Chapter 4

lsolated Olistoliths from the Longobucco Basin, , Southern ltaly

C. Tarquin Teale and Jeremy R. Young, Geology Departmelt lmperial College of Science and Technology, London SW7 2BP

ABSTRACT The Longobucco Group is a 1500-m thick sequence of sediments which records the formation of The Longobucco Group is a cover sequence of Liass- a deep extensional basin on Hercynian crystalline ic sediments recording rifting of Hercynian crys- basement in the Early Jurassic (Young et al., 1986; talline basement. Within turbidites of the upper part Santantonio and Teale, this volume). The olistoliths of this sequence are numerous olistoliths, up to are colossal blocks, up to 250 m long, of shallow 250 m long. These are not parts of olistostromes, or marine limestones and other lithologies from the other mass movement deposits, but appear to have base of the succession. They occur, however, in the travelled into the basin independently; hence the upper part of the sequence, within basin-plain turbi term 'isolated olistolith' seems appropriate for them. dites. Recognition of the blocks as isolated olistoliths Soft-sediment deformation structures around the helped considerably in the development of our margins of one well-exposed olistolith suggest an understanding of the history of the basin. Addi- analogy with'outrunner-blocks' recently described tionally, finely preserved soft-sediment deformation from a modern submarine slope-failure complex by features found around some of the olistoliths provide Prior et al. (1982, 1984). In both cases the blocks new evidence for the mechanism of emplacement of appear to have travelled considerable distances such blocks. across very low slopes without disturbing the under- After describing the Longobucco olistoliths and lying sediments to any great extent. Transport prob- their setting, we briefly review analogous cases ably occurred relatively rapidly with the aid of described from other areas. [n particular, compari- ) overpressuring of the underlying sediments. sons are made between the Longobucco olistoliths and some blocks emplaced during a recent sub- marine slope failure, described from British Colum- INTRODUCTION bia by Prior et al. (1982, 1984). This comparison leads us to propose a possible mechanism of Isolated olistoliths may be defined as massive blocks emplacement for isolated olistoliths. of rock occurring out of place, but with sedimentary contact relationships, within unrelated sediments. Termlnology These relationships, which suggest that the blocks were emplaced as single masses into the basins in which they occur, are conceptually improbable, and Some comment on terminology is needed, since vir- only rarely observed. In this paper we describe exam- tually every author has used different nomenclature ples found while mapping the Longobucco Group in when describing isolated olistoliths (see Table 1). The Calabria. S. Italv. most common terms are: olistolith; slide block; and

