Life history, population dynamics, standing biomass and production of Bosminopsis deitersi () in a shallow tropical reservoir. MELÃO1,3, M.G.G. & ROCHA2,3, O.

1 Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), Dep. Hidrobiologia, Lab. Plâncton, P.O. Box 676, Zip code 13.565-905, São Carlos, SP, Brazil. e-mail: [email protected] 2 UFSCar, Dep. Ecologia e Biologia Evolutiva, P.O. Box 676, Zip code 13.565-905, São Carlos, SP, Brazil. e-mail: [email protected] 3 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia e Recursos Naturais, UFSCar.

ABSTRACT: Life history, population dynamics, standing biomass and production of Bosminopsis deitersi (Cladocera) in a shallow tropical reservoir. Reproductive performance, life history parameters (duration of embryonic and post-embryonic development and longevity) and stage-specific length and weight values were measured for a planktonic tropical cladoceran species, Bosminopsis deitersi, from a shallow Brazilian reservoir (Lagoa Dourada). This species was reared in laboratory under 20oC and 25oC and fed ad libitum on natural seston enriched with algae from laboratory cultures at 105 cells mL-1. Laboratory data on the duration of development and biomass, together with population dynamics data obtained in the field, were used to estimate summer and winter standing stock and production of B. deitersi in Lagoa Dourada reservoir. Development times were mainly temperature dependent, once food was not limiting, with shorter periods of embryonic and post-embryonic development and decreased longevity at 25oC. Mean weights of neonates, juveniles and adults were 0.23, 0.55 and 0.80mg, respectively. B. deitersi showed better reproductive performance in laboratory cultures with higher mean clutch-size (1.47 and 1.60 eggs per female at 20o C and 25oC, respectively) than field populations (1.12 and 1.11 eggs per female in winter and summer, respectively). Maximum production rate of B. deitersi in the field, attained during summer, was 5.08mgDW m-3 day-1 and the highest daily production: biomass (P:B) ratio was 0.35. Over short-time intervals (every other day) there was great variability on species’ production rates. Although this is the very first experimental study undertaken on this species, B. deitersi production rates were low compared to values reported in the literature for other cladocerans, from both tropical and subtropical regions. Key-words: secondary production, growth, reproduction, seasonal variation, tropical cladoceran.

RESUMO: Bionomia, dinâmica populacional, biomassa e produção de Bosminopsis deitersi (Cladocera) em um reservatório tropical raso. O desempenho reprodutivo, parâmetros da bionomia (duração do desenvolvimento embrionário e pós-embrionário, e longevidade) e valores de compri- mento e peso dos diferentes estádios foram medidos em uma espécie planctônica de cladócero tropical, Bosminopsis deitersi, de um reservatório raso brasileiro (Lagoa Doura- da). Essa espécie foi cultivada em laboratório a 20oC e 25oC, e alimentada ad libitum com seston natural enriquecido com algas cultivadas em laboratório à concentração de 105 células mL-1. Dados obtidos em laboratório para duração do desenvolvimento e biomassa, juntamente com dados de dinâmica populacional obtidos em campo, foram usados para estimar a biomassa e produção de B. deitersi na Lagoa Dourada. Os tempos de desenvol- vimento foram principalmente dependentes da temperatura, já que o alimento não foi limitante, com períodos de desenvolvimento embrionário e pós-embrionário mais curtos e um decréscimo da longevidade a 25oC. Os pesos médios das neonatas, jovens e adultos foram 0.23, 0.55 e 0.80mg, respectivamente. B. deitersi teve um maior desempenho reprodutivo quando cultivado no laboratório, apresentando maiores ninhadas (médias de 1.47 e 1.60 ovos por fêmea a 20oC e 25oC, respectivamente) do que a população de campo (1.12 e 1.11 por fêmea no inverno e no verão, respectivamente). A taxa de produção máxima obtida para B. deitersi no campo, alcançada durante o verão, foi de 5.08mgPS.m-3.dia-1 e a maior razão produção:biomassa (P:B) foi 0.35. Em curtos intervalos de tempo (diariamente) houve grande variabilidade nas taxas de produção da espécie. Embora este seja o primei- ro estudo experimental realizado com essa espécie, as taxas de produção de B. deitersi

Acta Limnol. Bras., 18(4):433-450, 2006 433 foram baixas quando comparadas a valores reportados na literatura para outros cladóceros, tanto de regiões tropicais quanto subtropicais. Palavras-chave: produção secundária, crescimento, reprodução, variação sazonal, cladócero tropical.

Introduction paper. Much effort has been done in order to Despite the importance of cladocerans uncover the role of particular species on in freshwater trophic chains, studies zooplankton communities of a variety of focusing on their production, especially in aquatic ecosystems, once they are an tropical and subtropical areas, are rare. In important component in the trophic chains Brazil, papers regarding production of of these environments. Studies, including cladoceran populations in freshwater those on life histories, standing biomass environments are basically inexistent. and production, contribute to the Although there are a few studies regarding understanding of the aquatic ecosystem’s life history characteristics, standing biomass trophic dynamics, regarding the balance or production for some cladocerans between input and output of matter and zooplankters in tropical and subtropical energy in natural populations. Knowledge environments in the world (Gras & Saint- about zooplankton growth and Jean, 1969, 1976, 1983; Hart, 1985; 1987; development rates are particularly important Hardy & Duncan, 1994; Irvine & Waya, 1999; in population dynamics, production and food Lewis, 1979; Mavuti, 1994; Saint-Jean & Saint- web studies (Vijverberg, 1989). Jean Bonou, 1994), the present work is the This paper presents part of a study first one focusing these aspects for on the production of zooplankton in Lagoa Bosminopsis deitersi, a species currently Dourada, a shallow oligotrophic reservoir found in these ecosystems. in the south-east of Brazil, which analyzed short term species fluctuations in the rainy Material and methods and dry seasons, over one year. Earlier articles have dealt with zooplankton Lagoa Dourada is a small, shallow populations’ structure, dynamics, reservoir located in the tropical region of abundance, standing biomass and total Brazil (22o 11' 33" S; 47o 55' 2"W), Brotas production by the addition of production District, São Paulo State (Fig. 1). As this values for each of the main rotifers, environment is near a transition region, its cladocerans and copepods species characteristics are very similar to the tropi- occurring in the reservoir (Melão & Rocha, cal ones. It has a surface area of 76,815m2, 2000); and life histories, standing biomass with a mean depth of 2.6m, maximum depth and production of two planktonic cyclopoid of 6.3m, and volume of 202,743m3 . It is copepods, Tropocyclops prasinus and located at an altitude of 715m. Mesocyclops longisetus (Melão & Rocha, The season with the lowest rainfall 2004). Production was calculated for each lasts from April to September (dry cold species separately, using the method based season) while that with the highest goes on their population dynamics. In order to from December to February (rainy hot analyze the factors regulating the season). Soil in the surrounding area of the production, population dynamics were reservoir is acid and sandy, and the typical related to environmental factors. The results vegetation is “cerrado”, the Brazilian of these analysis in regard to dominant savannah. The reservoir has great cladoceran species, Bosminopsis deitersi transparency; its bed is largely covered by Richard, 1895 (Anomopoda, ), macrophytes and the freshwater sponge were presented here. Since this species Metania spinata (Melão & Rocha, 1999). Daily shows continuous recruitment, a population sampling was carried out during 15 days, dynamics model is used to integrate field both in summer (January 10-24, 1995) and data with laboratory data on development winter (June 28 – July 12, 1995) at the rates and length/weight relationships. This limnetic region (5.2m depth, without involves the use of data as duration of the macrophytes). egg, juvenile and adult stages, at different Zooplankton samples were collected temperatures, which are examined in this with a low-rotation motorized pump. Volumes

