
Provost John PATERSON (in the Chair)

Councillor Rob BALL Councillor Helen HODGINS Depute Provost Margaret BRISLEY Councillor Brenda HOLLIDAY Councillor Tommy BROOKES Councillor Pat KELLY Councillor Ken CAMPBELL Councillor Ian LAMBIE Councillor Tom COLL Councillor Corrie McCHORD Councillor David DAVIDSON Councillor Helen SCOTT Councillor Keith HARDING Councillor Ann STRANG Councillor Tom HAZEL Councillor Gillie THOMSON Councillor John HENDRY Councillor John WYLES

In Attendance:-

Mr Tom Bateman, Fleet Care Specialist, Technical and Commercial Services Mr Bill Dickson, Director of Finance and Information Services Mr Paul Doherty, Strategic Support Manager, Chief Executive’s Services Ms Carol George, Research, Performance and Quality Manager, Chief Executive’s Services Mr Bob Jack, Director of Civic Services Mr Gordon Jeyes, Director of Education Services Mr Robin Iffla, Community Safety Officer, Central Police Ms Felicity McLelland, Head of Community Support, Community Services Mr David Martin, Director of Environmental Services Ms Fiona Matheson, Committee Services Manager Mr Don Monteith, Press and PR Manager, Chief Executive’s Services Mr Tom Pollock, Area Manager, Technical and Commercial Services Ms Jill Preston, Director of Housing and Social Services Mr Bill Pritchard, Head of Policy, Chief Executive’s Services Mr Iain Robertson, Head of Planning and Resources, Education Services


Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors Ann Dickson, Arthur Ironside and Catherine Organ.


The Provost agreed that a report concerning a request from Direct Aid to Bosnia Herzegovina and Croatia for the donation of a refuse truck be considered as an urgent item of business following item 16 on the Agenda in view of Direct Aid’s immediate need to secure a vehicle.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc SC152 MINUTES

(a) Stirling Council - 26 June 1997 (b) Special Meeting - Stirling Council - 21 August 1997 (c) Adjourned Special Meeting - Stirling Council - 25 August 1997 (d) Special Meeting - Stirling Council - 4 September 1997 (e) Community Committee - 19 June 1997 (f) Social and Economic Committee - 29 May 1997


The Council approved the above minutes of meetings as correct records of the proceedings.


The Provost confirmed that two written questions had been received in terms of Standing Order No. 23. Written answers from Chairs are contained in Appendix 1.


In response to a supplementary question asked in relation to the question concerning the sale of library property, the Council agreed that notwithstanding the terms of delegated powers to Officers, no items of intrinsic cultural value should be disposed of without a proper assessment of the value of such items. As appropriate to a particular item consultation would also take place with the Chair of the appropriate Committee and the Director of Civic Services on the requirement for the matter to be reported to the relevant Committee.


In terms of Standing Order No. 30, Members put questions to Chairs of Committees on relevant and competent matters contained in the current volume of Minutes of Committees and Corporate Management Groups. The Chairs replied in appropriate terms.


The Children’s Committee had provision for the appointment of 4 Non Voting Co-opted Members on the Committee namely one staff, one parent, one student and one Children’s Panel Representative. On 19 September 1996, the Council had appointed Mrs Anne Walsh as Parent Member. Mrs Walsh had resigned from the Committee. Mr Derek Robertson, and not Mr David Robertson as stated in the report, had been nominated by Stirling’s Parents Forum to serve as a parent member until May 1999.

The Director of Civic Services advised the Committee that following the resignation of the Student Representative from the Children’s Committee, Ms Kirsty Kennedy had been nominated to serve on the Children’s Committee for a period of one year.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc Decision

The Council agreed:-

(1) to appoint Mr Derek Robertson as Parent Representative to serve as a non-voting co- opted member on the Children’s Committee until May 1999 and

(2) to appoint Ms Kirsty Kennedy as Children’s Representative to serve as a non-voting co-opted member on the Children’s Committee for a period of one year.

(Reference:- Report by Director of Civic Services dated 19 September 1997 submitted).


(a) Prison Visiting Committees

A report by the Director of Civic Services confirmed that there was a vacancy on the Vale over 21’s Prison Visiting Committee. In terms of the Prison’s and Young Offenders Institutions (Scotland) Amendment Rules 1996, the Council was required to appoint replacements on Prison Visiting Committees.


The Council agreed to appoint Ms. Teresa Moraes to the Cornton Vale Over 21’s Prison Visiting Committee.

(Reference:- Report by Director of Civic Services dated 18 September 1997 submitted).

(b) Best Value Elected Member’s Network

On 4 July 1997 a Task Force report on Best Value had been discussed with the Secretary of State for Scotland when it was emphasised that elected members and senior officials must be jointly committed to making best value work. In this context a whole variety of networks on best value had been established at Officer level and an Elected Member’s Network was to be similarly established by COSLA. COSLA had asked all Councils to appoint a member representative on the Network following which a meeting with Malcolm Chisholm, Minister for Local Government, would be arranged.


The Council agreed to appoint Councillor Tom Coll to the COSLA - Best Value Elected Member’s Network.

(Reference:- Report by Director of Civic Services dated 25 September 1997 submitted).

(c) Stirling Partnership for Urban Regeneration

On 25 September 1997, the Community and Economic Development Committee had considered a report by the Director of Community Services which provided an up-date on the progress made by the Stirling Partnership for Urban Regeneration (SPUR) since the previous report to the Social and Economic Committee in January 1997. The Council had been requested to confirm the nomination of two Councillors to the SPUR Executive.


r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc The Council agreed that Councillors John Hendry and Corrie McChord be nominated to the SPUR Executive.

(Reference:- CE8 - 4 September 1997 submitted).

(d) Review of other Appointments

At the meeting of the Council held on 11 April 1996 appointments were made to various external organisations. Following the mid-term review in August 1997 and due to the resignations of Members/Chairs/Vice Chairs on Committees, appointments to these external organisations required to be reviewed. A report by the Director of Civic Services detailed the current appointments to external organisations.


The Council agreed the appointments and other decisions detailed in Appendix 2.

(Reference:- Report by Director of Civic Services dated 25 September 1997 submitted).


On 26 June 1997, the Council had given notice of its intention to amend Standing Order Number 17 - Appointment of Committees and Panels - Appointments Panel.

At its meeting on 11 April 1996 the Council established an Appointments Panel comprising 7 Members of the Resources Committee to deal with appointments to the posts of Chief Executive, Directors and Heads of Service. On 9 May 1996, the Resources Committee in appointing Members to the Panel agreed that the Panel would have the discretion to invite the Chair of the Committee appropriate to a particular appointment to attend meetings of the Panel. The membership of the Panel was set at 7, consequently, the Chair of the Committee appropriate to a particular appointment did not have voting rights. A report by the Director of Civic Services confirmed a proposal that the membership of the Panel be increased to 8 to include either the Committee Chair, Spokesperson or Chair of the Policy Executive appropriate to a particular Appointment.


The Council resolved:-

(1) to amend Standing Order No. 17 - Appointment of Committees and Panels to provide for a change in the membership of the Appointments Panel from 7 to 8 Members to include either the Committee Chair, or Spokesperson, or Chair of the Policy Executive appropriate to a particular Appointment; and

(2) that it be remitted to the Director of Civic Services to prepare and issue an addendum pending the annual review of standing orders to be undertaken in time for consideration by Council in Spring 1998.

(Reference:- Report by Director of Civic Services dated 9 October 1997 submitted).

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc SC158 PLANNING SCHEDULE - INCREASED USE

Since the Council’s inception, the planning schedule had been used to determine the bulk of planning applications, to authorise enforcement action and approve other planning issues such as forestry, planning and treework. In terms of the Scheme of Delegation such delegations to the Director of Environmental Services was by exception in that any member or spokesperson could refer (subject to agreement of the Chair of the Environmental Quality Committee) any matter on the schedule for consideration at a meeting of the Planning Panel.

On 16 September 1997, the Environmental Quality Committee had considered a proposal to extend the use of the Planning schedule and had recommended to Council that the Scheme of Delegation be amended as specified in Appendix 1 of the Minute of Meeting of the Committee.

It was further proposed that authority be delegated to the Director of Environmental Services to propose, consider subsequent objections and modifications and make Tree Preservation Order through the Planning Schedule mechanism.


The Committee agreed that the Scheme of Delegation be amended as specified in Appendix 3 subject to the addition of the following at paragraph 5.2:- (k) “proposing, considering subsequent objections and modifications in making Tree Preservation Orders”.

(Reference:- Environmental Quality Committee EQ138 - 16 September 1997 submitted).


A review of Corporate Working Groups had recently been undertaken by the Administration. The review process had resulted in proposals for (a) the reconstitution of the Strategy Management Group as the Council’s Policy Executive under the continued Chair of Councillor Rob Ball and (b) the re-constitution of the Resource Management Group to take account of the Best Value Regime under the continued Chair of Councillor Tom Coll.

A report by the Chief Executive and Director of Civic Services set out the proposed remits and membership of the reconstituted groups.


The Council agreed:-

(1) that the Strategy Management Group be reconstituted to form a Policy Executive with the following membership:-

Rob Ball (Chair) Corrie McChord Ann Strang Margaret Brisley Keith Yates Bob Jack Gordon Jeyes David Martin Support: Bill Pritchard Fiona Matheson

(2) to approve the remit of the Policy Executive as detailed in Appendix 4;

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc (3) that the membership of the Resource Management Group be reconstituted with the following membership:

Tom Coll (Chair) Vice-Chairs of Committees Keith Yates Bill Dickson Helen Munro Jill Preston Support: Alan Geddes Lesley Graham Claire Dunbar

(4) to approve the revised remit of the Resource Management Group as detailed in Appendix 4.

(Reference:- Report by Chief Executive and Director of Civic Services dated 9 October 1997 submitted).


Stirling Council had responsibility for the closure of the former Central Regional Council accounts for the year ending 31 March 1996. The final audited accounts for Central Regional Council 1995/96 together with the final report to Members and the Controller of Audit were submitted to the Council. A report by the Director of Finance and Information Services provided a commentary on the key matters raised by the external auditor.

The accounts had received an unqualified audit certificate. The Director of Finance and Information Services confirmed that there would be a net revenue deficit of £2.517M which would require to be shared between the Stirling, and Clackmannanshire Councils. Stirling Council’s share amounted to £636,000.