Mafine Clastic Sedimentology O J. K. Leggett & G. G. Zuffa (Graham and Trotman, 1987) pp. 75-88 MARINE CLASTIC SEDIMENTOLOGY: CONCEPTS AND CASE STUDTES glide block. Others include: exotic block; allochthon- They probably extend farther beneath the late Ter- ous block; allochthonous exotic block; sedimentary tiary deposits of Calabria, and may occur offshore. klippe; olisthothrymma; olisthoplaka; and local Associated with the group are condensed pelagic names such as Cipit block. The use of the terms sediments of Liassic to Early Cretaceous age, the 'exotic' and'allochthonous' seems inappropriate, Group (Santantonio and Teale, 1985; and and potentially confusing, since they have strongly in preparation). Together these two groups constitute tectonic overtones, whereas the relations are clearly the Mesozoic cover sequence to Hercynian gran- sedimentary. The combination 'allochthonous itoids and metamorphites of the Longobucco Unit. exotic' is pointless since the two words have essen- This unit forms a part of the Calabro-Peloritani Arc, tially the same meaning in this context. 'Sedimentary which is generally interpreted as an isolated fragment klippe' evocatively describes a common outcrop of the Eo-Alpine chain thrust over the Apenninic car- mode but is completely misleading in terms bonate sequences (Scandone 197 9, 1982). Palinspastic of geological relationships. The neologisms reconstructions suggest that the Longobucco Unit 'olisthothrymma' and'olisthoplaka' were proposed occupied a position between the Apenninic units to by Richter and Mariolakis (1973) and Richter (1973) the west and the main Calabrian Alpine units to the for, respectively, slide masses occurring independent- east, on the African margin of the Tethys (De Rosa et ly, and ones occurring as isolated fragments of a/., 1980). gravity nappes. These seem unnecessary and The main subsidence and basin formation event unwieldy names, and they have not been widely used. recorded by the Longobucco Group occurred during 'Slide block' and 'glide block' are more attractive the Late Pleinsbachian-Early Toarcian and so was terms, and have been increasingly used of late. In synchronous with the well-documented late Liassic current usage (Nardin et al., 1979) slides are mass break-up of Triassic carbonate platforms throughout movements with limited internal deformation. They the Tethyan area (Bernoulli and Jenkyns, 1974). This include both slumps, in which rotation is important, suggests that it too developed by rifting, although in and glides, in which only linear motion occurs. Thus, this case of a crystalline basement. The facies devel- 'slide block'and 'glide block' have nearly the same oped in the Longobucco Basin were, however, quite meaning and can both legitimately be used. Of them different from the typical Tethyan carbonates, due to 'slide block' seems preferable as its meaning is the influx of siliciclastic detritus. Santantonio and clearer. and since some blocks are rotated. Teale (this volume) discuss further aspects of the The term is, however, explicitly genetic and so an setting of the group. Important studies of its sedi- alternative is needed for cases where the mechanism mentology and stratigraphy include those of Magri of emplacement is uncertain, and for field use. (1963-65), Zuffa et al. (1980), and Young et al. (1986\. Although olistolith (Greek-slide stone) does have The succession commences with up to 70 m of genetic roots they are not explicit, so it has been used 'red beds', mixed continental clastics, the Torrente much more in a descriptive sense. The main problem Duno Formation (Fig. 2). These lack age-diagnostic with its use is that as originally defined, by Flores fossils but are probably Hettangian. The base is com- (1955), it only covered matrix-supported clasts. monly faulted, but in places the formation can be However, this definition, and that of olistostromes. seen to rest directly on crystalline basement rocks. was clearly emended by Jacobacci (1965) and Abbate Upwards, it passes gradationally into variable et al. (1970), so that blocks occurring independently shallow marine carbonates, commonly sandy up to of olistostromes were included. We favour this usage 60 m thick. These have Sinemurian shelly faunas and with the addition of the qualifier 'isolated' where constitute the Formation. The suc- appropriate. ceeding Petrone Formation is up to 200 m thick and records passage into deeper water with bioturbated marls the dominant lithology; it has yielded quite THE LONGOBUCCO OLISTOLITHS good Pliensbachian ammonite faunas. The bulk of the succession is formed of turbidites Background-The Longobucco Group of the Fiume Formation, in which the olis- toliths occur. Up to 1200 m of the turbidites are pre- The olistoliths discussed in this paper occur within served, and presumably they were originally thicker, the Liassic sedimentary rocks of the Longobucco as the top of the formation is everywhere either trun- Group. These outcrop over some 170 km2 as a tec- cated by erosion, or cut-out by thrust faults. Near the tonically shortened, but well preserved, sequence on preserved top of the sequence ammonites of the ten- the north-east margin of Calabria, S. (Fig. 1). uicostatum Zone, earliest Toarcian, have been found ISOLATED OLISTOLITHS FROM CALABRIA, SOUTHERN ITALY 77

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t ******N: + c ol?34sKm

|...r lo : ool b",-."1 Pliocene - Recenf Poludi Formotion (U.Cretoceous - M. Eocene) - Coloveto Group ffi (U. Liossic - L.Cretoceous) Longobucco Group (Liossic) Bosemenl I +l (Hercynion)

