Senior Class
senior class OFFICERS OF THE SENIOR CLASS GUS RANDOLPH, President; JIM FIVEASH, Secretary-Treasurer; EARL LAUBER, Vice-President Abend Abner Acree Adams, C. Adams, E. Adams, G. Aiello Aitken Akins Albritton Albury Allen, C. NORMAN ANCHEL ABEND, Boston, Massachusetts: Civil Engineering: American Chemical Society, 3, President. 4; A. I. Ch. E.; Major, Army Chi Epsilon, 3,4; American Society of Coil Engineers, 3, 4; Society of Amer- R. O. T. C.; Omicron Delta Kappa. ican Military Engineers, 2, 3, 4; Blue Print, I. JOSEPH JAMES AIELLO, Brooklyn, New York; Electrical Engineering; JOHN RICHARD ABNER, Clearwater, Florida; Chemical Engineering; Theta Xi; American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 3, 4; Second Lieutenant, Beta Theta Pi, Vice-President, 4; Dean's List, 3, 4; Bulldog Club, 2, 3, 4; Air R. 0. T. C.; Baseball, I. Technique, I, 2, News Editor, 3; Yellow Jacket, I. CHARLES HOWARD AITKEN, JR., Toms River, New Jersey; Industrial Engineering; Theta Chi; Alpha Pi Mu, 3, 4; American Institute of Industrial WILLIAM DAVID ACREE, Shelbyville, Kentucky; Industrial Management: Engineers, 2, Engineers,3, Secretary, 4; Captain, Army R. 0. T. C.; Distinguished Mili- I. S. O., Vice -President, 1; Debating Society 4; Toastmasters Club, 4; Manage- n - tary Student. ment Club, 4; Marketing Club, 4: Yellow Jacket, Football, 1. MARK MARION AKINS, Griffin, Georgia; Industrial Management; Kappa CHARLES FREDRICK ADAMS, Albany, Georgia; Electrical Engineering, Alpha; Club, 2, 3, 4; Football, 2, 3, 4; Management Club. Cooperative Plan: Chi Phi; American Institute of Electrical Engineers Armed Forces Communications Association, 4; Captain, Army R. O. T. C.; BOBBY GENE ALBRITTON, Mobile, Alabama; Industrial Engineering; Eta Kappa Nu; Scabbard and Blade.
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