As regards the capital account it was likely that the Scottish Office would make adjustments to the Section 94 capital position of all three Councils primarily because of a capital overspend of £1.776M against the Section 94 consent available and an accrued sum of £1.845M having been included as part of this overspend even though it was not paid prior to 31 March 1996. The Auditor’s report had also highlighted that the legal commitment on capital expenditure had exceeded the relevant limit by £463,000. Until notification was received from the Scottish Office it was not clear what the impact of these adjustments would be and although the Council had made some allowance for these the Director of Finance and Information Services advised that this might not be sufficient.


The Council agreed:-

(1) to note that the 1995/96 accounts for Central Regional Council had received an unqualified audit certificate;

(2) to approve the comments included in the report by the Director of Finance and Information Services as the Council’s formal response to the Auditor’s Final Report;

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc (3) to note that adjustments were likely to be made to the Stirling, Falkirk and Clackmannanshire Councils Section 94 capital position following consideration by the Scottish Office of the Auditor’s comments;

(4) to note the net revenue deficit of £2,517,000 at 31 March 1996 which would be passed on to the Stirling, Falkirk and Clackmannanshire Councils.

(Reference:- Report by Director of Finance and Information Services and Auditor’s Report dated 9 October 1997 submitted).


Stirling District Council’s accounts for the year to 31 March 1996 had been certified by the Accounts Commission on 16 September 1997. The Accounts and the Auditor’s final report to Members were submitted together with a report by the Director of Finance and Information Services which proposed the terms of the Council’s response to the Auditor.

An audit certificate had been issued which contained a qualified opinion in respect of the accounting treatment of the Council’s investment in Thistle Marches. The District Council had made a payment of £3.25M to the Thistle Marches joint venture company at the end of 1995/96 and had included this payment in its accounts as a long-term investment. The Auditor was of the opinion that this loan should not be allowed to score as capital expenditure within the District Council’s accounts since it was his view that it was a short term loan rather than capital expenditure. The Director of Finance advised that the basis of accounting used by Stirling Council was consistent with that adopted in the preparation of the Regional Council’s final accounts and the Auditor had not questioned this. If the £3.25M was not allowed to score as capital expenditure, then there would be Section 94 implications for this Council.

In conclusion the Director confirmed that a General Fund surplus of £579,000 would transfer to Stirling Council.


The Council agreed:-

(1) to note that a General Fund surplus of £579,000 would transfer to Stirling Council;

(2) to receive the Annual Accounts and Auditor’s Final Report in respect of Stirling District Council for the year ended 31 March 1996;

(3) to approve the formal response to the Auditor’s Final Report contained in the Appendix to the report by the Director of Finance and Information Services.

(Reference:- Report by Director of Finance and Information Services dated 3 October 1997 submitted).

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc SC162 RESIDENTS SURVEY

The Council’s approved decentralisation strategy required that a residents’ survey be undertaken in the current financial year. A draft brief had been issued for discussion with three consultants in June 1997. A report by the Chief Executive provided an evaluation of the approaches taken by each of the consultants and detailed the broad areas to be covered by the research.

The residents’ survey was in line with the Council’s existing commitments and recent requirements relating to the Best Value Regime. It would provide sound base line data and allow an assessment of resident’s awareness and satisfaction with the Council, assess access requirements and, where possible, the impact of decentralisation, and highlight areas for improvements. It would also identify requirements for more focused research in relation to specific issues or services.

It was anticipated that a total of 1,500 completed questionnaires would be available for analysis.


The Council agreed:-

(1) that a similar approach for the Residents’ Survey to that outlined in the research brief provided to consultants, as contained in appendix A of the report by the Chief Executive be approved. This would provide for reliable data to be gathered from a representative sample of Council residents and would place the data gathered in a national context. The approach would use focus groups and face to face interviews;

(2) that for reasons of quality control, the contract be awarded to a reputable company with a proven track record for market research within local government and, accordingly, three tenders be invited;

(3) to approve an allocation of £25,000 from the Corporate Contingency Budget for 1997/8 to cover the cost of the survey;

(4) to note that the survey would form part of an overall research programme for the Council.

(Reference:- Report by Head of Policy dated 1 October 1997 submitted).


The Council adopted its current Scheme of Members’ allowances at its statutory meeting following the Council Elections in April 1995. Further decisions regarding special responsibility allowances had subsequently been taken at the Council meeting on 31 August 1995.

The Secretary of State for Scotland in an announcement earlier in the summer had published amended regulations permitting increases in the rates of basic allowances and travelling and subsistence allowances. A report by the Director of Civic Services outlined the amended regulations and proposed a number of changes in the operation of the scheme. In particular, it was proposed to change the periods for the payment of subsistence allowances in order to bring them into line with those stated in the regulations with effect from 1 October 1997 and to make provision for a requirement that claims for travelling and subsistence allowances be submitted no later than one month in arrears.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc Decision

The Council agreed:-

(1) that no increase be made in the rates of basic and special responsibility allowances at this time but that a further report be brought forward in the New Year detailing how basic and special responsibility allowances could be linked to NJC Scales from 1 April 1998;

(2) that travelling and subsistence allowances be increased in line with the recent Scottish Office announcement with effect from 1 October 1997;

(3) that the Scheme of Members’ Allowances be amended as detailed in the Appendix to the report by the Director of Civic Services.

(Reference:- Report by Director of Civic Services dated 9 October 1997 submitted).


Stirling Burgh Common Good Fund comprised the residue of property held on behalf of community for “the common good” since the earliest forms of Local Government in the Scottish Burghs. The management and administration of the Stirling Burgh Group Common Good Fund passed to the former Stirling District Council at the reorganisation of Local Government in 1975 and had passed to Stirling Council in terms of the Local Government (Etc.) Scotland Act 1994.

The Stirling Burgh Common Good Fund comprised a number of properties in Stirling which were leased to the Council with rent accruing to the fund and cash balances amounting to some £175,000 invested with income accruing to the fund. Annual income from rents and investments was in the region of £60,000. There was a need to agree arrangements for the management and an administration of the fund.

A report by the Director of Civic Services proposed the establishment of a Common Good Fund Panel with delegated powers to determine applications for expenditure from the fund. The Common Good Fund Panel would have the responsibility to report annually to the Council on the management and administration of the fund.

It was proposed that the Panel would have delegated powers to determine applications for expenditure up to £10,000 in each case and not £5,000 as stated in the report.


The Council agreed:-

(1) to the establishment of a Common Good Fund Panel with the following membership:-

The Provost, Councillor Keith Harding, Councillor John Hendry;

(2) to approve the remit and delegated powers to the Panel detailed in Appendix 5.

(Reference:- Report by Director of Civic Services dated 9 October 1997 submitted).

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc SC165 REMEMBRANCE DAY - TUESDAY 11 NOVEMBER 1997

Last year virtually all Councils had given their support to a “Two Minute Silence” at 11.00 am on 11 November. The Royal British Legion Scotland were again promoting the “Two Minute Silence” nationwide with the support of H.M. Government, Buckingham Palace and the broadcast media and had asked Stirling Council to observe the silence and confirm measures which they would be willing to take in support of such a decision.


The Council agreed that the Council would observe a “Two Minute Silence” on Tuesday 11 November 1997 at 11.00 am.

(Reference:- Report by Director of Civic Services dated 30 September 1997 submitted).


Scottish Office circular number 15/95 “Guidance on Volunteering” advocated an integrated approach to increasing individual involvement in the community and encouraged Councils to develop and publish a policy statement on volunteering. The statement would detail ways in which Councils propose to engage volunteers and encourage volunteering generally in their areas.

On 26 June the Council had approved a draft policy document on volunteering which had subsequently been issued for consultation.

A report by the Chief Executive and Directors of Housing and Social Services and Community Services detailed the responses received and amendments incorporated following the consultation process on the draft policy document.


The Council agreed:-

(1) to note and endorse the revised Policy Statement on Volunteering detailed in Appendix 6;

(2) that it be remitted to the Voluntary Sector Cross-Service Liaison Group to consider the implementation and monitoring of the policy for volunteers.

(Reference:- Report by Chief Executive and Directors of Housing and Social Services and Community Services dated 9 October 1997 submitted).


A report by the Director of Civic Services proposed a programme of meetings for the remainder of 1997 and for 1998.

The period from October 1997 - December 1997 had been revised to take account of the changes to the Committee structure as a result of the review of Committees approved by Council on 21 and 25 August 1997.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc Councillor Gillie Thomson proposed the following amendments to the timetable in 1998:-

Regulatory Functions Panel - Change to Week 1 - Thursdays - 10.30 am Planning Panel - Week 4 - Change to Tuesdays - 10.30 am


The Council agreed to the proposed changes and approved the programme of meetings for the remainder of 1997 and for 1998 detailed in Appendix 7.

(Reference:- Report by Director of Civic Services dated 23 September 1997 submitted).


In terms of Section 201 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, the Council had powers to make by-laws “for the good rule and government of the whole or any part of the Council’s area and for the prevention and suppression of nuisances therein”. This power had been used by other authorities to make by-laws prohibiting the drinking of alcohol in public. The Council had received numerous requests from Community Councils and other community groups for the establishment of by-laws to prohibit the drinking of alcohol in public. Consequently, the Council had undertaken a lengthy consultation process to identify the level of local demand for, and obtain information on the likely impact and effectiveness of, by-laws prohibiting drinking in public. The agencies consulted included Central Scotland Police, Forth Valley Health Board, Stirling Tourist Association, Licensing Trade Association, Argyll, the Isles, Loch Lomond, Stirling and Trossachs Tourist Board and the District of Stirling Licensing Board.

A report by the Chief Executive detailed the results of the consultation process and proposed the establishment of by-laws covering Stirling and its surrounding villages and .

It was further proposed that a Multi-Agency Forum be established, linked to the existing established Substance Action Team. The Forum’s role would be to review the impact of the by-laws, address issues raised by the by-laws and promote “safe drinking” practice throughout the Stirling Council area.

On 1 October 1997 the District of Stirling Licensing Board had unanimously approved the proposals contained in the report. The Licensing Board had further proposed that the draft by- laws include an exemption to allow the consumption of alcohol at local events such as village fetes and events run by voluntary organisations where an occasional license or permission had been granted by the Licensing Board. It had also been proposed that an exemption for hogmany each year be included in the draft by-law.

It was confirmed that letters would be sent to those communities which had supported by-laws for their areas explaining why draft by-laws would not be promoted in these areas on this occasion. It was noted that a phased approach to the introduction of such by-laws had been supported by Central Scotland Police in particular. The Council acknowledged that by-laws formed only one strand of a wider strategy to combat the nuisance of drink related crime and offences.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc Decision

The Council agreed:-

(1) that it be remitted to the Director of Civic Services to submit to the Scottish Office draft byelaws in the form set out in Appendix 2 of the report by the Chief Executive, and incorporating the detailed proposals in the main report;

(2) to note that a further report would be submitted to a future meeting of the Council, once the Scottish Office had responded to the draft byelaws, in respect of the formal making of the byelaws;

(3) to approve the establishment of a multi-agency forum aimed at tackling alcohol related incidents.