Low ongle lhrust Locolilies discussed Steep foult A Olistolith, cf fi9. 3 Olistoliths B Mojor debris flow complex c Dropslones ond thin debris flows

Flg. l. Sketch map of Longobucco Basin showing extent of the Longobucco and Caloveto Groups and distribution of the olistoliths. Inset, location map. 78 MARINE CLASTIC SEDIMENTOLOGY: CONCEPTS AND CASE STUDTES

EI rHl E.Toorcion @ lHl E 3lE u gl llf,s tl p Fl-'rtr @ @@ 3i rfr $r lz bl EI


I U' o!gU' .L.Phimbochion 5i gl

PETRONE $g FM. ,EiE FldlHl 72a Ei=' NIO BOCCHIGLIERO gi ro< FM. 1"'*"" oG-4 a Ei si ui ;i TORRENTE DI'NO U FM. 2z ildlSiEi=i OE HERCYNIAN z< BASEMENT =

5 oti3fotiths Trocc fossil occurcnccs within olistotiths O IOO zOOm @ 4 @ Ammonites 8e Bivolve - brochiopod tounos

Flg. 2. Composite stratigraphic column of the Longobucco Group indicating the various formations and the main biostratigraphic control points. Nannofossils from throughout the Fiume Trionto Fm. confirm the Pliensbachian- Toarcian age. Also shown is the vertical distribution of trace fossils, illustrating the progressive deepening of the basin. ISOLATED OLISTOLITHS FROM CALABRIA, SOUTHERN ITALY 79

(Young et al., 1986). Deposition was thus virtually composed of the Bocchigliero Formation, and so are confined to the upper Pliensbachian, and must have indubitably allochthonous. been very rapid, c. 300 m/Ma. Furthermore, the trace Other lithologies are also sometimes seen, includ- fossil associations in the turbidites indicate progres- ing the Torrente Duno red beds, rare basement gran- sive deepening (Fig. 2), to the Nereites ichnofacies- ites, and carbonates, of possibly Pliensbachian age, generally taken to suggest lower bathyal to abyssal from the Lower Caloveto Formation. The occurrence sedimentation. So overall subsidence, and presum- of Torrente Duno and Bocchigliero Formation sedi ably rifting, was considerable. ments as olistoliths indicates that these formations The bulk of the turbidites arc quartz-arenites of were originally present over a wider area than the rather problematic provenance, with palaeocurrents subsequent turbidite basin. Very similar sediments derived from the north-west (CTT unpublished data; also occur in the Taormina area of Sicily, so they Zlffa et al., 1980). They appear to be unchannelized may have been widespread shelf sediments. By con- and show the characteristics of the basin plain or trast. the absence of Petrone Formation marls. and outer fan turbidite associations of Mutti and Ricci presence of Lower Caloveto Formation limestones, Lucchi (1972). Subsidiary lithologies include: carbon- suggests that basin-high differentiation was estab- ate turbidites in the lower part; a few very thick beds, lished by the Pliensbachian. up to 17 m, similar to the seismoturbidites of Mutti et al. (1984'); rare lithic arenite turbidites and debris Ol istolith-sediment relations flows; the olistoliths; and interturbidite hemipelagic marls with common calcareous nannofossils. The Longobucco olistoliths mainly outcrop on valley sides and so their general relations with the enclosing The olistoliths sediments are quite clear, unlike those of olistoliths outcropping in areas of low relief. The details of the The olistoliths are most common toward the top of block margins are, however, rarely well exposed. The the turbidites-about a thousand metres from the most readily observed feature is turbidite onlap. In base of the succession. They are not, however, almost all cases normal turbidite beds can clearly be grouped at any one horizon, but seem to be random- seen to be laterally equivalent to the blocks, to butt ly distributed through the interval in which they against them, and lap over them. So, the blocks are occur. About fifty olistoliths have been identified and not occurring within mass-movement deposits, and mapped. They are typically 50-100 m long and 15- must have been introduced to the basin independent- 25 m thick, ranging up to 250 m long and 35 m ly. thick. Significantly smaller blocks have only rarely Details of the block-sediment relationships are been found, despite intensive mapping and logging of particularly well shown around the sides and base of the sequence. The blocks are usually tabular with one large, easily accessible block (Fig. 3a). This is markedly flat bases and steep sides. With the excep- located on the north side of the Trionto valley, by tion of a few small ones their internal bedding is the Sila-Rossano road (S.S. 177), 5 km from the always sub-parallel to that of the enclosing village of Longobucco (Fig. 1, locality A). This block turbidites-and they are invariably the right way up is 900 m from the base of the sequence, is composed as indicated by cross-bedding, geopetal fills, etc. of Bocchigliero Fm. carbonates, and is about 20 m The most common block lithologies are lime- thick. stones similar to those of the Bocchigliero Forma- As shown schematically in Fig. 4 it lies concord- tion. This similarity includes: general antly on the underlying turbidites, which show no lithology-siliclastic-rich oolitic and bioclastic lime- sign of block-related deformation. At various places stones; sedimentological features such as trough, along the block margins small accumulations of sigmoidal, and herring-bone cross-stratification; cobble- to boulder-sized limestone clasts occur. similar shelly faunas and ichnocoenoses. Perhaps These have similar lithologies to the block and are most strikingly, an unusual and distinctive diagenetic probably talus derived from it. The surrounding fabric seen in the Bocchigliero Fm. also occurs in the turbidites lap onto and around the sides of the block olistoliths. This is a mesoscopic banding (up to 5 cm) and eventually over its top (Fig. a). which occurs in some oolitic limestones due to con- On the east side of the block is a zone of consider- centration of quartz into discrete zones, sometimes able soft sediment deformation, characterized by approximately parallel to bedding, elsewhere forming recumbent folds, with associated boudinage, accom- a reticulate network. The combination of all these modation, and injection structures. The folds have an features clearlv indicates that these olistoliths are eastward-verging asymmetry-away from the block. 80 MARINE CLASTIC SEDIMENTOLOGY: CONCEPTS AND CASE STUDIES



