




Wil- Star Court Aggregation From Paper City to Appear at Renaissance, Giants, Comets Win Leading Professional Football Elevens to Clash at Stanley Arena Visiting Delegation Led by low Brook Park for of State Vis- Jerry Season's First Games Championship Conway Marchineck and Crowley Featured in itors Confident of Winning Hardware City Crew-Al-l to in in Lineup Manager Lanpher Put Strongest Intermediate Stand Excellent Shape for a Tough Tussle Blues Combination Burritts in Preliminary (lame. w. I.. '. to Meet Pawnees in Preliminary. .. ti i ' I iiani s ,..-- , l.inrn II Hum' Lineups Mew NOTRE DAME IS (i'oniets BURRITTS OEEEAT Pritain IbdyukO 'Flashy 1'ive .. a N'tdmees sianifortl Zakzoc. il.tivliSiv-"-;- Li-- ski iouns. . u .o,.-- Politis T. Live Wires . . u 1 .nee l.e:t did Floma n raid TEAM WIN The Ilenaissanee cut Scully Konsporo FAVOREDJO quintet WINSTEDJ Left tackle Live a i rev Wires down by score as Con the intermediate Beloin Shuts; basketball league Left at the Boys' club last gue.nl L.;iry Face Northwestern Eleven in opened night. Sensational Snooting and Strong Hog ers Marino, Hubay and Capodice top- Hagan tile in Center FoK ped winners scoring, running Mill y Toruo Crucial Battle Today in Defense Give Locals Win Humph rcy reed LG away the second half after being held to l'i-- in the first. Andrews Fight guard ( i j Taut Plenty of ;i will l.o u at a tine llein.:- - Gallagher - played defensive game, North-western- Tackle the Stanh Arena lonitiVit when the Kvanston. 111.. Nov. 2:; 's man featured for the losers T!, Sensational shooting, combined llight i.ui Ft: rns Frits Mohawk 'ik'jT of ilnjyoko Wildcats, untamed by two summarv with a sturdy defense gave the Fur- - clashes end witli Clarence Lanpher's I.lvt Wires titt basketball team a 41 to 2S vie- - Fight New Britain nuintr-t-. This will be the previous Mcais today planted Bautl Hunfj t h.eniselves in of Fid. Fl. 383 over the Winsted Y. M. second game of Iho lor the the path Notre " I I E m m tory slrong Quarterback y.ar .Tarvis. rf . ;:W:.?i homo olul. and the visiting Dame's national title seeking eleven. II; '':.,;.;:., c. A. five at Winsted last evening. Woleott .?. LizosJ S. Rametta, If was a of blood from Left half back should be ono of Hi" A '." The game battle toughest capacity crowd of ."jo, avaiuul .luzellak. o . . Obstacles of the season. beginning to end. the pace being so UuckP y Kennelfj early the- l b inzinan. r.T . 1 The Mohawks will be ... stru,t;le. IP - II . ,J fast that both teams re forced to Pisht half bad l.y Jerry Kobe In, l;r . . Conway, out o! the host ami most With a record of s. von straight make numerous substitutions. Al- - Pa', is Gladston dangerous centers the game vietori s ov. r foes. Notre though Ihe: game was hard fought. Fullback playing ranking . both two-gam- o Conway formerly starred tor !ame, r. iUi ils re- quintets played cleanly. As a in:-- feature on a greatly superior UoLiai juice took soc n the Merideii Fndoes while for years, serve power, was the choice to de- Winsied the had after; football program at Memorial field, Flil. Fl. f:h fnin-- : he has born in demand but the opening whistle but four i tomorrow afternoon. the by various feat Northwestern, anticipated Tli-s- Nutmeg; Hubay. tf ... e Hire-f- liarriers are the k, n of 1'eiin State's chatnpionsiiip m vvheh will run against n utes after the started, the Bur- - loarns in the American Basketball but an i asy time. North- - game football team of this city will meet; anything Capodice. If . . it id in tli intorcoll cross cha in New Yorl Nov. rit.ts' offensive atack to tunc- - league. western, on its good