(Reference:- Report by Chief Executive dated 2 October 1997 submitted).


A report by the Director of Civic Services confirmed that a request had been received from Edinburgh - Direct Aid to Bosnia Herzegovina and Croatia for the donation of a surplus refuse collection vehicle which would be sent to a village called Kljuc.

On 16 June 1997 the Resources Committee had agreed to replace the Council’s refuse collection and street cleaning fleet. As a consequence of this decision there would be some 12 refuse collection vehicles which would be disposed of either by public auction or be sold as scrap. The anticipated capital receipt from either of these sources currently ranged from £100 to several thousands of pounds.


The Council agreed to donate a surplus refuse fleet collection vehicle to Edinburgh - Direct Aid and that it be remitted to the Head of Cleansing and Fleet to enter discussions with Direct Aid on the basis that:-

a) the Council would accept no liability for the condition of the vehicle; b) Direct Aid would be responsible for the cost of transporting the vehicle from Stirling to Kljuc; c) the value of the vehicle would not exceed £5,000

(Reference:- Report by Director of Civic Services dated 9 October 1997 submitted).


(a) The Stirling Council (Shirra’s Brae Road, Braehead) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1997

The Stirling Council resolved to make an Order under the powers conferred upon them by Sections 1(1) and (2), 2(1) to (3) and 4(2) and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf to be known as “The Stirling Council (Shirra’s Brae Road, Braehead) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1997” the effect of which would be to introduce a prohibition of waiting on the sections of road described in the Schedules hereto.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc SCHEDULE I

Road in Side and Section of Road on Which Waiting is Prohibited at Any Time

Shirra’s Brae Road (a) On the north side thereof:-

From the centre line of the diagonal footway at the south side of Braehead Primary School in a westerly and northerly direction for a distance of 80 metres or thereby.

From the centre line of the aforementioned footway in an easterly direction for a distance of 26 metres or thereby.

From the line of the west kerb line of the access road at the east side of Braehead Primary School, leading to the houses on Shirra’s Brae Road to the north of Gillies Drive, in a westerly direction for a distance of 21 metres or thereby.

(b) On the south side thereof:-

From the centre line of the diagonal footway at the south side of Braehead Primary School in a westerly and northerly direction for a distance of 90 metres or thereby and in an easterly direction for a distance of 92 metres or thereby to the western boundary fence of house No 11 Gillies Drive.

Shirra’s Brae Road Access to houses at north (a) On the western side thereof:- of Gillies Drive to east of Braehead Primary School From the north kerb line of Shirra’s Brae Road where it joins onto Gillies Drive, in a northerly direction for a distance of 50 metres or thereby.

(b) On the eastern side thereof:-

From the aforementioned kerb line, in a northerly direction for a distance of 40 metres or thereby.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc SCHEDULE II

Road in Stirling Side and Section of Road on Which Waiting is Prohibited Between the Hours of 8.15 am and 4.15 pm, Monday to Friday

Shirra’s Brae Road From the east kerb line of the access road at the east side of Braehead Primary School leading to the houses on Shirra’s Brae Road to the north of Gillies Drive in an easterly direction for a distance of 16 metres or thereby, leaving a gap of 4 metres to the western edge of the single width driveway at house No 26 Gillies Drive.

(b) The Stirling Council (King Street/Murray Place, Stirling) (Pedestrian Priority Zone and Associated Traffic Management) (Amendment) Experimental Order 1997

The Stirling Council resolved to make an Order under the powers conferred upon them by Sections 9 and 1(1) and (2), 2(1) to (3) and 4(1) and (2) and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf to be known as “The Stirling Council (King Street/Murray Place, Stirling) (Pedestrian Priority Zone and Associated Traffic Management) (Amendment) Experimental Order 1997” the effect of which would be to introduce the restriction detailed in the Schedules hereto to King Street/Murray Place, Stirling.


Pedestrian Priority Zone

Column 1 Column 2

King Street, Stirling For its entire length.

Murray Place, Stirling From its junction with King Street to a point 70 metres or thereby south of its junction with Station Road, adjacent to the north entrance to the Thistle Centre.


No Entry for Vehicular Traffic Except for Buses and Coaches

No entry to vehicular traffic, except buses and coaches, at the north end of King Street at its junctions with Baker Street and Corn Exchange Road.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc SCHEDULE III

Parking Spaces for Disabled Persons’ Vehicles

King Street, Stirling on the north side thereof from a point 72 metres or thereby north of its junction with Murray Place in a northerly direction for a distance of 10 metres or thereby.

Murray Place, Stirling on the east side thereof from a point 15 metres or thereby north of its junction with Port Street in a northerly direction for a distance of 35 metres or thereby.


Parking Places for Motor Vehicles

King Street, Stirling On the south side thereof from a point 42 metres east of its junction with Corn Exchange Road in an easterly direction for a distance of 10 metres or thereby.

On the south side thereof from a point 62 metres east of its junction with Corn Exchange Road in an easterly direction for a distance of 10 metres or thereby.

Murray Place, Stirling On the west side thereof from a point 11 metres or thereby north of its junction with King Street in a northerly direction for a distance of 10 metres or thereby.

On the south-east side thereof from a point 55 metres or thereby north-east of its junction with King Street in a north-easterly direction for a distance of 38 metres or thereby.


Parking Places for Excursion and Tour Carriages (Golden Lion Hotel)

King Street, Stirling On the north side thereof from a point 28 metres or thereby west of its junction with Murray Place in a westerly direction for a distance of 12 metres or thereby.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc (c) The Stirling Council (The Avenue, ) (Temporary Closure) Order 1997

The Stirling Council resolved to homologate an Order under the powers conferred upon them by Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended by the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991 and all other powers enabling them in that behalf to be known as "The Stirling Council (The Avenue, Bridge of Allan) (Temporary Closure) Order 1997” the effect had been to close the section of road described in the Schedule hereto for a maximum period of 10 weeks from 27 September 1997 to facilitate essential repair works to a house gable end and chimney stack.


Road to be Closed

The Avenue, Bridge of Allan Pedestrian section.

(Reference:- Reports by Director of Civic Services dated 9 October 1997 submitted).

The Provost declared the meeting closed at 9.15 pm

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc APPENDIX 1



“What are the consequences for the Council of losing the court case with the developer of the Wolfcraig building? By what amount would Council Tax at Band D level have to go up in the year 1998/99 to cover the costs of this action?”


“I have appended a copy of a written answer which I gave to a question raised by Councillor Holliday at the Resources Committee last December. This gives a brief summary of the background to this issue.

As Members will be aware from recent press reports, the court case referred to in my previous answer has concluded with a finding by the court that the former Central Regional Council were obliged under their agreement with the Developer to enter a lease of the Wolfcraig Building with effect from 29 December 1995. The Regional Council had contended that they were not bound to take the lease since the building had not been completed within the timescale stipulated in the agreement. This Council inherited the situation (which was already in court) following local government reorganisation in 1996 and have maintained the Regional Council’s side of the case since then.

Obviously, we are disappointed at the outcome which could have very serious consequences for this Council. Put simply, it will add to the problem of surplus property which we face in Stirling as a direct result of local government reorganisation. However, it would be premature at this stage to comment in any more detail about the consequences of the court’s decision. The case took almost two years of legal process, including a total of twelve full days of evidence and legal debate, and dealt with a range of complex issues. The judge’s decision is over fifty pages long and follows an interim judgement by another judge in early summer 1996 which was also very lengthy and detailed. While there is inevitably pressure to give instant reaction to the result, this would not be in the Council’s interests. The Director of Civic Services has briefed me on the case and is currently consulting the Council’s Senior and Junior Counsel on the implications of the court ruling, the prospects of further appeal and all of the options open to the Council. A full report will be brought before the Resources Committee at the earliest opportunity.

In the meantime, further comment and discussion about the details would not be appropriate and could be damaging to the Council’s position. I would urge Members and the public to treat with some scepticism the reports which have appeared over the last week. Some of these have been inaccurate and misleading. The speculation about the Council’s position and the assertions by the Developer which these reports have contained are clearly designed to ‘bounce’ the Council into a hasty decision. The only responsible course of action is to await the detailed legal advice which has been commissioned before giving careful consideration to what the Council’s response to the situation should be”.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc APPENDIX I



“What is the current situation regarding the Wolfcraig Office which was refurbished by and for Central Regional Council, but is not yet in use?

What are the cost implications in lost revenue?”


“The redevelopment of the Wolfcraig building was not undertaken by the Regional Council as the question suggests. It was undertaken by a private developer who had an agreement with the Regional Council that the Council would take a 20 year lease of the building once the redevelopment had been completed.

The agreement specified that the building was to be ready by 1 July 1995, failing which the developer would have a period of grace before becoming liable to the Council for damages for late delivery for each week beyond 1 October 1995 until completion. There was a “long-stop” deadline of 31 December 1995 after which the Council had the right to cancel the deal if the building had still not been completed by then.

In the event, work continued on the redevelopment into February 1996. The developer however claimed that the work was completed on 22 December 1995 and that the building was available for occupation by the Council on 29 December 1995, just two days before the final deadline. The Council contested both claims and invoked the arbitration procedure under the agreement. The developer also invoked the arbitration procedure claiming that for various reasons they were entitled to an extension of the deadline. In addition the developer raised legal action against the Council seeking a court order that the Council were bound to take a lease of the building from 29 December 1995.

Stirling Council inherited this situation and the Regional Council’s side of the arbitration and court case on 1 April 1996. The Director of Civic Services has continued to resist the developer’s claims in all proceedings. The court case is set down for proof on 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th December 1996 in the Court of Session. The arbitration has been put into abeyance by agreement pending the outcome of the court case. In view of these pending procedures it would not be appropriate to comment further at this stage”.



“A valuable book was sold for £26,000 at Bonhams in London on 28 June 1996. This book, which was unique in Scotland, was the property of this Council. On whose authority was it sent to Bonhams? Why was it not considered by this Council or at any of its committees? Have any other rare objects been sold secretly? To what purpose has the money received been put?”


“The sale of the book (Summa Theologia Pars Prima) was carried out using powers delegated to the Director of Community Services by the Council’s Scheme of Delegation, and in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations and consequently this disposal did not require approval by any Committee of the Council.

There has only been one other item sold and that was another book (Kitchins Atlas of the World) which was sold at the same time and raised £2,400 (less commission - approximately 10%). There was no particular secret about the sale of these books.

