New Britain Papua New Guinea

LEFT TO RIGHT: Clownfish in sea anemone; Portrait of a local villager; Text and photos by Don Silcock Mandarin fish; Local villagers in canoes navigate the Isis River

The island of New Guinea, the taken by Holland in 1898 as an expan- distinct tribal cultures and languages. second largest in the world, sion of their presence in the Dutch One of these tribes, the Dani was East Indies, now Indonesia. only discovered less than 50 years ago is located just south of the The Dutch reluctantly agreed to in 1938 when the US explorer Richard equator and to the northeast Indonesian independence in 1949 but Archibold flew over the remote Baliem of the continent of Australia. remained in control of West Papua Valley in West Papua and saw their It is a remote and mysterious until 1962 when it was ceded to the compounds and sweet potato fields. United Nations and ultimately to The Dani had lived in complete isola- place, believed to have been Indonesia in 1969 in what can prob- tion from all outsiders for over 10,000 populated for 45,000 years by ably only be described as “an act of years. Today, they are West Papua’s the Papuan Melanesian peo- Cold War sacrifice”. most famous ethnic group. Their num- ple, roughly the same time as The eastern half of the island, British bers have grown to around 70,000 New Guinea in the south and German and Wamenda, the main town in the the Aboriginal people have New Guinea in the north, became Baliem Valley, receives several hun- lived in Australia. the Territory of Papua and New dred visitors a month who come to Guinea after WWI when it was taken see these unique people. In 1848 the island was divided up over and administered by Australia. between Germany, Holland and In September 1975, it became the The Britain despite the fact that none of independent country of Papua New is very well established in these countries had actually estab- Guinea. many locations in Papua New Guinea lished a presence on the island at (PNG) and becoming so in the Raja the time. The eastern part of the The People Ampat area of West Papua. The Milne island was subsequently colonized by The Papuan Melanesian people are Bay areas at the southeastern tip of Germany in the north and Britain in an intriguing and diverse ethnic group the main island and Kimbe Bay in the the south, whilst the western half was and comprise of nearly a thousand centre of the island of New Britain


Alan Raabe LEFT TO RIGHT: Alan Raabe’s pontoon boat transports divers up the Isis River; Sunset over Papua New Guinea; Fire Dancer; at the west entrance of Lindenhaven

are prob- com) and Telita ( New Britain The Journey whilst he piloted the boat to our destina- ably the In Kimbe Bay, it is possible to do New Britain is the largest of the islands Our trip commenced in Rabaul, the capi- tion for the first day’s diving. two most both resort based diving from Walindi of PNG and covers an area of 35,500 tal of East New Britain, and reached on a Over the next 10 days, we dived a vari- popular Plantation ( and livea- square kilometers—roughly half the size two-hour flight from the PNG capital Port ety of locations in the Lindenhaven and locations board diving with either Febrina (www. of Tasmania. Whilst diving on the north Moresby. One of the great things about Waterfall Bay areas. I saw WWII wrecks, in PNG. or StarDancer (www.peter- coast of the island has been well estab- diving PNG from Australia is that it is possi- reefs in pristine condition and a great Milne both of which operate in lished for many years, the south coast of ble to leave Sydney in the morning, arrive variety of critters and . Bay is conjunction with Walindi Plantation. the island has remained basically unex- in Port Moresby in mid afternoon, transfer best dived from a and offers I have done four trips to Milne Bay in plored. onto your domestic flight and be on the The South Coast a tremendous variety of diving from the recent years and thoroughly enjoyed the Alan Raabe the owner and skipper liveaboard that night. Although I have to What makes the south coast special is weird and wonderful critters found there, but in April 2004 I decided of Febrina, and now co-owner of Star say, the transfer in Moresby is never with- a fairly unique combination of circum- diving at Dinah’s Beach to the superb to see what Kimbe Bay had to offer and Dancer, has periodically explored the out it’s worries. stances. corals at Deacon’s Reef and Manta’s at spent several days diving from Walindi south coast during the 20 years he has From Rabaul, it is an overnight journey Firstly, the very deep waters of the the cleaning station just off the beach at Plantation on the local sites in the bay lived and worked in PNG. During my trip to the south via the St Georges Channel Solomon’s Trench lie close to the coast- Gonu Gonu Bara Bara Island. The area is and then seven days aboard StarDancer on StarDancer, I learned about the south that separates the islands of New Britain line and the strong coastal currents mix served by three all of whom diving the dive sites out of the outer bay coast and decided to come back to and New Ireland. The currents in this with the up-swells of cool water from the have a great, and thoroughly deserved and Witu Islands. The diving was excel- New Britain the following January to join area are very strong and treacherous, Trench to produce an optimum blending reputation: Chertan (, lent and whetted my appetite for further one of the first commercial trips there. but Alan Raabe is an experienced skip- mechanism that helps feed the ecosys- Golden Dawn (www.mvgoldendawn. adventure in this part of the world. per, and we slept peacefully in our bunks tem and nourish the reefs.


