"On the third day of Creation,God commands the Earth tow grow a fruit- SOUTH TARAWA ISLAND SITE We learn, imitate, and accelerate the process of building coral reefs in nature bearing fruit tree." ----Hebrew bible for thousands of years, and then perform necessary interventions and repairs according to human wishes.

Kiribati faces serious problems of being flooded with seawater.

This island allows humans to share resources with other living things. The foundation of the island is a layer of coral sand. The underwater of the island is a living . Marine life lives in it. The upper layer of the island is inhabited by humans, and various holes correspond to different functions.

1 Dock 2 Doorway 3 Livingroom 4 Bedroom 5 Outdoor plaza 6 Fish farming 7 Lighthouse

Global climate risk Concept Building process Coral island petri dish Contrast between nature and human We accelerate the natural process of reef formation by planting reef ,which could provide shelter and energy for a variety of creatures, including humans

Collecting wild for breeding The robot can do 3D printing and a. Choosing shallow seas as thesowing island polyps simultaneously. base.

The whole picture of the cultivation container Unmanned submarine monitor coral pests and diseases at all times.

Assembly Growth 01 ORIGINALSEABED

Regional sea level trends in millimeters per year from 1993 through b. In nature, coral reefs grow slowly, with the best mid-2018 with the global average rate removed. All connection ports can be disassembled and assembled freely conditions for corals, we can acclerateAfter dehydrationthe process. of coral bone, Optimum conditions for coral growthartificial smoothing is performed. On this map Kiribati is located in the regions that are most vulnerable to storm surges and sea PH: 7.9 ~8.4 Coral Island Petri Dish level rise, which has been cited as the primary cause for migration. KH: 7-12 dkh Ca : 360-380 Mg: 1200-1450 Climate Change Scenarios: NO3: 10-15 Mean level sea rise (relative to the year 2000) +39 cm inncrease +14 cm inncrease PO4: 0.03-0.08 The manipulator is responsible for harvesting the corals. Unmanned submarine releases +6 cm inncrease Chiseled Gene Sr: 8-10 pheromones to interfere with coral salinity: 3.5 growth. + 2.3 C Change in annual mean air temperature + 1 C 02 RISING SEABED + 0.4 C Collecting wild corals for breeding The robot can do 3D printing and + 15% sowing polyps simultaneously. Change in annual mean rainfall + 7 % c. Strengthen the island base. + 3 % Crustaceans further strengthen the coral reef to 2100 Climate change indicator 2050 prevent it from being destroyed by the waves. These 2025 Thecrustaceans laboratory is fully automated often to provide form optimal agrowth protective The fuel for thelayer lighthouse oncomes thefrom Kiribati citizens have witnessed and a surge in tropical storms and more forceful conditionsedge for ofcorals. coral reefs. the biochemical effects of Coral Island tides over the past 40 years. Groundwater contamination was first reported in the late 1970s and was then followed by and more instances of houses falling into the sea. In the Splash zone and spray zone, we have made necessary artificial strengthening. We grind coral Shallow sandbanks and land area change in Tarawa islan(1941 2019) Machine Organism bone collected during growth and combine with gel to form a dense protective covering on reef rock.

03 STRENTHEN SEABED The whole picture of the cultivation container Unmanned submarine monitor coral d. Using negative pressure tanks so that corals could pests and diseases at all times. grow above sea level.

Design for nature Design by nature

All connection ports can be disassembled and assembled freely 04 PLANTING ISLAND After dehydration of coral bone, Cooperation case artificial smoothing is performed. e. At the same time, with artificial intervention, Coral toxicity releasing and Selective vaccination, the coral Coral Island Petri Dish reef can form the space that humans need. Historical map depicting the coral of Tarawa in Kiribati. It may be inferred that the shallow Sources of toxins: sandbanks described on this map in the northern half of Tarawa were much more visible than they are now.

Environment-Conflict Link and Dynamics: Indirect Heterogeneous The manipulator is responsible for harvesting the corals. Unmanned submarine releases pheromones to interfere with coral 05 CREATE SPACE growth. Tree furniture Tree bridge f. Finally, we drained water, and make the necessary processing to improve livability. The cultured On the one hand, trees can fix carbon dioxide in the air and provide Climate change Sea level Land area Skilled labor machinery can continue the same steps in other area. shelter for all kinds of creatures.

On the other hand, the of trees is an important energy source in the biosphere.

What's more, in southern China, craftsmen can interfere with the growth of trees according to their functional needs. And tree habitat for coral mangrove Migratory birds The laboratory is fully automated to provide optimal growth The fuel for the lighthouse comes from Salt water intrusion External migration 06 SETTLE DOWN conditions for corals. the biochemical effects of Coral Island