Raymond F. Toliver | 352 pages | 07 Mar 1998 | Schiffer Publishing Ltd | 9780764302619 | English | Atglen, | Interrogator, Raymond F. Toliver | | Boeken

When thinking of master interrogators, cruel individuals come to mind. Individuals who are able to inflict a great deal of physical or emotional pain on another without feeling empathy. A completely inhuman occupation but in the realms of society, it has always been an essential commodity, especially during times of war. The same thought applies when thinking about the NAZIs, an idea of evil individuals. While this is untrue for the majority who were simply following a regime, others — many of those at the head of the party — took pride in their policies and practices. So when the two are combined — a NAZI interrogator — the phrase has a very dark connotation. This particular interrogator worked his way up the ranks and by World War II oversaw prisoner camps known as Dulag Lufts. When enemies of the state were captured they were brought to the attention of the specialist known as Hanns Scharff. Scharff was born inin the East Prussian Empire. On reaching adulthood he was sent to South Africa which made him fluent in English. He excelled in the sales division of a company, handling clients who considered him to be a gentleman to do business with. This information would be a coincidence to some extent later in the story. The newly-wed Hanns and Margaret went on holiday to Germany one summer but it would turn into a longer stay than first hoped. World War II broke out and still a German citizen, Scharff was sent to the division for military training, destined for the Russian front. He was persistent to stay in Germany however and The Interrogator: Story of Hanns Joachim Scharff Master Interrogator of the Luftwaffe his fluency in English to be promoted, becoming a Lance Corporal. Their facility was where captured Allied pilots excluding Soviets were interrogated. Scharff became an Interrogation Officer. In the Dulag Luft, the captives would mostly come from downed British airplanes whose pilots would have been terrified about being captured by the Nazi regime. Rumours already circulated about the secret police called the who were said to administer The Interrogator: Story of Hanns Joachim Scharff Master Interrogator of the Luftwaffe torture techniques. Despite the guidelines of the Geneva Convention, illegal torture persisted. When some US Army pilots were captured, Scharff got his first opportunity. The work started before the meeting as he obtained every piece of information possible about them. He declined to wear a uniform The Interrogator: Story of Hanns Joachim Scharff Master Interrogator of the Luftwaffe casual clothes were all he needed to extrapolate information. The prisoners would not find a spider but a gentleman. And this is why Hanns Scharff is so special. He was both a Nazi and an interrogator but chose not to do what was expected of him. The history of interrogation has always involved torture but he was brave enough to condemn it. No doubt at first the prisoners and his colleagues alike would have presumed it to be a trick but Scharff was highly successful in using psychologyand never force. The fact he spoke perfect English meant he gained their trust. He created the illusion that he knew more than he knew, making the The Interrogator: Story of Hanns Joachim Scharff Master Interrogator of the Luftwaffe feel that any details they gave were already common knowledge. Some even volunteered it due to being treated so well: They were taken on excursions to forests and the zoo with Scharff as their guide. The only devious aspect — a great weapon for the interrogator — was letting the The Interrogator: Story of Hanns Joachim Scharff Master Interrogator of the Luftwaffe know that he would give them to the infamous Gestapo if they did not cooperate or try to escape. But in honesty, he never did. Even though Gabby never helped him they stayed friends and met again after the war was over. Hanns knew that while these captives were his enemy by name, they were humans who did not start the war. He would be remembered and revered for never inflicting pain on another soul despite being expected to. The Pentagon was aware and persuaded him to work for them. Newspapers and magazines began to publish his methods. He believed that people are people no matter where they are from and he treated the allies with the same respect he did the axis. Even when wars are taking place there are still shining lights like Hanns Scharff who are not just intelligent but brave enough to put it into practice. Enjoyed this article? However, things can go wrong. You must be logged in to post a comment. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. 