This suggests that they were produced by shortening mation. Here the structures within the turbidites are in front of the block as it slid in, and so that this side chaotic and display no obvious common sense of was the front of the block. asymmetry (Fig. 3b). Mixed into them are occasional On the west side of the block, the probable rear, clasts (from a few millimetres to 3 m long) of compa- there is another zone of strong soft sediment defor- rable lithologies to those of the large block. This ISOLATED OLISTOLITHS FROM CALABRIA, SOUTHERN ITALY 81




Fig. 3. a. View of the olistolith discussed in the text. b. Block of chaotically deformed sediments from the zone to the west of the olistolith. c. Photomosaic of major ojrollJl"#.":f$i,f"t the basin margin (at point B, Fis. 1). d. View zone approximately follows bedding, and can be traced west for 2 km, thickening to 5 m, before expo- traced some way from the block. Farther west, along sure is lost. Unfortunately, there is a hundred-metre the road to Longobucco, a major debris flow is gap in the outcrop between the block and the debris exposed with clasts up to 1.5 m long. The flow is flow, which means they cannot be directly correlated. 3.3 m thick at its eastern-most outcrop and can be However, detailed logging and mapping of the turbi- 82 MARINE CLASTIC SEDIMENTOLOGY: GONCEPTS AND CASE STUDIES


Debris llow, correlotoble Fiume Trionto Fm. with bose of olistolith turbidil€s

| _-- | _ ruum gop < I Zone of chooticolly disturbcd brds Tolus potch.s Undisturbed b€ds dir.clly Fotded bcds Morker lurbidiie ( ?dewolering strucfurcs), with oround cdge ot banloth olistolith occosaonol closts olistolith

