(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Planning Committee, 25/07/2019 13:30
Public Document Pack AGENDA Committee Administrator: Democratic Services Officer (01609 767015) Wednesday, 17 July 2019 Dear Councillor NOTICE OF MEETING Meeting PLANNING COMMITTEE Date Thursday, 25 July 2019 Time 1.30 pm Venue Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Stone Cross, Rotary Way, Northallerton, DL6 2UU Yours sincerely J. Ives. Dr Justin Ives Chief Executive To: Councillors Councillors P Bardon (Chairman) J Noone (Vice-Chairman) M A Barningham B Phillips D B Elders A Robinson Mrs B S Fortune M Taylor K G Hardisty D Watkins B Griffiths D A Webster Other Members of the Council for information PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE WILL BE MEMBER TRAINING COMMENCING AT 10.00am REGARDING PLANNING ENFORCEMENT and UPDATE ON NORTH NORTHALLERTON BRIDGE AGENDA Page No 1. MINUTES 1 - 4 To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 27 June 2019 (P.6 - P.7), attached. 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. 3. PLANNING APPLICATIONS 5 - 98 Report of the Deputy Chief Executive. Please note that plans are available to view on the Council's website through the Public Access facility. 4. MATTERS OF URGENCY Any other business of which not less than 24 hours prior notice, preferably in writing, has been given to the Chief Executive and which the Chairman decides is urgent. Agenda Item 1 Minutes of the meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held at 1.30 pm on Thursday, 27th June, 2019 in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Stone Cross, Rotary Way, Northallerton, DL6 2UU Present Councillor P Bardon (in the Chair) Councillor M A Barningham Councillor J Noone D B Elders B Phillips Mrs B S Fortune A Robinson K G Hardisty M Taylor B Griffiths D A Webster Also in Attendance Councillor Mrs I Sanderson An apology for absence was received from Councillor D Watkins P.6 MINUTES THE DECISION: That the minutes of the meetings of the Committee held on 21, 29 and 30 May 2019 (P.1 – P.2, P.3 - P.4 and P.5), previously circulated, be signed as correct records.
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