a PAcino Kvofcial Cf3 tiii: pAoino Jbbcrltsfr Commtrtial ibbtriisfr Clly nm 3 PUBLISH ED PrBLieilKD AT fmr tivy Saturday Morning, Honolulu, Hawaiian lalanda. OY J. HBLACK. t - IlrttOH ' V oT ctvortlalng. r ii wd t.liaatt SHWrlll. AM.OO Year. i J.tHI for six Month. l I.Vr. 1 I m . 12 i I ifVBinmVrrA v in ltd Foreign iik4cripliii. Is J M I'm r. 0 H ft Line., (h-- lf inci.).. Jl W) f ! CO f l 00 00 $ UO 10 M - - - W- f Th price r ptp-- rs f jr !J (..te mrU,. I Jo 1 00 4 U0 00 S 00. 12 00 I- aWrirtl'in rirl?l tc any part of '- SI Ihe i;c i 4 6J per i..r..(io nih.; 3 "o 4 vo 0 Ou T to' 10 00 00 I'nit'il rt f annum, ir rr t iDrixri, M 3J It lix-.a- l L" - V 11 IM4 (ihr.e d 3 0j 00 4u 10 00 09 IS wh;c! 7 - H M t K 00 IUw.::n and !. f tlAfr. All pay r for o . 0 1 0 8 H u R 4S any rt ..f wi.i b Vt?t'- .jiiZ;jzx: J I IJi.ee. (four .lo ). ( no 6 on lu 00 16 00 00 00 rijrop cUrgt i the pnlwe demauded - li it at .... II 5 -- S2 rv 0 CO 10 00 14 . .. . v- - Uu.trr loiun.... 00 IS 00. 30 00 40 00 the eMt oTi ?e, hirh from 4 to on each news- L'V a, r r - - ' iillli paper. frin cot. t. T)or. IVuio ( U 00 IS 00 43 00 U 00 MM Half Column 00 00 SO Oo! i li It t 00 4S U0 M I r Jriirnoj Patsbls Alwik Aotiici. - M bole Coloaan 18 00 SO 00 44 00 tl X Coromiaication from ail pant of the Pacific will 2 IS 00.100 00.1M M very - always be acceptable lr9- XT Adrertlaera reaiilins In the Kaatern CbiIH 0tte, aaa rr Procs resiling ic any part of th United States, caa pay for their card by rnctolii( nreenUrkt or l'aue4 Htalea the amiant cf subscrpiion darn far this paper in Ftanpa auch amount vtah ta pay Aro-r'.r- sa Piae tt aathef aa4 tkett pti itimpf. card will he Inerte4 a per aboee tahle, for the Uae paid Sar. t-- T BaaineM Cards, eheo ratraio roa a r aaa, are AND FANCY aUowed a diamant rrua theae raut, ahtch are tot Inmlial PtIN aJvertlaement vben paid or eharffed qoartarly. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Single copies of the ADTtarisaa. Ten Ccnta when cbarcad XXIV-N- O. 9. Fifteen Cent; by the dtaen.One Dollar. rr RiLU-nEi- n?rrixo. bcsixess asd addbes VOL. 2d. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, DECEMBER 20, 1S79. WHOLE NO. 12-2- 7 'tDS print' 1 la he h!ht ityle of th art. iorrltstmrrtls. Landing of the Pilgrims, Dec, 22, 1620. Icsinfss Caris. "Susiness CarJs. tTfrtaniral. i Jnsnranrr forbs. BT rCLCCI4 HtM.N. H. S. GRINBAUn & CO., S. CUMMINGS.M.D., rMow THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN " k ! 0. Yorlt Ia now atro'l A mothf r ra ha. filled l-- Bu AXD U'llOLES t K IIOMCEOPATHIC PUT cowiraclor& Th'"' prxml.TtiB bvr lem wld the wooj r;J-- , IMPORTERS GtNKKAL M tKCII AN DISK. SfRCEOV AIand residence, corner of Fart and Br MARINE INSURANCE COMP'Y, WILDER & OH, Qu-:- n 79 strei-ts- , Fort et Church. no29 79 Life. (LIMITED,) AnJ town ti,t np, and fertile are tillej ; o29 Vlaiiee' Biock, Street. taoia opposite the Str L. WAY, ' Insurance Company. Th Ian. I U foil of anil RISKS AT THE LO W ESI Lirrnti ?rn roal." Hopper's Xew Rice Mill. Orders 4CCEPTS clauses in the Policies or this Company E. WELLER, Shop Opposite THIRTY-FOrRT- H are Bryant. M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., AWIAL REPORT. specially advantageous. THEO. 11. DAVIES. Thr Lr'akliii warei .lmh 1 high '79 Prmptly Attended to. A nl5 Agent. Importers and Dealers In ruunl-tKn- MOKWARDINR NO ijPractical . d a n l l coaxt, MERCHANTS,COMMISSION Watchmaker, ASSETS (Cask) 3 8,000,000 At l th- ok1 against a ktonny sky r Kaihomana Street, Honolulu, II. I. I HAVE SECURED A THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMFY CALIFORNIA STKEET, SAN FRANCISCO. 1y 1 Tin-i- r K'nt Ijranrb-- t'Wscd : 214 With M. Eckart, Jeweller. cl5 A N X U A L X CO M E S ,000,000 Issues Fire and Life Policies particu'.ar paid tc FIRST-CLAS- HORSE-SHOE- E An 1 the travy uijXt bung dark Special facilities for and atumion S THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. ALL WILLIAM 0. SMITH & CO,, CASH SURPLUS 7,000,000 OX or Losses settled with promptitude. Th hilU an 1 OF ISLAND watri o'r, COXSIGNMEXTS I'KODll'E STOCK BROKERS. no!5 79 THEO. H. DAVIES, Agent. Wlt-- a a band of exitet mMixl their bark n2 79 IT. A: LUMBER! On the wiH New England tliore. HALL & SON, rnr.HK UNDERSIGNED HAVE OPENED IIA III i:i.i CO., BOSTON BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. E. 0. as. an office on Kaahumanu Street. Honolulu, for the pur Not ait the comjueror A HARD-WAR- K, AND ruiu. .M PORTERS NI DEALERS IN chase and sale of togar and other Corporation Stocks, Bonds MMHE UNDERSIGNED. AGEXTS OF THE They, the trrm heartt-- farn ; 1 Dry Uoods, Pamtt. Oils. and Ueneral Merchandise. Ceneral Agents, M. Boston Board of Underwriters, notify Masteit of Vessel, - and other similar securities, solely on commission. Not with the roll of ntirrini drntna. no 15 Corner Fort and King- Et- - 79 ilarinz had extrience in the management of Plantations and others that all bills for Repairs on Vessels, and all bills securing res- C. for Geoeral Average purposes, must be approved by the Agent Ar.-- l the trumpet that of faiue ; and possessing peculiar lacilities for information 0. BERGER, Spepial Agent, M. PHILLIPS & Co., pecting such stocks as may be pot in the market, they tender of the Boston Underwriters, who must also he represented on - N't a the Urinif coni. their ervice to the community as Brokers, feeling confident all surveys, or such bills will not be allowed.' BUILDING- MATERIALS! M HEAL- - 79 Al A PORTERS AMI WIIOLKStl.K - who may entruat basinet lo Islands. nl C. BREWEK CO., In e an-- in ; M. Boots. Shoes, Men's and ol ivin a.ti.faeiion For the Hawaiian iln. ers in Clothins;. Hats, furm.h.na- Ihem r seek their services. tc a 791 Mo. 11 Kaahamaaa Honolaln Tlxy tiCk the of the doert kI"OU Faocf tioods. fnolS St.. noli 3m WILLIAM O. SMITH tr CO. Tnr nniy Cumpany inmi isues With tLelr hymno of l .fty rheer. 23stAllialxocl, lOaO. BROWN k CO., THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE OFALL KINDS. AniUl the utorin th-- at;. DR. NEILSON, Tontine Investment Policies, IMPORTERS AMI UKAI.KKS I ALES AND SURGEON. OFFICE. Au.l the tar hrard and the a. M. WIN Ed AND AT II1 SICIAN erL&lTS, n liOLAL. ft North-ea- st corner of Fort and Hotel Street. And altle of the dim wood rang 9 Street, 79 Honolulu, it . Being practically an Endowment Policy at the usual Lite th aii Lb? Merchant nl I. XT Especial attention given to Diseases of the Eye, Ear and nates. auou To the anthem of the free ! u ly Ire ! Throat. " And am Prepared to Carry on this Branch INSURANCE COMPANY Tie ocean m;! aoared A. S. CLEGHORN k Co., NOR'WEST LUMBER - of my Business in a manner Satis- Frira bin neet try the white wave'a foam ; IMPORTERS A l WHObesAhii A .- i 0. V. HOUSMAN, Tlie Unlimited Liability of Stockholders t Da.tLaKO IN factory to my Patrons. AU'l the tucking piaea of the fort-s- roared 1 RETAIL aTvIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. SWISS LLOYD MARINE INS., CO. Office, corner 1 ThU wax their welroiue home J Ceneral Merchandise, l Late Canadian Pacific Railway Survey. ASSETS, $26.740, 05.70. 8rs. Fort and Merchant eiireet. oci 79 OF WI NTERTI1 l?R. Comprising all the usual Stock Sizes In There were men with boary hair Comer Queen and Kaahamana OVNERS;OF FINE STOCK LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTFD, AND PAID AT ONCK o4 7'J ly Nuaano St., and corner ron ana uoiei rn Auil Ut ptITiiu Laud ; G. THRUM, do to give me a Call 'I1IIE UNDERSIGNED ARK AUTHORIZED that THOS. Will well I. TO INSURE o25 79 HISHOI' k CO.. Afcnts. Why hal IK"J rome to wither there. CHULAN & CO., TMPORTING AND MANUFACTURING SCANTLING.' V ? - M. Bookseller, News Dealer and Book Binder. to my King Str'fet Shop will be Faith- ON CARGO FREIGHT and TREASURE TRANSATLANTIC . Away from tbelr chihlhotxi'a land i i- A r. 3 Stationer, Uorsesseot I MPORTtllsur anii i. it i OC4) NlKCBilT ST., p I1B tOIT, llOSOLCLO. (79 fully attended to. Krwsu There wan woman' eye. ft CU1NA UWUS tlouolalu. FIRE INSURANCE TIMBER. PLANK, BOARDS, Of descriptions, and in all kinds of Dry Goods. Also, con COMPANY, Lit by her deep loe' tmth ; all C. WEST. H. HACKFELD & Co. Honolulu, April 27th, 1878. . oc25 79 TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD ot IltimljurK. 7 PENCINO and PICKETS. There m manho-ixl'- a brow, aerenely bih. Naaann Street. Honolala. "9 And 6Vry of ENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. BKGUSO. AND UPON the beart youth. c4 79 HONOLULU. O. BBUKLKM. CapitaLOne Million Prussian Thalers. G & COASTERS. 11 SPECIAL PERMISSION What eoubt they tlnn afar ? DR. F. LESLIE MINER, C. SECELKEN CO., 'IIHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN ALSO ON HAND : fcriht JeweU of the mine? H. E. McINTYRE & BROTHER, NO. 6 NUUANlf STREET, On the most Favorable Terms. m. appointed Agents of the above Company are now ready to trjCRCEON ACCOL'CHEl'R. OFFICE . ' The wealth f . the prlls of war ? uh lr. . Hoffmann on Merchant street, Honolulu. AND FEED STORE." Dealers in Stoves and Ranges, W. Q. IRWIN k CO. Issue Polities against Risks of Fire, on Bnlldings, TUwy I GROCERY Corner of King and Port Streets. dl3 79 Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. A anufht a faith'a pare ahrine octllia Honolulu, .Merrhandiae nnd Furniture, Most Complete Stock of . o4 79 U. I. & Copperware ! Ay. fall It boly ground. 2u Tin, Shret Iron on terms equal to those of other respectable companies. Kill where flrxt they trod ; ALLEN & STACKPOLE, Ksip Cosstastlt os Hand CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY. Losses paid for and adjusted here. The JAMES M. MONSARRAT, For particulars apply to They hare left nnatained what there they found HAWAII. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF TINWARE KAWllBlt ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT UNDERSIGNED. AGENTS OF THE oil tf H. HACKFELD A CO., Agents. ' FTe-J- t worth! p Owl. x LAW. Office at J. I. Dowsett's, Quten Street, Galvanized Iron and Lead Pipe, T1IIE Company, have been autborixed to insure risks on CONTINUE THE GENERAL. o23 79 DRV HEDIVOOS) ! WILI, and SUIPr-IN- BLSINESS at the Honolulu. apl9 79 India Rubber Hose, at., &c. Cargo, Freight and Treasure THE me cere- aboee port, where they are prepared to turnitn jusuy from Honolulu to all porta of the world, and vice versa. Kawaihae Potatoea, and such other recruits as are S. B. DOLE, New England Life Co. Scantling ; VARIETY. brated on J. II. W1CKE, nl 79 H. HACKFELD & Co Mutual Ins. Plank, car faced and rough; required by whale ships, at the shortest notice and the T AWYER. v M-- Fort 3YI Is. OF MASS Board, aurfaced and rough; Batteni, law- - moat reasonable tersaa. A aal6 '79 Corner and Merchant streets, Honolaln. or, BOSTOX. The lollawim item occurs in a Xew York OnbluotALA K A IIA UDUHUH.UREMEN and E STREET. Picl ola. Rustic, Lattice, Clapboards. ( jer'i i bill r - To wakinS op in the niSbt p ENDERS, & H. BEMISS LAINE & CO., ONE D00R BELOW HOTEL STREET. Iiioorporatod, 1D3G. or Eve jjjg J J. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. The Oldest thinking joar case, dollars." I II POUTERS IXD CO.tnilSSIOX MERCHANTS, Furniture of all descriptions made and repaired at reason Purely Mutual Life Insurance ALSO. IN STOCK. . . I1KFICE. WAILrKU, MAIL able rates. Good workmanship guaranteed. ap26 79 1HE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING BEEN Co.. the United . . r .... n,nlrA an .M m rnn eirl r I I w " HONOLULU. II. I. L Appointed Agents of the above Company, are prepared in States. . a CI w.1 . lh 1 1 I to risks against on Stone and Brick Buildings A 1V.II ... A ... - .nnl w i, in.t thA t fll - in II A Y. GRAIN AND GEfRAL E. insure fire Fine Asst. of WALL PAPER DEALERS GRAIN GROUND TO 0RDF.R. W. FOSTER,a and on Merchandise stored therein, on most favorable terms. Policies issued on the most favorable terms suit I OC dren He could fiiJ, an4 if tliey don't jou, HOLLlDlXiXt t(U., Order solicited and satisfaction guaranteed Storage for fe SADDLER and'HARNESS MAKER, For particulars apply at the office of T LATEST STYLES. I S HONOLULU below '79 o4 79 F A. SCHAEFER CO. EXAMPLE OF 0.-F()- can't help it." AO NCCANU STREET. Goods. OFFICE, Fort street, Lacas. aulS Fort street, next door to T. Lack, KI11RK PLAX, mporte'ra and dealers in choice Cigars, Tobacco and IPTj NAILS, LOCKS, Apetrifiea woman nas neen uiscoereu near snot Sole agenta lor the Hawaiian Inlands for P. I.onllard C. & CO., Harness and Saddlks Coxstaktlt on Hand. Inaured Age, 35 Year. Ordinary Life Plan u. I twacco. BREWER Co. Tag ana m. o. :-- .... INSURANCE COMFY One Annual premium continues Policy 2 years S days --I!,.i;rie It ia iirpt.sl that l.er husband eaTe Tin n.m... Orders from other Islands promptly attended to. XX UNION " 1 . iM nr Mineral w aters. sc. myl7 79 XT the Two Annual premium continues Policy 4 years days a. " ,...nr.fiiir.r. I ATIOM AND SHIPPING MER. spa-- ly- - li BUTTS, HINGES, filll -- M. A..,.. .nan fa lionnet. mission CHANTS. i Three Annual premium continues Policy 6 years 37 ucr iw l....f " O F S A N F R A N CO . days and sl e wn,i.uu..6,6v.-uvjetrified with astoniehment. BICKERTON, Honolulu, Oahu, (au30 79) Hawaiian Islands. CIS Four Annual premium continues Policy 8 years Id days BOLTS, RICHARD F. & Five Annual premium continues Polioy 10 years 60 days SCREWS, Ac, &. . 4TaT 1 . X "L M. Co., Sailmakers. v OAT m r I J. J T& vai www exchan- - has a dissertation on ijT A w mJ --f sJ 3 A a TWX INCORPORATED, 18b5. An innocent on other Islands JOHN THOS. WATERHOUSE, Queen street, in Mukee's Block, over the U. S. Consul's PAINT & WHITE WASH BRUSHES After the editor ATTOattend the Terms of Courts the n I WE Assets, $i:t,5(6,000! Why the hair comes out." m lend on Mortraires of Freeholds, ry OFFICfc, o. M PORTER AND DEALER IN GENERAL Olllce, Honolala. II. I. snb-jc- w. & COOKE, WHITE LE i D. gets married he will write wholly on other 23i,Merchant Street, S doors from lr Stangenwald's. MERC U AN DISK, Sails made in the Best Style and Fitted CASTLE Agents Losn Paid through Honolulu Agenry my n c Honolulu. I. dtetuiiij; thai too elaiple. Rome Sentinel. au30 Queen Street, 79 with Galvanised Clues and Thimbles. o4 79 FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS .30.000 WHITE ZINC. h.m know is a O. DIC ROUT. LKWSBS. C. M. COOKB Flntfai of nil description sutsde and repaired. FAINT OIL. A youny; laJy written to what G7w. Co., J HO. M MACFARLANE k we IIA M HURG-- AGDEBURG CAST LJE i COOKE, AGEXTS : Thankful for past patronage, are prepared to execute all sure core lor love As other eminent ...... C Vt."(Z o4 FOR THE ilAWH ISLANDS. 79 1- ickne. A r ..1 LEWERS & DICKSON, orders in our line, with dispatch and in a satisfactory manner. f.hjr-iciar- tu rrcTiou-fl- prescribed, c suggest IMPUKTKK HANTS, mhS 79 COMPANY, - hate . . . . aa S..1 ...Tl IN AND BUILDING FIRE INSURANCE d, Ere-teste- fire-pro- of Building, yaeeo uonmuiu, E.4LERS LUMBER WESTPHALIA? LLOYD the same old tioie-trie- d remedy mar- Kobinaon's ri.. u9 Materials. Fort Street. 79 of hamburg. RUEMStf METALLIC and other PAINTS - D e , . , i riage. It has ncter been known to fail. aaasTsroa The Pualoa Sheep Ranch Company, C. C. COLEMAN, merchandise, IIVSURAiVCK COM ! conclusion for the marriage ceremony The Spencer Plantation, uno. ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT, Buildings; insured against Fire on the most P'Y J". - A proper N- AND . , CsllaiAMM, - The Waikapu Plantation, aTIOM M ISSION .MERCHANT AND G E - BLACKSMITH MACHINIST. favorable terms. OF M. GLADBACH, RHENI81I PRUSSIA. ip many of our old fashionable weU- fiujtar Mill. "society linelo A KRAL SHIPPING AGENT, the Hawaiian Islands. V - Machinery. A.. .TA.I30I3II Agent f r - V,:;: dincrt would be: "Wi.at commercial interests Mirrtrcs, Tail A: Walaou's Sugar Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands au9 79 Horse Shoeing my31 79 7m .".if & a i.t, asun- John Hay at Co's Lieerpool and London Packet. Aachen Leipzig In!., Co. Limited, hate joined together, ret not ill temper put Honolulu Line of Packets. "9 aScc. i i.ij3j The Ulasgow and MARREN, M. D. Ofiii"isig,o Work; OP.AACHEN. ) i ii:i:vo)it der!" R. W. ja4 Shop on King street, next.to ('untie & Cooke. '79 YSICI AN AND SURGEON. OFFICE, ' ' s CLAIMS' , AIL.,,' A woman who was cuK.-da- a witness in an as- S. ROTH, IJIIau2 79 WAILUKU, MAUI. ly R & C O., FOR PARTICULAR CO ST. T. BAKER, WILDE ALL sustained by goods arriving here and insured in in Foliee Court re- TAlbOK. as FORT J. companies, have to be sault ctute tried the FIinhurt; MERCHANT Honolulu, II. I. 79 a. WALKKR. . 8. SPALDISO. Wat. O IRWIS.'"' Agents for the Hawaiian Islands, the above undo with the cognisance ol on being asked by the magistrate what JSO. and certified to by the undersigned, in order to be valid. cently, AKCiiri i:crr ami hiii,ii:i: OK THE was the profession of her husband, answered CHAS. T. GULICK, WM. G. IRWIN & Co., . Plans and specifications furnished at reasonable rates. mhl 79 J. U. uLAUK, Agent. DOORS, SASH, BLMB5 "My husband i a bankrupt, sir." Commission Agents, Address. Post Office, Honolulu, HI ja4 79 promptly, J- - Tl 3T XT 33 Xa X . Sugar Factors and (OMI'A.W jj O T Y ACKNOW I.EUuMtN I s . HONOLULU, II. I. MHlAl LIFE l.StHAtE domestic groiiiff. , Yorktown celebration a TO TAKE iu H. - , . ; , At the "blarsted aENTLABOR CONTRACTS and P. TRIPP, Ilinlishmen," after surTeyiii the situation and A ents OF NEW YORK, ' OF CALIFORNIA AND EASTERN lor. . Saddle and Harness Maker, urroundings, said: "I can eil underntand now General Business Agent. t o i ti 1 1, 1, Ia a ii a 1 1 . h l i: office in Makee's Block, corner Queen aud Kaahumanu Naalehu Plantation. II wail. JMakee Plantation. Maui, CORNER OF Largest. MAKE, ALL SIZES. surrendere.1 Yorktown. If n why Lord t'ornwaliis Street. Honolulu apa-i- ly Hontianu Plantation, Hawaii. Waihee Planution. Maui, '.V PROPRIETOR. I owned such a place I would give it up myself." ilea Plantation. Hawaii. West Mini Plantation, Maul, - 3Tox"t XXiixs Strobta. Safest, HTURTOX. of superior-- qualify, now coming in Star Mills, Hawaii. Makee Sugar Company, Kauaij nud and and for sale in quantities to suit by . For Sale in Quantities Baltimore Sun. & CO., All Article in l.ia Line Manufactured with At lo Suit DILLINGHAH D. R. Vida. (Union Mills) llsvr , Kealia Plantation. Kauai, no 19 79 II. HACKFELD CO. Most ' HAIID-WAR- E, jat T9 mid Diapateh. : ' The expression of a boy's face at the end of a M PORTERS NI OEALERSIN Greig Ai Bicknell's (Farming's Island) Cocoanat Oil, enlnrM ' . . AND AT '" traw that lacks two inchos of rcaoMn the cider I I'nion. Fire and Marin? Insurance Co. of New Zealand HONOLULU STEAM DAKL.1Y! Cutlery. lry Good. Paint and Oila. and Oeneral C. WEST, Economical Life Ins., Co. in a barrel is EuppoM.nl to be the model that the Merrhandiae. Swisn Lloyd Marine Insurance Co. of Winterttiur, Carriage Builder, 71 aud 76 R. LOVE & BROTHER, Proprietors;.. . selected in the delineation of Ad im leaving So. 37 Fort Street, Honolulu. 9 jyl9 79 North Western Lite Insurance Co. of Milwaukee Wazoa aud kin;: St., " , artist ap'6 ! " " Ja26Prlceo. , IN WORLD ".' paraJise. Honolulu. (ja25'79) Island orders promptly executed. THE NUUANU STREET. BROTHERS, C. STAND ART, M. S., M. D. It is very difficult to Crvi fault with a dear lit- HYMAN ALBERT Ml LOT. MEDIUM AND X A V 1 UREA AND LACK, Asscts,(i87i)$SO,000.000 a. Iways on hand and made to order. , . l.. tle thfeVvtear-oi- d who buries his head under the M PORT ERS. WHOLES t LE It ET AIL MAKAWAO, MAUI. THOMAS DEALKKsS in clothes and sina-- : "Now I lay me down to sleep. OHICK AM) RIII)K.(K AT CR0VE EAMII. Also, Hater. Soda and Butter Crackers,' Dry Ooods. Clothin;, Hts omishmjr Goods, Ladies' and Contractor and' .Veto V D 4 Builder, York Commercial - Pup goes the weasel." Genu' Boots and Vankee Notion, Arc, Ac. (jyl9 79tO NO. 40 fORT STREET, Now is a Good Time to Insure. JENN LIN CAKES. Ac. , on Capt-Snow'- St. Honolulu. ap2 79 : the shortest notice. Aticertistr. a Building. N 2 Merchant S. ftBAST. T. ROBKKT80S. will attend to all orders in the W SHIP BREAD REBAKED says six books XO.NK Ul' r TIRST-CLAS- S RISKS TARE. FAMILY BREAD, made of the Best Flour, baked daily and Honolulu Jivteph Cook that there are i Ke.' & . & (.K.VKBAL a.5 79 always on have mostly, made him what he is. And BUSH, GRANT ROBERTSON, LOCK, Gl RKI'AIR LIE band. that A. W. rs to A 8. Cleghorn A Co.) BREJD OF THE ($ucces ne win special to cleaning, repairing reg- if. B.BROtrn BEST ' QUJLITV Boston fathers want to know the names of these AMI PROVISION DEALER. give attention and ' . o4 79 KOCER Grocery and Feed Store, IN FANCY AND STAPLE URT ulating Sewing Machines, and all other kinds of Light Machinery NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE team book, so that they may keep them out of the C Family DEALERS every description Millinery and Dress Xr Order entrosted to me (rom the other island will be and Metal Work of erery description, llmcliXMit hing, reach of titstr sons. iiorristoven Herald. attended to. 3 It Fort Street. Honolulu. apl 79 making Department attached. Orders from the other islands ALSO. ON II AN D AND FOR SALE CHEAP, INSURANCE CO., METROPOLITAN MARKET, promptly promptly attended to. Corner of Fort and Hotel Streeta. g: A shirt of strong chain mail is now worn by jya .9 A Sewing- - LONDON AND EDINIIUROII. waller, h the Czar ol Russia. We presume Alexander's BISHOP & CO., BANKERS, Variety of Machines, Pure Bred Aylesbury Ducks. Home Fed Turkeys. Plant object is to cut down the dimensions of his wasb H. HALES Cans, Pistols, Shot, Ammunition, ESTABLISHED, 1809. K1NU STREET. HONOLVLU. c4 79 a NOLL LC. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. DR. B. f bill, but it looks rather small in a man of his 1 1 DRAW EXCHANGE ON S PREPARED TO CA RRY ON THE VET- MACHINE OIL, NEEDLES, &c., Arc. WAILUKU POI FACTORY, at- ERINARY PRACTICE on the Island of Hawaii, in the CAPITA L 2.000.000 Let y u laundry list alone. Alec, and Head-quarte- Sewing Machine Tuckers, Hinders, and all line. Sl IRAMISHI, District of llamakua at Ookaia. Is thankful other extra and 1 4 8 ESPLANADE, Honolulu, H. I. . Hos-to- n THE l CILIlOIltll. duplicate of on Arrainulnteil nnd Invealed Ftsnd. ,097.2 OF I A I MANUFACTURED tend to the Nrhilis-ts- That's our advice. BlK public for past parts Machines supplied short notice Q.UALITV PA TBKia auvsrs to the palronane Best Machine Twist. X BEST All orders filled with dispatch. aiD is Ookaia, District. Hawaii, I a, 1S79. om- - XT A P-- Transcript. Uamakua June juit UNDERSIGNED HAVE BEEN 1 BAILEY 4r COLCORD, . 1 SOLS AGENT I!l THIS KIXGDOlf FOB fflHEPOINTED AGENTS lor the Sandwioh islands, and are ' Tea Nw Timor. New erk, mylO 79 Wailuku, Maai. , Manulsc.tures all kinds of SMITH, The Florence Sewing Machine, from $10 to $80. authorised to Insure against Fire upon favorable terms. Ha drew La his breath, with a :ajtng sob, Hal. Pnria. WILLIAM 0. White Sewing M chine, Irom $45 to $75. Risks taken in any part of the Islands on Stork and Wood-E- A Ut., Mouldings, Ulndow Dawn With a qaiTerlUrf voi.-- be nan ; atrklnatti. TTORNEY AT LAW. Office Kaahumanu Home Shuttle Sewing Machine. $13 to $35. Buildings, nd Merchandise stored therein, Dwelling Houses WAILUKU PLANTATION! Braclrts, Franrt, Kahrt, A Honolulu, (next door to Cecil 3rown, t.sq.) myJl Including 79 Furniture, Coals, Ships in harbor with or without . Caiah. But hi vol. ti"k4t out, and could ort drown B ORPOBATIO, all extraa. au9 and t'imrr. U, M All. CROP OF Blinds and all kinds T Waadwtrk TIIK OBlF.TAL L0X0. cargoes or under repair. WAILUK by BREWER A Co.,1878 ; lK Sale C. The a.'conipant.t'a clameroua bang ap5 791 ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO. 79 3m laDTIIII SBAIIC1TSIS --s5L- fel Agents. TURNING AND SCROLL SAWING. 4. H l.wt hla pit. h im the mid. lie A ; 1a. E. B. THOMAS, He faltered on lower ; llasiatei(. All kinds of l Syatnry. and smitn, & ! Sl-GAI- 4,4 BRICKLAYER BUILDER. Boston Board of Underwriters And foundered, at like battered wreck Mrlboarar. Fort Street, KAUPIRUEA PLANTATION Banking P19 79 PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Planing and Sawing, Adrift n lUe wil.1. C. And Transact a General Bomea. Setting Steam Boilers. Furnacee. Baker's Ovens and for the Hawaiian lands, N'CW COMING IN, bih IMPORTER AND DEALER IN t AGENTS c & co- - Ranges, and all kinds of Heating Apparatus. Also, Variegated brewer AND FOR SALE IX LOTS TO SUIT Morticing and Tenoning. WILDER & CO., Meriden Triple Plated Ware, Glassware, Concrete Sidewalks. All Work entrusted to me will be execu- ted promptly, and on ! One thousand shingles, says a newspaper para- King's Combination Sietacles & Eye Glasses, recsonable terms. Philadelphia Board of Underwriters PURCHASERS. BY IN LUMBER. PAINTS, OIL, Address through the Post Office. feS '79 A graph, will cover one hundred sqaare feet of sur- DEALERS and Building Material, of erery kind. Vases, Luatral Wire for the Hawaiian lulnsda, FONO. Brackets, Ware, AGENTS C. BREWER A CO. Honolulu, June 1st, 187T ja25 79 ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED, ( face. One shingle, by the way. will cover six ap5 79 Corner Fort and Queen St. ly Fancy Soaps, Picture Frames, W and Work inches of bad boy, and if properly applied, C. E. WILLIAMS, VIS-- Guaranteed. square Wostenholm's Pocket Knives, TOTlCE. MASTERS OF VESSELS Orders fiom the other islands solicited. will be productive of as much benefit and more ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., Manufacturer, Importer and Dealer in 11 ITING this port in a disabled condition and insured in Honolulu, May 2, 1879. tnyS tf Scissors, Pistols, Powder, Shot fc Ammunition. any of the Boston and Philadelphia Offices must have their HONOLULU SOAP WORKS. one thousand ehinglcs on one hun- MERC- Ja XT ISO" noise than the AND COMMISSION Clark's Spool Cotton, Machine Oil, T TJ It 33 reports and accounts duly certified to by us. dred square feet of surface. Figures won't lie. IMPORTERS HANTS, OFII EVERYI mh8 79 O. BREWER & CO. Iclco, Honolulu, Merchant Streets. mhl5 79 ly DESCRIPTION. yorrisfTxcn Herald. Corner of Fort and ! Furniture Ware Room oo Fort street ; Workshop at All Kinds of Machine Needles the old stand. Hotel street, near Fort. Buninrn. of the above concern having THE OLD CORHTER 't ''he1 During an election in a certain locality a tem- THEO. H. DAVIES, N . B. Orders from the other islands promptly attended to. UNION been transferred to 1) " - . - 79 perance candidate cai!d up in a rumseller, and AND COMMISSION MERC- " OMESTIC PA PER FA SI1WS. aula Fire and Marine Insurance Co., solicited bit vote. "1 would rather vote for the IMPORTER HANT, tent roa Sole Agent for Liverpool Underwriter. Northern Assurance : - - Evil One Himself than for you," was the savage Lloyds'aod the P. D ALTON, Or NEW ZEALAND, e- He hereby gives notice that the manufacture of Coffee and Billiard Saloon. h Cnmpauy, and British and Foreign Marine Insurance UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED " i response. "ies, I know." sid the candidate, Company. THE Saririlr CAPITAL. : : . sio.ooo.ooo. in case your friend should cot bo nomina- 79 Fire Proof Buildings, Kaahumanu A Queen Sts. ly mid Harness .llaker, n but oal5 " ' f All ' Kinds of Soaps 1 on LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC" KtyO STREET, HONOLULU. ESTABLISHED AX AGENCY Will be continued by him. 8 jl'T SOA P always on hand. ted, migt then count your assistance ?" HAVING for the Hawaiian islands, the undersigned & COOKE, ap!2'79 SEW1 XG MACIII XE. ly W ill bay beef, mutton and soap grease, and solicits A Iittie boy in New iltven was say in 4 his CASTLE Harness Saddle it Shoe Leath are prepared to accept risks against tire in dwellings, stores, consignments iif the same from the other prayers the other when his little brother AND DEALERS IN er, Constantly on Hand. warehouses and merchandise, on f.ivoralile terms. Marine risks jal 9 islands. 79 niht, IMPORTERS MERCHANDISE, A. W. raRCE & CO., on cargo, freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. 1 teased him. The boy struggled between bis Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. au9 79 SI1IPPISO AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS CHANDLERS AND COMMISSION Loaae. promptly adju.trd nod payable here. OLOWALU PLANTATION," ! sense of duty and bis inclination for a time, but feli No. 90 King Street, Honolulu, 11. 1. 79 SHIP Importers of General Merchandise. mh8 79 WM. O. IRWIN 4 CO. finally comiromiied by saying. "Please, Lord, Agents for Brand's Guns and Bomb I.snces, Perry I'svis WM. JOHNSON, - MAUI. G. A RMSTROXG tc CO.. 1 Pain Killer. Pierce's .Magnetic Truss, balemen's Shipping WEST- Crop now coming in. excuse me while punch my brother Johnnie's C. , Merchant Tniler, S. BARTOW, A C. Queen 8 ret-t- Honolulu. ( jail 79) F. A. SCHAEFER, d21 ly II. HACKFELD A Co., Agents. bead." Johnnie's head having been duly punch- List. Kaahumanu St., II. I., opposite Godfrey Rhodes. UCTIONEER. SALESROOM ON O. U E E N 1 ap26 79 ed the prajerw u finished. feS street, foot of Kaahumanu. BO&Ica; gent Dre.den Board of Underwriter, FAMILY MARKET, i The daaghfer of an Arkansas gentleman reach-- el CHANDLERS AND COMMISSION Agent Vlenun Board of Underwriter.. age of 22 years without having a beau, al- F. A. SCHAEFER & CO., SHIP MERCHANTS. S. M. WHITMAN, Claims against In so ranee Companies within the jurisdiction O. WALLER, Proprietor, I the Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise. Queen Street 11 to A - GENERAL BLACKSMITH, of the above Boards of Underwriters, will have to be certified HOTEL k lyiOX STREETS. though she tried hard capture one. month M PORTERS AND COMMISSION MER- fcl5 Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. 79 J, to by the Agent to make them valid. jal8 79 ly sod lonly lost her now d xen CHANTS. King Street, near Bethel, Honolulu. .MEATS FROM THE FIX EST ago she voice, and a 79 o CIIIOICE Vegetables, c. Islands. Poultry, young men in the neighborhood want to marry Honolala, Hawaiian a5 Fish, furti'shed to cecil'brown; PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO MANILA CIGARS, Order. Shipping supplied on short notice. jyl9 79 ber. (Of course this is libel on the sex. No A A X D AT M. TTORNEY COUNSELOR LAW. Horse-Shoein- g tobacco man would marry a womanwho bas lost her voice. McINERNY, SX NOTARY PUBLIC and gent for liking Acknowledg- & Carriage Work T X BOXES O F 300. 200. AND I OO EACH. mm ments of for the Island of Oahu. jys 7 M. The Genuine Article. For sale by AND DEALER IN Instruments ' t How could she Call him In the morning, after No. 8 Kaahumanu Street. Honolulu. II. I. feS 79 my24 B0LLE3 a COj HA WAUANSOAP WORKS km IMPORTER Hats, Caps, Jewelry, Perfumery, ESTABLISIHED IN 1858, making the fire and getting his breakfast ready?) Pocket Cutlery, and every description of Gent's Superior ; - 8 Xorristcncn lit raid. Furnishing Goods. XT Benkerl'a Fine Calf Dress Boots, HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO KENNEDY'S FANCY CRACKERS, OFFERS FOR SALE A FINK ASSORTMENT OF always on band. AUC-TIOXE- RECEIVED PER AMY TURXER. SUM an .7.' .a..v.' - An old cornmod ire was spinning a yarn for N. B. 79 MERCHANT AND r.. Coaisaor Foar iid Mercbaxt Struts, jail COMMISSION f..-e- .vw, STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR JUST from Boston Thee Crackers are the Finest Arti the benefit of an old lady of serious views, and v - Mills. Boilers, Coolers, Iron, Brass and Lead cle in the Market, and we have a Oood Assortment. r AGENT AMERICAN GUANO COMPANY OF NEW YORK, tia 79 For Sale by BOLI.ES CO. arousing her sympathies by telling her how the i i Castings. o!8 iiuLiii.iin.i ix CASTLE & HATCH, Aoejt CALA. FURNITURE MANUFACTINO COMPANY niiiiiiLi iiUiillii aca ran mountains hig i, and taxed the utmost ' TTORNEYS AT LA W. W. R. CASTLE, all 79 OF SAN FRANCISCO. Machinery of Every Description marie SUGAR, Light and Hard Pressed endeavor uf the crew to manage the ship. "Ah, NOTARY PrBUC. 251b r. see. said the old dame, laying her Will attend all the Courts of the Kingdom. Psrtieular at- - TO ORDER. CCALIFORNIA CUBE IX BOXES. but you sir," tention paid to the negotiation of Loans. Conveyancing. Col- WONG LEONG & CO. i Kegs of powdered saiar. NATURAL LEAF TOBACCO, hand softly on his, "there was One at the helm lecting, etc. rj Money to Loan on Mortgare OFFICE. f Nuuanu and Marine Streeta, Particular Attention paid to Ship's BUcksmithing jal '79 F-- r Sale by B0LLE3 At CO. bless yon, ma'am!" he exclaimed, 37 Fort Street, over Dillingham At Co's, Honolala Hawaiian Corner II. I. Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing. Boots on Fine Gut Chewing Tobacco " "Lor XT Job Work executed the shortest Lotice. an9 79 OARS ! energetically slapping Lis knees, "sometimes Islands. jalS 79 0o and &hoea. Hats and Caps, Fancy Goods, etc. Have also constantly on hand, Hawaiian Rice in quantities to suit. Also ASH OARS. THE REGULAR Sc C O . ; AN ASST. OF CUT-SHOKIN- TOBACCO there were five or six." . China Choice Tea, Cblna Seine Twine, China Silk Handker MIXED RUBBER PAINTS, WHITE direct from New Bedford assorted sises per GREY v C. AFONG, and Sashes, Amy (olS 79) For Sale by BOLLE3 CO. And a Large Assortment of Swearing never was chiefs etc. A Turner. tt and Dealers ' Young man, don't swear. AND LL SHADES. IN LARGE AND SMALL Manufacturers V WHOLESALE RETAIL A -- Kailua Rice Plantation, Kaopa Rice rheu- Fire-pro- xenta Plantation. OFPackages. For wile by for a sore finger. It never cored the IMPORTER. Merchandise of Store, Nuua-n- u BRIAR WOOD AND OTHER PIPES gxJ and 1'ilima Rice Plantation. jal8 '79 jal '79 B0LLE3 Is CO. CHUTNEY, IN ALL KINDS OF matism nor helped draw a prize in a lottery. It Street. ja4 79 SOAPS! Tobacco Pooches, Pipe Clems. EI. THE HEAL ARTICLE OF EAST INDIA Leleo, King Amber and Horn Month Pieces, isn't recommended for liver complaint. It isn't a. a. w. B GILDEA, PI. D., D. D. S., WHITE CEDAR BOAT BOARDS, L Chutnt-- in quart Bottle, assorted, Street, Ilonolniu. Pipe sewing machine agents, wntTSrr. j. robestsox. al 79 f or sale by BOLLE3 at Co. Buttons Cigarette Paper, eto., et sure against lightning, DENTIST. OFFICE. COR. AMY ! & SURGEON Ho- PER TURNER, FOR Beef, Mntton Goat Tallow - nor any or the ills which) beset people through WHITNEY ROBERTSON, streets, over Dr. Strehz's Drug Store. RECEIVED Sale by BOLI.ES CO. and Wanted ,r Jf.'J. NOLTK, nolulu. XT Office hours from 9 a x. . d21 CASKS HAMS AND BACON. Orders left Bolles & faithfully executed There is no occasi a for swearing outside (Successors to II. M. Whitney.) toar. XT with Co. will be tail 79 qr Corner of Queen and Naaann 81a. '' life. 1ASES LARD. 51 b and with dispatch. ap!2 79 of a newspaper ofSee, where it is useful in proof- H( BI.ISIIKRS. NEWS H.' PATY, ! and tOlb Pail.. necessary STATIONERS. St BOOK BINDERS. JOHN FOR SALE reading and indispensably in getting jal9 79 Merchant Street, Honolulu. ly seO . BOLLES CO. JUST RECEIVED per STORMY PETREL .UNION SALOON, forms to press. It has been knows, also, to mate- ?sOTAliY PUBLIC! E. S. FOR THE ISLAND OF OAHU. California Beef, California Fork, r STOCKHOLM TAR, ' FROM GLSGO'W, Ctbe boio...... PROPRIETOR rially assist the editor in looking over tte paper XTEEKT, ' v J. M. WHITNEY, M. D., D. D. S. OF DEEDS A HONOLULU. : i printed. But otherwise it is a very COMMISSIONER FOR THE By Late rrivals. For Pale Low, by TAR. WILMINGTON 6 STF.AJI CL1BIFIEBS, 500 GILLOSS EACH. after it TiESTA L OFFICE, FORT STREET. New York. WILMINGTON ForSaleiy wicked babit. Washington Rtpublic. aljr Hotel, New Block. and corner In Brewer's d.U ly dI4 OFFICE WITH BISHOP CO. se20tf A. W. CO "79 & -- foolih PEIRCE BOLLES CO. r I ,m W V-t '1 Forj(alejJ3ejlJ,wfpfi iIJJIACRKRl.n ,r A.w4. ra Vhrtmm " 1, mat:. 'WaiafOa n year, when authentic (oEcial) reports ebow that From an article in tbat standard. medieal au-thor- ity TO LET. OOMMCEOIAL. PACiric London by the Lile in eotue dietricta there fa still a email pre- tbe Lancet, Cornelius Black, , 4 PORTION OF A IIOl.sK. MITiBLK fc house-keepin- g purpoaea, good Ft fur- - ! DKi 19. is a localin rRlD.tr. EMBt.B K). ponderance of deaths oTer birthe, in others the M. D., M. R. C. P., oa " Foul Air and Disease j tner paruculare inejoire at o. la hung Street. lt A NEW DEPARTURE ,'Tka ro (Lommcrci;ili)l)crttscr. I vrk baa bean a dull ow. prxl we ruing safe therefore to as- of the Heart," we make tbe following extracts; slowly ervtng b Uvrht l varlaM latter are in excess. It is bnt tb rrevalenre rt tn i NOTICE. e laj-- " To keep tbe body in perfect health it mnst be wln.Ia. FijotU cf fi 2n j rvlrr ln-- .ur t have sume that the Ilawaiians as a nation have beun A BOOK-KEEPE- R. t oxygenated. There must be JAXTED . anvmstel to aalna to and f fan SAT I lll A J . DECEMBER 20. not duly free and ample 420 Address-- A. IK, Bex No. 74. Ifi.IIJ. lnirrt nni to " bold their own," and that they are interchange oeiween toe Diooa tne lungs ab-.u- f.-0u-. ia and Tranrlsci; t value cf t i ml Uf ;"D, tha Audience at Aliiolani Hale. to as baa been so confidently tbe air entering the pulmonary cells. The life r darned extinction WANTED Tr i articular f which. ae bUw under the pr.'1-.- be its aeadtnir.. And every South Sea Isl- stream mast purified by elimination of car- A PERSON. A POS1TIOS 1st, 1SSO, -- y predicted. band of COMPETENT Thars-Ja- - House-keepe- JAAUAK1 r Hi tT rereiveJ. on the 18th int- must vivified by r. OX Ttw f. l! ou sn-a- f r ro tba .V . ;. Mi bonic acid t it be the absorption BY Uoeernesa or Thomarhly understands AXI AFTER iioff nivte anders women and children that comes all the of .Nit. W : ' at nrrn.G-oer- I J M. Com!r. Unite J State Minister with their of oxygen. Tbe fulfilment of these conditions de- details fhe cuiine, and weald prefer a poeuioa with a ff widewer baring children. Addtsas : a.1 vamc "wr Pi. In in thl market to gives fresh life to the aboriginal mands a full, free, and constant admission of pure . "Tha cf 4"r. aurr 'Rfileot, who jretotel to HiaMjety: lUlpb us, and rigor It MiM U.MORRISON, this 0W-e- iDct JulT l i'f Uo.it t. t , into tbe lungs. This full, free, and constant lut rtl j air Delivery, falif-.rala- . busily l.t.rk- - U. Hawaiian on t sugarta .f D..th ara ii'w Clian Jler. Cifdain S. S. Lackawanna ; Richard nation. badly-ventilate- "Will bo Casli j r of pure air cannot be d j t- - admission obtained in Our Terms tnif op act are nrrrtnl yrtxlifr ab"Ut S.ism i NOTICE. v... trt.. aaiuy. In 4i i (r.m 7 t.. M Birtlemin. Chitf Lcgiceer ; late Stirling. houses, crowded buildings, schools as HAWAIIAN tuxU.i Nothing to bodies men as A BOfT TO LEAVE THE it turfor tkr ,f brt t i r la. j Lieut Coairntn ier ; Alex B. Btes, PstseJ Asst. is so demoralixing of at present constructed, theatres, manufactories, BEING I hare appointed Mr. Alex. J. Cartwriht as WHICH t-- FOR rr aa-r- e rea."it. mtji'iuwiu not so large thia year a Las been destructive of armies, ever pits, underground railways, and tbe like my attorney, who will attend to all my tuaine daring my (mliKcnnat of x.-t- motitara t.4 prmtur Enginetr ; . T. Houston. Lieutenant : J. C lar panic. It absence. i23 Im JOSEPH ROBERTS. ?rili. j I bold tbat the breathing of impure air is a of JtoTambr ITth that the r. r r u.,, ,. n. P Snw since tbe time when Gideon, with his three hun- ! , , AHrltl'nmcnp U trca wnm tl.u m titlclttj. td Ibi prlctbt ". f.., faithful source of disease of tbe right heart occur- I ii-- n. NOTICE. nzz baa aanaibl j Mct ianrt btTtcm to der Eozineer : F. S. Natb, Alfittaot Sar-- dred with lamps, pitchers and trumpets put to ring after middle age. How many people ignorant-l- y Blaise a Liberal Disccunt atanaatlll, aol nearly all ara likely to tern-ma- t a their i A.tnt " .... ,. rm VHANKING THE PCBI.IC OF HONOLfLC We Shall I McD-jtinei- its occurrence by confining themselves to by end of cen.ber. The qnaUty cf the geon ; J. E 31: Jiniptsan. flight the armed hosts of Midian. Panics are favor m for the liberal patronage heretefcre bestowed on me in my operatlona the Ciet closelv-sbut- , nonventilated, hot. stifling rooms, 1 taferlor and the quantity defined.' in buainesa as a dealer in Dry Goods and General Merchandise. rry -- . the Io..owing wert . scarcely less demoralizing in peaceable communi- "'Hawahan plaatem are taikin abcnt a crcp of TOxjO.-- tijir preenii which tbe carbonic acid bas accumulated to 2 or 3 I would respectfully give notice tbat I hTe disposed ci said dl3 : & Co, 000 ffia. thia year. Ttla t abont l3 per cent, more than Laor A. Pv tze. cf Colombnt. Ohio ; Miw ties than when they take possession of armies in per cent, of the air tbey respire ! How many are business to Mr. John Rebeilo, and ask for hia a continuance dilli&i-I-A.m- baa yet beeu pmdnred there It ta known that the area of thoaa kind favors. JOSEPH R0BKRT?, tt.ree A. of Chicago. : If. keener on our thus destroyed ry oeing competed. tbrougD the i.Ui.r.Mikir fnreeeri withm the cant Emma Leef.ereer. Ill k. the field. In listening to the conversation life, d20 lm Corner cf Hotel and Nuuicu Sis. yeara. la belli prepared for - n. j . exigencies of to pass tbe greater part of their and tiew neit r Chicago 111 : nj 51. P Jones, cf SD Frn- - fear-inspir- (MaaiSf ai t avaw crup will cbntaaeocc ne mootb. streets; in reading the hasty and time in pits and manufactories where ventilation is and aam plea of oew Haoallao ani?ar are expected here I ciaco. Ctl. lucubrations of newspaper correspondents we -- defective, or in which tbe air respired is poisoned ubtrttscmrnts. befor Cbnutmaa. If we can fet b.n frin the ly twl ALL! J TO Hawaiian Nland dnrlnif the en.nm year, w.th what we MtJM'J WM fcttenJe-- tj Hi M.nister. Mera are made aware that something of tbe nature of a by noxious fumes and offensive enanations." MERRY CHRISTMAS fruam tnere la , Imorl China and the Philippine Island, erf c( JJlouse cf Nobles and cf the Privy Council A 1 1 A X f lamtne oa tnia rcax. wuaiever j panic exists in this community at present, re- To the Editor of the Pacific Commercial Advertiser: SUPREME COCRT OF Til E II AW becoroao of to remalntW of the roaxitry. It la quita cf State Probate. In the Estate of GEOKtiE A. prt.-- e garding the sickness which baa prevailed during : Tbe Editorials of last week, as also BKllKJtd, of tlonolula, deceased, intralate. and proof cf the nr probabt" tiit ta iewcf the hlub rmnxa In In DeakSib will of MARIA BRIDGES, decraeed. Before Mr. "w .r tj farvrnl ta af.ls Mate, will thera la a crop of dole- Jastice . tht the past six weeks. And after reading the Mr. S. B. Dole's article upon the Sanitary Condi- MeCully. Order of Notice of PeUtlon for Administration. bawtal naat aaa-.a- Tberw 1 aonae i annrra la the n.el.m Official Correspondence. reading BliDg & VIAreceiveSAN FRANCISCO, On and petition of haveYORK of Honolulu, while giving a feeling of the HIRAM BINGUAM, FROM NEW DIRECT crop. If it ci.nl.1 b pr perly deel.jped." ful and exaggerated utterances of tbe Gaittte tion of relief to of Honolulu, allrglrg that George A Bridg.a, ol Honolulu, One advlcea frr.ni San Franctaco are t the 2Tth nit. Phortljr after the arrival cf the C S. S. Lacka-u-nn- na Wednesday last, it will not be a matter of sur- many iu our stricken community that tbe best in- died intestate at Honclu!n on the 2d day of Nov. a. o. 1879, yvsHOxiTMENT Tna aanwi or ..i mjm . that Maria Bridges died on the 10th day of Dec. a. D. or iwiamF ion ue several cf tbe physicians of the The market la atill Anm. and will remain w. till in this port, prise if some shall bare come to tbe conclusion terests of all were being watched, also revealed tbe 1ST9, and praying that Letters of Administration isaae to him, relnr-ti.,u-. ! .hw-Se-niir after ear. when there will tm a city prefcrrel a written requeat to the Mioister of full disease cause of inaction by the Board of Health tbat not and also for proof of the wil. of Maria Bridges, the widow of There baa been beary decline in atrk dun tin pat that Honolulu is a doomed city, of said George A. Bridges, and for Letters of Guardianship of their Stationery Fancy Goods would to and three weeka. The nnrertainty a to the Cnrorwau eet Foreign Relations, that he endeavor obtain and death. Such, without doubt, would be tbe only creates wonderment at tbeir sensitiveness minor children. crop atlll cuntlnaea, btrt ar.me tatltir do not plare the of line of It is ordered that WEDNESDAY, the Tih day ot JANU- SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. . . R. the waiving salutes daring the prevalence cf the about overstepping tbeir duty as prescribed . . . I . .. IMk ...nd T k. A l ....III .1. If impression of a reader of the number of the Ga- ARY, A. D. 13S0. be and hereby ia appointed for hearing aaid u Mi.a.iI fll u a dlhnii ofl i.( SO t,-- r cent. TlI hia sickness here, as in their opinion the noise of the by law. but chagrin at such apathy as is displayed petition before the said Jastice, in the Court Room of this e triee a diminution. The Han zette in question, residing in San Francisco or Court, at Honolulu, at which time and place all persons con- AMONG MANY THINGS MAY BE FOUND rftr aeriona guns wou' J te trjarioas to tbe sick The request the brightest and best in many household9 THE IXrtninwo etp etwrwe a lanre lnreae. Old Spain, whtr while cerned may appear and show cause, il any they bare, why Portfolios, il.-.- l 'Jl . I New York. is to be hoped paper Baby Daya, Scrap Booka, .k ..t Ka Umwmfmnm t.rml . li.ntl. Wl wis laiJ before Gen. Comlr. V S. Minister Resident. It that that are being stricken down on our right band and on aaid petiti'a abould not be granted, and that thia order be Books for Children, Including Chatter Box. Nursery, Wide Awake an.l prlnca K.04) V.na thia year. Lomlon adl ee does not circulate to any extent abroad, as the published in the Engliah language for three successive weeka Autograph Albums, Puraea, Card Caae, Yiailuig Carda, Pocket Mallets. and teleirrapA abuw a weakening there. A lair tau?ial and promptly acceded to. as will be seen Ly the fol-- xt our left by tbe fever tbat ia not only claiming all in the Pacific Commercial Advertiser, a newspaper in Hono- such false witnessing lulu. jear at jowjg Correpjo Jtnce : mischief it could do us by wbo are within the radius of Malarial and Typhoid far aa can bo gleaned about aa fullow : Dated Honolulu, H. I., December 12th. 1879. Legation-- or would be great and almost irreparable. For a and into many LAWRENCE M'CCLLY. FAPETERIES, Falling fitT ia beet angar yield. u 13.ifiO the Usited Statxs. germs, but is striking fear terror II audkerchirl and aio Kotri, and other 7u,i '."i.fMO AUest: Jastice of the Supreme Court. Or Boxea of Taper and Envelopes, which caa be used for Jewel Cases. 4wn Alanrrtiaa tana auar Honolulu. Dec. 16ib. 1S79. false statement once set on its travels through the heart ; which fact itself is well-kno- to render A. ROSA, Deputy Clerk. dip St useful Ornaments, and without doubt the handsomest ever offered lu Honolulu. C "... 20.ij Iurrola j!. I bav-tii- f Excl-l.-nc- y re- -- t U-J- i 1 Sir: .iioiior tu inform Ynur press, is a very difficult thing to overtake and persons most susceptible to any epidemic." r . 4.J a COCRT AHA! lbri rjHcvaUaoUlando iSS Captuin complit-- nl to-d-ay OFTIIliilAW .a that Cbantller with the fute. Ill news flies fast, and the contradiction Mr. Editor, tbe feeling among 'the people SUPREME Probate. In the ESTATE OF SAMUEL Ruildingr, Alphabet, Picture anil Comic I3Ioc.ts, Inrreaao o-- 1T4 3x,'aJ to waive sal 'Men during ihe-- prevalence of so as our own would welcome any Agent or represen- LEVI LEWIS, deceased, intestate. Order of notice of petition generally arrives too late. But far is one that Before Fuxxles, The Games of Chess, Checkers, Dominoes. Authors, Old Maid, Lotto Tousel, Go Bang, Cut up Games, aV. Now, off to Manrltlna ia 'JO tona. - lor administration. Chie' Justice Harris. f If too falling (ft there thw.J-ngio- in pidemic now prevailing- bere. He Would atlU be aa Inciwana of Ih.ooo tona. And ehould the community is concerned, it may be justly expect- tative of the Board of Health tbat would visit tbeir On reading and filing the petition of KACJI AEL LEWIS, - 4 'jki.iiK) eTtreme, widow, of Honolulu, alleging that Samuel Levi Lewis of Hono- beet crop aajw a decline of ton In the fequestit Hie to hay an epi- premises to order, or direct any measures that ! wottbl only be a deficit of S',i tona. bnt enhant e.l ed that all undue excitement and fears of lulu, died intestate at Honolulu, on the 29;h day of November, Pertoratcd White, Silver and Gold Cardboard there I would th yon to convey to Hid Kxcellency D. prtrea w.aUl brintr euoanmptlon down at leaet S errent.. ink would tend to allay tbe causes that produce these A. 1879. and praying that Letters of Administration issue Iloraesho Peoracki demic will be allayed by a careful perusal of the to her; and that she be appointed Guardian of the persona Horseshoe InkatandsVith Clock and Calendar attached. Olaas, Bronte and Pocket Inkstands, or yftUJV. bar.. Ti aaarket moat flown. The ihe Minister of Foreign Affairs my sincere regrets from I have heard Ac. era ntimated at an hbib. Ia letter of the President of tbe Board of Health, fever germs ; and expressions and property of the minor children of said Samuel Levi Lewis, Ulass and Brotite Paper Weighta. Bronze Statuary, Writing Desks, Ac., 4 vii-ite- Ullltott,lt . uL--r afflii ol tins deceased. Illtr-aif-f taey are m wild OTer Cbtneoe Kraaa, tlmt the lion lever tbece Ildmls, several intelligent residents, contribu- to-da- y, made by which ordered, MONDAY, the 22nd day oT Dec., A. D. r beautiful, and surpass any of our former importationa. 1 aiMl ar 1 a toaunply all the CnlUd Htata. etc." i we publish with the accompanying Il is that OUR. SCRAP PICTURES J " and inloi m him that if there anything that measures toward tbe improvement of our 1S79, 10 m., and hereby is appointed fur hearing said There ia u-- j Ilau.l keg or ban In the mark. t. We b arn tions for at a. be " 1 will be maintained till by liij to to epi" tabular statement of tbe comparative mortality in Petition before the said J ustice, in the Court Room of this that tha preaent reflnery prlrea . can be done Itiii slay the Sanitary Condition, would be willingly responded DAILY JOURNALS and POCKET DIARIES FOR 1880. January when there will be a re.lii-ti..n- S. L. De- Court, at Honolulu, at which time and plare all persona con- after lt. ic. s .'I bin this city during the months of November and any Josvaa a, Co. aoia by aa tio laet We.lnee.lay. 1.172 kea. the riTVK. ull oil loaril are at dis to if necessary, whether for procuring and burn- cerned may appear and show cause, if they have, why of the 22d instant. ;. m aaid Petition should not be granted, and that this order be pub. A few of LbTT'S DIARIES expected on the Steamer Tna Centra! America tBiirtd by J. Memll Ct. posal ' cember, years 1878 and 1879. The figures are ing Tar to counteract tbe malaria "of the atmos- followa: low kexa at 11 Sc. i at l..ia. v'.l d.. at lished in the English language for three successive weeks in the i d. - official newspaper Uonoluiu. li.'Jl terma raen. Kenewinc; the aurances of Very high coliideia- reliable, being compiled from the register phere, or to induce Ben Butler to accept tbe "Commercial Advertiser" in -- .A. 1 ; Dated Honolulu, H. I., this 5th day of Dec., A. D. 1879. Also- Superior Assortment of K : ; , at Kn We quote No. at V'..3 Jin. 2. li.lR.T.i ierij.-ct- '1 b tiou aii'l am. Your Excellency's very of burials ; and, as may not be known by every- our Board of Health. aV mixed. : tandwl.-- Ulan.1. .iVv... ; Japan. '..; Governorship in CIIAS. C. HARRIS, Linen A French Note It Letter Paper, Envelopes to Match; Legal, Bill & Foolscap Papers, Envelope!, all kinds alwa. Caroline. fatua. . - - Obedient h. rvaill. J. M. CooLT. body, no burial is permitted without a statement is adduced by many tbat authoritative opinion Chief Justice Supreme Court. It Attest: A. ROSA, Deputy Clerk. d8 3t JUST TO HANI) llu llxcelleticy John M. Kapena, Minirter ot made to the proper officer of the name and age of as to the cause of tbe prevailing lever is divided, nowoiaUieU, Fj.reiri AfTair.-'- . a remedy is therefore lethargic THE SUPREME COURT OF THE II I xoxvt or ji. i. tf tbe deceased, and tbe cause of death, if known. and aclion for IN Kingdom. A. New Lot or J3 IV Iv 13 O O K H aRRIVAL.1. RAMON A FERNANDEZ SMITH vs. CHARLES SMITH, LA frf-- dur- It may not be generally known tbat steps have tee a wTw Hawaii. Wood. 30 daya Jaluil li:pAETMET Or FoHEIGJt ArrAiBS. It will be seen by reference to the table, that Libel for Divorce. Our Stock of Book, will be hard to beat. aa aahc W Slayer, Jardan. 2U daya from b T toward removing causes impurities grace of ... U ti ing November which been takes of KAXAKACA, by the God, of the Hawaiian Islands, M Joboain'a Honolulu. Dec. 18, 1879. the month of last, during IT Haw bn Jalla Aary. Arary, fn l'J supply of Nuuann Valley, the King: To Wm. C. Parke, Esq., Marshal of the Kingdom, or 11 Haw fcftoa amrm Bird. Uaiflrll. 3U daya Ua Jaluit M. the fever prevailed quite extensively, there were in the water but his Deputy Greeting! IVTcw Ranger, daya from Yoku-- Ilia Excellency James Comly, United Slates The above are Bona Goods, S fjanboa de- all Fide Byd.U less community tear this waiting for Legislative au- You ara hereby commanded to summon Charles Smith, llt hoaa,ea mate tot Uaa rtaaciaco Minister Resident. deaths than during tbe same month of last fendant, in caae he ahall file written answer within twenty AND WILL BE SOLD, 21 fan for expensive may defeat 13 Aa achr Ida febnaaer. rebnaoer. dj forrka nnwlei-- thority more measures days after service bereor, to be and before the Supreme Km - Knee- the bnnr.e In- aelc a-oft- reeptnt- r.c- year; and that while tbe death rate has Bomewhat apiar r A Court the April Term thereof, to be holden at the Court -- rI tbe remedies aimed at. However, for even this at , 1 R I K Yuur Excellency's despatch of the lCth inst., wherein increased during the first half present Room of the Court House, Honolulu, in the Island of Oahu,Jm t OliiMtst iiijlw Goods, ' t K.. of the " - More Especially lie step we will be thankful. V t l:iAC Morray. RltchW, tor tan Fraoriaco one MOM DAY, the 6th day of April next, at 10 o'clock a. m., to ". P tW5 0 ubu inform me that Captain Chandler complies with month, yet increase is by no means bo plain- ! lllaiAamakiaKM'WBtor. Blaoa.I.iC Karrka that large Another cause assigned is dense foliage and ex- show cause why the claim of Ramona Fernandez Smith, f It tiff, should not be awarded pursuant to the tenor of ber AT EXTRKMELY LOW PRICES 1 pmttb. aa rraacaco he request to waive tbe firing of salutes during the as to create alarm, or to warrant tbo statement her, I W cessive moisture, and no doubt with strong annexed petition. We are appointed at these Islands for the New Creat Work entitled prevalence of the epidemic now existing hejre and we a fever-stricke- n And have you then there thia Writ, with full return of your Solo ilgollta WUAR-- that are " community." We grounds, for if we take a common sense review of ; lL0.t TUE S. alo embracing Captain Chandler's very thoughtful uroceedines thereon. bk Hawaii baa hauled op to Tibbettn K trust that for the sake of public tranquility, the our fair city for the past twenty-fiv- e or thirty years (Seal ) Witness, Hon. Chas. C. Harris, Chief Justice of ' Th Hawaiian day or Dec. 187U Around World Grant.' a wharf, whero aha will OTerhaul. patnt. to and geucrous proffer to place his ship and tbe ser of when water was not so Our Supreme Ccurt, this 4th the with General Rorenaon aea lalautbi for plan periodically publishing tbe statistics of we can remember tbat A. ROSA, Deputy Clerk. aail In about two weeka too rkmtb vices or all on board at the disposal ol tbellawauan foregoing mora latwrera. fr the publie health will be hereafter continued by plentiful as of late, the trees were fewer and fur- 1 hereby certify the summons to be a true and cor By J. RUSSELL YOUNG. copy of the original now on file in tbe Clerk'a Office of Tba Pai-ltv- la alr repairing at the aaiue place, and will Government, in case of ueccessity arising from tbe between, as were also cases of Typhoid and rect THE ABOVE HOOK ready aea aliont the Hith to next month. the Minister of the Interior. ther the Supreme Court or the Hawaiian islan.is. bo for lth Fran-etao- sickness. VY. Aju la b.Un(( fur San al prevailing Malarial fevers. I will admit for the sake of a C. PARKE, Tr ktuotlra. Honolulu, Dec. 4th. 1879. (dO Ot) Marshal. tb Ofrt llonae wharf, and will probably I Leg to assure Your Excellency that this sponta-tico- ns Our articles of last week on the " Sanitary condition, Is ONLY by Nutoscription, ail ten' M.rB'lay next. thorough understanding of ottr tbat taro Iiillisliel Tba Am a. hr W II Meyer 1 dlacharKing a generalcaro oflrr of assistance in case of need, from the condition of the city" and "The Water Supply," patches were more numerous in tbe valleys and COURT OF THE II A WAIIAN And Bound In various Kinds of Binding. w. r Co. a SUPREME Probate. Island of Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, it mar.haodlao from Sail Franrtai o at lire i Co turn under cf a National Ship of tbe Untied States, were not written under any feeling excitement of neces- . Be- - a barf. neighborhood, where constant moisture was In the ESTATE OF C. II ROSE, of Honolulu, Intestate. ET ALL PARTICULARS MAY HE HAD BV APPLYING TO US. Am acbr Ida Sebnaner la di barln a carvo -- t is highly appreciated by Ills Majesty's Uovernment, of fore Chief Justice Harris. Order of notice of petition for Ad- Tha Hooiw. or alarm, nor with the purpose producing any sary for its production, but in those days the lumber at tha F.Mlanade. oppoalte the Cu.loiu friend- ministration. d6 lm Tha German bk Auirneta U dlatbarKlnt cool at the Old exhibiting as it does, another instance of the such feeling in our readers a result which we water supply now absorbed by tbe reservoirs-w- as On reading and filing the petition of MARY A. ROSE, WHITNEY & ROBERTSON. Steamahip wharf. ' ' ly feeling towards tbe Hawaiian nation which has widow of C. U- - Rose', deceased, alleging that C. U. Roae, of at Idkelike a dm k ilia. har.'ini. should very much regret. They were plain state- more freely distributed daily and little oppor- Uorolulu, died inteatate at Uonoluiu on the 1st day ol Decem- Tha 8tom Bird la the a ESTRAY. Tba Am Hetena U UkJng in ballaat at PMss Co always animated tie officials as well as tbe people re- tunity was given for a patch of standing, stagnant ber, A. D. 1879, and praying that Letters of Administration ments ol fact, which we can see no cause for S. appointed Houghtailing's Sausages. a GRAY MARE COLT (NO BRAND) IIAB Issue to O. Wilder, and that said S. O. Wilder be on my during year. Tbe owner la and Government cf the United States. water. . This condition was foreseen by the late R. persons and property of the chil- l run pasture the pssl dTb City of Sew York will bo duo fmru the tracting. Whatever may ultimately be decided the Guardian of the minor SERVICES HAVING BEEN SECURED hereby notified to the srme away, within one month from rMSt rj Kan la . taking a of 11. Rose, deceased. nplIEM take Corontea on Monday. mute for Front I trust that Your Excellency will Le pleased to Q. Wylie, and it strikes many as just and reason- dren said C of an experienced, competent persen, the establishment date, on payment of paature fires, amounting to I'M otherwlaa mall for nited Htatea and F.ur.'p. to have been tbe cause or causes of the sickness It ia ordered tbat MONDAY, the 29th day of December, A. on Hotel street will hereatler be prepared to furnih the pub- I oil Captain is the animal will be forfeited. (d!3 4l) JAM. DODD. Tba I" H aruabo!, Kanicer arrtee.1 from Yokohama convey the expression of these sentiments to which has prevailed able that tbe authorities order a dimunition of tbe D. 1879. at 10 A. M.. be and hereby appointed for hearing lic witb choice la-- in this city of late, (and said petition before Justice, in the Court Room of this Tbnraday t. on, nota to San Francimo. Chandler. trees throughout Honolulu, anil place further re- the aiid ofllct ra aeo another column. She report L H S Alert at which we are pleased to learn from medical men Court, at Honolulu, at which time and place all persons con- Sausages, both Bolognas and ordinary, AROl ANT'S ! Yokubnaa'owMti. benee Sept XTth. Renewing the assurances of my highest respect strictions npon tbe water supply, or, a rigid carry- cerned may appear and show cause, il any they have, why 0A1TnTt1Z is on the decrease) position we have assumed said petition should not be granted, and that this order be He in truthful words will tell you ti the Head Cheese, Tripe, etc, etc. goods you; and most distinguished consideration, I have tbe ing out of the rules already given; for there 'is published in the Kngli-- h and Hawaiian languages for three Just the he hsa to sell must remain incontrovertible that it is the Orders lea at your Butcher's will bo promptly attend- Mind you, now, he ta not joking, Voeocle for Haaalala fram Farri.ai l'orto. Le Excellency's-mos- t obedient of pro- successive weeks in the Ccmmkhcial Advebtiskr and Kuokoa honor to Sir, Your much careless disregard the reeent rule , bounden government newspapers in Honolulu. ed to. d 20 31 If you are fond of chewing or smoking) Lort-d- oa duty of and people to pay Or if you're given to anulllng. ep llixhdyer, bond jo via t aaile.1 from servant Jso. M. Kaplna. mulgated of limiting irrigation privileges to be- Dated'llonolulu, U. 1., December 6th, A. D. 1879. Brit ehb, and constant to cleanliness CHAS. 0. HARRIS, What he keeps does not need puffing i rpi strict attention the tween 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. And to assist tbis direct- The Hawaiian Almanac & Annual lie has brands will suit you really, bk Lady ilead. Loodoa. doe . Attest: Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Brit and vcntillation of the city and to the of A. ROSA, Deputy Clerk. dO 3t Tobacco uaera prise them dearly; Bnt bk C'aama, Lierpool. dam FROM MICRONESIA. purity ed effort the Street Sprinklers might be done They 2ft-2- IMMIGRANTS will plcaaa you to the letter, nam Caaila from Ulawgow ilue Dec j FOR 1880! Brit bk IW the water supply,. away ; a And his cigara none else ara belter j Brit bic Cooteat. Lieerpool, aaikft July 30 ria Valpararao with better drier atmosphere with health -- Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Islands, Meerschaum ples of style and fashion, Brit bk. Tokotea, New Castle, doe The hark Hawaii. Can't. E. Wood, which sailed There is good for believing constantly damp one with ! Juki N S Dee IV JO authority that in sea than a fevers. Is Now Ready for Delivery to suit eaeli taate and passion; Am b Artorlgfct, Caatlo. W, doe In Probate. It is through Hawaii nei stated, .. . . L. K (i 1HHO hence on the SOth of last on a voyage to the r.i- - July sons of general alarm on account of a prevailing The conceded condition of many parts of the Orders to Mail Copies Abroad Promptly Attended to. Ilia goods are celebrated-- , .... - or justly Am Kl iJiaaa fpeocaeia, can iiwuv south-we- st or tbese in city from drains, cesspools and such' sources ol In the matter of the Estate CHAS. RAN AIN A, All the flue-c- ut brands of chewing; groups lying islands, disease, many fall victims through the influence Petition to sell Real and divide proceeds ua.ta. ' -- deceased. Estate, ALSO That your will never 14-2- teeth ruin; Tannic riaher. New Cjtte. due Dee 0 . eenrcli of immigrants, returned to port on Sun-- of fear. The power of tho mind over the body is offending and unhealthy gases is one that calls for among the heirs of said Chas. Kanaina. I'll of briar and stems of cheiry, Am tern W X. L'txlM, fuct ouaeiy immediate action of every landlord or householder, To the HON. CHAS. C. HARRIS. More any mule could carry. Caatte, dao Dee 1-- hud, thirty-oti- c days from Jaluit, in tho wondcrfulA The Haw'n Annual Calendar and Directory than Am Pkaat Amo.W. New day something Many of us have read of without waiting for official bodies to force a change Chief Justice of the Suj.reme Court. It would take a month to tell you Am Mi-j- k Vleoic, Port (anUt, duo The many things he you. awled f Udo Marshall group. .She brings two hundred and the man who died under the impression that he wbere but it is just this particular point, E PETITION OF WILLIAM C. has to sell Am arkraiiar, !ort Blaatly, her It needed; PARKK respectfully represents to Your Honor, that lOOO. M AllCIl A NV you'll find at his location, l For Am li ro liera. ixporwrw ncoj.Ie, 115 men, 99 women and bled whereas seeming!;, where authoritative action is necessary; onTor about the 6th day of April, he waa duly appointed Always muly to give Information, v k rrajietaen-hi, - Dolf ciphiy eiht was being to death, the lancet had 177. d20 2t THOS. G. THRL'M, Publisher. Ami H . ri.n due and wbile others witb myself may have done Administrator of tbe Estate of the said Cbua. Kanaina, and Or to aee you well provided ;. c Mm Vork.