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He has been called the "Master Interrogator" of the Luftwaffe and possibly all of ; he has also been praised for his contribution in shaping U. A mere Obergefreiter the equivalent of a senior lance corporalhe was charged with interrogating German-captured American fighter pilots during the war after he became an interrogation officer in He has been highly praised for the success of his techniques, in particular because he never The Interrogator: Story of Hanns Joachim Scharff Master Interrogator of the Luftwaffe physical means to obtain the required information. Additionally, Scharff was charged with questioning many V. The U. Many of Scharff's The Interrogator: Story of Hanns Joachim Scharff Master Interrogator of the Luftwaffe are still taught in US Army interrogation schools. From the s until his death The Interrogator: Story of Hanns Joachim Scharff Master Interrogator of the LuftwaffeScharff redirected his efforts to artistry, namely mosaics. He eventually became a world-renowned mosaic artisan, with his handiwork on display in such locations as the State Capitol building; Los Angeles City Hall; several schools, colleges, and universities, including the giant Outdoor Mosaic Mural facade of the Dixie State College Fine Arts Center; Epcot Center ; and in the foot arched mosaic walls featuring the story of Cinderella inside Cinderella Castle at , . Her father, Christian G. Jahn, lived at the spacious Villa Jahn in GreizGermany, just south The Interrogator: Story of Hanns Joachim Scharff Master Interrogator of the Luftwaffe , and adjacent to the large textile factory compound. It was during his schooling there that he was first trained in various forms of art, [3] which would eventually serve as a basis for his profession after World War II. Scharff's older brother, Eberhardt, was expected to take over the textile business from his grandfather, Jahn. Hanns Scharff himself was also encouraged to learn the family business and trained for three years in textiles and weaving while still a teenager. Next, he was trained in merchandizing and marketing, and finally exporting. Scharff then traveled to work in the Adlerwerke Foreign Office in Johannesburg, South Africa to gain experience in sales specifically of the Adler automobiles produced in , Germany for one year. However, he was so successful at his The Interrogator: Story of Hanns Joachim Scharff Master Interrogator of the Luftwaffe that, instead of returning to Germany, he was promoted to Director of the Overseas Division and continued The Interrogator: Story of Hanns Joachim Scharff Master Interrogator of the Luftwaffe make Johannesburg his home for the next 10 years leading up to the outbreak of World War II. Margaret was the daughter of Captain Claud Stokesfirst a pilot in Rhodesia inand later a squadron leader in the . His visa was summarily revoked and he was more or less stranded in Germany. After finding work in and while living again at the Villa Jahn with his wife and then three children, he was drafted into the German Wehrmacht as a panzergrenadier ; he subsequently trained for two months in . Scharff was originally to be deployed to the Russian Front. However, when Margaret Scharff learned of her husband's destination, she, angry at the thought of a fluent English-speaking German soldier's life being wasted at the Eastern Front, intervened. She talked her way into the office of a German general in Berlin and pleaded her husband's case, convincing the general of the error which was about to take place. Scharff had been slated to leave for the Russian Front the morning the telegram arrived. The rest of his fellow grenadiers were sent on to Russia. After traveling by train to , Scharff asked at the The Interrogator: Story of Hanns Joachim Scharff Master Interrogator of the Luftwaffe station where Dolmetscher Kompanie XII was based, not having been given any indication of its location before leaving his panzer unit. Frustrated and concerned over his new battalion's unwillingness to transfer him to his correct unit, Scharff recalled a letter that his father had written to each of his boys shortly before he died. In the letter, his father told him that, should he ever need help or guidance, to contact one or both of his dearest friends in his regiment, Majors Ledebur and Postel. Scharff contacted the then-Lieutenant Colonel Postel, who agreed to take his situation up with the commanding general, whom he knew personally. The next morning, the general telephoned the panzer unit and ordered that Scharff be released to his proper unit. During the spring ofScharff was promoted to Hauptgefreiter lance corporal and transferred to headquarters in Wiesbaden. Unsatisfied with his job of "manufactur[ing] little round holes" as a clerk at Headquarters, [6] he joked to the adjutant that he had figured out that the cost of each hole he punched was five pfennig. The adjutant informed the general of Scharff's calculations, and the general summoned Scharff and told him that he did not like low-ranking personnel "figuring out costs what were none of their business. It served as the initial in-processing and interrogation center for all captured Allied Air Force personnel, except for Soviet aircrews, who were interrogated elsewhere. The accident prompted Barth to promote Scharff to interrogation officer over the USAAF Fighter Section; Scharff was also officially transferred from the Army to the Luftwaffe at that time, but was not promoted The Interrogator: Story of Hanns Joachim Scharff Master Interrogator of the Luftwaffe rank. Scharff was opposed to physically abusing