434 MELÃO, M.G.G & ROCHA, O. Life history, population dynamics, standing biomass ...

Figure 1: Map of the Lobo watershed with the location of Lagoa Dourada reservoir, Brazil.

Acta Limnol. Bras., 18(4):433-450, 2006 435 of 300 and 100 L of water, for zooplankton carbon and cell volume relationship provided and phytoplankton, respectively, were by Rocha & Duncan (1985). Algal volumes obtained, integrating the water column from were obtained adopting the nearest 0 to 4.5m depth, sieved on 68 and 20mm- geometric form of each species for mesh nets and preserved in 4% calculations, and multiplying individual formaldehyde. species biovolume by population densities B. deitersi, the dominant planktonic in the samples. cladoceran species, was also raised in the laboratory, using the techniques described Results by Bottrell et al. (1976) and Vijverberg (1989). Culture vessels of 15mL were used for cultures. were fed with reservoir Laboratory results: life history seston enriched with algae from laboratory Table I summarizes the life history data cultures at 105 cells mL-1 (Chlamydomonas (mean values) of B. deitersi raised under sp, Scenedesmus bijugus and Monoraphidium laboratory conditions (20 and 25o C ± 1). pusillum). Cultures were kept at 20 and Mean lengths are given in Table II and 25o C ± 1, close to local winter and summer weights in Table III, for different age clas- mean temperatures (18.10 and 26.86o C, ses. These data were used for the respectively), with a 12h photoperiod. Culture calculation of field cladoceran production. medium replacement and observations were performed every 24 hours. Field results: population dynamics, Biomasses were calculated using length-weight relationships obtained by standing stock and production of B. deitersi measuring and weighing non-preserved Figure 2 compares the daily numerical animals (dried at 60oC over 24 hours) on a density [individuals (ind.) m-3] of B. deitersi Mettler MT-5 microanalytical balance with that of the dominant zooplankton (accuracy of 0.1mg). species in the reservoir during the summer Secondary production (P) was and winter of 1995, as well as the algal calculated by the biomass increment carbon concentration in the water over the method (Winberg et al., 1965), which takes same period (see also Melão & Rocha, into account biomass increment (Dv) , 2004). Among microcrustaceans, B. deitersi development time (T) and number of was dominant in all samples (up to 68000 individuals (N) of each instar or, in this case, ind. m-3 in summer and 17250 ind. m-3 in size classes (neonates = n, juveniles = j winter), followed by the copepods and adults = a), using the following equation: Tropocyclops prasinus in summer and Mesocyclops longisetus in winter (Melão & P = (Nn. Dvn) Tn-1 + (Nj. Dvj) Tj-1 + (Na. Dva) Ta-1 Rocha, 2004). Among rotifers, Hexarthra intermedia was abundant in summer, The production:biomass (P:B) ratio and whereas Polyarthra vulgaris predominated turnover time [(P:B)-1] were also determined. in winter (Melão & Rocha, op cit.). The The algal carbon concentration for the cladoceran under study had a mean relative dominant phytoplankton species in the numeric abundance of 24.5% in summer environment was calculated from a cell and 32.2% in winter.

Table I: Life history data (mean values) of B. deitersi raised under laboratory conditions (20oC and 25o C ± 1o C). T De CS N E % ICI PA IP TI MI L ML M 1.62 1.47 1.21 83.33 1.88 4.56 2.00 4.47 7 11.85 19.55

20oC SD 0.53 0.59 0.62 30.80 0.76 0.72 0.00 1.26 - 4.25 - n 48 66 66 66 38 19 19 19 - 20 - M 1.21 1.60 1.47 93.51 1.48 2.74 2.00 5.37 8 9.41 16.60 25oC SD 0.51 0.69 0.72 20.44 0.61 0.87 0.00 1.71 - 3.22 - n 66 77 77 77 45 14 19 19 - 18 -

T = Temperature (oC); De = embryonic development time (days); CS = clutch-size; N = number of ecloded neonates; E % = percentage of eclosion; ICI = inter-clutch interval (days); PA = primiparous age; IP = number of instars until primiparous; TI = total number of instars; MI = maximum number of instars; L = mean longevity; ML = maximum longevity. M = mean; SD = standard deviation; n = number of replicates.

436 MELÃO, M.G.G & ROCHA, O. Life history, population dynamics, standing biomass ... Table II: Mean values (mm) of length and width of eggs, length of neonates and successive moults of B. deitersi raised under laboratory conditions (20 and 25oC ± 1oC). T Eggs Neonates 1st Mo 2nd Mo 3rd Mo 4th Mo 5th Mo 6th Mo 7th Mo 8th Mo length width M 138.67 99.67 185.25 240.50 282.29* 308.29 338.00 364.00 372.67 - - 20oC SD 13.43 10.61 16.66 18.38 23.39 9.83 26.00 0.00 15.01 - - n 6 6 8 8 7 7 3 3 3 - - M 136.50 91.00 208.00 253.50 293.43* 312.00 320.67 351.00 351.00 390.00 390.00 25oC SD 12.04 12.04 21.23 12.04 19.65 0.00 15.01 15.01 18.38 0.00 - n 8 8 7 8 7 6 3 4 2 2 1

Numbers marked with * correspond to primiparous females’ length. T = Temperature (oC); M= mean; SD = standard deviation; n = number of replicates; Mo = moult.