- MidncT. due bee 74 children all apparently in robust health and touched a vein ; or the convict who was W il Am ' J ' .. " L i, oali not of what we deemed was essential on our premises. I that he duly qualified as such Administrator ns by law pre- llliilMlwlii. in by all decided Ri It ataw Aaau-ajio- ron r twenty-tw- o pursuance TO LET. The lx-s- t 8MOKINQ iikik". Dea in excellent The bark was only made sleep in bed wherein he was told sup- scribed; and iu to the Order of this Honorable Cllr.WINU ami BRANDS, Raiatea ath ViVdi, Fanninsa laUmR spirit. to a that a would at tbe same time welcome any order or or MM BRICK-STOK- E That ran be found fifty . . vl .,r Do Court, that all the debts the said r.state Lave been duly HE AND PREMISES in lands. i Omlmn laland. days from land to the remaining nine cholera porting my course or showing in what else my paid and satisfied, that there remains belonging to the said on Queen street, belonging to R. W. Wood, at pre- Any one flriillng money in pocket Justly belonging to Kto N 8 W land, man had just died of the which was not lr. tltrlr - A a adnata. Mew Caatle. premises would be improved for ibe public good.' Estate, and under the control of your petitioner. Real Estate sent occupied by the undersigned. For terms apply to Marchant, please call at the Captain's i.nica and get tbeir consumed in" beating up from Kauai. aeZT-t- Co. Am bk Caoaen.,roci uaimt, days being true and who died with all tbe symptoms of the Other than this, tbe condition of the Esplanade and situate and being upon the several Islands of Hawaii, Maui. i H. llACKtaLD A licketa. dl3-I- m litre tiww Jaicfceiaa, SaoiB tea lataads. dae I Oahu and Kauai, as appears by the Inventory herein - 19 Storm HirJ, under command of Captain is Molokai, Am ki tVyloavBoaloo. fading Nov The disease ; or. of tbe other one who was put into a other localities for depositing rubbish too filed, and forming a part of this petition; that there have been TO LET. bk Seattle, due Uce notorious to question whose right or business it is follow- Am BaiQr. Hatfield, (dpt. Jackson returned in the Hawaii) bed ic which a cholera patient had actually just decreed as heirs at lav of the siid Chas. Kanaina, the BUILDINGS IN A GOOD LOCALI- No More American to mitigate tbe nuisance. ing persona : Hannah Lilikalani, Edward Lilikalani, TWO Fashions. " November, TY, suitable for bua!nes purposes of any kind. Kent HOKT which hft Jaluit on the 14th arrived died which fact was concealed and who contin- Respecting sewerage, opinion is united on its Naihe k, Pamahoa w. A. W. Uaalilio k. L. Ilaalelea k, reasonable, and further information may be obtained by , VJNK! IN l'Mhau w, Kaaua k, heirs Kilinahe, all well. of ; Kahuakaiola k, of applying at the Pantheon, corner Hotel and Fort sta. seO tf " stvaL. on Thursday, bringing 110 immigrants, ued in perfect health. And on the other hand, need and great benefit to the health the place deceased, H. R. II. Ket likolani, and Mrs. Bernice Pauuhi Cbandler - V 8 8 Lackawanna. :The brig Xinifaus, which had been chartered well authenticated cases on record in but tbe fact of its being an undertaking requiring Bishop; that as your petitioner is informed and believes true, SALE. MADAM MARIE LOUIGA UBS gantwal Ranger. Boyd there are much time and a heavy expenditure of money. I the said heira are unal.le to apree to a division of aaid FOR BacMasToaS-Ita- would l ' ' by the Agent of the Ii.iard of Immigration, which men. by the mere strength of will, have regret, gives erroneous grounds tor delay. The Estate, and that a majority of the sai heirs are desirous that 'U1E RESIDENCE OP THE LATE E. G. . HAS ' . v' . 1 ADKEKLY, a abort above the first biiilge, on bk Kalakaua . . Novem- the balance of the Real Estate remaining and belonging to tbe distance flaw batno Pomare.'fuc sale pail for the Jilbcrt group on the 10th of successfully combat ted disease. One was that of length of time needed to complete a system for our said Chaa. Kanaina, may be aold at Public Auction, and the Nuuanu Avenue. The lot Is nearly half an acre In aixe. For Loleta Dealer ex-Ict- cd further information enquire on the premises. n'i'i 2ni ARRIVED, Am topaari .n ber, the Agent gtitg on her. She may be mad city should be one of tho points to support early proceed thereof distributed among the heirs at law of the said JUST DIRECT FROM PARIS. Haw aeb Jalta A Long. a man who had been bitten by a dog, and action in tbe matter; and in the question of cost, it Chas. Kanaina, therefore your petitioner prays that an order Am wk bk FacUSc, Knowlea, ... the 1st of February, with two may be made directing him, thesaid Administrator, to sell at FOR SALE. -r hereabout who made up his mind not to have hydrophobia. is reported from reliable sources that Mr. Schussler, & An-a- lienor. earf- Public Auction, all and singular the Real Estate now remain, With the Latest Fashions Patterns. 7 A HOI SE AND LOT IN KAPALAMA. Anrekctra Orart Roberta, Olaen hundred immigrants. He was attacked after a time with the symptoms, on bis recent visit bere, roughly estimated that a ing and belonging to the Estate of the said Chas. Kanaina, For particulars, inquire of Am bk Helena. Soow thorough system for Honolulu could be executed and that the proceeds thereof be deposited with this Honor- A chomacher We understand that the airoiwill be refitted by persistent violent exertion and diverting nl tf II. HACKFELD CO. tier bk Aagnvte. but for S 150.000. with outlet, or discharge, carried able Court, and be divided among Hannah Lilikalani, Lady la Ready Am bktray 4 A farkmburr. Ilobbart once for another voyage, and will probably be off. Edward Lilikalani, Naihe k, Pamahoa w, A W. Haalilio ta Kerelve Orders far u Hawaii. W kitney at his mind by bunting, drove them We know beyond tbe reef. If this work can be done for L. Kahuakaiola, Kili- FOR SALE. 'bethe coining Holidays at her Parlors, corner of Kukui Uaw bk k. Haalelea k, Pahau, Kaaua, heirs of Street and Kukui I AmaehrW U Meyer. Jordan commanded by Captain lienj. Whitney. who anything near such a figure, the Government is nahe, deceased, H. R. II. Keelikolani, and Mrs. Iiernioe rmtlOSE PREMISES SITDATK IN IULO. an. Especial attention paid to Fancy aud of several instances in this city of persons flrst-clai- a Party Dresses. Haw brig Jnlia M Avery, Amy anchored oolaide culpable for its neglect and delay In tbis unques- Pauahi Biahop, the heirs at law of the said Chas. Kanaina, 1 opposite the Court House, suitable fur a Hotel. defl lm Uawbgane ranrat Biro. Hatfield had the of an according to their respective shares or interests. And your All in good order and repair. Apply to ' first thorough- all premonitory symptoms attack of tionably important matter. Aoaatuf Ka ochoaoer, Bchnauer It a ears that the result of the petitioner further prays, that notice of thia application may be J. II. CONET, Honolulu, CALL AND ft malarial fever, but who would not give up and go There are otber points in this subject tbat I will te8 79 or C. RICHARDSON. II ilo. SEE ly orgnnized expedition by the Board of Immigra- published in the English and Hawaiian languages, in the , , - to bed some Baid because they could not spare touch upon at unother time, so will not claim too Pacific Commercial Aovektiskr and Kuokoa, two news-pipe- ra e men, aV - nciiiuna.iva.: l . v.ot im a.-h- Bonanza. tion will be tho addition of six hundred much space at once. published in Houolulu. callli g upon all persons inter- K Kit r.i i.t.; ested to appear and ahow cause why the prayer of thia peti- It IHEIIItTELV, So-- ; JrV--Am bk J W with a the time took purgatives, ate lightly, and fought Yours, in the interest of a suffering community, IVIarslisil's Sale. Mllle. heooe ;M7m women and children to our population. tioner should not be granted. And your petitioner further U Y.- -J. SO -- am rnr aw , . SUPREME COURT IN EQ. IT MOTT llatrl Kirrrl, btncoNoveH have It out on that line. We by no means desire by Tiias. G. TiiKUM. prays for all other and further orders in the premises aa may SMITH, complainant, va. EDWARD SlllKHZ; b. B from iUlo. prospect of as many more as we may tbe be necessary, and proper for the sale and distribution of aaid 3 Rcbnaner. Cbarlea St banaoer. n.aater. these illustrations to satirize those who have had DOLE and W. L. WILCOX, assignees In bankruptcy of said of Ma means offending for. We heartily congratulate Estate, as to thia Honorable Court my seem fit in the E. Strehz. and CHARLES W A LL. defendant. Upholsterers & Furniture Dealers. Eilroka Nov jxth. atrong SEwlnd foridaya ont. premisea. Laft aoutharly and weaterly wlnda for 5 day; fmm has eo far tbe fever, but to ebow what there may be in NOTICE. By virtue of a decree of the Hupreme Court of Law and Uonclnlu tho Hoard on the success which W. C. PARKK. Administrator. Equity of the Hawaiian Islands in a certain cause depending tbaa" tT port varlablo wlnda. Arrived at posi- sworn me day of Decem- UPHOLSTERING Uht personal temperament, and to reaffirm our I'RIXC MV ABSENCE FROM THIS Subscribed and to before this 4th in said Court, wherein J. Mo't Smith is complainant and d HlitH aull o'clock. attended their efforts to introduce a cognate race Kingdom my 1879. rv. D Mr. Kli Peck will transact all business. ber. Strehi, S. B. Dole and W. L. Wilcox assignees In bank Its All Ita Hb master 1 ft tion that fear oftentimes kills as many aa disease. Ct Brauchri, Dane ta Order In Beport of Brig JUa M Avary. Avery with the original inhabitants of Hawaii nci ; and n29 lm 8. HOTII. deO JNO. E. BARNARD, Clerk. ruptcy of said K. Strehz, and Charles Wall, are delendanta: It was ordered, that all the right, title. Interest and Style.. v- -ai-a ve d.- -: Lnlrat Wills Nnt nraa it Dlapalefc). . .rnao-tatlalandNo- fact thai the J,-- Id. wo congratulate the country on the DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Islands, eatat.1 of the aaid Edward Strehz, of. in and to all and singular latTaS aincoMtereii atrong f supply of this clas of immicrants is sd ample, From the 8. F. Merchant. Nov. 21..' the mortgaged premisee mentioned in nomplainant'a bid of SPRING ft. II A IK MArritKSSES MADE TO ORUIIS. N. UKhtrung: rwv.UR PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE In Probate. complaint, and therein described as follows: All tb se cer wnd?are"iel? by heavy thander and vivid Chinese males, A existing between the undersigned, has thia day been tain pieces of land situated in Kalihi, Island of Oahu, and cou- -- op whereby the immigration of Old Multr ' Tarried a-- .yP two lo; A correspondent signing himself "Sugar," by mutual coneent. All of veyed to the said Edward Strehz by Henry Nolle by esses EtjHiire'l and JUnovaled. Png -- outstanding debts the late In the matter of the Estate of CHAS. KANAINA, J. deed araMl out ptmea bj iscuuiuj. which thieafei.td to overflow the country and firm will be aetiled by Mr. W. H. Purria. deceased. Order on petition of Administrator, before the dated the 3rd day of July, A. D. 1806, which said deed is re- - wrote to the Alta, and tbe Call has reprinted, the Dee-17th.- ' Island Orders Promptly Attended to. harbor. ovcrehadow the native race wil be materially CQRLKS WILLIAMS, Chief Justice. corded in the ollice of the Registrar of Conveyances of the d2aa following communication: WILLIAM II KRBKRT PCRYIS. PON READING AM) Kingdom, in Liber 19, on pages 431 and 452; and alao all that Mi Kukuihaele, Hamakua, Dec. 6, 1879. d20 FILING THE piece or parcel of land aituated in Kalihi aforeaa id, conveyed a: x I'dKTS. discouraged. Hawaii, lm IT foregoing petition of W. C. PARKE. Administrator of l- The commenting upon my former com to said Edward rMrehz by William Adams, by deed dated the . -r Dlacorery. Doe -7t pli.s " Call, Foraaj1-Tan.i-- P- - as laborers or planta- the Estate of Chas. Kanaina, deceased, praying for an order Z9th or A. D. 1567, Is jU 1 pk coflte.lt.- Wc are well aware that Chinese ques- of day June. which said deed recorded in mtgar.ty rice. balea wool. munication to tbe Alta. says: "The for the sale all the remaining Real Estate, belonging to the Registrar ol Conveyances aforeaaid, in Of the purest Imimrted strains, and the I Estate upon as set the ofllre of tho Liber 24, of all agea. whiakr. Horn val $o0.5av. tion baud, the South Sea Islanders are not CHALLENGE ACCEPTED said certain grounds forth in raid petition. on puges 114 and h , k,'a tion will probably have something to do with the is hereby of be pub- llo U - - Iwt 1J t I It ordered that notice auch application with sell pub- .nrVnmr. equal of the Chinese and it cannot be A And in accordance the above decree, I shall at '. r plitsical treaty. Does it mean that tbe employment of tbe Mi CARD IN' THE GAZETTE, lished in the English and Hawaiian languages, for four succes- lic Kalihi, on on Saturday, SEKI W". ROB, etating he would swim any foreigner sive weeks, in tbe an.l auction at the aaid premises, the p FOR SALE, 1 Pom val f JIS.bXf.Ca. would be, under the circum- that Pacific Commercial Advertiser 17th day of January. A. D. 18S0. 12 o'clock noon, 1 caao fumitare. bureau. eipoctcd that they Chinese in the Sandwich Islands is going to make 300 1 say npon at all the Boxed and delivered in Honolulu, yards, lor (100, wish to that Kt oKOA, two papers published in Honolulu, calling ail right, title and interest of the said Edward tit ribs In and to to stmr or achr. persons interested to appear and show caue if any they have, 1 stances. The Inlanders are mere children in all tbe Congressmen of tbe Pacific Coast combine tbe following described premises, to satisfy tbe demand of J JX-a-A- . XaJUIMU.T. ! ! on TUESDAY, the 6th day of January, 1880, at 10 o'clock, Mott Smith, mortgagee of said premises, under a certain mort 7 have not been trained to sys- Booth opposed Will Accept His Challenge a. M. in of Hawaii. Dee lV-- pkrfa hark oil do character, and against the treaty i Senator tbe treaty I of that day, at Aliiolani Hale, the city llonolula, gage dated the 31st day of August. A. D. 1872. which demand A.t Moderate 3?rices. caiea JrO mate. cot oanuta. J c.aea why the prayer of the said petitioner abould not be granted, K. one turtle ol. M ecral. tematic labor. But they are "extremely tractable, has be changed bis mind? And if tbe Pacific It JAMES DAILY. for and as to Court may was ascertained by John Barnard, of the masters of turtle and auch other further triers the said Court to amount to the sum of $2,163.20. raid premises 1 pkrfa to do with chccrfulnces whatever they Coast are against tbe treaty, bow is it going to seem necessary and proper in the premises. per W tt Slayer, fee ' and ready my said Supreme are bounded and described as follows: i -- potatm-a- Given under hand and the aeal of the PtrMins wishing ta start toWIua'Try g jiaVli k grain. U ska we may not anticipate their T For, assuredly, all the sugar producers sup A. D. 1879. Commencing at a redwood post in fence at west corner of witb the Best r t i" and arc taught to do, and stand SPORTS TEE HOLIDAYS! Court, thia tth day of December, piece on government road, s d post being 67 ft K E of Ktk do butter. V pkg. brel "kera. 01 BIAS CHA.--. C. HARRIS. Chief thia the Improve what they aovr hate, eaa i. ... .- -. it. eke rt.mr. hatchets this market will certainly combine against Justice. second mile stone, ami from which post the government sur- ,.i,.' combining to attack an overseer with plying Attest: JNO. E. BAKNARD, Clerk. de6 6t in pairs not akin. VTgVr. V'Jo mCalaV. K ahin.lc. w and it is certainly doomed to destruction. Now vey station, Salt Lake, bears N 42 11' W true, and running . - --- v some misunderstanding it, N 64 s 99 Jt true, ea ft along Week's land; H 31 26' E true Addr-a- s, D . lum-- r. - i,ktfa and cane knives through da A. HERBERT, Hawaiian llotei. ltbrtfk. -; rmrt, ci Notice of Foreclosure of Mortgage. 45.6 ft along land; N 47 43' E 143.9 along Meek's ft 1JO 3iu "'- - same time comes the news of tbe rise in sugar several cents true. bxa fruit, pg 21 bay. ,.;,,, about rations or wages. But at tbo Meek'i N 43 s W true, 60.1 ft along Meek's pkga furniture. bolea I'CR-1- 1 land; Is' land; 8 tobacco. 1J on pound, by which it is said one man will IS II KREBY GIVEN. TII AT r a system of treatment and tbe 7TOTICE power of in a mortgage 63 12' W true. 32 3 rt along Meek's Ianil; 110' W true, - we beg to euggcet that suant to a aale contained certain N per M Avery. Uec 17- -W I kg- two million dollars, and tbe says deed, dated the 20th day ol April. 1977, by Keano K. Eldredge 22 3 ft along Meek's land; 43c57' E true. If 8 ft along SOUUTIIIiVG KXTRA I Trom Johnaon a Ialand. J employers make Call S K Mi H K management shou'.J be adopted by the David P. Eldredge, to II. A. Widemann, and of record in Meek's luid; 44 46' true. rt along r 676 Ap 1; N mlaemdao. will sugar Swimming Races, Boat Races, Diving Races and 60 23' E true, 72 2 ft along R P 675 Ap niece deeded 1 oil California not obtain cheap under its Liber 20, on pages 103, 104 and 105. an I also In another cer- l.(eid w2S2 'I per Storm Bird. Doc pkga abark Islanders somewhat different from that by Kahele to Strehz); N 7 2.V W true, 28 8 ft along R 675 From Jaluit. of these mortgage made by aai I Keano K. Eldredge and P ! do rpongeo. ptovision. be true that the sugar consumers tain deed 1; N 84 28 60 7 N 1 caao turtle ebell, t or native Hawaiian labor- If it David P. Eldredee, to II. A. Widemann, dated Nov. Ap E true, ft along Konohikl (Peapa); 2 Dec 271W ft lum pursued with Chinese thesaid 35' H 81 8 ft along Konohiki (Peapa); N 75 -- 4V K From F.nreka. par Ida Sekaaaer. coast are not to be gainers by the Recipro 25th, ls76. and recorded in Liber 43. on pages 106. 107 and true. true, . ' become of this ! 162 4 It along Niau to corner of stone wall; N 8 63' K SALMON 15,j0 picket. For some time, or until they Lots of Prizes Lots of Fun for 10S, and lor a breach of the conditions in sai 1 mortgage deeds true, BELLIES! ber. ers. aiong K city Treaty, who then will be its friends in thiscoun contained, that all ana singular, the lands, tenements and is it stone wu along Kacntmaunu; ft ?4 19 true. In Half Barrels and 60 Pound Kitta, ' - new conditions and surround- 274.6 ft along stone wall along Kaohimauou; N 64 9 a owKi(3 familiar with their hereditaments in such mortgage deeds contained and described, 62' E true. u KH. try? Only tha sugar producers of the Islands and ! ! 115 5 ft along stone wall alorg Kaohimauna tu corner of stone , r r Vnmw TW VOXa M Fran" they will require to be specially looked Everybody will, after the time limited by law, be sold at pul.lic auction, - ings, few traders wbo sell to the producers. on on account of breach of the conditions as hereinbefore men- wall, tnence a Jo JY K true. 454 1 ft along stone wall along tbe If the ; JUSTATHANDEXHONORA ... f.vwl -- to corner S 67 W r ... .1 .ti.ym- nf- el.ithinie- and medical tioned. The property in such morlgagea described, and in- lane of stone wall 2' true, 492 ft along rlaVHdMSnZ"CraJg. Drbptera,D waj.auo. a-- a.enaiy. ait. i.arr.ta. uncr ...v oo..v.- D ly few are to reap any benefit from and SWIMMING RACES I stone wall along K .oliiruaunu and thence N 16 12' W H I these it tended to be sold, being situate in Kula, Island of Maui, and llalai; AND per Hawaii. De is--o E o Jarkat.n. H for it must be remembered that they true, 206 ft along Kuloa R P 673 Ap2to corner stone wall; FOR SALE, From Jaluit. mew. atteiliarice all other producers of sugar are to be injured, For all ladies under 18 years, 150 yards. Lady's Purse, $15. known as tbe Ahupuaa ofKaonouiu, and containing 2O.0t4) c M incloUing VI thence 85 20' W true, 66 ft along stone wall along above aa.LsLUdaml. more or II- - A. I DEM ANN. beda. 1 , . - f Xntrance $1. acres, less M . L I . . ' . A 1 1 C i vr aaao a bringing patent; 8 12 18' E true, 77 9 ft along above patent; 86 4' ttlC what is to prevent their powerful argu CECIL BROWN, Attorney for Mortgagee. d!3 4t e 18-- 1-fI Ialand. rs, For all boys under IS, 150 yards. Christmas Purse, $15. W true, 161.8 ft along above patent; 9 14 6' K true, 95 ft Frofc JlVrJ S"1 Tdrtf. Dec habits of life. Children as they arc, of a power AT LOW rt.fV.TEH- i and ments opon tbe treaty making at Washing Entrance $1. along above patent; N 65 25' E true, 102 3 ft along above pa- dI31m ideas En- Notice of Foreclosure of Mortgage. v " , Dr Hunter, larger growth, and with very inadequate of abrogation of the Hawaiian Reciprocity Tradesmen's Purse $25. 200 yards, for all amateurs. tent; 8 27 45 E true, 51.5 ft along above patent to stone wall; castle cookk. .m.n.nr H ton for the PUR-i- . 1 W V fiol MorrUt. Cha. Uala. squan- trance $1. fkJOTlX'E IS HERKBY GIVEN THAT 55c 20' true, 15 ft along Halal to corner stone wall; 9 CaptVerrVm?: eVortb. value of money, they will be likely to of in a certain mortgage 28 - 38' K true. 99 5 ft along Halai to corner stone wall; 61 8 the Treaty t " Foundry Purse, Race Against Time, longest distance In 30 suanl to a power sale contained 8 1 1 deed, dated Sept. 26th. 1877. made by Debora Ilsakulau and 10 W true, 105.8 ft along stone wall to corner; N 28 47' W We avo AaLeceivetl ' " wages with unscrupulous Chinese shop- minutea, from atake boat to slake boat; open ta all comers. . DIED. der their Why should a man write foolish questions? Kaxhaanui to C. S. Bartow, Chairman cf Hoard of Trustees of true, 79.5 ft along Wilkinson to corner stone wall: thence 8 If 1st prize, $55; 2d, $10; 3d, $5. Entrance $2. 63 W 85 ft N EX RECENT n 1 typhoid precautions, a few Lodge No 2), F. & A. M., of 'record in Liber 23, on 48' true, along Wilkinson's; 37 60' W true. ARRIVALS. Wo-rt-rrI- this city December tth, ft keepers. In regard to health Hawaiian v.,.. l- 1 M. all California Congressmen should oppose the Hawaiian Purse, $35, lor all comers, mile. Khlrance $2. assigned to U. 163 ft along R P 671 Ap 1 ; 8 60 12' W true, 116.2 ft R . j .J - !! In. ... ii . . n.t t pages 1 and 2. and by said C. S. Bartow A. along remedies arc usuawjr acj """ almost all for it Native Purse, lor all ladies, 250 yards. Kntrance $150. Widemann and J. L. Richardson, by document dated May 27, P673 Ap 1; 8 35 27' K true. 23 1 ft along R P 67S Ap 1; 3 M treaty tbey are why should in sa d 57 2' W true, 79 9 ft along R P 673 Ap 1; 8 33 E FRESH CALIFORNIA HAY I ,'7a.' riTHMrrxTT.T would however be a sound Foreigners' Purse, foreigners only. Kntrance $1.60. 1S7S, and for a breach of the conditions mortgage deed 10' true , plantation. It Senator Booth, tbe exception, if be is yet opposed, $30, for contained, that all and singular, the lands, Unemeola and 262.5 ft along R P 673 Ap 1 and Wilkinson to corner of atoni Kanalama, on Dec. Jaxh j 150 yards. En- T Oats, Oil-Ca- ke new-come- rs Cosonpcliian Purse, for all comers. wad; 8 56 13 W true, 95 ft fence to corner ot Bran, Corn, . tio ape. have all the vaccinated ? $20, hereditamenta in said mortgage deed contained and described south thia Meal, etc. wwijTin .riwii year of hia precaution to bave to change his mind The treaty wil stand trance limited by law, be sold at Public Auction, piece on government road;' I hence N 30 8' W true, 465 3 ft .... ,, v t...r ti. will, after the time We have in tho country. Vaccination was is tbe almost Santa Claus' Purse, for 12 years, 50 yards. Kn- on account of th breach of the conditions as hereinbefore along gi.verr.ment road to initial point. a Large block of 7 oaya. An their arrival not only because' it unanimous desire boys under aged 71 TMnorrtbs and trance 0 els. Prize $5. mentioned. Thi property in said morteage described being The whole containing an area of 8 25 acres. The above piece typhoid Fijis after they became a of people of this coast, because the faith of of land is composed 2922 H city. Docouiber 1Mb, of fever. made compulsory in the the but one who dives the fur- situate In Leleo, Honolulu, Oahu, and in Waianae. Oahu. of Grant to J Nolte. Lot 11 of R rr -- Neptune Purse or Diving Race. The VI A PRODUCE OF rj r'a ina The deceased was a ar- in- II. A WIDE ANN, P 604 to Adams and Ap 1 of R P 1247 to Kahunahuna less ALL KINDS wa-XlJ- m race on the the United States is pledged to it. was not of Entrance $1. JH of Boaton. Mm., and British Colony, and it saved the It thest under water takes tbe prize $10. J. L. RICHARDSON. kuleanas. 1 on hand at all timet, we rrCT: Shortly after, the faouljr of coolies from India with the smallpox. tended or expected to make sugar cheaper in Cali- BOAT CECIL BROWN, Attorney for Assignees of Mortgage. (d20 4t Also Ap of R P 1247. He mooaina iloko o I!ikau i Hauna-p- o. which will sell FOR CASH rival races: K hoomaka ma ke kihi akau a e hele be 36 kom 1 29 lower than any otber house ia town. lrStt& fornia, but it was expected and intended that the or A. noticeable and a pleasant feature is the largo Yacht Race. 3 milea and return. Purse $100. Four Notice of Foreclosure xf Mortgage. kanl ma ko Konohikl. alalia he 51 be 1.79 kaul ma ko Wai-mah- more boata to atart. Kntrance alaila A 61 2 he l7 pauku; alalia A 19 kom We Would Cwll treaty would bo enrich the Island planters, tbat $20. -- 120 Parllritl.r among the immigrants from PCK-- X. Allr.iU. Omr nnmber of children Canoe Race, half mile, open to all comers. Hawaiian Purse OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ka il ana ko ke Konohikl, N 66 W 88 chains kahl i hoomaka ln-t?- every other government on this continent would contained a certain Mortgage 0 ? Cw'Ci bafn"ei rt"li.taWM noted or atrltt will of course be sent to $15. Entrance $1.60. w auant to a power ' f sale in ai eka. l JZ 12 T : prol"Tof chiracter. and bis priv.t, life was the South Seas. These Deed dated September 1877. made by Keano R. Eldredge On the said premises are two substantial dwelling houses, MIX i: it aid come begging of future administrations for similar Seamen's Purse, tor open to all comers, mile. 2i. A a be- ahipa' boats, i Eldredge. jr . to Stephen of record in together with the necessary s, beinir tha heal tl Jr.. leavea a widow and four children, government schools, and in a year or two Prize Entrance and David P. Sncer. and haa a water right ,""C p Ho of typhoid the treaties and thus United States manufactures, pars- tii. $4.50 each boat. Liber 62, on pages 317, 31s and Hl'J. ant I r a breach ol tne of 3 days per week, there ia also a paid up Fire Insurance It i. uround and ",."."7 Top. HonoluliU Dee. 1Mb. ; ro-TT-- Hill Mary to nil intents and purposes Ilawaiians. Five Oared Boat Race, mile, open to all. Prize $25; aecond conditions in said Mortgage Deed contained that all and singu- Policy oo aaid premises up to the 26th day January A,D. GOOD UKAI.N. samnel and . come free through every foreign custom house on the i "KNTi:U weeka? lant ing boat tares stakes, bntrance $1.50 each boat. lar the lands, tenements and hereditaments in said Mortgage IsSO. The location Is unsurpassed bring on the Government ". Rrandn..-- .U Hi. has been commonly said, and we hear it Continent, would secure to this country prize Deed contained and described will, after the tftne limited by road and about 3 milea from town, most of ALSO, ; tell bim to tue .n It American Tiring for Money. The one getting most pieces takes the above land Can 0UE GROUND BARLEY. 'l.amrnle tut law, be sold pontic auction on account of the breach of the be planted with kalo, the patches all being laid aome WVw well aa from abroad, that of Entrance 60 cents. at out and AT1A mewif Islands as millions of profitable that now $5. Ground Grain la beaven." Ha baa here at the hundreds of trade conditions aa hereinbefore mentioned. The property in said under cultivation. The premises can be viewtd on application hnn.lal mot, leal few Duck Hunt, foe aU comers. Tha one who catches the dock Kula, Maui, and known aa the than who!e Grain for feed. " ; the Hawaiian people a years more will belongs to Great Britain. France and Germany. mortgage being situate in Island vl to anderaigned and a map of the same can be seen at bit we rtalgn with In the water takea prize of $5. Entrance 60 cents. Ahnpuaa of Kaonoulu, and containing 20.000 acres more or olBce. A ' Ifl.1 the NEfT IM PROh'EO HORSE f lO:rM to. " finUh the work of extinction. This is a mistake. The story o( somebody " making two millions'' 7 Three Entries for each event or no race. le,, STEPHEN DPENCER, Unless said decree costs and expenses be previously satisfied POWER" FOR SALE. hi TO copvao Attorney in fact, II. A. WIDEMANN, Deedst expense of purchaser W. etoraga for fcw tnc rate of decease is so absurd that it ought to have condemned the All entrances to be made at GEO. F. WELLS' Music Store, By his . C. PARKK, Marshal. jy Light flood, jet Durin" the Jcars- bp . , . : l i... . - ... rhM nv apvnn uam i v r- - a has been rt imwnuiw. mini um nmeiii t...-- - -' saaaajiaaf

1 N V tt n 'L I. sluing. BY AUTHORITY. THE PACiriO BRIEF MENTION. Report of the U. S. 8. Hanger. Fikk at Waiaixa. On Monday night last, the Tbe C 8. Ounlioat 'kanrr, 3rd rate, 4 con, 123 men and liOO tou tHu)s-en- n iit. arrived at this port oa the OXommcrcial Sibbcrtisfr trah house of tbe Waialua plantation on tbis Is- City mm I P. ADAMS. BY C. S . DARTOVV. FOR SAX FRANCISCO. incendiary caught. moral n of tbe l'.Hh inst., 44 day out front Yokohama. Und was burned. Tbe wai Japan. The Ranger original destination oa Iravlng TUB AMERICAN RARRENTINE Japan, wa San at midnight 2Mta SA TURD A Y, DECEMBER 20. Calendar fi 1SS0. The Advertiser Annual Fraiirlscu. but oa tha Sale, Grsiutl Christmas Sale 99 r ult., while in lat. 38 f 3d' N. a terrific cyclone waa r:i'ristmas ,3 Register Calendar, will be is- wace xvuuci and full and correct, which with the combined aid of a very heavy ! BRIEF MENTION. Of Elrjsaat and r OLSEN, Master. h, sued next week. , l Thursday, Dee 2.-t- Christmas Day. and Thursday, J an. sea. carried away boats, maa-ta- spars, and dun) other TV-nigh- t. Don't forget the Concert of KVEXIXG, for the Part. 1st. New Year Day, will te observed as National Concckt A. O. O. The regular meeting of Foresters, damage that retjulrvd tbe keeping away for thl port, tftlDAY ! Will Hiie Qaltk Ulpatt!i lbte F twc 'eloek, at Palesrooiii, a Fine Aisnrtmect of Holiday, and Government office throughout the Vocal Mumc. &c, at Kaumakapili Church tbia Tbe report gleamed from authentic source are as fol- Z' ' Plated and Silver Ware Freight or Paissge, apply to all will take place next Tuesday evening, 23rd. Inst., Tot Kingdom will be closed. Sami. G. Wildfr. eveninp, under the patroonce of II. R. 11. the Prio-- lows : Left Yuiohaufa. Xov.Cth. V. 8. 8. Alrrt in port-- At Fancy Articles. Photcgraph Albums, w Co., Agent. at the Knights of Pythias hall, on Hotel street. rTM. G. IRWIN th j0y. 2) Interior Oflict. Dec 1S79. Minister of the Interior. 1 Ce Lilinokalani. midnight of the 2.-- Nov. In lat. 38 33' N. long. 176 lor,kn. will be bcld at Salesroom of C. r. Bartow. !. ' Japanese Lacqucre! ar. Crpe ehawl, A picked from 3rt' E.. eucountereU a heavy cyclone, wind blowing front , Chios SUk Rice Rkmkmbkkixu Pri!oxfr3. Ve heard of one Bask Ball. nine the Laclavanna llanrfkerrnie". I'irtar, Ac. Ma Joseph O. C.tETra having tenJtre.l his thk W N I Also, a targe and Llcant Assortment base with like 8 to W.. carried away fores tar sal at II. 33 r. M. t Direct. e cleriryina:i of tin who remembered those will play a came of ball a cumber of For Portland of the cfik-- of Registrar of PuMic Accounts, to take effect city ia 'be 2Vtb, shipped a heavy sea which carried away auj SATUROAV EVEN'G, on Tuank.-girm- g Day se?nt our local base ballistt, on Christmas afternoon on (If, ! ! THIS The A 1 BRITISH January 1st next, I have thl day appointed M. Godfakt bonds this year, having whsl boat, and stovs Irosj Gold Jewelry, U. Kulaokahua ta other boats, foread In Warranted to 11 vacancy occasioned. a libei ol n j'.I n of roast turkey and mince pie plaint. 