Do yo11 remember wh~n o bare

bulb like thl\ wos the lost word in light· ing1 That's when you started calling

will cook and sow, clccan, ond iron,

preserve food ond entertain thf: family.

Yes, today your electric service b411

is more than just o b!tl for lighting. In

general, it helpl make life heolrhier,

happier ond eo~r oil around.

Reddy fCilowott says: '1'm todoy's

biggest bargain, I do so mvch • •

co# 10 little/" KANSAS CITY POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Those of you who know my pre­ Likewise, to Harry Guy. Bill Lynde, decessor know what I mean. He.rb Maurine Block. and all the twell Mis.. Bunker, one of the greatest athletes, sourians down in O:l'lllu... Merd beau.. 'Briefs one of the finest tc:hotars., and by aU coup" to the Blackmons for the ducat means. one or the grande1t guy11 of to the Doak Walker-Kyle Rote grid­ l>y them all has vacated his desk here in iron battle. the alumni office and has returned to the Physical Education Department. The-re are times when some of u1 'Bus To attempt to follow in the footsteps wonder if our institution&., buaineJJ of a guy like th at iJ not an easy as­ Anns or what-have-you are really as signment, but those of us here in the good a. they Jhould be. This is an office know that he will be ready at admirable trait. because when we (lb.. any time to give us the pme unselfish tain a feeling of complete utisfaetion help he has devoted to seores of lone. it is time to beware. We never ly students and to countlen campus let up i.n our relentless search for new WcU., another fall, and with it come orpnizations. and better method& of attainina: even all the pleuurc& that the word.s, "back Maybe we will become accustomed higher goals. to school" may :Football, fresh­ to his abMenee from thi& office, but Let us always be aware of an old men wide-eyed and full of wonder­ just now we doubt it. provetb: ment, seniors self-confident :and sure., Yes, it's fall again. but it iln't quite "As we wonder on through life golden leaves, and occasion:ll walks the same it has been in the past. WhAtever be our goal along the "Hink." Yea, it's fall again. Keep your eye upon the doughnut, But this September is just a bit dif­ And not upon the hole.'' ferent from the two or three I have T hankt to Mark Cox. Paul Christ­ enjoyed here in the Alumni office. man, and the gan.g in Chicago who Somethlng it mi.ning. turned out for the Augutt meeting.


SEPTEMBER, 19~1 September Introductions 2-3 The Speech-Handicapped 4-5 9-n- :!Aid- 9;.Uue ... The University of M)ssouri &-7 September Hcaclline..S 8-9

Sports 10 Classnotcs ...... •...... I 1-20 VOL. XL NUMBER 1

.. T HE MISSOURI ALUMNUS it publlahed monthly except July and Auguat by the Unive.raity of Mt11ourl Editor-BUS ENTSMINGER THE COVER- Lut March our Alumni Association, 110 J~•e Hall, Oireetor, Alumni Aetivities cover picture. waa an aerial view Columbia. Mo. Entered u aec::ond dus of the Red or We•t Campu1. matter under the Acts of Marc.h 3, This month we ute a view of 1879. Regular aubactiption priee $3.00 Managing Editor a year; life subserlption, $.50. LOTTIE SMIT H the Eut or White Campus on which ia housed the D ivision of HAROLD NIEDORP Bu1ine11 Manager Agriculture. , the Prealdent WILMA BATTERSON Veterinary Science Bui.ldinga and University AlurnnJ Auociation the Dairy buildins• are in the St. joseph, Mi11ouri u-pper rirbt. Sporn Editor In the right center foreground MARVIN D. McQUEEN, Chairman BILL CALLAHAN ia the Library. Alumni Publicationa Committee St. Loui1, Mi11ouri T HE ENTSMINGERS o n camp us J ennie, Bus, Patti and Cheryl NEW UNIFORMS F OR M.U. BAND ·ne Universiry of Mis:souri band will have th~ ntw unifonns i:n time for rhe 6rst lictr foot~~~~ pmc: at Columbia rhis )'eJt. 'Ote new uniform•. rcpl:acintt thost puri:'hntcd in I?JS. will he llrtdomin:uuly JtOid with bl ;~d; tri1'n, Gcnq;e C. Wilson iJ dire

RESIDENCE HALLS NAMED FOR GRADUATES Five ttudera ruidenee halls at the WILMA BATTERSON- University of Miatouri have been n: •med for' fi ve (C t:lthmtt"J., two women Office manager and nnd three men. 1 busineu manager The Women t Ruidence Hall, COI'Il• rlt:ted in 1940, hal been namtd Sarah of the ALUMNUS Gmtry H:all. Womm't Hall o;rA," the J1,100,000 buildinc completed bst yc>r, h:at h«nme Ev:. John•ton H:'IIL Thrtt men'• dormiroria, c::omp!cwd within tilt 1un two ye:•r•, nre Floyd Bruce C••:uncr H:.l\, Rubtrt McGhee Grah:un Hall :md Richud YeMC't Stafford II niL S::~rah Ct.-ntry and Eva Johnston were t\1111'0 ol the e:arliat women cnduatts ol the University who had ouutandinl e:arren in r:he field of eduotion. The PATTY WEST three men .,.,.en prOMinent on the cam­ pus :md each died during ;a w<~. r­ Receptionist and Cramer in the Sl' W:.r, stenographer Graham in World Wnr J, and St:afford in World War II.

FOURTEEN YEARS LATE, BUT HIS ANSWER CAME Sometimes the bread .,(Sst upon the" here in the Alumni Office it long in m:aking ita return, but it i.s :a l· wr.ys welcome, neverrhdeu. The Alumni Office 1ent a gn.du:ne quc:scionnalre in Aupn. 1937. to LOTTIE SMITH- David K.. Newman, A.B. '3), at I Road, Columbia, Missouri. Managin.c Editor. Jn August, t 9S1, Lhi• questionnai re MISSOURI ALU wns returned. Mr. Ncwm:1n, ec:onomiu, MNUS i1 now with Nation:.( Production Au· thoriry in \Vashinaton, D. C. Hit home :.ddress is 227 Gny Ave., Web­ stu- Grovu. Mo. Arter pduatiOn ftOfft the Univenity o f Miuouri. Mr. Newm-an wmt to the Universities of Paris :.nd Siena ( Italy). "From 1938 to 1947 he was in Foreign Service in Africa nnd in China, and wns n professor in China in 19.f7.48. We haven't teamed where that ctuet­ tionn:airc: was filed away these m:~ny ye:~ rs., nor wlu.t David K. Ncwm~n hu btt:n doinc aU this tim~ but pvc: "MIT'' BELFIELD ua :mother fourteen. ... 111:n old dic:he, j'Uettt:r L~te Th:t.n Nevrr,"' is <1uitc :l l)propri :~ te.

2 110 J•"• H:oll with the alumni Sept. 11 I! Dear Readers: "Ch:an&c '- the: only thi:n~e thu is penn:.ntnr,"' :mel fhe Alumni Offia: h2J AT CHICAGO .. . undcrcone mum of the ''permanency., within the put yt;1r, 111lumni in the The phya;iol tduc.J.tion dep,nmcnt~ nlOf"(" J:tntt"alJy kMWn f3d: td on August 16 (or a lund1mn and co fun-rime ccMtlinJ the first of S~ternbcr. to make pbru caw2rd :an nrpn~ Cuy H. Ent~mlnc;cr. roore bmll~.rly known :.s "Bw:," :u~umcd the tide: a.nd Chin~ dl:rpttr. M:ark C,:r meted at of th..: ocxatt.m. 000 t.cwit, dutid of Director or Alumni Activitit.~ SeptL'1UhC'r finn. flus, :w&.rmnt to Dr. chairman Bunlcer tinl"4! f'cbrunry. '49, is nlre:ady known tu mmt u£ you, ()uunnclin~e ·ricer '50. was elcch:d ch:1irman n( :1 c.m,._ or~tan i'L.uion, and (llat\11 w.:r~; £ootb;1ll at..r of tilt: ICJolM IC:tJoVn, he came tu M.U. ;a(t\.'t' atr:uht:ltiun fh1fll hiJth mittet on ror a mcetln~: bccr in chc fall school itt St. jOSL"J)h, Mi~M~uri. Bus n:ccivcd an A.U. :1ntl :111 A.M . in l"tlucatiun. n::ulc both £mm the Univcntty of Mi:!:«,uri. of all ;1l umni in th-.: arcm. T bc (.'C IIll>· hel1• in dcvel· Mr.t. Enrl mHlJ;Cr i11 tlu.' furmL'l' Jennie- .J enkins uf Wchllrcr Gruvc., Mu, 'J1u.:ir .uittce will wclcumc any npi11g :t rn:•iling l i ~t (rom whieh m work dituglm:l'll ~rt: Chc:t•yl Ann, fuur ycm>, :and P:ttti Ly1tn, six munth11 nlcl. pl;ms. Our bu iJ.inciiJ 11111nQttcr, M:u•y Ann Kling, afrt.'l' two ancl one•h:df yearll in thia fnr future O~rUtm:tn :aa the l llc::tkcr at (IA\ce-, rerurnecl with hu.s:h:md Fred (1. KlinR, I.I... U. 'SU, m thtir horne tctwn (If !':1111 w the hmdu.'(m auclt.. • IH~"'"t!l in cd 11u: ~o~nmp A)b;tny, Mo.. wh~:rc: Fn:d i" l'racticitl~ l:'lw. with :t Cardin:.! higltlijthU film, Uu11 Rt:pl:u:ink Mnry Ann un the: firgt uf J une we h:tvc Wilma A. U:t(h:f'IIUII, whu f't'.. Entsminger of Columbia :1ttctHicd the tumcd to Cohunbi:., her home tuwn, fmm ht.'f !lHsiriun ~• IX..:m 11f 1he1 l.;~~tin me~.-tint. ~merican ftu:titutc in U1ic:r.~•· Wilma i.J a ~traduatt: t•f 'l'r:aruoyh·~111i :t Cullt•II:C, )4-x­ lnf•anr.:ttioo etmct'f'nin~;: Alumni liv­ rnttton, Ky., 111ru1 h:u: :m A.M. dt~rt.'t' from the Univ-..,..,.ity ur Mi-uuuri.. '11te inJt in Chic;~~ or th~ llurruunclitiJ: tcr­ :ury Su.we w~,..,,, :~o native or Springlicld, Mill:4ouri, is uur new rt..:tptionillt m:.king h;t vc ...,, prf._rc.'1.1t:d 10 tlw 1minr where !lll(l .sn:nogntJ)hcr. She i11 Mn. l.totma~d J. We:-.t. Mr. Wt:<.t i~ 1111 de.:tri4":11 c•~~tf­ ~pcci~c inf(lnn;•rion i• :'IY!Iibble~ nt 1l1i11 nc:ermg Rrll«hmttl of Rolla Sc:lwol or Mini.'ll: and Mct:IIIUilt)', ·su, 1111(1 ill II C:UIItunn:r time, hut etlmplctc dctl\ib will hu t:ngincct· with lnrcrn:1titm:.l Uu $itltll~ Machint:S with h!.'tine. A ain tftc festivities :t noon Snt. Oct. the Club. F.vcryone, pCriOf'II J Ylllf 10 the Office: IS better still, but don't wait ror that. at Downtown H you know of an outstanding graduate or former atudent e~f the University (rom rhe coaching t eaR' to the Bo:.rd to whom you think tome :a ttcnti

September, 19~1 3 ltleetill.fl tl1.e Neetls of tlu!


Defective speech h:l!l long bee1l a cion J)rograms in Columbia :tnd Boo•H~ h'ndicap to m:llly people whose social County have relieved the University of :tnd busine.<~s lives have been affected caring for children in the community, by their inability to communicate ef· but some children of pre-school age fectively. Those who have pOOf voicf!ll, 1nd in the crippled children's ward 20 stude1ltS during the past year re~ at Noyes Hospit:l.l have been enrolled who Jlsp and stutter, or who :tre un· ceived advanced tr:tining that will en· able, for other rc:3SOru, to express and given remedial training by the :tblc them tO work :.s $pecch ther:\4 tllemsclvt:s adc:qu:atdy have looked for clinic. pists in public school$ or in univt.'l'Sity aid, in r<:ccnt years, to the spceL-h About 50 children were brought from ;md l1os pital speech ctinict. The nted clinics that have been developing and v:~rious p:u· ts of the State to the Uni­ for speech correctionins i$ growing cxpandin~ in the United St;~tes. versity c:1mpus for conferences with <:On&tantly ;md the: dem:end lor these At the University of Mi$$0uri, work: the. clinic staff during the past year. special educ;•ton far exceeds the sup­ in the field of rcmedi:.l Sl)eech bcg:m These c;~:st.'S were. referred by other ply. The growing enrollment of d:ass­ in 1936 nnd has grown since th:u time University or State services, by teach­ room ceacher$ in the. introductory to serve the citi?.c:ns of the State, tO ers, p;u·entt, docton. or The COUI'$C i1\ $peech <:Orrt<:tion, particular· train speech corrcctionistll, :ms these teachers to lind the speech lems of speech nnd hearing. The Uni­ r<:oomme:ntl:'ltions for remedial work hnndicapped in thei•· daurooms :md versity of Missouri Speech and Hc;~ri ng th:tc could be c;~rried On in the home to work wir.h the speedt thernpists to Clinic w;1s establisl1ed under the lead­ or at $dlool or were referred to other whom they refer the e:ISC$. ership of l..o•·en D. Reid, now chair~ as:cncies for :~ddition:t l help. ln addi~ The clinic provide.'! :l !l~iH;mt;c in man of the Department of Speech ana tion, the clinic's servic<:S were t:tken many types of ~;pct.>ch diAicuhics.. T he D r:tm:uic Arc. At the pre$Cnt time, to five different communities in the :n-tinllatory problcms-th~e or Sllb­ Olarlotte G. Wells, who wa.s :l.ppointed State as part of an off.c:ullJ)liS p•

..Oo you hnr that?'' ''Tell me what you aee." H c<~.rin.g t"tini' il an important part of clinic procedure.. Student ell.nicians learn how to test a rtleuiatory ability.

4 The Missouri Alumnus Dr. Charlotte G. ;md is now enrolled in a pr:lctk'(: te;•ch· ing Clinic one of the oursundingly suc­ Wella., director of ing course, confident that her spec:eh cc~~rul ;md potel'lti:llly imporr:uu; new the University of w ill 110c be tl•e cause of :1rticulatory )lrojc:cts of the school. Missouri's Speeeh errors in the children she is tr:1i1ling. and Hearing Another University student, a young Clinic, came to SIX MAJOR PROGRAMS the campus in man i•H<:rcstcd in a professional c.1ree•· 19-46 from Stan. in e•lgineering, had so hish·pirched a ON CONCERT SCHEDULE ford University. voice that those t() whom lu: t.:1lked The 19.S l-S2 Concert Schedule will be: S he did her grad· listened chiefly to his voice :and not Oct. 24-Eugene Conley, Mctropoli· uate work at the to wh:u he s.:~ i d . His :1dviser recom· t:ul {}rcra ccnor. Unive r sity of n~cndc:d that he enter the clinic (or Nov. 13-St. Louis Symphony Or· Wisconsin a n d :tsilist;mee. He did so :1nd w:1$ :ehle, taught in public schools in Nebraska, :1ftcr two llcmC'$ters of work. ro bring chtt~tra. at Mount Holyoke College, and at the rhe pitch t)£ his vnil'(: to a level that D«. 5-Robcrt Shaw Chorale. University of Wiscomin, durin.g aum. w:.~ entirely llllit:1hle m his :•,A:e ;uu1 M:e rch 1 ~-BI:uu:he Thebom, Metro• mer sessiona, before coming to Mis· polir:m Opc-r:. mczz()-$C)p ri'lnO. •ouri. She iJ a member of the Amer.. n:aturity. lie fclc that he h:1d changed ica.n Speech a.nd Hearing Auociation, not only in vOt::•l (litch lnlt in the total MMth 31-N:achnn Milscein, violin­ the International Counci.l for E xcep. impr<:.'lsiun l1e m:ulc.: un others and w:1s ist. tiona) Children, and other professional determined, wlu:n he w:.s di.smi~s4:d April 21-Minncapoli!l Symphony organizations. Her interests inc1udc from tl1e clinic, tn c·cr:1 in rhc m;w s.l:ill.s: Ordu.ostr.t. the training of public school speech he h:ul :cl'(Jnirc:d. cor-rC(tionists, special methods in ther. S1ill ant•thcr xwdcnt, :t freshm:tn who apy for cleft palate children, and, a& GEOLOGY DEPARTMENT a hobby, fishing in W isconsin and l·ntercd the University with StVCI'(:I)' Missouri lakes. imp:1irc•l hcaring, (mend 1h:1t training GRANTS MANY DEGREES in tlll(lc:rsr:uuling wh:1t wa~ ll:1id hy The Univel'3ity of Miuouri r:.n\t:ed w;1r-.:hing tile lips of the spe:1kcr en· third :uuung higher ""'UC.'ltian :e l insri· :thlcd him ru carry nn his academic Personality problems, J)hy:~ i c:d con· tutions in the number Of 10:1Stct' de• wurk with far l c:;.~ difliculry th:tcl if he ftY m rank 6rst in this respect, W unde~•.uancl wh:tt uthcrll were saying_, Univer.sity psychi:•tri.n, :111d otl1er Uni. :em! tile Univ~o'fsity of Michigan was vcr.sity :Jnd State servit.'(:!i for :uldi­ :.lrhn1egh he reporte-d rh:1t his !lCior llel'(»tcl with 26. tion:ll help. he:ering w;1 s a rc::ll :.c l v:mt::~p;c when he lk Peck s;eid t:h ;1 t in the number Among the C:ISe historie$ l:c))t ror w:cntecl to nucly in :t noisy llcwmiwry. (lr bachelor d cgr~o'eS in gcc>logy :.w:mkod all those who enroll in the clinic is Tlm11, in these c:lliCS :~n cl in many fur the same period the Univl"nlity of th:u: of :t young woman who was plan· otl1crs) the progr.un of the University Miuouri ranked eleventh with SO. The ning tO become a kindergarten teacher speech clinic has providt.'tl :. Univerllity grmued chrcc dc>etOr de­ but who rc:.lizc:d that he•· own $pctch, field roc· snulcnt diniciatu, for Univtr· Jtrees in g<:ol<>gy fOI' ;1 four-way tie for which was defec-tive because or :1 li ~p $ity s«uh:nts, :uul for c:iti'$ of the thirrt:tnth pl:.ce with the M .-.~~1chu­ and the .suM:tituriOil or w (or r and J, St:1tc of Mi11souri and their children, M:tt~ lc'8titure of Technology, the State might ;~A'ect the speech of the children Ahhou~h the progr:1m is developing University of Iowa, and Ohio State she t<~ugh t. She entered the clinic of slowly, the llcrsonal concern, the in. University. her own volition and worked diligently rercst, :tnd the work o( the directors, Tl1c st:ltistiL-s, compiled by the U. S. to IC!l rn to hear her errors and to over· supervi~rs. :.nd student clinicians have Office elf Education, included tetums come them. She m:1de good progress made the University Speech :md Hc:~r- from 1,294 CClllegcs :tnd universities.

