Agenda Item 7 East (Inner)
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AGENDA ITEM 7 EAST (INNER) AREA COMMITTEE 22ND FEBRUARY 2005 PRESENT: Councillor A Taylor in the Chair Councillors Akhtar, Brett, M Davey, Harington, Hollingsworth, G Hyde and Pryke 61 Chair,s Opening Remarks The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting of the East (Inner) Area Committee and asked everyone to introduce themselves for the benefit of those members of the public present at today–s meeting. The Chair also thanked Richmond Hill Primary School for hosting this event. 62 Late Items The Chair gave notice of two late items relating to two applications for funding (Minute No. 77 refers) relating to HI8us Youth Video Project and repairs to paths in public open space at Aysgarth Walk. The Chair indicated that in accordance with his powers under Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, he had agreed to admit both items to the agenda as late items of urgent business in order that funds can be released to the applicants. 63 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest reported. 64 Apologies for Absence An apology for absence was received from Councillor B Selby. 65 Minutes RESOLVED “ That the minutes of the meeting held on 14 th December 2004 were approved as true and correct record. 66 Matters Arising from the Minutes (a) Community Centre Consultation Anna Turner, East Leeds Area Management informed the meeting that the Neighbourhoods and Housing central Partnerships Team is undertaking the consultation. The consultation period lasts until the end of the month and the results of the consultation will be reported back to the Area Committee when they become available. Reference was made to Minute No. 52, resolution (c ) relating to comments on the draft pricing and letting policy. Councillor Brett explained that this was not an exercise driven by cost cutting and that the Council was not looking to close community centres but there are a number of under used community centres in some parts of Leeds and resources could be better used . 67 Draft Area Delivery Plan (ADP) Draft Minutes for approval at the meeting To be held on 12th April 2005 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version The East Leeds Area Manager submitted a detailed report and appendix on the Outline Council Area Delivery Plan (ADP) for Inner East Leeds for 2005/2006. John Woolmer, Area Co-ordinator presented the report and responded to Members– questions and comments. The Area Committee expressed the view that it was important for the ”Making It Real£ sections to be owned by and come up from the Forums. It was agreed that the next set of Forum meetings be used to collate and agree the community–s own priorities for inclusion and to be brought back to the Area Committee. RESOLVED - (a) That approval be given to the Outline Area Delivery Plan for 2005/2006 for submission to Executive Board as being: • The area wide priorities set out in sections 2.1 and 2.2 of the report. • The area service plans and area performance monitoring arrangements of Youth Service, Streetscene Services and Community Safety as presented to the Committee. • The £Making It Real£ framework, current drafts and their evolvement as set out in Section 3. • The community engagement framework and strategy. (b) That Area Management Officers be instructed to: • Undertake a consultation exercise with the five Forums on the priorities suggested and detail contained within their ”Making It Real£ section. • Obtain further information from service providers on local commitments they are able to make which meet the area priorities and activities set out in sections 2.1 and 2.2 and any local priorities identified within each ”Making It Real£ section. • Bring back updated versions of the ”Making It Real£ sections to the Area Committee once the next round of Forums has been completed for agreement as the starting point for 2005/2006. 68 Leeds Regeneration Plan The Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing submitted a report and appendix on the District Partnership and the development of the District Action Plan. Stephen Boyle, East Area Manager and Joan Toovey, Inspira Consortium presented the report and responded to Members – questions and comments. RESOLVED - That the contents of the report be noted. 69 Theme Focus - Youth Service Report The Director of Learning and Leisure submitted a detailed report to update the Area Committee on general Leeds Youth Service developments, possible future changes, the achievement of ”Reach£ targets against which the Draft Minutes for approval at the meeting To be held on 12th April 2005 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version Youth Service is measured and ward by ward information on youth service activities in the East Leeds area. John Paxton, Youth Service, Learning and Leisure presented the report and responded to Members– questions and comments. Members expressed their concern about the four page form young people had to fill in. It was also pointed out that the Lincoln Green should be included in the youth service activities for East Leeds. RESOLVED - (a) That the report be noted. (b) That a regular progress report be submitted to future meetings of this Area Committee. 