20th, at 7 o'clock, cotEprlsiog Bbow th thus port on starboard aide, and ailed decks water NAMELY. Iecettber SIMON K. KAAl, to Oahu prison. Perhaps be bad in mind tbe say- wit Pept, Dec. 20.JS79. a Gold Met. Pin and Rmn, plsin, enaxne'led k catceo; VIOLA, rinance Before our next issue, Christmas will bate carried away tnlcxevvtopmaat and caused ralrr-r- msri m Er BARK 30-3- t ' . nnanca. ing to bt found in tbtNew Testament I was Uol Dec Minliter of J Breast Pins. Locket. iUar. Gold Eardrop, Stods, J. H. PRICE, Mister. fore-loo- break two Iron beam and setUs ; sea also broke, throng Coli Sleeve Button, plain, enamelled and fancy atones; Sets and Pieces of Various Styles, in prison, acd ye visits me."' And Christ- come and gone. Therefore we take time by the k, An h wry Gold Election of Representatives to the next Legislative mas is coming ! and offer to our patrons the compliments of wardroom alryllf ht. doing considerable damans to ahlBa Assortment of t best Plated Opr Cbams, Swinging Pitcbri, Pitchers Chased, Elegant 'Waiter. Will have Quick Dipatch for above Port. The " Bottoos, Mods, King. Fancy Chains, Assembly, wlU take place throughout the various Election season, wish them m provision and officers clothing. All this tlsaa tha aJsiy Barter b.shes. Syrup Pitcher. Oobiets. r.Ut and chased; or Passage, apply lo Wednesday dsyof tbe genial and all Merbt Walthaa and Ilgin Uold and S.lver Watches. e. For Freight District of the Kingdom on the 4th Forf.f,aThfrs' Next Monday, 22d ! was rolling heavily, and It waa a matter of almost Cap, variou style; DtoDer and Breakfast Castors, February next. Th following place ar designated for Dat. the Christmas ttu, K.F. AOAMH. Auctioneer. Sets. Pickle Dishe, chased; C022 Q. W. MACf ARLANB CO., Agent. possibility to go from on portion of to Berry Dishes, Toilet holding the election. instant, will b tbe two hundred and Gfty-nim- b tha the Cake Baskets, Vase, Gilt Card Receivers, Garllnias. HAWAII. People who insure their lives, should remem- other without being washed away. On vslof th mea, Pruit gilt and chased; Jewel Cases, Celery Jars, aouiversary of tbe landing of tbe " Pilgrim y lishei. In Hilo, School House aickness-breedi-og stationed at a life buoy, waa Elerant Tea Sets, 6 piece Francisco. District of Hilo Court House Fathers ' at Plvmoutb, in tbe ' old Bay State." ber, that by living in the midst of filth and stashed overboard, but lit Ladie and Genu' VYaJlbam Gold and Silver Watcbet, For San Onotnea. The uVscend.ium of Pilgrims wbom there rubbish tbey do not enhance their claim next sea returned him iu board aud he waa secured. Tha Of BARK District of Hamakua Court Hcue ia Waipio, School tbe of Credit Ivory and Celluloid Charm. Ladie Recticale, Ac, THE FINE HAWAIIAN th-s- e in should aod tbe agents of fore of the sea wa prodigious, iron davits, of from threw s,lo least, if death ensue House Honokaa. re some on I!andi. as well as elsewhere the L. 8. Needle Rillle, Marine Opera Glasa. to being received by steamer, and will be posi- 99 District of Kobala Court House Waimea, School House scattered abroad will not fail lo remember the the companies discover their negligence. Yerbum four Inches in diameter, broken off Ilk tp ! This invoice was last N affording an c to purchase valuable " Kohala. leelings of a ; is sap. stems, or else twisted aa if of straw. Th gala lasted CHITVA GOODS tively sold, thus pportonity KALAKAUA, of N. Kona School House Kailua. occasion with just pride for there and useful article for Christmas Gifts. JENK3 MASTER. District something more than mere sentiment, after all. in about 40 hour, and on accouut of th condition of th will on exhibition oa Saturday, dur- District of S. Kona School House Hookena. The will These elegant goods be Port, Waiohinu. having an Mrsic. Band play this afternoon at boats and lack provision waa It) ing day. Ladies and the public are invited to inspect Will have Quick Dispatch for above District of Kau Court House ancestry to be proud of. Ua our first of It deemed prodant the District of Puna School House Pohoiki. page we Emma Square, commencing at 4 r u. Tbe follow- keep away V FKIDAY, DEC. 2Gtli, them. For Freight or Passage apply to buve reprinted tbe grand, masculine for Honolulu. Tha lowest tag of tha baro- C. 8. BARTOW, Auct'r. WM. O. IRWIN A CO.. Agents. MATI. hymn ol Felicia Hemans on " Tbe Landing of tbe ing ia the programme. meter waa 38 63". mlduight otth 28th. Th damage noTl5 House Lahaina. At 10 o'clock, a m at "alearcnoi. District of Lahaina Court Pilgrims." Overture Fra Dlsvolo Auber will amount to about 1 10.000. Following 1 a list of District of Kaanapali School Honse Honokahaa. Cavatlna Lucia DoniietU tha officer of th . Quon & Co., District of Wailuku Court House Wailnku, Court House Royal Akcu. At tbe regular meeting of Hono- - Selection Norma Belllini Sanger By Order of Yin Sing or Charter. Clupalatna. Waltz For Thee Waldseutel Commander. Robert Boyd ; Ex. Officer Lieut. FURNITURE SALE! I !rm.r Por Sale Court Housa Makawao. Auln Royal Arch Chapter Kir. 1, held on Thursday : SCHOONERS District of Makawao March Turklah Kensvr Mlchaeli Randall ; Masters, H. W. 8cha frr, O A. Calhoatt, II. To Ckse Consignments THE HAWAIIAN District of Hana Court House Han a. School House levening. Dec. 18lu. tbe following Companions Galop Per Force Strauss F Keanae. Fickbohn, J. A. Barber; Ensign. A. Reynolds. O. ana Mo-loka- were t omce year : : : : DEC. 23rd, "LILITJ," KALTJNA Molokai and Lanai Court House Pukoo i, eiecieu noia ior tne ensuing B. O. Scott ; Chief Engineer. B. Carpenter I INV TUESDAY, District of High Companion Jas. S. Lemon; King. Trimhixo Trkks We note that many of our cit J. ; CII PROVISIONS Store House Kalaupapa, School House Kaohal Lanai. Priest. P d Asst. Engineer, VT. L. Bailie ; P'd Asst. Surgeon, H. Lyehe Nu!, Lsmcuaa Nats. Peanut Oil, AT lO O'CLOCK. A. M.. "KAMAILE." Companion G. est; Scribe. Companion J. XT. iseca have apparently accepted aa correct the theory OAHU. L. Law ; P'd Asst. Paymaster. Z. T. Brown ; Cadet Engl. Mo 1 (hma Rice. Jiita Camphor Tronk. At the rooms of MR. J. M. DAYLEd, corner of Hotel and ea. For at front Oat. Jr.; Cuptain ot Host. Coppanion Wm. B. put forth by us last week, that too much foliage was Rolls Amru-- Matting;. Flower Elands A Pots, Well found and ready for Prt,Lni,I"A.&,w' i District of Kona Aliiolani Hale Honolulu, the neer, T, J. Rchell, II. W. Bpaiigler ; Captain's Clark, at. Union street, will be sold n2 A. t RANK COOKE, Agent. entrance. Wright; Principal Sojourner. Com pin ion B. Whit- a breeder of malaria as during tbia week we have China Hardware, Chin Teas, School House Waiawa, W. Hanee ; Boatswain, P. Johnson. Crape Is, a Lare aModmeot; District of Ewa and.Waianae ney; R. A. Captain, Companion W. C. Parke; Mas- noticed a good deal of trimming of trees going on in Stlk Shawls ami Handkerchiefs, assorted; School House Waianae. ter of 3rd Veil. Companion D. Dayton; Master of in re- BetlroomFurniture! New York & Honolulu Packet Line District of Waialua School House Waialua. the city. Although much has been done thia Ware, ans, Ac. Laie-W- Japanese r Bedsteads, Washatands, Chair. Rockers, Looking Glass. District of Koolauloa School House ai. 2d Veil. Companion A. N. Tripp: Master of 1st spect, much more remains undone in the interests of The Strangers. Mattrsssea. Pillows, Hbeets, Towels. Tables, Lamps, &c District of Koolaupoko Court House Kaneohe. Veil. Companion II. R. Iiollister; Treasurer. Com- wholesome air and free venttllation. XT TERMS AT SACK. Demijohns. V. H. Crossman Bros., Jsrs, KACAI. panion Jno. S. Walker; Secretary, Companion I. The three hundred ninety-eig- ht E. P. ADAM. Atael'r. 118 Chamber Street, New York Agents. and men, women AND OTHER ARTICLES. District of Waimea School House Waimea, School B. Peterson; Sentinel. Companion A. McDuff. Creditable. The street sprinklers were placed at and children, natives of the Microneaian groups, House Niihau. C. 8. BARTOW Auct'r. rflsilB NEXT is thia POPCLAR District of Puna School House Lihue. School House Wbalkk Abandoned. The whaling bark Helen tie disposal of the Mr. C. W. Flart, the overseer of wbo have arrived here durlog the week acJer NOTICE 1 Line will leave New York in all the month of December. Koloa. the street department, on Thursday a id Friday last, Parties having freight for this port, will do well to patroniae Hanalei, School Houne Mar, Cuptaiu Barclay, eleven days from Fox the auspices f the Board of Immigration, have rami: cndcrsicmki) not be low District of Hanalei Court House to be used in laying the dust during the time the M. responsible fur any debts contractedwillin bis name without !S yV. JE ! this Line, being assured of a good vessel and a rate ol Anahola. Sam'l G. Wildeb. Islands, arrived at Sun Francisco. Nor. 26. bring- been objects of curiosity to the Hawaiian, aad written order. WM. II. COK.NWtLL T. freight. te27 tf 1m"9. Minister of Interior. street! were being awept. The offering of tbe sprink- his Dec 13th - ' the of ICa-kap- ROOM ing the ciew the wbaliug burk Mercury, which a. Mani, Nov. 29. 1.79. d 4t for a purpose, being entirely voluntary, re- on the other hand our own people and everything was in lers such Thk Christmas Vacation of all Government schools in abandoned the ice October 24th, in latitude flects on tbe owner, and is appreciated by On Wednesday, Dec. 24th, 71 degrees 10 north, longitude 172 credit about ua are equally objects of curiosity to tbe caw 'ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. the Kingdom will extend from Friday, the 19th Inst., to minutes west, those cognisant of tbe action. At 10 a. m. at Salesroom, will be sold, FOR SALE. immediately iioith ot Harold Shoals. The entire comers. They roam promiscuously about the city, 111' Monday, January 5th, 1880; from which date the first BEEN' A HPOIXTEII THE Ibe nAVI.G Coart Administratrix, wild Ibe Hill annexed, VTV r 'V , THE HAWAIIAN BRIO school session of the ensuing year will begin. crew of Mercury were transfeired to tbe Utlen RmoBS or War. The rumors of an impending entering yards and bouses, where they make them- of 1 hereby no- AHHOI IT3IE OF of Ueo. Henry Baih. late llooolala. deceased. W. Jas. Smith, Sec'y. Mar, and worked their way out of tbe ice, tbe sea selves home, themselves eata- tify all creditor of Ibe said deceased to present their claims being completely frosen over. The cargo of the outbreak between China and Japan continue. News perfectly at helping to Education Office, Dec. 6th. 1879. . dec6 3t to ns withio sis moaths from this day, or th'T will be barred. Mercury consisted of 1000 barrels of oil, 9000 at San Francisco Nov. 21 by steamer is to the effect bles, etc with guileless simplicity. Their Ideaa of Dee 8th, (do 4t) UIlNRIKITA K- - BL'bII. POMAEE, 17. Choice Groceries, Sea. Sale of Government Lots. pounds of bone and 4000 pounds of ivory. In that both countries are well prepared for war. They mtunt et tuum are apparently a jittle orude as yet, Well Found Heady for ot only want, on each aide, a master mind fit to. organ- FOR SALE. Furniture, au23 Apply to H. HACKFKLP A Co. On Saturday, December 20th, at 12 o"clock noon, at the view the luct that Jeannette. when last beard but were in one instance smewbat brightened by a Lot of of Aliiolani Hale, will be sold at public from, wits in this vicinity, there is some apprehen- ize plans and take supreme command. It is openly SITUATE front entrance shop-keep- er RESIDENCE., asserted China and Russia a compaet Chinese strenuously objecting to their ranieM. oa Schooltwoand utortStro-u- Honolulu. Is in excellent following Building Lots on Kulaokahua sion that she may be in trouble. Tbe Mercury and that have made Kant Cook: PACIFIC MAIL auction, the each special view at order and repair, w ilk good and sufficient pasturage for two One Large Stove. Plains: ' " ' ' Mar were HU half a mile apart when tbe ice closed with other, iu of war with Japan carrying off some of bis dry goods But tbey are only or horses. Half th purchase money rosy remain oa General ol Castoms. an date. three By Order of Collector 1C9, 170, 171, 172. Upset price, $100 each. in on the former. early . children now happy children. Experience cf civili- sortgsge (nc two or three years, at per cent, per annam. COMPANY! Nos. enquire of (do tf) TIIQd. BROW N. Registrar's Ortlce. of Heavy Blue Broadcloth, STEAMSHIP Nos. Ift4, IKS, 1SG. 187, " An Injurious Libel." The Gazette of this zation, with Its labors and responsibilities, la before Six Yards 1(H, 205, i!07, Cpset price, $200 each. Emigration fkom Madeira. The following is a 20t, -- Sold IjT riolatioo of Revenue Laws. SAHT 20H. 209. telegram from N-- York, under date ol Nov. 26: week in one of the stale puffs of which its local colamn them. FOR FRANCISCO. Nos. 2(i3, 2M, acc, ai7, ) A correspondent of tbe Florence Gazetla is made ap, deliberately utters the falsehood that our reporter Quarantine grounds. Fire Risks on Cane Fields. Also 9bo. 2G9, tt6, HfM. 5 Upset price, $160 each, d' Italia, Y Our has visited the writing from Fuuchal. Madeira, re- drinking water haa been ascertained' to contain UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS far Ike ! SPLENDID STEAMSHIP 370, 372, 374. ) notices the and describes tbe Gilbert Islanders now quartered r1IIK LOT TOOLS THE No. 391 rpset price, $o00. emigration now going some poisonous foreign substance." The worst than OF JEWELER'S markable out from that there as contented and happy. Their tancy is tbat comp't Consisting of : Nos. 339. 341. 342, 344, 340, island. A few years ago a small number of natives can truly be said of tbe water supply of this city ia r.io fire nmE isirice CITY OF NEW YORK' 34, 350, 353, 355, 357, V New Zealandiiare aaihorixed to accept Fir Risks on Ed Upset price, $200 each. made their way to the Sandwich Islands, and were that it contains, aa is the case alwaya with water Kalakatia baa sent for them to come and work for Of Forge, Files, 35(5, 358. Draw Bench, Boiler, COBB, COMMANDER. 359. 3f.l. . gar Crops in the BeUl. For particulars, apply to Polishing Lathes complete. Nos. 241. S40, 839, 23d, 233.-234- delighted to lind the climate and scenery very running in open conduits. a certain amount of him. They are only too glad to leave homes made WM. U. IRWIN Ac CO.. Engraving Machine complete. leave Honolulu for San Francisco on to w left vegetable impurities, not "poisonous substances." Agents fur Hawaiian Islands. Will These lands are sold with a distinct understanding that similar bat they had in their old homes. undesirable by frequent ware and consequent 4ft Sm Monday, Dec. 22d. same. Govern Their induced others to follow, But the Gazelle has frequently proved that its editor Twratj-fai- r Different Stjles and Slzrs, and Trj- - or about the purchasers are .to Improve the The letters until at last scarcity of food for a land of peace and plenty. to to parties desiring to hold for an the movement has reached considerable propor- does cot ooni prebend the significance of terms. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. ment declines sell Tbey are not very personal thias appcrtalilag t the Jeweler's trade. Sydney, via Auckland ! advance. tions. The causes ot emigration are, on one hand, prepossessing in ap UNDERSIGNED R EMHKCTFl'LLV For two years, and M. the increasing poverty among tbe inhabitants Silver Ware. Of late years the Americans pearance. though some of them have good rs.fIK y, Also Terms, i cash, in one year, in of features 1 iurorwi the Inhabitants of this City anl the Islands gene-rall- STEAMSHIP nt THE SPLENDID cent, mortgage Madeira, growing out ot repeated failures of the have been making wonderful progress in the manu- that be ha been appointed Ar-- by the Friedlander Square Slaods, Bed Tiles. Granite Post. in three years, with, interest at 9 per and and intelligent facea. They are In many respects wine crops, and. on the other, the fertile soil of tbe of silver ware. Tbe Middle-tow- n, Bros, la fulfill all order fur Knlarged Photograph Picture and on the property. Papers at the expense of the purchaser. facture manufactory at obviously inferior lo the Hawaiian race. But our Frame. (n29 tQ CHA9. BLACKBURN. ! G. Minister of the Interior. Hawaiian archipelago, tbe abundance of room for Conn, has become particularly celebrated in AT 12 M., ONE TOP BUGGY "AUSTRALIA," Saml. Wxueh. new settlers, people take kindly to them, and are ready to treat Crirgill, Commander. Interior Office; Nov. 14th, 1879. nl5 and tbe encouragement held out to this line, articles from their establishment having FOR SALE CHEAP. C. 8. BARTOW, Auctioneer. immigrants by the Government, wbich is anxious attracted much attention at various expositions of them with generous hospitality its they walk about ON OR ABOUT MONDAY, DEC. 29th, Licenses Auction. to a in WIMMIILL, 1 BRASS PIMP.I Awn at check steadv decrease population by bring- the World's industry and art. Tbis evening at Bar- our streets and suburbs, which tbey are freely al- 1GOOD capable of holding 604 each; 1 Solid H. UACKFELD A CO., Agent. On Saturday. December 30, 1879, at 12 o'clock noon, will ing in a new element of an industrious and fruitful gllfa tow's a large invoice of tbe heavily plated ware of lowed to do. There is even some complaint of the Frame, fur above laaks; also. Pipe Work. Connections, etc., EVEIVTIlvTG www be sold at public auction, at the front entrance of Alii- people. this company will be offered cncnpU-t- . caaj working by apply- SALE GwoeU Sblpasewt per Steamer can at auction, whereby Tbia Mill be seen la order for year 1880 : persistency with wbich the Hawaiiana try to per- I OR Flre-pro-ef olani Hale, the following Awa Licenses for the those wishing to make their friends (or themselves) ing lo ' Ptf) II. J. AUNEW. be Slwred, Free ef Charge, ia Ihe Bciijiixq Lots Sale. W note that Gov- - Jal 79 District of Honolulu, 3. Upset price, each $500 for a handsome Christmas present, in the shape of a tea suade those who have children to give away their' Wharf. to-da- 3N3"JbJ Wareksaie arsr the Steamer District of Koolaupoko, 1. Upset price $100 ernmeut will offer at public auction y no less SALE OR LEASE. 1. $100 or dinner set, or a separate piece, will have an oppor- little ones. A careful inspection of tbe vessels FOR W District of Koolauloa. Upset price than forty-fi- x vac.tut building tots n Kulaokahua AT T O'CLOCK P. M., TIME-TABL- E OF THE of 1. Upaet price.... $100 tunity seldom enjoyed here more particularly as the VrRT DESIRABLE PREMISES District Waialua. ...i plains, up.sel iices to $500- - will show how amply tbe Board has provided for riHOSEW opposite the Bank, District of Ewa and Waianae, 1. Upset price $100 at vuiitig lium 9100 sale is understood to be without reserve. aiioated on Raahumaao street, nearly C. S. BARTOW will offer, at Salesroob, me nil a their wanta. They have Improved evidently lit cooeistlns; a! two larre and enmmodioas tre, suitable for The purchasers will be required to deposit 25 per cent. Ihese lots eliihlv siiuuted. in healthy above, A Assortment of position, with deep soil, nnd either wholesale or retail purposes; also a large floor variotu 'LIICELIKE; of the purchase money on the fall of the hammer, which water facilities from ar akd Lime. Tbe editor of tbe Gazette, who ap personal appearance and behavior in tbe few weeks wwa good back yard arcnmasodatioa. If not disposed of pri- STEAMER Government pipes aud it i to ex will be considered as a forfeit unless the whole amount therefore be pears to have on his finding Board they have been on boatd ship. Some of them are vately, they will be offered at public auction oo Toesday, the ! REYNOLDS. I I t I MASTER. is paid on Tuesday, December 3Uth, when the Licenses pected that there ul.l be no lack ol bidders. But "tar heel," that tbe next- - For further particular, apply to FANCY AUTICIdES 30th day of December will be ready for delivery. while on general (.r.'.unds the of ?f Health is so "sullenly supine" as not to burn tar church members, and have brought their books CECIL BROWN. Kaahomano BI. gaiuble policy selling the i miU lor Sam'l G. Wilder, Minister of the Interior. : Government lots to those who will improve them in the streets when be recommends it, discharges his and slates and "cert idea lea ol baptism and marriage. Interior Office, Nov. 10, 1879. nol5 gun and his " duty " in another direction. The FOR SALE. is a good one. we beg to suggest tbat it will be Ou the way up three companies of them bad 3?resents. or Board are to "cause " everybody to put at least a AND 4000 GOATS, New Year's Tues lay, Dec 16, 6pm ...Circuit nwsil equally good policy to reserve some portion of tbe ISOOSHEKP Ililo Licenses Expiring in December, 1879. , half a bushel of lime into every cesspool, and lo scat- regular daily worship, lint the Gilbert Islandvre VBOl'T on Kaupulrhu. North Knot, Hawaii- - AX INVOICE OP Tuesday, Dec 23, 6 p m...... plains lor a public square, a sort of breathing-place- v lime there is a damp place. Apply loll, ukkjcn tuioa, ii await. ! as it were. To be sure, there is Thomas' ter wherever It happens are an ready for a tight aa the Irishman proverbial- ill. ! No Credit for Passage Money Notice is hereby given that all Licenses must be ap is lime be VI to the Office, and all parties are Square, a comparatively small enclosure, now however, that there no to had in town. ly is. Two or three i lint on the voyage It waa are " Passages, and we plied for direct Interior OF Japanese We positively decline to open account for failing to renew expiring Licenses, and Of tar, however, there is a good stock, and some of NOTICE COPYRIGHT. GtV and Silver Jewelry, traveling public to the cautioned about grown up with ulgeroba trees : but wbat is needed necepsury to Insist that wbntever might particularly call the attention of the all Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs have instructions to pro- our citizens presumably " old tars " having com- Ibey IT R KM EM HER ED. Til AT ON THE Musical Boxes, Children's Dress, Press Patterns of having Baggage and Freight plainly market; the any is a roomy ground, set apart for public uses, and -- of Hono- necessity secute without discretion, and all parties doing to chouse to do on their own lenhury. there coulu be HE Jay f Nov. a. D. lt7 J. Ttw. fi. Thrum, will not be responsible for any unmarked baggsg or proper License. large enough for a game of baseball or cricket, or bined purchase a lot of tbe resinous substance, lulu, tiland of Oana, In accordance with Heclion 3 of an Act Steamer business without the And Other Choice Goods. for any Freight or Parcel unless Krcrtaied for. SAM L W. W 1L.OJLK, in wbich to encamp and diill a company of sol- and having obtained official permission, amused no fighting on shipboard. They tell ol constant r Eacnerag Learning in this Ki g lom, by rVcuring the - and Proprietors of C. 5. BARTOW, Auctioneer. DUE OX DEMAND! Minister of the Interior. diers. Now is tl.e time to make Much a reservation themselves last evening by filling the city with fuli- fighting on the islands. The on baa Copies at Charts and Books to the Autbors FREIGHT MONEI- 30. 1879. war Tarawa t- Interior Office April clouds. So for will now wacj Conies," approved oo the 31st day of Dee. a. - 1394, cases or for parties not lesponslble or un- for the benefit ol the city in future ywurs, when it ginous much tar featbera of Book The Hawai-la- a In all Freinht ended, because tbe young chief who was Ibe bead haa deposUed lo th efflec the lUle bis ! known, the Freight Money will be required in advance. shall have grown out lo Waikiki. . be in order. Almanac and Annual, a Haiid-Boo- k of Information on FOR SALE RETAIL. of tbe weaker party has come to Honolulu with all Haw Islands, Original and OAHU- - 2 Wonc Kwong Kit, Fort st. Honolulu Matter Relating to the siian ! lr"B Tank, a Lnt f Caks. PACKAGES OF LIQX'ORS AND WINES Sanitabt Phohebties of Eucalyptus. At a re- Is of Value to Men-hant- Planters. Tourista and Othrrs, Tw Safes we 4 Len Fook Kee. Nunanu st. Amusements. The Theatre was re opened for bis family. The King of Apaiang still fighting right of which MIST BE PLAINLY MARKED 4 st, cent Social Science Convention held in Manchester. carefully cosapilel by TH'KS. O. THRUM the 1 C. 8. BAKTOW. Meliis k Fishel. Fort tbe people of Alar iki. On Tapitetiea there has been he claios as owner and proprietor. For the pirty whom they are for, or plainly stated In the re- 5 Aiama, Beretania st, one nigbt, last week. Saturday tbe 13th inst.. by England, a paper was read on " the Eucalyptus and I my and C Ahsain, Kaneohe, Koolaupoko, per- a light between the people ol aide, la testimony whrrenf, have hereunto art hand I- - ceipt to whom they are consigned. Adler and Duray's Variety Company. The the Pine, Considered in Relation to their Sanitary the north mostly to affixed within one 7 A ins ns. School st, calis-theni- rsnasd the Meal of the Inter Uspartmenl be at Oil HAIKI All demand for Damage or Los, must be made formances consisted of acrobatic, gymnastic, c. Properties.' While the atmosphere of pine woods heathen, and those of ibe south aide, where Kspu UonoluJa this 2ttth day of November, . o. 179. month. 10 Hong ('hong. King st, 14 R McKibbin. Queen st. grotesque, statuesque and prestidigitatory was known to be of great benefit to persons su Bering .god cAU L U. WILDER, In no way liable for loss or accident lo live tork. ' and Naliinii. Hawaiian missionaries, have been a39 SiA Minister of the Interior. Valuable Ileal Estate. ' Hack Boy, and such like, will not be allowed Hi W Powell, lieretania st, exeicises and was c red liable alike to managers from pulmonary and other affections, eucalyptus lor.; ICT Driver, 16 preaching teaching. It seem K Enquire of C. 8. BARTOW. on board Ihe Steamer upoo arrival, until after the paasengers Ayau. Waialua. and performers. Duray's performance on tbe eats were not generally credited with tbe same power. and would from tbe 7 21 Sam Toi, Maunakea, st, have been landed. zither, was encored, and tbe loquacious Adler used stories told Nnliinuai r.-- al may d.-- ' 23 Ho Sau, King st It was rather supposed tbat the eucalyptus exercised that idolatry ESTATE FOR SALE! mh8 79 , WILDER CO. tongue and fingers to good advantage. Christmas ttlni REAL O'BRIEN, MAUI 2 Aiama, Waihee, tbo special effect of destroying the virus of malaria have given occasion lor the lighting. But the re- F. J. M. H J Ualxtead, Ulupalakua, nigbt, Thursday, the boards will be occupied by of other infections disease ; PRACTICAL 8. O. ALL. r. aoBissoH. J fever, if cot tbat but tbe sult has been disastrous for Hie heathen cause. ANI DWELLINGS 18 Chung Atong, Lahaina, the Lackawanna Minstrel and Variety Troupe, latter property was not supposed lo be shared by the Ll'tBLR 20 Makawao, VA Fur Hale in desirable portions of the twn. ALLEN & ROBINSON, Ano, and tbe boys in blue will undoubtedly perform to pine tree. He and others bad satisfied themselves Though they were furnished with guns, they wrre KnUireof WILLIAM O SMITH. PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER. IN 20 Chock See & Co, Makawao, ' ROBINSON'S WHARF. DEALERS 23 Tain Ko, Wailuku, a houseful of nisters. cousins and 8(1018," eager tbat these trees did exert very great sanitary effects, defeated and 13 killed. Tin y look upon this aa a n 23 3ns AT kind of BCILUINU MATKRIAL8 LUMBKRaod all & Co, Kapaau Kohala, to witness S.imoa (?) lun. connection with disease TIN SMITHING. Nails, Ac, Ac. HAWAII 2 Goo Kim and particular in of tbe Divine rebuke. Kapu has kept UitMully at work Paicta,l. Uil, 3 W C Borden. Ililo, Prol. Wells the tcrostatician. regaled a select malaria fever type. bad been abundantly proved NOTICE. COI'PKK SMITHING. aCKSTS roa acBooacas Y It exhoOing the people to lake Jesus Christ aa their 17 C Aiona, Waipio Hamakua, (being celestial) audience at tbe Chinese Theatre, that malaria could be eutirely stamped out even in fTftARK CHANCE FOR INVESTMENT. METAL. ROOFING KfLAMANC, 18 A kail, Kailua Kona Akau, on the evening ol the 18th inst.. with an account Lord and Saviour. One luimlred and ninety were IV Wanted by tfeplember 1st. of this year, SiO.OuO to KK.KAULUOIII, the worst districts by planting the eucalyptus in $od,0C oa first mortgage, on a first clae Surar Plantation, VICTUALLING. of his travels in the air. and also with experiments received into the church ln- -l year, and two hundred KLLRN, C Koolaupoko- - proper numbers. - valued as $200.(Xx). Ship work aiul Jobbing promptly attended MART Ahsam. Kaneohe Osliu. in electro magnetism and biology. The aerostatic- more are The crop of will be from 1000 to 1200 tons. Will com- PACAIII, SChtingFaa, Heeia " reported as inquirers. The people are l1) al ellervescence although somewhat elongated und . Pbopertt in a Lettee. Some of our readers mence laking oir 300 tons la October. 1174. The Plantalioo has and satinaction guaranteed. 10 Atai, Wailuku. Maui, building a new house of 90 48 II ALEAKALA, eh" egre-gioiis- ly worship. by feet, kxhoreia, U well found in Male, Carta. c. Machinery 21 Kun Vim, Waialua Oahu, egotistical, efficaciously used an effulgence may remember one or more instances of controversy 160 aad FAIRY QTTKKN, and wish to procure lo first clasa order, and can crush seven or eight tons per day. XT Order should he ft at Fhop, Merchant f?t near Fort elemental The Professor intends to make with our Postmaster General about returning letters a bell. to CILAMA, BUTCHER. For further particular apply the notiersigni, 6m 2fi D Svlva, Lahaina Maui, a balloon ascension at some distant date. to the parties mailing the same. The following Order Joas LKAHI. J 30 Kaaikawaba-iki-. Waialua Oahu, of tbe U. S. Postmaster General shows tbe view To the Editor of the Pacific Commerc'utl Adtertiner : TO THE CISI.HSS riCLIC OF UO.YOLILI A.D n29) Honolulu, Hawaiian Island. (79 The Esplanade. During the past week we NOTICE. CAKE PEDDLING. have taken of the subject there: " The attention of all I Sib: How long is this community lo sit quietly THE OTHER ISL.I.XDS. 5 Lo Kan, Anahola Kauai, on several days extended our walks about town to postmasters is especially called to section 467, Postal rfJMIF. TRCSTEES OF THE LCNALILO and tamely under ihe infliction of medial Board ' of and desiring to (TNI)KKSIGNKO WOt'LD MOST COOKE, FIRE ARMS. tbe Esplanade, and closely examined tbe localities Laws and Regulations, edition of 1879, which most M. MD baviag securel a plot ground, riHIE Collect Ac- I H 1 respectfully announce that he is prepared to A. FRANK cases - of llenltli. thai will not only do nothing themselves. Building Buibtmgs aa Biay be moot suitable to FOLLOWING COASTERS t 24 Torbert, Kona, where from city is deposited. We in all be strictly complied with. After a letter erect sorh or , counts, and to Auclioos and snake purchases there AO KMT OF THE Jas there rubbish the nssx-ly- provide an Ac, attend carry awt Ibe intent af the d.xtnr, to or elsewhere, for who may wih hi service in that line. PEDDLING. fouud that the practice had been discontinued of emp- is mailed it is the property of tbe person to whom it ibut treat with contempt the respectful suggestions of ASYLUM FOKAtiED INUK1KNT HAWAIIAN, ask from Estatt and collect rents, on com- Wailele, . Malolo, is addressed, and must be sent to tbe post office to may sketch- - and Also lo buy and sell Real 30 WM Gibson, Lanai. tying rubbish at the foot of Alakea street (which common sense? The community, in ibis Architects and othrrs. who wish lo aid. fr mission. Ail business to him will be faithfully and particular, determining best method of intrusted street; it will be remembered is to be continued out wbich it is directed, if there be such an office. . But Li plana which may aid them la the promptly attended lo. Waimalu, Kamaile. AUCTION. systematically humbugged. But budding. There will be needed, accommodations on the ground 17 L Hawaii. n29 to steamship wharf) and tbe line of deposit whether there be such a post office or not. tbe post- Address Severance, the tbat " I'erlisDM (Treat floor for forty cr fifty couples, anl for the residence of a Sup- JOS. LAZARI'3, Waioli, Lilin, for rubbish is now confined to the east side of the Es- master or bis subordinates have no authority, in law tbe nleaaare Is as erintendent, business oAre. store-Pom- s. a chapel, Ac. Of being cheated, aa to cheat." a Nov. 13, 179. nolS3m P.st Office Box 14. Honolulu planade, where water lots are in process of being fill- or otherwise, to change tbe direction or address of Buggeatioua will he received t such accommodation in the Waiehu, and Ealuna. ! There is probably not a civilized to mm unity aa- - Sjttu ot one or more hug buildings. or ol single or double SCHOOL NOTICE ed in. The rubbish, as fast as damped at the water's tbe letter without express authority of the party or ! FLAG.