"Litten fi rt t, then try it youraelf." ''The puffing sound will turn the wheel!' Many typet of equipment ue used by the speech therapist. Children enjoy games tha t help them to have better t peeth.

September, 1951 The

llcintc numbcrtd :~ m ong the morley~ O:~vid It Fr:mcis who wn.t in oOicc Uthor~mries !wilding i.a ecunplct.:-d and 1 ~!1 muh:rar:uls wlto worhd their w:1y wlu:n funcl11 were set :~side for irt huild­ :1 big cl:l!l!lroor~~ builc.lin" i1t IU~Ill\ to be. thruuRh the llnivt1".f;ity o£ Miuouri inaa. White C;~mpus is more properly The White C;uni)US h~s the Wcmll·n'• durina h:.rd timts of the middle thir· kno"n :1~ the East C:unpu!.. Dormitory, Chemic::.! l... a burawry build· til."', 1 found it ;t 11ourc:c o£ J;~ tid:u:·tion , l.un;c 210 these twu nmpu!IC!I be­ inc, ;md p:.n of the ''"'""' :•~trituhur:~l rome thirtCC'Il ye;lt$ l~ter, to r~tum for C':tmc: in:ade

8 The Missouri Alumnus T he ALUMNUS is indebted to the LJNCOLN4 MERCURY TIMES, and to Burgess H. Scott, BJ. '37, for permission to reprint Scott's $tory which appeared in the July· Au.gust issue. Rovin.g editor of the FO RD TIMES, he visited the campus early this spring to obtain materiAl.

th:.t they hired iu:r stud ent~ "in spite The columns h:tvc become the r~q;et ri~:;'ht. and :aftt:r much :trgumcnt :t~ to of the CC)IIt-Jte wttl· f:tr~i~lltcd (tlan.s tn fustc:r higlter c~lu ca.. that evening ancl rh.: :wclieul"C was :1s. dcnlll h:tvc hl-c.:tl groulu:tt<:cl, while total tifm when he huught muiit nf the Micl .. llemhling in the ch:1pel. The fi n: ori~t. et~mllmcnt cx ct'i:el.~ W:t tchi n~ die Wellt frnm Fr.mcc in l S(I.l, nated in the ch::11lcl et:iliug. ewer the remain der.~: ~lf thi ~ number, Toeby J cfrerom's Jl:u·t in the fu nnel.. The fi~r indic:1rinn o£ the lire w::~~ like :1 hen with a brge :ulel scattered ing of M i~MJtt ri is CCIIlUn<:mCiratccl by :1 wllC'n the lightll went uur in the: d1:.pcl brood. i.s rhe husy Alumni A~CSociatirJn t~ron e nhclisk in :t pint un rhc Rc:d Cain· :md the C'cnter ch:ulttclier feU m the with hc:ld()Uarteri1 :.t tbc. Univel'~ity. ltoor. Most of the w:tter in the rank E:tl-h eJC4 Mi!'8mtrian t:ul cuu tH on (HI$. The m:~rkcr was designed by Jd 4 ler:~on fft r hi11 ~I':IVe, :wd was prcscntL-d (Ill cop or the building w:ts frm.c.:n, :uui rec~·i\•intt !lome ~ ~mn mni L':l llt"Hl fmm by his heir:~ ill lNKt tht: lire hcll\t:, which had never been thi~> org:m iz;~tlon =-t lc:..n uncc :. ye:u. Tht: U1livcr.sity walt crc::1 tcd in I!UCJ, tested, leaked h:tdly. Practically all uf It m:.y be :1 recJUCllt ((.,- vim I st:1tistic.\ eighteen ye;,~ after Missnuri bel•:tme the hooh in the lihr:try wca·e lrJ!It, as $inn· ttr:ulu:.riclfl, :m important :ui. :1 n:~ te. Tlu: fln:r buildinx w:.~ st:1r1cd well li t most (If the bhclramry :tpll:tr4 nouncement crJncern i n~t tl1e Uni v..:r# in IMMI, :ultl cl=-lll!Cll hc)tan in 1&41. atn!l in rhc lwilclinjt. M()re wemld prol~oo sity, or :1 cupy nf Tm: Mrssuuu The ymttlg in~titutiml h:ul :a !ltn•AAie :~hly h :~vc ht:en !C:tVe~l from rhc hu ilcli n~t At.UMN US, runtaining the where:thil ele­ cnuJ it'lll aff'ur~IL'II the l :t~ t ch:mce m ph:mt which had hc:en removed from make tC3C:I'Vlll lious (or tl~:tt Sc:IM:lll•$ Trim young ladies :lrt: !lut.::h an im .. the nwKellm fell uvc;r." humcc.:otning ~;un~-:• tllt:..:ry pro5pect, pomult parr of Mis11ouri'!1 d:ty·to·ll:ty Wh.:n the ruin:t of the huilding were CXl't:pt th:tt the lctrt:r w:as clcliven:

September, 1951 7 Possessed of a quiet, modest per­ CLEO F. CllAIG heads sonnlity, Mr. Craig is remembered by the men who worked with him durin.c American TeleJ•hone and Telegraph Comt•any his long service with Long J.ines as ..:a friendly £d!ow with a fabuklua C<1- p:aciry for WOI'It and a WOndC"rful mcm­ From Albuquc:rquc ro Ntw York, tO New York u ~I Lina: plant ac­ oty." CtCOtge Quemu.nn, retired Lon.c and frOm 1912 down chrou&h che ye:an:, cwntomt ~nd btcr b«:ame construc­ LinU" ~·ho wa$ Mr. Cn.ic'• wpcrvitor Amc:ric:m Tolephonc 2.nd Tcltcnph tion aupnvisor. He went ro Adant:a I« 2 time at SL Louis, recalls that hi-1 Cocr.pany ha• h:ad fn it:l employ m:1ny as diviJion pla:nt •"perin•cndtru of the ... disrriet man• .,got up vrl~. drove alumni of the Univcnicy of Missouri, Southnn division of Lon11: J.. intl in brthcr. and still motn:aged to look the 1950 COUJ\t bcii1C 41. 0vC't three­ J92S. He returned to New York in frahcr than anyone in the district." fourth• of chrse :~rc: 1927 ;\6 speci;~ l reprta.e:Jnative the tleccrie.,l <:ngineers, or Mr. C~ig ia a dinxtor of the A. T. a lLhough there Ciln also be (oorul those A. T. &: T. General Dcparrmem, h:utd· & T. :tnd or aever:al of the Dell Syucm from tlu: School or juurn;~lism, the ling contract& with ll'Owc.r :md lichr, :usoci~ted companies, ;md a memhL'f' of School f':lilro:~ d, tr:1ctH.m, of Mine~ :u Roll:t, :~nd othen. oil :1nd td'-"&r:ll)h the l.on.g- Board. lie ill :1l•o :t Among thcst ref)rtiiC,"'lt:trives of lht c,:om p:.nics. director of the Citizens Fint N:1tion:.l He returned IA11~ School or J~nain c.-;:ri na i11 chc boy of rhe to 1..-inc:!l :11 gen· Bunk nnd T rust Com1):1ny, of RiciJtt> crn class of 1913 who Willi promoted l m:1n;•gcr in 1933, and l!c:vc:n yean wood, N. J., nnd the Narion:1l SafCity l:.rc.r was sciL'Ctc:d vice-prc11idc:nt July to pruidc:nt of the 001np:any. He in Council. He is tnL'Itce nf the Ccntrnl h:ad been a vicc-pre~iclent or chc com­ ch:.rge o£ the dep:trunent, which oper­ Savings Bank, N1.·w York, :tnd :t mem­ p:my ainc:e 1~0. :and vice president in ates the Sysrcm's long dilltnnce lines. bu of the corporation of the Presbyter­ ch~rge of fitHUICC 1ince November, l!N9. Mr. Cl'!li& served :t-1 vice prt~idtflt in ian Ho.spit:~ l, Nc.-w York. ch:~rge of the Ptnon:.l RcJ:uiont Oe­ Cleo F. Cni1 w:.s born i,, Rkh Hill, Mr. Cr:ti~~; i, :~~ Fellow or the Aml:'r~o pOlrtmerlt fro.u 19-t I •o 19-18, wheo he Missouri, the youncat of uvm chit-. can Institute of Elccrric:al Enainecra. w~ n:an'!cd to hc:~~d the Operation and drcn. He ,ot :a head ttarc on what He is a member of the Univmity Engi:ncc:ring Dep:~~rtmcnt and the re-v­ or w:.s to be :a bfilli:ant a

8 The Missouri A_tumnus U. S. to Vancouver, Can:ad:., 2576 with the alumni milct, whL'f't they J)Ut tJ1cir car on hm~rd the: Ao~twgi, bo;1 rded thei~ plane, (Continued from Pace 3) the: RdoluLion (llC.I'.A.), stopped in San Fr:tnc:i11c:o :m hoot, and on to Hon· Tickets for the ~eame are heina 11old olulu, 3250 milrs in 110me 1• hours. by the Dalbs Alumni c.h:.ptc:r, with hoor San R>lph Loll,nd, ol doc l..oll•nd Con1· l)urin& that in Francisco pany, and CJifton Dlild:mon, Firtt they wt:re tnc:t by Mr. :md Mn. Joe A. :t.t Uabcllc, N.:ttional Bank, handling tho requcna. M:trtin, '36, who live 2802 In Columbia. Mo., ridcu :arc on tale S:.n Mntco, ~liforni.a. Arrivi.,,q: over Honolulu aftu- duk ~~ the )()(:)I football tlclr:et offiee. from :ir ror Ncwly-d<=eted officers of the: :.lumni and viewinl( that city the FOOTBALL one the lint im­ group in the J>:all:at area :are Rllph the flrat time w;~.t ot pR"Uive cxpc:ricnecs of the trip. They Lofland, presidtnt, Bill Lynde and Ray AND McKee. vicc-praidrnb, and Barfu.ra wtre met at the airpon by Mr. and Mra. U. Wac-ada (Mr. Wa~ada is prai­ Robinson, kCrd:tty·CTtasurct. dmt of the Missouri Alumni orpnic.­ Missouri :alumni livi~ in or nnr io~ml R. Friu:Jle, lnlW :are invit·cd to t'Ont:act one of cion in lbwaii) ;md BASKETBALL M.t: '48. t:hc:s.t oflicus :mel to :a u end the M.U.· Jr .. 1"hc1r trory lrom hu-e: is rontinuous S.M.U. r-ame :and 1 ~ festivities ol the d•y. with kit. ordlidt., sn:nic trips.. dinners, lunC"hcoos, dtt,....n Mhing (Dr. T ur· FANS nCT in an t'Xtn1c spOrt ahirt-.tylishly 0 How would you 1 i Jc: e THE TURNERS ENJOY with rhc thirttail ollt-:tnd a 7Sc nac,ivt DAILY ne,.,. o! bow the HAWAIIAN HOSPITALITY hat), and visits tft the Univcnity uf llnwnii campus. the K"Cpt'rimcnt Sta­ 1951 team is shaping up? "Anything yau s:~y :~bout the hmpt.. tion, the llawaiian l'inc-:~ pplc Pl :~n t, tality or the M.U. people in Hnw:aii it Aloha Towers, :1nd och~., inttt'dtinA; 0 How would you 1 i k e not cnou~th." Jll:ll"\~ DAILY news of individ· When Dr. ami Mrl'. C. W. Turner The M.U. Alumni dinner meeting ual players? Coaches? prepared tu the United Sr:uca in w:.s hdil CHl A\IAUIIt 6, Md w:LS 3lttnd­ 0 How would you like play Auguu for :t yc:ar's l ~:avc or :~ httnct: in t:d by liiJ,proximatdy thirty :.lumni o£ New l<;~l:uu:l, where: J)r. ·rurner will tht UniVt.'f'Jity or MillliOUri. l)r. Turner, by play accounts of aU study at the Runkura Animal Rtst:u·ch principal t (lc,.kc:r, discus!lc:d the work games, with plenty of pic­ Stntion near H:uuilmn :md will give " he ill ro tlu in New 7..c;~ l ;md, and the tures and local color? series or lc:ccurts ;~c Maucy Agriculmr­ nHlvie, "Miuouri'a University/' was al Collc:gc, tl1e :1 lunmi office n11ked ahown. 0 And wouldn't you like them to return a rcpo••t. AusUIIt iS round Dr. :md Mrs.. Tur­ DAILY news in general Mrs. T urner, rormerly O:mellc She. ner II()Hic:d ;,, H:ul1ihon, New Zealand. of the University and Co· ley of the Q:racluue dc::~n's office, h~8 Dt. Turner ill nlOit J)lc:asc:d with hit Jumbia? acced 011 seereury in 11cncling grectin&f: wo••k which he ha!l already begun at as they made: their wny ncron the Rualwra Aninul Re&eMeh Station. $5.00 Four members or the r:u:ulcy or the Univcnity of Mluouri are amoog those :IW!Irded J1atulty ..~dlowt h iptt by the J~"und ror the Advancement of Will bring you the MIS­ Edue2cton, :m a,gency or the Ford Foundation, ror a year of •pteializcd SOURIAN ..cb day lrom study in the fit.Jd of improving educational ttdlniques. now until the end of the The four, all of them in the Colfecc of Aru and Science, arc: Dr. john basketball season next Mar. ­ S. Brushwood, auiuant pro(euor of Spanilhi Dr. jesse H. Wheeler, Jr., Get detailed news of every auinant professor of cenvaphy; Dr. C. Arthur Dtmdt.on, assisttnt p~ thing tba(s bapJ"'ning at Missouri. fenor or philotophy; and Dr. Charles M. Hud.son, Jr., auociue professor the Athens of ol Englilh. Mail the coupon n ow-the Out ol twelve nates in the North Centn.l Recion, bou.nded by In. earlier the more copies you QU, on K•nsu on the wat., and Mis­ diana on the MinnesoD c:he north, receive. souri on the south, Northwatttn University hu 6ve faculty repre~Ct~tatives panttd thc:u ftlbnhipt., and Miaouri rank• nut with four. from the Bic Scvm confCfmce univmitiet, no tchool has more than one acept M...... ri. )(JSSOIIRIAN Of rlle 250 Fellowships awarded in the entire n:.tion, H:u-nrd and Col- Mia

