Maine State Legislature
MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) ,-.__ . r..- . oe-.c~----~,........,,.. ~ ,__,..,. .• -"" ' Public Documents of Maine : BEING THE ANNUAL REPORTS 01' THE VARIOUS PUBLIC OFFICERS AND INSTITUTIONS FOR THE YEARS 1872-73. ' AUGUSTA: SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH, PRINTERS TO TBB 5TATB. 1813. ANNUAL REPORT OJl' THB ADJUTANT GENERAL OJI' THB STATE OF MAINE, l'OR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1872. Published agreeably to a Resolve approved February 25, 1871. AUGUSTA: SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH, PRINTERS TO THE STATR. 18'l 3. ST AT~E OF MAINE . .ADJUTANT GENEP.AL's OFFICE, } Augusta,, December, 31, 18'72. To His Excellency SrnNEY PERHAM, Governor and Cornmancler-in-Chief: Sm :-I have the honor to herewith transmit my report a.a Adjutant General, Acting Quartermaster and Paymaster General, for the year ending December 31, 1872. Very respectfully 1 Your obedient servant, B. B. MURRAY, JR., Adjutant General. REPORT. NEW ORGANIZATIONS. In the month of September last one company of artillery was organized at Lewiston. It is called the Androscoggin Light Artillery, and is commanded by Captain Aurestus S. Perham. It · had at the time of its organization the maximum number of men allowed to a company of artillery, many of whom had been in that branch of the military service during the war of 1861. It has been supplied with a new battery of three inch guns from the arsenal at Bangor, but has not yet been uniformed.
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