days, has 'giate ountry nnionLhips began the eleven for the state, played Marino. lion and Harrow hurled Iwo bcauti-- I With him will ho Marchineck and groat, football and to be at I professional football championship expected Andrews, rg . F.y Fl) VDSUl ltl II fui baskets net. With Crowley, two forinor mcnii ers of the best test. a through the This will be the second its for today's Fcr Niocyev'-'ski- F ( Assoeiat' d Tress Sports Writer) the the Bur- - champion Bristol Fndeos. Maroliinook w ill over Ilanimy showing way, game on the afternoon's pro-- i play triumph Kuute Hoekne's great lit .s ran iho "Y" team .ship while Crow will be at MEETS ragged for; the first a clash be-- , lorward loy his est eleven tile 'J -- PANTHER being since the days of four 0 Now York, Nov ::; (.Pi Tn what QUINTET Hie next ten minutes and ran up grain, usual post at guard. Paired with hors. men would more than erase ajjtwecn the Blues and the Pawnees, liauts May to bo 111 big lead. Five minutes before the Marchineck will l.o while promises most open race both of this city, for the semi-pt- Fitzgerald the Minnesota and Indiana defeats. I loo. Zeanczkas. and Covebsk; half, the Winsted team staged a! Torno, a n player here, Notre to no in history. Peun Stat trong feam BRIDGEPORT HERE MONDAY championship of New Britain, Dame appeared have wore in good form and the Giants brilliant rally and cut tlow 11 the Bur- - will pair tip with Crowloy. The re- a mild in of liarriers v.ill i;:s fouitli Tlio Stamford team is coming liera more than edge tirst t"am tool; the measure of the p try nits' lead. The locals led 20 to 12! will lie mad'1 Gold- j with serve up of in lij-j- - the strongest aggregation ofl Ily strength, especially the line, but by . The vvinm-r- led by iniervollegi ale champiun- at the half. The work of Havlick - will and .Nadler of the ')- ; players '.hat the Nutmegs have berg Springfield j Northvvostern's inability to send out at. the half and were1 never over the ;:iM ;! "; u Corl- - and Harrow- featured the liurritts' y. ship v Britain Roller Team Hard Sched- met all season. The team has a, almost limitless reserve power, made1 threatened thereafter. Coveleski not landt Far-- eotlne lioro- .Monday. Hockey Facing work in the opening half. Havlick: New Britain will use the same e record of no defeats for the Notre- Fame the favorite. got two baskets but also bold Nooeuibor L'.'o ule Week-en- d mail': a, number of sensational shots pastj team that broke the back of the only of Games Over the Locals Co to three seasons and it intends to keep! The Itamblers invaded Kvanston two forwirds scoreless. I'aluch and Not sinci1 Cone II "C ouiplished besides playing n. good defensive) ' Redhead team of Bridge-po- rt its slate unsullied. Chrysler under the leadership of Assistant Andrews the the under tli h- of Pitisiield to Battle Steve Pierce's Crew battle. Harrow also caged timely last Sloman .and lopped Tonight Ed flash field wilt Saturday night. Coach Tom Lieb, who is in charge of The summary: John Paul .Ioiks b aok in F'll has points. Hunt, sprinter, Zakzewski will up at forwards Listed to in direct the play of the visiting team, pair the the of ( olb-g- d four titles in Play Albany That City Sunday Afte- The second half was a brilliant with former New York squad during incapacity any ap'tun on the field. He has a back Conroy, Conch Bockne, whose infection fl Kuecesioii fmt the Lions, battle. Winsted look on a lease of capable star at center and leg fid pts. N'ittany rnoonPark City Crew Out to Beat Local Rollers. field to work with and the team can, University Leary probably will keep him front