FPGA-base FM Music An integration of RT-DSP and DMS for Musical Synthesis By Dominic Zucchini

In cooperation with Missouri University of Science Technology OURE Fellows Undergraduate Research Program 2020-2021

With supervision from Dr. Rohit Dua Associate Teaching Professor of and Electrical Engineering

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Abstract: In the field of sound design, no other form of musical synthesis is recognized for its unique timbre like frequency modulation (FM) synthesis. The versatility of this technique was used in many early keyboard , such as the Yamaha DX7, and synthesizer chips for game consoles such as the Sega Genesis using the Yamaha YM2612. Some modern iterations of FM synthesis exist now in the form of Virtual Instruments (VSTs) in Workstations (DAWs) such as Image Line’s Sytrus FM synthesizer. The goal of this design was to integrate the feature set of FM synthesizers such as these in a field-programmable gate array (FGPA)- based environment using the concepts taught in courses such as digital system modeling (DSM) and real-time digital signal processing (RT-DSP). This report covers the methods discovered such as direct digital synthesis (DDS) as well as the limitations and possible improvements to the approach. The features under review will be waveform generation through a numerically controlled oscillator, envelope gain, Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) compatibility, FM using phase manipulation, mixing of signals, the unison effect, and filtering. Introduction: The FPGA-based FM Music Synthesizer is a stereo, fixed-point, digital synthesizer programmed on an Intel Cyclone IVE FPGA with a Texas Instruments MSP430 powered interface and NXP UDA1334ATS stereo digital-to-analog converter (DAC). The system was written in Verilog (hardware descriptive language) HDL code, synthesized using Intel’s Quartus Prime software suite, and tested using the Altera Modelsim simulator. The FPGA acts as the sound generating hardware and incorporates a numerically controlled oscillator (NCO), FM matrix, unison effect, envelope gain (EG) generator, and low and high pass (infinite impulse response) IIR filters as well as a serial peripheral interface (SPI) and other interfaces and a module to store patch settings. With a MIDI-connected keyboard, users can play up to 8 notes simultaneously with 5 voices per note and 4 inter-modulated oscillators per voice. The user interface allows real-time modification of the sound generating system giving users the ability to create rich sounds on the fly for song recording or live performances. The features of the synthesizer borrow concepts from other FM synthesizer implementations and much of the research was done by studying the Sytrus FM synthesizer and finding resources that can describe how its features work. The goal of this project is to address how the concepts taught in courses like Embedded Systems, RT-DSP, and DSM can be brought together to create a useful complex system. The rest of the report will cover in detail how the features are created and how they function. Overall Design: In DSM, module encapsulation defines a hierarchical structure where lower modules are contained and driven by higher-level ones. This design implements this concept with a top-level entity that contains the entire system and sits at the top of the hierarchy. The top-level includes the main modules such as the sound generating hardware (note controller), the IIR filters, memory unit, and communication unit. Below in Figure 1 is the block diagram. Zucchini 3

Figure 1: Top Level Block Diagram The main sound generating hardware is a hierarchical structure of its own starting with the NCO and moving upwards to the FMM/Voice Unit, the Unison Effect/Note Unit, and finally, the Note Controller which resides in the top level. The main sound generating hardware behaves as a multiplexed pipeline of modules. At a given level, multiple instances of the lower module take turns being processed through one piece of hardware. For example, in the note controller, eight notes can be played, but having eight note units is expensive. To avoid the cost, each note is processed one after the other through a single note unit and then mixed. This costs more time but is acceptable given the 96 kHz sample clock is much slower than the 50 MHz system clock. Design Outcomes: To demonstrate the outcomes of the system design, it will be compared with the outputs of the Sytrus FM synthesizer. The system works as designed implementing 4x4 matrix-based phase modulation, up to order 5 unison effect, and the ability to filter. Below a series of waveforms from both the Sytrus FM synth and this project will be compared to show the successful design outcomes. Figure 1 shows the result of feedback phase modulation on a sinewave oscillator. Figure 2 shows the result from Figure 1 with the addition of the unison phase shift effect at unison order 5. Figure 3 shows the result of the waveform in Figure 1 through a lowpass filter. These figures show how the audio signals compare visually. To see and hear the outcomes of the design, please view the videos below. Demo 1: https://youtu.be/yWKJBZ5DGp4 Demo 2: https://youtu.be/83Wzo1gOcug