prisoners to obtain information. Learning on the job, Scharff instead relied upon the Luftwaffe's approved list of techniques, which mostly involved making the interrogator seem as if he is his prisoner's greatest advocate while in captivity. Scharff described various experiences The Interrogator: Story of Hanns Joachim Scharff Master Interrogator of the Luftwaffe new POWs, outlining the procedure most of his fellow interrogators were instructed to use. Initially, the POW's fear and sense of disorientation, combined with isolation while not in interrogation, were exploited to gain as much initial biographical information as possible. A prisoner was frequently warned that unless he could produce information beyond name, rank, and serial number, such as the name of his unit and airbase, the Luftwaffe would have no choice but to assume he was a spy and turn him over to the Gestapo for questioning. For Scharff, this technique apparently worked quite well. In addition to initially preying upon his prisoner's fears of the infamous Gestapo, he portrayed himself as their closest ally in their predicament, telling them that while he would like nothing more than to see them safely deposited in a POW camp, his hands were tied unless the prisoner gave him the few details that he requested to help him properly identify the prisoner as a true POW. After a prisoner's fear had been allayed, Scharff continued to act as a good friend, including sharing jokes, homemade food items, and occasionally alcoholic beverages. Scharff was fluent in English and knowledgeable about British customs and some American ones, which helped him to gain the trust and friendship of many of his prisoners. Some high profile prisoners were treated to outings to German airfields one POW was even allowed to take a BF fighter for a trial runtea with German fighter aces, swimming pool excursions, and luncheons, among other things. Prisoners were treated well medically at the nearby Hone Mark Hospital, and some POWs were occasionally allowed to visit their comrades at this hospital for company's sake, The Interrogator: Story of Hanns Joachim Scharff Master Interrogator of the Luftwaffe well as the better meals provided there. Scharff was best known for taking his prisoners on strolls through the nearby woods, first having them swear an oath of honor that they would not attempt to escape during their walk. Scharff chose not to use these nature walks as a time to directly ask his prisoners obvious military-related questions, but instead relied on the POWs' desire to speak to anyone outside of isolated captivity about informal, generalized topics. Prisoners often volunteered information the Luftwaffe had instructed Scharff to acquire, frequently without realizing they had done so. The Luftwaffe kept a vast collection of personal information about any pilot or commander in an enemy airwing in individual files. Scharff, when faced with a tight-lipped prisoner, usually consulted these files during interrogation sessions. Scharff began by asking a prisoner a question he already knew the answer to, informing the prisoner that he already knew everything about him, but his superiors had given instruction that the prisoner himself had to say it. Scharff continued asking questions that he would then provide the answers for, each time hoping to convince his captive that there was nothing he did not already know. When Scharff eventually got to the piece of information he did not have, prisoners would frequently give the answer, assuming Scharff already had it in his files anyway, often saying so as they provided the information. Scharff made a point of keeping the Luftwaffe's lack of knowledge a strict secret so as to exploit the same tactic further in later conversations. Scharff interrogated many prisoners over the course of his few years as an interrogator at Auswertestelle West. Among the most famous of these was Lt. Francis "Gabby" Gabreskithe top American fighter ace in Europe during the war. Scharff expressed his delight at finally being able to meet Gabreski, who had crashed his P while strafing a German airfield, as he stated he had been expecting his arrival for some time. Scharff had Gabreski's photo hanging on the wall in his office for months prior to his arrival in anticipation of his capture and interrogation. Gabreski holds the distinction of being one of the few captives that Scharff never gained any intelligence from during interrogation. Scharff and Gabreski remained friends well after the war. Scharff also interrogated Col. Hubert ZemkeMaj. Duane BeesonCapt. John T. GodfreyCol. Charles W. Stark, Maj. Gerald W. Johnson, and Col. Einar Axel Malmstromamong many others. Scharff was also asked to interrogate Lt. Martin J. Montiwho was later tried with and found guilty on counts of treason in the United States for his activities during the war. Scharff was asked to testify during his trial in the U. Scharff first came to the U. Monti's treason trial. While there, he met with various USAF officials and lectured about prisoner interrogation techniques at the Pentagon and other locales. After immigrating to the United States following World War II, Scharff fell back