LEFT TO RIGHT: Soft coral; The hull of a wreck silhouettes large sponges and sea lily; Lacy Scorpion fish, Rhinopias; Octopus

Secondly, the south coast of New found in Milne Bay with superb reefs tiating with the head of the local vil- Britain is the second wettest place on and pelagic action usually associated lage, known locally as the “big fella”, earth, which means that in the rainy with the Witu Islands. to dive in his territory. I was impressed season the numerous rivers provide by Alan Raabe’s approach to this, as it another rich source of nutrients. Dive site development was clear that he has a genuine inter- Thirdly, the south coast is a very The south coast really is virgin territory est in improving the lot of the village. remote and sparsely populated loca- and dive sites are still being identified, A lesser person would take the easy tion and there is only one unpaved log- which can lead to some disappoint- route, so common in PNG, and grease ging road that penetrates the dense ing exploratory dives. But once a good the palm of the big fella to secure div- mountainous rain forest that sepa- site has been located, regular access ing access, but Alan appears deter- rates the north coast from the south. needs to be secured. This means nego- mined to avoid this. Basically, the only access to the area is by sea, which means that the reefs are virtually untouched and in some areas can only be described as pristine. Another interesting facet of the south coast is that its wet and dry seasons are the reverse of the north coast—when it’s raining on the north, it’s dry on the south and visa versa! The reason for this is that the northwest trade winds, which bring in the low troughs and resultant heavy rain on the north coast, do not make it over the mountainous spine of the island. Similarly, the south- east trade winds that bring heavy rain to the south coast are isolated from the north coast by the mountains. The result of all this is some incredible diving that combines most of the weird and wonderful critters normally only

Villagers along the Isis River help to clear thick reeds blocking the way to the 61 X-RAY MAG : 10 : 2006 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY EDUCATION PROFILES PORTFOLIO CLASSIFIED adventure New Britain

LEFT TO RIGHT: Coral gardens of the South Coast; Stonefish under camouflage; Bough of a sunken wreck; Grey Reef patrols its territory. INSET: Children wear masquerade masks given to them by the kind wife of one of the divers

His view is that, if properly managed, there the sites. should be three beneficial effects of opening up diving on the south coast. When I look back at the trip there were sev- Firstly, there is the direct payment, propor- eral high points that stand out: tional to the number of divers who use the site, made to a community account opened West Entrance at Lindenhaven up in the village’s name—not the big fella’s. Lindenhaven is a small village in the Gasmata Secondly, the villages have an opportunity to area and as its name suggests the dive site is The strength of the currents mean that it trade both with the boat for fresh vegetables on the west entrance to the village. The corals can only really be dived around slack water, and with the diving tourists for locally pro- and fish life were both prolific and pristine and but it was the site I enjoyed most of all the duced artifacts and carvings. Finally, there is are fed by the very strong currents that course ones we did in the 10 days on the south coast. the net positive effect of introducing a new through the entrance. What made the site completely memorable dynamic of tourism, albeit on a small scale This was probably one of the best reef dives was the end of the dive when we surfaced initially, to an area that has previously been I have ever done, and I can still remember the and found ourselves surrounded by about 20 largely closed to foreigners. burst of adrenalin as we descended on the local kids, some as young as 5 or 6, in their Once regular access is secured, a perma- reef from the dive tender. There was a time canoes. They were all highly excited by what nent mooring buoy is installed to minimize when most reefs would have been as rich as we were doing and it was very clear they had future environmental impact of boats diving this, and I felt truly privileged to be there. never seen anything like it before.


CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT: Divers armed with cameras explore Blue Hole; The Isis River cuts deep into the rain- forest; Curious villagers appear on the river banks to watch the divers’activities

INSET: Children from a nearby village help clear a path for the by using machetes

block the cooling water nowhere of a large number inlets to our boat’s out- of village children with board engines. The only way huge smiles who were very through is with the help of eager to assist us. the local villagers who literally The dive itself is rather surreal— The Blue Hole have to dive down and cut a imagine quite cool blue water in a The Blue Hole is the source of the Isis River path through with their machetes. It’s quite a deep pool that seems to go down in Waterfall Bay, and to dive it means a site to see young village boys as young as 10 forever and where the main features two-hour trip up the river taking everything or 12 swimming against the fast running river are large tree trunks that have fallen you need with you. The trip is spectacular with a huge machete held between their in over the years. In fact, the bot- because you go deep into the rain forest teeth and then diving down to cut the reeds. tom is at 48m, and what you get for that covers New Britain and pass through It is not possible to motor all the way to the going there is a look at a small fissure small villages perched on the riverbanks. The Blue Hole, the closest you can get is about with fresh water gushing out like a fire locals appeared fascinated by our presence 250m to it, and then it is time to carry your hose. A truly adventurous day! and gathered to watch us pass through on dive gear and cameras through the jungle our way upstream. and wade through the river. Suddenly, the Grey Reef The further you go up the Isis River the source of the Isis River appears around the On several dives we saw numerous harder it is to reach its source because the corner. This part of the journey was made grey reef sharks coming up from the river becomes choked with thick reeds that much easier by the appearance from deep in response to our special shark


CLOCKWISE FROM LOWER LEFT Propellar of wrecked WW2 Japanese sea plane; Submerged tank; Bombs liie exposed in the sea plane’s open cargo hold; Iconic forms of a sunken wreck

attracting device—a half full water bottle rubbed vigor- ously between two hands—and aggressively buzzing us. They are significant creatures. Although always wary, they seemed in complete control and appeard to try and tempt us to go deeper as we strived for that perfect photograph. There was never a point where our excite- dive. ment turned to fear. But then again, there was no food It is located in a river close to one of the villages and in the water that would have encouraged the sharks to some fairly intense negotiations were required on the day overcome their natural caution. we visited because it appeared the “big fella” of the I always reassure myself that we must look pretty intimi- village was determined to extract additional payments dating to these medium sized sharks as we are about the from us. The situation was eventually resolved by Alan same size, or bigger, than they are and make a lot of Raabe and his crew, and we were allowed to explore noise. We also don’t emit the kind of signals that attract the wreck. them unless we use tricks like the water bottle, so why Visibility is not that great due to all the sediment on the would they come close? wreck, but on the day we dived it, we could see the full extent of the wreck and the bombs were like magnets Mitsubishi Sea Plane that drew us closer. ■ Lying on its back in 15m of water, with one pontoon stick- ing up into the water and the other broken in the silt, its For more information or to order images directly from bomb doors open to expose the two live bombs still in Don Silcock, please visit: their mountings. This WW2 Japanese sea plane is a great