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Figure 2: Sytrus (left) and FPGA (right) Comparison: Single Oscillator with Feedback Modulation.

Figure 3: Sytrus (left) and FPGA (right) Comparison: Feedback with Unison Phase Shift Order 5

Figure 4: Sytrus (left) and FPGA (right) Comparison: Feedback with LPF Design Limitations: Some design limitations were not considered at the start of this project that have now come to light. These resulted in some mismatches with appropriate hardware and introduced constraints that limited the capabilities of the system. Below are the listed limitations of the design. • The low number of available DSP and memory units on the FPGA is bad for any DSP system which relies heavily on multiplications and delay lines. If the hardware had been provided with more multipliers and memory, then the number of simultaneous notes that Zucchini 5

can be played may have been greater. It also would have allowed for more complex RT- DSP algorithms to be implemented such as reverberation. • The DAC chip initially selected was not stereo and did not easily provide the proper voltage ranges for audio signals. Later, revisions to the communication module were made to integrate a more appropriate DAC with stereo capability, proper voltage levels, and a 3.5mm jack output. • To keep development at a quick pace, timing constraints were note considered deeply through the design process. Unfortunately, this means some combinational circuits introduce large delays and can cause erroneous data to be registered. At low temperatures, the FPGA chip behaves better than at high temperatures. If the chip heats up, then the system can begin introducing glitches and distorted audio. Luckily, the effects of this have not been significantly noticeable. • Not enough time was able to be spent developing a more complex interface. Because of this, users may find it difficult to configure the synthesizer's various patch settings. • The current methods by which certain notes are switched on and off are not perfect. A second note can overwrite a note that is still playing if it is playing because of the release time from the ASDR envelope that has not finished. • Most modern synthesizers have a method for saving and loading patch settings. This way if users create a sound they like, they can come back to it later at any time. No method currently exists on this system, so there is no way to recover certain sounds once they are changed or reset. • Voices are often allocated dynamically so that more notes can be played if notes are using fewer voices. In this design, there is no dynamic allocation and all notes are allocated 5 voices. When the voices aren’t in use, they simply are muted instead of being used to play more notes. Future Plans: Future plans for the system involve addressing many of the limitations and changing current functionality. • Increasing the resolution of several parameters such as frequency, frequency multiplier, FMM settings. • More envelope gain parameters such as attack level, and decay level. • Notes which are pressed again before they finish their envelope will use the same note instead of a new one. • More notes by optimizing the design and utilizing more appropriate FPGA hardware. Using the FPGA-based FM Synthesizer: The use of the synthesizer is simple. Plug in a MIDI keyboard to the SDIN MIDI port and press the keys to play a note. By default, the system will only play sinusoidal tones. To change the tone, modify the patch settings via the rotary encoder and potentiometer. Start with the rotary encoder to select a particular parameter. Then push in the encoder to enable writing to that parameter. Begin turning the potentiometer to modify this parameter’s value. Only certain parameters are changeable via the interface. Table 1 in the Memory module description shows which are user-configurable via the user interface. The provided DAC has a 3.5 mm jack output Zucchini 6 for connecting stereo speakers or headphones. The system currently has no volume control, so speakers with volume control are recommended. Module Descriptions: NCO At the heart of every musical synthesizer is an oscillator that produces a periodic waveform at a desired frequency or pitch. In this design, the oscillator is controlled numerically through a digital system and is thus known as a numerically controlled oscillator or NCO. The design is based on an analog Devices article [1] and was modified for use with the rest of the system. The block diagram for the NCO can be seen below in Figure 5.