upon the artistic influences and training he had acquired during his youth in Germany and began creating mosaic art and furniture products decorated with mosaics for sale within the New York City area. Reportedly instantly successful, Scharff expanded his business to locations around the U. Now financially successful, Scharff moved his business to Los Angeles, California less than a decade after starting it. His new business, Hanns Scharff Designs, brought in even more business in the private, public, and business realms, with each design making Scharff's name and work better known and desirable. In Scharff invited his daughter-in-law, Monika The Interrogator: Story of Hanns Joachim Scharff Master Interrogator of the Luftwaffe, to study under him alongside other mosaic artists in his expanding business. Both Scharffs created one of the most well known mosaics associated with Scharff's business, the five foot wall mosaics telling the story of Cinderella in the Cinderella Castle at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Among the many commissions Scharff received, he and his studio created the marbled mosaic floor in the California state capitol building, the mosaic entry ramps at Disney's Epcot Center in Florida, a large outdoor building fascade mosaic at Dixie College in Utah, and the mosaiced eagle floor at the University of Southern California campus, in addition to several other private homes, hotels, schools, universities, department stores, shopping malls and churches worldwide. In the mids Scharff asked Monika to be his business partner, forming the new "Scharff and Scharff. Monika continued their business as Scharff and Scharff, which is still in operation. Following the war and his moving to the U. He reportedly never meant for his writings to be seen by anyone but himself. Scharff chose select sections to publish in Argosy Magazine in in the form of a brief article titled "Without Torture. Toliver examined what Scharff had written and went about contacting many of the associates and former prisoners Scharff spoke about in his writings to verify what Scharff had claimed. Many of those contacted wrote letters to Toliver in return, which he then published in the book chronologically alongside what Scharff had written. In addition, Toliver conducted research of his own of Scharff's life before, during, and after the war, essentially writing a nearly-complete biography of Scharff in addition to Scharff's personal thoughts. It was republished by a different publisher in Scharff's successful interrogation methods have regained momentum with the public debate about the morality of waterboarding and so-called " enhanced interrogation techniques " that were sanctioned by US President George W. Scharff's approach has been admiringly cited by top US interrogators, such as Ali Soufanwho are critical of the efficacy of enhanced interrogation. Sign In Don't have an account? Contents [ show ]. Categories :. Hanns Scharff: The Extraordinary Interrogation Technique of a Nazi Interrogator Dit artikel is nu in prijs verlaagd. Bekijk alle in prijs verlaagde artikelen. Levertijd We doen er alles aan om dit artikel op tijd te bezorgen. Het is echter in een enkel geval mogelijk dat door omstandigheden de bezorging vertraagd is. Bezorgopties We bieden verschillende The Interrogator: Story of Hanns Joachim Scharff Master Interrogator of the Luftwaffe aan voor het bezorgen of ophalen van je bestelling. Welke opties voor jouw bestelling beschikbaar zijn, zie je bij het afronden van de bestelling. Taal: Engels. Schrijf een review. Auteur: Raymond F. Uitgever: Schiffer Publishing Ltd. This Intelligence Officer gained the reputation as the man who could magically get all the answers he needed from the prisoners of war. Nothing, yet there is no doubt he got something. If you talked about the weather or anything else he no doubt got some information or confirmation from it. His technique was psychic, not physical. They are right. To this day ex-POWs fret and worry over what they said or even might have implied during their interrogations, and over what use Scharff may have made of their slip-ups. This book delves into the question: What was this magic spell or formula used by Scharff which made prisoners drop their guard and converse with him even though they are conditioned to remain silent? The tortures and savagery of the North Koreans and North Vietnamese caused prisoners to resist to the death. Toon meer Toon The Interrogator: Story of Hanns Joachim Scharff Master Interrogator of the Luftwaffe. Betrokkenen Auteur Raymond F. Toliver Uitgever Schiffer Publishing Ltd. Overige kenmerken Extra groot lettertype Nee Gewicht g Verpakking breedte mm Verpakking hoogte 38 mm Verpakking lengte mm. Reviews Schrijf een review. Bindwijze: Hardcover. Verwacht over 6 weken Levertijd We doen er alles aan om dit artikel op tijd te bezorgen. Verkoop door bol. In winkelwagen Op verlanglijstje. Gratis verzending door bol. Andere verkopers 2. Bekijk en vergelijk alle verkopers. Anderen bekeken ook. The Interrogator 0. Hanns and Rudolf 1. Stalag Luft I 0. Luftwaffe in the North African Campaign 0. Aces of the Reich 0. Italy 0. Bekijk de hele lijst.