-. O 20 40 60 80 loom

Approx. scola Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of the relationships of the surrounding sediments to the olistolith described in the

dite beds above and, most usefully, below the debris port of 2-5 km for most of the blocks, and probably flow indicates that it is at the same stratigraphic level slightly more if the effects of deformation within the as the base of the block. So it seems that the olistol- sequence are taken into account. ith, chaotic zone and debris flow were all products of The bulk of the turbidites, however, are quartz- the same sedimentation event. arenites with NW-SW-directed palaeocurrents, as indicated by widespread sole marks. Neither the Olistolith setting composition nor the palaeocurrents suggest deriva- tion from the basin margin to the south-west, which The sequence of deposits, the soft sediment structures was the source of the lithic arenite turbidites, debris and the thickening trend of the debris flow indi- all flows, and olistoliths. Instead, the quartz-arenites cate derivation from the west. In this direction the were probably derived by recycling of sandstones turbidites can be traced continuously for some 4 km from a source to the north-west, now lost. Hence until the boundary Longobucco the of the Group main axis of the turbidite basin, and so the regional outcrop is reached. This boundary steeply is a palaeoslope, must have been oriented NW-SE, paral- dipping thrust, with basement in the hanging wall, lel to the south-west margin. Furthermore, the and Longobucco Group sediments in the footwall. unchannelized basin-plain type facies of the turbi- The thrusting is probably a result of Alpine compres- dites, and the rarity of slumping in the sequence, sion during emplacement of the Longobucco Unit. suggest that this slope was gentle. So the olistoliths However, such thrusting could well have occurred must have been emplaced obliquely across a very along reactivated normal faults of the original, exten- shallow slope, as shown in Fig. 5. This poses intrigu- sional, margin of the Longobucco turbidite basin. ing problems for their mechanism of emplacement, That this is so is suggested by the fact that debris problems which we address in the final section. flows and lithic arenite turbidites become more common towards the fault: near it are some spec- tacular sections almost entirely composed of debris flows (Fig. 3c). Elsewhere along the margin, pebble- OTHER CASES sized dropstones of basement schists occur in the turbidites; these must have fallen from a nearby fault Isolated olistoliths do not seem to be common and scarp. there are only a few well-described examples. The So it seems reasonable to presume that there was main features of a number of these olistoliths-from an active fault scarp along this margin, and that the a variety of areas, geological periods, and settings- olistoliths were derived from it. This implies trans- are summarized in Table l. Thev are listed in order ISOLATED OLISTOLITHS FROM CALABRIA, SOUTHERN ITALY 83

s.w. N.E.


S.W. bosin morgin exposing Debris flows, ond lithic- Bosin ploin quorfz-orenite lurbidifes, derived bosemenl ond lhe lower orenile turbidiles, derived from unknown source lo the N.W, wilh isololed formotions of lhe Longobucco from lhe S.W bosin-morgin ol istolifhs Grou p