TOUR OPERATORS & SERVICES Ecotourism Melanesia Ltd Melanesian Tourist Services factNew fileBritain, Papua New Guinea New Guinea Expeditions PNG Tourism Sepik Adventure Tours Trans Niugini Tours History Papua New Guinea is a developing country in the Southwest Pacific. The eastern half LIVEABOARDS of the island is the second largest in the world. In Blue Sea Charters / MV Moonlighting 1885, it was divided between the UK (south) and Germany (north). In 1902, UK transferred its half to Mike Ball Dive Expeditions Australia, which occupied the northern portion MV Barbarian II during World War I and continued to administer the [email protected] combined areas until independence in 1975. After MV Chertan claiming some 20,000 lives, a nine-year secessionist revolt on the island of Bougainville ended in 1997. Climate Tropical climate with slight seasonal MV FeBrina

Today, PNG relies on the assistance of Australia to variation; northwest monsoon (De- WWW.CIA.GOV keep out illegal cross-border activities from Indo- cember to March); southeast monsoon (May to MV Golden Dawn nesia primarily, including illegal narcotics traffick- October) Chamber ing, goods smuggling, squatters and secessionists; Melanesian Hyperbaric Services MV Melanesian Discoverer Government: constitutional monarchy with parlia- Population 5,545,268 (July 2005 est.); 37% below Jacksons Airport, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea MV Telita mentary democracy poverty line (2002 est.); Ethinic groups: Melane- Tel: +675 693 0305 or +675 693 1202 sian, Papuan, Negrito, Micronesian, Polynesian; MV Tiata (UWP specialists, E-6 Processing) Geography Oceania, PNG is a group of islands Religions: Roman Catholic 22%, Lutheran 16%, Port Moresby Medical Service [email protected] east of Indonesia including the eastern half of the Presbyterian/Methodist/London Missionary Society Tel: +675 325 6633 or +675 693 4444 Peter Hughes Diving / MV StarDancer island of New Guinea between the Coral Sea and 8%, Anglican 5%, Evangelical Alliance 4%, Seventh- the South Pacific Ocean; Along its southwestern Day Adventist 1%, other Protestant 10%, indigenous EVACUATION INSURANCE is compulsory for some coasts, it has one of the world’s largest swamps; beliefs 34% PNG dive operators, liveaboards and resorts. See RESORTS & DIVE OPERATORS Coastline: 5,152 km; Terrain: mostly mountain- DAN for information and travellers insurance: Dive PNG - Manus Island ous with rolling foothills and coastal lowlands; Currency Kina (PGK); Exchange rates: Lowest point: Pacific Ocean 0m; Highest point: 1 USD = 3.11 PGK; 1 Euro = 3.75 PGK Jais Aben Resort / Aquaventures Diving Mount Wilhelm 4,509m; Natural resources: gold, Kabaira Dive - Raboul copper, silver, natural gas, timber, oil, fisheries; Language Melanesian Pidgin serves as the lin- Dive Resources Natural : active volcanism situated along gua franca, English is spoken by 1%-2%, Motu is spo- Papua New Guinea Divers Association Lissenung Island Resort the Pacific “Ring of Fire”. The country is subject to ken in the Papua region; there are 715 indigenous Code of Ethics frequent and sometimes severe earthquakes, mud languages—many unrelated Tel. +675 320 0211 Loloata Island Resort slides and tsunamis; Environmental issues: Growing commercial demand for tropical timber is causing Health & Safety Papua New Guinea has a high The Dive Centre - Port Moresby Niugini Diving deforestation of the PNG rain forest. It also suffers crime rate. Please check state advisory consular Sales, Service, Rentals, Air and pollution from mining projects and severe drought; information before travelling to PNG. The degree Tel: +675 320 1200 Nusa Island Retreat Agriculture: coffee, cocoa, coconuts, palm ker- of risk is very high for major infectious deseases; [email protected] Scuba Ventures Kavieng - New Ireland nels, tea, rubber, sweet potatoes, fruit, vegetables, food or waterborne diseases include bacterial and poultry, pork; Industries: copra crushing, palm oil protozoal diarrhea, hepatitis A and typhoid fever; Tawali Resort processing, plywood production, wood chip pro- vectorborne diseases including dengue fever and duction; mining of gold, silver, and copper; crude malaria are high risks in some locations (2004) Tufi Resort IF YOU DO NOT SEE YOUR oil production; construction, tourism BUSINESS ON THIS LIST AND WOULD LIKE TO BE INCLUDED, Source: Walindi Plantation PLEASE CONTACT US AT: [email protected] Capital Port Moresby