At the same time of the sale, Libraries, Heritage and Cultural Services was facing significant budget cuts and staff were asked to look at all possible ways to achieve savings so that front line services were not affected. One suggestion from staff was that we sell these books which had been bequeathed to the Library Service but had for many years been stored in a safe and had not been on public view.

The income from the sale of these books was used entirely to stave off proposed budget cuts at that time. For example one suggested saving had been to reduce library hours in various communities e.g. Stirling, etc. It was proposed that Stirling Central Library be closed on Saturday afternoons (the busiest day) which would have affected both the public and staff and around £19,000 raised from the sale was used to preserve these opening hours. Similarly it was suggested that the hours at Killin Library be reduced, again affecting staff and public which resulted in a backlash from the local community and this proposal was then withdrawn.

The action taken therefore was with the best intentions for both community and staff”.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc APPENDIX 2 REPRESENTATIVES ON EXTERNAL ORGANISATIONS

1996 - 1999

ORGANISATION REPRESENTATIVE(S) CONTACT OFFICER CAPACITY DATE APPOINTED DECISION 1. Advisory Committee for Councillor T Hazel Mairi McArthur, Representative 27 August 1996 no change Inspection of Registered Care Service Manager - Homes Resource Support or Mike Broadway, Law & Admin, Falkirk Council 2. Argyll, the Isles, Loch Councillors K Campbell, Representative 8 May 1995 no change Lomond, Stirling and and J Wyles Trossachs Tourist Board

3. Association of Direct Labour Councillor T Coll Mr J Roberts Representative 11 April 1996 no change Organisations Director 4th Floor Olympic House Whitworths Street West Manchester 4. Bridge of Allan Victory Fund Councillor R Ball, A Rev Canon JM Crook Representative 11 April 1996 no change Dickson and E Holliday BA 21 Fountain Road Bridge of Allan 5. Community Councillor J Wyles Representative 11 April 1996 no change Association

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc ORGANISATION REPRESENTATIVE(S) CONTACT OFFICER CAPACITY DATE APPOINTED DECISION 6. Central Advisory Committee Mrs J Richardson Representative - October 1997 -COSLA on Justices of the Peace Secretary of advised no Commissions for representative required Scotland from Stirling Council. St Andrew's House Appointments operated Edinburgh on a rota basis EH1 3DG amongst all Councils. Nominations required again in 1999. 7. Central Co-ordinating Councillor J. Hendry Tricia Chillas Representative 9 October 1997 Clr Hendry appointed to Committee for Sport Head of Sport & replace Clr Thomson Leisure Community Services Stirling Council Viewforth Stirling FK8 2ET 8. Careers Central Limited Councillor P Kelly Craig Smith Director no change Careers Central Ltd Enterprise House Springkerse Business Park 9. Central Region Industry and Councillors D Davidson Lewis Hynd Directorship D. Davidson/J. Hendry - Clrs Hazel, Thomson Business Park Limited T. Hazel, J Hendry STEP 11.04.96 appointed - and G. Thomson John Player Building replacing Clrs Ball and Iain Whitelaw, and Stirling FK7 7RP T. Hazel/G. Thomson Brookes Alan Cumming, Economic - 09.10.97 other members - no Development, Stirling change Council, Viewforth.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc ORGANISATION REPRESENTATIVE(S) CONTACT OFFICER CAPACITY DATE APPOINTED DECISION 10. Central Scotland Business Councillor John Hendry Directorship J. Hendry - 11.04.97 Clr Thomson appointed Parks Limited (Director) G. Thomson - 09.10.97 - replacing Clr Ball Councillor G. Thomson (Alternate Director) 11. Central Scotland Chamber of Andrew Fulton Chamber contacted Commerce Chamber of Commerce and have confirmed (Central Scotland that they would Suite A, Haypark welcome an officer Business Centre representative with a Marchmont Avenue knowledge of Business Polmont, Falkirk and Industry. (Member representation still open to Council however). 12. Central Scotland Racial Depute Provost M Brisley, Mukami McCrum Representative M. Brisley/J. Wylles - Clr McChord appointed Equality Council Councillor C. McChord Central Scotland Racial 11.04.96 - Councillor J Wyles Equality Council replacing Clr Thomson Rooms 32 - 34 Cape C. McChord - 09.10.97 other members - no Unicentre change Kerse Road Stirling FK7 7SG 13. CFBAC Joint Committee on Councillor J. Wyles Representative 6 March 1997 Cllor Wyles invited to Audit Commission Report “In serve as he is the the Line of Fire” Council’s representative on COLSA’s Protective Services Forum - no change 14. Children's Hearing Systems - Councillor P Kelly Member 4 July 1996 no change Joint Children's Panel Advisory Committee

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc ORGANISATION REPRESENTATIVE(S) CONTACT OFFICER CAPACITY DATE APPOINTED DECISION 15. COSLA Councillor C McChord, Representatives 23 May 1996 no change Councillor A Strang, Councillor K Harding 16. COSLA Strategy Forum Councillor C. McChord Representative 23 May 1996 no change

17. COSLA Rural Affairs Forum Councillor K. Campbell Representative 9 October 1997 Clr Campbell appointed - replacing Clr Ball 18. COSLA Educational and Councillor T. Brookes Representative 9 October 1997 Clr Brookes appointed - Cultural Affairs Forum replacing Clr Kelly 19. COSLA Social Affairs Forum Councillor P. Kelly Representative 9 October 1997 Clr Kelly appointed - replacing Clr Strang 20. COSLA Development Councillor G. Thomson Representative 9 October 1997 Clr Thomson appointed Services Forum - replacing Clr Brookes 21. COSLA Protective Services Councillor J Wyles Representative 23 May 1996 no change Forum

22. Cowane’s Trust All Councillors are Gerry McDermott Patrons 11 April 1996 added to list following Patrons ex officio Patron’s of Cowane’s Council meeting on 9 Hospital October 1997 49 St. John’s Street Stirling FK8 1ED (472247)

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc ORGANISATION REPRESENTATIVE(S) CONTACT OFFICER CAPACITY DATE APPOINTED DECISION 23. Dial-a-Journey Management Councillor G. Thomson Duncan R. Hearsum Representative 9 October 1997 Clr Thomson appointed Committee Manager - replacing Clr Brookes Dial-a-Journey Ltd. Islay House Livilands Lane Stirling FK8 2BG (01786 471954) 24. East of Scotland European Councillor T Coll - ESEC Bill Pritchard, Policy, Representative 23 May 1996 Bill Pritchard T Coll’s Consortium Policy Board; Stirling Council adviser on Policy Board (Bill Pritchard, Policy, - ESEC Officers Working no change Group) 25. Ethnic Minorities Consultative Depute Provost M Brisley R Watson Representatives 11 April 1996 no change Forum and Councillor J Wyles Law & Administration Services Falkirk Council Falkirk 26. Forth Housing Association Councillor P. Kelly Doreen Bitner Representative 9 October 1997 Clr Kelly appointed - Management Committee FHA Limited replacing Depute 2 Dumbarton Road Provost Brisley Stirling FK8 2LL 27. Forth Valley Education Councillor K. Harding Patricia Thomson Directors 7 November 1996 Clr Harding appointed Business Partnership and Manager 7.11.96 - Margaret Doran, Head of Forth Valley EBP replacing Clr Hendry Services to Schools, Rooms 45 & 46 Education Services, Haypark Business Stirling Council. Centre Marchmont Avenue (Carol Kirk substitute for Polmont FK2 0NZ M Doran)

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc ORGANISATION REPRESENTATIVE(S) CONTACT OFFICER CAPACITY DATE APPOINTED DECISION 28. Forth Valley Health Board FVH advise that JLC not meeting at the - Joint Liaison moment - no rep.req. Committee Loc. Health Cl - no rep. from Stirling required at - Local Health Council the moment - vacancy in 1998 - nominations required then. 29. Leisure Centre Councils

- Alpha Centre Council Councillor T Hazel Mr James Yuill Representative 11 April 1996 Local Members Alpha Community automatically become Centre members of the LamontCrescent Committee Fallin FK7 7EJ

- Argyll Centre Councillor C McChord Mr A Richardson Representative 11 April 1996 no change 42 Upper Bridge Street Stirling

- Braeport Development Councillor A Dickson Mr John Fraser Representative 11 April 1996 no change Group Secretary 26 Argyll Terrace Dunblane

- Bridge of Allan Councillor B Holliday Representative 11 April 1996 no change

- Councillor H Scott Representative 11 April 1996 no change

- Councillor J Hendry Representative 11 April 1996 no change

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc ORGANISATION REPRESENTATIVE(S) CONTACT OFFICER CAPACITY DATE APPOINTED DECISION 30. Linked Work & Training Trust Councillor J. Hendry Ms. Cathy Peattie Trustees 9 October 1997 Clr Hendry appointed - (Central) and Chairperson replacing Clr Thomson Helen Munro, Director of Linked Work and Community Services Training Trust (Central) 9 Callendar Road Falkirk FK1 1XF 31. Loch Lomond Park Authority Councillors T Brookes, K Mr W Dalrymple Representatives T. Brookes/K. Clr Thomson appointed Campbell, H Hodgins Depute Park Officer Campbell/H. Hodgins - - replacing Clr Wyles and G. Thomson Loch Lomond Park 25.01.96 other members - no Authority change The Old Station G. Thomson - 09.10.97 Balloch Road Balloch G83 8SS and also Ken McDonald (Env. Serv, Stirling Cl) 32. Loch Lomond & Trossachs Councillors K.Campbell Ken McDonald 23.11.95 added to list following Joint Steering Committee G. Thomson and Environmental Action Council meeting on 9 J. Wyles Environmental Serv. October 1997 Stirling Council Viewforth Stirling FK8 2ET 33. McLaren High School Councillor I Lambie Bob Calvert Trustee 11 April 1996 no change Complex Trust DSO Manager Rainbow Slides Stirling Council 34. MacRobert Centre Councillors R Ball and J. Ms Liz Wright Representatives R. Ball - 11.04.96 Clr Hendry appointed - Management Committee Hendry MacRobert Arts Centre J. Hendry - 09.10.97 replacing Clr Thomson University of Stirling Stirling FK9 4LA

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc ORGANISATION REPRESENTATIVE(S) CONTACT OFFICER CAPACITY DATE APPOINTED DECISION 35. Management Committees:- Representatives 11 April 1996 Local Members automatically become - Balfour Centre, Councillor T Brookes members of - Hall Councillor D Davidson Management - Cornton Community - Committees Centre Provost J Paterson - Cowie Community Centre - Parish Hall Councillor T Brookes no change - Menzies Hall, Councillor C Organ Councillor C Organ Ochil Crescent Councillor J Hendry John Rushforth Community Centre 2 Hazelbank Gardens Raploch Stirling FK8 1PY