direct- Pal uch, rf coming up to the big un life, and battled neck and neck with and r.estelli and wen oe vieweu wun alarm Dy .vjan Foley guards. ing his team In battle again this Gilbert. If beaten, hope to lead the pack once the Burritts and scored point for Prince will three-gam- fig. r Pernio and Coach form the reserve squad. season. If formidable Monday night at Ihe Stanley Arena a hard e schedule for the point. Near the end of the half, Conley Fobj Btirrltts Meet Cardinals Gay. again despite opposition Patterson. was from Maine the Bridgeport roll'-- hockey club. lo- Ihe Winsted team was dropping in It indicated Notre Dame Fredericks. Pennsylvania. Syracuse, New Britain quintet. Tonight, the I' The Burritt basketball team will the g basket basket but the whistle The winner of tomorrow's would send its first string lineup out Nappi. rg and others. 'featuring pair of invades after gainq meet a strong aggregation this eve- Si. Aubin cal team Pittsfiold for the .shut the short. will be recognized as the profession-- , to face Northwestern at the outset. Andrews. Pennsylvania, v. iih a line stars. and Boucher, will) rally ning in the game when tackle New for first time this year and there meets The star of the for the lo- - al champions of Connecticut. A vic preliminary The probable line-ups- composed mainly of sophomores, the Britain Panthers game It clashes with the Cardinals of : out-- means a wun me Notre Dame Northwestern Totals served notice that it v.ill force ils the 'cond time thin reason on the the c;umtet that is headed by Steve rals was "Joe" Lilly. Besides j tory game winner; Hartford. The visitors are coming local floor. his man al ccn'er. of the Pere Maro.uettc-Fitto- n A. C, Colerick . linker (iiaiit ;:t;ite rival lo show all ils speed by Pierce, the greatest floor worker in jumping Luty hero with tin1 intention of breaking In hist the a wonderful defensive battle team in Boston and a possible trip, Lift end fid fl pts. the impressive victory the Quakers their appearance hero, the today. lie and Williams played the locals' long streak over thrilb-- the game and followed up the shots of his to Stapletoii. winning . . . K'o. rf scored over Cornell, Columbia and Perl; City hockeyist.T Hartford teams. The de- Leahy Filey fans wiih their fast and their were, teammates on the champion- team mates with results. New Britain's strongest, eombina- Left tackle Sodor. If Parlmouih in the annual quadran- skating deadly on tion will be hurled the Stam-- j feated ten teams from the Insurance c unbeatable play. Monday night, with ship team that put Meriden the and Jasper played slrong against Cannon . . . .' Anderson Zdanozkas, race over the last season. (C) gular championship Arthur Williams in roller map anil there is al- games in the second half. In all, ford aggregation. city Left Coveleski, rg course. Tip' throe Penn (Kid) again hockey Included in the visitors' lineup guard youngsters form. New Britain is out to defeat, ways a battle when these two clash the work of the entire Burritt team Game Movnihan . Frickson Howin.ski, lg 0 who tied for the freshman crown Preliminary will be a number of former West if the crew, on opposing sides. was the feature of the contest. Carl- The New-- Center last season tire leading the Bed and possible, Bridgeport Britain Blues and tha Hartford and Hartford high stars In- With St. Aubin on the rushline is Albany Tomorrow son broke up pass after pass. Nero . Totals 7 Hi Blur: in a Pawnees, having patched up theiq Law (C) Woolworth i bid for ils lirst three-da- y Hevo" Frank varsity a new addition to the pro-- The second battle