a PAcino Kvofcial Cf3 tiii: pAoino Jbbcrltsfr Commtrtial ibbtriisfr Clly nm 3 PUBLISH ED PrBLieilKD AT fmr tivy Saturday Morning, Honolulu, Hawaiian lalanda. OY J. HBLACK. t - IlrttOH ' V oT ctvortlalng. r ii wd t.liaatt SHWrlll. AM.OO Year. i J.tHI for six Month. l I.Vr. 1 I m . 12 i I ifVBinmVrrA v in ltd Foreign iik4cripliii. Is J M I'm r. 0 H ft Line., (h-- lf inci.).. Jl W) f ! CO f l 00 00 $ UO 10 M - - - W- f Th price r ptp-- rs f jr !J (..te mrU,. I Jo 1 00 4 U0 00 S 00. 12 00 I- aWrirtl'in rirl?l tc any part of '- SI Ihe i;c i 4 6J per i..r..(io nih.; 3 "o 4 vo 0 Ou T to' 10 00 00 I'nit'il rt f annum, ir rr t iDrixri, M 3J It lix-.a- l L" - V 11 IM4 (ihr.e d 3 0j 00 4u 10 00 09 IS wh;c! 7 - H M t K 00 IUw.::n and !. f tlAfr. All pay r for o . 0 1 0 8 H u R 4S any rt ..f wi.i b Vt?t'- .jiiZ;jzx: J I IJi.ee. (four .lo ). ( no 6 on lu 00 16 00 00 00 rijrop cUrgt i the pnlwe demauded - li it at .... II 5 -- S2 rv 0 CO 10 00 14 . .. v- - Uu.trr loiun.... 00 IS 00. 30 00 40 00 the eMt oTi ?e, hirh from 4 to on each news- L'V a, r r - - ' iillli paper. frin cot. t. T)or. IVuio ( U 00 IS 00 43 00 U 00 MM Half Column 00 00 SO Oo! i li It t 00 4S U0 M I r Jriirnoj Patsbls Alwik Aotiici. - M bole Coloaan 18 00 SO 00 44 00 tl X Coromiaication from ail pant of the Pacific will 2 IS 00.100 00.1M M very - always be acceptable lr9- XT Adrertlaera reaiilins In the Kaatern CbiIH 0tte, aaa rr Procs resiling ic any part of th United States, caa pay for their card by rnctolii( nreenUrkt or l'aue4 Htalea the amiant cf subscrpiion darn far this paper in Ftanpa auch amount vtah ta pay Aro-r'.r- sa Piae tt aathef aa4 tkett pti itimpf. card will he Inerte4 a per aboee tahle, for the Uae paid Sar. t-- T BaaineM Cards, eheo ratraio roa a r aaa, are AND FANCY aUowed a diamant rrua theae raut, ahtch are tot Inmlial PtIN aJvertlaement vben paid or eharffed qoartarly. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Single copies of the ADTtarisaa. Ten Ccnta when cbarcad XXIV-N- O. 9. Fifteen Cent; by the dtaen.One Dollar. rr RiLU-nEi- n?rrixo. bcsixess asd addbes VOL. 2d. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, DECEMBER 20, 1S79. WHOLE NO. 12-2- 7 'tDS print' 1 la he h!ht ityle of th art. iorrltstmrrtls. Landing of the Pilgrims, Dec, 22, 1620. Icsinfss Caris. "Susiness CarJs. tTfrtaniral. i Jnsnranrr forbs. BT rCLCCI4 HtM.N. H. S. GRINBAUn & CO., S. CUMMINGS.M.D., rMow THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN " k ! 0. Yorlt Ia now atro'l A mothf r ra ha. filled l-- Bu AXD U'llOLES t K IIOMCEOPATHIC PUT cowiraclor& Th'"' prxml.TtiB bvr lem wld the wooj r;J-- , IMPORTERS GtNKKAL M tKCII AN DISK. SfRCEOV AIand residence, corner of Fart and Br MARINE INSURANCE COMP'Y, WILDER & OH, Qu-:- n 79 strei-ts- , Fort et Church. no29 79 Life. (LIMITED,) AnJ town ti,t np, and fertile are tillej ; o29 Vlaiiee' Biock, Street. taoia opposite the Str L. WAY, ' Insurance Company. Th Ian. I U foil of anil RISKS AT THE LO W ESI Lirrnti ?rn roal." Hopper's Xew Rice Mill. Orders 4CCEPTS clauses in the Policies or this Company E. WELLER, Shop Opposite THIRTY-FOrRT- H are Bryant. M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., AWIAL REPORT. specially advantageous. THEO. 11. DAVIES. Thr Lr'akliii warei .lmh 1 high '79 Prmptly Attended to. A nl5 Agent. Importers and Dealers In ruunl-tKn- MOKWARDINR NO ijPractical . d a n l l coaxt, MERCHANTS,COMMISSION Watchmaker, ASSETS (Cask) 3 8,000,000 At l th- ok1 against a ktonny sky r Kaihomana Street, Honolulu, II. I. I HAVE SECURED A THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMFY CALIFORNIA STKEET, SAN FRANCISCO. 1y 1 Tin-i- r K'nt Ijranrb-- t'Wscd : 214 With M. Eckart, Jeweller. cl5 A N X U A L X CO M E S ,000,000 Issues Fire and Life Policies particu'.ar paid tc FIRST-CLAS- HORSE-SHOE- E An 1 the travy uijXt bung dark Special facilities for and atumion S THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. ALL WILLIAM 0. SMITH & CO,, CASH SURPLUS 7,000,000 OX or Losses settled with promptitude. Th hilU an 1 OF ISLAND watri o'r, COXSIGNMEXTS I'KODll'E STOCK BROKERS. no!5 79 THEO. H. DAVIES, Agent. Wlt-- a a band of exitet mMixl their bark n2 79 IT. A: LUMBER! On the wiH New England tliore. HALL & SON, rnr.HK UNDERSIGNED HAVE OPENED IIA III i:i.i CO., BOSTON BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. E. 