65 X-RAY MAG : 10 : 2006 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY EDUCATION PROFILES PORTFOLIO CLASSIFIED THE FACTS AND VIEW POINTS IN THIS SECTION ARE NOT NECESSARILY THE VIEWS POINT & CLICK OF X-RAY MAG. ITEMS PRESENTED IN THIS SECTION HAVE NOT BEEN TESTED BY ON BOLD LINKS X-RAY MAG STAFF, NOR ARE THE ITEMS WARRANTED. INFORMATION PROVIDED IS GUL ‘Fresh’ and CONDENSED FROM MANUFACTURERS’ DESCRIPTIONS. TEXTS ARE USUALLY EDITED FOR LENGTH, CLARITY AND STYLE. LINKS ACTIVE AT THE TIME OF PUBLICATION ‘Todos’ Long Sleeve Rash Guards Stylish long sleeved from GUL. Flat- lock stitched and a styl- This Year’s Hottest ish ladies cut. Can be worn under a to help reduce abra- sion or over your kit to Edited by reduce windage for Gunild Symes performance sailing. Looks great worn All photos are courtesy of the manufacturers Dive Fashion on it’s own, ideal In honor of fashion for extra UV pro- week events all over tection either on the world this time of the beach or in the water. When year, we are devot- choosing your ing this section of the size, remember, rash guards issue to Dive Fashion. should form a smooth, snug fit over the body, a second In the interest of find- skin, particularly when worn ing the top fashions under a wetsuit, they are very stretchy. for scuba divers, we Price: GB£19.95 searched the cyberracks DNA Divewear’s striking Blue Wave tee (left) integrates an intricate wave and zen circle with vibrant blue colours on a long sleeved of designers in several The Seven baseball shirt. Light blue/navy or grey/navy for GB£25, or female countries around the Tenths Co has fitted tee white or sporty grey, GB£19.50. Scuba Trooper world for a selection of been produc- (center) in Denim Blue or Black for GB£22, or Underwater unique and best selling ing consistently Daughters (right) detailed 60s style character design innovative and with more than a nod to a diving Barbarella comes items that will appeal to fresh graph- in Aubergine or Navy blue 100% cotton fitted the sea lover in all of us. ics and a tee. S,M,L GB£19.50. range of apparel renowned Breeze Trousers Narked Extreme for it’s Made from Henri Sport Clothing quality, Lloyd’s durable TP1 The company durability fabric, these trou- believes that our and design. Established sers are the ideal ocean’s are pre- in London in 1994, Seven Tenths is lightweight, water- cious and should be now headquartered on the North proof yet comfort- respected, that we coast of Cornwall and has distribu- able garment. 100% should work and tors in 25 countries all over the world. taped seams, zip fly play in the sea opening, elasticated with responsibility waist with adjustable and care. “Whilst Camaro’s 1mm neoprene swim- belt and zipped ankle people protect the things they love the most, suit fits like a glove, and looks great cuffs make them commercial factors often overwhelm what’s with its bold blocks of color and easy to slip over other right and what’s wrong.” NARKED takes great dynamic detailing. Industrial strength clothes. Item #51080. pride in the quality of their products with all aquawear for heavy-duty fun on Colours: Marine, Red, designs created in-house. All Narked T-shirts the water. 98% neoprene, 2% nylon. Black. Sizes: XS-XXL. are limited to 500 print runs, and therefore, Machine wash, hang dry. Price: exclusive. US$39.95.

66 X-RAY MAG : 10 : 2006 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY EDUCATION PROFILES PORTFOLIO CLASSIFIED fashion Awoon has created Stylin’ Dive a stunning range of neoprene aquawear Threads for women. The suits are designed in 3mm stretch neoprene—per- fect for tropical diving destinations. Choose Fourth Element from styles with a sexy Bringing glamour back to diving is the mission of front zip feature to the designers at Fourth Element who are integrat- halter neck aquas- ing high tech fabric with high style to produce a line uits with ‘smoothskin’ of dive garments, which James Bond himself would be black rubber finish. proud to wear. The designers are using a special breath- Colors: Red, Blue, able, lightweight and comfortable fabric for the gar- Black, Wine, Teal, Pink ments called Thermoclines, which are also fast drying and Smoothskin. Price: with the equivalent GB£54. Buy it online with your credit card thermal perform- at: ance of 2.5mm neo- prene. The garments are made using Polartec® Aqua Shell® fabric. They are neutrally buoy- ant and machine DiveGear USA Boat Coat: Fleece lined Funkyfins “For the very first time, washable, too. Coat with hood and fleece lined pockets. fins with a wow factor!” Funkyfins Fourth Element’s Price: US$150.00. has pioneered a totally new pat- system ented technique which allows can be used as a fabulous graphics to be inserted lightweight wetsuit Designated Diver Classic denim but- into crystal clear fins. Technical or pool train- tondown long-sleeve shirt for men with excellence and physical comfort ing suit. It works dive flag embroidery and sleeveless but- have not been compromised. as an effective tondown denim shirt with dolphin embroi- Good finning action has remained additional ther- dery for women. Price: US$36.00 each. a priority, while the foot pocket mal layer under- has been moulded to ensure opti- neath a mum comfort. Funkyfins is the first wetsuit and only range to combine or semi great technical design and drysuit. Henri-Lloyd’s fashion. Price: GB£27.95 new Fast-Dri incl. VAT. Euro 39.00. READY FOR ACTION: The Thermocline Featherweight range has been tested in some of the most is the lightest Fast-Dri next to skin product in extreme diving conditions in the world. the range, ideal for warm weather and sail- Heat loss from the body can result in ing. It is extremely high wicking, spreading poor decisions. It can lead to exhaustion perspiration and moisture across the surface and accelerate the onset of hypother- area which speeds up the drying process. The mia. Thermal protection is of paramount highly breathable fabric wicks moisture rapid- importance to all divers whether diving ly away from the body – and has a UPF factor in extreme environments or reef walls in of 30-50+ to protect against sunburn.Colours: the tropics, caves or wrecks, they require Dark Navy, White, Light Grey, Carbon, Pink, thermal protection to maintaining per- Light Blue Sizes: S - XXL. formance.