- - Red with White Ball. OFFICE. Corner of enttag- - RE-OP- EN oO cov- parties entitled to tbe letter. Should tbe postmaster der tbesun, wbich like this, would quietly submit REMOVAL and Queen BERRY'S SCHOOL WILL , is levelled by a gang of prisoners and The building are to be of brlrk, of plain bot tasteful style Jal8 79 Knuann Street. room a few more his employees change donor. When l.NK GKRTZ. BOOT AM) UnOKMAKER. MISS 6th. when she will have for ered with fresh earth, wbich is brought from inland, or the address or direction of a to the holding of office of men who so entirely fail of that may be crvditabia to the mentory of the nR l . been made, haa removed his business from lloU to the ttore pupils. Corner of A lakes snd Beretania Streets. d20 3l several government carts being kept constantly em- letter or package, and should such letter or package the choice ot the general plan shall have the formerly occupied by V. W. Clark. oct BOSTON & HONOLULU PACKET LINE! filling its requirements aa do ihe present members of wdl call for building plana ami specifications. on Merchant Street, ployed for purpose. By thus promptly covering in consequence fail to reach tbe addressee, tbe post- Trustee tbis the Board of Health. Why A fair remuoeraiioo will be given l r any plana which are At ! from priv- master would in law be liable for the value of the don't they resign, (the designs sh uld be sent to C. BREWER CO.. AGENTS. LAND FOR SALE the damp rotting rubbish the streets and aed, la whole or ia parti ami all ab- package. A postmaster may complete or perfect an doctors, I mean,) andersigncd before the 10th of Jmairj next. MONUMENTS. Favorable arrangements can always be made for AS IN ate enclosures of tbe city with earth the best of the dy HAVING RECENTLY Wool, Hides rMI E UNDERSIGNED. ATTORNEY address already made, but hecaDnot change its di- men recover, BANDFORD B. DOLK. rtHE CNUKRSICNKIJ 3Sto3 Storage and Shipment af Oil, Bone, 1 fact lor Wm. Uillebrand, M- - D.. offers for sale, on liberal sorbents the escape of miasma is effectually prevent- ".For will commonly 1 received tha Asencv of Monuments, lieadstones, Ac, by Bedfotd, Boston, New York and A soon as doctor give tbem over." For the Trustees of Lanalilo Estate. to furnish and other Merchandise to New terms, tracts of land in Kemoo, Kamananui, said to contain ed. In this connection we have ascertained the some- rection to a different person, or different office, or 117 do 6t special arrangement with the manufacturer, is able made. . t Dated nonolnla. Pec. 2J. J tney nave oeen other Kastern Port. XT Cash Advances )708'r seres in all; and also a tract in Wahiawa, said to contain significant fact that in the streets all along the different State, without authority. And let tbe King appoint a new Board of Health. the same at lower nrures than nereioinre C. BRKWER A CO. 11493 acres, all situate in the District ot V aialua. Island ol what f Draigoa and Drawings can be seen at my store oo Jlercbant l2'9 of most exposed to any miasma composed of common-sens- e, - The lands in Kemoo were formerly leased lo John line tbe Esplunnde, practical, unprofessional NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT. Hf. one door from BUbop A Co.' Bank. By pricing- these Oahu. In view the per- G U A Bilvia and Owen J. Holt. (.120 tf ) C11A8 R. BlgHOP. that emanate tbeuce, there has been little or no pre- The Planets. of approaching Penartmetit of Interior, fionoia'a, oV. 7th. 1S7"). article, the enormous reduction will at once be seen. R E L R men. Pro Bono Publico. REMEMBERED. THAT THE Tne inducements I offer are such that people have no need valence of fever. The bilge water smell which we ihelia of several of tbe planets composing our so- IT Bowser, of of sending elsewhere. DISPATCH LINE FOR SAN FRANCISCO noticed last week as coming from that locality, pro- lar system, and perhaps in some degree influenced BE day of Nov. a. D. 147. Ileorts llono.ulu. D. GOULD, To Uie ihe Island of Oahu, in accordance with Sectina 3 of an Act To 08 tf FRANK OKRTZ. E. BARING ceeds from the mudflats, when they are left bare to by tbe prophecies ol malillc effects upon tbe earth, Editor of Pacific Commercial Advertiser: Learnin in this Kin.oo. by ecorinc the Copies Ayfcy Si. CO.. AGENTS. rumor of BacwrMS of C. BREWER ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, tbe heat of the sun by the receding tide, and is astromomers have been attentively observing As unusual oickaes and mortality of Chans and Book la the Asihorssol Proprietors such received 8TORAGK FRBK and ot pec a. D. haa rPXVr Merchandise CIVIL Contractors' Engineer, London and South West always more or less coticable when the wind is from Mars and Jupiter of late. We read that tbey have throughout Copies," approved oo the Slsl dsy lSt. made on shipments by this Engineer and are flying the country just now, some of Book liberal cash advances era Railway, and late Division in Madeira of reef. just discovered tbat tbe ice accumulated round tbe deposited la thia elSce Ibe title his Tfs II fj.T'r 79 C. BRKWKR A CO. Mamore Railway, Sao Francisco, Tocantms and Coude d'Ka tbe direction the ot which seem to savor of uiiscliievous intent, I ileal wwsl Cwsnwsrrclal ine. J2 south pole of Mars is scarcely visible, inamucb as Stall. contwoiog name Railways, Brazil, South America. Ilirrrlsrr m m Twwrls G aide rarveys and Plans for Railways. Tramways, Ac. made. the Summer in that portion of the planet's hem- shall be under obligation to you if you would five on the Or - U. S. af all the white anil fcireign residents exrept chmese ad - E. D. BARING William Halfobd. The gunner of the S. alphabet aso ibe knoi ol all the EMPLOYMENT NOTICE. Address i GOULD. isphere is drawing to a close, and tbe sun has re. space to tbe following table prepared under my di- Islaods. arrancd. d20 tf Post Office, Honolulu, H. I. now in this port, has a history of no business meo aa ail Ibe Itlin.is clisstfiel. a fn.l and eUborte WISHING EMPLOYMENT, Lackawanna, duced tbe frozen block to a mhiimum. Tbe north- rection. H.story of all aod each IsUnd. Icvsluable to flEKMIVS other wishing to engage little interest. William Hal ford was coxwain of the descnptioa aad Planter and ern pole, which can not be seen at present, doubt, Kei-ok- t Towrtst and cammercisl men; the names of all the Ptantatiooe trustworthy employees, are invited to apply to Captain's gig, on tbe U. S. Steamer Saginaw, which less shows a white spot ef immense expanse. Tbey AuitiDUKi) Mortality November akd aad Raacties. rii.isace from Honolulu snd d ince from S. B. DOLE. Dki'EMhku 1878-79- .. .' pubii.b-e- vessel, under the command of Captain Montgomery have also discovered a red spot on tbe face county ar hrf Town, name Road. Ae The whole d B. F. DILLINGHAM, of 1H7M. 1H79. and rsmptle.1 by UEORi.K BW:ER. The rights of E. DUN.xCOMBK. CHRISTIAN CERTZ, Sioard, having left Honolulu on tbe 1st of October, Jupiter occupying one-fiftie- tb of tbe planet's whicm be claims as eworraml pmprirtor. rl3 Employment Committee ol the Y. M. C. A. 1870, on a cruise in the North Pacific, went ashore disc, in tbe northern hemisphere in parallel lati- Nov. Dec. Total. Nov. Dec 17. Ttl. I set mv hand and 1 5 a testimony wbeirt.f. have hereunto on Ocean Island, distant about 1100 miles north- tudes to our own ; its shape is elliptical as seen AKtlima 2 J of Inte.ior Iiepsrmeni lobe affixed st cough 20 40 caused ibeSeal the on same earth, is 12 Whooping Honolulu thia 7ihday cl Novrmber. a. t 179 NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS. west of this island, tbe 29tb of the month, from our and its length set down at Fever.. U M 13 22 as (Signed) StJI LO. WILI'IR. - '. rMIEKSIGNEI) HAVE APrI.ICA and in a few hours became a total wreck. Provi- minutes, and its breadth at 4 minutes and it evi- Old ane... 3 10 II 4 2 Z s book-keeper- dee4 3os Minister of the Interior. : I'll fnr work from sales and freight sions and sails were saved and tbe crew remained on dently adheres to. the surface. The appearance of PsraljMlH 1 1 a " clerks, jewellers, house painters, store masons, gardeners. the barren islet until the 4th of January following, tbe phenomenon can only be accounted for by Couhu in pt ion .... S S 11 10 u grooms, wheelwright ana lor general out and ituloor work. OoiiK-nt'- lung. 2 2 VANITY FAIR. s 5 P. U WJLK, when tbey were taken off and brought to Honolulu supposing tbat considerable changes have been I'nknuwn 5 4 U 7 7 14 'a WE A N N Ol" NC E r--B K. I'L'NSCOMBE. BOOT ANO SHOEMAKER, on the steamer Kilauta, Capt. Thomas Long, dis- 'lakinsr place in tbe solid body of Jupiter and not OauKreue 1 1 IS W IT II PLElM' RE i B. MLL1NGIIAM. 1 our Vanity Fair Tobacco and Cigarette. Is Uietr F. patched to their relief by the Hawaiian government iu its atmosphere. Tbe region thus disturbed oc- Dysentery 3 4 "l If; IT nolS tf Employment Committee of the Y. M. C. A. DlHeaxe of 2 1 H adopted by the Frrnch Oovernroenl. 5 i.s re- heart. styles, have been -Z ---- Si. of The news cupies a space equal to that ot Europe, and e B- 5 St., Below Levrera Dickson's, immediately on hearing the disaster. 2 6 8 Below we qrnie tn m lh Rochester Iiemocrai and t hronk-l- : Perl Debility 3 Rochester, as well as to the firm i bad been brought here by Halford, iu tbia wise: On latively one hundred times as great, considering Hernia I 1 It ia a matter of pride to 1 "l dirnrtly interested, that yeterdy cable dispatch waa re- Notice to Creditors. the 16th of November, the Captain's gig, which had tbe difference in tbe sizes of tbe two planets. Epilepsy 2 3 bad sdoptrd the OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the EGS LEAVETO GIVE NOTICETO HIS Dropsy 3 3 ceived ataiing th.it the French (overnmnt v) gned has been appointeil Executor of the last Customers and Ihe public in general, that been raised upon, decked, and thoroughly fitted for 1 1 Wm. . Kimfcuil A under, B AbtHS Tobacco aad Cigarettes manufactured by i A win and testament ol kong of Honolulu, deceased, and all tbe purpose, sailed from Ocean Island for Honolulu, . The Difference, We are given to understand ConKeHt'n liver . 1 1 Co.. of this eitj . Ws should expUio. perhaps, that all Tobac- FOR RENT. actured by persons are truly notified to present claims duly authenticated to procure assistance. She was under command of Convulsions .... 3 3 1 co ao id In France up to this time haa been uiaou A DWELLING IKIISi: IN MT'AXU secured by mortgage or otherwise, hi office oa tbat most of the South Sea Island immigrants wbo 1 1 l whether at He Returned from San Francisco, Aiieurixm 2 fir t. ih. demand br ether makes bss Valley, rontainiog ten rooms, scrvaots' houses, horse tMreet, in within from lb has Just Lieut. J. G. Talbot, and her crew consisted of .i. iu,H.t I I. 11 .rw.l Kaahumanu Honolulu, fix month have recently arrived here, are from the low, coral Myphili arisen and the Government, to meet it, allowea t.niisa arvi ikfM 'J nib will people In . William Halford, coxwain, Peter Francis, Jas. of datebererfor they be forever tarred, and all Accident Asaencaa Manufacturers ! enter gtxt nr compeinive lure land. A greai variety fruit trees and a large flower thirty-on- ot Micronesia, are tew in on. are debled lo said estate are hereby notified to make immediate Where lie Personally Selected Muir, and John Andrews. They were e inlets that elevated but a Hemorrhage ... . with a vies to ine auopwo of ine new. in. wi " garden Government water l.id The premises in a pa meo t thereof. ALrX. J. CAKTWKIUHT, buieiue i wum vmr w P. O. Box 169, or enquire of j in the boat, suffering many hardships, and grows pj. a. moan at aave c me m'wi i d condition. Address: of La.t Will and of Akona, deceased days feet above the sea. whereon little else but (12 111 44 unmistakable pm4 that their g. MAOMN Executor the Testament Ilawaliaua V 71 fsclarers in both eountrle. is I'- -8 made the bay of Hanalei on December 16th at nigbt, Their Tobacco and Dated at Honolulu, April 2i 1879. cocoanuia. The people are unaccustomed to re- Chinese 4 4 e 7 13 enod arc the best the wnrhl prod .ires and lay off for daylight. Being exhausted, they fell Other nationali- Cigarette will hfiacef. th be oa sole to Pane aa freely aa in A FIXE STOfK OF GOODS IX HIS LIKE tbe Samoa Islands, there people except French, will be ASSIGNEE S NOTICE. asleep and the boat getting into the breakers waa gular labor. At ties 4 9 13 7 12 IS T ark, but ao other make, the THE PARISIAN RESTAURANT Male 31 40 71 24 27 S3 found there. Ia ether words, the French Government, oa I tie VIRTCE OK A DEED OF ASSIGN, capsized, and Lieut. Talbot, Francis and Andrews are employed in cultivating cotton and tbe manu- A BIT 2"th. by F. H. WILT, then BE KEPT OPEN Female 27 35 KI 31 12 60 t report of ite experts, the goals tf W'm . Kimbsll ment ml Octoter WILL were drowned in tbe Halford and Muir suc- 75 doing business in II moiuiua Cabinet Maker anJ I'phoUterer, hereafter EVERY EVENING frx- - WHICH ARE surf facture of cobra. Tbey could here be employed Total 6e ML 67 40 joa Co. the best la the world." I nntil Tmmm die of all Ids Stock. Tools, Account and Property of whatever 4 VlZ9 rent .in,f.1 (I'elaeb. ceeded in reaching the shore the latter only to with growing coffee in Kona, Hawaii, j TL'HATTEKIlED. where the best of Oyster Stews. Fancy advantage in Sole Ag-s- ts for the Hawaiian Islands. kind, for the of hie cre.lit.irs. Notice U hereby given of exhaustion soon after. Halford was hospitably Nov. Dec Total, to parties coocer nc 1 lo present their claims duly authenti- Roasts, Fried and Panned Ovsters. and ail other delicacies can where, bv the wav. we bear that tbe blight is atN 1878... 23 44 ei .1 (o2S L. NOW OPENED AND OFFERED FOR SALE, treated by tbe natives of Kalihiwai, (near Hanalei) max- - i:n mediate payment to I. B be had. tf) DEJEAN. ittr'9- -' 22 14 43 cated, and parties oeirg to where he was found on tbe beach ita tbe morning, last really disappearing. The people of Rotumah ; fEr.RjN, CoHctor f Ihe Kstate. . ' I TXeLS"t THuft. Q. THRL'M. Assignee and was brought to Honolulu in tbe schooner ., v . . ,. I am aware tbat the agent of tbe Board of ceived, sol WANTED. At Prices to Suit the Time. WMa o ' PER Capt. Dudoit, who gave up bis for the pur- Health has given within the past five months over I trip western and higher lands, where a varied ; 13 wf ibe P. C. ADVERTISER, Talbot was from the ASSIGNEES' NOTICE. VOLUME unbound. Ctpy of P. C. ADVERTISER, pose. Lieut. buried at Hanalei, but tbe eigbl hundred notices for Hie abatement of nuisan- The Invoice Cemprisra a Full Aaaorlment to agriculture has prevailed for ages, and any one Portland, INUERSIGVEU HAVING BEEN January 20, 1878. Volume 2.3 and 4 of TH K FRIEND, remains were subsequently disinterred and taken in suburbs. most 0., u. cases t Iluno-lul- ces tbe city and In tbe Honora, from rSEelect.-.- Aisinees of the K.tste ef Chun Ka-- ol bound or unbound. 1 8et CONVENTION" PAPERS, bound United States. Captain Sicard, his officers and wbo will take tbe pains to investigate will note tbe I in- the Is hereby given to all persons 1 d. In -- TQI Bankrupt. ..lice or unbound. Volume DAILY HERALD, bound or arrived on steamer 14, notice has been sufficient ; but many caaea tbe debted 10 the said Chun Kau, to make immediate payment to crew, here tbe Kilauta, Jan. difference in energy and stamina between the two A appre- personally attended to tbo C. a. Ilaru.w at his Hasroom. Honolulu. ay person awn- The above are wanted to complete seta, for which lair 1871, and in a published card expressed their peoples. Tbe Rotumah men are superior as' planta-tatio- n agent has removal of SAId.lIOX ing articles, of any description, which have been deposited price will be paid by Roots, ciation of tbe generous and kind action of the Haw- the nuisance It is to be hoped that citizens will First FIIESH with Chun Kau and now in possession of the assignees may aa23 THQ3. O. THRCM. Ladies' Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, aiian Government in promptly sending to their bands and can be immediately utilized. It half barrels and kits; obtain th same upon proving ownership. give the agent oi tbe Board information of nuisan- of this year' catch, , In issue of 27 we gave full ac- is a matter for surprise that plantation owners C. S. BARTOW, in ' relief. our Jan. a C. ! i . . i t . ces of which tbey may be cognizant, and will help Salmon Bellle, In half barrels and kits; Breakfast Bacon, el3 W. tKA.Nl. FOR SALE i count of the shipwreck of the Saginaw, and of "The who may be in need of labor, do not combine and A sa, Shoes, Slippers, came of M. every way to allay the fears ol tbe more timid. levied Uerriogs, Ac, Pilot Bread. '111 T VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCE Gents' Boots, Gaiters and midway Island Speculation, and what it." make it an object for tbe P. Steamers on some ia NOTICE TO CREDITORS. at on J add Street, adjoining the spacious premises now in Halford, for bis exemplary conduct, was given a one of their upward trips to call at Rotumah, for Our city having been until lately quite Iree of dis- " in JOTICK IS I1KKEBV GIVEN THAT TH E course f erection by the Hon. S. O. Wilder. The lot contains gunner's commission in tbe navy, which he has held say 300 men at $40, an outlay of $12,000. Time Per Discovery, from San Francisco, undersigned been appointed Administrator of the about one acre, with a large frontage on J add Street, and hi ease, and deaths being infrequent, some alarm ia 11 hs per- ever since. Capt. Long, who had volunteered to go and practice will improve tbe people from tbe low Estate of Yin Ching. late of Honolulu, deceased, and all well planted wilh Fruit aud Ornamental Shade Trees. SKA Youths and Boys Boots. Shoes, Gaiters and caused by the decease of aa unusual Pilot Bred. ia esse and lins; sons are hereby notified lo present their claims, duly authen- V I E W, V N S U HP A S3 E D. Governiner.t Water is in for tbe relief ef tbe shipwrecked Islands, and as whole families and tribes are easily naturally Medina aid And about to be Ibe Kilauea Soda and cugar Crackers. A. ticated, whether secured by mortgage or otherwise, at the laid on There is on the lot a Dwelling House, containing Sit- Slippers, crew, was presented by tbe D. 8. Government with a obtained, they answer tbe purpose of repopulating number ot prominent citizens. oCce of fling Cnong A Co., Hotel fcireet, Hotxilolu, within six ting Room, Dioing-roo- and fuur s; a two-tor- y gold Mr. Peirce, the Ameri- country, as tbey readily assimilate with II SYDNEY, m.iclhs from the date hereof, or they will be forever barred; Kiiehcn, with servant' rooms above; Bath House, Carriage chronometer. Through the I have the honor to remain, very respectfully CITY OF SYDNEY, FROM In Children's Boots and Shoes. st-- PER Oat-bous- can D. S. Government sent And the time their own condi- and all person indebted 10 aid estate are hereby notified to Uooae aad other e. Also, a Stream of Water run- ..it Minister Resident, tbe at yours, Sam'l. G. Wildeb. Fresh Batter, ia kegs; make immediate payment thereof ning: throogb the lot. Title perfect. If not disposed of by XT All of Best Workmanship and Style. Everything War- the sum of $108. to be distributed among the natives tion will be improved by habits of industry, instead Aa Iaeoic of A. LOO NOAWK, - President ot the Board of Health. Mi of Manila Cordage. II. November next, it will be offered at public aortion. For I represented lo be. from who to Halford property of living, aa on their native islets, in a state ot in- As Invoice of the Estate of Via Ching, deceased. ranted to be what it Order the rendered assistance saved Administrator applyjo CECIL BROWN. tv' 1 V tr-- -t p. kW - ,m mm m--"Yl- jV ox ilh.Cif vnwwsfwwv asiorieiKi.lv "m fi. Mysterious Epidemic in Georgia. j - Smm Jtortistntnts. TBI PACIFIC HONOLULU FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTICE. tor the past month there dm been a fearful i LEWERS & DICKSON, j disease raging in Polk, Paulding and M. DAVIDSON, ommcrrial bbtrtiser. Harrison WEWfiGDDS.WEW.fitX: J. counties. The pbjEicians are baffled, and the eT-- 4 people are dyiDg with unusual rapidity in 4. Vttokm:vOdlee ovr lli'w.rn--at Hack,i..v.crrer o Market and this trret. ru rsne.aro. Cn.if.wni. nii ly Importers and Dealers in SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2J. famously healthy section. I have asked several The Fire Tower Bell will be Rung physicians' what thid diaease Abroad. is, and they all say A. P. EVERETT. A Hawaiian tbey do not know. One thing is certain it is AT 4:30 O'CLOCK, HAVE OH HAi; fatal, and ecema & rHiLADtLi'HiA, Noy. 15th, 1870. fearfully to continue to spread. CASTLE & COOKE Forwarding Com minion Merch;ml lOlliEli.nillilllllUG M.UEIILUS One very arrange circumstance is that it attacks On the List Saturday Afternoon of Each : Fourteeu and a few ( Aotertiseb dya men alone. one oid iO.'s fRoMT FTKKrr. DiRMK LAV. 1a young But man has yet Month, Till Further Notice ! UR M'lsf'U. bour of trateliog time have brought me to this city died. Over fifty young men in the full flush of Yorlc; and SO minutes on the Ter Order? C1I AS. T. GU LICK, Particular 'tntiin paid to C"nsi(ucr.nts cf I.'.and of ' brotherly love; 7 days manhood and strength have fallen victims to the M New " JLJtl V4.JL tli r .vnlmm from nl Pacific. 3 in San Francisco and 7 days on the terrible ditease. It appears to be a sort of epide- Nov. 1st. 1ST9. (cltf) Se.'y H. F. D. t djs AND NOIt MMIUKR railroad, and oOOO miles were accomplished. mic typhoid fever, but baa several symptoms dif- i ferent from those of regular typhoid fever. L-S- ' W'IT While in San Francisco I called npoo the Peat As 1 write, Clark White is being buried, and LIVERPOOI, Coey. On my explaining to THE AXI VIOLA FROTI al b-.- James Master General, the Fine Iron Barque f !, ScaMl.r.g. B.tt-- c. Tongued and Groove, e. I saw his corpse. He suffered terribly, and just Of FREDERICK him that I thought there might be letters there ad- before be died tbe blood oozed out of his month Suitable dressed to me at the Islands, he immediately aent a and ears. His tongue turned very black and Full Line of Goods mesaeog-e-r for the clerk in whose Department it was, swelled terribly. The disease is fearfully fatal. OTHERS, REDWOOD JLIL1IBER: know one TRADERS & and ordered him to make the search. The clerk toon I prominent physician who bad twenty NOW LANDING' PLANTERS, MILL OWNERS, caeea and not one recovered, though all received FOR returned with bis report that he had overhauled the for Cash ! All Kinds cf Stasontd Stuff. the most careful treatment. The people here are 1IST Be Sold Low as the Lowest. Discounts entire island mail and produced the letters he bad justly terrified at tbe ravages of this fearful mala- GOOD ORDER! And to a. found for me. I expressed some surprise at tbia dy. God knows what it is, but it is causing I Off-re-d for Sate, and Includes tbe Following. PINE, ready compliance with my request", and Gen. Coey sorrow in many households and spreading fear with many PALACE AYR VULCAX KEROSEXE EASTERN WHITE said that even in the British Post Office where so throughout the neighborhood from which I write. macb strictness existed, this was left by the Regula Physicians hope that the approaching cold OTHER DESIRABLE GOODS ! MARKET, AND Gl'ARANTEED. corner of weather will check it. Atlanta THE BEST OILS IN tions entirely to discretion of the Post Masters. Constitution. I the Enghah A ASH Cottons, I Woollens, Saddles, Brook' Reels, -- Cottons, America. A Print. fcM. SECOND GROWTH The General expressed great interest in oar Islands, inens. Amoskea, Denims. Tickings, Dri.lings. Amo.ke.g Bleached A I bitched Beale and Howard Streets, Quilts, Towels, Blankets, French Merinoa, and said that tbe Assistant Pest Master, Mr. Doberty. Thibet Cloths, SUeaias, Mosquito Netting. Finest Quality and Medium White snd Unbleached Sheetings, to letters EOKAET , wm in the habit of affixing the abort stamps MAX Tweed and Pilot Clothing, Prints, Velvet Rugs. H N rKANCI.-O- CAMFoRM. WALMT DOAHDS & PtAXK, or.EJ BLlk directed there. I met Mr. Doberty and thanked him WEijijEn. Shirts, Tweeds, Smaller Ones, --V I-- IS 1VT Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu, A. G C U LTU'R I. I'M r KM U. II. Til LOB, . rrriuVat. for his kindness to our Island Community. He said Rl be oo of bia for stamps. RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY GOODS, Ox Yoke. 0 Chain., Ox Bow., kept account expenditures WOCLU and tbe laland community generally, FANCY Pari Plows, extra heavy breaker,; Steel Breaking and Horse Plows, Cultit Urs, Sape rtatf ndest, and could not tell how hi came out, that he received that he has Grey and White Long Cloths, c, Ac , Ac. Heavy Garden lloea. Orforcl Cedar, Barrows, Shovei. and Spadi, Cane Knive. Lane'. Planter.' Hoc.. Extra Iort a good many remittances and many kind letters from Bags and Bagging, Belting, Waterproof Clothing, Canal (s, Goasagu's Blue and Brown Soap, o, Bells, feed Cu'ters. those to whom had been forwarded, and Ucea. O-- Axe, Ads, Pick and Sledge Handles, Portable Forges, Planlatioo BUILDERS OF letters thus JUSTAN RECEIVEDINVOICE OF THE a. d Bench Hatchets. Ratchet Brace. White' in one instance from, ft lady whose remittance was X OFC 2T" XT 2VX 33 fc 1 Blacksmiths, Engineers and Carpenter Hammer.. Axe Patter... hl,,uo, Wood,' U Leather Belting. S to U In, thus aent her, the delay of which would have been Bolt Bkbbe, Metal, ehee, Zinc, Wheelb.rrows, VERY FIRST CLASS GOODS Paints and Oils, Jams and Jellies, Coe's Wrenches, 6 to 21 I.., Pip. Tongs, Cutters. SI HAM MACII INKRY, which was for bim. serious to her pay enough to Inspection, to 9 ia l Finishing Nail., In hi line, which be invite cornet lug of India Rubber Hose, I to 2 in.. Cut Kills, 3 loCOd; Wrought Nails, 2 to 4 In., Cul Srike..O IX ALL ITS BRANCHED. Doth Mr. Coey and Mr. Doberty spoke of their de Tftmaot's Alf, Blood Wolfe A. Co.'s Ale and Slant Ac. 3-- Carpenter.' Tools, f.ws, Planes. KOA BOARDS AND PLANK Finest Silver Plated Ware Machine and Carriage Bolt., all si.es; Nuts and Washer., 8 to l la. a Full Line of sire to show our island community all tbe favors j A great variety ol Patterns, frcm the celebrated mann- - : and Common Blasting Powder, Stcsimbont, they could, an 1 these officials live up to the doctrine factory at Meriden, Conn. PI Brand Porter, House Builder.' H.rdw.re, in full supply; Steam Packing, Asbestos" Cement. Ac, Olant A Lea.1, ,. , tbat tbe P. O is for the accomodation of the public. Large Assortment of Diaueads Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, Assorted Paints, In oil; Red Ae., On Hand, and Both set and onset. Rice, Earthenware, Hsssocks. '. llubbuck's White Lead, Zinc Paint. Hubbuck's Your readers should be informed of the new Rale Urge Assortment ol Tinware, Flour, Plala and Enamelled BRANDY, RUM AND WHISKEY, Window Glas., Potty, Whiting. Ao..Tubular Lantern, ar.4 Reflector Lanterns, a Stcmiifcliip, .Jj.u1 of the U S. Post Office, all letters should have Jewelry, that Of every variety and atyle. of Genuine Spices, ! Halande'a Red Bar Claret, Napoleon Cabinet Champagne Hard Bread. Table Fruits, Corr Starch. Tea. Soap, Soda, Ave., Finest Assortment . SAWED TO ORDER the name of the State upon them, or they will be seat Rings, Eroorhes, Lockets, Charms, Etc. t direc- Complete, tor Plantation Railways; Boston Matches, Dairy Salt, Agents for and Have on Hand. ENGINES AND BOILERS, to the Dead Letter Office. For instance, the An unrivalled assortment of tion to Smith. " Boston," does not mean necessarily Fence Wire, 5, 6 and 7; Iron Roofing, Cane Knives, U 0 Blzo r ConipaaI. would go to WATCHES ATsTD CLOCKS Prfsr Boston, Massachusetts, and the letter & Weston's Patent Centrifugals, . tbe Dead Letter Office. From Vie MOST APPROVED MAKERS. HARDWARE HOLLOW WARE f all kinds, bo lt complete with STEAM VEEW We found a beautiful thin blanket of snow on the Parties Intending to make Christmas or New Year' pres-- Liverpool 8alt. Demijohns, Corks. 11 ail of Wool, Iroa of Composite. Feed, Irrigating and Vacuum Pumps, .IUST RECEIVED! t ents, should call and look at my stock and inquire prices, Portland Cement, Whiting, Blake's Steam Sierra Neradas, on the Wahsatch Black Hills and elsewhere. 2m K I N cmp.-n-- d wbes advisable. before purchasing nl5 URULlARr Si i:t Laramie plains, and a good touch of Jack Frost while con Mirrlees, Tait & Watson's Centrifugals Organ Company Organs, 9TJC4M HUNCHES. Brr anl Jtaro Tat Rocky we New Haven tnsrted wtta reference la the Trade to which they are to I A Full Assortment of crossing the Mountains, but as ran east or water grurao-trs- d. Clarifiers, be finpli.jnl. ?peed, toonair. acl draft ward tbe weather was milder, and between Omaha H. H ACKFELD & CO. and & Brown's Colobratcd Pianos. Woodward ' and Chicago we bad severe rain. STEAM COAL, - e20 79 - ' ' SUCJAR MILLS AND SI'UIK .MAKING sind Oil. This affected the comfort of the thousands who OFFER FOR SALE- - FIRE BRICKS. - AC II ' miih after lt. moat appravad plans., Paints SLATES. Au all B- -lKHilcr lru VVura connected therewiLb.. crowded tbe city to receive Grant, the " Grant ALSO boom" is tremendous. We found the city swarming WATER IMPE.if Boiler or Mieet Iron, of any sixe, mad. to suitable Kiih f-- r connecting mg-tl.- or fheel with people, every Hotel ablaze with flags and elec- Salamander Felting, for Covering Boilers, RolM. Paaraiaal. aad Parked e fbipmeol. ifidy lobe Wall Paper, nveted oa tine ground. . tric lights and the utmost enthusiasm prevailing. I 0F TI1E Brat Yirginin Tobnrro, am not the only one who predicts that the popular HYDRAULIC KIVETIN;.Boder Work an I Wt-t- r fip made by this t:Uliiihnrnt. Riveted by feeling will sweep Grant into a nomination when the FIVE SUPERIOR LONDON PIANO FORTES Riveting Machlnrrj. that quality of work bring ISuildcr's Hardware, " Republican Convention meets, and every one con- Haw. Bark R. C. WYLIE," far prior la baaJ work. - - SALE BY cedes that Grant nominated is Grant elected. FOR SHIP WORK. Hhipand fleam Carotins, Ftcm Winch- M. RAKEMANN. MASTER, es, Air Aral Circulating rump. Made after the meal ed Spruce. K:iIIcis, Tbe favorites among the good democrats for Presi- plans. Hancock, ft dential honors are Senator Bayard and and THEO. U.ol2mDAVIES. or City CI PIT M VS. Direct Acting Pnmn. Irrigation W. from 12 to 24 feet long, I bear Sherman and Blaine more frequently mention- Xrt Wnrka' parpr, built with th-- r celebrated Valve l)y Zxu ed among Republicans than any names. From BEEMEN . Mutiuo, aufjerhj In any otbw pump. oc other Tbe revival of trade in the States is universal and Days from Lizzard.) (EST HI.IMIEI 1G2.) (100 Cape FOI1 SALE most encouraging. Every industry is now being JOHN N0TT. - SAM. NOTT. ! pushd to the utmost. IIliDIA 1YEILL Now Landed in Splendid Order G-OOID- 6 RICECORSKR or The staples have risen in price especially iron, 2 ! which has gone up 50 pr. ct. in 60 days. A prominent RJEIW a MISSION .vIRrUaOTSTS., SIX I C1L. At Lowest Market Rates And Consisting in Part of a Kl(IC, manufacturer of cast iron car wheel in tbia city tells III.IM ETKRMX-- 1 fllUE IXIM4 RICK t, me that bis works are driven to their utmost capa- ILSTOTT k'CARA of practical Tvnce and Improre-nvo- J. & CO., tiltM now U' neareat t perlrtln.n of any of Ilia Rice Mill city, and be can only fill the orders of bis old cus- VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT of ( me ami Poiwliinir il HAVE JIST BF.CEIVED EX LITE 1BRIY1LS, of l wril. In Iran. tomers. land noriTaleU; ami la yield of 4 Merchantable Kic H from tha r.idy. prwluera from 4 to Ier rent, more than I find that in tbe States East of tbe Rocky Mount- OF 21V lb Olehratett Mala of Am(erlm. T II U I MM A UK E l I t.l. la now in Pert-e- l LI2WKRS V DICKSOiW ains Greenbacks of tbe U.S. or notes of the Nation- M Running nnkr t1 Ihe nl al Banks, which are equivalent, are tbe actual cir- IMcw Fashionable DRESSING OF PADDY ! culating medium. Tbat silver is only used for IllllIM k change and as subsidiary. I rarely have seen more AND than two dollars paid out in silver at once. Small DKY GrOODS, gold but little in circulation, and the larger pieces of UN CLEANED RICE, -- SUCH AS- - froni lh lUaanan talasda, in which il U fpeeiany Adapted G. BREWER & GO., gold, $20 or 810, are only found at the banks. COXSICMKNT or Where tbe paper calls for the gold, the paper, as RICE ! being lighter and more convenient, will be preferred. PRINTS, PADDY AND HULLED Now Offer For Sale, I wish our Hawaiian paper or Certificates of Depo- WiR Ii'crir l', nml ('wj'-i- l AiUntlon. In 30 Different Styles and Colors. HAND, A SPLENDID LINE i)il for gold ; frequently would draw tbe JUST TO WM l UREKMViWII, sit called they Qermal Cocnmimion Merchant and Troprielor of India Rlea Amer. bk. Amy Turner gold if they were all presented, and they would be V Per M.ll. Domestics9 -- OF- M:VELL, MASTER, as good as the gold if so expressed. STOVES & RANGES GRATEFUL. COMFORTING. As soon as tbe silver coinage of the United States Drown, white, blue and red cottons, drills, sheeting, becomes sufficient for tbe circulating medium of tbe Ticking, Ilorrock' gunuine AltU cotton, The Most Complete Assortment, 118 DAYS FROM BOSTON. Dark blue denims. country, it will displace the gold, and then gold and JUIPPS'S COCOA! ARRIVED OCTOBER 3d, 1379, paper will be at a premium or, rather, silver will be with lllllllIU'lliltS.I!llllll,IIIIMIISII,li;!l BREAKFAST. over Union. No time will be more at a discount all the I Dress Goods, RANGE " opportune for us than tbe next Session of the Legis- LARGEST OF. PRICES! i , m " , , By thorough knnwleilg of the natural Uwi whi. h bt-e- for ' White BalUtas, silks and woolens, I j,.,,,, coal, lature to amend our law and lessen the amount stripes, ! o and by careful cu.iim:iiii colors and fancy. IN- tlW of diet.-- and unlrilmn. French merinos, all TO BE FOUND - oprihK Stove C'onl, for family uhc; which silver may be a tender, and to put the gold " OF of the one pf.)Vert.- - of "well aelectnl Coma. Mr. Franklin Flannels, " " application law vigorously into operation. Uuckskins, doeskins, tweeds, and all other Eppa ha pravided our lablea with a delicately fla- Wilmington Tar, White Lead, Putty, I expect to meet Mr. Carter in Washington next H A W A 1 1 N E I ! ! voured berenige which may aa n niany beaty doctor' bill. Paiu.ir Varnibli, Axle (Jrease, week, and to witness with bim the unveiling of the Il b by the jud.ciooa oe of aut h artielea of dirt thai a cnaU-tallo- a statue to Gen. Thomas. I hear that our Minister, GOODS I & EVERY GRADE, l TIN JAPANNED WARE, on-.i- TAILOR'S may be gradually buiil op lr.n enough to rrit IMivtolios? ! Judge Allen, is still at his home in Bangor. every tendency to diaeaae. IIandrel of ol tie maiadira are Boston Oml A. F. J. bxrege, liuens, law nr., mosquito netting. Pumps, a large assortment; Kitrl.cn Sinks, Door Mats. Velvet", K floaUwc arownd a rewfy to attack wherever there U a weak Tomatoes, Towels, thread, Urook. silk, Ac. Slaw Cutters, House Water Closets and Cast Iron Soil or M Il La Croix lireen Corn, Marking. Dust may acape many a fatal ihafl by keeping ouraeWaa Waste Pipes, Yard Ilrnom. Stencil. and point. W Lobsters, in 1 and 2 lb. tins; Clams, Whisk Brushes. Nests Wooden A Oalv'd Tubs A Buckets, well (oft ifled ailb .are b.ioU and a properly nourished Oarden Rakes, Tin Ware, Japanned Ware, a full asnrtm't, IV-.- w, SPECIAL XOTICE. articU in the CIVIL rERYICK OAZCTTB. (Irten Sausage Meat, Goods, Ox Yokes and Bows. Lanes A Clements Planter's Hoes, Fancy - fra."-- (loose 5-- 8 Picks.- boiling water or milk. Sold only in pick- Neck lines, sh irks; Pick it Hoe Handles, Made limply with IVtston Il;ikeJ Deans, Clam Chowder, SLCITKKHTIIK SERVICES OF Horse and Mule Collars. Trxce Chains, nAVINOknown li 1'llOLSTt.K K A UKAHEK. Mil. J . Neckties, trimmings, ribbons, silk, linen and cotton. At the Factory. et or Una, label ed: (u-rkin- t Cane Knives, Whifly-trt.e- s. Grindstones mounted on frames Fish Chowder, in and 1 gall, jure; M only Upholsterer Ihe King i AKINBL ICR. the firat class in Handkerchiefs, all colors; Ames' Shovels. Spades, storied; Plantation Bells, ,r A T,i K K 1 S& CO., dom, (late of fan Francisco), I am prepared to do all kinds of bocks and stocking of every description. Trash. Hay and Manure Korkes. I Loypo. JuU 7 IIimiKoraTwic Chwst. JJy Corn Starch, Asstd. Crackers PLOWS. Steel and Iron, Upliolsterlns, . Etc., the latest aad best style. ' C0-- , Mock Sonps,' la Clotiling, ALL SIZES. C. MEERILL & , Tomato and Turtle J, WARRANTED. CALL. AXD SEE WORK Pants and sacks, M jackets, and a large assortment or Cultivators, Knox's Horse Hoes, Hinge & Rotary Harrows, OF THE Ham, OCR-PAT- Machines, PUREST Icrcliants, Sandwich Meats, Corn Bcft Tongue, ENT Fairbank's Platform and Counter Scales, Boring. DIAMONDS & FINEST KIND ! Commission Family Tork, qr. bbla.; Iron Axles for Ox Carta. 