on the was the hero of the "Y" team, cag- will meet semi-- , cluding Hurley. lteferee i 'onipagnone. team title since Hi 7. ' difficulties, for the .Stangle rind "Jack" Carlin. It will llight guard game but a coming star. program is slated for tomorrow ing - points. pro championship of the city in tha . Marvil ( oincls Soar to Win Syracuse losi to Slate in a dual two will mark the Cardinals' first The team is one of the fastest in the when the I'anthers go to Albany to These teams meet again double-heade- r; appear- meet but a narrow lirst game on the ance Kiglit tackle was more in the only by margin. entire at the time and meet the Peregrin-Pavies-Harki- in this and a brilliant game against the liurritts. Scoring frequent Find-'sa- league present city program. These two outfits are lika Vezic . 'Maine's loam is led by Francis y Fvcry member of the Burritt Ollphant game between the Cornels and the bids fair to make things interesting combination. Albany met a crippled should result. The score: wild when each olhori end and Harry Piohardsou who lln-- : ' tigers meeting squad will be on hand to play when llight Flashy Five, the. former team finally in tile scramble for the roller hocki y New Britain team last Monday night Durrilts and their annual battle should aU . . . "0-- ished second and fourth last l A Fl. Ttl. called Saunders is Carideo .. Ilanley on top by 1 j after year. a .one championship. and had no difficulty in winning. Fhl. upon. Manager emerging being it , tract plenty of interest. 11-- but jack of it;. lance may keep tomor- Yakubow rf ' undecided as to his .starting lineup tjuarterbaek held 1o during the first half. Tonight different story should result Moth teams are well steamed nri troni the title bolh of these . 0 due to last with the Hlder Fa.Nter had a big although Monday night's r.'tinie will finish row afternoon. Havlick. If ' night's game Wojack night, accounting conte-nib-r- and they have had practice sessions, Left Halfback 1 'veterans are strong for It . . Winstcl V." vith the high school for points. Musso and Spezialc did Jasper, all week long. Plenty of betting ha Frill . . individual lienors. Lilly, c elevens ot both cities clashing this Calderwood most of the losers' seoring. with WKSI.F.Y.YX 1030 SC HF1H I I ', been made on the outcome iU Paul Pokers of j( the keen of New Kight Halfback Mangan Cartelli to one score. Penn Stale Harrow, rg afternoon, rivalry holding finished .'."rd last season ELEVENS Middletovvn, Nov. CJ (P) Wes- - neither team having been given a, Hritain and Hartford should extend Mullin Ucrghcrrn The summary: only i EASTERN Gill, rg " The lias almost two minul 1030 schedule an - K. great edge. strongest possibla itself to the basketball to- Fullback Five unproved leyan's football Saunders, will be ac- game Flashy in a is also to be well lineups for bolh sent into night. fid fl pts. year, expected nounced today lists eight games in- Carlson, tion. ill the as are Joe Ha of c, The will 8 Spoziale. rf 'I ii 6 up van, gen IN ACTION TODAY usual Pose, in game start, promptly at N. stead of the. seven. Colby has The kickoff the first gams RENE DE VOS BATTERS 1 Columbia. Nat Pernor. Y. N.; o'clock and will be followed Musso. If will ot 1 rd by the been added to the schedule and Hi 41 lake nlnee tirnmnllv c . . 