A Word from Jack Kemp Dear Editor: Food, Clothing and Shelter Com Smaller, More Efficient Govern in Less Than One Month, You Bined
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A word from Jack Kemp Dear Editor: food, clothing and shelter com smaller, more efficient govern In less than one month, you bined. ment with strong, smart pro · . >'TIM -POWERS' ::-. ' '-,. · and millions of college students Bob Dole and I believe it is grams that empower both poor Aquil}a~ t=~(um:c~Ju'rti:r'li'sf':_;>•- · across the country will be mak wrong that you are burdened and middle-class Americans. It ing a decision that will dramati with billions of dollars of gov is about his vision of stronger : uitie did i·kriavi~ti~e;b~m~r~ cally affect your futures. ernment debt each year. There is and safer families benefiting ship -in the Church, :the Body:-of--_, ''•~ll No one has a bigger stake in no reason for the government to from tax relief, secure and drug Christ. is . to be -det~nnin¢a: by '.. this election than young voters. spend even $1 more than it takes free neighborhoods and more some. Jesuit ' at a·- smau, obsciire No event this year will shape in - no family, no businessper educational opportunities. university . ' in .... ,· northeast'-·. your futures more than this elec son, no student can run up end Bob Dole is the kind of Pennsylvania: .Fr.. Orestes> Coccia · · claiins that -the. Pope hi tpe sole ... tion. less debts. world-class leader that can bring determining·factor in a Catholic's - So, over the next few weeks, I That is why we are commit America toge~her in a spirit of con·science, and: that not conforn:l~_- . .. urge you to keep your eyes; your ted to cutting wasteful spending confidence and optimism, and ing to the Po~·s· will. iS'- paramount to exco~unic_ation; The· ears and your minds open to Bob and balancing the budget by prepare us to surpass our greatest lived experience· of th~ Church, however, .claims ·otherwise~-·· Dole and his vision for this 2002, while protecting and expectations in the 21st century. .The Church recognizes the ~acie<;lness of eaclt- person's con~ country's future. strengthening useful government In the words of General Colin science. Vatican :Ws C~:ms~tution_~ri the Chur<?h i~ th_e MQdern Bob Dole and I share a vision programs. Powell, "Bob Dole is a man of World states. "Conscience ~slhe most secrefcore and sanctuary of for America that provides the That is why he developed a strength, maturity and integrity. a man. There· he, is alone with .God, whose voice. echaes in. his freedom and the opportunities plan to give parents a $500 per He is a man who can bring trust depths" (16). Fr. ~Gocda -~es~rntes and. defiles the ·s~ctuary for all Americans to work child tax credit and create spe back to the government and which is my conscience:bycia,imh1g that th~ Pope must deterlnjne my conscience. ·-:: ' ' :· ' -. ' . " ' together toward a prosperous cial, tax-free bank accounts for bring America together again . 21st century. We believe in build them to save money for their Bob Dole is the candidate most Further doc-uments of·the Second Vati~an· Cou~cil affirm ·the. sanctity.' of:.!h~ -lirifi1~i 9on's;~.i~nce~: ~n~,.P~~j_ar~~~ori on :[{el]gious ·· ing strong families by encourag children's education. Bob Dole qualified by virtue of his beliefs, Fteedom'siates.·that "iif:the formation ·or. theif,conscierice· :the ing secure, positive environ and I are also committed to his character and his competence ,. ' ~"'· '· -,~ .••.••• ,.. t'' ~.· ;- <::~ ......... , ,,_.. ,_..~, •"' : ..... s:~~_-.' • . ..,_ ", ',,..,, • • ...:~ ~-···:..,..·'1-· ,• _Christiaq :faithful ougpt;c~efully; 'o::~~pd,to,l}l~- ~ac~eq:.~<t~r~ :: ments to teach and to raise chil stemming the tide of crime in to be the next President of the .titiri. doct£in,e·· '~f-:.t~i9~#~h:~;(3j;:t4)~:J!ii~~.,;fq~~t,i~IH>fc~n:: dren. America. United States of America." science .