On Behalf of the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life We Are Happy to Present the Summarized Academic Results from Spring Quarter 2016
July 26, 2016 Dear Sorority and Fraternity Leaders and Stakeholders: On behalf of the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life we are happy to present the summarized academic results from Spring Quarter 2016. As a community, the All-Sorority and Fraternity Grade Point Average (3.048) is above the All- Student Grade Point Average at UC Davis (2.897) for Spring Quarter 2016. Individually, congratulations are due to Alpha Epsilon Pi, whose members earned the highest average Spring GPA (3.31), and Sigma Alpha Epsilon Pi for receiving the highest average cumulative GPA (3.35). Please see the tables on the following pages for more detailed information about the academic performance of our community. For questions about chapter academic performance, please feel free to contact us directly (530.752.4606; jvlamarrelaurent@ucdavis.edu or 530.752.3828; meberhard@ucdavis.edu). Interfraternally, J. Valerie Lamarre Laurent Sorority and Fraternity Life Coordinator Student Housing Michael Eberhard Sorority and Fraternity Life Coordinator Student Housing Table 1. A summary of sorority and fraternity grades for each of the past three academic Quarters – Spring 2016, Winter 2016, and Fall 2015. Spring 2016 Winter 2016 Fall 2015 Category (68 groups) (67 groups) (66 groups) Students Quarter Cumulative Students Quarter Cumulative Students Quarter Cumulative Affiliated Women 1,692 3.105 3.096 1,655 3.103 3.079 1,583 3.005 1,675 All-Campus Women 15,786 2.962 3.006 16,474 2.925 2.982 17,749 2.807 15,223 Affiliated Men 820 2.93 2.993 807 2.929 2.996 812 2.905 970 All-Campus Men 10,885 2.803 2.902 11,435 2.783 2.889 12,556 2.682 11,063 All Affiliated 2,512 3.048 3.062 2,462 3.045 3.052 2,395 2.971 2,645 All-Campus 26,672 2.897 2.964 27,909 2.867 2.944 30,309 2.755 26,286 Table 2.
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