67 X-RAY MAG : 10 : 2006 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY EDUCATION PROFILES PORTFOLIO CLASSIFIED L.L.Bean Wave Gear New close-fitting quick-dry- fashion ing rash guard is made of silky material, which provides sun protec- tion. Nylon/Lycra® elastane fabric feels good against the skin and stretches for freedom of move- ment. Comes in long sleeve, too. Colors: Seedling (shown Dive Junkie here), turquoise, fuscia berry, Urchin has great T’s for the dark mariner and steel gray. Seven Tenths has a dive whole familiy crazy Price: US$29.00-34.00. shirt for you and the kids. about diving and Check out the wide selec- marine life. See their Trail model Pale Aloe Jersey tion of designs with attitude new online collection made of 100% CoolMax® including glow-in-the-dark unveiled this April. polyester feels as soft as Deco Mermaid Semi-Sheer styles. Prices: €14.50-32.95 100% fully combed cotton. Special chan- cotten, Lycra-ribbed neling fibers wicks collar, preshrunk away moisture from CWear slouch hat is the ultimate with re-inforced seams. the skin to the out- in protection for divers who value their Prices: S$18-24 (11-15 USD). side of the fabric skin! The wide brim is firm enough to Designs shown clockwise: where it evaporates ensure maximum protection for the Octo T, Manta Movie, Dive quickly. Comes in head and neck, yet soft enough to Junkie Underwater Recon black, blue ridge, fold up and pack neatly into a pack. Team. www.divejunkie. desert rose, gray CWear sells UV protection shirts too. NEW heather, white Hat price: AUS$25.00 and lapis blue. Price: US$29.00. Cool Shades A hot ticket in dive sunglasses comes from Survival Optics. Check out their Cayman and Aruba models. Price: US$59.99 Depth Row

Chammyz The ultimate beach, casual and water sport pullovers—so popular, even celebrities are wear- One can never have ing them. It comes complete with full size hood with too many t-shirts... drawstring, kangaroo pouch and drawstrings at G’day Mate! the waist. Chammyz loose fitting pullovers provide instant dryness, warmth and comfort after water sports. They give protection from changing weather conditions and wind-chill. So, what are Chammyz made from? Chammyz are produced from leftovers of the paper-mak- ing process (bark, roots, etc.) that would oth- erwise be discarded as waste. Not only are they fantastic on your body, Chammyz are also making the best possible use of nature’s Ninja Diver Glow-in-the-Dark valuable resources. Comes in lots of great colors. Price: US$62.00. Surf Bomber (on models) US$72.00 Innerspace Invaders 68 X-RAY MAG : 10 : 2006 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY EDUCATION PROFILES PORTFOLIO CLASSIFIED Deep Six Divewear The Australian design team is taking fashion dive fashion in a new direction. It is fast becoming the label to be seen in, with interest from the Asia Pacific region to as far away as the U.K, Romania Kelp and the Netherlands. Their latest range is due to launch this April. The Hammerhead T shirt (on model) is the flagship design for Deep Six Divewear catching eyes whenever and wher- ever it is worn. Get yours now from www.deep- or

Cotton Terry Russian Pants Aprés-divewear can be comfort- able, stylish and sexy too. Laguna Fitness online boutique carries a wide selection of delectible sweet somethings to slip into between Long Sleeve ThermaGuard dives like these cotton terry Russian by Girls4Sport is super soft with added pants versatile enough to wear warmth, made of 7.7 oz. Micro Suede with Fourth Element Sweats after a dive or for an evening out built-in shelf bra. Flattering body style with Atlantic Zip Navy Sweatshirt for on the town. Price: US$69.00 the right length in the torso to keep you men and Pacific Zip Washed covered and not ride up as you move. 90% Navy Sweatshirt for women with Needlepoint Fishes Nylon Microfiber with 10% Spandex/Lycra. cool Fourth Element logo are Leather Handbag Flatloc stitching. Price: US$53.00. Short warm enough to cozy up to. Fine handmade needlepoint Sleeve GB£42.00-49.95. Find them at work is hard to come by these US$47.50 days, let alone in fishes! www. ▼ Girls4Sport Neoprene When you want the extra warmth of neoprene out of the water, this sporty jacket is a nice option. With a trim flexibile fit, side pockets and zip front, the jacket is made of lightweight yet super warm neo- prene. Girls4Sport loves this jacket so much, they just can’t say enough about it. Price: US$125.00 Sea Dreams Full Figured Divas Sporty elegance designed especially for women in a full length 2.0 mm sleeveless black wetsuit. Coordinating Girls4Sport Foundation jacket in pink or blue. Lycra trim. High stretch neoprene supports organizations and Bon Prix Swimwear with smooth skin interior. Flatlock stitching. Jumpsuit Sizes 8-14 US$122.00. programs that provide girls of Don’t want to look like you Jacket Sizes 8-14 US$75.00, Jumpsuit Sizes 16-22 US$140.00. Jacket Sizes 16-22 all ages with the skills, support, just rolled out of the sea bed? US$90.00. Full length long sleeved wetsuit with collar. Constructed of 1.0 mm and opportunity to lead active Check out these fab ocean quick drying high stretch neoprene. In aqua and black. Silver and black elas- lives with confidence including togs at not so shocking prices. tic trim around collar, waist and wrists. Smooth skin interior. Flatlock stitching. school sports programs, sports Sizes 4-14 US$119.00 Sizes 16-22 US$139.00. camps and clinics, and heath and lifestyle education. 69 X-RAY MAG : 10 : 2006 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY EDUCATION PROFILES PORTFOLIO CLASSIFIED Armani 2005 Collection Men’s Zip Jacket fashion Navy neoprene zip-through jacket. Price: US$295.00. Neoprene ◄ Haute Couture Then & Now

Louis Vuitton’s spring/summer 2003 collection featured a neoprene coat imprinted with flowers. ►

Rei Kawakubo swimsuit Rei Kawakubo of Comme des Garçons created her first mini Rei Kawakubo The ‘high priestess’ of swimwear collection with Speedo. Japanese fashion combined neoprene The designer, who jackets and skirts with ballet tutus and gets in the pool white raffia hats in her spring 2005 collection. almost every day, ◄ Jussara Lee puts creative design The Brazilian-born designer of Korean in the water. Priced: Combhard Neoprene Designs descent produced this sleek and ele- GB£50-60. Available Thomas Renaud of Biaritz, France, was a surfer who inter- gant neoprene jacket and mini skirt for spring 2006 from ested himself in the properties of neoprene and began her fall/winter 1998 fashion collection. Comme des to design some neoprene products for himself and some Visit: Flagship store: Garçons stores friends. Soon, the production included womens wear and and selected mens wear as well as handbags. ▼ Speedo suppliers.