September, 1951 9 of Mis.wuri Football Squ:~ d'' and left two holdovers from tl1e N1), l offe1uive Sports the money ro the :nhletic direc-mr for plat4Qn. The only vcrcr:ul! arc:: cen­ 011~ :1 s he determines. She suggesu ter Ruger Kin.son, :1n1i hal fh ~cl:: J unior T he University o( Miuouri bcci•l• that the hmd.s not be totally used in Wren, l)elensivcly, the squ:1d is het· ''ing in the 1:.11 ( JIJ.S l ), will openly !ells than five years, hut spc:ci6ed th:1t ter fi xed in r~ t um i ng standouts, bu t help irs :uhlc t~J to :1 ttcnd colh:gc in :a if the :uhletic director desired to spend touchdown$ arc still the p:~yoff and publicly :tdmowlc::dgcd progt:un which more th:11n 20 per c~nt in any one ye:~r, Mim:ou's hc:atl m;m re~•li;; that best is in a~ree-m e•H with the n:(;:ul:arions of he could feel free to c.lo 110. of :11!, the Uig Seve n Confcr('ncc. The athletic lunc.l, however, will nOt "In modern -day football, any team University :nhlc:tic :md administra­ become avail::.ble until the eit'ate is mwn $<:Ore :1 minimum of thrc:e to four tive olfici:,ls believe the above-rhc­ hn:~lly settled in about a year. touchdown!! to win," F:wmt insiSI$ r:.blc policy will do mm:h to re-move M1-. Robertson was not a graduate of ";•nd llomer·inu:s that isu'r enough.'' ' 1hc uigm:1 from collcgt: atl•lctics. the university. bur for his loy::tlry ro As ch·ills gut llnclcr way, the Tigers' T he money will come from footb:1ll Mi:t-zou ~nd the team l1e w:.5 made an most glnring deficiencies were ( I ) ll f'Ofi ts and from cc>n tri bution ~ of :•lum­ ltonor:try IUtmber or the Tiger "M" of offen11 ivc: lcadc•·$hip (2) Nn p:•ssing ni and otiH:r followt:l"l( of Tiger ath• d ub and :tiS() :ul honorary :•lumnus threat (3) Shorr:1gc of cxpc:ricnced lcrics. of the Unive•·sity. H ~: passed away in t:lcl:les and cnd.i. De;m S:1m ll Shi1•ky, chainn:ul of Febru:1ry. 195 I. Mr$. Robertson died Alth(mgh Mi..:um .:r:•dll:ttcd irs 101) tlu.: U nivtril ity's commiuce on intcr­ in AU.RUSt, I9.H. thn .-.: cruartcrb:1c:k' ulf the I'J.)U rc:11m, cofiCAiarc:: :tthlctics, rcvic.-wing the Uni­ t W() hu!ltling 1u..·wcumc 1'S l:1st sprint­ versity's illans to impk'1nent the Rig J im l·lc10k :md l~,h SchiMHnnaker­ S.:vcn policy :1duptcd when the N::\• Footba ll shuwcd enough progress ro indi~"O:t te tiona! Co1lc:gc Athletic As!loci:trMm ab­ that thc:y',l plu~ the gap c::11l:lbly rhiJ> ;'l ndoncd it·!> J~o-callc::d sanity cocle, $laid Some 65 Mis$ouri freihmc:n were ex· !e:1s0n. Houk i$ :1 junior, while Sth4oll· that gcncmsity o( the alumni will de-· p~ed to the ri.gors of v:;,r,ity foo tball m:1ker w:u1 llrohahly the hc.n all­ tenl1iue to some degr~~ how many pr:u.:ticc beginning Augu n 3()-.and iu's amund hack of the 19${) freshmen. a thletes c:m be: helpc(l. :11 gond bet that the stepped·up tempo R cvitali;~ing the tc:un's aeri:1l g~unc However, he 11:1id, reg;mlh.'lls of rhc of early drills left m:1n y o( rhe inoom· Wall !Ul oth cr matter. Sn rar, no pa:~ser tOt:ll number, no individual :1thlcte c:m in~t ''••ookit$" more tlum a little be­ has ~)me furward tu rcpl:tcc little Phil receive: more than the tn;(ximum­ wildc!·ed :tnd dis-mayed. Klein. nor w:nt there: :l n.:t'(:iV~r in cam1> bo:llrd :md •·oom (dOI'mitory ratt.'S), Smaller rowns, ra rhc1· th:ln the met· who ltM)kctl like :mnthl'1' luulcling (~cnc hooks, feel~, a nd 2i l 5 a mond1 Si>tnding ropolitan ce•Hers, were better reprc­ Ad ce:nn:mn. Fm• twn s c:ISOO$, this money. $C:1Hcd in the new crop or recruits. The combination gave Mi$~uuri an always.. The University tms been Sj)t;llding playt.-n had their first inform:~ ! get· potent :tir weapon, with h:llnlack john about Sl3,000 in gr:mts-in·aid-a, lc­ together itt ::t roke--ancl·hot dog party Glurioso pitchin.g frequ~'fltly thc>nlurc )usc ycu on alumni groups wirh money to aid fu1l :utd · letc:s' 11h arc of student labor fu nds, ;1ides sciH.-duled a line a•Hl Bill Fuchs- will divide the centc:t duty. and they will h:tve tQ work for th:.s-sing drill to begin the "weeding In the b:u:kfi:eld. either Hook or The sdcction (J( the :1thletes to re· out" proccs.s. SchoMmaker should call the shots ctive fi nancial hel1l under the progr:un ·n,e a«:d er:lted program was a ne· :1gainst Fordh:~m. with J unior Wren will be in the h:mds of the :lthletic cessiry. Faurot told his freshmen can· a nd eithet' Harold C:•rtl-r or j;1ck Fox, $1"<1fF under Athletic Dir~ctor Don didates rhe fi rst d :~y, "We have to get a freshman. :u the h:llves, and either P:'lllrot. yon re:~dy for :'1 ••ij., ce:un g:lme that's Bill Burkhart or AI Androlewict. :It just two weeh nw:ay. T he next week fullback. end we open ngains t Fordh:.m, and Pox, a 170.pound southpaw ftom $20,000 BEQUEST W I LL I'm hoping th :~ t between now and Monett, is reg:~rdecl as one of the cop AIO M.U. ATHLETES chen, many of you will prove to ou•· prOS IU!Ctll among the new freshmen. u aff tl1:1 t you're ready co play in that Anod1c:r m..-wc:o mcr or high promise is A $20,000 b~queu co :tid 4eserving game." Vic E:.con. 180-J)I>und p:u.ser from St. Univeraity of Missouri football players i&co ntained in the: will of Mrs. Mayme The varsity squad, l2S·strong the Joseph- a

10 The Missou'ri Alumnus ~t Al\ 1'.\IHO\lt, l'luth of Yfi•IM III, )llelol· S,'lllll , 1111 July 14, Ill >-11. )'nul, ) JI!I III'I, 1111>1 , 'l'lil' c•»Uto!o• u•lll mnko• Uwll• lt.,m•• ht ,\bllt·m•, 'J',.X>III. ).11~11 t 'u1111ll" l'll nl'k ur )hoiK•fl.)', l lt~II1H1 rf, nn1l t : t-: JI,\1,1) ll.\'rT III\\\'~ nlolu ••I llw lll•tiT 1111 Juo\f' ::; , 1tx'tl. ).1!1111 J.l11rll.111 1Norull•1 11 111.,1 uf llo•lrllll, ,\1!1-loh tnll, 111111 1'.\I,.J', t'H,\III.!O:l't K l't 'III(IUii'·: H n( .\lot)'l'o'l'>tld, ~l1111111Url , I• llro-• J',Juh•, .\111'1111::11" ( 'UII.IfM'Jflllltol! d l'lu u ..·li, nit .July U, l! , 't'll t• l'llll)tlo• will '"! l11• 1111 l!uUI!• •I '1'11111 1111, t'luri•Ut, 1\'ho•r.• I 'IIJtl, !{c·I\No

The editor begins the fall work on the MISSOURI ALUMNUS with the ).lt~ll .lnut-4 C'IIMI Iro• .... ,llll.l<•r ur Cllllil11!1, wedding notices of the summ~r. We give you aa many at our apace will allow, Xe•h r 1111k11, • nil IIAIUII. II UA1!.10' J, Bond o£ Detroit, above, who were married on J uly 14, 1951. 'l'lir ftlrlllt•r MJ1111 I•'WI~!<•r Jllh•II•T••d 1111• l•)ll'lllll' l'ultl'ltl'• l lr, llull!~ull !11 NIIJIIIITNI lUI 111111'11 N •J•N•III•IIhiJIYto fur lilt' 111'1\l'l.•.)' l ')tl'\'f.,h•l ("Qit1!11101 Ill lhltllfl!t, WllN'" l hl• ••tllljllo• V.'IU 11'1'1•• .'11!1111 l larto• l lhde-h• 11n•l lli('JI.\Jtrl W. Weddings 1946 ~lo\UII:T1., locot ll to l 1<1111111111 I' ll)', ,\UIII'Otlrl, .).lll.llltl•;l) lll•: l ,f·:~ HUI'I't-:, 4•1 t'1•r~u · u11 IIUW :!I, nl XI . l'1•1o•r '11 l~l'IHIII:t'lll•lll 11nd t~~•u , ,\11 - •111'1. 111111 Jm'"'l •h .\r!Cin •w Mlll'· lt••lt•nnc'll l'hou•c·ll In KnnJO.'III t'IIT, Mill· 1931 IJh,r tof l~ lrll wlloll , ,\lh011ourl, 111 l lw Ytr11t ~~to llrl. l'ft"'Chfh•rllln o•lmrd1 ur ''"rJ:IIi'ltlll 1111 lul,r NAI\:1' \' f:AIU I:O tm W l\lll•: tt "' Vnl'lll• uf h':nnllnl( VIIU:I:'\1,\ ,\ , lltH' I.t :II:\N 1.'o, l!, 'J'll<' l"'1 I'CJUnty, ~JI>!IIuUtl. ftud UAY 1\ , )'U\\'. :1,) , "' f 'uiUIIIhlll, t>tl c·ur. ~~~ ~~~ \'lrl!'lllll loCJUl !OI• Hnl11• r l11 flf ,\rllltl• •lunt • ~ ht KnrlJf. 1'111111., rtml l,'f', PIIAN KLIN 8. C:lllhtiiJI ltuJul, KtUIKIIIl ( 'ft)', ,\In , U\\'1•!!\ W/o.\' 1,.\!\IJ, Iouth froHII l'lohiiUhlll, 1111 ,1-: \", .)r., nn JIIIUI' ~ nl 1'11111 11 ('flfolllll, Af,J,I•:l'O.: llltUWX hi~1"11A )I, Tn, 11 t11l lll!ill(lll rl, 1111 .l uly i, IV.jJ, Mr11, \\'n,YIIIllll 11'1 l'olunut ... J.t. 1111~·.)' 111 n•IJIItl'llll, ~ 1. nn1l A INA I,, I' HI•::-1'1' 0:-;, Jr., 'IIIII ,)Jf, \\'ll fhtml fM•t•llllllll•l ••lf1•~·r ~~~ ,~·• 1!1 1111 to•Ull)hon IIi'! th~· l lr. l lr11. Akt•· nl houw "t mul ;1. 1•:. !11 lu llw h!llllfll/11'1.'1 hnlllrlo'llll Willi hill otfl'll'l•r Wllb ,. ,. G'iltl Jo'A II.Jrtl nllun nt l 'n 11111 )ltftU. 'J')tt• ('tiU(tlt• \T i ll Ullkt• tiM•Ir )lf.ll'l\1! ft1 fnllwr. 'l'h'I•J' Will ll\'1.1 Ill :!It \\',.IIJ.:It ln I)( I )IC! .\IIIIIIUUfl 1-'llfln('l''ll AKIIII• t'l•urtll "' Ult' llnl.r N nltrltr 111 ,lll,·k""n· l'iT II~II ,\1Hiliii1'CQ• tluthon. I Mtr~, Wlllo'IIIIJO,hl, llr, l .1,1a,:1a.·, I ~,_tl ll lll t! ••lmiiMIM.. '"' ;\fur II). 11& Xt. ) lkllnl'u Y.)lll\• CJI I I•~· Hilke• 11nl~I'Ollly :OM11•11l 11t M•-.11· I'IJJIIII Ia Mlllul\, llllll11111'1ou oll'otLol. C'luu·d • ••hM', 11( a flriiC UI'IJtt•IIIUtt In I!K1 l Tntlf!ll 'J'Ia- rur mN' ) liM ToWn!ll•n oJ .:rnth llllh••l trom 1942 l'illlt"' ~'fr lf'ul'c~• ill l lw 1'1·~11ic•m•y t r AIII III,I: Uti' 1111~olnu l 'hllolr••u'll llolll)olllll ~h11nl "' Jt-:,\N t'I,JUIINH ut (;olumhhl. :\II~~Wi nrl, '""Jti'IUit, 'l'h•· ~UI•)h will !h·1· In J>urJu'ltll , NUI'IIIU)o( 111 111 ht 11 1 Jtfl'll>'lll. \YIIb 11..- H111C• n no1 ll, l'ark1•r U n111111.,111 oC lrulhmnpvll_,, Xnrtll f '•rlllllltl, wll~1'1· Hr, T.n~llf! will I.K! lml n ••lhi K Jliillllllltl, hr. l f1Uf11l'on, It 1m re~lllt.l'l!l lthy..-ld ll lt •t IJnkt'l l luh·t•noltJ l11!11n•m. .Junr G, In C••lumblu, l\fi111Co1•11rl. furuwr ( ll'o:N lu ll•t' lfiar ":.111 tlllf'hl )o( \\'corlll 'f'hl! t~I\I JJII• rdll lh'o1 In Jno1lrtlllll l11111-" wlwr<: lfto;,jJillll. Wur Jl, l ;,o: 11 ll k•tllt·111 hl)tllll' al'tlll'l•r 11 t '''lf'l' .\lr, Hcu•• m • n Joe wurkhur tuwllr•l hill d•M:· ,\111111 ) Jarl:lin Mo•\'ny 11f Trt•uton, ) 1111· lk•ul Jtrl,~rhl\111 11»¥)•11111, 'l' h,• rcmphl \Till lnr'11 tlo;n 1lln~·tur "' II IUdil'nt wcu·k j'(,, tbi! 1947 !(•.:•· In ('111 tnll h l• . )II K~~ollrl. etlthrllnll c·I•Ur•·l• h • :Xtl r lliJIII, Ok!Aimmu. JY.ANNI? .UdiUN'At.U U( Wa11111n~t·nn, )111111 >-thlrlry l(n•ll ll ur Jlltrllllhnl. • )fill• DOIHYrliY RU I~ JJAVI~ 11f 'J'III YC:r, Ml~llttlll'l , 111111 (',\ ltf, !1} :1\:N J.l·:tt, .fr,, llliiO 11nnrl, 111111 1('1',\Nl.l':\' S Al llo\1\', nllln of )11-"""url. 1111d J•r. A. '1:. W a lk•·r, Jr., on <•f Wa11hhuttf.l:~ "" .huu· :1, J~CiJ, ·~ tM .Tnn1• Ht Jl).jl , In 'l'hayc•r. O r. \\'nite r, ll J humlhnl. om Junu :~. Jl).)1 . .\lr. tllul M~ J•r~·~bflt'r11111 C'lllll\'11 In WIII ~J tl nl(tflll, '!'I!U KfiUiunh• c•l l111· HniTI'fiiiiY CJf ArkiU1101111 !