Figure 5: NCO Block Diagram The beginning of the waveform generation comes from the value in the frequency register, this is then transformed into a change-of-phase (Δ-phase) value that is accumulated every clock cycle. As values of Δ-phase are accumulated, each value is then converted to an amplitude. Thus, the Phase to Amplitude Converter or PAC outputs a periodic waveform as the phase accumulator counts up and overflows repeatedly. The PAC in the article was a LUT (Look Up Table) of sinewave values. This became a limiting factor in the design as a 16bit precision would require 2*2^16 = 131,072 bytes or 1,048,576 bits of memory. The Cyclone IVE only supports 76,032 bytes or 608,256 bits. To overcome this, the LUT-based PAC was substituted with an algorithmic approach. The algorithm is a 3 rd order polynomial approximation of one-quarter of a sine wave. Through symmetry, the other three quarters are traced. The approximation produces a 0.5% error to the LUT but does not noticeably affect sound quality. This approach saved on memory in exchange for more combinational logic. It uses 8 out of the 132 embedded 9-bit multiplier units provided by the Cyclone IVE FPGA. Another major modification was implemented to the design for system-wide compatibility. As was discussed, the system works as a multiplexed pipeline of single modules to produce the effect of multiple modules in parallel. Zucchini 7

This approach allows efficient use of the hardware while creating rich complex sounds. To achieve this, the phases of each waveform must be saved until the multiplexed system has wrapped back around. Since the system supports at most 8 notes with 5 voices each and 4 NCOs per voice, we need to accumulate all 160 phase values independently. This makes the phase accumulator block 160 times larger adding to the total register bits but is necessary for multiple signals to be produced. In a round-robin fashion, each phase is combined with the phase modulation and phase shift and converted to an amplitude. At the same time, the accumulator adds Δ-phase to the current value and registers the phase. FMM/Voice Unit An important disclaimer for this part of the system is that frequency modulation is achieved via phase modulation this is generally preferable for the sounds it can create and its more robust implementation. The FM and PM algorithms work out the same mathematically and the use of a digital system makes PM much more preferable. [2] For the rest of this report, the FM nomenclature will still be used in favor of PM. Phase modulation works by using the amplitude of one oscillator to shift the phase of another. The carrier is the oscillator whose phase is modulated by the modulator. Many different interconnected modulation schemes can be made when the frequencies of the carrier and modulator are simple ratios like 1:2. Figure 6 shows the effect of a modulator at twice the frequency of the carrier. The frequencies of each of the four NCOs can be set as multiples of the base frequency. This allows more complex FM algorithms to be achieved. The frequency modulation matrix (FMM) takes four NCOs and modulates each’s phase based on user-defined settings. A detailed description of the FMM nomenclature can be found in the nomenclature section below. The matrix implementation is based on the Sytrus FM synthesizer. Sytrus uses 5 oscillators and so its matrix is a 5x5 configuration. This design uses 4 oscillators and thus has a 4x4 FMM. Figure 7 shows the block diagram of the FMM/Voice Unit

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Figure 6: 1:2 Phase Modulation Ratio