Table III: Dry weight (mg) of eggs, neonates, juveniles and adults of B. deitersi raised under laboratory conditions (20 and 25oC ± 1oC). Female Female Eggs Neonates Juveniles (no eggs) (+ eggs) M 0.10 0.23 0.55 0.70 0.80 SD 0.00 0.12 0.02 0.10 0.08

n 3 (57) 5 (106) 3 (42) 3 (71) 4 (41)

M = mean; SD = standard deviation; n = number of replicates. Numbers in brackets are the total number of individuals weighed.

The mean contribution of each age and 6 times in winter. The regularity of peaks class to total B. deitersi numerical density, and subsequent decreases suggests that standing stock and production is presented it could be caused by recruitment from eggs in Figure 3. All mean values were higher in followed by predation, and partially by drift summer than in winter. There was a losses. predominance of adults (including females Among the microcrustaceans, B. with and without eggs) both in summer and deitersi displays the highest biomass winter. In summer, the female with eggs values in both sampling periods (compare class represented approximately 28% of with Melão & Rocha, 2004). Mean values of adults, while in winter, 17%, evidenced the 11.8mgDW m-3 (ranging from 1.5 to higher reproductive potential in the first 42.3mgDW m-3) were found in summer and period. of 1.7mgDW m-3 (ranging from 1.7 to Numerical density (ind. m-3), standing 9.1mgDW m-3) in winter. Cladoceran biomass stock and production of each age class represented, in average, 54.66% of the to- (neonate, juvenile and adult) during the tal zooplankton biomass in summer and fifteen sampling days in summer and winter 75.09% in winter. B. deitersi, the most of 1995, are summarized in Figure 4. Neonate abundant cladoceran species in all sampling and juvenile’s production is somatic growth, days, represented, as a mean, 97.36% of while for adult, only the reproductive the cladoceran biomass in summer and production was considered. In general, adult 92.41% in winter. Adult biomass numbers surpassed those of other age clas- predominated both in summer and in winter, ses in summer (Fig. 4). In winter, although while neonates’ biomass was lower adult predominated as a mean (Fig. 3), daily throughout the sampling period. juvenile densities were similar or slightly Mean production rate of B. deitersi was higher than adults in several sampling days almost four times higher in summer than in (Fig. 4). There was a large variability in winter. In summer, the mean value of densities recorded daily. Total daily 2.13mgDW m-3 day-1 (ranging from 0.29 to densities varied up to 25 times in summer 5.08mgDW m-3 day-1) represents 47.46% of

Acta Limnol. Bras., 18(4):433-450, 2006 437 SUMMER

8 40 7 35 ) ) -3 4 6 30 10

-3 5 25 4 20 3 15 2 10 Densi t y (ind. m Algal c a rbon (µ g C m 1 5 0 0 10/Jan 11/Jan 12/Jan 13/Jan 14/Jan 15/Jan 16/Jan 17/Jan 18/Jan 19/Jan 20/Jan 21/Jan 22/Jan 23/Jan 24/Jan

WINTER 25 4 23 21 ) ) 3 19

3 -3 10 17 -3 15 13 2 11 9 7

Den sit y (in d . m 5 1 3 Algal carb on (µgC m 1

-1 28/jun 29/jun 30/jun 1/jul 2/jul 3/jul 4/jul 5/jul 6/jul 7/jul 8/jul 9/jul 10/jul 11/jul 12/jul 0

Tropocyclops prasinus Mesocyclops longisetus 78 0123456 Bosminopsis deitersi Polyarthra vulgaris 8 01234567 Hexarthra intermedia Algal carbon

Figure 2: Comparison between daily numerical densities (ind. m-3) of B. deitersi and those of the dominant zooplanktonic species in Lagoa Dourada during summer and winter of 1995, as well as the algal carbon concentration in the environment at this period (see also Melão & Rocha, 2004).

438 MELÃO, M.G.G & ROCHA, O. Life history, population dynamics, standing biomass ... SUMMER WINTER

25000 25000

20000 20000 -3 -3 15000 15000

ind. m 10000 ind. m 10000

5000 5000

0 0

14,0 14,0 12,0 12,0 10,0 10,0 -3 -3 8,0 8,0 6,0 6,0 mgDW m 4,0 mgDW m 4,0 2,0 2,0 0,0 0,0

2,50 2,50

2,00 2,00 -1 -1 day day 1,50 1,50 -3 -3

1,00 1,00 mgDW m mgDW m 0,50 0,50

0,00 0,00


E+0 0,0E 4 +00

neonate juvenile adultn adult-egg total

Figure 3: Mean contribution of each age class to total B. deitersi numerical density (a), standing stock (b) and average productivity (c) in Lagoa Dourada during summer and winter of 1995.

Acta Limnol. Bras., 18(4):433-450, 2006 439 SUMMER (JANUARY) WINTER (JUNE - JULY) 80000 20000

60000 15000 -3 -3 40000 10000 ind. m ind. m

20000 5000

0 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



9000 30000 -3

6000 20000 µgDW m-3 µgDW m

3000 10000

0 0 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

6000 1200 -1 4000 -1 800 day day -3 -3 µgDW m 2000 µgDW m 400

0 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Neonate Juvenile Adult

Figure 4: Daily numerical density (a), daily standing stock (b) and daily productivity (c) of each age class (neonate, juvenile and adult) of B. deitersi in Lagoa Dourada during fifteen sampling days in summer (January) and winter (June - July) of 1995.

440 MELÃO, M.G.G & ROCHA, O. Life history, population dynamics, standing biomass ... total zooplankton production and, in winter, cladocerans’ production in summer and the mean of 0.54mgDW m-3 day-1 (ranging 7.51% in winter. from 0.24 to 1.13mgDW m-3 day-1) represents For B. deitersi there was a tendency of 63.33% of total zooplankton production. B. decline in the P:B ratios in winter. The deitersi presented as a mean 97.36% of highest P:B ratio was 0.35 (2.86 days for cladoceran production in summer and biomass turnover) in summer and 0.26 (3.85 92.41% in winter. The only other truly days for biomass turnover) in winter. Mean planktonic cladoceran species found in the P:B rates were 0.20 and 0.15 (5.00 and 6.67 samples, Ceriodaphnia cornuta, represented days for biomass turnover) in summer and only 0.46% of cladocerans’ production in winter, respectively. summer and 0.08% in winter. Other Table IV shows a comparison of B. cladocerans species, not typically deitersi production related to reproduction planktonic, found in the samples (Pr) between laboratory (20 and 25oC± 1oC) (Simocephalus serrulatus, Acroperus and natural conditions (winter and summer). harpae, Ilyocryptus spinifer, Macrothrix This production was obtained by multiplying pectinata, Macrothrix rosea, Chydorus spp) the mean clutch-size, both in laboratory and represented altogether 2.18% of in the reservoir, by egg weight.