September, 1951 11 ..urt, llM WJLLIAW llAVJD HARRIS, tor•tr ).[1u ¥•b~7 .... a a~oC~•bt~ or c~tt ~U• Jan lfarUJa WAhl or Rameu, .... Of ~Ia., H .Ia- t, JICI.l.. w,._•c ~ I• W.e.ter Gronos Pllbl~ Cll.11torala, ..41 JOJIX M. D"--B.LINQ .C l.la7 u. ta u.,.. ,. s C'l'll•ll••• ., tk.,..._. c.rae.,.. -~ llr, ..41 )In, O.HaJ wW UTe I• tea.. • Cur. ._,,... .,,, o• ..IARGARRT LAJK.\~ WAl.tH:R an4l Jl'&tlllilllJ;ttUt:, MIMDVrL Kn•• CU.7, ...._,. tile a»upla wltl Uyt,. JtiiD Btr~tard ('wolll, h.nU111 or &edJil!ll, J.U• Bl.rbara &ll.e• IIJh~ms llnd .Jolin CAitl.lUU; 1\U!Ili.MY, 'riO, ot Columbia, 'f.J, ! II.IIIIOIUI, '.fhe fflfmtr ~11111111 Walker 1Ueml• II,\1\'I'SUORN Oft J111K1 23 Ill Fuml ~tii'Cun, )IIIIIIOUrl, nad 810N I~\' II, INORAM, cttl h•Uh Cl•rt.lllu• \.-.llii'III'O ••nl t ilt' Utd· lll~~~~~url. :o.rr.. llllrt•horl\ It • ;rotluJitO or of WJerln,-Uftclol, lllfiiiOU.rl, fl it .Tu11c 11. Un. vttnlty. Cllrl~lllh• CoUep. '""rnm hllll lH'I:lll 1111 ln11tl'uetor In U•• WU.~M. RUTH U~ATII ot St. Loull Ulll"tl'IHJ' SciUIOI ot klotlltiDI!. Mr. Ia· autl acl.,.bal"d W111 or CarUtAtre on 11 arrnen waa llD tUnt-'NIIt Jn.lruetor ID 1949 S• SL Lnta. •~erte11 ltll,. •t Roft\••• lllqoort. JA..NB LUM LYOS, ._, or lfOobtrtp, )IIJU)I4KZ". ':.;t.•f CIITlo•, JoiART.l~ l.l. )l...._..rl, ••4 JU.UOI.O KA&L £!\'CI!L. )fl-ur1, a.d DOK.\1,0 )1. WlkSEV o1 19~ Tlt. of Co-l11Dib!ll, lfl-ar1, OJI Ja- 1 CUitGn, ~("W .let'lt'J, •• Jun.e t, ltll. )lr. 111-H.t~ S LOitltAISK UHATU of St. 1~. h11 llobC'rl)', Till ,.,... , llla1 LJO~ WIIIMC'!" lB ~n•pl-oJClltc:or f:ro.,.t!ll pultllc Mchoolll, :\fr, UMelll Avenue, Uutl\t•rfm•ol, N(I'W IOI'IIIIJ. AM. ·:.u, IH. l .uul-. Wlllllln 1111111 WnU (nbol'o} and l·lnJCel l t1 hlllthtn• &«'CCmltiii!C At t.lle St. CAHOr.YN RltOW~ INI J ut T~nlon, U~l~ll IArr.tlnfl Kt•l•n ar.: 11-l~tci'K. f.utel• JJu.ll!nM~~II ~lii"ICO. Ml.llllfttlrl, a a tl AVMY, IUid I'V-:1', lt08F.HT f,lU~ Jtl~NVJ.l))IAN, ra~nlt)' tbc!lr 110111(! In Cbh!n~rn wli-C!ro, \VIIIIh!lll "''il, M Jl('.li\Jtlltt-111,• llllllftd, Sow ¥orlc ot l.,tlnton, )lt-••rl, "" Ju~toe 10 Ia 'ba •• at J.lot• lne. on .:llliiiO 2, In (..'Ohll~!hla, )IIMOarl. Chr'C11 1"1,_..11:"~ 111 ~IIIPI!lort'(J N'l)'l'diU.r JM-U CJt1 )fe!llll~dlat l'o•a.. Oil Sherlllaa,, U.ft:T Ia ._ .:-raduato 01 C1'ntl1ll loll-:nrl l!IAHT .U.ICF. JAmKil,. '41, a•• Dr. loti• .luoe Kalllt)'ll ,._.... aad ROLAND RICUAUD !:;I>I£S.• C.J~ w.,,.,...."•r«. .W:tanrt. aad .lOllS w. lolfDDl.Jl'I'ON. a ..,._o.ue ftf Jr,. ftf Klrlt-.ocl, .\f&..•rl .. JaM JO 111 • u ta•Ot a& MaRIMll. loll... rt. Mr. tile Unlnnlty Bc•MI of Notdtdae " laae MlwriiUIIrt.. lfl"'l, Rp'- t~J a ~rnda.ue et li••e¥ WU A'YI!IIIIIIt~l IN.. lire Unh•eniLJ l1, t• Cla:rkii'I'IUe, 111-..o•rl, Tile couplo The C(tiiJII. wiU 1nalre CoJ1Qre ot F.nMhM""II'IC In .AIIXU• t. Til• wUI ll•o In l{.an.n.• City, )U111111nrl. I4C!SIIIC'QII C~tlk'ICC!. Uhlir I110I'Jio(! In f44., f-AIIIhl, ~lt1110Ut1. ~lll)lc wiU be 111 I!CIIIN! ttl lTll Antllony )lha lolary J CWI)I Xl~ennne1 M Hou•o lll>'I'"'J.'~ JO 8ULMVAN, 'Ill, ot Colum. Htn:!OL (..'ol\111\hla, MllllltiUrl. IJprlftJC•. Mlnoart, anll WAr/THR w. bla, MlllliOUrl and 1~\IT, I'WJ'I-1R E. PO'J\. JIA IWARA f.()UUut Ar.T/J'ON, '1$1, flf T IIA\'IIJ R, Jr,, of' ll.t, r.o11:b1, on Juno JG. 'J'IUI ot J1nll• Cl1urcl•, VtrrluJa oo Ju~ee Cuh11n bln, Ml11111111r1, and JOHN L. 'l'llCI /ormer 1U• Nlo111a1111 I• 11. 'ntluto n, 10M.. 1.- C.hiMiila. l••t. Potter 111ael KNAUS ot Sllti!I!UIIe, )lllllfl11rl, 011 JUDD D. ot IJtt-ph~• CoJ~&e. aJlltottt1 traJ•t•c u a •l)e(lteat t ..bfl ..., .:.,._., Ja eatplort4 b7 the P~ral a .. WJI.LIAll JO&BPB 4'01 LOU TUGGLR .. ,.,, ... Doane•• Lied h ..k or N. r.o••• ••d I• ad.l•~: M~e· .Ia• 11 la K.-. OQ'. )fr. '-*'' ~llidal! OOIXBT oa T.:a.u aad wu reaat1.,.. te u Pl.. rttll1'7·trea.arer or ca.. :Oau..t h.r• ,.,.., <000f"7 will .,. at ..... ta ••o allld t.wto.-, S..ttlt, \'f'a•hl.llatoa. A-odatlu of Sllle.1011. wllltre ,._ c.•plt l)ulralo, New Yorll, loll• RutZI Vlrrlnla &till et ll'11.ytc~. Wilt ll~ UcGLOTitl.u; of !)(!•tor, JKAN IVAN ~IIMilnrl, nd WILLIA~a DARRI$ ).IAit'l'TTA 1 . De(:I.UI'l ot Donne 'h.rre, a1u.1 I.e. Jolu• R.c!hurt nnnter or UOJU"& NI(;U. l iii!IIOutf, t11UO!N or Arlrllllto•a, l H••rmrl on JuiJ )II...Oitrt, ancl RDWAill) T 0 lt(l(lr, Afkflnllll.. on June 10, h 1 llll, on Juno 2 1.1111 :!1, IOIU , In Jf!l.)'t-lte, 'f ltO ('!(IUQII! 'f\'111 IIYO or,H, 'lil, ot Chl!liO)', lflo•·h I)OX~r. 1 i\lnr.. Nlcbclu In li iUu1na City wllero Mr. CJrct-~a Ia n $\'Ill· n honno 'l'o.rro. Mr, 1111il •-1111 •mubeU• J-.u ot Oklal!Gma CStJ, lor lteOUD&.n•c tor liH.t power nnc1 ll.&llt Vl'lll be at Ju1mct at J:t'l'T AlilbonJ Stl'ftt 111 Oklahouu, n(l WILLIAM WILLlAllSON . Oaltllllflbla. ltHnourl. 3,. JQI::I;L co•,,.n,. lila• of Cola•llla, Wl.oarl, en A • ~ NANCY LBE BJICUXA& al Ct11~llf, MARTHA. SAJ.ar80N or C.hriDblll, kt .__,, a..r-. u• llrL wnu.--. wtu .. )U.a•rt, ._.. DJ:al'lARO ~ KJLU.JT· ...rt •Dd V, \VII,I,IAX KASAlL\.S~. o:f c.tmporarll7 Ia Okla_..._ Oq. J"aae 100:1, ...._ WAN' of Jtii'U.• C'llJ, lt~•rl - .lu• Ntw Pao.n-~. )U..,..ti, oa J' loll•• JNilD. RltlllltiiiHIII 8Ctwart Of Co· II. Ia Be. Lont... UllliloOCirL Tllot coople ,..m at tM llome Gt hof'r 11!1,.nt11,. ltr. K•u••n• U111l'l'erwlty uti re· 111•1111... lUIIICIIIrt, An.d \VfLf,tAll lf:OOR· lllllllltl thel.r llo~-.: at Jfort t.ewt•, Wa•h· 11 • ..ra(loatt or tho tlN!ia UUlHIA1tD ot lh04lllll.,.ld, ll!uaurt. hlll'tOI'l. c:ontl)' w.11 ~rndnate-d ttorll Ule St. 1-4UI• e ftll luDell O,. l!t.ll, In Coh101bla. Tbc forme"!' U\,\Nr.'A LINIIAUT, ·~. ot (;l!liii~Ut t, Colll)'lfO of Mortu.flrt kl tnr~. •rite~ co••Pi ~•·ourtl\ S lrcet, Boonville, )liM Stcwttrl 111 n '41l "rlllluue ol Chrlt• ).11.-mrt, nn11 nf.m \'I~ UlnWSCIINI'll· will 11"0 lit OlT llll'l Colleiot-. Dulll•r(l I• VIII I)IO)'I!(I hi IHUl, '40, fll Dudll('r, ).IIIIIIOIIrl, .. n Jone MhiiiOUtf. (It llahl• u.. X1va1 Otd~llllN JabcntorJ, WbltO l. 11101, 'I'ke f!OUJ!le Will Uv• ill TrOJ, l.IARY RATJIUYN JIJCU.., -..v, 0.k, )f,IIITbD4. Keru.aa. t•. Joiluourl, &nl1 JJ~RO~UII NOEL 'l'IJC. W....._rt. oD JaM Joflq C:arol_ya War«•'*' n~ lflal P'alllf.. )l&o l'a.Jf'J' Clf J>eKallll, XA..N, 'OJ. ot s~,...,.., .latlr.... Me.. ... x... CL£li£ST 1111.. '-, aad ROBIHt'r BA.K:ER POLo 1-- C:UARL£$ PE>rl:RIO!'f, Eft.Qlo:l, JU,. LOCK. f'dtror ar ,... N••• WIN Uary Au Wolbn and JODN OA IIIII' J Ia Jaella.oa, p11b11ent1o•s ot Patr111ouat, llltc.ob. 0111 WILL Ll!iK, Jr. t il J,M !f.f, l!Jri>l. t:n Jof· , T(ATHRYN JIEIL ...4) Jgao;m! S, J11111 11, ltt.•ol0 fit OoKflll,, rerton City, lUAOt.rl Vnl· 'J'II~;\fANN, ';)(I, 011 Jlllll NO. 'l'l!f'Y are IIY• "U l~ HCOT•r WILIJON U(l ARNOLH I•JI..AINiol JtUTU rtOIJUNUAU)l .. t hilt ut 2113 Park A•e., 1(f!,U&11 C1t.y, )Jo,, IWIUUmr,r, In l\.11.11•1111 Cur, MJnourl, on \'ot'llll)' Cte;y, )IIIIIIOI!rl. And f>te_ . WILo 111 City, wbt•'t llr. 'l'lr-n-.lnn le employed wHII .TulJ' 21. Ji:il. Tiley Vl'lll llvt Jo J{'a ntno T,IA).I Af,LAN 81011'1' Df Kn.n111 v. s. COld Sto,... e. City. )fllll()tlrl on )faJ 24, l0G1, l'tt'. 11114 )IJ11. :Uin DolorH 1, Ptotbu ot Jt'!'eriiOD RUTU ELIZADE'TR 8COTTEN, '51• ot lltht are ll'f'ln.- to VltWr'm._ Cnttrorala, CttJ, lll•••rl ••4 YITO C&8CU of Walk. ud PR._!