Figure 7: FMM/Voice Unit Block Diagram Notice the use of multiplexers and demultiplexers. This is due to the aforementioned multiplexer-based pipeline architecture. Each NCO takes turns generating the next value in their waveforms by applying the previous phase-modulation values and then saves the value. The saved values are used for the next rounds of phase-modulation. Finally, the saved values are Zucchini 9 mixed to form the “Voice” output. The note unit also contains another key module, the Envelope Gain Generator. Envelope Generator This module is an important part of any synthesizer. Many non-synth instruments have different volume characteristics as notes are played. A violin for example fades into its maximum volume in contrast to a piano which is percussive and is at its maximum volume the instant after a key is pressed. A synthesizer seeks to achieve the sound of any instrument and thus must have control over how its volume changes over the duration a note is played for. This is what the EG generator does. The EG generator implemented in this project is a simple four-part piecewise linear function. Each section of the piecewise controls the volume of the NCO output depending on the state of the envelope. The four states are known as Attack, Decay, Sustain, and Release. This is known as ADSR envelope gain. In more complex synths, ADSR can be non-linear. The initial state is the attack state. This occurs right as a key is pressed and ends after a given amount of time. During this time the volume starts from 0 and increases to the maximum possible value. To bring back the violin and piano comparison, a violin generally has a longer attack time than a piano. The decay state follows after the attack. Decay time determines how long a note decays from the maximum to the sustain level. Once the decay time is exceeded, the volume stays at the sustain level. This is the third state which will persist until the note is released. The final state is the release state. Release time applies here by decaying the volume from the sustain level to zero. This is like a violin string that has been left to continue vibrating until it settles. Below in Figure 8 is an example of two differing ADSR EG curves.

Figure 8: Example ADSR Envelopes for Violin and Piano Like in the Sytrus FM synthesizer, EG is applied to each NCO, since there are 4 NCOs per voice, We need 4 EG units. But like the other modules, this too is multiplexed and pipelined to save on resources. Like the NCO phase values, the previous values for each envelope generator must be demultiplexed, saved, and multiplexed into the generator to produce the gain output for each voice. The 4 NCO and EG settings are shared across all voices in a unison effect, so it is only necessary to keep track of the 4*8 = 40 EG values. Figure 9 shows the block diagram below. Zucchini 10

Figure 9: Envelope Gain Unit Block Diagram The ADSR Envelope module processes the instantaneous gain for the four oscillators per note based on the ADSR curve set by the user. The instantaneous state of the system for a single oscillator for a singular note is saved into the Envelope Register, meanwhile, the next oscillator’s gain is waiting for the next clock edge to be processed through the Envelope Gain module. Also, at this time the instantaneous gain is used in the voice unit before the oscillation amplitude is saved and used in the FMM. This allows the EG to affect the modulation as well. The four oscillators for a particular note are processed and the next note is processed cyclically. Unison Effect/Note Unit The Unison Effect is a detuning, phase shifting, and panning effect that greatly adds to the depth of an otherwise simpler voice. The three aspects detuning, phase shifting, and panning each function differently depending on the “order” of the effect, so a description is necessary. The detuning feature is done by creating parallel voices at slightly different frequencies. The order defines the number of voices as well as the frequency difference. The difference is a percentage of the base frequency such that all active voices average to the base frequency. The spread of these frequencies is determined by the detuning parameter. No detuning means all voices are at the same frequency, full detuning spreads the frequencies more. Maximum detuning can sound bad but is available at the user's discretion like it is in other synthesizers with this effect. The pitch shifting aspect either adds or subtracts from the phase accumulator value in the NCO. The amount of shift is controlled by the user. For both the detuning and phase-shifting aspects, higher-order voices are filled into the spread evenly. This means if the order is odd, one voice is left unchanged, and the rest are either positively or negatively pitch and phase-shifted. This also makes the default order of 1 similar to having the unison effect “off”. Zucchini 11

The panning aspect controls how the detuned and phase-shifted voices are shared between the left and right audio channels. If the order is 1, this has no effect and both channels are copies of each other; If the order is even, the positively detuned and phase-shifted voices are sent to the right channel and vice-versa for the left channel; If the order is odd, the un-detuned and unshifted voice is copied into both channels. In this implementation, the setting simply toggles the effect. Below shows the block diagram of the Note Unit which implements the unison effect by cyclically generating the sample of each voice with its given detune and phase-shift and then mixes them.