c. lO Fig. 5. Cartoon illustrating the inferred facies relationships across a section of the south-west margin of the Longo- bucco Basin, during the early Toarcian. of block size and include, for comparison, examples the Oman exotics described by Glennie et al. (1973) probably best considered as fallen boulders (the Cipit and Wilson (1969). Robertson (1977) and Richter Blocks), and as small gravity nappes (the Oman (1973) have described blocks of similar size appar- Exotics). Some other possibly analogous cases were ently formed by the detachment of fragments from excluded from the table since the blocks have debris the leading edge of larger sedimentary nappes, or flow deposits around their bases. These include the slides. Distances travelled are rarely unambiguously 'fallen stack' and other massive blocks in the Helms- constrainable, but in all the cases in the table it is dale boulder beds of north-east Scotland (Bailey and clear that a suitable fault-scarp or other source Weir,1932; Pickering, 1984), and the celebrated Cre- occurred within a few kilometres of the blocks. Ten taceous blocks occurring in Oligocene lake sediments kilometres is about the maximum indicated distance near Alds, S. France (Heim, 1923; Koop, 1952; Ardne of transport. et al.,1978). The cases most closely analogous to the Longo- It is clear from the table that the nature of the bucco olistoliths seem to be those described from enclosing sediments is highly variable-and so it is Antarctica by Ineson (1985), and from the Northern presumably not a critical factor. Block lithology is Apennines by Naylor (1981, 1982) and by Abbate er also variable, but with carbonates dominating. al. (1970). Both Naylor (1982) and Ineson (1985) The predominance of extensional tectonic settings discuss block-sediment relations. As with the Longo- is interesting. This is doubtless in part an indication bucco olistoliths they found that the blocks typically that extensional tectonics are likely to produce suit- had planar bases which rested concordantly on the able conditions for block formation and transport, sediments below. Above the base the sediments on- but may also in part reflect the greater potential of lapped or draped over the block. Naylor also record- extensional settings for eventual preservation of deci- ed block-derived debris and breccias around the pherable relationships. In thrust settings subsequent sides of the blocks, analogous to the talus accumula- deformation is liable to destroy block-sediment rela- tions seen around the Longobucco olistoliths. In tions producing melanges of similar appearance addition, he listed a range of deformation features whatever the genetic relations of the blocks to the occurring in the sediments at the bases of the blocks matrix. which he ascribed to settling of the blocks after The olistoliths range in size from tens of metres to emplacement-including de-watering and liquefac- a couple of kilometres. They thus grade down into tion structures, small slump structures, and crum- boulders, and up into sedimentary nappes-such as pling and contortion of bedding. Ineson did not find TABLE 1. Listing of the salient features of various olistoliths comparable with the Longobucco olistoliths, organized in approximate order of size. The Oman Exotics are probably better considered as gravity nappes, but are included for co.mparison.

Author Location Setting Enclosing sectiments olistoliths Size Distance Terms used

Fursich and Wendt (1977), Cassinian Fm. Dolomites, Dopositional carbonate Triassic slope carbonates Triassic reet carbonates 1-20 m 0.5-5 km' Cipit blocks Cros ( 1967) Northern ltaly margin P(ior et al. (1982, Kitimat Arm Fiord, 8.C., Head of fjord Modern liord botlom clays Slabs, probably of delta to75m to6kmr Slide blocks 1984) Canada and silts front sands and silts Outrunner blocks Cronan e, a/. (1974), DSDP site 232. Gulf of Newly lormed oceanic Upper Miocene nannofossil Upper Miocene lithitied 25mT Slide blocks Fisher and Bunce (1974) Aden rift ooze shallow marine sandstone Teale (1985), Longobucco Basin, Small extensional Upper Liassic basin-plain Low€r Liassic ahelf 10-250 m 2-6 km' Olistoliths Young et a/. (1986) Calabria, S. ltaly basin turbidiles carbonates and clastics In€son (1985), James Ross lsland, Back-arc basin Lower Cretaceous lower Upper Jurassic laminated 20H00 m 5-10 km Glide blocks Farquharson et a/. Antarctic Peninsula slope clastics radiolarian mudstones Slids blocks (1984) Conaghan el r/. Nubrigyn Field, New Depositional carbonat€ Lower Devonian slope Lower Devonian reef and +-11100 m to l0 km Allochthonous (1s76) A South Wales, Australia margin carbonates platform carbonates blocks Carrasco-V. (1973, Valles-San Luis Potosi Bypass carbonate Albian slope micrites Lower Cr€tac€ous to95mT to3.5km Allochthonous 19771 platform, Mexico margin and d€bris flows platform carbonates exotic blocks Naylor (1981/2, 1984), Casanova Complex, Passive conlinental Upper Cretaceous-P'gen6 Ophiolitic igneous rocks to2km ?alew Slide blocks Abbate et a/. (1970) N. Ap€nnines, ltaly margrn turbidites and debris and pelagic aedim€nts km Olistolilhs f lows Stoneley (1981) Kuh-e-Dalneshin area, Extensional basin Upper Cretaceous siliceous Cenomanian neritic tolkm ?afew Exotic blocks S. lran pelagics limestones KM Richt€r and Gavrovo Massif, Epiros, Intra-basinal ridge Oligocene turbidites Upper Cretaceous r€ef 1 + km ?12 kmr Olisthothrymma Mariolakis (1973) Greece limestoneg Wood (1981) Lagonegro Basin, Extensional basin Middle Triassic Middle Triassic to 20 km olistoliths S. Apennines, ltaly (Ladinian) shales (Anisian) neritic lsts Gl€nnie ef a/. (1973), Oman Mountains Newly formed oceanic Upper Cretac€ous P€rmo-Triassic to 20 km ?10 s ot km Exotic blocks Wilson, (1969) rifl radiolarites platform cerbonates Oman exotica Author: where lwo refer€nc€s are given the main source of information is listed first.