12 The Miuouri Alumnus liiJ.. CW l11 NliiiiOTt'tl h)' 11141 'I'C•rrnlunl HOf,"J', 11110 ~·t K11 11111.11 CIIY, fill J1111o11 :t h 1 Jtllll'('ll \1 AIIIIIWIIliOIII, Kn*• c•Jty, '.l'l10 r onnt!r •111111 llonl11 I• Classnot~ )fAJU'OUJJO liUTll Wlo!f5T 11t Urot1kiMd, II Jl',.lhllltl! ttf l(ll llllll ll 8Uit0 Coli..... Mr. )d!11110ul1, a111t ).Jr. H u•"•ll Uu-oeb U.rtow ud Jolnr.. Cn>il'blllt will II~ 11\. C.UIJI C'ltlf· 1911 of IC11:1111.1 Cillo Joli~~Narl, CUI lat.. !U in '""· Arkaa•••· whrre ).lr, C.lll'loolt I• all• UrMkll~t14. )lr. lltll )ltllo Bal1t1W WIJI bt cJtt~L TUOYAS C\IJtTJS VA}'tC'I.J~V t:, A.B.. at ... at 4011 C.M:IIIIell S-irtltC.. ){UI!IU C.\HOL\'N t)THUWJnt ... o... td 1'1. A.». ·r:. bl hi ~~ou t"rtJ·~•• ,..., .. Clcr. au--rl, "'''IIIDa....,., ..,.. .. ., u ..tnt l,.., ll'--r1. .,._._. BrKbu ntH rr.t~ •t m •• )IA.IUORIB laAVOOH ef ONI&r IJIU, - Jaoe 10. 1• :U•lltrlr. ).U,...rt. lof)' • •• !.._.Uire.l ~~ al 0..-.ot• C.l· )11..-rl. anod IIOIJHRT R. LF.K l'IIKLI1t, )IJa J ..._ A~IM Dar:t ol•,._la, ..... ~ .t t .... ""'-"" ...... ,.. c Jr., at fktll CUt, 11U.Onl, •• Jue •· )l~rt. alid 1.1. MftSJCitT T. 14.\IJ.:MOU:C b a• t«kff I• llle Anay ktlllo lrt \\'MW \Y.r I u4 II. 'I'~ J'N.t'll liM ...._ tHn 1«:11 l.a llld IU4r~ an-.rl. Mu. 1~ et Ult~'-1. lCI-•rl, aa J•- I Ia Colu•· a t onNr a• l•taftl la•trt~ttor In tlite Unl• hi•. JJ"" ~.. '"" t. ••,..41 .. 1fl . , l4Ct'­ IIP"t b. ttt'fd aad •t.dl Ia Karo.,..a nn.ltJ llellltkal M'lt!ace ,wp.rlntf!llt, -.11 Ual~tlc.: ..r&, U'lt"ld1, , ..,11, Jilwn• C•ILI'I(t. r.,, •'"' .,..._ "'""''''u" wm ••r•lk-11 ' " tk &flhhlabt IIC'JkHil ami CO"I• ll'l'e al 1~ J.utlfn••l Air n._ I• 'hUll J•a.rb. ltuiDe. l ..J u••· Hur1n,: lhl1 UIIM bla~ IIC'I' 111 1111~11 IIIII l't!h•llh iiC iJllfiH Wbll'f1• he l.11 111ntltou,...l. l'rut~r \'aa('lr'fe lla~~: 1"11•1lllil~l aen-tal W'llli fliii'IIIU IIWI wort! Ill lllll! t·I'IIIIIINI Cllll• f'IIAUf• • !~ l>! ...t-!ltltY.I, I, 11f ('•huttl!ln, l 11oalll ll lld 111aftJ 11 111~1('11, IIIII ••UIIII 114• llrtfl" rllnlt •l 11\1! 1JIIh"Pfllt,r llflltJIItftbl. ?IU1111011rl, .11 1111 I.Yr.Y, KINU, )rnJ:It•~t, Mill• •lrt- Ill Oil lf'vdttlll HC I'ftt, llrt~II•W'Iott, llr. 111UI )IrK. l'llllllfllt will II~ 1ft 1~·11 C'lly, IO(IIItl, llll July i, UWU, 111 t'•ltllllhla. ltoll• J.ln! uf'. l'IO:UU\' UMUUIIN Qf (.'(tlmultla, ,\11-lllrl. )lr. 11111\ Mr11. 1\h•K t•l1111 ' " "'1111111111 111... 1r a mi HUNi\1,11 C. 1.1~\VJ~~~llllrl , arul .IM I'I~Y. IIMCIH W, li1\K· ;~1 11'11'" '""'~'' 111111 lw~cl nt lim flf'I)Art• tiWJtt or 11Jtr1elllltllnll l!lol••ll'l"ul cl~o~•la• Mit ' '" "•"'' :10 lr1 U1•r1111•, '1'111'1 """ llvlmi 1931 at :!ti"l Nvrib WlltlfiUI lt•wUI, V'fl•rln•ll, I.JIIry 11.1 tJ01• 1'••niiiU'h'Rn1n Kllllll 4'cl111,..,, Ntl1N•ol Cltl Jill"'! 311 Willi I'IUI•JIJIIII h lk. 't!ltll\' J.l)ll l~V IUUio\N, •:1(1, 11f l lulc••· )11111101111. 'l lllt••r• nlll•n:tll)' k ...,n tor bl11 w•rlc f!a )11-lltl, 111111 MAUK 1111 MtAtu 11'1111 tJ•o u 114'r 1\1)"\CI. 'l'IH> "'"'''" •Ill llf'fl n•·u JUDI! '· lhtlfl"f'odly nf Mhl-11 1M" """•IIIMir>il a Tlatlt>r )l"i(•tll, Clltlllt.t>~~a <'Ill, t•tll•h"llll, KJ,JY.,\IIJ(TJI IlANNA J'ATI'I uol Jot. l1Y.NJt\' WII.I«IN JUUtt:ll'nC41N, Jr.. a..UI PMICr&.DI Ia rllalldll n_..lfll ..... W'Jtlt wil""' 1-lr, Mullinix lJI ..t•ll •""l wiU! tk ...... Ml-art, •• ..... Jt •• .J••U.a. .."' rtd4 Na•dln1• ,., b!JI 111 1111 U•llf'lll 1'4taiN Afr Ya..,._ "' ,,,._u, Ja ..tkmal....., ..,.,._. t.10', wilfoft ..rtkll;b.rtr t•1lr• ltAIU'J,\'N YIW)IMM &lid ~ l~tlt.7 'nley •" ll'flac- a·a Uk la...... ,., ...... ,.,, ...,...... a M .., ••• .,. lhl..,, Jr., •• JaiT r.. I• Ka ....!l nt.Jt, ).lr. l.t. ICa'-'n-. l11 ...u ...... al T... kfto Air w~w,.. 1'\lodaJ U•• l Ua... I• ....,..,... lt.J Jlror•·(.1lrt-7 h1 C...... u• ..,_rt... l••ttta, )11-lrl, ).1,.., 11•1- WUI INn I• ANI'I"A )lAKIN WAI.I.INt'KNUI"'', 11.1., '" '""'ltll'" &II ...... 1woot •• 1M ~••ItT a..a - tu •• I• l non, fA llw tile PV-hltc ~~~:t.t.k •t l'Oola•l•1a. lW. •t A ...bla, )Jl.-c~rl, ..11 t'MKII (., JIAM­ T"l'· ••ly .,....rtl'lf'llt •t a trr1.. 1lllra 1 btoclillMI• A4tl""": H.. tord Apt-., V•lllmlil&, Will~ JJACH. Sa.a ), Vlflr1fla, .. Jalle :t I• llllfT In tlw l!atttd Ktall!ll te lla ._ ..... AU!rtlllotl. U1111IMI"h ht ~allllflll*. 11111 1t1HI · ...... 11'"'-"lllf'll loJ 111M! AIM:rtr.a C.'lilf'lllll"l-1 11.­ :OfAilY Jt!AN llltt:NNMU Ill ...M'.-1 1_..,,., ll'll at t~ rr'*,,.,,.u, •t "u.. .,..,, u11 ttWI l'll•ly_. Tlll!l fuU·HIIIe 1011\lr . r UIO t'ltpa.n• lJIIUIIllrl, l"fl lib1t111d T11toker Gay Ill ot ampto will II.._ at 'JlT ~ll11111111rl An•n1ut n..,nt !lnrlnA' 1111• Ja•·Jt':a.l' 1/lltlo•l ... • l'(IWII Uur. l nfll.. •••· Uh Juoo 3t._ a t I'll. Hti!:JIIte••• In t:'olambiJI. rN.. U tel 1'1'111111 '"'-'' ilnYe flllblldW•If RJIIMIIJ)III Clmro•l1 In lf~riCtloWlll. lll1111 Marnb Nn•N! llllrtlnJ 11t )I.I41•0ml1. ~ 1"" ~ J M'U 1 aoJ 1) (lf,OitiA I)AWX IJAN1I11C lflfQ, llnwa11, lo.ll.l,.IIUI Qlll) lf.Mjrt, Wfr,f,J,U,I J,. ;u ll'< IIIOnl tflaJI <100 ,_'fl.rt'll lt'-llbnnb nn1l meiWJUI'tllh._ Allfi.IIU\Ch "" llni1 JAM I~.. H. IIAJ,r,, «lo., nnd WAitiiJ(N' A1t'J'IIU1t IIIIACIC· nlJnn l.llltl'r h~llll lllrllled tbc (lfllll'1 lt on .luno '0 In ltlt hnlonll llrh;bht, Mill• ;\IAN:-1 on JmHl :l:t 111 XI. l.tJU I•, Mr11. orl• at o• c OUIIIfiiU)III.It IIIUIIIIUUI 1111.\lfiiiJ Willi Alii liOitOfll.rJ dtlt~ ti•C)' tl\0110 J)r. 110url. nract1rna 1m 1.11 11110 • C"'ftu•tt~ ••« ll11rrl• llulcbcr tor Che n,.t awori,l onll 1'*~'"''1111111 MARION 1HITII ltKI,Y.IJitnT or Kllft• Ttntbrr• Cfllll'lrf!. Jtt, l.o•l•, 'rl~ll fotl llf)IO ttl• with the doctor Gt .-lf'nto delttM. no IIU Cll¥ a11t1 Jl~11r1 Woo11n11111 lllflt.ll , 11111'1 wfll Jln~ In N~w \'•trk. llo141 11 a nuutrr uC 11rt. lto•.:r~ ,...... ot Ka1111n• Cltt, oa Juao :t, a.t ll11.' Unk· lU.1111 Jlart•arl ll&rh llll nt Klrllw~W~d, ldl~ • 1110 WIIN'O ....-YY• WIMI41 ConalrJ Cl11l1 Ia Kn•• CltJ, ) llll· Mnrl anll ROWA111) OWXH OIAVKR, n1 UIC UniTttldlT nt lll1111011rl , 11~ 101111, lntiiWO&Il, )flrtlll!"'lll 'o• Janfl 111 lrt Kirk• ftl on I.IM! f:lttallJ lrlalll..,. u U.a Ul!ll.,.•r• lilT G! JUhloJ• and Mfll-tfl, lhd IIU a BAftOARA ANN JI'Rl'R fl( lJambur•. ••CI. •litre ••• toup~ w111 tlll.kt tlilclr _ Ao«•r at ICINtte ..._.,. tro111 lila llal• l\ew Y•rtl, ud J.:Xl'l. TJIO)(AJJ LACO, .. t\'NitJ . , 1...... rtkO, JJL. al .. ot lf••~•rw. oa l•• 1, ~ ta IEANK"l"''X IUCCKWAN ot ltol._,, Wt. Cel•••ta.. )ll-wl1• ..,.... "'pie W'I.U n .. ...m ••• r.c.. wtm•• n. W• • IIL Ar.s Ur, D•l*r ll ._I'I'IN t e ll•f7 ).&. ta C.Jttera&a. •kn tta. Late Clleallml Cftdl'r, ,.a.,.taa• .. Jal¥ ,_, Wr1r;:W U4l tliltJ' "*" ''" rhtld'"' W111 M atallo... It a 111... 1 ba.-. JIW. l.a S.lla. J.l. )l,at(tll ..._ . •n.dulftl AIM--. W_.. fl1 kl!t!ilntJ, YlrJIIIa4. • •" lUu CJontll,. U orrt. ot Kaa... ~t7. tro• lM &tMtol •t .WI... ••• Mtta11aru RaeW. .tte., J. 1. Wat...,. et x ...,., Yt..o-vrt, ..d ROtlKRT WILLIAM CAME· at V1ll'lala..

September, 1951 13 nr. nrul )h·"· J)ulo•lu·l' Vhll' h • Jualu!llllt We Sell tho Famous and Dependable tllf'lr f l.,.ldNw•• lu ~lith• (_'ullo•Jt<", 11111 v.•lntcr mtUIIIUI w111 ho• " 1"'11 1 111 .lnllwln~ I'Ohtl, Nt-vr l'ort Jtlo·lwy, Vlur•rl, l1a11 n'llll(llt·ol, )JIIilll l"top)oc•nlhw. ... !unno-r '''"''"' '" n oe Columbia, Mo. !:!J•rlnRIIrhl, llill,..url, i"to""'TI""'· )ln1lla11a, a .DII l'U4•1o)o, t'olnn~o). ltljl:h •·biMolo~., l1a.111 t..--111 ,..~larl>~l )>IOJ to UQI Ia aol41t ..... t• Missouri A .....OLDEST ...... •" ...... ,,. lll"" ...... -..! .... Norton B. Smith '22 lo< • trn4UIII~ Ill hrai"J' l.._lkoi:P In ~1ll'la#• CONTINUOUS ADVERTISER" H. Ralph Ambruater '34 61-hl aaol •tt-.'"1 ~ • - • .»a.-ull'l !'4alt! t'•llrJ:• at- Ia lf.,rt•ll'•.-•L M:bt OUR MISSOURI ALUMNI ..l:lt..,. ,...... c-•,.,.- ln••ol-tr..,.. .-tulll"' In l1h•nt•,.. Gordon 0. Mof!in 'll WII.J.t,UJ Jol. t:MI: .\S llol• ,_..,,.... .­ Rcbi.n E. W alker '40 aalalllll lll•.doaadry ..lla •• 1.., l'al.....,...lll' Tom Plunt.u ... ..r «'allt..rttbl , ._,....,. •t ,\vl"'f'Uit•"'· .-\ llf"'ola•lr rr.•• lb. l'afn-,..ft)' I• 101':, ,\lr. John R. Seibtl '49 CARTER-WAT ERS Roger Catts '49 )tl'tnlno ,...,.,.....,., hl11 ..,."',.-' " '"'•'"' In 1'914. llr. l:~a J•••• ...... l:n ..bup et Ba•il Rac•J '50 ~ l1111r,' J•no•ll11'tl"• •I lt.r l'nln-rliltJ' ,.f t'llll· folf'nl• Cur lin• 1,.111 ::0 , ... nc.


1{, 1':, 1'00\\'1':1.1., n s:raol11al" h-~1111 tht• f.:IIJ:IIlrt•rlnJ: "''tlt~OJI h t 1!11:1 Ill 11 Wotlolhllt T P rompt rnu:l•••"'' fur 1!101• Wt'lllrrn tilo'l•trlo• C'unt• l'llllJ' In t\t•nru)'. Xo•vr-•riii'J'. IIIII llttdl'ftllll T E conomical ~. ' "'''' ",; ,\VNIII"'· \\'o•o;CII• •hl. 1'\••W' Jo•rtoo•y. 1916 "' E fficient M l ~ •\~~ ,\, ,\,II , 11ntl n.M, l u t:d .. h 11 >1 l~o~oc•n II!IUIO'd tll'llu.: dii'J'I'II)I' Give your clothca tho best protection possible by letting of tuJio lk 111•111111 uu,.h iiC wlll1 IJw .U1t 11)1n ' '" !JII rtlllc•ut uf llt•nltll fvr tht• t•ulllllllt us take over your laundry and dry-cleaning problems. Your )'t•ur, ~~"' l~o~•).(llllt Jwr dullo•ll Alllt41~1 lti complete satisfaction will result. WIU1 lll"l" l ~o~•fllrt• ·:·ult•riiiiC Ulo• IIUrl'hUt dt"ltl ohlrln~: \\'c•rld \\' ur'l, )l.lw lllh•r "" ,.,_,.,.,,d 11 l lno;lo•r'li d••a:nor \l'IIJ1 " maJr•r In tnohllo- ltto111ill1 """"'Inc fl'lolll l'lllumblll Ifni• ~N'oill)' •t•o,.('l\o'l'll l 'uiM·i!t' In 1«111.

1918 Hr• .UAltJOJtiK ("AIU'Kl"TKit, ttlet·r ­ ,,,. ,. .,, tt..• ltllllllllllllio'll oJI"t.. rllllml IIC Xtl"'tlbt-11" ('olk-.:r I a '"l"•l•la. ._. ODe!' (Of '"'"" ,\uaool1raa Hl~:t~·•ltor.t _..I!N"lroll 111 ,,... l', X. Slllll" Jart .. f'Uart~t I• ...~ • • •• NJ~tt~~t••• ~taU..:I Ia t:..,.•••t tbll' ...... ,... ,.., • •-•It i1Mr1••hut Au•.u Jl hr. C"an;orat"' "'"" •It" Gil • ...,...... ak-no,.•fJI to ---ltl..r ,.,..,.,....,. of I~ ...t~t .. _l p~• In .;,.,...... f'el• ars:... aDd u•I'I'Pndl..,._, '11le r..trrtok9 .... llrlot at Wrll~. J1r. c-..,...... c... ~ ,.,...... ,.,... rr.• t» l'alt'tndCI' a t Joll-•rt. A.B.. DJ!. Ill ·~L...... \.lJ, ......

Yow• Fim St01> fo• DELICIOUS FOOD 1820 DINNERS LUNCHES II. Jo:UWAkl'l Nt!T"'"f.t'.X, .\.:U, '%1. lln't· ,..__, or llllot'T alld. ho·tol•er.

14 The Missouri Alumnus Aohlf'<"j III! tlw lnlh•r ltu!illt•ll Jl, .luo i~OII 11! llluoulnh•, l lllu<>hC, oo h lll llnol ) \lo•h11(•11, 11 11ol 111'1'11 111 1:\c:N ti11ll• IM aoor)'lt~nl l rl\(', 1111 IUl JMif(lllll f'>ll!'li ii1Wl11t c•plll"'l "' llw ,\htluul niTiw Ia"! ,.,,rtu,~:; turd ltrnul, I ',.Jnnllo u.ll, Olol£l. )lr. 11 1111 ;\lr11. lu l11r t't •"'\'1111,)' '11 l iN\' ll)'!lllo..-h: llht•r, w lwn 1dw rJIIIII' I~• ( 'llluulfolll (u 1111 o•tul 'l'l'Nnlol.t hilt'(• l wo ~ut to<, ) h•l 'h•llarul ll rt--·1. (_\olllnwuo•t'IU{'III t•lCt•l'o•lllt'IC 101 i\h •toll o•l'lll I' "'' ' l'n-nololy I ll, 11 •r;n l(ruoluatc• u ( 11111., ){IIIIo•, )(>J.\'1', :\lr-. JUIIHun W'Aot l(rillllllllr•ol hum • u•l 1., ttu-·11 . Jr.. wl•c• 1~ 11 t~llllh•ut •t Xlo •t otwu.o~ n uo1 t'llll.lJ>It•INI ht•l' wurk tuwnrd llw IIII IIJc• lllth'l'rllll,l'. 1929 " do·~ rN· nl llw 11n1,..•rllll)' Ill Hl'.!l, lll"l' ~ ·A .lit., l'l't~ldt• l! t hrntlwr , IIH!OA ' O I~ I·IA IU'I·: It, r.T,,U., 1101\'1' liON IO U'IJ,\ IC Jt~IIN • 1111 >11111 Mft1C "'""' JmN ll. \'NI<, Jt..t., 11f ft lutn nl oiTit'l• Cl'll!•·r• h•o•i'nll)'. l lax, 11 hh:h 'J't•):lltt rnr te• n "''"""' 11 ;tradunl•"'l 111 Uw ,qomo• limo• . llt•n th•r>~oon, and ~""'' ""''"!. ,.,.,., ..,, ll:rathtllh' 1111:1 llt•rltoJ:", Ioiii •u 111 •· llol\\'1''1'1' 1' lho• llflr)o1''1'1t. Jt•olll lo • ll lld lhu••"foo', l~trnwr 1 ••11:•~ ll1w.n•r, ' " ••II>· 1111"""'''' (I( Jlllh lllllo' umJur 111 tlw tlnh·•·no:ll)' or t!OI" IINHIN'Wil )ln!ly )ll~utrl. 'l' llf' !Oit•hn r•h"m Jh·o · 11t 1'1..:• ruph•ol lo,\' own•ll'o • In W oorl1 l \\'tar I, 1111•! JIU\\'AIUO U, 'I'A\'I.Uit, Jl..t., .\,:\!, ':li', J:11! l, o\~lilltll~llll. 11.'1.!1' 1>' l•oon fooo•all••l 111111 1('• ,h-.illlo• ll!li'IOI llooU!<• tint(' h o IIU IUIII<'f )l(;l•hoool 111 ,.,.,,uJtluJr wllb .lnt'llh l't·l!c•r tof It lo•)(l• d llllo•l)'' Mlo•r J1h• Jtt·alluulloon rruno llw nll o •nol:~ no ,•, whldo tlllool'l't•rl Iouth flo ru• r • loo~o~~ok II 1111' l'llft)!hii('Ut lnt• f11r t!1r C'hk'WIIC" jo;nn •'l'!• ll 'l'!, 111:.0 ,.,.,..,..., l lr. 1111'\w,.,h•lln 11 l111o fhub Unw 111 J1111 111 I hi• AAIIIo• I IIIII·. ( .\ In<~. lho~w l l•l'll• lt'lt•'lll'~ 111 llll' :'ilo.,IIJI Kd!olll 11f J omrrolll• t•JWI'.~th• hiM uwn ,.,., ftol'lll<•rl)' l't•ll~'ll ('nrh•tt•, 111 •I ~<• lh", J,.m 111 ~·llrl tnn...:to•l'll lluln-N"II )'. Atlllfl'l'~: ,.., ,.~,..,\ ,) l lr. 11 11d ll r~.• luo bO)n h n v(• \tl'"ll t~l t-:. l1"'11 pnll'l ldup llc•ll r)'•lhorJ:••IIfl ~lulo!f C'oo!li Jlllll)' lu C'(olutoo · o•u~to:o ~1111 •'1'\nw:o:. 'l' lwtr MoMn·~ll 111 l l(j )'!, 11 11' ll.hi<"'' lll•f J:'l'llolitnllooJo 111 <1 Ill IIOIW Dll lllm•otn h •. Io lii, ) l!.t!IIOIIIrl, 'l' !w llt•llrf 'll IIIH'I' lhtl'l! 101'11111, t loo• lt•K•ll ll'lntr co( Yt•olo•r~l l'too •l"l Sl't•ttrlly ••l111tlro•l!, :\huh•, • ft"V<~~I ttu " " · 111111 J,.nmw, !u \\'llll.lihl$11""• I I, t', llr. 1.,\:-\l•t·:ll, 11,.1, 11 juulcor, ll fl• 111 llkkmnu lll.l:b No•l~tMII '3.";, 111 Hlllll"-t•rol olln'l'tur cof lllfnr11~11111 11 tnul Tum Ill 11 junlur lu lho• llulvw,otly 1921 ft•J 1!10 • Jtnro•1111 ..r IO:m ltlto,\'Jlll'llt ~·c•llr11.1 :C.•h,.ul ltuodnl-.lo< fttlll l'uhlk .\oh 11!nht· ••t J!o \\'l! ol\lh t.l:\0110, IIOiolrl•llll., l)l'fll. tof J,ctfll!f 1•\\\'1( ,lti ii,\:-. Nt<:-1., II.J., tut\\' ) Jrti, llflr· l rttl lon. 'J'Jw lr llololfi'IIIJC! lCD l'rh'4• ,\~o•,, llu!hllu,.:. llhl ;\tnrft•:t of \\' tt .,lllu~o~ l vll, l t. t ', I• nu t'oJIUIIIIoht. 1111' 1111to llr r•·•••'""" 11t1111' ••I liw .\ rt~o~•rlo·nn )If"'- \1, t.ynn I 'IIIUJOi oo•JI, Willi \\'1101 ftorlll• 11 •·•1 f'rt!NI, ,\dllrt•1111: 1·U:I l-l torhn: ltoutol o•r ly J,\(11 'I', IJIIIISIIN ut Xltro•t'l'llll't'l'f•tl toll Jtl'<•:o:llll'lll of tl'll' ).(tUIIJI, Ml'ltoul Itt l\. n11XVIU1•.

1922 IIIJJ,Y 1', :-.,\1,1, uf,. .o\n):l•h•ll, l•o rm<"r ttn•11fdc•nt to( tlw Kn u~n~ t 'lty 11!11\ t•h•t U!J· tltuhtlll., 111 llw tl''"'l:t· ••lt"C•h•tl JOtl'<"loll•ut ~·f tht~ \IJtlhulo<\11 lnH•rrHt.tluroll l. 11111 11011, ltl<:>llll rol. !.11 ,. llln•lt•nl In 1111' :-

l'o.ol, 1'1\A III,t-::-t ltt< X !4'1';\\1 1\. I"' t~lll · lhuwd 111 ( 'tllii\O C'hniTc'l•, luk A II IIII~. f'nl, nnd M t 11, l'llnrk Vl'<•n• C'ulutnlol• 1'l ~llliYIC t111.11 ~mmm·t, UII II'1' 11 X K , IIAMII/J'tl!\'. clln'\"lllr ot Ill hlt•t-lc'll 1111 llw lluh'c•rllit)' or ('nllfoJrnhl, JOHN W. KOURI '1\'ft.ll luonoo" ••l loy IIW (Jttllrlt:'r iolll'k ('lulo In Jo t ~ hom<• (town tof llllrrl.lllllll'lllc•, l ll ~lutl, v.·ltt•u n llru l n>~ JIAIIllltnn Awnrd watc ,.. . 1111o lltclwol l u l\1r lo o•nl hl;tiJ .-ho)n\ thflt 1930 tiJoriuJt, 'l'hl• 1111111(' llf 1111 IIU~t a mlhll: P ill• .1 011:0.' W. KOUJtr bn 11 IK't.'ll nll•t·ll"'l l"(on. 11•11• (It t\11• llt•lloltol, J i m T lt)'lot, IVll lll Nl;tl'a1'· 11!1111 ' J'rUIII Utrl••rr rof llo1 l oo.'f•ll IC.Wil rtl· lo~uul11 Hulron T nJJCt ( 'nlllJMIIll)' In tfi:W, nftrr t:'1'1'1" hi lht t~ln~ ;\oltn l ul~t m• l hlUIIIOIIt'lllo• H!,:h ~kh0111, Witlo lilt' IJIIlliC! U totl tl'ol!11 ).II "IIO!I tl. Ill' nlllo) h• 11 n ll w CJf 11 rww •ti!!Nir >~1M' acllfo·~l c•nc•lo rc•nr, Itt. I~RAN I\.J, IN ;uUINWI'CIN. A.M. •:10, l ll',ltn-. tmoJ I~ II lllNUI I>I•t nt 11111! .\II IIIIIIUrl UnttltM Jh unlltun hmu,:fll Jlontor 11.1111 b 1t11 111'1' 11 II J}IIIllllftool 11~11llll• n 1 '" ""'tcor of lhU ;\ lllllodnthon, Ill' "'II ~ I."!~:INI lUI 1111• tn m(l t CJ Chf' JfJutl>lnnvll!<• IIIIth Xc:Jwul rc•K.,.reh ut eorhloh• • •ul ( 'llf!.,,n I' Ju•m· llh(IJIIII lit'l'"'lllt,Y M l-It . J..ou l ~ l!r;lol'l lrt (:n'Jm whh•lt h•• "'"" I(Md n ntMI In ltllR. lift h•1thl L\ull)lltn)'. • tlh'lllhlll ut U uhm C•r· l k>l'l•lllhN, llt't!l, Knurl 111 marrlo~l und I"CC ro! h oJu•oJ lthc hr ll!!nut utltll•tlt- t'llrl•tor 11t loldC! llltd ('llthnll I'Uf!JI)rnlltlll, In N t:'W llv""' "" B•ll•ll llf1Ml, Khkwl)not, :'i i!MIIIU ir l. 1111:' 11utvc·r~ll)' 11 f )JliO)I,Col!rl, nnol, nflllr nl· Ynrk C'lly. IW, .\o)llntll)ll "'"'"~·•lltlll l'h. ll. 1.1. !;ol, \\',\1,\lON C. WIX~'NIN ul IJ•!Ill!ll,;: lind JIIU i h·1J~ IInJt In ( hi' f ll,l'IIIJIIC c\l•~rt 'f' troun " •'llllll)'l'rmllll l'Ctllli! t:collt•ke <:ult110\hl11 , ) lllii« ll)l('f•llllil(l•d In Ot\t'MIIIt~ 1'11('11\ • li::JIII 'J'TiliiJiiiCirll lllln 'l'ru••k lllUinllcon hi Willi lt\Yl'tr~h•d ltll' \ IJI1• (If lhn Oll'l "flllli !o(•llt h•lr-,l' 111111 loa11 1""'11 Nlll tho,Yf'll I n JltC' rt•· t\(lti'li, "''"' 1o wn r.h~l lh\l Hrnn!U" :'11Nln1 lor tdl ·r~tu•hl ltiJtiNl• l u t h 11 wBrlll. In lU:!:'• ~ttll'r\'11'1'. H'''''UIIIt~ cof ('•)1. Wilt · Hnmlltnn ilt'l•lik•ll U t ~o~ou a Mlln'l•r "" ntlo!Nie '"'llllf•ll•h •ol 11111 lll'll•htatr• t~lllll! t..,, Nhtf'l' IO:Sil lllron't~ ".11111111d 1rlllJ:"11W nt, turt•lll;:ht nntl ·c:tilll'll JU! ol In Jo.'S:: tYC•nl Ill thn l hoh•o•tll\1)' Ill! 11 • 11 fot'f•U II rt•>II'IIN'b \ll'I'(IU JI Jt'lt

September, 19~1 trltm t('oll nllll<'rfllll)' 1(1 ti1Q l'.u ~ot~ful .:om• •r"'aUlll, )JIIIIIOUtl. l~'\41fll lll ('ll Will IIOt fi t'• or St. J.oulot 11nve N"I'Nlll)' l•nrc•hnlll!d tbe pl()Uon ot Uw &-vc:nth Jn!'llntry Dt,.hdon'• eo~'~~ l~•nr the "Mut• to-. .l'll tl.'l n. J•n.unlnn, \,.C:~kly ucn'llll• t•f'r In U1e l>aor~la rulllotlon." Col. W ht~ton. n•bu entered the 'J'IIO)I:\S U, COI'PA(H!!, Jr.. I,T.. IJ .. wn.11 ~111111\11111)' of \,.~~f Clllorntlo St1rlng11, n IIC"llt~nfiJII'Il ~"unllc~l(l ll In lfi&,, mnln• (:~Ill! Co;\\1111¥ ,\! Cnurt r~ntly ,~:rn•1nutr f>t tho 1ln!v('r.~l ty of Mb11ourl t:tlllll ~!do nro !It 1:".00 UOIIIHIIUT Llll~, to.r (:..,v. Porrot~.t f:lmltb Qf ?.lb.11onrl. Ad · Sclmol ot .T uuuullltutl, 11tul htuj held ttther· Coltllllloiu, ).UIIKOurt 'Wit nf Olluo:ntlftn nt tbr Unlve.r• C101. ~l·l SSJ former J•: I.IZ· 1)('1:11 In r.111Hhm Mll'IN' !Mot y(!.'lr, A n11th ·c July. A lll('!l'lbt!t ~o f tllo fll.('lllt)' 11!11~ 1\)'~, ,\IHM'It .liiCif.AJU,J$, JJ,.J, '3.i, !11 a H:lln· lit flt. J cl ;oc•!'•b, Mllilllnurl. ~·nx Jo!n('tl tb• )IIIIa Wllllfltnll 11 fl Jmth•o ot OrcJ:on, i\H•· 011 Cltlout, Ur1lh"'l l 'rc1111 In lin11111111 CHy In ll>IO. lloC>IIrl. MAttY DeNIJN noss, n.s. In f·!cl .. I'(: • !O·:~ftl C'1"h·o.-.l Ol M1111tcr 41 f l'ldi!JIC'I! 11t-~rri!l! In 1\ur· tl1c1 llll'tllt)' nr Cc1lhy Collo•J:(I, WHI(ln'lllfo, »hu: l!!(l tc MIIn !kU W•!iii!UJitfln fnr Dr. JH))Jl'S· Ll.sbon, \'or to ~:ul, whl'tl) he u·Jil l1e tl •nU· 'J'I·:lt 1'1( N .. w \'(otl: c:u.r ll.l'll llUUftlmOOd IUir)' nltnt bc tor tbn-e y etr11. 1937 t-hCl' hlrth c1t 11 dnul(lllo•r, Ilnrbnrn ,l um•. on NJ~1olt:U "JtU$T\'" :N')Wf}f,f,, fnr•nerly it!r. • •·II Mr.t. S. II. S IJ') I·:~ ,Jr., ol Mur· Jt•m~ :.•2. Or. ''illllt•~t MIIQIMHlrl. Allolrl'llll of, tu n toll C(lf()rl('l, hi Ottobtr. 10:01, l1c be· 11'111 <'IIJ:InN.lrlnJ: !:"'dunto 11t Hto 1J•Ih'(lr • K. DStll Ht., N~w :rot'k City, (lnm(l (':C~utlvtr MUc'C'r of tb11 Cnutln~•1ln.l ~It)' e~r )IIIIKOurl. T h•JY hnv ~ twa ot)te.r l lni!CI.I f'IIIICII nd~•llll(! l'la llllhlit UtoU[I. chlhlff>ct, John Rohc~rt nml Tta vtcl. Mll rhlc :O.I :tJ, AJ,l•:XANIU:.:il. :O.It:.MURRAY lie b ll!!ll of the .rnunit\~llt I"OI(InCOIII In tl10 Z.:(JJOIA l.l~f: UR0WNINH, wl1n Ill )frll, IIIO:A lntly Now11., 111 ll fl'f'(l tanr<~ lloJ'I'I\'W. .-\. br11U. 1cr Qf l'rot. Wnlt<•r A. bh·t.h of n clnmrl•t~r. ~roUt¥ Adt"l<·. on t•lwW.:-raplu:r with n Jltmllo In 'L'rll\'01'11110 llr .arn nt the Ulhlu C11llt!it(: nl tliC 'Unl · •T ul)' (1, 1051. )fr. J)ltk(lr~tt. 1\'bo r oe<-lved Cll.r. )lld•btnn• 'l"'f!r~'J'. Jr., I!Oltor Uon County, ) ll1111011r1. nllll Vnh·•!rsh .r McOieal CvUcJ:e In New lllll l(lliJ:IIJ!Ofl, 'J'f'.nn.. ~(!o_Wil bn~J lli'Cn Yorl: CIIJ tlll11 n•ont.h. 81\(: I)('I;Orl her two· nt F.OWIN' :\, TJtOWURIDGI~. :Jr... !lOti ot ""'nrdctl a r_.uclnll w. Ntcnuw a.·cnow•bll) Dclln Jo), )'t'Ur lnternlllllt> on J'uly 1 nt fiMtlorll tbe •• ttl A. 'l'rowbrhhce nntl Ml'll. by H ll rv•crd Untvcrii11T rur llil tuly In 11100r UO/t!lltal In linrUom.l, Conn. Trowll rflhr~ of CohJlll\olfl , ~~~~~ l ~n JU' Cl• nrul JH.IIltlenl )'lrolllNI'II or tl•e Soutb. IIIIHOO tO ~nt>ra l IIID.Illlt:tr ot & Dr, Cole rt"tth'Cd fin A,ft, d t'J:tQCl ffrOI(roun lit Unrmrd t or the ll (ll(lt nllc Wolr 1111(1 t(>r'ft'il tlfl nn nrmy fi•Yc111atrle t;C.rWY'tll nH\1111~\''r or liD)' Of Ll1~ COIII))ll,tl)''* )'Nit whlc11 bf!J,... II I n S('Jitemlltl'. 'l'blte I• ('h:bt !)lnnt.a. l•'ormt>rl)' fl so;blant man~J{et, nnr;(n tor 31!.. rcnr01 In thl) CMnn.Unrmn­ tho Ht.l1 lfrt'IUP 111\'ll.r(lcd Ute fc:llow!lllil).l lnd!a ttntl Snud1 Pacltle lllrlltoflf.. Silo 1M 'J' riU'I'hrtd;:ll lin• bHn w1 tb Wll.on lS lllnee the pnlgrnm WAll Clltnbll~hed In 1008 1\ S"ranildllUJ:I'lter ot ).f r11. Na11 nlc 1'. 'J'hh1 rcanr. 11ndcr tho bCQll('t(t ot A.l:l'IC"lf W 11)1l Xl t 1nan, ot Cotunlllht . TrowbrhlCO 11 ll grw.dutttq ot th(l CoU~e w111o1,. ot th~ fcucndN· ot tho Ullw11.ukc:e ot AgrleiJILUN', (If n·blcb hiM t.ttllcr wu .Jm1t11al. l•'oC>r t ile flnt Ucnc-, three n•110elate'tl n froru IO.t5 \111 111 l{UK i\fr11. TrOW· 1938 f!!IIIIW•laiJ111 llliVO hO(:ll 11'1\'!lrlll!d t& neWW;• b r hiJCe milt torll'lforly Mlltlrl!•l StCitkton of J)fl l)('t!llcJI f'rto lll Cnnndn, Au11tra1tn, fllltl Colurnblll. 'l'l1f'Y tlne two rl!!hl ~n • .Allee ItA.YlfONO A. WELI.S., M.J<:d. ln4ull· Ne \V Y..rnlnncl. Ann, now rl 4(•nttor ln t11e th ll1'.cr.lty of trial l~ihltntt on , 18 fimt> lfJY7 '""''-' ll'l'cd h1 Omalllll •lnl.'l.l nnd <:na Cart'IJiany. 'l'nl11n, OklAliOIIl/1. Acl· • Su11•m ,\le!lnd.n, on .July 13 111 Hon11ton, J~W. fld tlreu: r~3 P tor o;c:. (lnoJ1;10; l', 0. Uo:< riOI, Tubn. 'J'c:c a ac. Mu. Jineke tliOr"ll hi to rfn.('r RtJn\' 1\JI•:r...Jr-;UA CANNON, '4'l. Ad· dr('flfl: 373'!1 JU n<~ Uonn~t. HOIIJ!IOn, 'l'c:xn•. 1934 1939 J•\l.IP.$ J. KH.I'A1.'1UCI< we nt to work D r, MAUltiC& J), W00f..11', A,ll. '3f, C HA RJ.~.S Jt08Bit'l' UU1t'C. native~ of tor tl1e Rlchnl(ultl Nc:w• J- dcr, JUtb· Rd.D. '41, dcnn o( 11tuclent11 at Knn1u ~br.lhtn•, iUI "'&O nrl, rceohcd til() tlegreo ot J110ftt1, \'lrltlnln, UJIOII ~lluntlon trom tbn Sbltl! Collrl{o 11lnc:e 10 {1), left tor .JfiJ)an lJncbelor ot·K frOitl Da rvnrd Unl'l'tt· Unlv<:onl'-1 or itJI.IotOUrl'll &llool ot lour· latt In .lmae to prlrtlelptue In a roorran· tclt.r o.t tl•e lOCol CtunmeJlt"Cll'llt>nt. nnu ~m. nn(l tell r c.ra lnt¢1' bn11 boon fl l>· l'lll t!Otl ot tile JaJlilll<'fO (ltilltnUnciJII 11tr1.1c· )10R'I'f:S' lf, T.l~NJ:t0W, tormerly milt· tlolnlt.'tl etllt(lr, l1l dln.l·;e or tl10 ttaJM'r's ture. U~t w-Ill Ill! on 11nbbnllenl len\'O troll'l ket!nJC rc•lll!nrcJ1 tna nagtr tor F.ll(lnlre, lne.. edltorltll PIII.:C. lVIIIII:\11 State tor nue )'~r. Ill now 1\'llb 'l"be Atl'lc.r!t'(ln V\'f!tlkly 111 l\ew ·•,\ h(:rH' tor rnctll nnd n btoo(IIIOtmtl tor •tfor)nerly b ead of the oounsrllnJ: ln1renu York CUJ', tl)(l r lt:llt w(lr.1, J\111>0 wa. cloae to belor et lil\llllllll S tat<', Woolt bet:an daU(>• 111 ) lr, nntl :O.II'lJ. W!T,f.JAM •:. WIN:J;'JUt, n (li! Cl• mnn tltarr dnrii'IJ: tho wnr (Utbmn ,•otfl.U OI'IIll or-ltontlttlon nllil tltnlelll ~ UII• nr Slloarlr Spr!na;-a, Arka mcn•, nunonnoo Jluulc l1hn -t·l•'), eon~(l tl1 t Cnpltol ~tnd lll,'llng «"tVICC'I Ia 10..'\7 nt S tOJillt lll C'ollej:c t he l!lrtl• ol u ctaow-ht<'r on July 10. tO!Sl. tb(: I I!~CIIIln.ture, wrote 11 bullt.lng n11tl fllb· In Cohuublll. ).U•llourl. B~ 110111e town 11 llr. lind Mnt. 1t0 J.\J;:n•.r ~·'. 8l'>J)J0NOS lng roh1mn nn1l n n-eokly new• roundup

