2020 Japan Olympic Sites PRAYER GUIDE

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The Venue Plan for the Olympic and Paralympic Games 2020 consists predominantly of two thematic and operational zones: the "Heritage Zone" which houses several iconic venues used at the Tokyo 1964 Games and further sustains the enduring legacy of Tokyo 1964; and the "Tokyo Bay Zone" which serves as a model for innovative urban development and symbolizes the exciting future of the city.

These two zones expand across the city to form an ‘infinity’ symbol with the Athletes' Village positioned at the point where the two zones intersect – at the physical and spiritual heart of the Games. The ‘infinity’ symbol embodies the boundless passion, commitment and inspiration of the world's elite athletes, the limitless potential of future generations, and the lasting legacy that will be passed on to the people of Tokyo, Japan and the world.

A. Heritage Zone – the Olympic Stadium and the Yoyogi National Stadium

• Here we see echoes of the past and hopes for the future. Pray that the Japanese will embrace Jesus who desires to give each a future and a hope. • Pray that as Olympic participants will represent their countries well. Pray that Christian athletes will represent the Lord well and commend their faith to many. • The all-important opening and closing ceremonies take place here. Pray that Japanese will open their hearts to the gospel and close their hearts to the historic religions of Japan and that many will find the ways of the past unsatisfying.

B. Tokyo Bay Zone – Prayer Zones 1 – 3.

Prayer Zone #1 Covers venues: (22) Canoe Slalom Course, (23) Park Archery Hall, (24) Tokyo Aquatics Center, (25) Tokyo Tatsumi International Swimming Center

• Canoes are unstable by nature. Pray that the nation will find her deepest stability in Christ. • As arrow fly, even professionals miss the target at times. Pray that the Japanese will realize “that they have fallen short of the glory of God” and will seek His face. • As swimmers immerse themselves in the water that is essential to their sport pray that countless Japanese will enter baptismal waters in the days ahead.

Prayer Zone #2 Covers venues: (19) Aomi Hockey Stadium, Olympic Village, (20) Sea Forest Cross- Country Course, (21)

• Hockey is a rough sport. Life is harder. Pray that the Japanese will understand the kindness of the Lord and His tenderness towards each. • Ask His watch care over the Olympic Village that there will be no attacks as have been the case in the past and that peace will prevail. • Cross-Country, by nature is up and down. Life too has its vicissitudes. Pray that the Japanese will know Jesus who changes not and is constant in a changing world.

Prayer Zone #3 Covers venues: (12) , (13) Ariake Gymnastics Center, (14) Ariake Urban Sports Venue, (15) Ariake Tennis Park, International Broadcast Centre and the Main Press Centre ()

• Pray for the safety of the games, that participants will not fall and be injured. • In a tennis match, we use the word “love” to mean a player has not scored a point. Pray that the word love will come to mean everything for many – Jesus, the source of love. • As the games are broadcast to the world, pray that many will fall in love with the Japanese and make them objects of their prayers that each might be saved.

More to pray about As you pray over these venues, consider these other topics of prayer for Japan in relation to these venues and activities held in these spaces

The Imperial Family • Pray that the Emperor will come to understand that Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords, the only ruler of Japan. • Ask that the Imperial Family will acknowledge the power of God, His majesty and holiness. • Various members of the Imperial Family have had exposure to the Gospel. Pray that they might believe.

Spiritual Strongholds • Century old Shinto and Buddhist teachings permeate society. Ask that their hold on hearts would be broken by the Spirit of the Living God. • Group allegiance is huge in Japan. Pray that stronghold of conformity would topple. • Materialism is rampant in this nation. Pray that Japanese will see the deep spiritual void in their lives that they have tried to fill with things and find true fulfillment in Christ.

The Country of Japan • Japan is at a point in its history where it is experiencing unprecedented social upheaval, which creates anxiety and uncertainty throughout the culture. Pray as every segment of the population is impacted. • Fewer than one out of every 200 Japanese has a relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray that the overwhelming darkness will be rolled back. • Pray that the Light of the World will extinguish the spiritual darkness and that the Land of the Rising Sun will become the land of the Risen Son.

The City of Tokyo • It is sometimes said, “As goes Tokyo, so goes all of Japan.” Pray that your workers can forge evangelistic strategies here that will affect all of the country. • Many in Tokyo fear earthquakes. Ask the Lord to help the people of Tokyo honor the Lord above them rather than fear the ground beneath them. • Sometimes it is overwhelming to try to reach a city of this magnitude for Christ. Pray that Christians will remember that with our Father no one is lost in the crowd. All are objects of His grace and mercy and everyone who comes to Him will be saved.

