Zoe Howe | 272 pages | 19 May 2014 | Birlinn General | 9781846972492 | English | Edinburgh, United Kingdom Barbed Wire Kisses - Wikipedia

She is firmly settled in the music environment. This relation implies that she has direct access to a part of the music industry network that extends from Britain. Inquiries within the music establishment may of course be facilitated by such contacts. Yet, it is hard to judge whether these links have been vital in Barbed Wire Kisses: The Jesus and Mary Chain Story Barbed Wire Kisses — The Jesus and Mary Chain Story under consideration here about the, to a great extent, voluntary outsiders The Jesus and Mary Chain. Items to conquer the world with in the s: from left to right premium beer, painted palms, six steel strings and a pair of hand adjustable sunglasses. Brothers William and Jim Read comprise the backbone of The Jesus and Mary Chain; a dysfunctional couple that against all odds got things going. It seems like their music making was a reaction to the pure boredom that prevailed in the small Scottish town south of Glasgow they were vegetating in as kids. A new structure of contrast between white noise and cool, calm and collected singing was created that way. The Jesus and Mary Chain had a lot to prove with their first album []. Expectations were high after New Musical Express hyped their first tumultuous gigs at which the art of ducking on stage became a survival necessity. This was of course neither Barbed Wire Kisses: The Jesus and Mary Chain Story first nor the last time the musical press hyped unproven bands. Tabloid pushing of this kind is most common in Britain and means nothing in most cases. Contrary to what seems to be the case in North America, British bands are sometimes prematurely forced into the recording studio by this hype, before they have had the chance of gaining enough experience as a live band by repeatedly testing their material in front of a live audience. Critical awareness of such plugging in the musical press is needed and also Hans Olofsson was rightfully suspicious of this hype in his Jesus and Mary Chain overview Swedish only. However, The Jesus and Mary Chain proved to be one of the few exceptions, much thanks to their different, distinct and thoroughly elaborated concept. At the same time as The Jesus and Mary Chain wanted and struggled for stardom, they had a hard time handling their popularity. Maybe the awkwardness was due to a combination of plain shyness and reluctance to deal with the downside of music business. Liquor and other substances was then a way, at least in the beginning, to cut across and drown out practicalities that was not directly related to the music itself. And the strained, yet close, relationship between the Reid brothers escalated this need. Even though their fourth member from time to time consisted of a drum machine, this did not help to stabilize The Jesus and Mary Chain and the volatile chemistry bounding between the brothers finally snapped like a rubber band breaks when William Read walked out from their US tour. Besides musical writing, there is art, readings, talks and drumming. Shine on, Marquee Moon [] is her latest book and first novel. Another shortcoming is that only brother Jim chose to engage in the storytelling, which might skew the story a bit. But, with this said, Barbed Wire Kisses: The Jesus and Mary Chain Story is not my intention to scare you off from reading Barbed Wire Kisses — The Jesus and Barbed Wire Kisses: The Jesus and Mary Chain Story Chain Story because I want to stress Barbed Wire Kisses: The Jesus and Mary Chain Story the positive qualities dominate. The story is skillfully told and the book brings loads of chronologically arranged and sometimes hilarious details to the reader. The psychologically charged tension between the band members is uncovered with a feeling and empathy that gives nerve to the text. The formidable and very detailed discography at the end of the book, containing all alternative takes, which must drive all die-hard completionists nuts. However, beginning in the other end, following tasters — or rather — obvious choices, from each of The Jesus and Mary Chain studio albums including their latest since almost twenty years is a good way to get started and also to appreciate how the band continuously evolved within their confined working concept throughout the career:. Email address:. Once is an incident, twice is a trend and trice is a tradition; hence the traditional list of 20 Barbed Wire Kisses: The Jesus and Mary Chain Story albums of the year — the eclectic way, as traditionally. The Golden Boys […]. Strunta i […]. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Home About Contact Shop. Facebook Instagram Twitter. News Ticker. Sign me up for PopDiggers newsletter! First Name Last Name Favourite album? Previous The Posies — Jon Auer intervju. Articles English. Articles Swedish. July 16, Hans Olofsson Articles Swedish 1. Be the first to comment Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. The Jesus and Mary Chain: Barbed Wire Kisses by Zoë Howe