1 Walter Dean, Syracuse and Sam main game between Now Britain and Charakowski, rt o'clock while the main will Levering, Cornell. rtnin l,r,,.rt 0,1 nlmhnp 7 fftr Winsted "Y" game get the Holyoke Mohawks at 9 o'clock. HARRY EBBETS IN BOUT Annunziate, e . . . about 2:30 o'clock. Itokors finished first in all throe Fhl. Fl. Ttl underway Dancing will follow. Mangan. rg Fordbam Has Chance to Finish wMicyan-- Rni game. of Ihe preliminary races run and Marks, i f t Gavin. Ig The schedule, follows: i wonn Davis, If , 0 TlUANGIaFS TO Vli.W by Penn State this fall. The 27 Hclgian liattlcr lilasts Hopos of Lons men to September Nero, If . The Triangle football team will TEAM THAT WINS GAME Totals 1 IG remaining (ace the starter 4 Connecticut Aggies. c. . . 7 meet, the n will lie from . Finn, Steamrollers Sunday after- Flainl I!ocr As Title Comets picked among Captain October 1 1 Columbia at New-York- Iiateliff. Iletweiler. Ihe Serafini. i . 2 noon at the South street field. Botli WILL GET SPECIAL BED fid 11 winner of New-- Nov. 2:! CI'i- As Yah-an- Contender. pts. 'freshman York. Clark, lg . .0 0 aggregations are local and they havaj Ma . championship two years r. lone, rf Harvard met in their 48th clash October 18 Pochefter at P.oches-te- 4 hard for the. Tha 1 ago; Bushnell, lg practiced game. (W) Cartelli, If Meisinger, Kobinson, Conroe, r.S.OOD Cam- New York, Nov. 2:; P,ene do before spectators at Triangles have won one game and; Artii-lt- c I Glasshtirn, Honim, Wolfe, Kovalik Markavich, For.lham October 2 a Amherst. 1 1 Built Especially fur Paul 'os, Belgian battler, has blasted and Williams. bridge today deployed 2S have been defeated three times this Harry Kbbets, N. Y., out of B'Tti. c ii against an invading Hucknell force November 1 Trinity at Hartford. Gill; but to win .los-u- Froeport, Both Cox. who led Stab1 Ileferee, McMahon; timer, year, they expect Sunday, of Team a. a Pill Penn at. en- S Wil- - eonlending jiosition among the Wojack. rg " the. Polo Grounds and Lehigh November Williams at scorer: Saunders. The team will to in 1:120 7 , practice Sunday' Ihe at Furring, rg 2 violory and and tertained at Faston in liamstovvn. In middlwcights, for time being sue-- Lafayette morning at 9:30 o'clock at tha .vako P.attle. 1 Jimmy Ileid of Harvard who Andrnsa. lg j other of in 1 eroded him as last games prime importance November a Bovvdoin. I'SF. 1IF.P..VLD CLASSIFIED ADS South street field. L':i P) On.- (en rounds of champion year, the eastern sector. Two intersee-tiona- l Chicago. Nov. of the Through unexciting have h the. field to out-- at Madison Garden Totals 1 1 graduated, aving were in Phil- tug tilings that hung on the ! lighting Square al-- games presented an ambitious of runners, ! Villa-nov- conn- of tin- last I)e Yos used his Referee, Conipagnone. Timer, pack and suburbs, where a I'niversity of Chicago-- j night, greater mosl one of whom has a chance adelphia loceball experience and ring craft to offset Palueh. Scorer. Winters. any North Carolina State Washington game today was to the and win. played OUR BOARDING HOUSE AHERN a bed: and such a bed! the dynamite- in h'bbett's light hand upset dope and Temple attempted to halt Drake, By Miehign Slate--, with a It. iS Six fe.-- la ineheS loilg. lt and at the end went to his corner slrong champion of Ihe Missouri Valley FIGHTS LAST NIGHT team, the first intorsection-r.- l Was built, t,()- J'aill an easy h inner. provides conference. espeehilly ,e;sup threat in of T la- Vos, who served as a the history the meet. who stands: si hu h, s in his; French Boston college fought out a city pajamas. Jes.sop piavs for spy in tie1 World War, spent a. lew with Boston and the Asse, i.T.od Held First in I Q y, rivalry university, e of one uneasy minutes in the first and hist Py s3P(F,-sTAt- "WvlV Vot-- I Fniverity Waslunginu, being N'-v- Brown, the Army and Navy engaged GREAT" SAV S EUEF? GET Of rounds but. in between those two Novv York Kent; lie Yos. lie,, York. Nov. 1.T1 Past win- vDip the biggest eii in the gaui'-- practice foes in New Hampshire, Jes.