Figure 10: Note Unit/Unison Effect Block Diagram The Note Unit acts as a key object activating when a key is pressed and deactivating after that key is released. Note Controller The Note Controller’s responsibility is to instrumentalize the synthesizer into a keyboard. A keyboard has keys that can be pressed and released. Initially, all keys are released or off. This means the note units should all be producing zero output until a key is pressed. Once a key is pressed a note unit should continue producing its sound until that key is released. This means the note controller has to know which key each note unit is activated by. Also, the note units must be provided a frequency. A module is used to convert the key number to the correct frequency. This note-to-frequency converter uses a LUT of note numbers to select a note frequency and a frequency divisor. The note frequencies are all the highest octave for A, A#, B, C, etc. Since lower octaves are all inverse powers of 2, the lower frequencies can be calculated by bit shifting the highest octave frequencies. This conversion takes longer than one clock cycle but will ultimately be stable by the time the note is activated. This is due to the communication API discussed later. The note number is the first of three messages. Since the transmission time is Zucchini 12

significantly greater than the system clock, note numbers have plenty of time to be converted to the corresponding frequency before they are used. The note velocity is the measure of how quickly a key is pressed. A light keypress will produce low velocity and vice-versa. The velocity is used as the percent output of the note. A lighter keypress will produce a quieter sound and vice-versa. The values of the note number and note velocity and other parameters are provided by the memory unit which is discussed later. Note activation is important to do correctly so that multiple notes can be played at once, and if more notes are played than allowed, the oldest note is replaced. To do this, each note keeps track of its “age” which is incremented every time a different note is activated. This also means if a note is activated, its age will be reset. For example, if the maximum allowed notes were three and a user plays notes C4, D4, and E4, if they play F4, then C4 would be deactivated and reactivated at the F4 frequency. Another example, if C4, then D4, then E4 is played, C4 is released and then F4 is played, no notes will be replaced and F4 will simply fill the empty spot left by C4. But if then G4 is played, G4 will replace D4. Note deactivation is much simpler. If a note-off signal is received and the note number is C4, then all the notes with that value will be turned off. Typically, this is always only one note with a given note number active, but exceptions to this are handled on the microcontroller side meaning it is possible on the FPGA to have multiple notes with the same value if the microcontroller tells the FPGA it is so. Below is the block diagram for the note controller in which the activation and deactivation block is programmed with the behavior described above.

Figure 11: Note Controller Block Diagram IIR Filter Included before the sample output is an IIR LPF. Two are used in parallel for the left and right audio channels. These run at the same frequency as the DAC meaning it needs to borrow an Zucchini 13

update signal from the communication unit. This signal is a clock at ~87kHz. The rising edge of this pulse is the clocking signal for the filter memory blocks. The filter coefficients are pre- calculated and written to the FPGA as LUTs based on the user-defined cutoff. The cutoff frequency is exponentially scaled from the parameter p in the range from 0-255 to 20-87kHz using the following equation:

28793 1 2 The coefficients were derived based on the impulse invariance technique and the filter was implemented as a modified Direct Form I. Figure 12 shows the block diagram for the IIR LPF. The coefficients β and α were derived from the z domain equation below. A LUT was created for each of the coefficient values for a given cutoff frequency. This allows users to change the cutoff in real-time.

1 The coefficients are fractional values in the format Q0.M that are defined to have a range and precision (or step size) based on the number of M bits used. The range and precision of this number are defined below.

2 1 1 1, 2 2 M was chosen to be 20 for these filters to provide high quality. When the sample is multiplied by the coefficients, it becomes a fixed-point number in the format Q16.20 with 16 integer bits and 20 fractional bits. Because of this, the output of the summing block must be divided by 2 20 to return the sample to Q16.0 format.