Barbed wire kisses the j. She Barbed Wire Kisses: The Jesus and Mary Chain Story in Essex with her husband Dylan. She also plays the drums. No part of this publication Barbed Wire Kisses: The Jesus and Mary Chain Story be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form, or by any means electronic, mechanical or photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the express written permission Barbed Wire Kisses: The Jesus and Mary Chain Story the publisher. All efforts have been made to trace copyright holders. If any omissions have been made, the publisher will be happy to rectify these in future editions. They created their own genre, born of a cocktail of psychotic noise, Barbed Wire Kisses: The Jesus and Mary Chain Story rhythms and dark lyrics, delivered via a visual explosion of smoke, leather, big hair, Ray-Bans, silhouettes and searchlights. They took the glittering jewel of pop and casually lifted it up, revealing the darkness underneath. The fractious sound of The Jesus and Mary Chain also reflected a time of significant social tension in the UK, a time of pickets and riots, conflict and change. They were past, present and future rolled into one. Brothers William and , the core of The Jesus and Mary Chain, seemed to conjure sonic otherworlds inhabited by the ghosts of s pop, swaying beneath layers of powerful feedback and soft, obsessive mutterings. It has been a genuine pleasure to work with the Mary Chain, and to gather so many memories and perspectives for this long-overdue chronicle of their career. I first met Jim Reid and at the Artrocker awards inwhere they were collecting an award for the reissue of Psychocandy. That was, of course, the main reason I went: to see one of the groups who had sound-tracked my formative years be publicly paid due respect. Douglas Hart, who towered over me as most people doseemed more immediately open to an initial broaching of the book idea under circumstances that were admittedly better suited to. William Reid, unfortunately, chose not to be involved. This would provide their escape and ultimately change their lives. All in good time. Like the punks who went before them, The Jesus and Mary Chain are the champions of the weird, the poster boys for the misunderstood, and there was no way they were going to remould themselves to suit others. For that alone, they have a special place in my heart. Once the hip and enthusiastic joined the line-up as their Moe Tucker-style drummer, their confidence could only grow. With Alan McGee at the management helm in their early years, the Mary Chain knew they had the power to cut through saccharine mainstream pop like a knife, forcing fans to question the culture they were being fed, just as punk had encouraged them to question the same thing. And hits? World tours? Gold records and Top of the Pops? It was all on the horizon — and once their music reached the ears of Alan McGee, success would come rapidly. Love and gratitude to friends and family for support and encouragement. Special thanks as always to my husband Dylan. Stonehenge with windows. There is always, of course, another way; at least, there is for those who have the talent, wherewithal and determination to find and pursue it. This would carry them through, not only to the new decade, but also beyond. Punk also celebrated seminal American acts including The Velvet Underground, The Stooges, Television, Patti Smith and The Ramones, and introduced British youth to transatlantic treasure that they might not otherwise have been exposed to. These influences were essential to unlocking a new life, and as music in the mainstream became more slickly packaged and over-produced they would pass the flame of urgent, raw guitar-based music on to a new generation. The pioneers of this new generation lived here. In East Kilbride. The family left the tenement block they once called home after their tiny flat was broken into. Nothing was taken, largely because there was nothing to take. Still, a life somewhere safer and quieter beckoned. Fast forward to the end of the s, and the two brothers are in their teens, as close as twins and often too close Barbed Wire Kisses: The Jesus and Mary Chain Story comfort, skulking in their family home. They barely emerge except to sign on the dole or walk the dog. But, while a shared bedroom in a blustery Scottish new town might not strike one as a potential Petri dish of creativity, the Reid brothers were slowly very slowly creating something that would not only offer them an escape route, but ultimately change the course of pop during a time of disinfected chart fodder and anodyne tweeness. We were so amazed we played it about 50 fucking times. It was punk that made you think, you know, what are the alternatives here? William bought a bass guitar that just sat in the corner for about five years. But a young Douglas Hart was another creative spirit adrift in faceless East Kilbride who was kick-started by punk rock. He was more outgoing than the Reid brothers, who were, to be fair, shy to the point of being completely anti-social, but he was still a sensitive outsider who had little in common with his peer group. Other author's books: Lee Brilleaux. Zoë Howe: Barbed Wire Kisses – The Jesus and Mary Chain Story - PopDiggers

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Musically, culturally and even in terms of sheer attitude, the Jesus and Mary Chain stand alone. Their seminal debut album Psychocandy changed the course of popular music, and their iconic blend of psychotic white noise and darkly surreal lyrics that presaged the shoegaze movement continues to enchant and confound. The story begins in the faceless town of East Kilbride, near Glasgow, at the dawn of the s with two intense, chronically shy brothers, Jim and William Reid, listening to music in their shared bedroom. What follows charts an unforgettable journey complete with incendiary live performances, their pivotal relationship with Alan McGee's and those famous fraternal tensions—with plenty of feedback, fighting, and crafting perfect pop music along the way. It is high time this vastly influential group and sometime public enemy had their say. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. Published November 11th by St. Martin's Press first published May 19th More Details Other Editions 8. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Jesus and Mary Chainplease sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Barbed Wire Kisses: The Jesus and Mary Chain Story Jesus and Mary Chain. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. View all 10 comments. Jun 14, Ben Winch added it Shelves: music. You wanna know why the Mary Chain are great? Find the album Barbed Wire Kisses. At 15, six months into my guitar apprenticeship, I could not only play it but learnt it by ear, and could make it sound half-decent with my bassist You wanna know why the Mary Chain are great? Still think when original member Douglas Hart left chops or no they were done for. Started to believe their own schtick, maybe? But enough moaning! Want more noise? Wanna taste of Darklands romanticism? Major-key pop? William does Billy Idol? Wanna know a secret? Conspiracy by Jim and WEA to keep the darker brother down? You wanna know why the Mary Chain were great? From here, it was partly a rehash, but there was information a little about the recordings, the Barbed Wire Kisses: The Jesus and Mary Chain Story trip to Europe, and yeah that whole riot-causing-new-Sex-Pistols speel that McGee and the music weeklies cooked up together. And from then on, it was never in the eyes of the media about the music. Good to read: they regret the decision; they did change with Automatic Barbed Wire Kisses: The Jesus and Mary Chain Story know it; the bit about no drugs during recordings in the beginning. From there, the story descends into inanity. Illusions were shattered. Going on early afternoon after Pearl Jam high on coke without lights or smoke machine, looking pasty and ill while the other bands chugged protein shakes and did bench-presses. Interesting to know, I guess, but depressing to read. To me, they burnt brightly and briefly — like Joy Division, like Nirvana. Three albums only, but they were enough. Living legends. Even though William Reid chose not to be involved in the making of this book, his brother, Jim, did. And so did a lot of other players from the days. Howe writes the book pretty straight forward, Barbed Wire Kisses: The Jesus and Mary Chain Story the usual tripe and drunken debauchery that often plagues music biographies by seeming obligatory when it's rarely so. The Mary Chain are described as a lot of moping persons who created music that defined the s somewhat and influenced bands and artists for all time forth, probably. I wish the Even though William Reid chose not to be involved in the making of this book, his brother, Jim, did. I wish there'd have been pictures in the book - there are none, bar the cover image. But if they had to pick one single group who had the most impact on them, it would have been the Velvet Underground. They walked off stage if bored and practically did what they wanted to do, except for cater much to the media. He was a bit of a hustler, you could see that. I think you should get him. We kept getting these guys that started going on about what type of sticks they would use. Kind of beautiful. It haunted me. I always wondered what happened to him. Go read if you're into JAMC. Feb 10, Kurt rated it it was ok. Overall, a disappointing read. I breezed through it pretty quickly, even though I found the author's prose annoying to the point that I often found myself rolling my eyes at the end of the sentence "cappers" she'd throw in. I could edit this and make it better. As a linear, chronological telling of the history of the band it works pretty well, and I do like the subjects and subject matter well Barbed Wire Kisses: The Jesus and Mary Chain Story to maintain interest. It's just that I felt like it was aimed at a teenage reader, and most of t Overall, a disappointing read. It's just that I felt like it was aimed at a teenage reader, and most of the mary chain's audience probably aren't teenagers anymore. I guess I will still have to wait for the mary chain book I'd like to read to be written, which will never happen. I would like to have something deeper. The mary chain's material is so psychologically rich that not to have William's input almost seems like the project would be destined to fail. Just as the band itself is the two brothers, the Barbed Wire Kisses: The Jesus and Mary Chain Story needs that, too. It seems that William made a wise choice in opting out, because the book just feels like writing from a british magazine, or something. Unless someone like Nick Tosches comes along and writes the definitive JaMC bio we will just have to take what we've been given, which is still worth reading. I would like to know things like how and when they met Hope Sandoval, some of the intricacies of that relationship not the physical intimacies, just how it played outwhy did the brothers butt heads so often? A lot of these questions are left unanswered. We know that the brothers are shy loners and misfits, but we don't really have any of the internal, psychological depth fleshed out. To the writers credit, maybe it's just that the brothers are so evasive and elusive that there's nowhere else to Barbed Wire Kisses: The Jesus and Mary Chain Story but where she went. Still, I don't think so. There are more ways to tell a good story than a straightforward narrative. Final analysis: read it for what it is, but don't expect to be blown away. I want more. View all 4 comments. May 28, Shannon rated it really liked it Shelves: non-fictionukbiography-and-memoirrock-bandsbrothersperfect-fit. This is a very good book that fills a gaping hole in the world of music biographies. It covers all the highs and lows of the band's influential discography and tumultuous career.