70 Citizenship Agenda - Work with Schools The Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing submitted a report in order to bring the Area Committee up to date with the emerging partnership with school as citizenship is now part of the schools– national curriculum. RESOLVED - That the report be noted. 71 Streetwork Soccer Academy Referring to Minute No. 18 of the East Inner Area Committee meeting held on 7th September 2004, a joint report between the Area Management Team and the Chief Recreation Officer was submitted in order to clarify the position on the work undertaken by the Recreation and Area Management Team in relation to Streetwork Soccer and to seek support in commissioning Streetwork Soccer to deliver activities in East Leeds. RESOLVED - (a) That the contents of the report be noted. (b) That this Area Committee supports the development of the contract with Streetwork Academy to the value of ‘6,000 according to the principles outlined in the submitted report and assurances that the facilities provided by Streetwork Soccer Academy will be used by all the Wards within this Area Committee–s wedge. (c) That a six monthly progress report, including the Academy–s annual report, be submitted to a future meeting of this Area Committee. 72 Leeds Supertram Update The Director of Development submitted a report to update the Area Committee of the outcome of the review of transport alternatives on the Supertram corridors, the current submission to the Department of Transport and the 25 applications to vary/extend the time limit conditions attached to the Supertram consents for the North and East lines. RESOLVED - That the contents of the report be noted. 73 Aire Valley Regeneration - Cross Green Project The Executive Manager, Aire Valley Project Team submitted a report, for information, on a number of projects and initiatives affecting the Cross Green Draft Minutes for approval at the meeting To be held on 12th April 2005 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version Industrial Estate and surrounding areas within the boundary of the Aire Valley regeneration area. The Executive Manager, Aire Valley Project Team, submitted a report for information on a number of projects and inititiatives affecting the Cross Green Industrial Estate and surrounding areas within the boundary of the Aire Valley Regeneration Area. RESOLVED - That the contents of the report be noted. 74 Primary School Replacement Programmes Dispersal of Surplus School Buildings The Director of Development submitted a report to advise the Area Committee of the proposed disposal of surplus school properties arising from the primary school replacement programmes and the potential uses of the sites to be sold. RESOLVED - That the contents of the report be noted. 75 Lincoln Green - Sunken Garden The Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing submitted a detailed report requesting funding from the Wellbeing Budget in order to complete a project in Lincoln Green. RESOLVED - That approval be given to the application to fund the ‘2,000 shortfall from the Cleaner Streets, Greener Spaces work stream as outlined in the submitted report. 76 A-Boards - Draft Policy The Director of City Services submitted a report on the proposed policy and related conditions in respect of A-Boards and other similar advertising boards displayed by businesses for advertising purposes. Helen Finister, Chief Streetscene Officer presented the report and responded to Members– questions and comments. RESOLVED - That the proposed policy be endorsed. 77 Wellbeing Budget - Update The Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing submitted a detailed report to bring the Area Committee up to date with the funding from the Wellbeing Budget. The Area Committee also considered two late applications which were tabled at the meeting relating to Hi8US Youth Video and funding for repairs to paths in public open space at Aysgarth Walk. RESOLVED - (a) That approval be given for the balance of the Well-being Budget 2004/2005 to the value of ‘23,383 to be used for projects within the previously developed principles for the agreed work streams; specifically to develop responses to local problems and needs Draft Minutes for approval at the meeting To be held on 12th April 2005 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version identified through neighbourhood management (local tasking teams) and with the involvement and steer of Consultative Fora. (b) That details of work identified and funded through the neighbourhood management structure, broken down by Forum area, be reported back to this Area Committee for monitoring and provided to the relevant Forum meetings as a regular agenda item to ensure local accountability and ownership.