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Georgetown Law Weekly Georgetown Law Weekly The Student Newspaper of Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C. “Uninhibited, robust, and wide-open” VOLUME 43 TUESDAY, NOV. 7 TO MONDAY, NOV. 13, 2006 NUMBER 9 Successful Eskridge decodes the Supremes in lecture by Margaret Rubin, 1E Eid caps off Law Weekly The Law Center welcomed back an old friend last Wednesday when Ramadan Professor William Eskridge gave the by Zeeshan Hafeez, 2L Thomas F. Ryan Lecture, entitled Law Weekly "Supreme Court Deference to Agencies, 1981-2006: An Empirical and The Muslim Law Students Normative Examination." Thomas F. Association (MLSA) ended Oct. with a Ryan, for whom the lecture is named, bang as it celebrated its seventh annual received his J.D. from Georgetown Eid Dinner on Oct. 30 with a capacity University Law Center in 1976. The lec- crowd of over two hundred students, ture series was established by Hugh A. staff, faculty and members of the Grant and has included distinguished greater Law Center community. The speakers such as Justice Stephen G. Gewirz 12th floor lounge was packed Breyer, Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr., as people from all faiths joined together and Cornel West, among many others. at a table of brotherhood and sister- Clearly, Professor Eskridge still has hood. many fans and friends here as he Alex Kronemer, filmmaker and fre- received a glowing welcome and the photo by Marika Maris, 3L quent lecturer on religious diversity 12th floor of Gewirz was crowded with Professor Eskridge brought enthusiasm to the first of his two talks last week delivered the keynote address at the professors and students. Professor Eid Dinner. He began by greeting the Eskridge taught at the Law Center treatment of sexual and gender minori- intensive research was to determine audience with peace, then went on to from 1987-98 but returned to his alma ties. For students not entirely up-to- what and how the court decides when describe his own personal background mater to become the John A. Garver date on Supreme Court deference to it faces cases where an agency has and history that ultimately led him to Professor of Jurisprudence at Yale Law agencies, Prof. Eskridge's charismatic interpreted a federal statute. become an active member of both the School. He specializes his studies in and down-to-earth speaking style As a starting example, Professor film and interfaith communities. statutory interpretation and has enlivened the discussion of a complex Eskridge used John Ashcroft's fight to Kronemer, who was raised half- worked extensively on gay rights law. topic and in-depth research project. bar "assisted suicide" under the Christian and half-Jewish, recounted From 1990-95 he represented a gay cou- Professor Eskridge and his Controlled Substances Act (CSA). The the spiritual journey that ultimately led ple suing for recognition of their same- research assistant, Lauren Baer, have CSA, passed in 1970, made it a crime to him to become a Muslim. He reminded sex marriage and has also published a examined 1002 Supreme Court cases "possess or distribute addictive or psy- and encouraged the audience for the casebook, three monographs and where a federal agency interpreted a dozens of law review articles on state federal statute. The purpose of this See LECTURE, Page 4 See EID, Page 5 Bonfire heats up 1Ls’ Saturday evening DST means by Prashina Gagoomal, 1L Law Weekly sleepy days Most 1Ls' Saturday nights rarely involve being whisked away to for GULC Maryland, set free in the woods, and returned home several hours later. by Tiphanie Miller, 2L Yet more or less happened on Nov. 4 Law Weekly when the Student Ambassadors (SA) held a bonfire for 1Ls. Throughout Students across the Law Center the night, students responded posi- campus adjusted to the end of Daylight tively to the experience. They seemed Saving Time last week, at 2:00 a.m. last to agree that the social gathering was Sunday morning. Most took advantage essential not only to facilitate inter- of the extra hour that had been lost this mingling with people from other sec- past spring by decreasing their sleep tions, but also to escape the dreary debt, but many still felt that the slight confines of law school. benefit was not justified by the result, The journey began at around 7:00 especially considering the earlier onset p.m. on Saturday. Three buses picked of nightfall. up about 80 students outside Gewirz Daylight Saving Time is used most and transported them to Butler's frequently by countries in temperate Orchard, a quaint family farm locat- regions, often touted by governments as ed in Germantown, MD. The bus ride photo by Owen Kopon, 1L an energy conservation measure during itself was reminiscent of elementary First years kept