2 to 3 inches; S.l FRAXCIStO. CUr.ESUGAIl, ROCKERS, Heavy Woolen and Cotton SHIRTS, Hubs, Fellows and Spoke., assorted sizes; Storks and Dies . BED LOUNGES. teaui Cocks, assorted; Sash Weights. Portable Forges, the Rrzilar Dispatch Llae f TarVrts. Wheel Barrows, Lawn Mowers, LUslon's Files, No Chipped or OfT Color Goods all are Pure Brazilian Diamonds. The Finest Ut ! Display of lrft COXgIQXMENT3. and Pok SOFA BEDS. ic. Cylinder and Thermometer Churns, Kerosene Stoves. Tin- aaySI-W- I DTA!ftj MADE OX tf American Mess Beef 12 desirable styles. N. B Mr. M. has selected a fine lot of Upholstering ned Tacks. 8 to 24 oi.; Chopping Trays, Hum's and Cross-man-'s Long Cut- Axe Handles, Pick Handles, Good, Parlor Suits and l.oanpen. Chair. Ac , of the latest Handle Axes and Hatchets. Pica Mattocks, JVILLIAMS, BLANCHARD & CO., style, which have jut arrived from Ban Franrlnco. 1 have Merino and cotton undershirts, ter do.. Adzes, Broad Hatchets, Grub Hoes, Hide roller, Hay Farmers' P.oilers, Asstd. Oars, 15 to 22 ft. alao jail received a new lot of lllankets. woolen and cotton, fancy quilts. Cutter. Koad Scrapers, Fence Wire, oiled and annealed; Gal- Table covers, skirts, rugs, carpet bags. T R. Coats, sc., vanized Corrugated Hoofing, Galvanized Water Pipe, i to 2 in.; GOREM. STERLING SILVER WARE ! Shipping CommlsMOn Merchants, An Invoice of KcGncd Iron, Umbrellas in large variety, Florence hats, .. i Sheet Iron, Sheet Copper, all sizes; Saucepans, &heet Lead, The Latest Styles of Furniture, Hat flowers and feathers, shawls, Sheet Zinc .. I S "Ire-el- . Cut Nails, 3d to CO.J; Ilright color and white of every quality. (Jooda C'slirwrala WINUOW SHADES. A L. Having a force of Workman employed, Ever offered in this Market, Beware of Stamped Coin Silver, which mean anything Charcoal Irons, Stocl Shovels, Hay Cutters, SPECI . g AS RANCIfCO. PIANO AND TABLE COVERS, we are prepared to do work in mha 73 . . f from a Nickel to a Bad Peruvian Dollar. Such Goods can and are eold at anj price. See that all PICTURE CORD, NAILS, Sir. , IRON. Stationery, TIN. COPPER ssd SHEET Silver Purchases are Stamped Sterling, or 925 Fine. All Walthaiu Watches Guaranteed, An of which win be for sale cheap. rjr It will pay At lowest possible rates. Parties in need of work done in this and VT. CKOSSMAN & BRO., yon street, and examine line, will do well to give us a call. We shall be pleased to H. Fairbanks, Platform Scales to call at NO. G4 Fort the fowls looking glasses, goldlesf. before purchasing elsewhere. C. E. W 1 LLI A MS. 81ate, give Estimates on Work and Guarantee it to atand the test of ntttl CoininlnHlon jy!9 Steam or A'onas. Hhlpplnd Leather Iklting, llabbit Metal, fel J. NOTT dc Co. "N" SOLD at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 1I;E 11 G II A T S. Rubber Packing, Perfumery. . i r Ckuaawhrra NEW YORK. 118 Street. Ladice, Gents and Boys Watches. The Trade Supplied Cheaper than anywhere outnide T. Waterhouse. Soaps, hair oil. Pomatum from l.nbln, the Factory. Reference CaaOe A Cooke and J. ! Cologne, Received, CARTS- - G01YIPLETE genuine Kan de Jusi ap'iS 'i MULE Rimniel and others, Vienna tooth brushes and combs. Harmonicas, Male Materials, Hubs, Spokes, Kims, Pipes aud Playing Cards, Sydney Saddles, EX LATE ARRIVALS, jy!2 3m M. M'INERNY, Agent Cart Calfskins, guaranteed, best brand; for these Islands. Challenge Standard Ash and Oak Flank, 1 in. to 3 in. Leather Belting, VARIETY OF NIPPLES. MOST APP- The CHAIVTCE ! assorted; A RARE A ROVED Nursing Apparatus, Klastic Trusses, Something New Under the Sun ! W. C. BORDER, vV CENTENNIAL ROCKING CHAIRS HEAVY COAL BAGS AND GUNNIES! l.actopeptine, Injection Brou, n FOR Eucalyptus Oil, genuine; Klixir of Beef, IIIIO, HAWAII. - Dealer In Canned Kruits, Meats, i j. Iron Wine. do. Peruvian Bark, Ac , and a full Una ef Hunt's Axes and Hatchets, Spunvarn, Burlaps and Twine, Wrapping Paper, large siie; and Choice Groceries. Sofas, Trunks, Suspensory Bandages. Syringe, Ao Invoice of New liedford Manila Rope, Prinliug Paper, Vieona Chairs and Christ.mis ami Citrate Magnesia, Tarrant's Aperient, PUKE ICON A ! C manufac- COFFEE thread to 4J in. PI A NOS. black and walnut, from the celebrated Injection Maticn, Injection Ricord, Cigarettes for Asthma, Roasted and Krrsli 1 round Everyday. Powder, Capsules, Fuller' Earth, M. J. ROSE, KING STREET, Newmarket Drown Cotton, tory of L. Neufeld: Rarey's Condition In Stock a good assortment of Picture Frame, Cbroroo Year's Alcohol, 97 per cent; Sap lio. ! SHcreocopes and View, both . Island and foreign Iron Safes, with combination locks; icw Tooting His Own Horn full line of and a GROCERIES: Pickles, Salt, Sultanas, Biscuits, Olive Surf Boats, 20 and 22 feet; Variety JUST TURNED OUT A NEW ! Oil, Candles. Crushed Sugar, 8oap, Camphor, Ac And a Gieat of HAVING MP WAGON for the Waimanalo Sugar Co. FASCY GOODS & PA TEX T MED1C1XES. No one to say one word about it. Something for Plan- neful And if you will give him r-- yo two-whe- call, will fltid. SENTS tations It turns in less space than a el .x cart. ! Fila; Boutelleau; OX CM UTS, Complete LIQUORS. Ait. : Brandies, de Laage Width of hind 6 inches; front, 4 Inches; built light, but he Drugs and Medicinal Preparations tire, That lu the Best Axwrirarnt ef Caadj X.t , Ota Key Brand, in baskets and cases; very strong. Those wishing to send in larye order, and wish Liht and Heavy Hand Carts, them got out on time, would do well to do It immediately, or To be found in Ililo. I GENERALLY, they mast stand back and wait their tnrn. mhlo GREAT REDUCTION A; Also ON And always V I D- CLARETS RHINE WINES. ICE to be had SEI.F-RECfl.iTI- M. - ! The FINEST Champagne Irs Cold riMIKtlM.T uwer, KNOWLES' VACUUM AND FEED PUMPS Fuller's Cider, and llollister's Orange Cider' 1 MILL in the World, and when material ned, I ALL WARRANTED NEW AND GENUINE, Book-Binder- y, Oineer Ale. foda Water and i acknowl- Heidriech's, Thoreau & The Honolulu Sarsaparllla, and lor tbota Workmatiahipand Darabil ty ar eooldered, it IN THE PRICE OF CHAMPAGNE Chas. Farre. that use the' weed, edged Cm ta be Co.'s; Alcoholic Demijohns, Corks. ! DOES BINDING ofALL DESCRIPTIONS PORTLAND From tlie Best MannTattorlts Call and See the Best Assortment of IJD-MI- LL The Work executed at und-- r the CHEAPEST SOff l. ISE Lager this Estsbli.hment I. Cigars plug and floe cur. smoking ff JL St. Paul;' Ale, Bavarian Beer. supervision of MR. JOHN I.. who is well-knew- n as and chewing ndianro. and ! ALES BEERS KKK. ejnaretua and cigarette paper. World of CEMENT SEWING MACHINES an experienced workman, and cannot be turpurd. 'm.?lil Ac. Jy We arc the ONLT MnaSctwrrr in the Beer. Ltibiirs Toilet Articles, 'Wheat and (jur.iy Rag", DOUBLE-HEADE- R WIHD-MIL- L (During the Jlolithiy) Gambier A Cutch. Work Done at Lowest Kates N KILL'S THE Fence Wire, PAINTS i. OILS. POWDER WHITNEV Sc ROliERTSON. power parp tach a rannlng Custom From Paris Direct! Book-Binder- s. For ie, Roofing, 24 G. Stationers, Publishers, News Dealers and i Unst ilili an.1 feed Mill. Corrugated Iron, II A R D W A K E Galvanized Corrugated (fe22T9) Exquisite Toilet Powder, S a and Perfumery, MEDHAMCU. WORKSHOP. AT THOS. LACK'S, Tin Dates. Sheet Zinc, Banca Tin, Tellow Metal, Hoop ALWAYS VICTORIOUS AT FAIRS ! Iron, Keg Rivets, Fence Wire, Galvanised Buckets, Combs, Brushes, Cosmetic, Oriental Toothwash, j King Street, Hatchets, Axes, THE HAWAIIAN BARK near Fort. Downer's Kerosene Oil apl2 NO. 4d FOBT STRF.ET. Tubs. Basins, Needles, Pen Knives. . Amd Pracliral Tela. Lantern. Ac. Fine Tooth Powder, Cocoaine, Socodont, MAe-N.T- Picks, Shear, Scissors, Charcoal Iron. JK returne.1 , lt;t" having Ginger, EL . . "V lo would announce to THE ABOVE HILLS, IN VARIOUS SIZES. Carbf.liiie, Extract O W fK his former pstron, and AN INVOICE OF Boats, Emp- LIE, the pubhc gcnen.ll,. that he M. Master. BRICKS. Slates, Files, Cement, Oak Aureline, or Golden Hairvrash. KiKDMiNN, bnxinesa In Far Irriratlaw Pampln? Watf r for FIRE above place, his old line at the ad A Cologne, and will g,ve hia attention to tl. . I . ty Barrels, Coals, Ac Finest German American Stark Tarm ar Familj t Burnett's Cocoaine, tc Has Just Arrived from Bremen, ' Calliston for the Complexion. Repairing of all Two of the latter are now here and can be icen on ap- carefully executed and 122 days Passage, and Is now discharging her kinds of Light Machinery tT tT Orders from the Other Islands Vani ty of Carbolic Soap, plication In Ihe no leoijoed. Florimel and Tooth Wash, For particulars, - and Metal Work. For further particular., apply to satisfaction guaranteed. TERMS LIBERAL. apply to IMcw 1 1 re-Ar- JAMES S. LKMOX, AN INVOICE OF CHAIRS, various styles; SUGAR FOR SALE AT Cargo of Goods and riewlng Blarlilnr a KjirtUlty ! I- KILL, " 1 - tie., FOR SALE COMPRISING aa2 7i '" 1 -- II. n2S !!. AN INVOICE OF SlfrlSlamp.Made f Order. rMIE FOLLOWING MACHINERY. NOW H. H ACKFELD & CO. DR. ED. HOFFMANN'S --A- ! A in aae at the Koloa Plantation, Kauai, is offered for sale, oc4 Large Assortment to be delivered by Aogust 1st: AND OREGON Ti JUST RECEIVED ! n8 2m DRUG STORE. BREAD r.VMURRAY'S OYSTERS 1 Sugar Mil!,20xW. X FOREST QCEES, A CONSIGNMENT OF ! 1 and 2 pound tin. 3m 1 Vertical Engine, 44 H. P. PLANTATION SALMON VARIETY OF MERCHANDISE OREGON I 1 Water Wheel. FLOUR QCAN- - OARS AND CORDAGE, V N ! 1 Cane Carrier. ' W7H) R SALE AT LOW RATE IN IN EVER LI E. TZX. .TANK A. BKS. D. C. MURRAY & DISCOVERY 1 Trash Carrier. ' . TITIEd to suit, by V - EX AMY TCKNER, bove Goods are offered to the Trade tuno. EX 1 Pump. Jan 11 tf fc COOKE. AT LOW FOR SALK BV GROCERIES' Juice CASTLE 1 Conncct-ahaf- t. ASH RATES and on by ercn as Fpare Wrought Iron HUNDRED BEST WHITE LIBERAL TERMS . J!..n.tf.'..J CAST LB U L,MK' II V. DREAD. CRACKER?, Spare for FIVE all lengths: 3o0 Coils New Uedtnrd Manilla, all ij fcCoOKR. Corn, 2 New Pinion Wheels Mill. OAKUM. oc Conden'Wtd Milk, Alderney brand; Caniden KEBOsENK OIL, GOLDEN GATE FLOCK, LARD. 1 Spare New Bevel Pinion for Krgine Shaft. V Y OAK sixes; five 30 feet New Bedford Whalebcats.fcr sale by H. HACKFELP IjllFTY BALES OF BEST NA I'M. 3m A. W. I'EIKCE Sl CO. &CO. Acid Candle. A MS, 1 Spare New Bevel Pinion for Waterwheel Shaft. ' T9 BOLLKS dc CO. 025 8ooerior Stearic II olS For Sale by V PIANOS, 20 bars; 1 New Brass Valve Bos for Juice Pump. AdasaaiMtfM Candle. Amber ojp, In boxo of BACOS, tpir PAINTS AND PAINT OIL, . Frosss L. PIANOS. I Nr.rrld. Brrlla. Soap, boxea of 13 bar cottos nrcK. Tbe attove is all in good working order. Tbe Mill capable GROCERIES, xlxtra Olive la COTTON AIL TWINE, 7 COTTON DUCK. PURE LEA D, H UBBUCK'S of grinding cano for to 8 tons of sugar per day. HUBBUCK'S Pale Boiled Just Rocoived In Oerroanta Surcb, Dooley' Yeaat Powder, For particulars and price, applv to the SAIL LARGE ASSORTMENT. NEW AND Oil, Boston Spirits Splendid Order OYSTERS, Are., Ac. JOS. FROM 1 TO lO. COTTON FRKSH. For Sale by Turpentine. for Sale by 'ilw Superior Colombia River PaUuon, in karreW k. casen; etc tbi day, aihl tie low. KOI.O. PLANTATION CO., Koloa, TWINK, 6, 6, 7 ami 8 ex Murray this day And for Sale by Reeeired Pr 11 pl, CO. A BOI.I.E3 CO. i" na BOLLES CO. ' A CO jyl2 Or II. H ACKFELD A CO., Honolulu. seti BOLLKS al'79 . ro17,f - " ret For.aKby II. H ACKFKI.W CO. ta BOI.Ltrt II. HACKFKI.D CO. 11,9 4mwm

1 V

la Kvory S t ! City am ACXFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER SUPPLEMENT, DEC. 20, 1879. 'relr PACirio in the 141 ih section of the Civil Cole, aa well It is the duty of the Court to give force and ef Circuit Court, Second Judicial District, the as in the 14olt, means the kindred prescribed fect, if possible, to every to ID partofa Statute, and Lahaiua. MauL HEAII-QUARTE- ilS by the statute and nur.e other. And it is worthy understand words in their most known and usual Siiffar Plant For Sale. tF.ALKK IN SAEl f LAIS' . &Dmmcrcial2lbcrtiscr. of observation, that by the last paragraph of the signification. 1443th fcccti jd, tLc wiJjw is expressly define J as See Cliarter III. Civil Code. Now the word Hon. L. McCully, Juti..e cf the Snpreme Court, rre Tlie rndfrI:-n- d ffer for Mir the followlos ! . General Jlcreliaiiclisc 'lit Kinare-J- a relation by birth or con siding ; Hon. A. FoniscJer. Circuit JuJre. Asociat SAT L'H DA Y, DECEMBER 20 "kindred "means Offers to the public, the beat ajworunent of TLe fact is, that the state bad the right to lim sanguinity ; and it is only in default of kiulrtd His Excellency E. I'rettoa, Attorney Otueral, for the I Court. Hawaiian October it the heirship as they saw fit, a&l they have can Crown. MACHINERY, viz ;Vi fcpreme Islands, trial the estate escheat. It therefore loilows limited it by express words, as fir as regards that the Plaintiff, who has shown himself to be 'CMxiyax. CalexdaH. Dry Goods, Groceries & Hardware Terra, 1879. The King vs. 3. XI. Crowell. Assault mil battery collateral heirship, to the uncles and aunts of the r.ext of to the person last seized, does in be in . the kin Ca-"i- To fond Ilamskus, at very lowest rat' Aprcal from Justice, Malawao. e withdrawn. (k) TS XaLCA (k). IUERIi, C. J., AND deceased and their descendants by represen herit the estate, the Defendant not haviDg shown District The King vs. Cai't. F. Sauford. Challtiifie to fislit Do ni t mistake li e place, Boilers, f'vl-jC-- us an l. McCtLLT, J. tation. ie i take example wt.icti is plain that he is nearer. V a duel. Committed by District Justice of ailuku. Nolle enough. Suppose father posesring property The Statute no where says that only those prosequi V Opinion the. Court by Harris, C, an son be entered. . Engine, DART'S NEW STORE. of J. aiea leaving iniant heir to his rrorrty kindred, who are therein mentioned, are to Tie King vs. Daniel Kapuhe. Larceny. Appesl from defl Sm U o( (jT that infant eon being brought in : Is and un Ttia an action ejectment a piece of land is up the house Considered as kindred and it farced District Justice of Makawao. NUe prosequi entered. I hold ! Jr ver- of his grandfather dies a child sup in KoolaupAo, Oa.ha. TLe jury rendered a and yet natural to say that the Legislature meant to The King vs. Kuaaca (k). Distilling spirits. Appeal Vacuum Pan & Pump dict for the to which the defendant ex- natural reason might say, that the grandfather ply the words so as to make the Statute read " If from District Justice of Labaina. Kahakn for defendant. which can be tern the Honolulu Iron Works. Also, 5-- obstante ver- si. ail te the heir to bis gTacdson, as he certainly the leave no degree of al cepted and inovei for judgment non intestate kindred of the Verdict guilty; sentenced to pay a fine of $100 and coat, SOMETHING XEW edicto, on the ground tbat bj the evidence of the would have been the heir to his own eon. had it those mentioned in the previous sections, his es and in default of payment of fine, to imprisonment at Double Effect and Centrifugal Machines, plaintiff he it not within the degree of relation not been for the grandson. Now, could it be tate shall escheat to the Hawaiian Government. bard labor for one year. NOW Nsv. Oft TOUT ITHEET. ship, which hj the btatute of this countrj, said for a moment that in the face of this statute It is not to be presumed that the Legislature The King vs. S. W. P. K ahatunan eo. Embezzlement. now on the way, and described as follows: would entitle him to inherit. any court could decree the property to the grand of a country, where owinz to the fact that the Committed by District Justice, TV ailuku. Verdict guilty. OFFERED TO FAMILIES The land wa patented to tlir.aaimalama, who father, there Dei njt nncles and aunts yet living, aboriginal population is failing, lineal heirs are Sentenced to three months imprisonment at hard labor. NKVKR BEFORE w opon died an infant eon Kupau and a widjw but by the statute the property of the deceased often not to be found surviving, and where re- The King vs. Kahopena. Gambling. Appeal from Dis leatin Three (3) Compound Boilers, 7 in boy would go to the brothers and of trict Justice, Lahaina. Verdict not guilty. BOILERSeach feet diameter, and 25 H i(h ; n died sisters the mote Collateral heirs are more likely. to inherit, an astortment Kalele the soon after, and the estate feet long, with flue 43 inches in diameter, and cootainine 6 Sold ill this Market, of M-ike- because The King vs. Selling liquor. Appeal vested in hi mother Kalele. a the jlan-ti- H father first, be would have acquired the had any such intention. A construction that Kumuliilii. Galloway Tubes; Combustiou Chamber, 2 feet in length; aad property, and if there were none then to the would off a from inheritance, from Local Circuit Court. Verdict not guilty. t4 luar men ru!e. 8 leet p; Shells or Hollers i inch; Flues, claims that hi grandfather Kumaiahea was cut grandfather the o The King vs. Sliha (k:. Larceny. Appeal from Dis incn; ana tieia. iol-- iron, noiiera stared ana riv COCOATIPJA! brother to KeawtUikini, t!.e grandmother of brothers and sisters of his mother, and the pa is not to be favored, for that would be fav:.ring eted in the best aiauner, aud complete with all secessarv Holiday Goods for Old & Young, Makawao. Verdict not guilty. would be cut off of trict Justice of inouniicfrs nxiurea. Anti-Dyspept- K ilele, making him Kalele 'a aeconj courin. The ternal grandfather thus entirely escheats, and only a positive enactment the ant ic Cocoa or Chocolate Powder from estate which his son bad acquired. The CIVIL Cl.LXND.va. Also, two (2) Compound Boilers, each 6 feet in diameter. thai bas never ben equaled in this city by any faufcllaSMajt qucation rn f ir the cn-- i Jerati .ri of the the Legislature can effect. and 23 tO inches con- red Obulenul vs. Kakalei alias Kahale. Ejectment. Con- feet Ion; with t'la in diameter, aud Guaranteed to contain nothing but for excellence and variety, sod Trout the xpertsiao; u4 Wall i oucb a is of lorce of thisexnmrle is to show that no matter It is a rule of the Common Law that, " upon taining 4 Galloway Tubes; Combustion Chamber. '4 feet In court whether relationship capable tinued from June Term. D. Kahaulelio and W. Kalua knoan reputation of lb undersigned in carafal catsrtlf bt how different views of natural reason may induce failure of lineal descendants or issue of the pier- - J. length, and 72 f ur inch Tubes; Udells ani flues of I inch. inheriting by the itatutc of decent in this country. A. for Verdic for or th Holiday Season, lie finds pleasurt M fTerlox MMtt us to think an estate should take such and son last seized, the descends to fox plaintiff; J. Xabaku defendant. ana heads inch iroo; all properly riveted and stayed, and Cocoa of. the Finest Quality ! tk f The deieid.inl contend that the statute ter- that inheritance the defendant. complete with all necessary mounuus, 4c. selections from inht.-riMnc- e such a course, the be resumed minate the of Collateral with their legislature cannot collateral relations of the first purchaser." If it Uluihl and Koalii vs. George Kaauwai. Ejectment. - IT 13 THE MUST brotht:r ai.-te- r of and their di- to have intended any thing beyond the statute were necessary in arriving at this decision the ard the parents Continued from June Term. L. A. Thurston for plain ! SfTRITIOlS, American, English, French and Gor- V rect deccrid.int, and prohibits the inheritance that they have enacted or different from il ; the Court would be authorized by Section 823 of the tiff. Continued to the next June Term. SUGrAK'MILL statutes have prescribed those who are to be Civil Code to cite and adopt the reasonings and One (1) Improved Sugar Mill, with rolls 66 inches and from going any lurlhcr back, and thus cuts off Solomon Hale tb. Jules Dudoit. Trover and damage. loci PERFECTLY DIGESTIBLE man Manufacturers,' uncles grand de- reconed " kindred " and heirs and we cannot go principles of the Common Law on this point; but 30 inches in diameter, with the iron work for cane carrier, 40 f. th grand and aunts and their Continued from June Term. Appeal from Local Circuit ieet long, and complete wilh all latest improvement! and sub i - BEVER1GE scendants. outside of it. the Court, in affirming the principle that the Judge. Continued. stantial double gearing to connect with svcgioe. which, at a rule, arc placed at lower figures than havw atret a-- e are therefore ol the opinion that the con next of kin inherit in default of heirs specifically Per Curiam. On account of th comparative! Ahn (cb) vs. E. Kaina. Assumpsit. Appeal from For Children as well aa for the Siron and Health. Has fore held in this Market, and from all of which EXCEPT . recent at which rcgul.tr governuiTnt and tention of the defendant in this action is correct provided for by the Statute of Descent, does not Local Circuit Judge. Appeal withdrawn. tbe of Cocoas BOOKS FO strenfth thickened - rii and the degree IRTIMES H". . rights of property inland have been etablmhcd that plaintiff is not within the of import into our jurisprudence a.Statute or usurp Chaa. B. Makee vs. Ioela and Kakaliki. Ejectment. with Starch, o. It will bear the is no of relationship which would entitle him to inherit the function of the Legislature by adopting an L. A. for plaintiff. Continued to June. une (ii rutnain Engine, with cylinder, is inches in A liberal dUcaiat will kf Uwe4 U Cask Cmrtowm ' in this country, there nectwpiry inquiring Thurston diame er. and 42 inch of piston, fitted with reversing by the statute, and therefore order that judgment arbitrary rule, for I find from the words of the and. vs. stroke into any ancient laws or customs touching the Kanaauauwa others Kmhalehau. Ejectment. far, heavy fly wheel, etc. STRICTEST CHEMICAL INVESTIGATION be entered lor the defendant, non vlttantt vere Statute itself that such is its obvious intent and L. A. for plaintiffs; Aholo for defendant, Con in the hope, of making the season a busy oaa la trade itself. descent of property. Tretious to the year 1810, Thurston ' ' -- AND it cannot be said that the common had any dicto. meaning. No foreign Statute that I am aware tinued to June Term. without the labor of accounts and eol lections. Messrs Castle and Hatch for plaintiff, Messrs. or disinherits the next of kin, and I do not think 1ST BANCO. of land at all, unce they were V - rihU propr'y in f t t It- In the matter cf the aj peal of C. II. JudJ, Commis One (1) Cast Iron Vacuum Pan, 7 feet ami 10 Inches in di The recent addition of over of all to be dicMjefed of holdi- isoie ana nauiuxou ior eieienuam. that ours intended to. Keeps in all Climittes. TWKXTI TONS liable at times their sioner of Crown Lauds, from decision of I Aholo ou the ameter. 10 feet high, fitted with 4 four inch seamless copper Good for the Season, may give reader an Idea of lb Block ng1 the arbitrary will of their own chiefs; Honolulu Oct 24th, 1870. In my opinion the Verdict of the Jury must coils, and arrangrd for the use of both exhaust and direct XT Virtctio t to be found each Tin. Jd i ; at boundary of Waiokama. Heard and taken under con steam. provided for tbetr wants, aud those who can snaks a personal njci cla(.--9 them-lvcs- , stand. even the superior although KAUICKA ET AL IllKAALAM HoBRO.N AND E. Mead-quart- TS. sideration. vacuum pump: I ALSO OFFER TO THE 1'L'BL.IC visit to Santa Claui' er will Bad It replet with they were accustomed when in expectation of IIoiiRON 11 ER IirSBANO. KaDIUKA (E) AND A K All I (w) TS. IIlEAALAM matter of C. W. Parker. a of In the Petition for writ variety and Novelties; mora la variety thaa la quantity af ! de-air- ed IIoi;bon E. C. In One (1) Blake's Direct Actios ir Pump, with steam cvlin- - death, to designate the person whom they case relationship relied upon by the and Hobron her husband. Mandamus denied. each article, which fact render It advisable tor part is t In this the this case relied by oer, i inches in auunetcr; air and water cylinder, is inches in to b; heir to their property, jet this will plaintiff is that of grand uncle to the person who the relationship upon the J. M. Xapulou vs. Win. Emma and Haiku fw) Adminis diameter; ami 24 men stroke ol piston. Hudson's Extract of Soap, make early selection. ' - (Kauofia), though generally was Plaintiffs is that of grand uncle to decedent. The trators of the Fjitate of S. K. Kaianui. Appeal from Dig-tri- ct died last seized. to liable at all times to be defeated or modified by reasoning in the case ol .Makea tk) v. Nalua fk) Justice. Wailuku. Case sent back Police Court DOUBLE EFFKCT EVAPORATORS! The best thine known for washing and cleaning Clothes, v- The reasoning in the case of Makca (k) vs A'a-- of Wailuku fur trial. Orders from the other Islands art respectfully olldlsd, and will apply, verdict must K Linen, the will of the superior chief. It was not until lua will apply, and therefore judgment must and the stand. Frank Euos vs. John Brown. Trespass and damage. One (1) Double fleet Apparatus made by Pontile ft Wood Hands, Floors, 1'aint, China, Glass, Will be carefully attended to aa heretofore. When adectkM the year l&'VJ, that any rights of property were () Appeal from District Justice, Makawao. Judgment for of London, complete with all necessary Air Pumps, etc., and Plate, and all kinds of Earthenware, are left to us, the ages and preference of those for host Ihey be entered for the defendant, non obstante vere capable or evaporating juice to make la tons sugar per day. established in the common people. In that year defendant. Ire., to., 4c. are intended should be given, to guide in such Cash i dicto. Precautions against the Spread of Typhoid DIVOBCE CASES. .4 iso, une (11 lHiunie covet Apparatus, as above, capable of selection. protection was declared, both for person and pro- evaporating juice to make 10 tons sugar per day. accompanying all order will b allowed the discount addi- Mr. Hartwell for plaintiff, Meesrs Preston and Fever. Divorces were granted in the following cases t la following is 'V perty in the words: "Protection Lirowu for delendant. Louowahine vs. Eauwe: Kaui vs. Chas. Lalakoa; Ka- - tional goods, unkss ordered otherwise. hereby secured to the persons of all the eople, The following precautions against the spread of uaui vs. Kekahuna: Antone Sylva vs. Makaoi; Louis CENTRIFUGAL MACHINES: FOE SALE BY Honolulu Oct 24tb, 1876. vs. Manama; Uose fcniith vs. hmith. together with their lands, their building lots and typhoid fever have been drawn up by William Kuauioo John Four (4) Centriiugal Machines, Weston's Patent, with iron GOODS-rMerid- A. KANCV ttt Plated Stiver War, la S all their See Declaration of Rights, Ogle, M. A., M. D., Oxon., F. R. C. P., Lond., Kallianu vs. Haaheo. Divorce granted subject to the frames, made by Messrs. Mirrlees, Tait 4t Watson, of Glasgow. W. BUSH. property." filing of marriage Maulili (w) vs. haeo. Bouquet Holders; Card Receiver, combined ar separat) de- Dissenting opinion of Mr. Justice JudJ. Medical Officer the Board of Health for the Certificate; o22 lm No. 62 anJ64, Fort Street. pagi 10, Old Laws. Although this simple of the Continued to Honolulu. J. O. CARTER. Jewel Casket and Paper Weight. Glass and China Taa, cree was a etep toward- - establishing the rights this is an action of Ejectment for a piece of combined districts of East Herts, and circulated n22 Executors of the Will of .ilex. Hutchinson, deceased. Marble Statuary, Bronse, Nlckle, Olaa and Platsd Inkstand, by Typhoid, of the jeople in their property, yet there was no land in Koolaupoko, Oahu. The jury rendered a the sanitary authorities. enteric, Supreme Court In Probate Pea Rack and 1'nper Weight, Work Boxes, 'fttaads, Baabrta recognition of the right of inheritance. It was verdict for the Plaintiff, to which the Defendant and gastric fever are names given to one and the and Bags, Reticules, Parlor KaMdosoopes, Musks Hoxm, Aran MCCCLXY, IN THE ABSENCE OF MB. J. H. 5 people in same infectious disease, this being a fever pro before mb. Justice At Lynch's Manufactory two to tunes; O imply intended to confirm tha living excepted and moved for judgment non obstante JUSTICE JUDO. A. W. PEIRCE& CO., six Glass Busts, lobes. Writing Desks, CalstMlar their present possession, and did not alter the veredicto, on the ground that by the evidence of duced by excremental poisoning, and almost in- MlV BE FOUND. Rack, Photo. Statuary, Flower and Bird Fanota, Ksaet and rights of the chief to the land to the be not within degree of rela variably accompanied by diarrhoea. Of all excre- Oct. 13. 18"J. Proof of will of Kuhele (k) deceased. Circle Frames, Rustic Frames, all sine and tyle Passepar- Plaintiff is the Petition of biuicu Paaluhi, for probate of the will of dece- mental matter the most poisonous is which C l" net , whomsoever he might eee fit, on decease of the tionship, which, by the Statutes of this country, that dent. The court admit the will for probate, and orders First-Cla- ss I touts, Mats, a aud Card Velvets, ;V tenant. Thus it will be seen, there are no an- would entitle him to inherit. comes from persons themselves ill with the fever ; that letters testamentary be issued to the liev. Kinion Boots and Shoes SHIP CHANDLERS. is Paaluhi, without bonds, as provided in the will. An cient rights and Customs to inquire into, and all The land was patented to Hioaaimalama, who and it principally by means of their stools that CHRISTMAS, NKW YKAR'0, BIUT11DAY, OOblPUXES- - one person to inventory to be bled in 30 days, and notice to creditors to Hunting and Biding Boots and Shoes, (AT THE OLD STORE) rights of property and inheritance began at the died leaving an infant son Kupau, and a wide the disease spreads from another. bo published in the Ktmkoa lor lour consecutive weeks. T A RY. SUNDAY SCUOOL aud Blank Floral Carda, In The poison may be taken in by breathing the BEFOUE MB. JUSTICE Jl'DU. '' time of the initiation of settled government in Kalele ; the eon died soon after,' and the estate. Cot up in First-Cla- ss Style, and A GOOD FIT Guaranteed. variety; r effluvia from these 21d. Estate of Kalania deceased. Petition of Nika, one 134G. In that year, a code of laws was publish- vested in his mother Kalele. Makea the Plaintiff discharges, or from the privy, Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I., ' of the administrators of this estate, for the settlement PAPKTKRItS, in uorqaaled attractions; t , ed, and the Land CommL'sion was established claims that his crandfether Kumaiahea was cesspools, or drains into which they have been of the accounts of the same. The accounts were exa- ALSO , approved by court, and went into operation. All rights of inheri- to Keawelaikini the grandmother of Ka emptied, or by drinking water from wells into mined and the and the administrators DEALERS IN : brother ordered discharged and their bond cancelled. A GOOD STOCK OK ALL KINDS OP FINE LEATHER GOODS tance therefore were created by the statute. In lele, making him Kalele 's second cousin. The which they have soaked, or by swallowing parti Estate of Nika. deceased. Petition of Hooikaika for : i i the statute laws of 1840, at page 101, Section 7th question reserved for the consideration of the cles that have adhered to clothes, bedding, or letters of administration of the above estate. The court. rhotograph Album, a beautiful assortment for Card, Cabi- hearing all the testimony, appointed Hooikaika and Ladies, Chil WHALING GEAR OF ALL KINDS, ed been after Cents. Misses and par-chas- other objects, and thence accidentally trans net, or Continued, Autograph Album, Portfolio, Ladlea it is enacted : ' Lands so patented (that is Court is, whether such a relationship is capable Halulukahi joint administrators, and ordered them to nie never ferred to articles of food or cooking utensils. Bags, Belts, Purses, Card Cases, Memoranda or Put ket Book, from the government) shall revert to of inheriting by the Statute of Descent in this a bond in the sum of Whaleboats, Boat Block, Anchors, Chains, MCCtXLY. dren's Ware, , . : the King of these Islands nor escheat to this country. Destruction of the lever poison in the stools. BKFORE MB. JUSTICE Hemp and Manila Cordage. Duck, Naval Stores, Cigar Case, Pocket Inks, Kcrap Books, ;i body, Estate of He (k) deceased. Petition of John Kapua for government for any other cause than attainder of By : is prescribed by the Civil the moment these leave the by means of 1 TVnTri triA BAor T.nsiprn Mannfartnn'p ! PainU and Oils, Brass and Galvanized Marine Ilanlware, " ' ' the Court It letters of administration oi the above estate. he court. Bailmakers' Goods, Boatbuilders' ' Hardware. : , high treason, as defined by tfc Criminal Code, or Code (of 1859) that " The property, real and per- disinfectants, and (inasmuch as the action of dis ou the evidence adduced, granted letters of administra- GOLD GOODS i non-payme- tion to Kapua and also letters of guardianship of for the nt of taxes as j recribed in the sonal, of a person who shall die intestate, within infectants is not thoroughly certain) the safe dis- John Which Will Ur Sld( hriiplar Ciub. the minor trraudchildren of the deceased, a bond to lie Hay, Oats Bran, Etc., Etc. Todd' Gold Pen, Ivory, Pearl, Fbony and Rubber Holder, third of this act, or for the default of Kingdom, shall descend to and be divided posal of the stools themselves, are the means by filed for both in sum of (250. An inventory to and part utter this trusts the ALLOKUERS FKUAI TDK OTIIKIt ISLANDS I'KOMPTLT Pen and Pencil Cast, Solid a:id Plated; Cham l ?ucil, Solid heirs of the testate or intestate owners, being among bis heirs, as hereinafter prescribed, and which we should try to prevent the disease from be filed in M days, and an account to be rendered Would inform oar friends and patrons, that we hare now on spreading. annually. oil ATTUXDKD TO. ' If hand the most complete and varied assortment of and Plated; Tooth Picks, Tooth and Ear Picks, Uluds, Bleev Hawaiian urjccs, as in fifth part of this act pre- il he shall leave no issue, nor father or BKFOBE JUDD AND MCCCLLY, J. J. BY BEQUEST OF CHIEF ' Buttons, Charms, Macklnnon Pen, Prince' Fountain Pen,' scribed;'' and at page 100, of the same Code, mother, and no brother or sister, his estate shall Let all persons, therefore, who would keep JUSTICE UABBIS. themselves and their neighbors free from infec- Oct. 27. Proof of will of James Makee, deceased. Pe- ! f section 6, it is enacted : The rules of descent descend one half to his widow, if any, and one W. Cart- - CHANDLERY AND tion, observe strictly the following rules, should tition of Parker N. Makee, O. Siuith and A. J. SHIP PRESENTATION MISCELLA- and natural inheritance shall be those dcCued by half to the brothers and sisters of his father and wright, for pr.ibate of the will of the decedent. The & NEOUS BOOKS: V1 the Civil Code." But in the fift!. part of the mother and to their children and heirs, by right the disease occur in their houses ; 1. Remove court considered the wiii "duly proven by the evidence SHIP NAVAL STORES, at once from the sickroom all carpets, adduced, aud admitted the same to probate. Letters tes act, there was no provision for inheritance, and of representation : and if he leave no widow then curtains, tamentary to be issued to Petitioners upon their filing and othor Goods in our liue, to be found on the Santlsrith Isl- Bryant', Holme', Longfellow, Meredith's, Tennyson's and the fair inference is, that in as much as the land such collateral heirs shall inherit the whole es- and other objects likely to get fouled. 