Threepenny Guide & Directory for Stirling, Bridge of Allan
Threepenny STIRLINC/BRIDCE Of ALLAN, Dunblane, DouNE, Si niniansjcBannockbiirn STIRLING. BRiiCE cf ALLAN sDUNBLANt STIRLING DAVID MILLER * SOW. ^ BAK&H STREE T >0A PATERSON & SONS' LONDON AND PARIS PIASOFOBTE, EARMOMM, ASD MFSIC S A L K S. The Largest Stock of Instruments in Scotland for Sale or Hire. PubUshers of the Celebrated GUINEA EDITION of the SCOTCH SONGS. SECOND-HAND PIANOFOKTES AND HARMONIUMS. PATERSON & SONS Have always on hand a Selection of COTTAGE, SQUARE, AND SEMI-GEAND PIANOFOKTES, SLIGHTLY USED. THE PATENT SIMPLEX PIANETTE, In Rosewood or Walnut, EIGHTEEN GUINEAS. This Wonderful Little Cottage Piano has a good touch, and stands well in Tune. FuU Compass (6i Octv.) HARMONIUMS BY ALEXANDRE, EVANS, and DEBAIN, From 6 to 85 GUINEAS. A Large Selection, both New and Segond-Hand. PATERSON 8c SONS, 27 GEORGE STREET, EDINBURGH; 152 BUCHANAN STREET, GLASGOW; 17 PRINCES STREET, PERTH. National Library Of S^^^^^^^^^^ -k ^^^^^ i^fc^^*^^ TO THE HONOURABLE THE OF THE ^v- Zey /Ma Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from National Library of Scotland .. ... insriDExi- - Address, . Stirling, Stirling Castle, Back Walk, . Cemetery, . Ladies' Eock, Hospitals, Drummond's Tract Depot, Post-Office, . Stirling General Directory, Street Directory, Academies and Schools, Places of Worship, Sacramental Fast-Days, . Stirling Young Men's Christain Association, Trades and Professions Directory, Stirling Town Council, &c., Commissioners of Police, Sheriflf Court, Small Debt Court, Commissary Court, Justices of the Peace, Stirling Castle Officials, High School, School of Arts, Faculty of Writers, Parochial Board, Excise Office, Gas-Light Company, ... Water-Works, Athenseum Subscription Eeading-Eooru, Macfarlane Free Library, Newspapers, .
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