- Stirling Indoor Bowling Councillor A Strang Centre Mrs D R Bottomley - Village Councillor H Hodgins Broadgate House Club Committee Strathblane G63 9AB

- Victoria Hall, Councillor A Ironside Dunblane

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc ORGANISATION REPRESENTATIVE(S) CONTACT OFFICER CAPACITY DATE APPOINTED DECISION 36. Country Park Councillors H Hodgins Ken McDonald Representatives H. Hodgins - 11.04.97 Clr Thomson appointed Management Committee and G. Thomson Environmental Action E. Thomson - 09.10.97 - replacing Clr Brookes Environmental Serv. Stirling Council 37. National Trust for Scotland Councillor C Organ Representative 11 April 1996 no change

38. The National Society for Councillors T Hazel and The National Socieity Representative T. Hazel - 11.04.96 Clr Strang appointed - Clean Air and Environmental A. Strang for Clean Air and A. Strang - 09.10.97 replacing Clr Brookes Protection Ian Kelly, T Rose, & K Environmental Smithson, Environmental Protection Services 136 North Street Brighton BN1 1RG 39. New Directions for Councillors R Ball and D James McPherson Directors 11 April 1996 no change Employment Project Davidson; Iain Whitelaw, Stirling Business Links Economic and Tourism Limited Development and John Wallace House Gibson, Service Manager, Maxwell Place Skills Development and Stirling Training 40. Odenwald Trust Provost J Paterson Bob Jack Trustee 6 March 1997 no change Director of Civic Services

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc ORGANISATION REPRESENTATIVE(S) CONTACT OFFICER CAPACITY DATE APPOINTED DECISION 41. Post Office Advisory Councillor G. Thomson Dr CJM Bentley Representative 9 October 1997 Clr Thomson appointed Committee for Central Ferguslie Cottage - replacing Clr Brookes Scotland Main Street Buchlyvie

42. Rural Stirling Partnership Councillor D Davidson Iain Whitelaw Representative 11 April 1996 no change in Economic Development membership - name Environmental Serv. changed from Rural Stirling Council Stirling Economic Partnership 43. Rural Stirling Housing Councillor I. Lambie Ms F Wood Representative 9 October 1997 Clr Lambie appointed - Association Secretary replacing Clr Strang RSHA 3 The Cross FK16 6BQ 44. Scottish Local Government Councillors T Coll and J Representative Tom Coll - 19/09/96 Clr Ball to replace J. Forum Against Poverty Hendry (R. Ball J. Hendry - 09.10.96 Hendry as nominated nominated substitute) substitute with J. Hendry appointed as representative

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc ORGANISATION REPRESENTATIVE(S) CONTACT OFFICER CAPACITY DATE APPOINTED DECISION 45. Scottish Local Government Councillor C. McChord Paulo Vestri Representative 9 October 1997 Clr McChord appointed Information Unit Joint Director -replacing Clr Thomson Committee SLGIU Baltic House 50 Wellington Street Glasgow G2 6HJ 46. Scottish Museums Council Councillor A. Ironside Gaynor Parry Representative 9 October 1997 Clr Ironside appointed - SMC replacing Clr Thomson County House 20/22 Torphichen Street Edinburgh EH3 8JB 47. Scottish National Federation JBM Munro Representative Officer Representative for the Welfare of the Blind Hon Treasurer nominated by Chief SNFWB Executive SC26.6.97 P O Box 500 Gillespie Crescent Edinburgh EH10 4HZ 48. Scottish Nuclear Free Local Councillor J Wyles Rick Nickerson Representative 11 April 1996 no change Authorities Secretariat Environmental Services Department Shetlands Islands Council Greenhead Lerwick Shetland ZE1 0PY

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc ORGANISATION REPRESENTATIVE(S) CONTACT OFFICER CAPACITY DATE APPOINTED DECISION 49. Scottish Prison Service:- Sharron di Ciacca Representatives 11 April 1996 1 member vacancy on Scottish Prison Service each Prison Visiting - Cornton Vale Prison Visiting Councillors I Lambie, H Room 306, Comittee Committee; Hodgins and D Thomson Calton House 5 Redheughs Rigg no change Councillors T Hazel and A Edinburgh - Glenochil Prison Visiting Ironside EH12 9HW; Committee Ann Dromgoole, Civic Services 50. Shopmobility Councillor G. Thomson Morag Inglis Representative 9 October 1997 added to list following Voluntary Service Co- Council meeting on 9 ordinator October 1997 Housing & Soc Serv. G. Thomson replacing Stirling Council T. Brookes Viewforth Stirling (Ext 2582) 51. Smith Art Gallery and Provost J Paterson, Elspeth King Representatives J. Paterson - 06.03.97 no change Museum Joint Committee Councillors K Harding Director K. Harding/J. Wylles - and J Wyles Smith Art Gallery and 11.04.96 Museum Dumbarton Road Stirling FK8 2RQ 52. Spittal's Trust All Councillors are Gerry McDermott Patrons 11 April 1996 no change Patrons Ex Officio Patron's of Cowanes Hospital 49 St John's Street Stirling FK8 1ED

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc ORGANISATION REPRESENTATIVE(S) CONTACT OFFICER CAPACITY DATE APPOINTED DECISION 53. Standing Conference of Local Councillors I Lambie and Linda Bissett Representatives 11 April 1996 no change Authorities in the Forth J Wyles Admin Team Leader Estuary on Radiation Policy and Strategic Monitoring Development Fife House North Street Glenrothes 54. Stirling and Clackmannan Councillor P. Kelly Mr. Gulam Rasool Representative 9 October 1997 name changed from Asian Cultural & Educational Stirling & Clack. Central Region Asian Project Cult.& Educ. Project Cultural & Educational c/o Islamic Centre Project Burghmuir Road Stirling 55. Stirling and District Arts Councillor J. Hendry Jacqueline Shearer Representative 9 October 1997 Clr Hendry appointed - Forum replacing Clr Thomson 56. Stirling Business Links Councillors R Ball and James McPherson Directors 11 April 1996 J Gibson appointed Limited D Davidson; Stirling Business Links fourth Director on Iain Whitelaw, Limited 3 February 1997; Economic and Tourism Wallace House Councillor Ball Development and John Maxwell Place appointed Chair of Gibson,Service Manager, Stirling Board on 3 February Skills Development and 1997 Training no change 57. Stirling District (Tourism) Provost J Paterson and Carol Archibald Representatives 11 April 1996 no change Councillor H Hodgins Economic Development Stirling Council

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc ORGANISATION REPRESENTATIVE(S) CONTACT OFFICER CAPACITY DATE APPOINTED DECISION 58. Stirling District Citizens Councillors C. McChord Mike Brecken Representatives H. Scott - 11.04.96 Clr McChord appointed Advice Bureau and H. Scott Stirling District Citizens C. McChord - 09.10.97 -replacing Clr Thomson Advice Bureau Norman McEwan Centre Cameronian Street Stirling FK8 2BX 59. Stirling Sports Council Councillors A Ironside Fiona Irons Representatives A. Ironside - 11.04.96 Clr Hendry appointed - and J. Hendry Stirling Sports Council J. Hendry - 09.10.97 replacing Clr Thomson Resource Centre Corn Exchange Road Stirling 60. Stirling District Youth Theatre Councillor A Ironside Representative 11 April 1996 no change 61. SEEDCO Councillors A. Dickson, T. Colin White Representative A. Dickson/J. Hendry - Clrs Hazel & Thomson Hazel, J. Hendry and G. Room 223 11.04.96 appointed - replacing Thomson Environmental Serv. T. Hazel/G. Thomson - Clrs Ball & McChord Stirling Council 09.10.97 Viewforth Stirling FK8 2ET 62. Stirling Film Theatre Councillor A Dickson Ms L Wright Representative 11 April 1996 no change MacRobert Arts Centre (Film Theatre) University Of Stirling FK9 4LA

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc ORGANISATION REPRESENTATIVE(S) CONTACT OFFICER CAPACITY DATE APPOINTED DECISION 63. Stirling Health and Wellbeing Councillor A Strang Sandra Gibb Representative 11 April 1996 name changed from Alliance Stirling Health and Stirling Women and Wellbeing Alliance Health Project 61 Baker Street membership - no Stirling FK8 1DR change 64. Stirling Women's Technology Depute Provost M Brisley Mary McLean Directors 11 April 1996 no change Centre and Councillor A Strang Stirling Womens John Gibson, Env. Serv., Technology Centre (John Gibson, Adviser) Stirling Council The Arcade (Adviser) King Street Striling FK8 1DN 65. Educational Trust Councillors T. Brookes, T. Iain Flett Trustees T. Brookes - 09.10.97 Clr Brookes appointed - Hazel, P. Kelly, C. Organ Stirling Educational Others - 11.04.96 replacing Clr Strang and H. Scott Trust 68 Port Street Stirling FK8 2LJ 66. Stronvar Management Trust Councillor T Brookes Trustee 11 April 1996 no meetings held since start of Stirling Council 67. Superannuation Fund Councilors T Coll and R Fiona Ambrose Representatives 9 October 1997 no change Investment Forum Ball Head of Administrative (substitute - Councillor C Services Organ) Falkirk Council Officer Representative - Municipal Buildings Alan Geddes, Finance Falkirk FK1 5RS Services, Stirling Council 68. Thistle II Limited Councillor R. Ball David Martin, Director R. Ball - 11.04.96 Clr Hendry appointed - (Councillor J. Hendry Director of J. Hendry - 09.10.97 replacing Clr Brookes Alternate Director) Environmental Services

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc ORGANISATION REPRESENTATIVE(S) CONTACT OFFICER CAPACITY DATE APPOINTED DECISION 69. Tigh Mor Trossachs Trust Councillor T Brookes, K Trustees 11 April 1996 no change Campbell, J Hendry and A Strang 70. The Highland Territorial Councillor K Harding Col J R Hensman OBE Representative 4 July 1996 no change Auxilliary and Volunteer TAVRA Reserve Association Seathwood 365 Perth Road Dundee DD2 1LX 71. Community Councillor K Campbell Caroline Davies, Director 6 February 1997 Local Member Woodland Company Limited Landscape Architect. Env. Services no change

72. University of Stirling (Stirling Provost P Paterson (Ex Dr D J Ferrington Representative 9 October 1997 no invitation for further University Conference) Officio) and Depute Secretary (ex officio) elected member rep. Keith Yates, Chief University of Stirling expected. Executive and Stirling FK9 4LA Gordon Jeyes, Director of Education Services, Stirling Council 73. Venture Forth Limited Councillor J. Hendry Bob Jack, Director Stirling and (Councillor G. Thomson Director of Civic Clackmannanshire substitute) Services Councils chair the meetings in alternate years Clr Hendry to replace Clr Ball withClr Thomson as substitute

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc ORGANISATION REPRESENTATIVE(S) CONTACT OFFICER CAPACITY DATE APPOINTED DECISION 74. Wellgreen Workplace Councillors T Coll, A Carol Archibald Directors T. Coll/A. Strang - no change Nursery Limited Strang and P Kelly Economic Development 11.04.96 Stirling Council P. Kelly - 22.05.97 Viewforth Stirling 75. Workers' Educational Councillor P Kelly Lynda Livesley Representative 11 April 1996 no change Association Grendon 9 Snowdon Place Stirling FK8 2NH


Organisations no longer is existence:

Central Employment Advice Project Board and Management Committee Central Scotland Community Interpreting Group Stirling Anti-Poverty Project Stirling Association of Voluntary Organisations (now Stirling Voluntary Organisation) Stirling Multi-Cultural Library and Information Centre Management Committee

Organisations which no longer require a representative:

Planning Exchange Scottish Enterprise Foundation (now known as Department of Entrepreneurship).