0. as. an office on Kaahumanu Street. Honolulu, for the pur Not ait the comjueror A HARD-WAR- K, AND ruiu. .M PORTERS NI DEALERS IN chase and sale of togar and other Corporation Stocks, Bonds MMHE UNDERSIGNED. AGEXTS OF THE They, the trrm heartt-- farn ; 1 Dry Uoods, Pamtt. Oils. and Ueneral Merchandise. Ceneral Agents, M. Boston Board of Underwriters, notify Masteit of Vessel, - and other similar securities, solely on commission. Not with the roll of ntirrini drntna. no 15 Corner Fort and King- Et- - 79 ilarinz had extrience in the management of Plantations and others that all bills for Repairs on Vessels, and all bills securing res- C. for Geoeral Average purposes, must be approved by the Agent Ar.-- l the trumpet that of faiue ; and possessing peculiar lacilities for information 0. BERGER, Spepial Agent, M. PHILLIPS & Co., pecting such stocks as may be pot in the market, they tender of the Boston Underwriters, who must also he represented on - N't a the Urinif coni. their ervice to the community as Brokers, feeling confident all surveys, or such bills will not be allowed.' BUILDING- MATERIALS! M HEAL- - 79 Al A PORTERS AMI WIIOLKStl.K - who may entruat basinet lo Islands. nl C. BREWEK CO., In e an-- in ; M. Boots. Shoes, Men's and ol ivin a.ti.faeiion For the Hawaiian iln. ers in Clothins;. Hats, furm.h.na- Ihem r seek their services. tc a 791 Mo. 11 Kaahamaaa Honolaln Tlxy tiCk the of the doert kI"OU Faocf tioods. fnolS St.. noli 3m WILLIAM O. SMITH tr CO. Tnr nniy Cumpany inmi isues With tLelr hymno of l .fty rheer. 23stAllialxocl, lOaO. BROWN k CO., THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE OFALL KINDS. AniUl the utorin th-- at;. DR. NEILSON, Tontine Investment Policies, IMPORTERS AMI UKAI.KKS I ALES AND SURGEON. OFFICE. Au.l the tar hrard and the a. M. WIN Ed AND AT II1 SICIAN erL&lTS, n liOLAL. ft North-ea- st corner of Fort and Hotel Street. And altle of the dim wood rang 9 Street, 79 Honolulu, it . Being practically an Endowment Policy at the usual Lite th aii Lb? Merchant nl I. XT Especial attention given to Diseases of the Eye, Ear and nates. auou To the anthem of the free ! u ly Ire ! Throat. " And am Prepared to Carry on this Branch INSURANCE COMPANY Tie ocean m;! aoared A. S. CLEGHORN k Co., NOR'WEST LUMBER - of my Business in a manner Satis- Frira bin neet try the white wave'a foam ; IMPORTERS A l WHObesAhii A .- i 0. V. HOUSMAN, Tlie Unlimited Liability of Stockholders t Da.tLaKO IN factory to my Patrons. AU'l the tucking piaea of the fort-s- roared 1 RETAIL aTvIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. SWISS LLOYD MARINE INS., CO. Office, corner 1 ThU wax their welroiue home J Ceneral Merchandise, l Late Canadian Pacific Railway Survey. ASSETS, $26.740, 05.70. 8rs. Fort and Merchant eiireet. oci 79 OF WI NTERTI1 l?R. Comprising all the usual Stock Sizes In There were men with boary hair Comer Queen and Kaahamana OVNERS;OF FINE STOCK LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTFD, AND PAID AT ONCK o4 7'J ly Nuaano St., and corner ron ana uoiei rn Auil Ut ptITiiu Laud ; G. THRUM, do to give me a Call 'I1IIE UNDERSIGNED ARK AUTHORIZED that THOS. Will well I. TO INSURE o25 79 HISHOI' k CO.. Afcnts. Why hal IK"J rome to wither there. CHULAN & CO., TMPORTING AND MANUFACTURING SCANTLING.' V ? - M. Bookseller, News Dealer and Book Binder. to my King Str'fet Shop will be Faith- ON CARGO FREIGHT and TREASURE TRANSATLANTIC . Away from tbelr chihlhotxi'a land i i- A r. 3 Stationer, Uorsesseot I MPORTtllsur anii i. it i OC4) NlKCBilT ST., p I1B tOIT, llOSOLCLO. (79 fully attended to. Krwsu There wan woman' eye. ft CU1NA UWUS tlouolalu. FIRE INSURANCE TIMBER. PLANK, BOARDS, Of descriptions, and in all kinds of Dry Goods. Also, con COMPANY, Lit by her deep loe' tmth ; all C. WEST. H. HACKFELD & Co. Honolulu, April 27th, 1878. oc25 79 TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD ot IltimljurK. 7 PENCINO and PICKETS. There m manho-ixl'- a brow, aerenely bih. Naaann Street. Honolala. "9 And 6Vry of ENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. BKGUSO. AND UPON the beart youth. c4 79 HONOLULU. O. BBUKLKM. CapitaLOne Million Prussian Thalers. G & COASTERS. 11 SPECIAL PERMISSION What eoubt they tlnn afar ? DR. F. LESLIE MINER, C.
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