Table IV: Comparison of production related to reproduction (Pr) of B. deitersi between laboratory and natural conditions (20oC and 25oC ± 1oC in laboratory which are near to mean winter and summer temperatures in the field).

ToC CS-lab CS-field Pr-lab Pr-field 20oC / M 1.47 1.12 0.15 0.11 Winter SD 0.59 0.33 - -

n 66 107 - -

25oC / M 1.60 1.11 0.16 0.11

Summer SD 0.69 0.31 - -

n 77 70 - -

CS-lab = clutch-size in laboratory conditions; CS-field = clutch-size in the reservoir; Pr-lab = production relating to reproduction in laboratory conditions; Pr-field = production relating to reproduction in the reservoir. Pr (mgDW) = CS x egg weight (0.10mg). M = mean; SD = standard deviation; n = number of replicates.

Discussion production studies by supplying accurate information on development times under B. deitersi is a truly tropical cladoceran controlled conditions. According to Seitz species and has been commonly recorded (1979, in Hart 1985), some population in Brazilian freshwaters (Arcifa, 1984; No- dynamics parameters, like finite and gueira, 2001; Branco et al., 2000; Lima et instantaneous birth and death rates, may al., 1996, 1998). Most of the citations for be greatly distorted by errors in egg this species refer to studies regarding development rates. The duration of zooplankton composition and distribution embryonic development (De) in planktonic (Arcifa, 1984.; Egborge, 1994; Lin et al., freshwater cladocerans is mainly dependent 2003; Nogueira, 2001; Branco et al., 2000; on temperature. Egg development rates for Lima et al., 1996, 1998), of morphology this group, as well as for copepods, have (Kotov, 1997) or predation impact (Chang been reviewed by Bottrell et al. (1976). et al., 2004; Chang & Hanazato, 2005; Nevertheless, some authors found that the Mandima, 1999). The present study is the quantity of food could also be an important first providing data on life history and production of this species factor for the duration of embryonic development of some tropical planktonic cladoceran species: they show some Laboratory studies evidence that low food level affects De, Life history which might be longer under lower values, Raising zooplankton species in due to the poor nutritional condition of the laboratory is important to secondary mother (Hardy & Duncan, 1994).

Acta Limnol. Bras., 18(4):433-450, 2006 441 Life history data available for libitum). Despite the lack of data for this cladocerans from tropical and subtropical species, the results on development times regions are limited, especially for non- obtained in this study were consistent daphnids. Particularly for B. deitersi, there compared to those found in literature for are no data available in literature. Despite some other planktonic cladoceran species, this, Bottrell et al. (1976) show that the mean especially for those of approximately development time for non-daphnids equivalent size (Tab. V), and follow the cladocerans, at 25oC, is not much longer general trend of an inverse relationship than one day, which is close to what we between temperature and development obtained in this study (1.21 days). time, as reported by other authors (Rocha Temperature was the main factor controlling & Matsumura - Tundisi, 1990; Hardy & the duration of embryonic development of Duncan, 1994; Melão, 1999), as well as for B. deitersi reared on a high food level (ad- longevity.

Table V: Comparison of tropical cladoceran life history data; T = temperature; De = embryonic development duration and Dj = postembryonic development duration (juvenile from birth to primiparous) in days; CS = clutch size (eggs female-1); L = mean longevity (days) and LM = maximum longevity (days). Life history Origin of Taxa T Food conditions Author data animals Seston + algae 105cels. mL-1 De = 1.62 / 1.21 Lagoa (Chlamydomonas Bosminopsis Dj = 4.56 / 2.74 Dourada 20oC/25oC sp., Scenedesmus This study deitersi CS = 1.47 / 1.60 reservoir bijugus, L = 11.85 / 9.41 (Brazil) Monoraphidium pusillum),. Seston + algae 105cels. mL-1 Lagoa De = 3.24 / 1.66 (Chlamydomonas Ceriodaphnia Dourada 20oC/25oC Dj = 4.76 / 3.83 sp., Scenedesmus Melão, 1999 cornuta reservoir CS = 2.22 / 1.76 bijugus, (Brazil) Monoraphidium pusillum),. De = 2.00 Scenedesmus Rocha & São Paulo laevis 25oC Dj = 4.92 bijugatus - 105 Matsumura - (Brazil) CS = 14.30 cels.mL-1 Tundisi, 1990 De = 3.39 / 2.00 Scenedesmus Rocha & Daphnia São Paulo 18oC/25oC Dj = 12.27 / 4.30 bijugatus - 105 Matsumura - gessneri (Brazil) CS = 9.17 / 9.07 cels.mL-1 Tundisi, 1990 De = 2.0 Scenedesmus Rocha & Daphnia São Paulo 25oC Dj = 4.25 bijugatus - 105 Matsumura - ambigua (Brazil) CS = 7.12 cels.mL-1 Tundisi, 1990 Barra De = 2.44 / 1.36 Rietzler, 1998 Diaphanosoma Bonita 20oC/25oC Dj = 7.19 / 3.17 Seston ( 100 m) in Fonseca & birgei < m reservoir CS = 1.57 / 2.39 Rocha 2004 (Brazil) De = 2.32 / 1.33 Barra Rietzler, 1998 Ceriodaphnia Dj = 5.45 / 4.50 Bonita 20oC/25oC Seston (< 100mm) in Fonseca & silvestrii CS = 2.02 / 4.13 reservoir Rocha 2004 L = 17.22 (Brazil) De = 2.08 to 2.63* / 1.58 to 2.25* / 1.0 to Several diets Lake Daphnia Hardy & 22oC/27oC/32oC 1.29* Continuous flow Jacaretinga gessneri Duncan, 1994 Dj = 7.38 to 10.0* cultures. (Brazil) / 6.5 to 8.25* / 5.5 to 10.25* Several diets Lake Moina De = 1.0 to 2.13* Hardy & 27oC Continuous flow Jacaretinga reticulatada Dj = 2.0 to 3.75 Duncan, 1994 cultures. (Brazil) Several diets Lake Diaphanosoma De = 1.0 to 1.83* Hardy & 27oC Continuous flow Jacaretinga sarsi Dj = 3.0 to 5.25* Duncan, 1994 cultures. (Brazil) Monoraphidium Tanks, S. Ceriodaphnia CS = 9.46 Fonseca & 25oC dibowiskii- 105 cels. Carlos silvestrii L = 29.8 Rocha, 2004 mL-1 (Brazil) Monoraphidium Tanks, S. Daphnia laevis 25oC CS = 1.57 to 2.36 dibowiskii- 105 cels. Carlos Fonseca, 1998 mL-1 (Brazil)

