The Gear of Theta Tau
THE GEAR OF THETA TAU 0/ ’ olitI me ) IIiniher^ 19*57 T h e I t t F A IR o f THETA TAU SPRING, I fJ I VOLUME XXVI NUMBER 2 Tketa 7au Fraternity t the University of Minnesota October5, 11904 FOUNDERS EXECUTIVE COUNCIL H. H. Hopkins, Beta ’0 8 ......................................................................Grand Regent 1724 W . Fulton St., Chicago, III. Prof. J. M. Daniels, Nu Hon. ’2 2 ......................................Grand Vice-Rcgent Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. Erich J. Schrader, Alpha 'O S ............................................................Grand Scribe Box 244, Reno, Nevada Prof. Jamison Vawter, Zeta ’1 6 .........................................Grand Treasurer 307 Engineering Hall, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Prof. Donald D. Curtis, Omicron '1 9 Grand Marshal Clemson College, South Carolina Russell G. Glass, Sigma ’2 4 ................................................. Grand Inner Guard 23401 Chardon Road, Euclid, Ohio R- w - N usser ...............................................................................Grand Outer Guard SOll S. Benton, Kansas City, Mo. DELEGATE AT LARGE Fred Coffman, Lambda ’I S ..................................................... Past Grand Regent P. O. Box 1204, Raleigh, N . C. ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS Central Ohio—George H. Eagle, 1367 Meadow Rd., Columbus, Ohio Chicago—G. B. Finch, 2 Sth and Madison Street, Bellwood, 111. Cleveland— R. G. Glass, 23401 Chardon Road, Euclid, Ohio lntcrmountain A. H. Sorensen, 407 Templeton Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah Kansas C ity — R. W. Nusser, SOll S. Benton, Kansas C ity, Mo. National Capitol— Rcx S. Anderson, D istrict 10, U. S. Bureau of Public Roads Washington, D. C. Southwestern—W. A. Steenbergen, Agricultural Eng. Dept., College of Agri culture, U. of Ariz., Tucson, Ariz. St. Louis—H. R. Kilpatrick, 216 Elm Ave., Glendale, Mo.
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