Figure 12: IIR Stereo LPF Block Diagram Zucchini 14

Direct form II is not desirable for fixed-point implementation. In Direct Form II intermediate values are allowed to exceed the bit size of the input values requiring the summing block to have an even higher bit count to avoid overflow. The reason for the appearance of M – 1 in the expression is because the MSB is the sign bit which does not add to the precision or range. The filters are connected in series meaning their frequency domain responses multiply. This allows the user to form a bandpass filter by setting the LPF cutoff higher than the HPF cutoff. Memory Unit Digital synthesizers can typically store the parameters of the sound hardware. The collection of a set of specific settings is called a patch or patch settings. The memory module in this project stores the patch settings as well as the parameters for note activation and deactivation. The memory module receives bytes from the communication unit. It is assumed that each transmission will be a two-byte message: an address followed by data. Control signals are shared between the memory module and communication unit to ensure proper data flow. The control signals are called “next_byte_rdy” and “first_byte”. “next_byte_rdy” tells the memory unit that the data is ready to be registered. At this point, “first_byte” is logic 1 which tells the memory unit to register the data as an address. At the same time “first_byte” transitions to logic 0. Now when “next_byte_rdy” is activated the data will be registered to the address defined by the first byte. For example, the unison order parameter is saved as address 0x20. If a user sets the unison order to three. The microcontroller must set 0x20, 0x03 over SPI to the FPGA. Below is the block diagram for the Memory Unit.

Figure 13: Memory Unit Block Diagram Table 1 below shows the memory map for the Memory Unit. All addresses are 8-bits wide.

Table 1: Memory Map for Memory Unit

Address Data Reset Value User Control 0x04 Note Number 0 Restricted Zucchini 15

0x05 Note Velocity 0 Restricted 0x06 Note On (BIT0) Note Off (BIT7) All Off (BIT6) 0 Restricted 0x07 NCO 1 frequency multiplier 1 Available 0x08 NCO 2 frequency multiplier 1 Available 0x09 NCO 3 frequency multiplier 1 Available 0x0A NCO 4 frequency multiplier 1 Available 0x0B FMM 1,1 0 Available 0x0C FMM 1,2 0 Available 0x0D FMM 1,3 0 Available 0x0E FMM 1,4 0 Available 0x0F NCO 1 Output volume 255 Available 0x10 FMM 2,1 0 Available 0x11 FMM 2,2 0 Available 0x12 FMM 2,3 0 Available 0x13 FMM 2,4 0 Available 0x14 NCO 2 Output volume 0 Available 0x15 FMM 3,1 0 Available 0x16 FMM 3,2 0 Available 0x17 FMM 3,3 0 Available 0x18 FMM 3,4 0 Available 0x19 NCO 3 Output volume 0 Available 0x1A FMM 4,1 0 Available 0x1B FMM 4,2 0 Available 0x1C FMM 4,3 0 Available 0x1D FMM 4,4 0 Available 0x1E NCO 4 Output volume 0 Available 0x20 Unison Order 0 Available 0x21 Unison Pan 0 Available 0x22 Unison Phase 0 Available 0x23 Unison Pitch 0 Available 0x24 NCO 1 Attack Time 0 Available 0x25 NCO 1 Decay Time 0 Available 0x26 NCO 1 Sustain Level 255 Available 0x27 NCO 1 Release Time 0 Available 0x28 NCO 2 Attack Time 0 Available 0x29 NCO 2 Decay Time 0 Available 0x2A NCO 2 Sustain Level 255 Available 0x2B NCO 2 Release Time 0 Available 0x2C NCO 3 Attack Time 0 Available 0x2D NCO 3 Decay Time 0 Available 0x2E NCO 3 Sustain Level 255 Available 0x2F NCO 3 Release Time 0 Available 0x30 NCO 4 Attack Time 0 Available 0x31 NCO 4 Decay Time 0 Available 0x32 NCO 4 Sustain Level 255 Available Zucchini 16

0x33 NCO 4 Release Time 0 Available 0x34 NCO EG Enable (Bit Field) 0 Available 0x35 LPF Cutoff 255 Available 0x36 HPF Cutoff 0 Available 0x37 Parameter Display 0 Restricted

Communication Unit The communication unit is an SPI that is slave to the microcontroller and a different interface acting as master to the DAC. Figure 14 is its block diagram.