Neon Neoprene Jackets with digitaly printed psychadelic silks and velvets by Regazzacci. Sponsored and manufactured by Gul International in 2002. or Mission Beach & Santa Monica Handbags Cute totes from California, USA, made of high-grade neoprene, nylon lining, inside zip pocket, zip-top closure. Lots of colorful patterns. Take a tour of California cities andl landscape while shopping—see their online photogallery. Price: US$25.99 and $49.99 ► 70 X-RAY MAG : 10 : 2006 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY EDUCATION PROFILES PORTFOLIO CLASSIFIED Vintage 1940’s Modest coverage in stylish fashion reminiscent of the glamorous Solar Tan Thru Trunks 40’s. Princess seams and bust lining. Stripes fashion Got to have a sexy seamless tan? and prints too. Design your own swimwear. Now you can with the body Price: US$96.00. Wet or Dry flattering swimwear pro- Sun Soaked duced by Solar Tan for men and women which allows Body Glove Babe Couture the sun to reach those A new crop of smooth and private places. www. sexy bikinis, hip huggers and shorts for 2006 are availabel from Body Glove Girl. Check out their new ‘smoothies’, paparazzi and coral reef prints. More Combhard Neoprene Jackets French surfer, Thomas Renaud of Biaritz, designed these won- derfully inventive mod looks in neoprene for men and women. Check out the cool 3D interactive Flash anima- tions of these handsome jack- ets.

Ikanui Aqualeather makes handbags and wal- lets from fish leather. “We transform seafood indus- try waste-streams into glo- bal fashions and accesso- ries.”

Kobuck Neoprene Jacket Features: 3mm premium RadialFlex™ neoprene windproof detachable hood, handwarmer pocket with two Tie Tracks drains, webbing belt started with with quick release, a few paw heavy duty YKK Men’s Endurance Trunks & prints on a silk tie zippers. Crafted Women’s Sculpture Speedo and grew to over 60 by American Inspired by the little black dress, designs including sea Sportsmen for your Speedo’s elegant little black suit turtles, nautilus and scallop shells, comfort against the 2006 Designer Collections for women is made of soft yet dolphins, crabs and trout on silk ties, tri- unforgiving damp feature dynamic designs such as extra strong fabric made eclu- angular silk shawls, two-sided beaded and cold of the out- this Sunflair suit made of fabric sively for Speedo. Their Endurance silk scarves, cotton gauze scarves and doors. Price: US$109.99 from Italy. Designs for full figure fabric is chlorine and colour resist- aviator silk scarves with fringe. Made in www.dakotaworldout- and mastectomy prosthesis too. ant for extensive use in the dive the USA. pool. 71 X-RAY MAG : 10 : 2006 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY EDUCATION PROFILES PORTFOLIO CLASSIFIED manufacturer BCD component Text & photos by Andrey Bizyukin, PhD Editted by Peter Symes DIVE SYSTEM of Italy Made to Measure Dive System BCD

Beautifully located on the Dive System is owned and two finally decided to start their colleagues to be testers for the outer abrasion layers. Their coast of the Ligurian Sea, managed by founders Paolo outright production of their own and give feedback on the Pure Kevlar is a very strong drysuits are Zazzeri and Gioia Ancillotti. Both equipment. The year was 1997, prototypes. Their innovations but rigid material that is manufactured to and just opposite Elba Island, have been attracted by the sea and Dive System, the brand, were well received by the diving traditionally used for flak jackets meet and exceed the we find the Italian port of since childhood, so becoming was named. It has been in community, and business just and bulletproof vests. Therefore, highest requirements set forth by Follonica, with its busy side active divers and instructors as manufacture ever since. kept growing. Soon, Zazzeri and the fabrics used in Dive System the skeptical streets, many small seafood adults was hardly a surprising All Zazzeri and Ancillotti’s dive Ancillotti were able to hire their BCD’s and dry suits contains community. The flagship product career move. In fact, Zazzeri, industry colleagues and close first employee. around 25 percent Kevlar of the company’s drysuit line is a restaurants and religious being a regular participant connections, who were also fibers to make the fabric soft thin compressed processions on holidays. in spear fishing (underwater high ranking course directors Strategy: Innovation and pliable enough for these neoprene drysuit Not much, if anything, hunting) competitions, once and such in PADI, TDI, NAUI, SSI, Having studied the products uses while still making the with protective gives away that this port won third place in the Italian PSI and CEDIP, for the most part and quality of their competition, equipment ten times more Kevlar championships. unanimously recommended the it was clear to Zazzeri and resistant to abrasion than covering. town is also the hot spot The pair opened a two to focus on what was then Ancillotti that in order to take equipment made with The for in Italy. and dive shop that became seen as the future of diving or at scuba equipment manufacture any other material, such Follonica is the home of Dive well known among the least a growth sector—technical to the next level, it was as Cordura, Duratex or city residents. It was diving and equipment made necessary to be innovative Supratex. System, one of the new rising out of the daily work specifically for this field. and come up with original stars in dive manufacturing. at the dive center that ideas as well as employing Drysuits a desire to improve First production the latest technologies in the The top product line of the and make dive The manufacture had its humble manufacturing process. company is the equipment more beginnings in a small workshop Dive System made contact line, which Dive System comfortable where the pair designed, cut, with the Dupont company and makes for all types grew, until sewed and glued their original started using Kevlar as one of of technical one day, the designs. They then asked the strongest materials available diving.