442 MELÃO, M.G.G & ROCHA, O. Life history, population dynamics, standing biomass ... Table 5: Cont. . Life history Origin of Taxa T Food conditions Author data animals De = 1.27 Lake Ceriodaphnia Hardy & 29oC Dj = 2.5 Natural Calado, cornuta Caraballo, 1995 LM = 25 (Brazil) Lake Daphnia Dj = 4.8 Hardy & 29oC Natural Calado, gessneri LM = 21 Caraballo, 1995 (Brazil) Sipaúba- Dj = 1.09 to 1.42 Fish ponds, Moina micrura 25oC Several diets Tavares & L = 4.58 to 5.57 (Brazil) Bachion, 2002. Sipaúba- Diaphanosoma Dj = 2.27 to 2.75 Fish ponds 25oC Several diets Tavares & birgei L = 13.51 to 16.21 (Brazil) Bachion, 2002. Lake Lanao Moina micrura 25oC De = 2.15 Natural Lewis, 1979 (Philippines) Lake Lanao fatalis 25oC De = 1.42 Natural Lewis, 1979 (Philippines) Lake le 24oC De = 2.16* Seston (< 35mm) + Daphnia gibba Roux (South Hart, 1985 19.1oC De = 3.0* Chlorella sp. Africa) Lake le Daphnia 24oC De = 1.89* Seston (< 35mm) + Roux (South Hart, 1985 barbata 19oC De = 2.95* Chlorella sp. Africa) Lake le Daphnia 24oC De = 1.95* < m Seston ( 35 m) + Roux (South Hart, 1985 longispina 20oC De = 2.54* Chlorella sp. Africa) 26.7oC De = 1.02* Lake le Moina 23.6oC De = 1.36* Seston (< 35mm) + Roux (South Hart, 1985 brachiata 21.1oC De = 1.73* Chlorella sp. Africa) 18.7oC De = 2.56* * Values originally supplied in hours by the author.

The post-embryonic development time According to Lei & Armitage (1980), an (Dj) was considered as the juvenile duration, increase in post-embryonic development from birth of neonates to the primiparous time could be due to either an increase in female. Thus, the duration of the juvenile the number of juvenile instars or an increase stage also estimates the age of the in each instar duration or, yet, an increase primipara female. in both. Apparently, B. deitersi has a Post-embryonic duration is mainly lengthened longevity at 20oC by increasing affected by temperature and quality/quantity the duration of the each individual instar, of food. Hardy & Duncan (1994), studying once the total number of instars was lower three tropical cladoceran species, showed at 20oC than at 25oC, although the longevity that the response to severe conditions of in the first temperature was longer (Tabl. I both, high temperatures and low food level and II). (which could represent common conditions Comparing post-embryonic deve- for tropical species), involves the increase lopment times of B. deitersi in the present in the number of juvenile instars, delaying experimental study with data available for the primipara’s stage and, consequently, other tropical species also raised under non- increasing her longevity. Indeed, the limiting food conditions (Tab. V), this small- authors found that threshold concentration size cladoceran seems to develop and was affected by temperature. However, attain maturity faster than larger animals, according to Bottrell et al. (1976), under non- thus providing additional evidence to limiting food levels, as in the present ex- support the hypothesis that body size and perimental study, post-embryonic duration of post-embryonic development development times are highly dependent of cladocerans are positively related (Hall on temperature. Like for embryonic et al., 1976 and Allan & Goulden, 1980 in durations, there was an inverse relationship Hardy & Duncan 1994). between temperature and post-embryonic In relation to the reproductive potential duration of B. deitersi from Lagoa Dourada of B. deitersi, the difference between field reservoir (Tab. I). Females became and laboratory clutch sizes and, primiparous, being able to produce a brood consequently, between production related of young, after two moults, in both experi- to reproduction (Tab. IV) was found to be mental temperatures. greater than the differences obtained at the

Acta Limnol. Bras., 18(4):433-450, 2006 443 two experimental temperatures. This is a area, rarely showing values of biomass consequence of the lower food availability (Dumont et al., 1975). Biomass information in field (Lagoa Dourada is an oligotrophic for local species is important, however, environment), once the number of eggs because it may vary with temperature, produced by females are closely related to quality and quantity of food and the the quantity/quality of food. According to genotype of the local population. These Vijverberg (1989), most species do not data are also necessary in food web and achieve their growth and reproduction secondary production studies. Although potential in natural conditions because, other weight data for B. deitersi were not frequently, there is limitation of food. found for comparison, Table VI shows some Most zooplankton studies evaluate stage-specific dry-weight data available for species’ abundance only in terms of the some planktonic cladocerans, for number of organisms per unit volume or comparison.

Table VI: Weight values of planktonic cladocerans, from several sources. Dry weight (mgDW) of eggs, neonates (N), primipara (P), adult females (F) and mean of mixed sizes (M).

Species Dry weight Origin of animals Author (µgDW) N = 1.8 Rocha & Sipaúba- Ceriodaphnia silvestrii Fish ponds, SP (Brazil) P = 8.4 Tavares, 1994 N = 3.8 Ceriodaphnia silvestrii Tanks, S. Carlos (Brazil) Fonseca & Rocha, 2004 P = 9.7 N = 0.5 Lake Monte Alegre Bunioto & Arcifa in Ceriodaphnia richardi P = 4.9 (Brazil) Fonseca & Rocha 2004 Egg = 0.26 Ceriodaphnia reticulata F = 1.04 to 9.58 (0.4 to Ag. Sidi Ali (Morocco) Dumont et al., 1975 1.2 mm) Egg = 0.35 Ceriodaphnia quadrangula F = 1.32 to 15.86 (0.4 to Lake Donk (Belgium) Dumont et al., 1975 1.2 mm) Moina micrura M = 1.35 Lake George (Uganda) Burgis, 1974 Ceriodaphnia cornuta M = 1.13 Lake George (Uganda) Burgis, 1974 Daphnia barbata M = 2.75 Lake George (Uganda) Burgis, 1974 Moina micrura M = 2.3 Lake Chad (Africa) Gras & Saint-Jean, 1983 Diaphanosoma excisum M = 2.5 Lake Chad (Africa) Gras & Saint-Jean, 1983 Bosmina longirostris M = 0.75 Lake Chad (Africa) Gras & Saint-Jean, 1983 Daphnia barbata M = 2.9 Lake Chad (Africa) Gras & Saint-Jean, 1983 Bosmina longirostris M = 0.86 Lake Kariba (Zimbabwe) Masundire, 1994 Ceriodaphnia cornuta M = 1.56 Lake Kariba (Zimbabwe) Masundire, 1994 Diaphanosoma excisum M = 1.81 Lake Kariba (Zimbabwe) Masundire, 1994 Daphnia lumholtzi M = 6.5 Lake Kariba (Zimbabwe) Masundire, 1994

