Markov Chains
Chapter 1 Markov Chains A sequence of random variables X0,X1,...with values in a countable set S is a Markov chain if at any time n, the future states (or values) Xn+1,Xn+2,... depend on the history X0,...,Xn only through the present state Xn.Markov chains are fundamental stochastic processes that have many diverse applica- tions. This is because a Markov chain represents any dynamical system whose states satisfy the recursion Xn = f(Xn−1,Yn), n ≥ 1, where Y1,Y2 ... are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) and f is a deterministic func- tion. That is, the new state Xn is simply a function of the last state and an auxiliary random variable. Such system dynamics are typical of those for queue lengths in call centers, stresses on materials, waiting times in produc- tion and service facilities, inventories in supply chains, parallel-processing software, water levels in dams, insurance funds, stock prices, etc. This chapter begins by describing the basic structure of a Markov chain and how its single-step transition probabilities determine its evolution. For in- stance, what is the probability of reaching a certain state, and how long does it take to reach it? The next and main part of the chapter characterizes the stationary or equilibrium distribution of Markov chains. These distributions are the basis of limiting averages of various cost and performance param- eters associated with Markov chains. Considerable discussion is devoted to branching phenomena, stochastic networks, and time-reversible chains. In- cluded are examples of Markov chains that represent queueing, production systems, inventory control, reliability, and Monte Carlo simulations.
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