16 The Missouri Alumnus f11r >~~'l'l'h:cm~n."' Hluolc 'J'DII•l, July ttl) hnv-f' '"'" 110n11, Uot•hf, u. nntl na"hl. 3, nl'lllll'l'· lk•tty ;\1111 hr a f1.1nll1'f Clll111n111nn J\:ill>lltrkk hn.ll h••l!ll wnrklns: nn thu C)cll• 'l'hrlt• n•hlrt•lllt 111 JO r:nu.,:er Ave., U~ad· ftntl WIIJI nucrrlf'll 1• ~-1 l)N•Nnhor. torl•ll IJIIICe s hh'<' (h., rNir••mi'Jtt lwa )'etan I n~, llllJIIIIICbU~Us. HA\'(11 A. \\'U.. ~UN, JLI ., Ill 11. ftllt)fttr nlto or ur. Dou.:t•nl N. lo"rl•l'lurcrt, ('\lltflr. lttr the lNollll'oiOtl Un ity C: Jo)IIC', [rtHII'I'IlOII, "litillfl," orl,:lnnlly t'roUI Oldllllfllt1A, "h• ) Jicllll'flll. 11110 nd tl l'(>~x ill :W2 S. ).lar· fl'l'(l )'CIInJ !;tot t•1 kntlw IUIINl J~O I II C! I n 1944 lfUI.'U~, lfIHI Utltll 1\liiOT nii.Ul•ts tnow ht fO N.\~CY 'fiU),\II'~():S , now :\lrll. l'ohn n omm·t• P.IJ<.U.:NI•! f< UR~ Nl\ D..J'., rt• )'Mfll.'" Tl1e l Ucllltrur;d N~ws l .<•ftof~:l' bnll l(uh::lll, 111 (It.y SPORTSMEN II'-' Ill RIIIIIJCinlll Ill t l tcl c bhlf ot l!IC! tlh'l"tOll 11r .\ rl~orm .\lilT :':0 a rtc1' thrf'l.! )'1•ar11 of on ord 1um~ n J•II t ll\'111 ami dlvl"h'zl llil} IHI· o•l•1111 llultotNI, JICI lu111 ao:l'l:!llll'll n JO(ioolllon l'hlor In lh1• 11'1'111111•111 <-clu"'tllln fJJI}ItJ'IIIII, h1 1!11" l'l'lll'lll'••lt 1lc•tu1rtn umt or " '" !IC, U.S. In U.A., l:r~I\'O'rJIU}' 1· l! llntl l. llo•lllhi'N• 111 nnw un " dire l•lth•rhrail~ Ill u IIW1•Irnnl1:111 Nllthll'l•tlnJ: duly Will• lhll orm,)' Ill C'amto Mt.Cuy, Wl11· .:rn•ll.IRfl' nt tf1e Unh·••noUy nnd ~l r11. f!U1•1'· AMtRIOA'$ co:m"''lu. hl t~kc•, tlut tolrrurr H1•l(!u Unta nf'f (If c»to1m• ~~.IM<. hill, 111 n .~:rRcl ulll¢ ot Cllrl ~lllln Cnlll•~. In lh• World'• "I'll<')' lut\'ll ft n~o'·Tt.'ftf-uld 111111. Unvl1l IU1• 11. •n..t :P.W.... 1943 Addt~!~lll: 0010 :\lllllt'lrfnrd llrh·o·, CJ!•T't!l•ntl, )Jr.._ YIJU:J:\'IA J,t:I)II ICJt!JIU;n ANK· Ulrlll, H UM I~J:II tl IWW oh 1Uo:11 n .. IIJC~bta nl t•ro· c; I I AUI.1•;.'( UT.t•:.AKt.l'!l", fcorrucr Kw1ft fNIImr ot hn»Jc• t•~:OD(III! I rll nt C~ r lt.nt •ld~. lntvn 1m Xoc·r•tcotllher J. .J, (!, Nh;.hc;h c f:Clllll•lllll.)', N•nl 1'111 111 ~, 11'1 ) lrll. A11kr111n, wUit l1c•rkln~ Rlll(l, lJI~oHi rl. ltl~tlz lldi OOIII. !-tc•bOIII n! TlwQIUJ.()' 11.' fton!ltrfll }ft"ll'lll• Our shop is fully equipped IHWI'.Jt(,\' I HI}o'J,ANII, H.J .. wllo hi ftoW 1ll~t l!ulv

Washing and Lubrication Tires and Tubes Columbia Savings Bank Storage 9TH AND BROADWAY COLUMBIA, MO. MISSOURI MOTOR CO. 15 N. 7th St. Dial 3163

ESTABLISHED 1886 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corl). Since 1921

September, 1951 17 WJ'ANI,K\' 11. RC)T :S lUt of Columb ia YIIIIIIJ: l~t'O)II(l !1~ \'i! w•urk~tl nn «!flll-truet.lve )!lUI lol'l •u ntu1Wtl cuhnlnll!trn th'll I! JIIIIII IIl Ut l ll;.tkll, ~twlz n il lou llollnJ: (If f\'hlllh.llftlt tu ~l'n atu r ,ll&u~ 1'. K~·m, lti!)lllbl!o:nn l'lt llt·luovl~. ,)'<~ntll t'l'fiiCrll. )tla)•;:rnnnttl', f i.'f· MiiiiiiiUrl. li (l b elli b1!'<'11 J{ctll'll f ('-lii:'IINll l ll,ll'c... boJUf'll anti t•huN•t~t... wlllt-11 ~ulol no! a•ulllltflut lllewe l D.t1 no11l ,.,.,.._-t't'(ho Ahll'l1 o Uwrwbt• loc muh•rtltk(•n IK•cnUOII) ot 111('11 A. ~tucll:n rd. wl1u r~hml'd '" "-"'"'mn la w ot !llluho ur zoz a nvo)l'l'l'r. l)rAc tll'l! lu Jt•l'tt•rll"" ('Hr. '-11). )Jr. und )1l,o01 lluullcmzmn pnr! h-l),.ll'ol In UnJ M r11. lluU'lt•r • nil lii(M•:nr.. J 11111't J-!lnlnt": work·collnJ» , , \'ulll:!t, H••rm"U)', tll'ur J.,.•r • mul I.h ub ( lnlt•, II \'(~ In \\'lllllll!l);tun, 0 . C., lhl. AJ•I. lll'l -12';!'.! ~. 10:, f}()N.U.J) R. :\lla .KF.\' 111 clolc•t umll:'.r · wrllt•r r.. r !It(! t'al·lllurn lu~<~urltzw._, ('om­ 1949 Broadway at Eighth ))llii.T, ::'.f!:l .,,lltoll l-It., U~· rllo•IC\y, Cnll• IUUIJ.: It'l' A. 'rlliiNI·:Il """'lvr zl tru1u lot!, rnrnln, 1-1111 hum•· adoh-.·1111 : 211 11G 'l'lllll'JI 1.1)11111 t 'nh't•r'IIIIY In Junt• a Mt~>il !'f' CJf U \1..:· An'., lfiiTI\'IIrll. ('All(. Columbia, Mo. 111<'11,0 Achut n!~l ra ll< tn ol t•.:n...-. l,c, :ul(l M,__ H. C. $ )111'H, foJruocor C•l• JIU II W !-:11 11 . U ..J . lll'lltht J,'T«'Ihu.,"'l (Ntm lnmhlouo ~~~o aun.. uewo • Ulo• IJlrth "' 11 ollllliCit• lllf' o•U)' olo•01k (It I IW Nt•w Hrlo•tlllll )'tlfttw., h•r, I.aum l 'o•mzy, ••u Julr U zz t l._m(l fllll·(ll:O Nur tb ~t ro-t•t , No·w· Hrl~·omll -1 , l'nlk, l.zz., n10, Tl•~•lr zzd olt\•0101: OXl N, k huto l'llln~:•• t•f K o iX(•hlll' Wllhlll Uic 'J't!XIIIII, Ill' ltlohkor, J,n, Ar('il•• ('lr«h• I n Aln.'llk n. T !w runow r Saue Systematically and Mr. 11 11d l lr-. WI'II,IU,JNU Ko\IIN oC 111•!'1" 1' \' T.CJI I w nuu, Mn•. ll'I'C•rlml~t' Safely l fciiV~r, 4.'lllzlf!lllll, IIIIII CIIIII<'!' 1111' lo!rl}o (!( wrt1t•11 lho•)' wo•ro• motrrll'll !!Jill( Xi•lfllll:<•, •\ l. 11.k11 . nnol IU't• hovr 11 \'h l.ll' olo- rn... "'lt~~ndl~l fcor I Ill' Ut•uVN' o! h·t· lu ltllll '1'11111!1:" Wlof'N• IIWn• nro• :!00·:\fl) BOOnE nRTIOnRL 11h111 tol J.~•l'lll'r XIWIOII, 'l'lwlr lllllt, lluhloh•, l•!lllllmn.ll IUIII a!Mnll ~~ whit(' ' ""'' )!It•. •\ol · 111 nnw :!'h T•'llrll ulol. .\ohh-t"'ll :0'(1(1'1 h'¥ tlrc•1101 \\'t...,lfwr lhtNWi ll •\h 'lllll'l l'(ltCIIIfl , SRVJnG5 & LORn 8!., ht•l\VC'I', l{u!Xhuo•. RS50(1RTIOn HUII1Ht'r C I.;\Y UIU I I, ,\,11.. 01t l't'c-11 · ) !.\ U~H S.'I'IWN( I f.AIIlii-!H, ut Jllr. ll.r, ~llllllllllf l, ,..,.,.h•o•!l Uw (I I"~N·~· ur Uo)O;• llllnltlulm, ,\lnluu u• . !,o u lrlln ~lnl ur nt lit• 14 North Ninth Street 1111' c•f Mt•!llt'lllll h'o m llll r 'l'lll'll " ulva•r11lty t•I'II I IIN' lu l•)nJ:I!Mh 1111!1 I!Vf"' II( !'It, J'l.•(o•t)l.• at o·omt tli'IU-t•lltNII J huo~• I n J ntw , I< Ur,ll', I•'Jurloho, a1hlr.•1111 l ..ox 1(1~1. I'U.ANK Columbia, Missouri Jti(UU\' (.:o\ ltli I r, J,, A ..U, '.01, fin ln~trno•. JIIJ.I II:-1 loAIJM I~It. lo l :.r hrntlwr, 1,o 11 li~·· hu· lu t he: Unln-ntlly Ko•l\(11)) nr Jciiii'IIAI• i!IJ:nt·r 111111 hulltl(·r. 11 11<1 ul 1111 ll\'1'11 nt ltl 1-ltlo lo· «'ul· fl'tollo•l!l"h 11 t Jll,ll'lthnr\'lllt•, llu., l,o l~otAt•ll! n,ll' h·gt•, .Jnhnllmz t:it''• 'l'z•un. l lr. a ml }lrJO. flout hllll ut ,).h•$1f'f• l)l · Kl:l . JAf•J< u. l'l l•:v.r.~oat nt Rt. J,uUIII, lll'r\'1u~t h z KuN•It ..Ju •·•• h111t l ll ftll· MEN'S WEAR tl f,),' , Wlll!t hit Ill !Ito• f1J:"IIt ha n oi by MIU"AV • 1948 lM•l m1 J UIIf' J.l, llho l-It. l,nul~ 111hln•1111 I• VINTON HIU'Illl• or 800 youllll .lACK UAI,I'l•: lt 111111 lriO't(lol Cror11 :1148~ )IC"' flle (I'Olll !1.'1 cotmlrt~.,. lftllho ~ 1•art U\111 )'lt'kwtck l,niH! In 'Uou•ton, 'J'cJt••• to HUll llltlllnlf'r In Uze \f'ork ·cllJllt• llr