Distance: this is th€ distance lrom present position of block to probable source. .-our €stimate, from maDs etc. in the reference. Abbrevi ations : P'g6ne-Palaeogene ; lsts-lim6ston€s. ISOLATED OLISTOLITHS FROM CALABRIA. SOUTHERN ITALY 85 talus deposits or soft sediment deformation in the Peninsula (Ineson, 1985). However, normal faulting is enclosing rocks but did describe'glide-induced shear usually accompanied by back-rotation of the foot- brecciation and folding' in the base of one block. wall block. This means that dips in the fault scarp Overall, then, there does seem to be a characteristic are much more likely to be away from the basin than suite of emplacement-related structures. Which of towards it. Under these circumstances slope-failure these are seen in any one case will depend on such would be most likely to occur by rotational collapse. factors as the lithology of the block and of the Blocks produced in this way would have internal enclosing sediment, and their subsequent deforma- bedding at high angles to the enclosing sediments- tion and diagenesis. as described by Wood (1981) from the Lagonegro The best description of a modern analogue for Basin, and by Naylor (1982). these deposits seems to be that given by Prior et al. Lithology is also obviously important: only (1982, 1984) from the Kitimat Arm Fjord in British massive rocks are liable to produce large blocks. This Columbia, Canada. They used a variety of oceanog- is reflected in the predominance of carbonates among raphic techniques to study a major slope-failure the block lithologies in Table 1. It is also clear in complex affecting a delta at the head of the fiord. the particular case of Longobucco, where the olistol- Side-scan sonar mapping of the fiord/bottom iths are formed predominantly of the shallow marine revealed isolated blocks occurring in front of the limestones of the Bocchigliero Formation. The main landslide/debris flow. These so-called 'out- associated debris flows and lithic turbidites, by con- runner' blocks were found to occur up to one kilo- trast, are dominated by material derived from the metre down-ford from the front of the debris flow. basement granites and schists, even though like the The blocks appear to have continued to move down- olistoliths they appear to have been derived from the slope after the underlying debris flow, on which the south-west margin of the basin. Evidently these rocks blocks had been moving, had lost momentum and were more common in the source area of the olistol- stopped. The blocks,lying on the fiord-bottom muds, iths but were less liable to form massive blocks. are up to 50 m x 75 m in surface area, and 4 m high and are lying on a slope of less than 0.5'. Prior and Mechanisms of emplacement his co-workers were also able to identify glide tracks left by the blocks on the lord bottom mud as they The basic method of emplacement which has been moved over it. Surrounding these glide tracks, suggested for most of the examples in the table is detritus was found which had been carried and shed slow downslope sliding, similar to that of subaerial by the blocks during their passage. block slides, with motion occurring when the down- slope component of gravity is suffrcient to overcome the frictional forces. The principal problem with this MODE OF OCCURRENCE model is that a large block resting on soft sediments should sink into them, or at least compact them. So, There are two basic problems in explaining isolated downslope motion would involve ploughing through olistoliths: the mechanisms of formation of the a layer of sediment. This should in turn considerably blocks, and mechanisms of transport. These are dis- impede movement, making forward motion unlikely cussed separately below. on gentle slopes, and should create a wake of severe- ly deformed sediments. Mechanisms of formation The blocks in Kitimat Fjord described by Prior et al. (1982, 1984) occur on a slope of less than 0.5 This is the lesser of the two problems, and the clear degrees and appear to have sunk somewhat into the association of olistoliths with active extensional surrounding sediment. [n consequence, Prior et al. regimes suggests that one common process is