September • 1951

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September • 1951 SEPTEMBER • 1951 ISS REMEMBER? Do yo11 remember wh~n o bare bulb like thl\ wos the lost word in light· ing1 That's when you started calling will cook and sow, clccan, ond iron, preserve food ond entertain thf: family. Yes, today your electric service b411 is more than just o b!tl for lighting. In general, it helpl make life heolrhier, happier ond eo~r oil around. Reddy fCilowott says: '1'm todoy's biggest bargain, I do so mvch • • co# 10 little/" KANSAS CITY POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Those of you who know my pre­ Likewise, to Harry Guy. Bill Lynde, decessor know what I mean. He.rb Maurine Block. and all the twell Mis.. Bunker, one of the greatest athletes, sourians down in O:l'lllu... Merd beau.. 'Briefs one of the finest tc:hotars., and by aU coup" to the Blackmons for the ducat means. one or the grande1t guy11 of to the Doak Walker-Kyle Rote grid­ l>y them all has vacated his desk here in iron battle. the alumni office and has returned to the Physical Education Department. The-re are times when some of u1 'Bus To attempt to follow in the footsteps wonder if our institution&., buaineJJ of a guy like th at iJ not an easy as­ Anns or what-have-you are really as signment, but those of us here in the good a. they Jhould be. This is an office know that he will be ready at admirable trait. because when we (lb.. any time to give us the pme unselfish tain a feeling of complete utisfaetion help he has devoted to seores of lone. it is time to beware. We never ly students and to countlen campus let up i.n our relentless search for new WcU., another fall, and with it come orpnizations. and better method& of attainina: even all the pleuurc& that the word.s, "back Maybe we will become accustomed higher goals. to school" may :Football, fresh­ to his abMenee from thi& office, but Let us always be aware of an old men wide-eyed and full of wonder­ just now we doubt it. provetb: ment, seniors self-confident :and sure., Yes, it's fall again. but it iln't quite "As we wonder on through life golden leaves, and occasion:ll walks the same it has been in the past. WhAtever be our goal along the "Hink." Yea, it's fall again. Keep your eye upon the doughnut, But this September is just a bit dif­ And not upon the hole.'' ferent from the two or three I have T hankt to Mark Cox. Paul Christ­ enjoyed here in the Alumni office. man, and the gan.g in Chicago who Somethlng it mi.ning. turned out for the Augutt meeting. THE MISSOURI ~LUMNUS SEPTEMBER, 19~1 September Introductions 2-3 The Speech-Handicapped 4-5 9-n- :!Aid- 9;.Uue ... The University of M)ssouri &-7 September Hcaclline..S 8-9 Sports 10 Classnotcs .. ........ •. .. .. .. I 1-20 VOL. XL NUMBER 1 .. T HE MISSOURI ALUMNUS it publlahed monthly except July and Auguat by the Unive.raity of Mt11ourl Editor-BUS ENTSMINGER THE COVER- Lut March our Alumni Association, 110 J~•e Hall, Oireetor, Alumni Aetivities cover picture. waa an aerial view Columbia. Mo. Entered u aec::ond dus of the Red or We•t Campu1. matter under the Acts of Marc.h 3, This month we ute a view of 1879. Regular aubactiption priee $3.00 Managing Editor a year; life subserlption, $.50. LOTTIE SMIT H the Eut or White Campus on which ia housed the D ivision of HAROLD NIEDORP Bu1ine11 Manager Agriculture. Sanborn Field, the Prealdent WILMA BATTERSON Veterinary Science Bui.ldinga and University AlurnnJ Auociation the Dairy buildins• are in the St. joseph, Mi11ouri u-pper rirbt. Sporn Editor In the right center foreground MARVIN D. McQUEEN, Chairman BILL CALLAHAN ia the Library. Alumni Publicationa Committee St. Loui1, Mi11ouri T HE ENTSMINGERS o n camp us J ennie, Bus, Patti and Cheryl NEW UNIFORMS F OR M.U. BAND ·ne Universiry of Mis:souri band will have th~ ntw unifonns i:n time for rhe 6rst lictr foot~~~~ pmc: at Columbia rhis )'eJt. 