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc APPENDIX 3

5 Planning

5.1 a) Determining the necessity for planning permission in terms of Part 3 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1972.

b) Determining whether the lopping, felling, etc. of trees subject of Tree Preservation Orders is necessary in terms of Section 160(6) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, to authorise such lopping, felling etc., and to make and authorise emergency action in respect of Tree Preservation Orders.

c) Approval or otherwise of minor alterations to approved developments or applications not considered to be significant in terms of altering the nature, character or appearance of the items (e.g. sizes of windows, doors, etc., minor alterations to housing layout, changes in colours and materials).

d) Service of Notices to establish ownership of land in terms of Section 272 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

e) Advertisement of applications for planning permission when considered necessary or desirable.

f) To sign and issue Planning Decision Notices.

g) Agreeing minor amendments to Planning Consents, satisfactory compliance with conditions of a planning consent approved by a Committee or through a Planning Schedule.

h) Determination of the need for an Environmental Assessment in terms of Schedule II of the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 1988.

5.2 Subject to no objections from Members to the recommendations in the weekly Planning Schedule;

a) deciding applications for development under the provisions of the Planning Acts and associated legislation;

b) making comments on Woodland Grant Scheme Applications, Forest Enterprise Design Plans and felling Licences referred by the Forestry Commission;

c) making observations on non-contentious development plans and planning applications outwith the Stirling area;

d) authorising appropriate action in respect of Breaches of Planning Control;

e) Street Naming and Numbering;

f) publication of Planning Briefs for consultation; and subsequent approval;

g) progressing Planning Appeals and Public Inquiries;

h) deciding applications for Certificates of Appropriate Alternative Development;

i) deciding applications for Certificates of Lawful Development;

j) making non contentious observations in response to consultation on planning issues from Central Government agencies and other bodies

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc APPENDIX 4 POLICY EXECUTIVE


1. To develop and recommend to Council a Corporate Plan based on the Council’s vision and values and the Manifesto of the ruling group. To keep Corporate Plan under review.

2. To review all Service Plans prior to presentation to Committee. This review is to ensure co- ordination between plans, linkage with corporate plan and strategic budget.

3. To agree and keep under review the corporate timetable linking the development, adoption and review of the Corporate Plan, preparation and agreement of Service Plans and preparation of budget agreements.

4. To recommend to Council Budget Strategy (capital and revenue) over a longer time horizon.

5. To set terms of reference and receive and comment on report for all corporate Member/Officer policy groups and Officer only corporate policy groups.

6. To ensure adequate arrangements are in place for best value, quality and the review of performance in respect of Council.

7. To review corporate and political structures in the light of the Corporate Plan.

8. To take general view and maintain records of all policy areas.

9. To recommend to Resources on the allocation of any corporate contingency budget.

10. To take an overview of other corporate policy documents, eg structure plans, transportation.

11. Take pro-active role in policy initiatives.

12. Commission research in key priority areas.

13. Promote corporate culture in line with the vision and values of the Council. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT GROUP


To develop and implement frameworks for the management of the Council’s resources which fully reflects the Council’s Corporate Plan.

This will cover:

1) Arrangements for the preparation of capital and revenue budgets in line with budget strategies determined by the Policy Executive.

2) The development and operation of systems and procedures for budget monitoring and exception reporting on revenue and capital programmes.

3) Development of a human resource management framework which is consistent with the corporate plan and equality of opportunity for all.

4) Development and operation of frameworks for delivery of best value in accordance with an overall strategy agreed by the Policy Executive, covering such areas as:-

- reviews of service budgets and operations - performance management - quality management - value for money - risk management - information management

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc APPENDIX 5



1 The Panel shall oversee the management and administration of the Stirling Burgh Common Good Fund on behalf of the Council making such reports and recommendations to the Council as the Panel deems appropriate from time-to-time or as the Council so requires. In particular, the Panel shall report annually to the Council on the management and administration of the Fund detailing the income, expenditure and balances of the Fund.

2 The Panel shall have delegated authority to determine applications for expenditure from the annual income of the Fund subject to a limit of £10,000 in the case of each application.


r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc APPENDIX 6


Stirling Council


r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Page Introduction 1 Background Information 2 The Scope of Stirling Council's Role in relation to Volunteering 3 - 4 Stirling Council's Strategic Policy Framework 5 A Review of the Local Context of Stirling Council's Policy 6 Consultation on Draft Policy Document 7- 8


Statement of Intent 9 Volunteering 10 A Statement of Underlying Principles 11-12 A Statement of Aims of Stirling Council's Policy for Volunteering 13 A Statement on Principles of Good 14 - 16 Practice


Appendix 1 - Membership of Task Group Appendix 2 - Details of Task Group Meetings Appendix 3 - Sample Questionnaire used for distribution to Services within Stirling Council Appendix 4 - Copy of Information received from Services within Stirling Council Appendix 5 - List of Responses to Draft Policy Document

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc INTRODUCTION

On 11 August 1995 Circular No 15/1995 was forwarded to Chief Executives of the Shadow Authorities with copies to appropriate Professional and Voluntary Bodies, COSLA, Health Boards, also Enterprise Companies. The purpose of this Circular was to draw the attention of the new Councils to government policy on volunteering. Building upon The Make a Difference Initiative launched by the Government in March 1994 which advocated an integrated approach to increasing individual involvement in the community, the Circular encouraged Councils to develop and publish a Policy Statement. This Statement would detail ways in which Councils propose to engage volunteers and encourage volunteering generally in their areas. Consultation with local volunteering interests was indicated.

A conference organised jointly by Volunteer Development Scotland and COSLA was organised in response to Circular 15/1995. This major event, held in mid November 1996, provided the opportunity for representatives of the new Councils to come together to focus specifically on the issues relevant to producing a Policy Statement on Volunteering. On this occasion the new Councils were well represented.

Following on from the above conference, awareness was raised within Stirling Council's Services for the need to evolve a Policy Statement on Volunteering. It was agreed that the work to be undertaken would be spearheaded by Stirling Council's Housing and Social Services.

A task group was set up with representation from Stirling Council as well as Volunteer Development Scotland, the Stirling Volunteer Centre, and the New Umbrella Organisation set up to facilitate dialogue between Stirling Council and the Voluntary Sector, namely, Stirling Voluntary Association (SVA). (see Appendix I)

An introductory meeting of the members of the Task Group was held on 17 December 1996 and several meetings have now been held to progress the production of a Draft Policy Document for submission to the Council prior to the consultation process taking place.

It is important to mention that the Policy Officer of Volunteer Development Scotland has produced a document which has been designed to assist the new Councils in producing their Policy Statements on Volunteering. This document will be used for the purpose of assisting with evolving Stirling Council's Policy Document.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc BACKGROUND INFORMATION

Volunteers and their Contribution

1.1 Volunteers contribute to the work of local authorities in many different ways and experience has shown that volunteering can benefit users of services, local authority staff, local communities, and volunteers themselves.

1.2 Circular 15/1995 noted that local authorities have a variety of roles and responsibilities in relation to volunteering in their areas.

They work with volunteers who serve on management committees or in service provision roles.

They fund volunteer groups and projects within the voluntary sector.

They provide opportunities for volunteering in many aspects of local civic life including health, social work, education, housing, advisory services, community development projects, environmental improvements, sport and leisure, youth work and adult learning.

They purchase services provided in whole or in part by volunteering.

They ensure that the Council's policies in general create a climate which supports volunteering.

1.3 The encouragement of volunteering is one of the few areas where a small investment can yield a large return. However at times of increasing demands for services and severe financial constraints, it is crucial that a clear basis is established which defines roles, allocates responsibilities and establishes agreed procedures for the involvement of volunteers in local authority work.

1.4 A volunteering policy recognises the rights and responsibilities of all citizens to contribute to their communities. It recognises the resource implications of volunteering and the particular and unique contributions to be made by volunteers. It also confirms the local authority's commitment to the interests of the users of services provided by volunteers and to the ongoing quality of those services.

1.5 Volunteer involvement extends and adds choice to service provision, and is a resource which local authorities cannot afford to lose. Volunteers are not a cheap

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc alternative to paid employees. Authorities will recognise that involving volunteers is not cost free; it involves staff time and financial resources such as travel/subsistance costs and training costs which need to be identified and covered if effective volunteering is to be achieved.


In the Stirling Council area, a vast and diverse array of Voluntary Organisations make a vital contribution to the economic, social and cultural lives of our citizens and communities. The majority of the organisations have their roots in local communities and/or specific interest groups such as carers, the unemployed, disabled people, also ethnic minority groups. They are, therefore, well placed to identify, understand and articulate the needs and aspirations of communities. The involvement and commitment of volunteers within organisations promotes and encourages active citizenship, building community spirit and civic pride.

Stirling Council recognises the value of the Voluntary Sector and its vital role in enabling the Council to achieve its vision, values and strategic aims.

An important and significant development has been the evolvement of a Voluntary Sector Policy Statement. This development provides the framework for developing a positive partnership between the Voluntary Sector and Stirling Council. Representatives drawn from the Voluntary Sector Alliance and the Stirling Association of Voluntary Organisations (SAVO) together with representatives of Stirling Council were involved and responsible for producing the Voluntary Sector Policy Statement. The aforementioned organisations have now been formed into one organisation namely, Stirling Voluntary Association (SVA).

