A Core Calculus of Metaclasses Sam Tobin-Hochstadt Eric Allen Northeastern University Sun Microsystems Laboratories
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract see the problem, consider a system with a class Eagle and Metaclasses provide a useful mechanism for abstraction in an instance Harry. The static type system can ensure that object-oriented languages. But most languages that support any messages that Harry responds to are also understood by metaclasses impose severe restrictions on their use. Typi- any other instance of Eagle. cally, a metaclass is allowed to have only a single instance However, even in a language where classes can have static and all metaclasses are required to share a common super- methods, the desired relationships cannot be expressed. For class [6]. In addition, few languages that support metaclasses example, in such a language, we can write the expression include a static type system, and none include a type system Eagle.isEndangered() provided that Eagle has the ap- with nominal subtyping (i.e., subtyping as defined in lan- propriate static method. Such a method is appropriate for guages such as the JavaTM Programming Language or C#). any class that is a species. However, if Salmon is another To elucidate the structure of metaclasses and their rela- class in our system, our type system provides us no way of tionship with static types, we present a core calculus for a requiring that it also have an isEndangered method. This nominally typed object-oriented language with metaclasses is because we cannot classify both Salmon and Eagle, when and prove type soundness over this core.