Figure 14: Communication Unit Block Diagram It is worth noting the SPI module was provided by Jean Nicolle of fpga4fun.com [3] and then modified for use with the microcontroller. The API for the microcontroller to FPGA interface over SPI is the two-byte address, data scheme from earlier. To add, the “first_byte” signal is shared with the microcontroller from the FGPA’s GPIO allowing the microcontroller to know when to send data. The API for the DAC is to provide the bit clock signal and WS signal. WS selects Which Side the audio channel is, so the WS = 1 is the right channel and WS= 0 is the left channel. Logic level transitions of WS capture the last 16-bits as an LSB justified audio sample. WS is required to transition on the negative edge of the bit clock. Figure 15 shows the timing diagram provided by the DAC datasheet [4]. Zucchini 17

Figure 15: DAC API Timing Diagram Microcontroller Interface The user interface and MIDI interface are both handled by the MSP430FR5969 microcontroller. This microcontroller was chosen because it came as an evaluation module with easy programming capability and provided GPIO pins. The MSP430 also offers a variable baud rate generator which is advantageous since the MIDI interface is a simple UART bus at 32500 baud, an uncommon value. The microcontroller is used to interface a rotary encoder and potentiometer which combine to form the interface to modify synthesizer patch settings. The encoder can be turned to select an address defined in the memory map. If user control is restricted, then its value cannot be modified by the encoder and potentiometer. The program running on the microcontroller uses interrupt-based serial data capture from the MIDI controller and analog to digital conversion of the potentiometer and encoder. Messages are then sent to the FPGA using the API described in the communication Unit section previously. Nomenclature: FMM The frequency modulation matrix is an implementation of FM algorithm selection which allows the user to define the FM algorithm based on the configuration of the FMM. The modulation intensities are arranged in a matrix form where each element is a percentage. A row of these percentages is multiplied by all four NCO amplitudes respectively then summed to form the phase modulation value for a given NCO, thus there are four rows and four columns to the matrix. A final column defines the percent output of each NCO to the higher-level system. Below is are the equations for calculating the phase modulation for each NCO where φm,n is the th th total modulation applied to the n NCO, an is the amplitude of the n NCO, and mr,c is the percent value of modulation applied by the c th NCO to the r th NCO:

, ∗ , ∗ , ∗ , ∗ ,

, ∗ , ∗ , ∗ , ∗ ,

, ∗ , ∗ , ∗ , ∗ ,

, ∗ , ∗ , ∗ , ∗ , Voice A voice in sound design is used to denote a single sound generating unit. This may be a single oscillator or a group of oscillators and effects. In this project, a voice refers to the output of the FMM thus after modulation is applied. This was done so the unison effect can be implemented as a sum of panned, frequency shifted, and phase-shifted voices which share the same modulation algorithm. Zucchini 18

Acknowledgments: I would like to thank the OURE Fellows Research program for allowing me the opportunity to do this project. I would like to thank Deepak Kumar Tala of ASIC-world.com for their excellent Verilog HDL programming tutorials. With this resource, becoming a novice Verilog programmer was relatively stress-free. References [1] Analog Devices, Inc., “Fundamentals of Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS)” October 2008. [online]. Available at https://www.analog.com/media/en/training-seminars/tutorials/MT- 085.pdf [Accessed: March 29, 2020] [2] J. M. Chowning, “The Synthesis of Complex Audio Spectra by Means of Frequency Modulation,” Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 526–534, Sep. 1973. [3] J. P. Nicolle, SPI 2 - A simple implementation. [Online]. Available: https://www.fpga4fun.com/SPI2.html. [Accessed: 27-Jan-2021]. [4] Low power audio DAC with PLL, UDA1334ATS, NXP Semiconductors, 2000. [Online]. Available: https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/UDA1334ATS.pdf [Accessed: 15- Mar-2021]