if the foreign callee

decided to use parts of the GHC RTS p erhaps to request a garbage collection or even worse

to call the scheduler a callback

If the callee wanted to p erform a garbage collection the caller the Haskell thread must make

sure it has left the world in a sane state saving away registers on the stack and making sure the

garbage collector has access to all the live ro ots This means some extra b o okkeeping around

this kind of external call so we provide a sp ecial construct for it currently ccallGC to

indicate that the callee may call the garbage collector

If the callee wants to call the scheduler p erhaps creating new threads rst then we have

another problem the scheduler is already running and we have two options

 We could have the Haskell thread return to the scheduler requesting that the foreign

call b e p erformed from there This means implementing some interpretive foreign calling

co de in the scheduler which is extremely hairy and architecturelanguage dep endent

 We could make the scheduler reentrant This is not as problematic as it sounds but it

do es involve some careful considerations

The calling thread must b e prepared for p ossible GC Hence we require that a

foreign call which may call back b e done with ccallGC

The scheduler must detect when it is b eing reentered and save the current thread

on a queue The calling thread is then blo cked until the new scheduler instance

returns all other threads may continue to run though

The scheduler also has to b e careful not to assume that lo cal variables containing

p ointers are constant across a call to Haskell land the Haskell co de may now call

the garbage collector or reschedule under our feet

We plump ed for the second option b ecause it was easier to implement however weve had

little or no exp erience with it as yet so it may still turn out to b e a p o or choice


We regard the proler as an extremely imp ortant asp ect of our runtime system Though not

yet prop erly implemented we plan to fully supp ort Jarviss costcentre stack proling Jar

itself based on our earlier work on cost centres SPJ for b oth space and time The idea is

briey as follows

 Costs are attributed to a stack of cost centres This stack corresp onds closely to the

dynamic chain of a callbyvalue language For example

f x scc f

let y scc y g x

in scc fbody h y

The costs of evaluating g x will b e attributed to the stack yf while those of

evaluating h y will b e attributed to fbodyf excluding the costs of evaluating y

of course

 The execution mo del is quite simple A machine register identies the current cost

centre stack to which are attributed all costs In particular timer interrupts increment

a statistics counter in the stack When a thunk is built the current cost centre stack

is stored in the thunk when the thunk is entered that stored cost centre stack is made

the current one

 To keep the number of distinct costcentre stacks tractable Jarviss ingenious idea is to

have the following invariant any cost centre stack includes a given cost centre at most

once So when pushing a new cost centre on top of a stack we rst delete any existing

o ccurrence of that cost centre in the existing stack This sounds as if it might b e an

exp ensive op eration but it turns out to b e quite simple to attach a memo table to each

stack which maps a cost centre to the new stack obtained by pushing that cost centre

onto that stack

 Statistics are dump ed to a log le during execution After execution the log le can

b e examined with one or more browsers We have two browsers in mind Jarviss call

graph browser and a spaceprole browser In b oth cases the browser allows views

at dierent levels of detail without rerunning the program Of course this relies on

storing rather a lot of information in the log le we are exp erimenting with exible and

compact logle formats to make this not to o onerous JMJW Even so the size of

the log les is a worry

We plan that the same general framework will supp ort parallel proling to o

 The costcentre stack scheme has useful consequences for debugging to o When a

program encounters a fatal error such as a pattern matching failure or an innite lo op

detected by a black hole entry the information provided to the programmer normally

consists of no more than the function which contained the error A stack trace is next

to useless b ecause the lazy evaluation order confuses the issue However the current

cost centre stack at the time of the error is much more useful as it represents what the

programmer would normally think of as the call stack

All of this is equally accessible to a Haskell program interpreted by Hugs or compiled by

GHC or a mixture

We would like to supp ort more elab orate space prolers such as lag drag void and retainers

RRa RRb but all of them require compiler and runtime system supp ort that we have

not yet studied carefully


DBE Kent Dybvig Carl Bruggeman and David Eby Guardians in a generation

based garbage collector In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on

Programming Language Design and Implementation pages Albuquerque

New Mexico June SIGPLAN Notices June

DEB R Kent Dybvig David Eby and Carl Bruggeman Dont stop the bib op Flexible

and ecient storage management for dynamically types languages Technical

Rep ort Indiana University Computing Science Dept March

Jar S A Jarvis Proling largescale lazy functional programs PhD thesis Department

of Computer Science University of Durham

JMJW Steven A Jarvis Simon Marlow Simon L Peyton Jones and Eric Wilcox A

grammar for selfdescribing do cuments Technical Rep ort PRGTR Oxford

University July

Jona Richard Jones Tail recursion without space leaks Journal of Functional Pro

gramming January

Jonb Simon L Peyton Jones Implementing lazy functional languages on sto ck hard

ware the Spineless Tagless Gmachine Journal of Functional Programming


LJ J Launchbury and S L Peyton Jones State in haskell In Lisp and Symbolic

Computation volume pages Dec

PJGF Simon Peyton Jones Andrew Gordon and Sigb jorn Finne Concurrent Haskell

In Conference Record of the rd ACM SIGPLANSIGACT Symposium on Prin

ciples of Programming Languages POPL pages St Petersburg

Florida January ACM Press

Rep J H Reppy A highp erformance garbage collector for standard ml Technical

rep ort ATT Bell Labs

RRa Niklas Rojemo and Colin Runciman Lag drag void and useheap proling

and spaceecient compilation revisited In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN

International Conference on Functional Programming pages Philadelphia

PA May ACM Press

RRb Niklas Rojemo and Colin Runciman New dimensions in heap proling Journal

of Functional Programming September

RW Colin Runciman and David Wakeling Heap proling of lazy functional programs

Journal of Functional Programming April

SPJ Patrick M Sansom and Simon L Peyton Jones Time and space proling for

nonstrict higherorder functional languages In Conference Record of the nd

ACM SIGPLANSIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages

POPL pages San Francisco California January ACM



THM P W Trinder K Hammond J S Mattson Jr A S Partridge and S L

Peyton Jones GUM A p ortable parallel implementation of Haskell In Proceed

ings of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Design

and Implementation pages Philadelphia Pennsylvania May

Wad Philip Wadler Fixing a space leak with a garbage collector Software Practice

and Experience