2. Keep bond in the sum of f'JO.OOO. An inventory to be filed in ands; and having a new lease, for a term of years, of the old Wlilitier's Poem. ChrUttna Tide. Chrisltaa Carol, Iris, Th every one whose presence is not absolutely neces CO uays, and notice to creditors to be giveu in the P. C. stand, so long and favorably known by the people uf the commission was then sitting, and was parsing tate : provided, always, that if the estate come Whaling; School Boy, Prince Deukalion, Building of th Ship, Dor' sick-roo- Advertises for 4 weeks. Furniture Sandwich Islands, and by the Masters and Owners of directly upon each individual claim, it was not through either parent, the brothers and sisters ol sary, out of the and by means of open and Merchant Vessels, and with our New Fire-pro- fUire and Goethe Gallery, Lore's Rime of th Ancient Mariner, Bhak. deemed expedient to make a provision for so im- thai parent shall be preferred to the others : if windows and open doors give the patient as much Store house near by, giving us unequuled facilities fur keeping spear's Characters, Reynard lhe Fox, Darley' Sketch t fresh as possible. waterproo- even a still more complete and varied assortment of all the portant a matter, until there eboolJ be farther the intestate shall have been married and leave no air 3. Put apiece of UooJs in onr line, larne additions to which we have ordered Abroad, Paul Lecrolx's Art In the Mkld. Age, Bcienoa and time to think of it, and to rccoucilc the chief's to kindred but a widow, then she shall inherit all f-sheeting under the bed-clothe- s, in the mid ! HniiEifacturin from the United Stales and Europe, all of which we offer on Literature, and Eighteenth Century; I sis Lb veiled, Tb Bo ! a meaoure which would deprive them ul impor- his estate ; and if the intestate be a woman, and dle of the bed, so aa to prevent the bed from get OUT the most favorable terms. crucian. Uncle Tom' Cablu, Bird World, Familiar Wild tea-cupt- ul SELLING tant rights which they hail been accustomed to leave no kindred but her husband, then he shall ting soiled. 4. l'ut a ot the following Flowers, Tbe Universe, Painter Sculptor. Ac, Pleasant, bed-pa- n MANILA E0PE, exercise. Accordingly we fiM that in 1850, the inherit all her estate." disinfecting fluid into a or other vessel Company, Spot Around Oxford, Contemporary Art In Europe, Art and first enactment touching inheritance was The Defendant contends that the Statute ter- each time before the patient uses it, and add Coils 6 Threads, Coils 9 Threads, Coils 12 Threads. Artist in Connecticut, Laurd leaves, French Picture, Cakv pa. Coils 11 Inch, Coils 14 Inch, Coils 1 Coils Inch, some more immediately after: Soda water, a Inch, i donia. Tropical Nature. Iu the Sky Garden, Bo I and Tall' The circumstances of the conutry did not render minates the inheritance of collaterals with the S.N FRANCISCO. Coils Zi Inch, Coils 2i lnck, Coils 2 Inch. ucb an act imperatively necessary before that brothers and sisters of the parents and their di- gallon; sulphate of iron (i. e., copperas), a Coils 3 Inch, Coils 31 Inch, Coils 3 Inch. Coil S( Inch. Pearl Fountain. Fern Harad,e, Story of Ruth, Beautiful Snow, tim9 ; because as it has been said before, the rect descendants, and prohibits the inheritance DounJ ; carbolic acid (the common impure kindi and importers Coils 4 Inch, Colls 41 Inch, Coils 4 Inch. Coils 6 Inch. Little People of the Haow, Hup' erd Lady, Tb Sea, Raoollee-tion-s a pint. In preparing this fluid manufacturers of Writers, llall Honrs in Natural History, Goetba land eommiMi'in, during the three years preceding from eoinz any further back, and thus cuts off half the iron SELLIlsTGr OUT! WHALE LINE, and had been occupied in collecting testimony and the grand parents and great uncles and great should first be dissolved by stirring in boilinz OF Schiller, by Rjorsen; Taint's History of Ktigllab Literature ' AT Green' History of Kngiisb Progres not long previously had begun to adjudicate aunts of an intestate and tneir descendants, from water, and the carbolic acid added when the iron ,V ; 1 IV W Cutting Falls. Manila Bolt Rope, piiai Kope, Bale Roe, People, WeiMe's Origin, I I I M C H I I W is dissolved and the uuid cool. Kememhcr that 1. T Hay Kope, Manila Lath Yarn, Galvanized ire Hoie, ami Destiny of the English l.aniiu ige and Literature, Speaker upon rights of possession ul individuals. inheriting from him. Wire Selling, Deep Sea Lead-Line- 60 Kxthom Log te OF Lines, Garland, 4 Life Tins first enactment read as (ullows, so lar as it In the discussion of this question, it becomes carbolic acid is a poison; keep the mixture there D. W. CLARK'S JEWELRY STORE Lines for Patent Log, Sigdal Halyards, r'ioli Lines. vols.; Geike's and Work of Christ, 3 vol.; is applicable to this case: necessary to review the enactments of the Legis- fore in a sale place, lhe same fluid may bo used Chamber' Book of Day and Information for lh People, blob, ert Chamber, Lamb' Works, Dickens' In In shall die with-i-o I Cud in Act to or- with great advantage to disinfect any accumula HEMP ROPE, Work, It and Whenever any rson intwtate lature on this subject. the " 30 as dung-p-it HOUSEHOLD vol.; Foe's Works, Macauley's Hlntory of England, Haydn'a Kingdom, both real and per- ganize Executive Departments," Laws of tion ol hlth, such a or cesspool. As 1 inch, 1 inch, 2 inc h. 21 inch, 2 inch, 2 this b.s property the il ER KB V GIVE NOTICE THAT I AM inch, Dictionary of Dates, Gu zot's tliatory of Civilisation, Khedive sonal, shall descend to and be divided among his 184G, p. 19'J. the following : The rules of des-ce- ut a general rule two quarts win sutnee to disinfect NOW SKLLIMi OUT 3 inch. 31 inch, 31 inch, 3 inch, 4 inch, 4i inch, 6 inch, me 6 inch, 0 inch, 6J inch, 7 inch, 7 inch, 8 inch. Kfypi. toaleatlne. Through the Dark Continent, Band heira as hereinafter prescribed and the second and natural inheritance shall be those de- one cubit foot of foul matter. 5. Take care that ;" I 12 thread. 15 thread, IS 21 Book of Legendary Art. fkuohuiu from Nature, Hand Book forth descent fined Civil On page 101 of the discharges are thoroughly mixed with the dis PARTIES IN HONOLULU, RATI. X thread, thread. section, alter setting the manner of by the Code." the S P I! N V A K 2 yarn, 3 yarn. In Water Color, Sepia and Neutral Tint, Ceramlo Art, Path to descendants', proceed to enact : If same Act I also find that lands which are patent- infecting fluid, and then carry them immediately Y ENTIRE STOCK or other parts of the Islands, SKIZI 6 thread. 9 thread, 12 thread. lin?al " and Garden of Paris, Literary Boquet, Rose and Holly, Li- to Govern into the garden or field, and bury them in a deep Marline, Ilouseline, Hambrolioe, Rounding, Russia Roll the intestate fhall leave no issue, his estate shall ed shall tuver revert or escheat the Roe. brary ol ' trench, previously dug for the purpose, as far as f British Poets, 3 vol Plymouth Collection of Uymna descend one half to bis widow, arid the other half ment. Except " for the utter delault rtPSIRINC PURNITURP and , ' possible from any well or otbez. water COTTON DUCK, Tunes, Biblea. to bis father and mother as tenants in common ; ot heirs of the testate or intestate owners supply. CAN IIAVK THEIR On no account let them be on to Master-piec- e if he leave no widow, nor issue, the whole shall as in the fifth part of this Act prescribed." thrown a reluse WATCHES. No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Ravens, Drills, cVc. of the Centennial Kxhibition, 3 vols. X descend to his father and mother, or to cither of It is evident from the above that a Statute of heap. If the house be in a town, and without a ' Shakespear' Works, 2 v la. Knight Royal quarto edition. Filled at Lowest . them if only one be alive." descent was contemplated by the Legislature to garden, so that the stools must of necessity be CLOCKS, Orders Rales HEMP CANVAS, Together with a variety of man If he shall leave no issue or father nor moth- form a part ol the organic acts of 184G. It was thrown down the closet, add a double allowance Rr application to Mr. K. H. A l A MS. Queen Street, Merchant Navy, all numbers; Long Flax, all numbers; other Work. er, his estate shall descend one bclf to his widow, not enacted until lSoO. It is equally evident to of the disinlectant, and take care that the empty JEWELRY, who h is our DeHcri;.ti ve Catalogue with Prices. Parslin Yards, Hemp Twine, Cotton Twine, The Line of Children's Books Is a complete as lh to his brothers and sisters, me that the Legislature when it used the forcible ing be done without splushing the seat, and that Whipping Twine, fail Needles. Roping Needle, San Francisco Market could suply order coas prising and tte other half and Packing Needles, Beeswax, Sailors' Palms, Nuri-ery- , es- the closet be flushed until basin and pan are tho- WATCHMAKER'S TOOLS. Chatterbox, Wide Awake, and other af thi to the children of any deceased brother or sister and clear language that there should be no OUST Sailmakers' Seam inn Palms, failmakera' Roplnv Palms, class as als by right of representation : if he shall leave no cheat except for the utter default of heirs," re- roughly clean. C. Let bed and body linen, imme II AND! Sail Hooks, Galvanized Iron Clews. Galvanized Thimbles. At Store of L. W. King Open for Kope. is taken off, be put into a tub of OBSERVATORY II0PP, St., Brass Thimbles, Thimbles. Thimbles Wire A issue nor father nor mother and no brother or cognized that those of the blood of the intestate diately it water. Sister Hooks and Thimble", Flags, Full Line of I'orLrt and Gfne DIAttlES far 1880. pro- sister, his estate shall descend one half to his were " heirs." and capable of inheriting land, to which carbolic acid lias been udded, in the AND MATERIALS, Plonlr T7ainnt RoHrnnm Sotc f Anchors from 40 lbs. to 2400 lbs. Chains from 1 in. to 1 j in. widow, if any, and one half to the brothers and though no Statute of Descent had then been en- portion of half a pint of acid to a bucket of water. Capstans. Windlass Gear, Braes Boat Compasses, Ci . I K. Pedestrian. sm. Ou Bang. Bteepte ChM, Life' fluid Brass Hiip Compasses, lell Tale Compasses, Mishaps, Uamu ul Nations, rpider and Fly, Ambuscade, Cat listers of his father and motltcr and to their acted. In the case of L. Keelikolani v. James Have the tub and ready prepared and at In order to close business before the Black Walnut Siilebnards, Ritchies' Spirit Compasses, No. 1; children by right of representation ; and if he Kobinson, 3 lliw'n. 515, the Court held that at hand before the linen is taken off. Let the linen Black Walnut Dining Chairs, " No. 2; and Mice, Pilgrim's Progress. Monopolist, Cut Vp OusM, ac Onk Cane Seat Dining Chairs, " " " No. 3; Lotto, Dominoes.. Chess, Checkers. Author, variou kind leave no widow, then such collateral heirs shall the time of the death of Kalaimoku, (127) soak in this for two hours, and then let it be JDAY 1880, gets. 1st ofJANUARY, Cedar Bedroom Sheathing Felt, Yellow Metal, Sheet Lead, Fog Horns, Jack Straws, Jack Btones, ice . Croquet Pel. inherit the whole estate ; provided always that if there was a common law of inheritance, liable tually boiled in washing. On no account must Pine Bureaus, &c, IfC. . &c. Lilly Irons, Grains, Cork Fenders, Holy Stones, the estate come through either parent, the broth- to be modified or defeued, but perfectly good the linen be sent to a laundress without thorough After which period I intend Capstan Bars, Handspikes, Mast Hoops, Lead Figures, previous disinfection, nor without informing her Corn Brooms, Hickory Brooma, Ratan Brooms. Cocoa nu I do. MECHANICAL TOYS, NOVELTIES, &es ers and sisters of that parent shall be preferred until such an event." It is quite true that in E. P. ADAMS, Agent for Haw'n Is. P amp Leather, lUgping Leal her, Galvanized Boat Nails, intc-ta- te so she may not wash it with to the others." If the shall have the above quoted case, the inheritance was of a ofits character, that Leaving the Kingdom. jau 7a Galvanized Scupper Nails, Galvanised Cut Nails, Swimming Toy, ianta Clan on Skate, Blondin oa Veloc- persons. Galvanized weed Iron Tacks, Composition Nails, been married and leave no kindred but a widow, eon to his father. (Lcleiohoku to Kalaimoku) the linen of other 7. Let the nurse ob oQVr ipede, Warner's Oarsman, Jubilee Acrobat, Mechanical Alliga- keep I not only my Cut Nails, 3d 10 60d; Finish Nails, Iron Tacks, then she shall inherit all his estate ; and if the which is universally conceded as being according serve the most scrupulous care to everything Copper Tacks, flat heads; Copper Tacks, round beads; tors, Rats, Vehicles, Reversible Locomotive Whistling Loco- - jo testate be a woman and leave n kindred but to the " dictates oi natural affection," but from clean. Let her wear a dress of washing material, AT THE fV rough t Boat Spikes, Handled Axes, Wood , motive, Llephants, Jointed Animal. ' as this is more easily disinfected than wool. As Entire Stock of Goods for Sale I Hai.d Saws, Claw Hatchets, Shingling Hatchets, her huahand, then he shall inherit a her est te." the language abovo used by the Court we may Top 6oiIcd Hammers, Screw Wrenches, Mauls, AUCIiKRY M)OllS-B- ow, Arraw't, Targets, ktA as reenac:cd in rightly that if the case had arisen the Court her hands must almost unavoidably get in Co-operati- Caulking Mallets, Caulking Irons, llawsing Irons, : i Tb law subsequently the Civil infer, BUT- - ve de-r-- Tailor ilawsing Beetles, Planes, Smooth Planes, Code in ISo'J. differs from this in no material e. would not have hesitated to investigate any claim helping the patient, let her wash them frequently Store, Jack liittj, Rocking Horses, Mioo Hy Rockers, Parlor Swings, Peram- some Bitt Stocks, Rules, Nail Gimlets, Spike Gimlets, This law prescribes ttie line of descent. of heirship by blood, and recognize it though no in water to whieli disinfecting nuid has Handled brad Awls, Screw Drivers. Cold Chisels, bulators, Velocipedes' Bicycles, Wagons, Carta, Wheelbarrow IVtY FI2CTTjn.ES, , y been added, and let her take care that the water ATiT Kngln-s- e rt section states distinctly, that the pro-Tt- Statute ol Descent had then been passed. The Chain Punches, Copper Punches, Marlin fpiket. tail Boat, Pteam Boats, Drawing Tool, Tool CbeaU, divided his heirs herein- of Descent of 1S50 is the same as the pre- thus used, as well as all other slops, be emptied COySISTlXG OF Flat Filet, Half Round Files, Saw tiles, Grindstones, Garden Tools, Building, Puzzle, Chinese, Comic and Alphabet is to be among as Statute Grindstone Fixtures, Brass Screws, Iron ricrew s, carefully into the garden trench. 8. When the V Bl icks, Crandsll's Artillery, Acrobats, Meuagerfe, Palace f after prescribed, which is tls same as to ay, sent one, except that the addition of tle words Hasps and Staples, Copper ire, brass Padlocks, Car : 1 i Buglar-proo- 1 wood Wag-ot.- s, that in the new order of thing, there having and heirs" is made in the Act of 1859, after illness is over, the bed, if soiled, should be burnt, Large Fire & f Safe, Iron Padlocks, Composition Port Hinges, pairs; and other Blocks, American Bard Ten Pins, Tia his ticK or cover may oe Street, Mclntyre's Block, Composition EHrap Hiuges, pairs; Animal and Toys of varioa kinds, Tin Kitchen t been no heirship before th'we persons enumera- the words and to the brothers and sisters of or the saciting aisiniectea Fort Galv. Iron Row Locks, Galv. Iron Belaying Pins Set, te! in that statute shotitdbe heirs and none other. father and mother, and to their children," which by thorough boiling, and the flock or straw stuff Show Cases, Locust Belaying Pins, Hickory Belaying Pius, Lizards, China and Br.ttania Tea Vets, Laundry geu, Guns, Platol, When it says in the last pararjph, il the in- was an evident omission in the Act of 1850. ing burnt. Should there be a disinfecting oven Another Invoice Lot of Fair Leaders, Parrel Trucks, Mast-hea- d Trucks, Soldier Cap. Knupsacks, Drams, Cornets, Trumpets, Twin or mattresses be ' Articles, Serving Mallets, Serving Boards. Chain Hooks, phone, Base Balls and Bats, Parlor Ball, Broom, Cbaavsleoo. testate shall leave n kindred but a widow, she It is noticeable that of the Statutes ol Descent available, the stuffing hair may and Various Other Hay Hooks, Oalv. Boat Hooks, Galv. Jib Hanks. hall inherit ail his estate," it does not mean of the 3G States of the American Union, but ten teased out and then disinfected by taking at a Wood Jib Hanks. Wood Pumps for Water Casks, spring. Bell, Brass, Peg, Humming and Circn Top, Embracing; an EJegaiit and Complete Screw Shackles, Chain is t contend against every n claim- carry the inheritance further back than temperature of 250 F. Otherwise this also Sft of Galv. Anchor Shackles, .Mairle Lantrros, Wnndrr Cameras, that she exprerly TAILORING Anchor Shackles, Ship Scrapers, Kigging Screws, kinahip however remote, but the persons the brothers and sisters ol the father and mother should lie destroyed. The floor of the 6ick room 0 21 ing Wrist Shackles, Patent Links, Oars, from to feet; Tabs, Pails, Wringers, Wanh Boards, Dust Pan and Brush . and heirs : but in all these and the bedstead and other furniture should be Sculls, Deck Buckets. tueaot by kindred " in that secti n arc those and their children BEDROOM FURNITURE! es, Sprinklers, Jump Rope, Magnetic Toy, Lead Soldiers, above and none other. Statutes there are woids like the following : " If thoroughly scrubbed with soft soap and curbolic GOODS, enumerated Chimes, Christma Caudles, Brscketa, Cornucopias ar-- d Christ kin All the implements and have CONSISTING OF BLOCKS, the circumstances of the country at the time there be neither of these, then to the next of acid. utensils that mas Tree Ornaments, Caod Boxes, in animals, dee ; Watoh-e- s. If Bed, Bedding. Pictures, &c. Blocks, common; in Vermont and been in usa the sick room should be well scald Metalline patent; Blocks Bar-pri- of the enactment of this statute be taken into equal degree." See Statutes of in Clocks, Bells, Whips, Canes, Snakes, Jumping se worn by Blocks, iron strap, patent; Blocks, rope strap, patent; Jack, consideration.. will be seen that there was a California. ed. The dress the nurso should be disr Diagonals, Broadcloth, Doeskins, Blocks, rope strap, common; Snatch Blocks, Boxes, Punch and Judy, Toy Scales, difficulty of tracing remote collateral relations. "If he leaves no issue and no father, mother, infected with carbolic acid and boiled, as directed also Blocks, wide score lor main sheet; Only ten of the American states by their statutes, brother nor sister, then to the next of kin in in the sixth paragraph. 9. If fever be in your Serges, Tweeds and Trimmings Blocks, lignum vita?, for jib sheet; Patent Sheaves, Sfts of Furniture, IM!' Trnukt, Tprigbt Plaits, degree." See Massachusetts. neighborhood, but not as yet in your house, take Common sheaves. Dead Eyes, Hearts, Bulls Lyes. expressly carry toe inheritance farther back than equal Statute of FOR SALE OR LEASE Krreirrd, ex Bark Viola, Musical Toys, Rubber Toys, Jointed Toy, Sid Board, ours. In all these statute;, there are words sim- In some States where grand parents and their the following precautions to keep it out ; Drink Jul PAINTS. OILS, ETC. Stores, Noah' Arks, Painted or Whlta Animate. ilar to these. If there be neither of these (re- descendants are prescribed as inheriting, there is no water that is open to the least suspicion, or, if THE ELEGANT FKO.M ENGLAND. i : Sta- SPKRM OIL, then to the next of kin in equal degree ;" added In cases not provided for by the you can get no other, noil it before drinking. Raw Oil, Boiled Oil, Kerosene Oil, lations), Stock contains the Finest and Best Selected Material for DOLLS AND DOLL MATERIALS, In cases not provided for by the statute, the in- tute, the inheritance descends according to the Lse no closet or privy that is used by houses in Our Whale Oil, China Nut Oil, Lard Oil, course of the common See of Ark- which there is already fever. Give immediato Suits ever imported In this Kingdom. Woodward's S gnal Oil, Tar Oil, Fidc French Kid Body Dolls, dressed undressed Wax heritance descend according to the course of the law." Statute New BricJi Building Bright Varnish. Black Varnish, and i Considered, ansas. notice te the Sanitary Inspector of any nuisance China Doll, dressed and Undressed; Worsted Doll, Bag Doll, Common Ia ;" and when it that I now occupy, situate ou Merchant Street, Honolulu. 8. Turpentine, Coal Tar, Patent Dryer, Red Lead, CALL, . the compilers of th; Civil Code had all these Our Statute Contains no enactment, that in in your neighborhood, such as a stinking drain or White Lead, Black Paint, Green Paint, Ked Paint, Bathing Dol., Small Rubber Doll. Doll Bodiea, Doll Head, specific-all- offensive L'se EXAMINE, Yellow Paint, Blue Paint, Metallic, dry; Lamp Black, in China. Wax and Patent; Doll' iiats, Shoes, Stocking, Jew- statutes before them, it is impossible to conceive cases not provided for by the Statute, gully, heaps of refuse and the like. If the Building should not be sold by the 31st day oi Decem- Chrome Yellow, Chrome Green, Prussian B'ue, elry, Bth Tubs, Bedsteads, I'urainbulators, ate. that they omitted these provisions unintentionally. the inheritance shall descend according to the all vour influence to insist upon the preceding ber, 1879, it will be AND Burnt Umber, Chinese Vermillion, Copper faint. 1453 section of the Civil Code en- course of the common law, nor is there a provi- precautions being strictly carried out by your Again, the MISCELLANEOUS, A NOELS, hovering on the wing," in Wag and Cltiaa; acts, thit, If any illegitimate person shall die sion that in default ol the relationships by the neighbors whose houses are already infected. LEASED FOR FIVE YEAES, CFT 0 LESS! BE CONVINCED, declared to be capable inheriting, the Potash, Concentrated Lye, Sal Soda, Glue, Putty, Chalk, intestate without leaving lawful or a widow, Statute of Black Lead, for sheaves; Tar. Pitch, Rosin, Oakum, GAS INFLATED RUBBER BALLOONS, together he Estate shall to the of kin;" but it THAT OUR - Mops, his estate shall descend to his mother, but if gj "next Pitch Flat Paint Brushes, Bound Paint Broabes, with many other Artick impossible to enumerata. widow, she shall inherit one half and his must also be observed that there are no express I desire particularly to notify all persons who hae Watches Varnish Brushes, Whitewash Brushes, Marking Brushes, leaves a they are all ready Siove Shoe Call and examine. In person or by proxy. What yoa words declaring ol kin do not in- lelt with me fur repairs that for delivery; Pencil Brushes, Brushes, Brushes, doal mother the other half, but if his mother be not that the next REMOVAL! ! Dust Brashes, Long Handled Tar Brushes, Flue Brushes, see, ASK FOR; as notwithstanding recent for away by the I strong- and if not paid and taken the owners before the Tweed Suits for $30.00 exlenslra living and his widow is, then the widow shall herit, in delault of Statutory heirs. am Seam Brushes, Scrub Brushes. Sash Tools, alterations, room fails to exhibit everything. no imm :s v co., 1st day of January next, they will be s .ld at PUBLIC AUC- Log Books, for 120, 210 and 360 days; G!assea, whole : otherwise his estate shall escheat ly impressed with the idea that the Legislature for the patrouag lake the I TION for the charges agtinat them for repairs. Cannot be made elxewhere for the money, and just Patent Logs, Steel Shovels. Scoop Rubber Oilers, Thankful liberal heretofore extended to Government." Now, if there did intend that the next of kin should inherit in lTOl-L- INFORM TIIKIK FRIENDS Oilers, Lamp Feeders, Lanterns, Side Lights, the subscriber, he trust, this dirplay of Good tor tbe SeaaoM to the Hawaiian thing for Brass tin; any thing in the argument adduced from the such ca-- e. They declare in the section wo are T T nd the public generally, tbat ihey bare the this climate, Side Lights, brass; Fresnal Signal Lights, zinc; may show hi appreciation thereof, and trust to merit a con- J be Fresnal Signal Lights, braes; Cabin Lamps, tinuance of the same, e fleet if the deceased Considering that if the intestate " leave no kin- Fire-proo- section 1431, to the that, Removed to their New f Store, The? Fsrrgolug Advertisement ia Stroiis. Durable, Cool, Urll Made, Lamp Wick, balls; Flat Wicks, d z.; Lamp Burners, TIIOS. O. TIIKUM. aay kindred, though not within the degrees dred but a widiw, then she 6hall inherit all his Lamp Chimneys, Cotton Wasle, lbs.; Bath Brick, has M"hich ha Jmt been completed, itoated at the OU SUnd, notes-che-at Though speaking of a widow as kin- Brown Soap, ealt Water Soap, Cups and Saucers, prescribed by the statute, his estate shall estate." " 84 Quen Street, wbere they have been making large additions Stylish and Perfect Fitting ! dred " to her husband, is not use of BONA FIDE AND NO GAG Tumblers, Knives and Forks. Spoons, Chopping Knives, to the Hawaiian Government, how would an ordinary to their (Kick of SMp Chandlery, ship and I'lantatico b(ore, Chopping Trays, Sieves, Coffee Mills, Dut Pans, NOW IN PREPARATION, language, yet is for it. However whi-- make their assortment large anil Taried. Councry Orders filled with our usual promptness and dispatch. uch a construction square with section 14o3, there authority As I hare determined to close business and quit the Wash Basins, Mincing Knives, Blubber Fork, Beat Boards to be issued about the middle of December, is ill be happy to bare a call Irom Ihetr patrons, :ind they Boat Timbers. Boat Knees, Boat Nails, all sizes; The brothers and sisters of the this may be, the idea here distinctly conveyed, th-- ra Kingdom at the date without fail at above quoted? !l aaure that no pains will be spared to attend to their scined, Mast Hinges, Steering Braces, etc. of the illegitimate son would quite as that, the previously mentioned relationships not ant in a satisfactory manner. Hawaiian & mother now (Stock: Cordage, hemp Manila, as McMTJRRAY'S The Almanac Annual easily be ascertained, as though he were legiti- existing, in default of all kindred, the widow in- care in and an OYSTERS. Whaleboats, Whale Irons, Whale Lances, sortment f sices; Cotton Duck, Flax Canvas, llrmp Canvas, ANI) mate, and yet, they are declared by this statute herits all, and in like case, if the intestate be a Cotton sail Twine, 5, 0, 7 anil s ply; Flax Sail Twine, 3 and 5 Any lib 2lb TIN'S. FRESH AND FOR 1880! . CASKS order. AGENTS FOR r, 1V inherit-tanc- e. Hooks , fee , be kindred " within the line of woman then her husband. plv; Block. Oars. Shicren. and Thimbles, 4c all & CO to not " of which wi:i be luld at Bed Kock Prices. se6 BOLLES Brand's Bomb Guns, Brand's Bomb Lances, Advertisements therefor are respectfully by the same So in Section 1451, the Act reads that " if the A il ac- ) 0 Even his own brothers Haaolala, Nov. 23d, 1ST8. jal '79 XT persona indebted to me, either by note, book Perry Davis' Pain Killer, Pierce's Magnetic Truss. solicited, , mother by this statute, ire not " kindred " with- intestate leave no kindred, his estate shall es- count or otherwise, are requested to make payment before the PROVISIONS. . th line of inheritance, and yet, surely such cheat to the Hawaiian Government." This is TAR, ! 1st day of January next, or their accounts will be placed in Beef, Pork. Bread, Crackers, Preserved Meats, Fruits, And Order will be Filled a oon as Issued. A in same as TAR DGGF. PORK, HAMS. BACON. CHEESE, ascertainable kindred. the if il said, " There shall be no escheat 1 the hands of a Collector. n29 Im M-- CALIFORNIA HAY, BRAN, OATS, &c. brothers and sisters are 13 FT V IIARKKLS WILMINGTON X. C. m Lard, arc, lie. t or Bale by TIIOS. G. THRUM. All this tends to show that the word " kindred" if the intestate leave any kindred." l Tar, per Amy Turner (ol 79) DULLES St CO. jal 79 BOLLES If CO. Ja!8 "79 nia rubliauee. X