-i- p to-- he Fblw Is, New ners of team and individual honors DOfviV VOLi GO Olsi A I'liposing at c liter in ! stanzas gave Khbetts, a youngster, gium, outpointed Harry Ohio West DIET, A "PANORAMA v7iEJ OT out- in the I. C. A. A. A. A. Wisleyan ami Virginia. -- day's game vvas inn l; Wi-a- r. a a thorough boxing lesson. York, (in): Black Bill. Cuba, champion- mot G"R tAKE A C0(JT?SE OT ; Wesleyan, respectively. Rufgers ru i Hill. Cuban Fiigr no Huat, France. CIO) cross run since it was -- comparative ni iee lourj negro , pointed ship country New York at the Yankee the touted French- .loo Baaiovie. N. Y., de- established in HifiS follow: university VrWSICAL EXERCISES To EASTERfsi inehos. I.ik" .bssoi'. Weav. i:as uuipoiiiied highly Binghamton, stadium in a second metropolitan Aia' VjesTeRfsi a le d who-- man. Kngene Huat. in a slow ten feated Joe Barlow. Boston, foul. (7). lln.'V Cornell had trouble lindicg intu attraction. Pittsburgh, Dartmouth. REDUCE VOUR VdEierrf AJ VleMISPHERES TT?IAATEP lie might lit. hmii ef ihein have rounder. Islael; Bill now will meet H. C. Young, Cornell and other ati -- Colgate, Pennsylvania VOLAR SHAPE 2 -- had to resort to so:t el ourly-n- Ihe winner of niateli between Midg- Boston .liinniy Maloney. Boston. Cornell REGAia crT TBACK g eastern elevens had a "FROsiT AlS OF ut Wolgast of Phihob and K. O. 1. formalioji shin.le nee. Iphia outpointed christner, Akro Porno, Cornell lo lit I VslCULP UEVER' -- day of rest them for objective EGAS, VOUR A The ef liie :,o',-- Piioy Bradley of Holyoke, Mass., in h. ( 01 Ihnriiett Pocco. Kivvood F'P Cornell VEST, VGUP BE inanage.'iieii: games next week, MVSELT7 iMTo S'jli-e- !! I'mals of ibo Garden's Galla-- P. LET GET Where, the WasLlligKUl has (lyweight City, Pa., outpointed Marly j J. Jone Fordhani's chance to achieve ils been eejl-- il I" ih, SOIIO - leu ma H.. F'l - Stopping gher. Was'nington. (1"). ' iirst undefeated season rested ill the SUCI A COsiPlTicuA I: P. IF VOU kJAnAT tiling big lor l,in! tio J. Join Cornell balance as Clark Hinklc ami his lb GET bed espeoially i..r no. b was. Folroit Farl Masfro. Fh ier.tr). OLl- -r HEADS CHICAGO STADIUM g mates from Bucknell A KICK OF "FEEUAiG llelighte-d- II" it. and s.r.iw !! upon slopped .lohnny Minella, lietroit, Maroon HAV i - charged the front. "BALEP APPEA'RAfAce could lie in a sirail.t an P.oger Bernard. Flint. Mich.. - Come VALUABLE S0M "TiME , :): The vastly-improve- d im hini. Al Chic.i:-- f'.l. Lafayette puMHon on pointed Greenfield. Boyd, Harvard G. Mc- - BESPEAKS iMPOLEslce IMTo tohl his ii a!. llegardin;; in Light of Civic eleven, coached by Herbert DUST STEP A Jessup gri'iiieu (la; Terry Hot h. New York, stopp'-- Ml Corn. a about if. Weave,- looked Crackon of Pittsburgh, remained AUlP KiEC5LEC"f OFFICE Aid7 Weaver, tin Sheldon ( lark I Ills Har- Carlo Ma.zola, Detroit, (7). It. F. Polt'-r- Jr., Cornell POST GET ! Inity. favorite over which bed over. lb was litpite,!, too.1 f'l a Lehigh, began Maim J. W. Overton, Yale a to crum-- , He ,o ihe ;.oi-- its season with rush only V S I V'SELF spoke manager. mon's lNstion. Frio, Pa. Happy Atherton. In- '' 1; Corn J. W. Overl on, Y'ale lf - There was a, pie before Princeton and collapse V'.L -s ' J Good- - Hi 7 Penn T. ( '. Pressor, Cornell uieigHep This decision va.: To the! I'hieago. Nov. P dianapolis, outpointed Johnny against Kutgers, an earlier victim pogarding rich, Toledo, (10): Kdwanls, l!i IS No race h eld. AIR team that won aam.