Dive System worker cuts Co-founder Gioia Ancillotti out pattern pieces for at work at Dive System the semi-drysuit 72 X-RAY MAG : 10 : 2006 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY EDUCATION PROFILES PORTFOLIO CLASSIFIED PHOTO COURTESY OF THE CITY OF FOLLONICA manufacturer

Aerial view of the city of Follonica Dive System BCD

material is unique and made to of 1.5 and 3.5 mm in various parts . more order exclusively for Dive System. of the suit. The company has made On the contrary, Zazzeri and highlight One of Dive System’s no compromises when it comes to Ancillotti were intent on thinking from Dive renowned drysuit models quality, and it lends its design ideas to outside the box in this area as well System is the CAVE, made from the recommendations made by some and came up with something novel is the 3.5 mm compressed of the most authoritative participants that would revolutionize the concept wing type neoprene with an of underwater works and experts of semi-dry suits. Again, they applied BCDs for especially strong in long duration and technically a new material—a special soft rubber technical and reliable complex deep-water dives. not unlike neoprene but made for diving. All Kevlar made All Dive system suits come with high . At a depth of 90 their BCDs are specifically for separate boots attached with velcro. meters, the material is compressed by modular with . The boots have rigid soles and are only 14 percent. the option of , the comfortable when diving with fins or This material is then covered, not exchanging deepest cave walking across a beach with sharp by cheap plush, but by fashionable wings. in the world, rocks. multi-coloured lycra, which is elastic BCD range has dives in such a suit. in all directions. Imagine the classic been one of Another model, the Undergarments lycra suit and think of how flexible it the company’s SOLO, is made in one Dive System is also the maker of is, then add the unique quality seals, biggest commercial and a half millimeter thin undergarments, which are both very some more mobility and comfort successes and have compressed neoprene thick and light at the same time. The and the fact that it is practically been favoured by with Kevlar covering and undergarmenst are made out of incompressible at any depth. Now, beginners, experienced comes with a front zipper three layers with Windex on top. The you’ve got a suit that lasts and lasts. deep divers and cave for the convenience insulation properties of these good- But a good suit is not only about explorers alike. of those who prefer looking garments are the equivalent using quality materials; the product’s The MOD BCD comes with an to be able to zip their of 200 Thinsulate, which means they service life is also defined by the glue universal harness, always with stainless suits themselves. Dive will keep you comfortably warm for that keeps the pieces of materials steel D-rings, detachable pockets and System’s SOLO is a serious hours of diving in water together, and each company has a steel or titanium back plate with alternative to DUI’s suits, of only 5 degrees. their own closely adapter for one cylinder or twin pressing their American guarded tanks. counterparts on both Wetsuits secret when The 3К BCD stands out quality and price. Dive System products are it comes in all its simplicity. It The EXP dry suit line, characterized by the use of the latest to glues, is an European which is also made with technology everywhere. Not even in explains continuation a Kevlar combination, is the manufacturing of the low prestige Zazzeri. of equipment a product line created semi-dry suits have Zazzeri and especially for commercial Ancillotti gone the traditional way. Wing divers and comes with a They didn’t want to be yet another BCDs varied material thickness “boring” manufacturer of anonymous One


Dive System regulator

Dive System uses a strong and flexible neoprene-like rubber in their semi-drysuits

manufacatured according to the DIR sport divers want to have and use no time. principle (Doing It Right) favoured by so equipment like the “technicals” or at least Excited, we donned many cave divers. something that resembles the equipment completely new suits and Also worth a mention, is the TEKKY and used by technical divers. went into the water along REC.TEK BCD—modular systems with soft Thus, a new breed of divers appeared the rocky shoreline. The dive harnesses, lots of steel D-rings and the on the scene—“semi technical divers”— took us past a vertical slope and integrated pockets. It is possible to the people, which by appearance seem we enjoyed the rich fish life that is use one or two bladder wings made from to be technical divers, but really weren’t. so characteristic of this part of the cordura or kevlar with these BCDs. It became prestigious for the average Mediterranean. All inflators are fitted with a steel cord diver to look like a deep sea explorer. You A school of barracudas swam inside, which considerably increases probably have one or two of your dive close to examine us before two small their durability and reliability. The buddies who belong to this category. sharks frightened them off and they material, volume and colour of the BCDs Especially for these folks, Dive System disappeared into the blue haze. Dive System BCD can be custom made to order in any developed the NET BCD. It is mounted We had a fabulous dive that took combination. with a new Japanese inflator and comes us down to more than 40 meters to The BCD bladders also deserve special with most of the external attributes of the explore a cave. mention. Previously, bladders were technical BCD even though it has really Our impressions? First, we felt very welded from Cordura, so they were been developed and adapted for normal comfortable at any depth in our 5mm resistant to abrasion and couldn’t be non-decompression dives. semi-dry suits and did not feel cold punctured, i.e. by sharp metal objects of even after an hour and a quarter in a wreck. The problem with Cordura is that Testing water of just 13º C. Secondly, the suits it lacks the necessary elasticity for the Every time Zazzeri and Ancillotti design were very close to being neutrally job and would leave at least a liter of air new equipment, they always send it buoyant. Our BCDs allowed us to in a BCD that should be empty. A diver for testing by various dive-centers. The remain motionless in any pose: on the was therefore required to use additional tests are conducted very rigidly, and it is back, on any one side or even upside to compensate for this extra not necessarily done in a season. After down—with absolute ease. We positive . testing, the experimental equipment enjoyed both the dive and this new Consequently, a completely new comes back to the company for service, equipment very much. Experience was required and a new material study and analysis. All the information says that the two usually go hand in with properties far surpassing the older and experience gathered are then taken hand. ones was developed. All BCD bladders into account and incorporated into from Dive System are now made with this perfecting the design for next season’s Success on the market new material. It is a very dense yet soft testing. Only after thorough testing will Making courageous and innovative and elastic thermoplastic, which cannot any new equipment enter production. decisions has brought the company Deep cave diver, Jim Bowden, uses Dive System be pierced by sharp objects. Needless to say, we did not pass up its well deserved success. Enthusiastic the opportunity to try out Dive System’s responses to Dive System equipment what sets his company apart: Dive System BCD Slaves to fashion equipment in open water when we comes in from everywhere in the world, “We are leading the Italian market Today’s fashion trends in diving seem to were given the offer. A high powered and their popularity seems to be growing in manufacture of technical BCDs and be very much influenced by technical speedboat whisked us over to the island steadily. drysuits from compressed neoprene with diving. The result is that more and more of Elba and the harbour of Porto Azurro in We asked Zazzeri to tell us his opinion of Kevlar covering and semi dry suits with


