Skt Sigma Kappa Triangle Vol 7
I Vol. 73 Spring No.4 1980 Features II CiliA Convention 1980 . 3 Convention Schedule . 4 llAiitiil Assistant Chairman. 5 1-IAICLI Delta Epsilon Reunion. 8 Official magazine of Sigma Kappa Sorority founded at Colby College, Water Lillian Perkins' Birthday ... .. .. ........... .... 11 ville, Me., Nov. 9, 1874 NATIONAL COUNCIL National President: Ernestine Duncan Col Koch Memorial Scholarship .. ..... ... ... ... .. 13 lins (Mrs. Leslie), 8239 SE 59th St., Mercer Island, W A 98040 Cincinnati 's 50th ... ......... .. ..... .. .. .. 15 Acting National Vice President for Alum nae: Norma Keating Giles (Mrs. William L.) 701-56th St., Des Moines, Oregon Honors 50-year Members . ......... .. .. 16 - lA 50312 National Vice President for Collegiates: Loyalty Fund Contributors ................... .. .. 18 Kathryn East Farlow (Mrs. Robert), 2160 Dorchester Rd., Birmingham, Ml Theta Gets New House ..... _... ......... ..... 38 48008 National Vice President for Collegiates: Patricia Schoenfelder Mills (Mrs. Bruce), 190 SW Birdshill Rd., Portland, OR 97219 Director of Expansion: Winona Keyes Averill Valentine (Mrs. William) 1036 E. 45th Way, Long Beach, CA 90807 Acting National Secretary-Treasurer: Departments Eleanor Dygert Haddon (Mrs. William), 7 E. Dolphin Way, Ocean Beach III, Lavallette, NJ 08735 Collegiate Representatives to Council: From the Alumnae . 6 Karen Kalmer, Gamma Mu and Trudie Feltch, Omicron. Write in care of Central Office From the Collegiates . ... .. ..................... 33 Sigmas Here and There .... ................ 17 • CENTRAL OFFICE 1717 West 86th Street, Suite 600 Indianapolis, Indiana 46260 TRIANGLE STAFF Editor: Jean Bendslev Teare (Mrs. Paul L.), 1607 Kirklee Rd., Charleston, WV 25314 Collegiate Editor: Anne Weaver Booske (Mrs. Henry G.), 2026 Northbrook Dr., Lancaster, PA 17601 Alumnae Editor: Harriet Smith Frazer (Mrs. Bernard AJ, 1416 Starfield Rd., On the Cover North Little Rock, AR 72116 SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE is published quarterly by Sigma Kappa, 1717 W.
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