Readers are encouraged to forward items which have thus far escaped listing to: Christine Worobec Distinguished Research Professor Emerita Department of History Northern Illinois University
[email protected] Please note that this issue has a separate category for the "Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern Periods." It follows the heading "General." All categories listed by Country or Region include items from the modern and contemporary periods (from approximately 1700 to the present). GENERAL Aivazova, Svetlana Grigor'evna. "Transformatsiia gendernogo poriadka v stranakh SNG: institutsional'nye factory i effekty massovoi politiki." In: Zhenshchina v rossiiskom obshchestve 4 (73) (2014): 11-23. Aref'eva, Natal'ia Georgievna. "Svatovstvo v slavianskoi frazeologii." In: Mova 22 (2014): 139-44. [Comparisons of Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian] Artwińska, Anna, and Agnieszka Mrozik. Gender, Generations, and Communism in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond. London: Routledge, 2020. 352p. Baar, Huub van, and Angéla Kóczé, eds. The Roma and Their Struggle for Identity in Contemporary Europe. New York: Berghahn, 2020. 346p. [Includes: Kóczé, Angéla. "Gendered and Racialized Social Insecurity of Roma in East Central Europe;" Schultz, Debra L. "Intersectional Intricacies: Romani Women's Activists at the Crossroads of Race and Gender;" Zentai, Violetta. "Can the Tables Be Turned with 1 a New Strategic Alliance? The Struggles of the Romani Women's Movement in Central and Eastern Europe;" Magazzini, Tina. "Identity as a Weapon of the Weak? Understanding the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture: An Interview with Tímea Junghaus and Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka."] Balázs, Eszter and Clara Royer, eds. "Le Culte des héros." Special issue of Etudes & Travaux d'Eur'ORBEM (December 2019).