'Ote new uniform•. rcpl:acintt thost puri:'hntcd in I?JS. will he llrtdomin:uuly JtOid with bl ;~d; tri1'n, Gcnq;e C. Wilson iJ dire<tor of tfu:: University b:mds.. RESIDENCE HALLS NAMED FOR GRADUATES Five ttudera ruidenee halls at the WILMA BATTERSON- University of Miatouri have been n:•med for' fi ve (C t:lthmtt"J., two women Office manager and nnd three men. 1 busineu manager t Hall, COI'Il• The Women Ruidence of the ALUMNUS rlt:ted in 1940, hal been namtd Sarah Gmtry H:all. Womm't Hall o;rA," the J1,100,000 buildinc completed bst yc>r, h:at h«nme Ev:. John•ton H:'IIL Thrtt men'• dormiroria, c::omp!cwd within tilt 1un two ye:•r•, nre Floyd Bruce C••:uncr H:.l\, Rubtrt McGhee Grah:un Hall :md Richud YeMC't Stafford II niL S::~rah Ct.-ntry and Eva Johnston were t\1111'0 ol the e:arliat women cnduatts ol the University who had ouutandinl PATTY WEST e:arren in r:he field of eduotion. The three men .,.,.en prOMinent on the cam­ Receptionist and pus :md each died during ;a w<~. r­ stenographer Cramer in the Sl' W:.r, Graham in World Wnr J, and St:afford in World War II. FOURTEEN YEARS LATE, BUT HIS ANSWER CAME Sometimes the bread .,(Sst upon the" here in the Alumni Office it long in m:aking ita return, but it i.s :a l· wr.ys welcome, neverrhdeu. The Alumni Office 1ent a gn.du:ne quc:scionnalre in Aupn. 1937. to LOTTIE SMITH- David K.. Newman, A.B. '3), at I Road, Columbia, Missouri. Managin.c Editor. Jn August, t 9S1, Lhi• questionnaire MISSOURI ALUMNUS wns returned. Mr. Ncwm:1n, ec:onomiu, i1 now with Nation:.( Production Au· thoriry in \Vashinaton, D. C. Hit home :.ddress is 227 Gny Ave., Web­ stu- Grovu. Mo. Arter pduatiOn ftOfft the Univenity o f Miuouri. Mr. Newm-an wmt to the Universities of Paris :.nd Siena ( Italy). "From 1938 to 1947 he was in Foreign Service in Africa nnd in China, and wns n professor in China in 19.f7.48. We haven't teamed where that ctuet­ tionn:airc: was filed away these m:~ny ye:~ rs., nor wlu.t David K. Ncwm~n "MIT'' BELFIELD hu btt:n doinc aU this tim~ but pvc: ua :mother fourteen. ... 111:n old dic:he, j'Uettt:r L~te Th:t.n Nevrr,"' is <1uitc :l l)propri :~ te. 2 110 J•"• H:oll with the alumni Sept. 11 I! Dear Readers: "Ch:an&c '- the: only thi:n~e thu is penn:.ntnr,"' :mel fhe Alumni Offia: h2J AT CHICAGO .. undcrcone mum of the ''permanency., within the put yt;1r, 111lumni in the The phya;iol tduc.J.tion dep,nmcnt~ nlOf"(" J:tntt"alJy kMWn f<W dccd.J and not Thiny-one MWouri words. out-t.1lkcd the Alumni Association this p:an yc-:~r, ancl pmuad«< Al\lmni O.iap ~te:~ me-t at the Shcrnun Ho­ Director Hub Ounkct to return to the ph)'Jic<tl educatKln staff. t-Ic reponed !>3d: td on August 16 (or a lund1mn and co fun-rime ccMtlinJ the first of S~ternbcr. to make pbru caw2rd :an nrpn~ Cuy H. Ent~mlnc;cr. roore bmll~.rly known :.s "Bw:," :u~umcd the tide: a.nd Chin~ dl:rpttr. M:ark C,:r meted at of th..: ocxatt.m. 000 t.cwit, dutid of Director or Alumni Activitit.~ SeptL'1UhC'r finn. flus, :w&.rmnt to Dr. chairman Bunlcer tinl"4! f'cbrunry. '49, is nlre:ady known tu mmt u£ you, ()uunnclin~e ·ricer '50. was elcch:d ch:1irman n( :1 c.m,._ or~tan i'L.uion, and (llat\11 w.:r~; £ootb;1ll at..r of tilt: ICJolM IC:tJoVn, he came tu M.U. ;a(t\.'t' atr:uht:ltiun fh1fll hiJth mittet on ror a mcetln~: bccr in chc fall school itt St. jOSL"J)h, Mi~M~uri. Bus n:ccivcd an A.U. :1ntl :111 A.M . in l"tlucatiun. n::ulc both £mm the Univcntty of Mi:!:«,uri. of all ;1l umni in th-.: arcm. T bc (.'C IIll>· hel1• in dcvel· Mr.t. Enrl mHlJ;Cr i11 tlu.' furmL'l' Jennie- .J enkins uf Wchllrcr Gruvc., Mu, 'J1u.:ir .uittce will wclcumc any npi11g :t rn:•iling l i ~t (rom whieh m work dituglm:l'll ~rt: Chc:t•yl Ann, fuur ycm>, :and P:ttti Ly1tn, six munth11 nlcl. pl;ms. Our bu iJ.inciiJ 11111nQttcr, M:u•y Ann Kling, afrt.'l' two ancl one•h:df yearll in thia fnr future O~rUtm:tn :aa the l llc::tkcr at (IA\ce-, rerurnecl with hu.s:h:md Fred (1. KlinR, I.I... U. 'SU, m thtir horne tctwn (If !':1111 w the hmdu.'(m auclt.. • IH~"'"t!l in cd 11u: ~o~nmp A)b;tny, Mo.. wh~:rc: Fn:d i" l'racticitl~ l:'lw. with :t Cardin:.! higltlijthU film, Uu11 Rt:pl:u:ink Mnry Ann un the: firgt uf J une we h:tvc Wilma A. U:t(h:f'IIUII, whu f't'.. Entsminger of Columbia :1ttctHicd the tumcd to Cohunbi:., her home tuwn, fmm ht.'f !lHsiriun ~• IX..:m 11f 1he1 l.;~~tin me~.-tint.
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