Field studies as well as laboratory cultures maintained Population dynamics and biological in this study, we can consider it as a filtering interactions species, feeding mainly on algae, bacteria The regulation of the number of and detritus, i.e. the typical food source of organisms in a population is frequently seen major part of cladocerans’ species (Wylie & as being due to predation (top-down) or to Currie, 1991). During the present study, it food resource availability (bottom-up), but grows well with algae as food source in a these two types of regulation are related culture medium not free of bacteria and (Leibold, 1989). appears to have a positive relation, in the Although there were no previous field, with algae and possible bacteria detailed studies on feeding ecology of B. increases. Nevertheless, the relative deitersi, taking into account its population importance of algae and bacteria for this dynamics in Lagoa Dourada (Melão, 1997) species remains to be examined.

444 MELÃO, M.G.G & ROCHA, O. Life history, population dynamics, standing biomass ... In many tropical and subtropical water cyclopoid species was observed in bodies, the alternation of rainy calm laboratory experimental studies by Melão & summers with dry windy winters constitutes, Rocha (2004). On the other hand, in winter, in most cases, the main factor promoting the cyclopoid Mesocyclops longisetus had seasonal changes in communities. a relative higher importance on the daily In Lagoa Dourada, there were great changes fluctuations of B. deitersi, once populations between summer and winter phytoplankton of the first predator (T. prasinus) decreased populations, related to the rainfall. In in this period (Melão & Rocha, 2004). Chang summer, intensified production and & Hanazato (2005) studying the vulnerability decomposition processes, following of three small cladoceran species, including nutrient loading stimulates secondary B. deitersi, to predation by Mesocyclops sp. production. Primary production seems to be found that this cyclopoid rejected prey the main limiting factor for zooplankton higher than 0.35mm of the two larger growth in this reservoir, since algal carbon studied species, whereas most individuals is very low, even in summer (17.5 to 18.3mgC of B. deitersi were consumed. Indeed, m-3) and algal carbon in summer (7.5 times according to these authors, the greatest that of winter) is associated to relatively vulnerability and shorter prey handling is small sizes of algae (Peridiniales) compared during the juvenile period, thus Mesocyclops to those in winter (Desmidiaceae) (Melão, sp. ingest small juveniles more efficiently 1997; Melão & Rocha, 2000, 2004). than larger individuals. In Lagoa Dourada, Food & temperature are essential the period in which M. longisetus replaces factors to determine zooplankton temporal T. prasinus (winter) coincides with a larger dynamics in freshwater ecosystems. In La- proportion of neonates and juveniles in goa Dourada, we could observe that B. relation to adults of B. deitersi (although deitersi daily fluctuations, although quite numeral densities are smaller than in irregular, evidencing several food sources, summer), what might have favoured the first it is possible to see some peaks related to predator species in winter. Thus, it is possible algae cellular carbon concentration and with to verify that decreases in B. deitersi the dynamics of the potential predators’ population density were, in this study, populations (see Fig. 2). In summer, for frequently followed by increases in both example, the peaks for this cladoceran predators’ populations. As pointed out by population followed the peaks for algal Gliwicz & Pijanowska (1989), the predation carbon concentrations and the highest peak intensity has a determinant role in abruptly fell down when algae began to succession events of zooplankton decrease. One last peak occurred when populations, together with abiotic factors algal carbon concentration was already and food availability (quantity and quality). decreasing, but this was preceded by an increase of total and organic material and, Standing stock possibly, bacterial populations related to Studies on zooplankton standing stock high decomposition rates in the reservoir are useful to supply information about during rainy periods (Melão & Rocha, 2000). available material in each trophic level, Bacteria populations must represent an besides of being a more suitable measure important alternative food source for of organisms’ growth, once lengths do not planktonic cladocerans in Lagoa Dourada. take into account the nutritional reserves. The importance of bacteria on maintenance Nevertheless, the difficulties involved in of cladoceran populations was pointed out obtaining these values explain why so few by Wylie & Currie (1991), who suggested that zooplankton biomass estimates are either algae or bacteria populations could available for tropical environments (Payne, result in the same carbon transfer rates by 1986). a time unit in . Standing stock data for tropical and In our field data, it was also possible subtropical cladocerans species found in to identify a probable prey-predator the literature show large variability. Gras and relationship between the populations of Saint-Jean (1983) estimated for eight B. deitersi and Tropocyclops prasinus (a small cladoceran species in Lake Chad (Africa), cyclopoid copepod), reflecting a potential under mean temperature of 26.2o C, the impact on the survival of this planktonic following mean standing stock values for prey (see also Melão & Rocha, 2004). In fact, two consecutive years of study: 16.5mgDW predation on this cladoceran by this m -3 for Moina micrura; 27.5mgDW m-3 for