18 T he Missouri Alumnus tM ot t~I<:Vblon nnd t'D.iiiO '"" Hc w!U, t•rotft <.'• tmttJIII)' In Wlt~llflet , 1\• u.llnA, )Jr. 0~tl11')', Ucn110 n & MBli L<'I', Jnt:., In Now ttn•l Mr11. 1\t.'C'ltm tnul tiiiiiiO'hh•r ltl ~1u• Uro York C'lly . .J.'orllJ(!rJy wlllt ll11tc~m. Unrt1111, 1\( lliiJ K f trmt: St. n11r~t l 11e nlld (1-fjhOt'll<":, WIU."C•k•r IN•$:111 hhl JHIIN l'i\ 111\S fie IIIIID l'l'IIJIIil)'f'd at rndlo ear«:r will• WllN 111 Jt>t(). ;\tlllreo~ll: l ltWhl)l' ;\lrc-r.dt In Wlt hlt.n. ?tlr. 111111 :\lr11.. t O'J &u t z.!tuJ ~U rcet, New \ 'ork (:tlr. J•n r k ~~t llv(l nt QZ."' lhtttt~r R-1., WJI'ltlln. t lA\'J.rofciiMIII' In J•:1htrtttlun nt t ltco. 1950 Cll l(lrntlu l'tlate C.• ll('ltll c•f •:oi iiClllltlun. 'J.'I•o RILL (:MJIHIH.. , J r., li.J., formcrl)• c:~cll • Murrt•an~~t llvt: nt Gn"':lc•y, Colo. tor ot JIUhll<:ll.llOilll wltll t110 Are-o (!()I'll• fit:UIIHI{ l1C0T 'l'. t~trmc-rly 11 Jon rntll~m piLn)', bull Jolnell the WIIIIU\ filau-r Ad• .1111\dt•ttt lit the IJIIIVt.'fldty Of MIIIIIOIII'I, v~rt.l •lng AJ.'\'!Ili.'Y, C...1evelaud, 01110, All &II• lllnnll to c:(lt•tlnm: 111 tlwntr.~ wort, In wlth•h lllfCII!t•lO• LIUHH1'11e;r. lw h('("nlllC! h •ll:rl:l'llld H tronglt lt•n•llns: ICE Il.r tbo WilY, An)' Utuonrl 11l umnl In'lt In \V(>tkllhlll) lltMluo:'l louJI ut ).11 11· <: tovetnn1l 11 n•n n rn l nrlted h• ctlllttH:t IIIII 11(1\trl. 11(1 1.'1111U! t.o .U!~Itlllltl t r1,1lll bill • r('J"Ardlnt: tltt~ rttOr ,;:-n nl,.nUa n af llu: Clc:~· '111111e t •H'I'Il ttt lllrrnlm::ltntn, l lldllfflll, a n~l 11nd MIIIIIO url AlU mni Clllltltcr. 'J'It0 flr11t Ill ,:nrrl'felly n t •IM'Iltln~ In l'lnyleonl!ll rrn• tncttlng will lie lulld hl tbe Jo'nJI. JJIII 'III ~l uellon11 In Culuut!JI!I. CUBES addrc11• ' " 1-171 Arl111u A1'C1Ht<:, r.akew<~ad \'I·:ICN.\ ) 1,\H tt.nOU ht lltl.'l nt•W tllret· 1, Olllo-.l'hom: J.,\ 1·1l0.1Z. tur of I•Uhlh: t••lnll on~ 111- (_' ltl'lllll!ll;n (~otl· • In Cnlttmhl•. ~lt te 111 thu AV~II\10. tl lt A~I( ltiCKWt', II.J., nt ltr~·JII •cl· \'AN u. ~11 "-W r~lvcd hh• l•h.n. •lo· COLD STORAGE l'CI'HlllfiJ: IIHIIIIII[I•r f ur tll(l Nnrthf•ltllt gN'~ f N m )II M~mrl Untventtr at lltt'l ~·lm1o N t1Wfl In 1\uttlllllol Cll)•, 111 to ot lite! IIU111111er 11~1111lon &1111 lt•JJ l ~oe~11 r1:tn rnln~ LOCKERS ~ra niNI a Yt!lll''lll leU'I't!' or 11h~•·n~l4! fl'llll1 t:•'•hnnhlet In Sct•h•mlwr tc. ' "" • ~rn tlunl(l eutllh!Rill In r t1 11!u whl!n l•r••J.nrln,.; for hill lhe S lCilh l.'-!tll C••lh•~c tueull)' to 1111 11)1~'1111 lllltl'l••r-11 ti~:J:r. "t" ul lbt• l lrth't•rMitJ". work at Nurthw~tcrn Unll'l!.hlll¥ lltlll ('011\ll'll:' )"Mr. lie wilt wur li: 1111 tlu,, t\11.11 1 ~IIIUT,HY ~IOUUIS l•'UCIIS ot l(ltlllllll l;lty, 1.11 U 11: !lr11t urntlualtl Cn N!Ct•l1'c: untl~r tlcvciOtiii)C"IIl ••f 11 iiUT\'I:y ~1111'11~ Ill Huc:llll IIC'It"n~ Dr. :itmw!l ll(!(ofl un lltl! Htc· Uw III!W ~Nutllo lll~l Jll'(t-=-rnm of the Ue• plW!ml tn c~Ull)' Hh ll~~ lO.UI, l••rt mcmt nr lll\1111! H•"'nnlllh!M neul UW! r:nt. l th·ml 11 KroiiUIIr)cft !))IUtl. Ill MIUUIIInto, Iltlnoltt . C"Cllnlllhl~lnn 1111 11~11111 l!cmll'ltnnl • ml l•oft Mr. l'lalt Ill a Ml'ltl \'\'! 111 l!'h•rhnm, N. J ., h t July f•tr•k leuul Air H111e at S.n An· anti lu•• a U.S. clcl( ~ In Jlt(ll:ltaniM I N l · t.o n!(l, 'J\•:tll~o~, wht.!rt! Pte Willi Itt rt•mnln tor THE ~tlneerinJt. thirty •ln.J tt. JtOil&UT J . RUlON of Cohunblll, Uo., R. Jt. VANLfo!folU, J1..1., he n rnt•ll cUI · ltlll betotl'lll n m~nll~er ot Ll•o Jtla nt d l.l'l'tll• J•lny nth'c•rtt.dn)C ~niCIIUUUI to1r BnniTIIW. opment d e!tmrlmt:ltt ar llnnllnlliO Cltotnleal l'nbt!Mith l)l' C~t!lltt• n r, N\'Rntulll~. hul!a ua. DAniEL BOOnE Comtlnny'' J\rwnrurtcl• Jlhl nt nt Monun· BDW.Utn n. J\AT'J'M'J).IAN ~tt Wn11h• to, Illlnol11 . flu ltu nn A.ll.

Make your Columbia head. BOOK MANUFACTURERS • PRINTERS • BINDERS quarten here. Clean, comfort. able room• and prompt tervlce Private Editions Office Forms are our specialty. You will en­ Law Books Programs joy the delicloua food in our air-conditioned coffee shop. Text Books Stationery Wire, write, or phone for reser­ vation. Rooma, $2.00 up. Directories Circulars Catalogs Announcements JIM NANSON E. W. STEPHENS COMPANY Manager Columbia, Missouri

September, 1951 19 Deaths 1897 t • r-:o f~IIIIOcr l< m('rltmr T ltOlJAii J, U OD · IIOm;t~. nt hl11 bum0 In Ouatc(llll, Plt~ rhl s, nru~r a thnot:·Jmmtll lllnt$11, () n Jm1<1 1&. l'rot. lto>ollo(I\IM(', a c UYe In •·lvle 1111 • ·ell u Unlwr-.!l)' atr~tlrll, 'll'lrll <1ftt-n ea11o•d 1nt& t.•Oomoultflll011 r~oll•'c.rnlnJ:: Ctohrml.oh.'ll water JJUI'l l•llo•ll a 1ul II!J>n l llllltlt. A n In· .ctn wllor In the U nl v-('r~ltY &bOO! of J>:ngl• nl:'l.' r ln,: ' "' Ul'er 40 yenl'll, 'l'l'Of. U tldbo u ~~.e lli'lif~:tnrfl J~~nol "ll l)('n"llll, Mr 11, 011c.r Unrnbnrt ut Cvluwbln, Mr11. ,..,,,d r•Ntrl ot ) II•:CieO, MI I, ~~~~ 1. "'"· ~t' lllllltlt, f'IUI• tnu•ttor 11 n•l n Jol(lllt'l!l' In Uu.~ t:(!llel'\'tO hlm:k fl 1•lo\ W ht> OJWIWd . lUI Ol!)(lr ilt(l(l tbO l"'•ln nh.Jt t :c"w r oi11 l'rcoch n•IJO C'11Ullllln)' flnol Ut~ V 11cur II, !olt•)III)Jd t ('llllt l'llo•tlii.Jt tlrtll, Wll,lt a IIIIMt )1 1'('~\tJ• • n t ut t hll I.IUih.Ji nl; In• du ~tr)' f'lulo. 1917 l li'M, K U, IIHANMO N (Ill Julr U), nt her ltnmu In l:llhu nbht, Ml ~lluUrt. Sit~ hi d IW'C•n Ill • locmt a lllt~tttll, Mrtt. Ur tiii-"'n, t orm('r l,y M iliA llnlo'" Murlt.l Colto11 WILl lllo whl11w cor l~hl'l n n. J1 1"1!1 nll0to, to mte~r hmf'lw r "' tl•o UniYt'r fiiiY unil sorofCllllor deluxe­ ~l ll('rlhuJ (If J:t\"Colol(y •t lltt: time ot bit 11 (:11 111. 1928 delightful­ Or.tVi;lt .\)A VII; W JT.T,IA).IS IHI J u1r 7, J~Kol , In lite! 1-'II)'Cfl Jlill•llltal, Cllllunblll, ~IIIIIIOUtl. H e load lol'('ll Ill tur " '• 11 T('llr. ~I t, Wtlllnm,., • J: ..-du/lle of ll•e Unlytr • daily 1111)' WIIM II I{I.'(I)Oath! l , 0 BhiWEEN CHI(.Av0- K-ANSAS CITY­ NEW MEXICO - CALIFORNIA 1932 Hl~OJtGH SANI)RRS lfAll ~I E R ot a. pnr• DELUXE all-Pullman equipment ... DELIGHTFUL, lll)'tiC II II'OkC In S~• Ul~ Wll,~hlngton, nt roomy accommodations wich three t tle • g c ot .f'2. D ur tnr; W11rlil W• r U , bo ' 11crve-~l 1111 MIJI)I' In t be Arll'l)' T rfiii")Or ttl· lounges and dining car serving delicious Fred lion Cnr('"· Harvey meals . . . DAILY schedule planned for 1942 ~mouth riding speed, and co travel through scenic L l:-IDSAl: A. NICKJolf, I •• J r., o r C(llul'll · aru~ during daylight hours., .\1!1., 0 11 AtUntd 0 l fiCt 111:1 IIIII~ Of 11lx 1\·t.'C-lul, N le1U•II, pre•ld(' nl ot t-b t .Tu n· !11r C lta mtoe.r of Ctlll'lm.erct!, tl'l:«lltl ~r O( Alpbn ';J'n.u On'lcJt•. • n\1 ll m~utbu ut the ~ ~ Tlu Cbi~/ t tHrit.• toonrd 11 1 d trec:tOI'l!l Ill the Jtot,uy Cl ub, thTtmxh Pullmll"l bt· wn11 ~~«ruta rr•t n.ll tu•er or tb~ Cotum\11& lwtt" (;uliforni a, I~ 1111(1 RtnrnJH! ((IIII Jltii;O)' • ntl tiW! i<'tlltOI:I Santa Fe N twAft:JCiU; ,,,/ Nt-w 1~ •nd S torng• C(lltl fiiUI)'. ) l r, nnd ) frt. Yor.l, Wt~Jhi,gto1t. Nlcokt 11, UIO tormcor Nt'(ll'fl ?orne Milb urn, • toil d AIIfl'hlc)r Mllrdn. r.lndrn, llve(l •t 122 ~ ~ Nor t b 4) reocn wood A.l·l.'fl ll~ In Columb ia, W. J. RODGERS, Gen. Agt•• Pus. Dept., Kansa.e City, Mo. 1950 RUSSJo:LJ, r.. ~:\fl T II on J ulr 11, nt tho VctN'fll'lll' n o•Jlltat, 1cft'eu oe narn ellt , Mluourl. Tht former ~:~avy flyer l•• d been Ill to r 1\('t~r))' • y ear.

20 The Missouri Alumnus The COLUMBIA'S NEWEST HOTEL 'i ou are In the center or things when you stop at THE TIGER ... The weary traveler can Ea.lily accca.sible to ~lax 1n comfort at the all University and college functions. Pickwic.k-K~naaaCity'a Enjoy our AIR. friendly hotel. where CONDITIONED nothing is old·h.eluoned COFFEE SHOP. except helpful •erv1ee. We have ISO AIR· COOLED ROOMS JQ) .ct- ....d s.- """ w • . . MODERN .• . OONVENli!NT l.OC:ATION FIRE PROOF : . . RtASONAIIL! kATU NEWLY DECORATED AND FURNISHED. Jh;tt:t Your stay at THE TIGER will be a eom(ortable and pleasant one. Write, wire or phono for reaCrYatioOa. R. L. Dudley Resident Maanger Make THE TIGER your headquarters in Colwnbia.

W.Aat id- !fOWl- rLew4 NEWS! &o4 tAe. mo. JleutrUUl4 NEWS! Here's a ready·to··use form we want you to fill out with current personal news of youraelf, your family or about other c:lassmates you've recently seen or heard from.


Name ...... : ...... Class ......

Mai1ing Address ...... _ ......

Occupation ...... - ...... _ What is news? Change of address, or occupation, marriage or addition to the fam· ily. News of yourself or other members. (Use space below.)

Please enter my subscription to the Missouri Alumnus and bill me Mail to llO LOW T TIGERS! Here is the 1951 MISSOURI Football Schedule


Sept. 22 ..... FORDHAM $3.00 Oct. 6 ...... SO. METHODIST $3.70 at Dallas (night) Sept. 29 ...... 0KLAHOMA A&M $3.00 Oct. 13 ...... COLORADO $3.00 at Boulder Oct. 27...... NEBRASKA $3.60 Oct. 20...... IOWA STATE $3.00 Nov. lO ...... OKLAHOMA $3.60 at Ames Nov. 3...... MARYLAND $3.75 Nov. 17...... KANSAS STATE $3.60 at College Park Dec. L .... KANSAS $3.50 TOTAL $18.00 at Lawrence SEASON TICKET $12.00 (A Umited number of tickets for thue games will be available in Columbia for our ticket You save 33 1/ 3% $ 6.00 customers.)

A SEASON TICKET IS YOUR BEST BUY! For Tickets- Address: Football Ticket Office, Columbia, Mo.

(Make aU remittances payable to "Univ,ersity of Missouri," and add 25~ to the total due for each game for insuranc~ and mailing charges)

Here's the Dope on the Five Big Columbia Games! FORDHAM (Band Day) SEPTEMBER 22-A the CornhU$kers topped Minouri in a 40-34 touch­ onee-mighty grid power in the Eut, Fordham't down-swapping thriller at Lincoln last year. Several Rams showed oldtime form under Coach Ed Danow­ top sophomore backs ahould give• the Huskers the ski Jut &talon and returned to the National Spotlieht best backfield in the conference. Tickets will be at a by winning eight of nine starta. Missouri opens its premium. '51 season apintt the Rama who hold two previous wins over the Tigers-2-0 in the Sugar Bowl and 20- OKLAHOMA - NOVEMBER 10-With st.a.nd­ 12 in 1942. I t's Band Day, too, with hundrtds of high outs like Vcs11ela and Weatherall still around, Okla­ school musicians lending color to the half-time ahow. homa .will field another awesome football, te:am i.n A sdl-out crowd is expected. 1951. T he Sooners were rated No. 1 in the nation last sc:uon, and had won 31 & games befo~e Ken­ OKLAHOMA A & M (Parents Day) SEPTEM­ stopPed them in the S'ugar Bowf. Oklahoma hat BER 29-0klahom.a A & M had 60 men in auit 1att won or shaled in seven conference championships spring as compared with the "thin thirtY" o£ laat au­ over the last eight years. This one ia always a sellout. tumn, and Stillwater folks, are optimistic about 1951 Cowpoke football proapeets. Starting hia se-cond sea­ KANSAS STATE (Clvie Club Day) NOVEM· son as A & M'• coach, J. B. "Ears" \Vhitworth will BER. 17-Kanra.s State'1 hopei for a "new deal" in b.ave a sophomore-laden outfit keyed to make the football success wrapped around a new coach. A.ggies' fiftieth footba11 campaign a winning one. Bill Meek-hired off the Maryland staff, a new S)l$· NEBRAS&A (Homeeoming) October 27- Ail­ tern, and a promising batch of freshman and aopho­ American Bobby Reynolds leda a Nebratka. team more prospect&. Back• . like Hi Faubion and Ted into the Tiger camp, eager to spoil the Homecoming Maupin, who gave. the. Tigers a sizeable scare in the weekend for Mis.souri and the old grads. A colorful game at Columbia two years ago, are senior cogs in runnerup to Oklahoma in the 1950 conference race, the 1951 Wildcat attack. DON'T WAIT MAIL YOUR ORDER NOW!