Another important and significant development within the Stirling Council area has been the enhanced status of the Stirling Volunteer Centre in becoming a Local Volunteer Development Agency (LVDA). As the key co-ordinating and development body for volunteering in the area and an "open door" recruitment centre for volunteers, the Stirling Volunteer Centre will have a key pivotal role in strengthening and supporting the Council's role in fulfilling its responsibilities in relation to volunteering.

Stirling Council provides opportunities for Volunteering in many aspects of civic life. Those opportunities are provided within health, social work, education, housing, advisory services, community services, community development projects, environmental improvements, sport and leisure, youth work and adult learning.

On 1 April 1996, when re-organisation of Local Government took place, Stirling Council inherited a range of service-providing Voluntary Organisations run by voluntary Management Committees. There is, therefore, a very substantial number of volunteers who through their contribution of time and energy can enhance the quality of life for many vulnerable individuals.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc Volunteer involvement extends and adds choice to service provision. The ability to strengthen service provision for housebound people is reflected in the delivery of meals-on- wheels - a statutory service sustained by volunteers who collect and deliver meals to the home situation. Another example is the library service for housebound people whereby volunteers collect books and deliver to individuals' homes.

The need of individuals with learning difficulties, also individuals suffering from physical and/or mental impairment, benefit from the support, time and energy given by volunteers involved in community groups.

Volunteers and Stirling Council are, therefore, partners on many different levels. As a direct resource for projects, tenants groups, sustaining the overall management and running of service providing organisations who are being funded by the Council, Community Councils, and many more. Volunteers are a resource in the Voluntary Sector within youth clubs, sports clubs, playschemes, befriending projects, day centres, essential skills tutoring (adult basic education), and advice centres.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc STIRLING COUNCIL'S STRATEGIC POLICY FRAMEWORK

Stirling Council's values are to:

make access to the Council as easy as possible, and to listen and respond;

organise services to meet the needs of citizens and communities, promoting fair shares for all;

deliver quality services which are efficient and effective;

value and develop all employees equally and delegate responsibility;

encourage open communication and working together across services and with other organisations to achieve the best results; and

promote the distinctive identity and civic pride of the Stirling Council area.

Stirling Council's vision for the area will be:

a good place to live, work or visit, with a clean, safe environment;

an area with a range of good jobs for everyone who wants one, and with equal opportunities in education, housing and other services;

a caring, compassionate community where people are treated with dignity and respect, and are provided with services that meet their needs; and

an area in which people have control and influence over their lives.

Stirling Council's strategic aims are:

Social Inclusion;


Local Democracy and Participation; and


In particular, the policy on volunteering is consistent with Stirling Council's Strategic Aim to promote Social Inclusion. The Council has identified

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc particular themes relating to Social Inclusion. These themes are as follows:

Access; Equality; Information; Choice; Participation; Accountability and Responsibility.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc A REVIEW OF THE LOCAL CONTEXT OF STIRLING COUNCIL'S POLICY

In seeking to identify the pattern of volunteering as experienced by the Services within Stirling Council, a questionnaire was circulated to all of the Services on 3 February 1997 (See Appendix 3 and 4). The response was extremely helpful in setting out the current situation in relation to the use of volunteers by the Council.

The main findings indicated the following:-

- the extensive use of volunteers within some of the Council's Services.

- that Community Services use volunteers to deliver a wide range of services and activities, eg youth clubs and Sports Council.

- the increasing and important role of volunteers in assisting with the provision of services which enables others to be included within Society.

- the improved quality of life for vulnerable members of communities through the time, energy and commitment of volunteers.

- the need for consistency of approach in dealing with volunteers.

- the need to address issues such as training, good practice, ongoing support, vetting procedures, out-of- pocket expenses, recruitment criteria, also Health and Safety in relation to the use of volunteers.

- Council Induction Pack would be useful.

- the need for confidentiality in accessing sensitive information.

- the important role volunteers fulfil in assisting the Council to achieve its strategic aims and objectives.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc CONSULTATION PROCESS

In June 1997 the Draft Policy Document on Volunteering was approved by the Council prior to the consultation process taking place.

In conjunction with the Stirling Volunteer Centre and Stirling Voluntary Association, a circulation list was prepared for the purpose of ensuring appropriate coverage of the wide and diverse array of Voluntary Organisations to be included in the consultation process. In addition a two page summary, and also a response sheet were prepared which accompanied the Draft Policy Document along with its covering letter.

Three hundred documents were circulated the majority of which were forwarded to Voluntary Organisations and Community Groups within the Stirling Council area. The remainder was circulated across Council Services. The period allowed for responses to the document was approximately five weeks and the closing date was arranged for 8 September 1997

Response to Draft Policy Document on Volunteering

The content of the responses received from twenty three sources relate mainly to some textual amendments and issues to be considered in the implementation process of the Policy on Volunteering. Where appropriate the amendments have been incorporated in the document. A full list of respondees are detailed in Appendix 5.

In terms of the overall responses to Stirling Council's draft Policy Document on Volunteering this has been positive, helpful and encouraging. A sample of responses received is detailed as follows:-

"This policy document includes everything I would have wished at the policy level - congratulations!"

"It is encouraging to note that the Council recognises the valuable role played by volunteers and also the benefits gained by volunteers who actively participate in caring for their community. Working together for the benefit of the community is essential and the Council's commitment to implement measures to support volunteering is welcomed".

"I am very impressed by the draft policy on volunteering and find it a very comprehensive, positive document which enhances the role of the volunteer and recognises the valuable contribution made by volunteers".

"A concise, easy to understand document".

"My general appraisal is that logic and common-sense came through in the document".

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc "Comprehensive - helpful".

"Appreciate timescale offered for comments and recognition of value of volunteers. The document is clearly set out and readily understood".

"Having read the draft policy I am very encouraged with Stirling Council's views on volunteering".

"Overall a document which the Voluntary Sector should wholly support - comprehensive and manageable".

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc STATEMENT OF INTENT

The purpose of evolving a Policy on Volunteering for Stirling Council will serve to provide:-

- the principles upon which volunteers are engaged by Stirling Council.

- the means by which consistency across the Services is ensured.

- the means by which the roles, rights and responsibilities of both Stirling Council and Volunteers is defined.

- a Code of Practice governing the relationship of Stirling Council with its Volunteers. The policy also gives structure and identity to this relationship.

- the means by which the purposes, values, standards and strategies of Stirling Council in its involvement of Volunteers is reflected.

- the means by which the expectations of both Stirling Council and its Volunteers are articulated.

- the means by which the Council will fulfil each of its roles and responsibilities for the support and development of volunteering in the Stirling Council area.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc VOLUNTEERING

The commitment of time and energy for the benefit of society and the community, the environment, or individuals outside one's immediate family. This commitment is undertaken freely and by choice, without concern for financial gain, religious or political patronage.

The Vision of Volunteering

First, of a society in which the right of all citizens to engage in voluntary or community action is unequivocally recognised and valued as an essential part of living democracy


Second, of a society in which citizens choose to exercise that right

- because they want to be active participants

- out of a sense of shared responsibility

- because they want to help others

- in order to seek change

- to have a share in their community

The benefits to them, to their community, and to society as a whole are incalculable.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc A STATEMENT OF UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES

Stirling Council:

recognises the important role played by volunteers in the work of its services and the important and valuable contribution made by volunteers to the fabric of the local community in many areas of life, including social and community care, community development, the dissemination of information, environmental improvement, education and advocacy;

recognises that the role of volunteers complements but cannot replace that of Council staff and others who are required to provide the Council's statutory service;

acknowledges the unique contribution made by volunteers to the life of communities, service users, paid staff of the authority and to the volunteers themselves;

gives commitment to volunteering and will implement measures to support volunteering through funding and other forms of help;

will set a model of good practice with regard to the involvement of volunteers;

will ensure that its policies will not adversely affect volunteering;

will ensure that the Council's vetting procedures will be strictly adhered to in the recruitment of volunteers involved with children and vulnerable adults; these may be amended in the light of any government recommendations arising from the implementation of the Cullen Report;

will give recognition, support and publicity to the distinctive work of the Stirling Volunteer Centre as the Local Volunteer Development Agency, the key co-ordinating and development body for volunteering in the area, and as an 'open door' recruitment centre for volunteers;

will aim to provide training and support for volunteers in statutory sector projects, make provision for training and support in grants and contracts and will promote, support and provide training for volunteers managers where appropriate;

will nominate a volunteer liaison officer to monitor the policy, who will ensure consistency of approach across services and will keep staff informed of the work of volunteers;

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc will establish a mechanism by which it can monitor the value and effectiveness of its policy on volunteering; and

will use its volunteering policy to inform and support other policies including those on the Voluntary Sector, and Decentralisation.


This policy statement aims to:

recognise the importance of volunteering to the communities in the local authority area;

actively promote the importance, effectiveness and value of volunteering;

secure greater recognition and appreciation for the contribution of volunteers in society;

mobilise more people to volunteer and improve the ease with which people may participate in volunteering;

improve the accessibility of volunteering to include under-represented groups such as young people, older people, and people from black and minority groups;

ensure the application of policies of equal opportunities in relation to volunteering;

increase the range and number of volunteering opportunities in all sectors;

improve the quality of volunteering throughout all sectors and in all areas of the Council's work and within its local area;

clarify the role of volunteers; address the relationship between volunteers; those who engage volunteers and those who receive their services;

improve the organisation and infrastructure of volunteering and set up channels for consultation with the local volunteering sector through the work of the Stirling Volunteer Centre;

clarify the key areas of the Council's responsibility and practice in relation to volunteering in its area; and

set standards of good practice in working with volunteers.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc A STATEMENT ON PRINCIPLES OF GOOD PRACTICE

The Council in engaging volunteers will accept the following principles:-


It is the responsibility of paid employees to identify ways in which the work of the Council can be extended by the involvement of volunteers, and to ensure that these opportunities complement rather than supplement the work of paid staff.

Opportunities will be given for volunteers to represent their views at senior management level.

The tasks to be performed by volunteers will be clearly defined, so that all concerned with their activities are sure of their respective responsibilities.

Relationship with Paid Employees

Volunteers will not be asked to take on tasks formerly undertaken by paid workers whose posts have been cut, or to work in ways which facilitate a decrease in paid employment.

Volunteers will not be employed in times of industrial action to do the work of paid employees. They may continue with their regular work, but should not be asked to undertake additional duties.

As far as possible, volunteers will have responsibility for carrying out particular pieces of work and will not be used simply to assist paid workers.

