April 30, 2020 Betty Lou Hudson 17715 State Route 1 Marshall, California
[email protected] RE: Biological Constraints Analysis of Residential Reconstruction Permitting Support Services, Marshall, Marin County, California (APN 106-270-05) Ms. Hudson, This letter provides a brief biological review and discussion of the methods and results of a September 12, 2019 site visit conducted by WRA, Inc. (WRA) to a private residence located at 17715 State Route 1, Marshall, Marin County (APN: 106-270-05; Study Area). In this letter we assess the protected species and sensitive habitats present at this property. Based on a review of the Study Area, there are no sensitive terrestrial (land) habitats; however, ornamental trees and shrubs may provide nesting bird habitat. Rocky to sandy intertidal aquatic habitat and eelgrass beds are present below the building structure. Special-status fish and marine mammals occur within the waters of Tomales Bay; however, due to the marginal habitat quality locally, incorporation of avoidance and minimization measures, and modifications of the Project design, any temporary project impacts will be minimal and are not expected to result in a significant change to the habitat’s existing condition. There are no wetland, stream, or riparian habitats, and there are no special-status plants that occur in the Study Area. SITE ASSESSMENT METHODS On September 12, 2019, a WRA biologist visited the Study Area (Attachment A, Figure 1) to determine (1) habitats present, (2) if existing conditions provide suitable habitat for any special- status plant or wildlife species, (3) the presence and extent of eelgrass habitat, which is subject to regulation under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA) and Section 404(b)(1) of the Clean Water Act (and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act), and (4) the location and extent of Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas (ESHAs), including wetlands, streams, and riparian areas, which may be subject to regulation under the California Coastal Act.