x. ,. - people, a young nation, MI pa Ictt- - wittiin tKi country abound wtli brave and industrious ! tleliw. - 2240 Lbs. to the Ton the inc r th t '! r rr? it i n tlx- harbinser of liberty to the old Europe. .:r' :i j l''ti " . .' n Fulton came this man tells the truth uj-.- and out " If put their lar.u.T,;'. Threatening I I ( ,!. I make him a king," exclaimed Napoleon the COALS C0M.SI COALS Commercial JUbcrtisn act- - vi n; ht': r.ictii il ccntnents uii their w Tlu're oriicn for the winter rst while he was quickly reading the project of DI SII AVOI LI) rtl.. arc rvd con- RESI'ECTITLLV which nr- - hii.r,iri t) fell. A iorresp..n-- d that Genius of steam. Rut the demon of Planters will Take Notice. VW. the a. teniioa of the j u'ilic to has r SATL'RPA V. HtlCEMBER 20. le to tLe Toice cf nt . f t;,e 'l'iiif. cn n to the brit-- quest did not albw him to listen attnti and grand Steamboat Agents will Take Notice. Paritans of 1620. I. d'.in an Irifh Fair in ! 1 ' vcrriucit the man who was inaugurating a new FINE CHOICE tri at Academicians, Families will Take Notice. and SELECTION ri2-- . t rie hundred ntid twenty-fiv- e rifles were principle, but sent him back to tbe d:-tii- him into T The Puritan were the living ct I ;ii in mic week at who did not understand him and turned --OF- lat ejciaion in the of lunnnn Jl-S- RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY was blowing France. CnJer-ipre- of tbe chivalry of England. Tl.ey embodied all n-- fi.iiiir Lvich. ridicule the wind against the J at the Lowest Bate :ihut of TONS wm noble ' Stolid savants. Fons tt origo yialorum the celebrated Wetlicgton Mine that in the roiuDce of the cheralrerquc. I J n O Connor 1'ower, and combined with it moral rerfectioo, a toure Xtapoleoms , and Steam, the new grand principle. Home Ku!er, n.ttuVr of Parliament for Majs, ! n;; j to commercial power i,ng-- : DEPARTURE BAY' COAL than kercie energy , a devoting at nave increment the of tj will pre-ide- the demonstration to be held at faith aod wbicb waa derived from a land. The Eoglieh itearners with their iron Superior to all Sort Coat now la Cje, far Steam and Family ! OF" principle, Hyde Among speakers ; Prk bundiy r.txt. the over purpose, aod worth I (rO per loo. more than Wallsecd Coal GROCERIES source. were men : for Jj-;;.'- Sul-lia- wings traverse spetdilj the oceans and rule bbttr Thej trulj free will he McCarthy, Alexander Mart.n n In the San Franciaco market. For family cm it ia highly M ; eeas. Coal, and Aronatics, to the tbmf knew the truth ; and the troth made them axd Vviliinta Archer Redaiord, Iljtue the Iron, priied, being to clean and fret from dost, bares to a white ash. Just Received, m-j- t . Europeans, Opium to tbe Chinese, bales of Cot- free." Tbej "differed etenti:lj from of Rul-- r, Bjen.her Parl:aiuent for L'ngfofd, descerjeUota ff ton to the whole world. Politics, commerce, eu-- ! ALSO, TO ARRIVE, their in thie particular : that thej Luth,anJ Wexf a J Several Ljn-- d FROM SAN FRANCISCO & EUROPE rer-on- al premacy, life of tbe English Government and would fpeak tha troth, without regard to jn an 1 j r v.r.cal will aeinhle at 2,500 Tons Best Quality Walliend CoaL coneeqaeocea. ,. people ! A3 FOLLOWS , Their were men of the het Trafalir uare at two in the afternoon and For Sale in toti to nit Purchasers, blooJ of the best data of England. In trnaical. Rut France, audacious, generous and intelli-- ; march to Hyde Paik The meeting begins at shortened by Golden Gate Family Flour. aa well atnrm courage, thej never met Dieir three o'cl ck. tent, has united two eeas and has AT THE LOWEST RATES. Graham Flour, Corn MeaL E"UitlriSHIKrGp I all of the road to India. Oat Meal, Cracked N HEW In warlike force were invinciMe. the Africa beat, equal. thej j. November 20th. The town as on the iriueter 2240 Ponodi to tbe Ton. The Conqueror of armed Purilanx had never ;l:c The Genius of modern Italy repreeented by $ig--! jet verjre ..f a ri-- and the police had to ol5tf ALLEN & ROBINSON. been aeen nor mentioned, though the slain and lat niht. nori Grandis, Sommelier and Grattoni bored the clear the rtrcets. They were eti.ned, and ma'de i ! conquered bj them, were counted bv scores of Mncenisio tunnel across the entrails of the Alps, HOMINY, AVENA, &c, &c. (everl Divitt was by two ! GOODS battle-C-e Ms arret. a gigantic work, and where before existed mae--! tbootaoJj oo tha blooJieat of KozUlJ. Tfie morn- lO Lbs. ! lice led the this ay rail-roa- of Wice Crackers, band. pirn streets sire runs to-d- d train, 22 to the Ton Tins Sodas, Scotland, and Ireland. quartz rapid the Milk. Boston, Wafer. Nic knack. Further reinforcements iiave arrived. No . would find a ing. continually exchanging every kind of product Ginger. Lind "At bi aaeajto trecimen of the fresh difturh:mcei l.ave tccurred. It is t!i uuht H Graham, Jenny Crackers, Roman, or Hellene, ur an Israelite in- l and ideas between Italy and France, sister rations. ALLIDIE'S PATENT ntiae tlie f i overnini-n- t inter.d to remove the trials of Also, an Assortment of Crackers, deed, in whom i no guile," or an orignal and All the efforts of governments and peoples tiie t Iluhlin td of taking them to V3STI CAPS, enaine Naxarene, or a oth like Alaric and ; ought to tend to the inducement of commerce, Endless Wire Ropeway HATS the Cuntj A larger number of magis- From the Celebrated Factory at Cambridge-port,vMassachusett- s. Khologhaiaius, or a Norman like llrolf and H Vrt industry, agriculture, and . mining. Ry these, trates are on the bench to-d.- iy than hitherto. i rjpIIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE BEEN AH r tk-njafth- e and only by these, sciences and arts can flourish; S. the 'jomJ, aa a man among the j retcrxW ' 1 pointed sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands for A. AT TII11 true Puritan, who can lxw bj hi Killin's !"X iujiii:iti n is David and standard of the civilization and welfare of a peo- lUI'.irtie's Iron and Steel Wire Rope of every description, Haly are tre-'-- nt as sj eetators. Monroe. Queen's ple there where the intellectual efforts are by Patent Endless Wire Ropeway for transportation of Ores, hfe and actions that the er.irit of the I'uriun.-.-' Merchandise, Suiiar, Sugar Cane, &c. We hae also been ap- - r h:id Millin fein u barrister lead in in him.. When there ahall appear aii-.il.c- Counsel. iniht necessity turned towards procuring the materials pointed '.le Agents for the L'alilurnia Wir Works Co. Oliver Cromwell, another John JliUon, another the people to believe they could uct uj.on his ad- and means of daily life ; and when, by conse- We have just received for distribution a few copies of the THE FOLLOWING SPICES : , -- " Mechanical Miner's Guide, Transportation of Ore and other " Robim-on- vice He made a t.ji quot;itin Irom Killins quence, lile is difficult, is John another John or the spark of knowledge of Traveling Rope, Ilalli-die- 's Bazar" means iPrice IJhtfuot, material by the Endless Wire California One f jeecli at a meeting, on which he (Monroe) relied is Ground Ginger. Allspice. Cloves. Sge, anotner' Andrew Marvel, like thoee who bore annihilated the genius of art mute. We Patent LnJless Wire Kopeway. with suggestions as to its Thyme, Sweet Marjoram, Mixed Spice, for Killin's committal, to the effect that "he have noi seen or heard yet of a poet, a painter, erection." Cinnamon, Pepper, theae namea in the Puritanic age of England We respectfully suggest to our their Casia, would like nothing to see thousands would Planters and Kngiish and French Mustard, Sec. there will not be enough of the rank and file tetter thin or a Maf.stro of music, or a eculptor from Samoa, Agents that tlallidie's Wire Kope Tramway is just what they M ELLIS & FISHEL, Proprietors. p ol men coming rifle in - (or of Puritanism to. ke-- them countenance. The over the mountain, Patagonia, or Mongolia or want for the transportation of Cane, and also carrying . Sugar landins;, and transporting supplies from the land- g, hand. lie thowed that others who were present Corea. in the m ipuit of trade the rage for money-gettin- the ! ing to the Mill. . (de tf) II. ' genioa of a commercial community, and any at the meeting, had remonstrated against Killin's . The Greeks were more savants and more artists n22tf DILLINGHAM & CO. SAUCES: Csrsrr Frl Il.lrl Siren.. Ho!l. counselling physical force. Rea made a long ram- than tbe Romans. Worcestershire, pints and half pints; and all furma of mammon are wholly incompa- Tobasco, Mango, Kelih. Imperial, tible- with (he apirit of the Puritans. bling sf eecti t jt the defence. He was ordered by The lands are ploughed by iion arteries (Rail- - Mushroom, Anchovy, Tomato, etc. jUench S.'iort-han- d ; w TL Puritana were not non-rebiden-ts" not the to tit down. reporters and roads) hich connect, in one immense embrace, tele-graph- ed Pacific Iron at all., .They did not come upon the earth to others were then examined. Iavitt has all the nations, laugh at the distances, and Works, Ca-tl- to New e he will keep his en- : feod peace, hut a aword Whenever there wan that abound with ears. Thousands of steamships SAN FRANCISCO. MANUFACTURERS OF a, reaaocable chance of aucceaa they took the gagements to hjie.tk there Sunday and Monday, navigate the seas and are almost like a bridge - PICKLES: meeting word and wielded it in everj instance till thej and will attend a monster at Glafowt between the old and new worlds. The electric i Mixed, Gherkins Unions, Walnuts, er. Olives, in oil; Olives, Or op-poa- telegraph, active auxilliarj of commerce, trans- plain; bad either killed, crushed subdued everj .St. PntK."i;i"i::, November 2Gth. The (Jotvi Sugar Mills, Engines, Boilers, Stuffed Peppers, Wbeo there waa no prospect of success- mits, in an instant, thought from one end to the puhlif hes un editorial showing the marked change comprising a full assortment of ful reactance, thej emigrated to a frigid, barren, of feeling litre towards Pcreia. Evidently, the other of the globe. Agriculture, through physics VACUUM PANS, Just Received Ex Laura R. Burnham, and bowling wikleraeee, not with a purpose to relations between lite twu countries are not now and chemistry, has made immense progrces. better their condition, or to make money hy on a cordial or friendly footing. Some of THIS IS THE ERA OF STEAM AXD ELECTRICnT. EVAPORATORS, American, English, and French Pickles! the Of the Suez Canal, the projected Darien Canal, ! tha operation, aa their unworthy descendant UdIos' articles seems to confirm the recent intcli-genc- e A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS and pretended representative in this generation of an understanding between England and of the Moncenisio tunnel, of the Trans-Continent- al CLARIFIERS, would say, not to establish democratic insti tendi-ni-- of" and Pacific railroads, of the established and of VEGETABLES: Persia, and .f the the latter to throw AND t tutions in the present American sense, not to ! in her lot with England, rather than with Russia. the newly projected trans-Pacif- ic line of steamers, Selected wiih Care and Bought for Cash, j of the Trans-Atlant- ic Cable and the projected Green Corn, String and Lima Deans, proclaim liberty, equality, and fraternity, to EVERY DESCRIPTION OF IRON WORK Succotash, French finest quality; Trans-Pacif-ic A and with good and bod alike not to maintain i IMK)X, November 20th. Ilesptitehes from cable which is the last link needed American andIa,Knglish Peas, Mushrooms, T or utter the self-evide- absurdity that all IJVrlin ami 'lenna say that negotiation between for encircling the globe with telegraphic wires. Truffles, in tin and glass; ' In Connection icith Sugar Plants. Veets, Onions, Tomatoes, 99 meo are created equal.' Not at all. Thej knew (eriuaiiy and Austria for the Conclusion of a new Thus the dream of Shakespeare will be realized. Turuips, ! Commercial treaty have been suspended, ad there Celso Morexo. better. There was not a man among them, fool Cesar and to ROCK BOTTOM PRICES - - Trans-Pacif- ic For Triers Terms, ipplj enough lo believe anj audi thing. Thej knew is no prospect at present of an agreement upon Projector of tho Cable. California, Island and Oregon Potatoes, 15 to 30 per Cent. its proviaiunb. Peking, 4th July, 1879. Sefore the Advance which is now Quoted at from well enough that there were few men in the E. P. ADAMS, world equal to them in anj particular. They Another Rcrlin corresjsjndtnt says, though A FULL LINK OF According to the Class of Goods. proved the decided inferiority of all thocc There is theological in man- bat negotiation between Germany and Austria for a a certain instinct roylO 79 Agent for th Hawaiian Islands. who opposed them, in every contest of whatever commercial treaty have been broken eff, owing kind which is apt to put bard questions. We description. Thej were no revolted Saxon rcas-antr-y. to the departure of the Austrian Commissioners speak of Deity as being omnipotent, not because Tabic Pie Fruits, . far from it. Thej were gentlemen bj for fresh instructions, there is little reason to fear the word is a good one, for, indeed, it is a very G. Co. le & birth and education, aoperior to the ever-ecrvi- but that they will soon he successfully resumed. bad and unsatisfactory one, but because it is the W. Macfarlane in tins and glass, such as: A Good Line of Hardware and Agricultural Implements, mm, in everj particular, of birth, anceetry, only word which even approximates to the express- - ALiJCaNLRiA, November 2Gth. General Gor- education, principle,- association, habits and ion of our idea of power in its supreme develop- OFFER FOR SALE Peaches, Tears, Plums, Apples, Cherries, Well Known to the TRADE & Consumers Generally. feeling. Thej were no enemies of art, either don's mieri. n to Abyssinia was unsuccessful. ment. If our language, were like the German we Apricots, Grapes, Gooseberries, Rhubarb, fcc. Downer's Kerosene Palace Kerosene Oil. weighing capacity from 240 to 2,600 Ihl. musical cr . pictoral. though thej never spared The King insists uion his demand for the posses- might make a word of seventeen syllables and bo Oil and Scales sion of Massowah and the payment of a large O those products of art which administered to convey all the necessary limitations. As it is, C&I&G-- American & Knglish Jams & idolatry with the ignorant and superstitious mul- subsidy. He threatens to detain Gordon Pasha we do the best we can with the materials at hand. THE Jellies, TjAJEIGtIZ IL,IjSriU ! titude. and declare war against Egypt. Wc are therefore compelled to shrug our shoulders . OF THE J OF 3L,.M3?S Lamps, Chimneys, Sec. Lamps, The Puritans were sober and earnest men ; when some one asks us if Omnipotence can make a complete assortment, iu 1 and 21 pound tins; An Extensive Line of Chandeliers, Hanging Ac. bat thej were cot austere and soar men, though Erum the. hbku'hi Mercury, Friilmy, 15th Aug. lbT'J.l two hills without a valley between. Human lan- romancers have delighted to represent them as The Three Commercial Eras. guage is not good for much when we try to ex- British Bark VIOLA, Rubber Hose, Leather Belting, Cordage, &c, &c., ach ; and it is bard to saj whether novelists and press exact ideas. The word irreeistible is cer- J, II. PRICE, Maater. DStxratsxr'ijx Shrimps, poets (whose trade it has been to lie) or priest Commerce is the Liie of Nations tainly a good one and an important one, and it Recently received from England, Ilubbuck b Son's While Lead and Zinc, Paint Oil, Topsail Chain, Trace Chain. or preachers (who ought to find it desirable to Ry her activity, hy the development of her means something reasonably definite. Tbe word Chocalate Crvam, in jars; Menier Chocolate, the for against themselves.) immovable is also good word, one could 138 Days From Liverpool, Epp's Cocoa, in i and J pound packages; A tell troth whether or commerce, not by the overbearing of her armies. a and Coffee and Milk, in tins; Cocoa and Milk, Large and Full Lino of Files, Rasps, &c. bave worse oeJied tbem. Cromwell waa a patron j Carthage was the powerful and dreaded of hardly get on without it. Practically it express- Cranberry Sauce, in glass and tins; rival A Splendid DOOR So of art : aod so were his chosen associates. Whether Kome. Alter two long ana disastrous wars es about what we mean. Rut when we bring Now Landing in Splendid Condition Apple Sauce, Condensed Milk, Eagle and American brand; Assortment of ENGLISH MATS, much Needed Just now. Lis Secretary, the author of ' Coerous,' 11 against the then Rome, Carthage the two words, each expressing an extreme inter-juxtapositi- A Superior Line of Pocket IXL Cutlery, Scissors and Razors. Penseroio," and other fugitive pieces,' not few com- we see how futile it is to try to say Consisting of the following Goods, viz: was able in a years by the means of her " Potted & Devilled Meats & Game. jet wholly forgotten exrr was an enemj of the merce to recover her former splendour, and the exactly what we mean, For instance, suppose I auce Pans Fry Pans and. Tea Kettles, &c. drama or of music let his moet discerning read- great Roman senator Cato, who thought he we ask what the consequence will be when the such as Ham, Tongue, Duck, Chicken, Turkey, Partridge, FOR A CHOICK I, INK OK ers decide. Yet Cromwell and bis Secretary would find her deserted and mourning, alter he irresistible strikes the immovable? We are in a Groceries Salmon. Lobster, etc . etc. CHRISTMAS were Puritans of the moet straitest sect ' had seen her harbors full of her fog in an instant. And we are in precisely the jntrt ships, warehouses Cases Navy Chocolate. Casks Finest Malt Vinegar, & as no ecclesiastical historian will deny. Of gorged with every kind of goods, her streets same kind of a fog when we try to answer the Cages Sardines, i and i tios; Cases Stearine Candles, Reed Barton's SILVER PLATED AVARE n, Coffee Milk Cases in Direct from Factory more on way. A bo l all the arts that please, without corrupting or thronged with merchauts, was terror-stricke- question which the little boy asked when his Cases and in tins. Table Salt bottles jVJeats : the the Liberal Discount will nuide lo Cash urcliarera. to l ists Lea it Perrin's Worcestershire Sauce, f pints; Preserved demoralising influence or consequence, they and when he returned to Rome he thundcrod teacher tried impress upon his youthful but Cases Coleman's Bist Mustard in tins and bottles. wers both alike cultivators and factors. They forth his DrU.nila Carthajo .' Carthage must be quite reverent mind the fact that God can do Cases Morton's Hot. led Fruits, ass'd; L's Confectionery, Mackerel, 1 and 2 lb. Salmon, 1 and 2 lb. Lobsters, Kpp's Fafe 1 2 Oysters, 1 and 'i lb. Clams, & were wise as serpents ' in this; and who can ! And Scip io Atricanus had the miser- everything. The boy thought of the problem for Cases Cocoa, Cases Stick Chocolate, and lb. mLLIIMGHAlYI CO., Ciises Pate de Fol Gras Truffles, 4 and i; I and 2 lb. Libhy McNeil's Pressed Corn Beef, Tongue, Ham, no22 tf 37 came the Puritan of that age that was other- able glory to burn and destroy that commercial a few moments and then eaid, "Can He make a Cuius Green Peas In tins. Cases Mackerel in Oil, Spiced and Plain Pig's Feet, HAM SACSAGE, In tins; FORT STKKKT, HONOLULU. wise." Emporium of the then known world. Sad Vic- stone so big that He can't lift it?' Cases Chetse Crackers in tins, Cs Pickles, Chutney, dec Cooked Spiced Beef, in tins; Minced Meat, Cuses Preserved Eels, Scoltines, 4c, Cs Hams in tins, Sausage Meat, Oxford and Cambridge Sausage, tory, force against labour ! Cases Black Pepper in tins and bottles. Cases Salad Oil, Uoat Turkey and Chicken, Roast Mutton, FOREIGN NEWS. Through jealousy of commerce masked under Cases Currants, Raisins and Muscatels, Beef, Assoited Meals of all kinds. religious zeal, Philip II of Spain sent his fleet JUST RECEIVED! Cases Jams, Lemon Peel, Cases Salad Dressing, &o Per W.H. Meyer, Dec. 17. against England. Rut when the Invincible & Bobbin's Boned Turkey and Cliitken, 01E5ICT323 SiLEaE! BV Large Slock of - Klrhardson JUST FOR Arnmthi had been vanquished by two hurricanes STEAMER, Dry Goods- something new in this market. November evening pa- ami y Rriiisli navy led by llowarJ, the com- 11 V Nrw York, 24th. An te FIRST-CLA- Assorted Colors or French de l.aine. Blk French Merino Hcrrines, preserved and smoked; Codfish Halls, per says ; General Grant has written to Ad- mercial nnd maritime power of Spain fell from its SS BOOTS & SHOES, Check and Saxony Flannels, Black Velvet Kilning, Boston Baked Beans. Clam and Fitch Chowder, high petition to rise no more. When Napoleon Heavy Blue Uros Grain Silk, Assorted Blankets, Tina of Cooked Ham, Koast Pheasant, Grouse, miral AnmcD that be will meet parties interested AT Worsted Iamask Table Covers. White Mosquito Nets, Assorted doups, in 20 different varieties; Inter-oceani- c wanted wound in tier in an canal December 17th, in Phil- the Great to England heart Assorted Wool and Silk Scarfs, Silk Umbrellas, Russian Sardines, in glass; Pickled Sardines, O. decide be cetahli-he- d the famous continental system. BOOT AND SHOE FACTORY ! Ruggi, Tweeds, Towels. Longcloth, Victoria Lawns, Sardines, in oil; Sardines, in mnstard; ,& adelphia, and tbe question of tbe accept- LYNCH'S HALL SON Sheetings, Linen, Assorted Superior Prints, Pale de foi gras, Sardells, Sausages, and other Meat Delicacies, A Rut the constancy und activity e--f the English SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF ance of the Presidency. Alio, a Largr in great variety; j enple came out victorious from the hard trial, liof . The Nicaragoan Minister left here this morning jntinucd A Fine Assortment of MEN'S CLOTHING for Washington, and says be will meet Grant in and England to sell her productions to SILVER PLATED WARE all nations not excluded by France. FKKISro'II CALFSKINS! Woolen Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Denims, dec, Ac. CUBE SUGAR & ISLAND SUGAR! v Philadelphia early in December. Ammen has which be . AND assurances if $20,000,000 or stock ran be Commerce, nourished by manufacturing indus- will ? that by agriculture, is a factor not sold in tbe United States, the balance of $100, try and only of SOLD VERY CHEAP FOR CASH. .Liquors Pea Flour, Split Peas, Pearl Tapioca, Barley, Sago, of civilization, because If glass, half comb; 000,000 can be obtained in France without going riches but through it, oil X, XX, XXX Hennessey Brandy, Maccarnni, Vermicelli, lloi.ey, in GORHAM SOLID SILVER WARE can be established between people who Cases Candies, Orange, Citron and Lemon Peel, England for tbe French capitalists relations Cases Martell's Pale Brandy, Huisins, to monej. 1 O. Whiskey, Almonds and in boules; did not know each other, or who feared or detest- Cases Cutter No. and K. Freeh California and Kdam Cheese, . desire the control to be kept in that nation. O ISCLUD1SU : ed each other. In such a manner in high Egypt, Cases Kentucky Favorite and F. C. Whiskey, Plum Pudding, all sizes; Rostox, November 2oth. The announcement Cases Scotch and Irish Whiskey, RECEIVED . in Japan, in China, and in many tribes of Cent- Cases Jamaica Kum, Cssea Old Tom Gin, FORKS SPOONS, i made of the policj of the Roman Catholic Africa, Cases and Basket Gin, ; and different Patterns and Sizes. ral aud Central and in Islands not I K A l.emon. Vanila, Cinnamon, Orange, Straw- Aia Invoice of GENUINE Old Port Wine, Cases Superior Sherry Wine, EXT CTS Church in New England toward the Public long ago sezregated from the rest of the world, An Cases Fine berry. Pine Apple, Celery, c. Schools. Tbe Archbishop, following the advice Cases Superior Cachet et Blanc Champagne, qts dc pt; ' to-da- y they welcome among them Europeans and Cases Superior Koderer Champagne, qts pts; G F.L I TIN E In Large and Small Packages. ' of tbe Pope to a European Rishop, has directed ; pro- ! Cases Superior C la ret, DVU ET'S S A LA I) U I a In Pints and Half Pints. Americans and exchange with them their MADEIRA WINES Cs Ale, pts dc qts; WITH PATENT PORCELAIN LINIIOS; all priests in the Archdiocese of New England to Cases McEwan's Ale, pts & qts; Bass' I) Celebrated Salad Cream. ducts, accept their ideas and even mitigate their Cases Blond. Wolfe w Co.'s Ale, Cs McEwan XXX Porter, It. KITCIIEXElt'S once establish parochial schools, and threatens DIRECT FROM MADEIRA, Tins and Bottles. - - - - - at customs and laws emanating from centuries back. Hh.ls XXX Draught Ale. - . CLJRRV POWDER-- In parents who refuse to patronize them with the What an ndmirable spectacle did not France Corn Starch, Laundry Starch Salt, in hags and bottles; locations where Celery Salt, Baron Liebig's Kxtract ot Beef, Card Rftrivrr, terrors of the Church. In the pircsent little over a year ago ? Altera terrible Ship " Eavenscrng," BLUE MOTTLED SOAP; IJer BOXES Layers J and lb. boxes. influence of the Public Schools is thought to be i RAISI XS In struggle and ruin and slaughter and thousands Sultana Kaisins, in tins and jars. Table Castor. In Great Varlrly, to youth, 13 & 1 particularly injurious tbe Catholic of millions lost and j aid over to her enemy, she Annealed l.alv'd Barkets, 10, II, 12 tin., Currants, in 4, 7 and 14 lb tiiaS; are instructed to withdraw children at Puuding Dishes with Covers, Tea Sets priests has given the challenge to the civilized world to ' with Iru k Million!, once, even there be no parochial schools in the ! Best Sqoare k Artli Fire Brltks, if come and vie with her in the noble and peaceful IN BOND OR DUTY PAID i Ice Com Is, Water Sets, vicinity. wrestling of industry and arts. ALDEN DRIED FRUITS, November yes- BY Washington, 25tb. The sky The geographical alterations, the new ways of Bbls. Portland Cement (White's,) Vases, Toilet Sets, was without a cloud from the terday at sunset communications, the political revolutions, the -- SUCH AS- - Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. This is shown to fc Jewel Caskets, Salad Dishes, Syrup discoveries create the great commercial centres. G. "W. aiacfarlane(oc4 Co. OOO Tons Boat Ops, Spoon Holders, Match be tbe case by maps on exhibition at the signal Those go in decadence; these are rejoicing in Pitted Cherries, Dried Huckleberries, Dried Blackberries, Bote, the Plums, Pears and Peaches, Walters, Batter Dishes, a great o5ce. zenith of their splendour, at the same time that Powell, Duffryn Welsh Steam Coal, variety; " Nrw Yobi, November 25th. The Times says : an unknown Island, a deserted region, a Country Pickle Castors, Professor of tbe Chinese language, who was time before poor and o o e o e o Crates Assorted Crockery ware. The a short obscure, attracts : : m mm mm mm Cases (lalv'd Corrugated Sheet Iron, 6, 7 and 8ft.; mmM mm mm mm mm mm Gohlets, Cops, appointed by the Faeulty of Harvard University a the merchandise and the speculations of the Best White Lead and Zinc Paint, Barrels Fresh Cranberries Frolt Knives, Toreeos, Olive Boats, Sance " " "" Dishes, : few months aiace, has not bad much ef an oppor- whole world. JS 9 1 7 Maltby's Prepared Coc'anut, AND A tunity to exhibit bis skill as a teacher, for thus In the remote centuries when the principal Be and Salmon, i IHOZST. Hams and Bacon. Smoked f V fi far no one has shown-- a desire to acquaint himself means of communication w as the Camel, when to Assorted BAE Eastern Codfish. S aod 10 lb Pails of Lard, Great ! with this curious and elaborate language. One reach the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean, the Black Annealed Fence Wire. 4. 5, 6 and 7; Brown's Ci'ier Vinegar, Golden Syrup, Variety of Articles, Useful & Ornamental, L 0 Ualvanised Kettles, Hawaiian aud lllue Mr.ttKd Snap, is found in tbe time and study re- had upon back of 2. E. Pots, lie. MANY reason for this Rlack Sea, the merchandise the Black Iron Pipe from J to 2m.. Candles, etc , etc , etc. OF THEM IN ELEGANT SILK LINED CASES. to obtain even a superficial knowledge of animal the arabs call the ship the K. S. Hudson Extract of Soap, ALSO flbls and half bbls B. ef, Bbls aud half blls Pork, B. quired that (which of e i Bbls and bbls Salmon, Kits Salmon Beilies, O-Th- half above Articles are of the BEST dialect, and as there are fire of these, cross the immense solitudes MAKK and MO.-- T A K a single J'STt), to ol the mm mm mm mm mm mm Kits Mackerel, Kits Suunds and Tongues. DF'FIR HI r ATTKIIN8, and are well and as the written language is. quite different Sahara and of Gobi tbe cities which were situ-- : adapted fr from tbe spoken ones, the student who thinks ated on the roads of the caravans have grown and --Also to Vrrivo & ! CHRISTMAS that be may have tbe use of tbe knowledge of become rich, have flourished splendid in that era. My Stock Comprises WEDDING, OR BIRTHDAY GIFTS! Chinese maj be excused for doubting whether Thclies, Tyre, Sidonis, Memp his, Palmyra Great BARK NORHAM CASTLE, n!5 IP-- NOT II I NO CHAROEI) OFsiccessTIIE PER FOR LOOKING bis energies will be well employed in learning to to-da- y they are no more than ruins or me- Jt f speak that which tbe ordinary Chinese laundry-me- n mories, DIE IX DECEMBER, si Variety ! " lan- Too Great HAWAIIAN FERNS. There is Always Two Sides to " will Dot in the least understand. The THAT WAS THE ERA Ol CAMELS. OXJE DOLLAR STORK. a Story guage wbicb the Professor proposes to impart a ! rjMIK UNDERSIGNED IS NOW FRF-- E ; Phoenicians, and knowledge of is the Mandarin Chinese, the dia- More late Syrians, Persians GLASGOW to be enclosed in a Newspaper Advertisement, and I'ARKD to fill Orders for Complete Setts of Hawaiian ' Greeks glided over the seas with imperfect ships FROM Ferns, unmounted, on short notice. lect of tbe Court, teachers and scholars, but to ANY PART and to many and with imperfect knowledge of navigation. BUY YOUR Sugar Bags, Rice Bags, Twine. which I am determined to Price $10.00 for the Sett of 115; or smaller setts of OF THE ISLANDS tbe erreat mass of the inhabitants, A 19 T A K K class is as incompre- Those first navigators, according to the calcula-- j 2 i, $2.50; 30, $3.00; or 50, $5.00. of tbe opper mercantile it : Burlaps, Bagging, Liquors, tions of Pliny and of Strabo, did not make more HOLIDAY GOODS FOR 0.E DOLLAR ! The Specimens are beautifully preserved, retaining their nat- PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS OR PORTRAITS, hensible as English. Yet Lowest Market Rates ! ural green, and most of the varieties have a portion of the root. than fourteen miles rer diem. the new Galvanized Sheet Iron and Coal, &c, &c. Sell at In FIM Class Style, to Washtncton, November 2otb. It is reported principle, that new means of communication, Orders far Mniling Mnal Include I'oatngr. Order, . ; -- fcdaj, on unofficial aothontj, that the President ! new development and impulse to All the above Goods will be NOT EXCLUDING! mhl THOU. O. TI1RCM. zvt lias given the Sj.l-nd- itl W prlOOWa j Thf No. Fort Slrfet. (lately occupied hy roanouftblo convenes, will nominate Jno. I tor. TKRM8 s when Congress commerce of time, and Nineveh, Babylon. Cr Cash t Draft on Honolulu at the tim - ' that Negative, are th. Morton, now Consul at Honolulu, to be Collect- Gaza, Alexandria, Ryzantium flourish in their the California One Trice Ilaznr) PRICES 1 taken. Order, promptly attended to or Internal Revenue at San Francisco for the SOLD at REDUCED notice" toTlaWers"! of j turn powerful and splendid. j II. ICIIASK. First Congressional District. Tbere is official au- - j TO MEET THE TIMES, BY iV.nction j thousands Venice held Prices About two years after, Has been Leased by G. F. Wells, UXDERSICXKD.'AS A for stating, however, that that the que- - j fllHE MEMKKR tboritj I of commerce the world because ! 1 of the success- - the sceptre the of nlS G. V. MAUFARLAXE & CO. FOR CASH fun of the Hawaiian Uovfmment Surveying Tarty, PARLOR ORG11HXS tion of the selection of Collector Higbj'e her numerous galleys were going to turns, ai- - having carefully examine! personally most parts of tbe sever- or will be left open ontil tbe California delega- - j WHO WILL OPKN THE SAMK al Islands of this Kingdom, now respectfully offers his services giers, Tripoli, Aden, Alexandria, Smyrna and to Sugar Planters and oil ers who may require J A LIBERAL DISCO VST will be Made. tion arrives. Ueyrout, to 6hipi the merchandise w hich her en- - ; Tt-amway- s, Garfield thinks the Republicans will have an j terpri.-in- g merchants transported across the dc-- AS A ONE DOLLAR STORE ! TIIE Railways, time in the coming session. He says : We j sere. Rut when, with the new road to India, j and other modes of transport, as easj - a purchasing can Bay to-tb- e Democrats .- " Gentleman, we are has been discovered, a new World by the im- - WSL X) A cent or Advising Kngineer. Ne Plus Ultra Spring Bed Gr O O S He proceeds direct by j this steamT t'i V. S. A., as spectators and critics. This is mortal Italian Navigator Cristopber Columbus, j Y Ilotor, and tare primarily having every facility for so doing, will bere merely to see begun to eclipse, Stationery, Toys, furnish, on application, your funeral, and we are tbe the splendour of Venice has ARK show. Unless it becomes necessary for us to and she was no more formidable for her fleets nor Plans, Specifications and Estimates of Cost for Iron PARLOR ORGANS! we shall not bave much to say. for commerce. Fancy participate her and Goods. Bridges, Iron Honses, Railways with Bridges Tbe excess of the value of exports over imports j Tn AT WAS THE ERA Or SHU'S. to be Fresh and Rolling Stock of All Descriptions. of merchandise, for October, was $40,067,Js7S, j Portuguese, Spaniards, French and English Don't Ask the Price, Each Article is SI. Warranted Good Time to 33uy ! the largest in tbe history of the Country. The t were contesting among themselves the tridt.nl of Also. Machinery of Every Description gold and silver into the coun- - i respect Class. excess of imports of Neptune fallen from the hands of tho ancient Dl5 If and ir. every First for the Manufacture of Sugar and Cleaninc and Prenarinr Rlr PRICKS VKRV LOW! try over exports, from Joly 18th to November . Queen of the Adriatic. for the Market. ; Address in Boston, LINCOLN 22J, amo anted to about $Go,000,000. France and England have disputed among XT Ordrrs frr,m the Other Islands respectfully solicited, ml CABOT, KEROSENE OIL. same. Civil Kngineer, Room , No. 131 Devonshire Street. Nor.1 telegram received here an- - of tho seas with u great cure will be used in parking and shipping P. 8. Inquiries pAgxs, 24. A them both the supremacj OWNER'S. ONLY FIFTEEN DOLLARS addressed to C. T. Culick, In Honolulu, will CALL AND EXAMINE nnnrtti that a battle bas taken place at Iquique, hundred years of war. The sceptre at last re- D For ale by BOLLE A CO. receive prompt attention. my is tf and Chilean armies. The mained in the hands of the latter, alreadj between the Allied MEDIUM BREAD AND CRACKERS. & Cheap that all can have it, and yet A. W. BUSH, No, 52 & 54 Fort St. former was defeated. powerful through the impotence of Spain. And GOLDEN GATE, corvette Pikonuiyo has been cap Albion, Modern Carthage, pushed the rostrum of DECEIVED THIS DAT BV nJ2 Im CASTLE & Tb Perovian BOLLE8 4 CO. FAMILY FLOUR, COOKE'S Chileans. her ship-- to the rich coast of India, aud every- THE BEST IN THE MARKET EXTRA Flour at Si, ai'6 ti tared bv the Coru Meal in 101b bags , East and Puritan sons 1879-COLTJ- MBIA dispatch from Dublin to where in the far ; her RIVER SALMON. V XbsDOX, Nov. 25. A FOR SALE. XT Try one, and it not satisfactory, money will be refund Cracked heat in 101b hags, HAY ! ! ! ; have founded, although wanderers, a HAY iV. Hi m ma vs ' While Irish agitators tell the ed. Oa exhibition and for sale by DILLINGHAM & CO. J. A. FALKlXllt'RG, IX BARRELS 0U Me ' 0 tb bags, on west si Jo of the Atlantic NEW EASTERX.tll'ILT FOIR- - Agents. and a splendid quality of the Spring Received this day by SMALL LOT OF SL'I'KRIOR O I: engaged in a legal and constitu second England, the Wheetai Ox Cart of rery make; Jim the cart EX half barrels; A in MULL BALKS, Murray. rmblie thev are I mtrior (se2T) by B0I.LF.ti & CO. BOLLKS by"" ocean, to-d.- nj inhabited by forty millions of free. plantation use. (ja!2) manufacturer, B. F. FARRAR. Catch, H7J. For Sale h CO. tional agitation, and ostensibly advise peoj.lc to C.BHEWKKACO. mhl or of the UOLLKB k CO.

oi Kuuma bue mm w m wm ah Mica r Msr uajr. AND White Zinc, Ilubhurk's Pale Boiled Oil, Boston p"rits OYSTERS, e., For particulars and price, apply to the 1 COTTON' SAIL A LARGE ASSORTMENT. NEW Turpentine.ti For 4e. OS. FROM TO lO. -- m. FRKPH For Sale hy Sale hy And fmr Snlrt by In k. r low KOI.OA PLANTATION CO., Koloa TWIN K, 6. 7 8 ' T9 Pap.-r(o- r Columbia River Palmoo, iarrrta tic Rerriveil Uisday.and sl! N 6, ami pUr,e, Marrw BOI.LKS kCO. , BOLLES CO. easi HACKPKLD CO. al i' k "jlHf II. HACKFKLt) A-- CO. I ' CO. BOI.I.aS CO jyl2 Or II. CO., Honolulu. i , ros.Kby II. IIACKFFLD s0 1 ..1 war jNW