Steps will be taken to ensure that paid employees at all levels are clear about the role of volunteers, and that good working relationships are fostered between paid employees and volunteers.

Recruitment, Interview and Selection

All volunteering opportunities will be advertised widely, in ways that are accessible to all sections of the community. Such advertising will specify the task to be undertaken and will draw attention to the benefits and experience to be gained from participation in volunteering.

Written job descriptions will give details of time, commitment, necessary skills and actual duties.

The Council's Equal Opportunities statement will be adhered to in relation to appointing volunteers.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc Volunteers will be placed in accordance with appropriate volunteer recruitment and selection procedures. The Council will implement clearly understood procedures for vetting volunteers who are to work with children and other vulnerable groups.

The Council may request references from volunteers where this is seen to be appropriate.

Volunteers who offer their services to the Council will have their offers dealt with as quickly as possible.

Placements will match the volunteer's skills, talents and interests with the Council's needs.

Once placed, the Council will expect volunteers to comply with existing policies and procedures.

Support for Volunteers

The Council will invest financial and personnel resources for the adequate management of volunteers.

Where appropriate the Council will provide an induction period and a review session to assess the progress of the placement and to resolve any problems at an early stage.

The Council will provide funding for payment of expenses. Volunteers will be given clear information about what expenses can be claimed and how to make a claim.

The Council will ensure adequate provision of insurance for volunteers where appropriate. Volunteers will be given information on other legislation or policies eg Health and Safety, which may affect them.

The Council in engaging volunteers recognises the rights of volunteers:

To know what is expected of them To have clearly specified lines of support and supervision To be shown appreciation To have safe working conditions To be insured To know what their rights and responsibilities are if something goes wrong To be paid expenses To be trained To be free from discrimination To experience personal development through participation and expects that Volunteers will:

Be reliable Be honest

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc Respect confidentiality Attend training and support sessions where agreed Carry out their tasks in a way which corresponds to the aims and values of the authority Work within agreed guidelines and remits

The Council in purchasing services involving volunteers will ensure that:

The role of volunteers is made clear and that satisfactory arrangements are in place for their management.

Information, advice and assistance will be available to voluntary management committees about the handling of the contractual arrangements.

Consideration will be given to utilising agreements to set out the roles and commitments of the volunteers.

The Council in funding services involving volunteers will ensure that:

Funded voluntary organisations adopt similar commitments where appropriate.

The Council in its encouragement of employer-supported volunteering will:

Increase employees' awareness of the opportunities for volunteering through advertising in Council bulletins, pre- retirement courses etc.

Nominate an officer to support, promote and encourage the involvement of employees in volunteering.

The Council will develop its relationship with the local volunteering sector on the following principles:

The Council recognises the benefits of the involvement of the local umbrella groups in consulting volunteers and will establish recognised mechanisms to ensure that the voluntary sector is consulted on the wide range of issues which affect volunteers.

The Council recognises the need for a strategic approach to the development of volunteering and supports the work of the Local Volunteer Development Agency (LVDA), the Stirling Volunteer Centre, in providing leadership in the volunteering sector.

The Council will provide finance and other resources to support the work of the LVDA within the resources available.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc The Council will encourage networking to co-ordinate work, promote good practice and ensure quality of service to the consumer. mi/ka/report/poldoc

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc SECTION 3 Appendices

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc Appendix I


Membership of Task Group:

- Mrs Veronica Burbridge Volunteer Development Scotland 72 Murray Place STIRLING, FK8 2BX

- Mrs Vivien Campbell Stirling Volunteer Centre 15 Friars Street STIRLING, FK8 1HA

- Mrs Cathy Traynor Secretary Stirling Voluntary Association 3rd Floor Municipal Buildings 8 Corn Exchange Square STIRLING

- Mrs Joan Savage Policy Unit Chief Executive's Department Stirling Council

- Vincent Kennedy Policy Development Co-ordinator Policy, Strategy and Resourcing Housing and Social Services Stirling Council

- Morag Inglis (Chair) Voluntary Services Co-ordinator Policy, Strategy and Resourcing Housing and Social Services Stirling Council

- Cath Sutherland Community Services Stirling Council

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc Appendix 2

DETAILS OF TASK GROUP MEETINGS HELD: Introductory Meeting 17 December 1996 Task Group Meeting 28 January 1997 Task Group Meeting 25 February 1997 Task Group Meeting 11 March 1997 Task Group Meeting 29 April 1997 Task Group Meeting 27 May 1997 Task Group Meeting 16 September 1997

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc Appendix 3 Internal Questionnaire

1. Do you access Volunteers within your Service? Yes/No

2. If "Yes", please provide information (eg numbers involved; tasks involved; provision of supervision)

3. Is there provision for payment of expenses to Volunteers within your Service?

If so, please give details.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc 4. Could you anticipate increased use of Volunteers within your Service in the future?

If so, please give details.

5. Are there issues surrounding the use of Volunteers which you would wish to raise in the light of a Policy on Volunteering by Stirling Council?

Please identify below.

Your co-operation in completing this questionnaire is very much appreciated. This support will enable the Task Group set up within Stirling Council to proceed towards the production of a Policy Statement on Volunteering as required by Scottish Office Circular 15/95.

Morag Inglis Chair of the Task Group mi/ka/misc/quest02 3 February 1997

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc Appendix 4 Policy Statement on Volunteering as required by Scottish Office Circular 15/95

Internal Questionnaire Returns

Chief Executives Services

Voluntary sector is rooted in active citizenship and that this is a corner-stone of the Council's Social & Economic Inclusion framework - which is itself a strategic aim of the Council.

The role of the voluntary sector is crucial in fulfilling this strategic aim because it is a clear demonstration of the community sharing responsibility for the places where they live and by their work they are assisting in the provision of services which enable others to be included within society.

Civic Services

**issue raised - access to confidential information or sensitive information which may be gained by accident** Volunteers not accessed within the Service.

Community Services

Volunteers/Youth Clubs; Basic Education Tutors/Volunteers who introduce students to literacy/numeracy; anticipated increase in use of volunteers - demand for voluntary drivers.

** issue raised - cost of training likely to be an increasing issue

Use of volunteers in delivery of service to housebound people - make up collections of books and deliver to users.

** issues raised - expenses for volunteers not registered with WRVS, also some form of ID/verification as volunteers have access to the users' homes; sticker for car would be helpful to volunteer - to indicate that driver is on Council business.

*Extensive use vis-à-vis Stirling Sports Council, hundreds more involved indirectly in sports clubs and organisations.*

**issues raised - (1) introduction of Stirling Council Vetting Procedures would require to be included in Policy ie for those operating in Stirling Council premises.

(2) Council induction pack would be useful.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc Community Support generally is heavily dependent on utilising volunteers to deliver its services; out of pocket expenses eg travel costs

** issues raised - take the opportunity to explain and highlight the increasing and important role of volunteers. Indicate the need for "good practice" in the initial training and ongoing support for volunteers.

Stirling Central Community Education Team has produced a Volunteer Handbook - roles, tasks for volunteers together with selection process etc. are covered in this handbook.

Education Services

Volunteers are used, but relatively infrequently. There is no anticipated increase in the use of volunteers within education services. The main concern over the use of volunteers surrounds the arrangements for vetting. It would be expected in education that basic personal information is obtained from volunteers, that appropriate references are taken up and that a check is undertaken through Scottish Criminal Records Office on possible previous criminal convictions.

Volunteers are used but relatively infrequently. There is no anticipated increase in the use of volunteers within Education Services.

** Main concern - arrangements for vetting.

School care projects, playground action groups, assorted others, including 2 rollerblading groups, opportunities play groups and Playplus.

** issues raised - would not want to encourage the use of volunteers in this area of work with children (it is impossible to guarantee quality using volunteers).

Environmental Services

Use of volunteers within Environmental Action (part of Planning and Environmental Strategy) - Ranger Service/conservation work; expenses previously made available now stopped.

** issues raised - consistency of treatment, training issues, more comprehensive insurance protection; daily rate to cover travel and meal expenses; recruitment criteria (not all volunteers are accepted).

No contact with volunteer groups.

Volunteers not accessed within the Service.

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc Financial Services

Volunteers not accessed within the Service.

Technical & Commercial Services

Work closely with organisations such as Shopmobility.

**issues - The main issues for the use of volunteers is the Council's vetting procedures and then clear funding proposals if any support finance is involved. The Council may find it a useful exercise to build up a register of approved volunteers which services could then draw from. Health and Safety is a major issue. Also, adequate training for the tasks undertaken and driving/operating Council plant and vehicles. A driver policy and reporting procedures document is currently under preparation which makes reference to volunteers.

Housing and Social Services

Meals-on-Wheels Service sustained through use of volunteers; all Luncheon Clubs sustained by volunteers; use of registered voluntary drivers to provide transport for clients of our service; work with volunteers who serve on Management Committees or in service provision roles; fund Voluntary Organisations and Community Groups within the Voluntary Sector.


r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc Appendix 6

Responses to Draft Policy on Volunteering - Stirling Council -

Organisation Education Services, Stirling Council Library HQ, Stirling Council Friends of the Smith Art Gallery & Museum Falkirk Council - Grangemouth Social Work Office Killearn Community Council Kings Park Community Council "Town Break", Stirling Alzheimer Scotland Stirling & District Branch Dunblane Community Council Scottish Childminding Association The Princess Royal Trust Stirling Carers Centre Oxfam National Eczema Society Central Scotland Rape Crisis Strathard Community Council "Town Break" Befriending Service Stirling Initiative Community Forum Victim Support, Stirling Craigard Club, Callander Countryside Ranger Service, Environmental Services Stirling & District Association for Mental Health Community Services, Stirling Council Central Scotland Police

r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc r:\decision\minutes\council\sc091097.doc PROGRAMME OF MEETINGS - 8 WEEKLY CYCLE APPENDIX 7


Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec COMMITTEE TIME 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998

Wk 1 10.30 am 11 12 14 20 22 Regulatory Functions Panel (wk 8)

Wk 2 10.30 am 30 22 19 21 27 29 Children’s

Wk 3 10.30 am 6 29 26 28 3 5 Community and Economic Development

Wk 4 10.30 am 13 5 2 4 10 12 Environmental Quality

Wk 5 10.30 am 20 12 9 11 17 19 Care

Wk 6 10.30 am 27 19 23 18 24 26 Resources

Wk 8 7.30 pm 11 5 7 25 8 10 Council Thursday 13 11 5725 810 Wks 4 & 8 10.30 am 2.30 pm 2.30 pm Planning Panel Tuesday 331 2 8 10 10.30 am

NB Easter - Week beginning 13 April. October Week - Week beginning 12 October 80