“To name all of our 206 bones!” Appendicular & axial skeleton Parietal bone axial Temporal bone Skull Occipital bone Mandible Fig. 7.1(TEMandible Art) Clavicle Clavicle Scapula Scapula Sternum Thoracic Humerus cage Ribs

Vertebral column Pelvic girdle Ulna Radius Carpus Metacarpal bones Phalanges

Femur Patella

Fibula Tibia

Metatarsal bones Tarsus Phalanges Calcaneus appendicular Anatomical position?? • Identify bone 1, 2, 3 & 4

• Describe the location of the radius 1 2 (using anatomical terminology).

• List the bones that articulate with the clavicle. 3

• List the 3 bones that make up the pelvis. 4 Anterior Posterior Olecranon Fig.Trochlear 8.4(TE notch Art) Olecranon Head of Head of radius radius Neck of Neck of radius radius

Ulna Radius

Interosseous membrane

Head of ulna Styloid Styloid process process Styloid Articular facets process The Axial Skeleton

•Bones of the skull •parts of the skull • sinuses • development of skull • Vertebral column •curves • vertebrae & discs •C1 & C2 •Thoracic cage •parts •ribs Hendrick Terbrugghen La Fort fractures


viscerocranium 22 bones = skull 8 pairs, 6 singles

Pairs: parietal, temporal, nasal, lacrimal, maxilla, zygomatic, inf. conchae, palatine Singles: frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, mandible, occipital, vomer External auditory meatus Mastoid process Mandibular condyle Cribiform plate (ethmoid)

Sella turcica

Foramen magnum

Base or floor of cranial cavity Mx Z P



O P Sinuses



(Sphenoid & Ethmoid) Opening of pharyngotympanic tube Orifice of

Blowout fractures of sinuses Differences? Mandible without teeth Fontanelles: anterior, posterior sphenoid, mastoid Sutures: coronal, sagittal squamous, lambdoid

Fontan = little fountain

Spine Vertebral column Backbone

Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Coccyx Normal and abnormal curves of the vertebral column posterior

Lamina Spinous process

Transverse process Pedicle


Facet Intervertebral disc ‐ inf. articulating Nucleus pulposus

Annulus fibrosus laminectomy

Herniated disc (slipped disc) transverse foramen C1 or Atlas Transverse foramen

Superior articular facet C2 or Axis Dens

C1‐ occipital condyle • nodding “yes” C1‐ C2 via dens •rotation “no”

Ribs & thoracic vertebrae