Acta Limnol. Bras., 18(4):433-450, 2006 445 Diaphanosoma excisum; 29.6mgDW m-3 for studying the population dynamics and Bosmina longirostris; 27.8mgDW m-3 for production of five planktonic crustaceans’ three Daphnia species and 23.1mgDW m-3 species from lake Le Roux (South Africa), a for two Ceriodaphnia species. In Lagoa Dou- reservoir with distinct turbidity rada, under mean temperatures of 19.1oC to characteristics, during two years. For 25.6oC in winter and summer, respectively, cladocerans, the author found the following we found lower mean standing stock values standing biomass values, in the years of (4.1 and 11.8mgDW m-3), which could be higher and lower turbidity, respectively: 1.1 explained by lower food availability (20 to and 9.7mgDW m-3 for Daphnia gibba; 0.4 280 mg chlorophyll a m-3 in L. Chad and 1.8 and 0.6mgDW m-3 for Moina brachiata and 0 mg chlorophyll a m-3 in Lagoa Dourada – and 0.8mgDW m-3 for Daphnia barbata. The Melão & Rocha, 2000), besides the smaller standing biomass values were, therefore, size of B. deitersi and differences in higher in the year with the lowest turbidity. temperatures. However, the values are Detailed zooplankton standing stock closer to those obtained by Lewis (1979) data including the different stages of for three cladoceran species from Lake development are not common. The Lanao (Philippines), under mean predominance of each stage is much o -3 temperature of 24 C (20mgDW m for related with the local environmental -3 Diaphanosoma modigliani; 2.7mgDW m for conditions. Lewis (1979) recorded values -3 Moina micrura and 3.7mgDW m for of 3.60 mgDW m-3 for juveniles and adults Bosmina fatalis), especially for the small and 0.11mgDW m-3 for eggs and embryos ones. of Bosmina fatalis (Lake Lanao). At Lake Malawi, Irvine & Waya (1999) In the present study, for B. deitersi, the obtained a mean standing stock of dominant cladoceran species in Lagoa Dou- -2 55.5mgDW m (ranging from 15 to 123mgDW rada, the standing stock values of m -2) for Diaphanosoma excisum, the developmental stages were found to be dominant cladoceran species. In this higher than those recorded for copepods environment, the smaller cladoceran, (Melão & Rocha, 2004) and also higher than Bosmina longirostris, contributed little to those data reported by Lewis (1979). We overall biomass, usually with less than found maximum values of 2.6, 10.5 and 10mgDW m-2. The standing stock of the 30.6mgDW m-3 for neonates, juveniles and dominant cladoceran species in Lagoa Dou- adults (including females with eggs), rada is quite comparable to the figures just respectively. The predominance of adults, reported: mean production (integrated for a in summer or in winter, indicates that the water column of 4.5m depth) were environmental conditions are suitable for 53.05mgDW m-2 in summer and growth and reproduction of this species. 18.45mgDW m-2 in winter. Also, the very short development time of Evaluating the production of planktonic the neonate must contribute for a minor crustaceans in Lake Naivasha (Kenya), a participation of this developmental stage moderately eutrophic tropical water body, in the total standing stock, as found for this Mavuti (1994) found an annual mean biomass of 87.7mgDW m-3 for Diaphanosoma species in Lagoa Dourada. excisum under a mean annual temperature of 22o C. The standing stock was higher in Production the rainy season, similarly to what was The standing stock of the organisms found in Lagoa Dourada in the present present at a certain moment in an study. Lévêque and Saint-Jean (1979 in environment does not necessarily reflect Mavuti, 1994) found a mean annual biomass the production rate of new material or the of 27.5mgDW m-3 (annual mean temperature rate of energy transfer. The zooplankton, of 26o C) for D. excisum in Lake Chad for example, accumulates little biomass (oligotrophic). Cladocerans’ mean standing compared to bigger species, but, on stock in Lagoa Dourada is low when the other hand, they have a short compared to these data. However, B. deitersi generation time. Thus, productivity is a more shows, in the summer, standing biomass realistic measure of the contribution of each peaks (up to 42.3mgDW m-3) comparable to species to the energy and the available those for the cladoceran from Lake Chad, resources in the ecosystem. although this is a smaller species. Although there are several estimates Hart (1987) also recorded data for zooplankton production in African lakes comparable to those from Lagoa Dourada, and reservoirs, in South America they are

446 MELÃO, M.G.G & ROCHA, O. Life history, population dynamics, standing biomass ... almost non-existent. Production rates Diaphanosoma excisum, the dominant display great variation even among species planktonic cladoceran species from the of similar sizes or closely related species. slightly eutrophic Lake Naivasha (Kenya), in Lévêque & Saint-Jean (1983 in Payne, 1986), a mean temperature of 22.5o C. Like in La- quantifying the zooplankton production of goa Dourada, the production was Lake Chad (Africa), found a mean cladoceran continuous but with irregular peaks, production of 41.9 mgDW m-3 day-1 (ranging especially in the rainy season when from 9.6 a 98.8 mgDW m-3 day-1), being Moina planktonic standing biomass was higher. micrura, Bosmina longirostris and For the different developmental stages of Diaphanosoma excisum the three most D. excisum, the author registered mean important species, in terms of production, annual production values of 0.44mgDW m-3 of this environment (40 to 66% of the total day-1 for eggs (7.4% of total production), production). In Lagoa Dourada 3.72mgDW m-3 day-1 for juveniles (62.4% of we found much lower values for crustaceans total production) and 1.80mgDW m-3 day-1 for (Melão & Rocha, 2000, 2004). Particularly adults (30.2% of total production). For for B. deitersi, which represented more than B. deitersi, we found lower mean values 90% of cladoceran production, the mean (0.3 / 0.03, 1.4 / 0.4 and 0.5 / 0.1mgDW m-3 values were not higher than 2.13mgDW m-3 day-1, for adults with eggs, neonates and day-1 (in summer), with a maximum value of juveniles, in summer and winter, 5.08mgDW m-3 day-1. respectively), what could certainly be Gras & Saint-Jean (1983) also estimated expected due to the different trophic state the production of crustacean zooplankton of the environments as well as the intra- in Lake Chad, and found for cladocerans, specific characteristics. However, the under a mean temperature of 26.2o C, the maximum values found in Lagoa Dourada following annual production values: for the developmental stages (0.9mgDW m-3 3118.1mgDW m-3 year-1 for Moina micrura; day-1 for eggs, considered as the adult 3242.4mgDW m-3 year-1 for Diaphanosoma production, 4.1mgDW m-3 day-1 for neonates excisum; 2123.1mgDW m-3 year-1 for Bosmina and 1.6mgDW m-3 day-1 for juveniles) seem longirostris; 2101.8mgDW m-3 year-1 for three to be closer to the author’s data. Daphnia species and 3494.9mgDW m-3 year- In general, the cladoceran production 1 for two Ceriodaphnia species. Converting rates in Lagoa Dourada were low compared B. deitersi production to the same unit, we to values recorded in the literature for tro- have 195.8 and 768.4mgDW m-3 year-1, in pical and subtropical regions. winter and summer, respectively. Again, the values found in Lagoa Dourada were much P:B ratio lower, probably as a consequence of a lower The P:B ratio is a productivity index trophic state, reflecting the lower food commonly used and it is expressed as the availability, among other factors such as reciprocal of the renewal time of a species temperature and species’ particularities. population, under given conditions. Great Irvine and Waya (1999) reported annual differences have been found for the -2 production values of 8.0 and 8.6gDW m renewal rates among zooplankton species, for Diaphanosoma excisum in two although the reasons for that are not well consecutive years full lake cruises in Lake understood. Malawi. In Lagoa Dourada, the water Gras & Saint-Jean (1983) estimated mean column integrated mean daily production daily P:B ratios for several cladocerans from -2 of B. deitersi was 2.45 and 9.61mgDW m Lake Chad. He found the values of 0.21, -1 o day , under mean temperatures of 17.8 C 0.20, 0.32, 012 and 0.52, respectively for: o and 27.8 C (winter and summer, three species of Daphnia together, Bosmina respectively). In annual basis, mean longirostris; Diaphanosoma excisum; two -2 production of this cladoceran is 2.17gDW m Ceriodaphnia species and Moina micrura -1 -2 -1 year (0.88 and 3.46gDW m year in winter dubia, under a mean temperature of 26.2oC. and summer, respectively) which is Mavuti (1994) obtained a P:B ratio of 0.07 approximately four times lower than the (turnover time of 13.7 days) for values found by that author for that larger Diaphanosoma excisum in Lake Naivasha sized cladoceran species in the also (Kenya). For this same species, Lévêque oligotrophic, Lake Malawi. and Saint-Jean (1979 in Mavuti, 1994) Mavuti (1994) recorded a mean reported a mean daily P:B ratio of 0.32 -3 -1 production rate of 5.96mgDW m day for (turnover time of 3.1 days) in Lake Chad and