-- Co be.J lio- m "o- light of a civic Billy of Lafayette. A victory today would FOP today's pesinon Frio, outpointed Frankie Petrolic, 1 1' Syracuse was duly. Sheldon Clark, millionaire Chi-- c give Lafayette ten straight victories ' promised. X. Y., (S): Kusie, J. Simmons, MAIL In a way, it nas roi- of !; ago sportsman and vice Syracuse. Johnny Syracuse in its objective game. president own. out Fddie 1 li;il Cornell stake. and g. ner,,l of Ihe Sinclair Youngst O, knocked Villanova was favored over the tilings at nianagr J. penn has tl;C Kaufiiiann, Cleveland, Gil. Pomig. Stale Wolf pack from down south, but 'oinpany. aei.pte.l 10:1 Cornell It. F. I'l e:;i,.-i,e- of tie- Stadium Brown, Cornell Temple faced a hard task in meet- LONDOS WINS MATCH I'hieago Pa. 1'22 eoriioratioil a )..jsi'ion he will fill Filtsburgh, Johnny Pyan, Syracusi ing Ihe strong Drake eleven. Drake iJemp-sey- . W. wh hout linaneial rem uto-ra- ion. Pittsburgh, and Young Jack Higgius, Columbia led Notre Dame for three periods in Mr. I'laik the Conneaut, G., iloclared "no con- 1 fio Syracuse a recent in aeeepted invitation ' game Chicago. Veteran Greek Wrestler Tlinm Kola of the directors 10 become head of test, (4). W. Booth, Johns Hopkins In the remaining games, the larg- the s.7.iina.iaii) and exhibition 1 0:4 Pittsburgh er eleven in each instance was fa- Kvvariani, in sports Kiiiaii, feature building, late yesterday. lb- made Sioux City. la. Henry Falegnno, M. F. Smith, Yale vored, but these here upsets were tie his Pes Moines, 1 Bout in Philadelphia. provision that term of office stopped Tommy CarulLt, Syracuse possible. And in such contests an be temporary until selection of a Kansas, (41; Louie Mays, lies W. L. Smith, Yale "upset," when it does occur, is very Philadelphia. Nov. .:; (CP- )- .Inn suitable official who could give all Moines, knocked out Harry McWil-liam- 15;,"i Syracuse genuine. veteran So laons Greek, his time to directing the affairs of Kansas City, (.7). W. I.. Til. bets. Harvard threw K'ohi. Kvariani. pussian heavy tie- stadium. 1 f:C Penn Staff Chile more, than 2, GOO miles Mr. in i, leaiuie bout 'd a Clark indicated he would ini-- 1 GATOK CAPTAIN CHAMPION W. J. Cox. Penn Slate whil ils breadth nowhere jae, vy wt ig hf v. I'es g show at Co u t seek L'ener;i! manager I ' O'Connell. a:' Penn State coeds 2.10 la'-- t llight. London :,i,d :n t i Nat.- 1., us, mutch, champion of tin- Southern Confcr- - W. J. Cox, Penn Slate a .lapaio:-- ' loadioek la 'ie 'oiur ,,:, !,.- retained i:, il!:,t cue.- last season, is captain of Flori-- : Pr 1111 State- - Vimrniiii a ad too r ni luol. s. 1; da's boxing team and will tight in ,1. L. lb id. Harvard In t i.e li K a i si: itporf '; lou's 'o ihe division this winter. nmDi M Foorp.Ai.i. TO P.FII.I) STAPH M BASKETBALL v. w To!-!.- 7 .Lie Me. Wiltf.incioi,. I i.. hi-:- i I in i'iiiio;,: hool VITI.KANS I'U.M'II I, Plans are being made to slart. TONIGHT Millaii. I'hoaeo. Ihieo. J.,1,1, Ii lioul a loot hall 1. a 1,1 Ihls fall be. Colgate had seven hacks, six ends. early construction of Iho load unit 23 Greece, ii :;:: loilitlles and Lav (i.u.'e tla parents of rome aud'-n'- tackles, two and live 'of a foolball stadium for the I'ni-- ' Stanley Arena (v guards r nu c.l u. SI h i PHI Koni-.r- . l to var-- vs. 0u. stuvrct nu. s. nr. orr. alhni oia and :!. sign cards which j c who had seen previous ; vorsiiy of Florida. Thirty Ihousand IlOLYOKi: MOHAWKS 'h vef- a, i. e , .i d ;;, nililillei.. lo a I'li'-Vl- til" "eheol Of t " ,0 Si I) y aiiy football experience at Iho start seals are expected lo bo ready for NFW HKITAIX Ola.'-.'- in tare oi' injury to their sona. ot the 1 season. i thu lfiau campaign. i n