likely suggested a rather different mechanism of emplace- to be detachment of blocks from submarine fault ment: relatively rapid 'skidding' of slabs over the scarps during earthquakes. This should occur most sediment, with support in part from high pore-fluid readily where strata in the fault scarp dip towards pressures generated by the weight of the slabs. This the basin. Detachment can then occur by sliding overpressuring effect would also produce a low- along bedding planes. Assuming rotation does not strength layer able to reduce the resistance to occur during emplacement, this would produce olis- motion-an effect analogous to the lubrication gen- toliths with internal bedding subparallel to that of erated by the water layer produced beneath an ice- the surrounding sediments-as is the case with the skate. This mechanism might enable a block to travel Longobucco olistoliths, and those from the Antarctic considerable distances over negligible, or even MARINE CLASTIC SEDIMENTOLOGY: CONCEPTS AND CASE STUDIES reversed, slopes, until it slowed to a speed where it and in emplacement process, in that important effects began to sink into the underlying sediments. The arise from the overpressuring of sediments beneath additional resistance to motion caused by the defor- them. The Longobucco olistoliths provide unusually mation of these sediments would then abruptly brake clear evidence for this and for the ability of such the block. blocks to move long distances down gentle slopes This mechanism seems to be applicable to the independently of other mass-movement processes. Longobucco olistoliths. It provides an explanation This evidence may be worth considering when the for their occurrence several kilometres from the basin origin of blocks with more ambiguous relations are margin on what would otherwise be expected to be a considered-for instance olistoliths associated with negligible slope. The field relations, discussed above, debris flows, or blocks in melanges. fit well with this model: the folding in front of the Whatever their mode of origin, olistoliths can be block could have been caused by it nosing into the useful in elucidating basin histories, and deserve sediments as it came to rest; similarly, the disruption special attention wherever their occur. In the particu- of the sediments behind the block may have been lar case of the Longobucco Basin they have given produced by the rapid escape of overpressured pore information on the basin geometry, on the original waters after the passage of the block. Prior er al. also extent of the various lithofacies, on the diagenetic suggested this as a cause for the glide tracks they history of the rocks, and on synsedimentary tec- observed, the sediments of which appeared to have tonics. lower pore-water contents than the surrounding ford-bottom muds. A major difference between the two cases is that in ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Kitimat the blocks are associated with a massive slope-failure complex which seems to have trans- The research behind this paper was, of course, ported the blocks a considerable distance before they entirely Tarquin's. I was privileged both to work outran it under their own momentum. as the main with him on the biostratigraphy of the Longobucco flow came to a halt. In the Longobucco case, by con- Group, and to be asked to prepare his work on the trast, there is only a relatively thin debris flow olistoliths for publication, by the amalgamation of deposit in direct association with the block. Thus the two of his draft manuscripts. Any mistakes in the independent motion of the block is liable to have final result are probably mine (J. R. Y.). been much more important in this case. Olistoliths form a good subject for discussion and we both benefited greatly from the help of many col- leagues and friends, including particularly: Emiliano coNcLusroNs Mutti, Gian Gaspare Zvffa, Jerry Leggett, Massimo Santantonio and John MacKenzie. R. H. Campbell Isolated olistoliths are phenomena intermediate and D. B. Prior gave useful comments on an earlier between fallen boulders and gravity nappes in scale manuscript.


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