Acta Limnol. Bras., 18(4):433-450, 2006 447 Irvine & Waya (1999) of 0.42 (original data Burgis, M.J. 1974. Revised estimates for the on annual basis) in Lake Malawi, both in biomass and production of zooplankton Africa. Hart (1987) registered values of P:B in Lake George, Uganda. Freshwater Biol., ratio ranging from 0.005 to 0.008 for two 4:535-541. Daphnia species and 0.13 to 0.21 for Moina Chang, K.H. & Hanazato, T. 2005. Prey brachiata in Lake Le Roux (South Africa). handling time and ingestion probability Moina micrura from Lake Chad was found for Mesocyclops sp. Predation on small to have 27% to 87% of biomass renewal cladoceran species Bosmina longirostris, per day (Lévêque & Saint-Jean, 1983 in Bosminopsis deitersi, and Scapholeberis Payne, 1986). Lewis (1979) reported for three mucronata. Limnology, 6:39-44. cladoceran species from Lake Lanao Chang, K.H., Nagata, T. & Hanazato, T. 2004. (Philippines), under mean temperature of Direct and indirect impacts of predation 24oC, the following mean daily P:B ratio by fish on the zooplankton community: values: 0.24 for Diaphanosoma modigliani; an experimental analysis using tanks. 0.29 for Moina micrura and 0.21 for Bosmina Limnology, 5:121-124. fatalis. Dumont, H.J., Van De Velde, I. & Dumont, S. Thus, in spite of the low biomass and 1975. The dry weight estimate of productivity values, Bosminopsis deitersi, biomass in a selection of Cladocera, the species studied in the present study, Copepoda and Rotifera from the plankton, shows a continuous reproduction along the periphyton and benthos of continental year, with relatively high turnover rates waters. Oecologia, 19:75-97. when compared to other cladoceran Egborge, A.B.M., Onwudinjo, E. & Chigbu, species, reflecting both, high reproductive P.C. 1994. Cladocera of coastal rivers of rates and short development time. It has western Nigeria. Hydrobiologia, 272:39- an important role for the maintenance of 46. the food chain of the oligotrophic Lagoa Fonseca, A.L. 1998. The life cycle of Dourada reservoir. Ceriodaphnia silvestrii (Daday 1902) and Daphnia laevis (Birge 1878) (Crustacea, Acknowledgements Cladocera) reared under different pH conditions. Verh. Int. Verein. Limnol., 26:1918-1921. This study was partially supported by Fonseca, A.L. & Rocha, O. 2004. The life- FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa cycle of Ceriodaphnia silvestrii Daday, do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil) under 1902, a Neotropical endemic species contract 2002/11582-6, 06-04596-1. We wish (Crustacea, Cladocera, Daphnidae). Acta to thank CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfei- Limnol. Bras., 16:319-328. çoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Gliwicz, Z.M. & Pijanowska, J. 1989. The role Brazil), for funding a leave of absence of of predation in zooplankton succession. the first author, during which this paper was In: Sommer, U. (ed.) Plankton ecology: written at Universidad de Valencia (Spain), sucession in plankton communities. using facilities for which we also give Springer Verlag, Berlin. p.253-296. thanks. Gras, R. & Saint-Jean, L. 1969. Biologie des crustacés du Lac Tchad. Cah. O R S T O M References Ser. Hydrobiol., 3:43-60. Gras, R. & Saint-Jean, L. 1976. Durée du Arcifa, M.S. 1984. Zooplankton composition développement embryonnaire chez of ten reservoirs in southern Brazil. quelques espèces de cladocères et de Hydrobiologia, 113:137-145. copépodes du Lac Tchad. Cah. O R S T O M Bottrell, H.H., Duncan, A., Gliwicz, Z.M., Ser. Hydrobiol., 10:233-254. Herzig, A., Hillbricht-Ilkowska, A., Gras, R. & Saint-Jean, L. 1983. Production Kurasawa, H., Larsson, P. & Weglenska, du zooplancton du Lac Tchad. Rev. T. 1976. A review of some problems in Hydrobiol. Trop., 16:47-77. zooplankton production studies. Norw. J. Hardy, E.R. & Caraballo, P. 1995. Fluctuatión Zool., 24:419-456. diaria de las poplaciones de Daphnia Branco, C.W.C., Esteves, F.A. & Kozlowsky- gessneri Herbst y Ceriodaphnia cornuta Suzuki, B. 2000. The zooplankton and Sars (Crustacea-Cladocera) en el lago other limnological features of a humic Calado. Bol. Cient., 379-396. coastal lagoon (Lagoa Comprida, Macaé, Hardy, E.R. & Duncan, A. 1994. Food RJ) in Brazil. Hydrobiologia, 437:71-81. concentration and temperature effects

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Received: 28 August 2006 Accepted: 18 January 2007

450 MELÃO, M.G.G & ROCHA, O. Life history, population dynamics, standing biomass ...