their friendships warm at Saturday night’s bonfire in Maryland the summer months. In fact, it is referred school field trips, with students nation, however, was a far cry from a enjoy a fire, s’mores and kegs. to by European countries as "summer squirming in their seats throughout petting zoo; rather, it consisted of an time," so that Ireland experiences Irish the forty-five minute drive. The desti- open field where students could See BONFIRE, Page 3 See DST, Page 7 Election Updates and State Georgetown Football Project Runway Ballot Measures Wins Homecoming Tragedy Page 4 Page 8 Page 11 PAGE 2 GEORGETOWN LAW WEEKLY EEVVEENNTTSS TUESDAY, NOV. 7 TO MONDAY, NOV. 13, 2006 BriefsBriefsBriefsBrief Four Sudoku puzzles Fill in the grids so that every row, every column and every BriefsBriefs!BriefsBrief 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9 with no repeats. Basketball Ticket Sales Considering Vegetarianism? Hoyas Basketball vs. Hartford: The Student Animal Legal on sale this week! Tickets are avail- Defense Fund and the able for the first game of the season - Environmental Law Society invite Saturday, Nov. 11 at 12 noon at the you to a lunch discussion: "Cage Verizon Center. Tickets are $17 each Free, Organic, Vegetarian: What's it for excellent front row seats in all mean? The environmental, Section 107. Stop by McDonough health, and animal welfare impacts Room 171 to purchase yours today! of eating." Paul Shapiro, Director of Tickets will be available for Hoyas the Humane Society of the United Basketball vs. Ball State on Monday, States' Factory Farming Campaign, Nov. 27 at 7:30 p.m. at the Verizon will be speaking on Thursday, Nov. Center,starting on Nov. 13. Excellent 9 at 12:15 p.m. in McDonough Room seats are available. On sale starting 164. Lunch will be served, including Nov. 15, tickets will be available for empanadas from Julia's Empanadas Hoyas Basketball vs. Oregon on and homemade vegan cookies. For Wednesday, Nov. 29 at 7:30 p.m. at more information, contact David at the Verizon Center. Excellent seats [email protected]. are available. Hoyas Basketball tick- ets are available for every home game. The Office of Student Affairs will be selling tickets to every 2006- Protecting the Environment, It's 2007 home Hoyas Basketball game. Kosher! All tickets will go on sale at least one week prior to each home game. Stop Please join the Jewish Law by McDonough Room 171 for more Student Association and the information. Environmental Law Society for a "Lunch and Learn" discussion on Solution on page 11 "Jewish Law and Environmental Protection" with moderator Rabbi ways you can make a positive Division by competing in the 2007 Ask an Administrator Yosef Edelstein on Monday, Nov. 13 impact on Mental Health Rights. The William W. Greenhalgh Mock Trial at 12:30 p.m. in Hotung 5027. A event will take place on Wednesday, Competition. Buy your case packet Ever wonder who does what kosher lunch will be provided. RSVP Nov. 15, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the tables by the Chapel for only around here? Who can help replace to [email protected]. in Hotung 2000, and refreshments $20; only one week of packet sales! a lost locker key? Who decides if a will be served. Please contact edwin- Packets can be purchased from class is offered pass/fail? On [email protected] with any questions. Monday, Nov. 13 to Tuesday, Nov. Wednesdays, from 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 14 from 11:00 7:00 p.m., and p.m., in the Market Café of Be Careful Out There… from Wednesday, Nov. 15 to McDonough, a different administra- Thursday, Nov. 16 from 11:00 a.m. tor will host a table in the Market The Center for Wellness Promotion Global Warming in the Courts to 4:00 p.m. The Greenhalgh Café each week to answer students' recently sponsored a safety aware- Competition is from Jan. 19 to Jan. questions. Stop by for a cookie and ness/self defense program address- This Friday, Nov. 10, from 9:30 a.m. 21, so buy now, compete later! E- chat. This month, on Nov. 8, ing such issues as personal security, to 12:00 noon in Hotung 2000, the mail [email protected] Katherine Hall, Assistant Dean of how to avoid and anticipate prob- Georgetown Environmental Law & for more information. Students will be available, John lems, safety while in transit, sexual Policy Institute will be hosting a Stephens, Director of LL.M. assault avoidance, protecting your symposium event on "Global Academic Services is scheduled for home and personal identity. Tactical Warming in the Courts: An Nov. 15 and Denise Steeley, Security Training owner and lead Overview of Current Litigation and Shabbat Clusters! Registrar, will be at the Café on Nov. instructor, Donald Jones, educated Common Legal Issues" to coincide 29.
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