Get comprehensive informa- event in the world for companies tion on DEMA’s 2006 show at doing business in the click of a mouse. With a the scuba diving, Elba Island bright, new look, the easy-to- ocean sports and navigate website for DEMA adventure/dive travel industries. Show 2006 has been launched ourselves, so the More than 600 quality of our at exhibitors from product relies around the world solely upon us. Providing vital information about the and thousands of “In addition, upcoming DEMA Show 2006 taking dive and travel we have place November 8-11, 2006, in Orlando, industry profession- successful Florida, the DEMA Show website is an als are expected designs, patterns invaluable resource for all exhibitors and to gather at this and new attendees. The site currently features year’s show, which will offer the most materials. We everything from show registration guide- extensive educational program in the are constantly underwater equipment. It will be a lines and a downloadable floor plan to industry. experimenting new factory of 4500 square information on sponsorship opportuni- and researching. meters. It will be the ties, access to the Exhibitor Resource Trade only We are future of technical Center and a link to the official web- DEMA Show 2006 is a trade event open confident that diving. site for the Orlando/Orange County only to industry professionals and is we produce For more Convention & Visitors Bureau to help produced by the & lycra. All these represents original good and really safe equipment for information, visit: exhibitors and attendees plan their trip. Marketing Association (DEMA), and designs, development and patents any diver. However, trading them www.divesystem. managed on its behalf by National by Dive System. In the near future, we should be left only to the experts with com ■ Next Trade Productions, Inc. (NTP). DEMA is plan to expand the assortment and to an understanding of all the subtleties In the coming months, hotel informa- an international organization dedicated increase the volume of manufacture. of diving. tion will be posted to the site and show to the promotion and growth of the Our strengths are having a flexible “In these factors, lies our strength participants will be able to book their recreational scuba diving and snor- manufacture and our quality. The and guarantee of success. Technical rooms online. In additional, informa- keling industry. With more than 1,200 technical diver of today is highly diving is the trend of the time. It is tion on show features like the DEMA members, this non-profit, global organi- individual and every one of them necessary to understand this and to Retailer Resource Center, DEMA Awards zation promotes scuba diving through believes that just his equipment and have a feel for its features and the Party and Silent Auction, a schedule of many initiatives including consumer his dive configuration is unique and essential needs of the market,” said DEMA-sponsored and exhibitor-spon- awareness programs, media cam- correct and that he has unique way Zazzeri. sored seminars and dive training and paigns and sponsorship of the DEMA to do unique diving. Certainly, it is very certification organization presentations Show. difficult to make equipment personal Evolution of technical diving continues. and events will be added to the site. for every such person, but it is possible To meet progress in the field, all Dive The site will continue to be updated More info to try to find common ground and System employees get to work already throughout the year, so check back fre- For more information on DEMA call make equipment that satisfies all these around seven o’clock in the morning. quently for updated information. 858-616-6408 or visit individual requirements. It is in this place where the best Italian For more information about DEMA “For example, if we are producing equipment for technical diving is born. Media Show 2006 visit: a piece of equipment in exactly the Everyday, Dive System becomes more For the media interested in obtain- Companies that would like to exhibit at the right size, in the best quality, with and more popular among technical ing information on the show, all press Show can contact Christine von Steiger at trouble-free serviceability, it must still divers all over the world. The company releases written and distributed on the 1-800-687-7469 x 207 (U.S. only), 703-706-8207 be marketed at a reasonable price. has grown so much that the time show will be posted and archived in or [email protected] The main principle of our company is has come to expand manufacture the online press room. Media wishing To find out about sponsorship opportu- to put all our resources into our own and build a new factory adapted to attend the show will find a printable nities, contact Tom Markusson at 1-800- manufacturing. We do everything for the highest level of technological Media Registration form as well. 687-7469 x 206 (U.S. only), 703-706-8206 or Continuing to be the largest trade [email protected] Co-founder, Paolo Zazzeri 75 X-RAY MAG : 10 : 2006 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY EDUCATION PROFILES PORTFOLIO CLASSIFIED