·and'.-morals;:-cilie:·;chtircn~~:'to'c;,be·:~a'.;' 'ide·:,to:.wbicli' Bob Dole and I believe that In this country, a crime is So during the next several christiaiis'aii~il(ftne~ellip~is:;i§i>ia~¢<l·tifi:tli~:&1J:rch-;·ritiwhere:: young people like you who are committed every two seconds weeks, listen to the political is ilie ~6t>~ ~~~W>~eg:_;:::'~.:>~~'<:':~ :·:,'. 'Y~: :: :~::~-;-~.~--::,_,:·: :: .:"\:,~~-- -\~; ~-,'~/2 entering 'the job market deserve and drug use by teenagers has debates, visit our Web Site at · :. ·Fr. :Coccia.mruces ·a-oite'niistak:e.iifhis:Jettet ~The.Cburch:and better than the status quo - doubled in the past four years. www.dolekemp96or, pick up theA>.~~~¥.e· ~§t:~~~~~xm~~~~i6~':¢n~tq.M~j~W!-;~-#Y' ~~.s~· where wages have stagnated for That is not acceptable. Bob Dole your absentee ballot, and consid by~;Ya~~~JI;·"l~, :~~~}~~<?pl~;Qf'.GRd;.:J'h_e.}~?pe_';t.~, .:qo~~.~~:ile!l<;t of years and the economy has sput has a tough 5-point plan to er the stakes of this election for ~~- CJ:turch~:~Co/i~~:~~~ ·~-~~ :~f~ 1b~t jp~ :9~!~. l!i~ly: :J1•~-'~?~· ·. tered along at a sluggish 2.3 per reduce violent crime and drug you and for your family. doe~·n9t g~9~ f!t~~~cn~1:w~•~~-t~J~ay,~:.~q~·-~~H()l~:S~~t.. cent growth rate. That is why we use. I am confident that you will The _P9pe.:.ts the .,'S,e:ry~~{p£~th~;-~tt,rV~ts '·~f'.Oqd. ;He -~s~g~:·lls ~ Christ•s·-re. resentiiiive~·in 'ari;-inf ortanfand:uni ue:wa ~~a' wa in- will cut taxes, trim the But this election is about our agree with Colin Powell and mil ~J#c~.. iitt~!~~~~~~~st(~i~~t~~.:r§~:~~4}i~i.7:~~':c~!t~i Washington bureaucracy, and future more than about our prob lions of Americans who believe myaqe" the)>acreq: spac~._ql!!f§@;.~d·.~~.qh,~u~~f! ee.U!~D. 8_p~~.. ·. boost wages and growth. lems. It is about Bob Dole and that Bob Dole is the better man, · . fr:}:!<>~ci.~: ~~@il~:.~~t;'~~ :-4i~~~~i~N~~ ..:c,}l~~P.t~,r!s~.? -~(~e·. Bob Dole and I ,believe that his vision for more opportunities for a better American. Roman Catholic' Church ls-'that Its'memoors.are noffree to form when you enter the work force, for all Americans through lower their·'o~~ conspienc~~: -.f:beli-mQifiiopecili~r~~:·~'dl~tiilglli~~ni.·_ you should not spend more of taxes, better jobs and higher Jack Kemp is the Republican ch'aractedstic of the ChurchJs not how con:si::i'ence is: formed, but your paycheck on taxes than on wages. It is about his vision of a Vice Presidential candidate. is rather h~r reiat~onshlp :~itli Jesus Christ!.in Fr~ c6h6ia's ~sio·n. ·of the Chirrch there could be a Catholic Churcli· without Christ~ as long as individuals 4id-'not form their-own consciences, a surely· ridiculous idea. Membership within the Catholic Church is also · judged on much more than simply how conscience is formed; community, right-worship, right belief and other imp9rtant ideas are ignored in Fr. Coccia's model of the Church. Fr. Coccia needs to s~riously re-think his position. He seems to want to form a Church comprised of himself and the. P()pe~ In this Chilrch_ there is rio room for mercy and forgive~ess; there is orily exclusion and condemnation .. Conscience. is sacred, and the People of God have ma~ifold treasures. · · ·.. : · · - _ ., . .' : , The Church is .about compassion and mercy, J!Ot 'about judg-' merit--and conderimatim1. We.should heed- the.-~xa~ple of Him whom V.,e follovv: "God did _not_send his ·son int() the·wodd tq co11d.emn _the world, bu_t that:~he-wor\d ~ight be saved through him"'(:John 3: i 7). We do not extend Jesps•· salvation by condem- . n~ti()~_afid :~~clusj~n; :we.~~ten!l. ~s,~,<lly~ti()n PY ,i~~itiH9J1.-~o. ~~s~. covet:~ what Christ-and his-:Church are:tiuly'about;:;::·-.;_:t'! __ ,-. ·. ~. · ':•:.,..: :2 ·:· :,:}~!it.i.I£i:L:~~:i~f~~;~~\~J~~~I:b;!!}~:~!.l~t~~~}t;~: ~~,~~21:-i~}~*~~~:~~~~;~l,:~~~~~; .