Japanese Christians • Ask that Japanese Christians will glorify the Father through their lives and that their example will commend the faith to multitudes of lost people. • Many Japanese Christians are shy and reluctant to share their faith. Ask God to give them boldness to share the Gospel with urgency to their friends, family and acquaintances. • There is a tremendous pressure to conform in this monolithic, homogenous culture. Pray that Japanese believers will be able stand against the tide, apply and make biblical truth real on a daily basis.

Japanese Churches • Pray that the 120 denominations serving in Japan will be unified and focused by His Holy Spirit • The average size of a Japanese church is about 30 members. Ask the Father to bless and guide because it is often a challenge to make ends meet. • Pray churches would remain biblically grounded and would not water down or compromise the good news.

Japanese Pastors • Pastors have no real status in Japanese society. Pray that they will be faithful even when they are seldom recognized for their service. • Most pastors work long hours; the expectations of members are high and they are seldom adequately compensated for their efforts. Pray they will receive the honor due them. • Pray that the Father will call out a new generation to pastor churches in Japan. There are more pastors active in the church that are past 80 than those under 30.

Japanese Families • Pray for the families as divorce rates are growing, alternative “families” are emerging and the nuclear family is weak. • Pray for strong lifetime commitments and for more Christian marriages in the country. • Pray that all families will come to know the One who has written the manual on successful family life. (Psalm 127:1)

Apartment Dwellers • Many are lonely, isolated and disconnected from their neighbors. Pray that they might find true community in Christ. • Pray that believers in apartments buildings would seek ways to share their faith with those around them. • Pray for churches to begin here that would expand to neighborhoods beyond.

Japanese Children • Pray for children to have opportunities to hear about Jesus. Ask the Father to protect them from harm and unhealthy environments. • Ask that Jesus, who especially loves the children, would give yet-to-believe children Christian friends. • Pray that as children study English they can understand American customs with Christian roots that will be bridges to the Gospel.

High School Students • Pray for High School students who feel the pressure to study non-stop. Pray that they would find true rest and peace in following Jesus. • Pray for students who view Christianity as strange or only for Westerners. Holy Spirit help them to know You are for them! • Pray that God would place Japanese Christians in their lives who will show them that it is possible to be Japanese and follow Jesus.

University Students • Pray for workers who go to campuses and share the Truth. Pray for new Bible studies to begin, decisions for Christ to be made and for university “churches.” • Pray for Japanese students who are Christians, that through their witness, their classmates will want to know more about Jesus. • Pray for University students who are in the last stages of job-hunting. Pray that they would come to know the God who cares for them.

Japanese Businessmen • Pray that this custom of men feeling the need of going out to drink with co-workers until late at night would somehow disappear. • Many businessmen as too busy for Christ. Pray they will slow down and hear His voice. • Pray for Christian businessmen in the marketplace that they will be light, salt and leaven for all of Japanese society.

Women in Japan • Pray that women might find their value and acceptance through God’s eyes, not the expectations of society. • Single women in the marketplace are still struggling to find recognition and worth in a society that favors men. Pray that many can come to Jesus, a woman’s best friend.

Elderly Japanese • Japan is the most rapidly graying nation in the world. Pray as this places enormous strain on the infrastructure of the country. • Pray for opportunities to share the meaning of life and our eternal residence with the elderly. • Pray that the Father will send harvest workers who specialize in ministry to seniors.

Homeless in Japan • Pray for the Japanese homeless as the economic slowdown has led to a record number of people becoming displaced. • People of all ages are now homeless, living in parks and internet cafés. Pray for ministries reaching out to these. • Pray that new believers will befriend their fellow homeless for Christ and that these will find their true home in Him.

Minority People Groups in Japan • Japanese routinely say, “the nail that sticks up will be knocked down.” Pray for minorities who stand out in Japanese society. • Minorities often experience degrees of discrimination because they are different. Pray for them the acceptance, fairness and generosity for all we find in Christ. • Pray that Believers in minority groups would shining examples of faith, hope and love.

Missionary Families • Pray that missionary families would be protected from the many pressures that tend to pull families apart in Japan. • Pray that our missionaries will set aside and preserve quality time away from their ministries to spend quality time with their families. (See 1Timothy 5:8). • Some have called Japan a “missionary graveyard.” Praise the Lord that God calls the Japanese “His treasured possession.”

Partner Churches (in the US) • Pray that the Father would bless us with many more partnership with congregations in our homeland. We can’t do the work alone! • Pray the Lord would send more quality volunteers like you in due season!!! • Pray partner church communications with those on the field would inform them how to best pray and support their workers.

Your Place in God’s Mission • Pray about your ongoing involvement in living a life on mission for Him. Would He have you come again? Commit to full-time missions? Be a lifelong partner in prayer?

Additional Notes/Prayer Prompts: