Quarterly Chronicle • Volume 25, Number 2 • Summer 2019 In This Issue Finding 21 Children: Simple—Not So Simple! Postcards from Around the World—Part III We Shall Remember Them Second Lieutenant Nassau Barrington Stephens Anglo-Celtic Roots This journal is published quarterly in March, June, September and December by the British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa and sent free to members. Unless otherwise stated, permission to reprint for non-profit use is granted to organizations and individuals provided the source is credited. Articles accompanied by the copyright symbol (©) may not be reprinted or copied without the written permission of the author. Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of BIFHSGO or its officers, nor are commercial interests endorsed. BIFHSGO members are invited to submit family history stories, illustrations, letters, queries and similar items of interest in electronic format using MSWord-compatible software, to
[email protected]. Please include a brief biographical sketch and a passport-type photograph. Authors are asked to certify that permission to reproduce any previously copyrighted material has been acquired and are encouraged to provide permission for non-profit reproduction of their articles. The Editor reserves the right to select material that meets the interest of readers and to edit for length and content. Canadian Publications Mail Sales Product Agreement No. 40015222 Indexed in the Periodical Source Index (PERSI) Editor: Barbara Tose Editors Emeritus: Jean Kitchen, Chris MacPhail Layout Designer: Barbara Tose Proofreaders: Anne Renwick, Christine Jackson, Emily Rahme British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa Founded and incorporated in 1994 Charitable Registration No.