City Deman.Ds Bridge Crews Work Late by JEFF NA,GEL All Eastbound Traffic Will Go Over the New'bridge, and All Got One of the Best Times

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City Deman.Ds Bridge Crews Work Late by JEFF NA,GEL All Eastbound Traffic Will Go Over the New'bridge, and All Got One of the Best Times Taking aim Countdown on Peak performer Loacl police have a new weapon in School will soon be out and Local gymnasts have one of their the battle against speeding here's an idea to fill the own to cheer for at a national drivers\NEWS A3 holidays\COMMUNITY B1 championship\SPORTS 01 WEDNESDAY JUNE 14, 1995 Ti NDAR City deman.ds bridge crews work late By JEFF NA,GEL All eastbound traffic will go over the new'bridge, and all got one of the best times. THE CITY has conceded there is nothing it can do to westbound traffic ~ except over-length vehicles-- will take If the project was started in September, as others suggest, stop a controversial plan to go to one-way traffic on local the old Skeena River bridge. there would be a great danger of extensive delays due to rai- bridges starling next Tuesday. Larger westbound vehicles will line up on the Thomhill ny weather ~ and the project might even be halted over But councillor Ed Graydon says he wants to prever,t side and will be flagged through on the new bridge. winter. similar delays next year when Keith Ave. is rebuilt. The project is scheduled to run from June 20 to July 27. "I think in reality we got a high priority," Hull said. Reconstruction of Highway 16--all the way from the Council is petitioning highways minister Jackie Pement He said the average delay is estimated at less than five Northern Motor Inn in Thornhill out west beyond McEwan to have crews work extra shifts ~ even 24 hours a day ~ to minutes for eastbound traffic and westbound heavy vehicles. GM ~ is scheduled to last three months, he noted. It will be get the job done f~ter. Crews normally work I0 hours a day. There will be no wait for westbound traffics. done in smaller sections, however, ,qnddelays likely won't be Councillor Yal George said the timing ~ during the peak Hull said locals will be inconvenienced, but he doubted as severe, of the tourist season--couldn't be worse. tourism will be seriously affected. "Perhaps it's too late to do anything about this project, "We seem to be getting the lowest priority in the pro- "To a tourist getting on a B.C. Ferry, a six-minute wait is but it's not too late to look at next year's scheduling," he said. vince on this," he said. "We seem to have drawn the very not going to matter," he said. "It's the owner of a Lomak Highways ministry officials came up with this summer's worst time in terms of the effect on tourism and the effect on truck who's waiting for hours each day for weeks on end who one-way bridge plan as the only way of keeping traffic sane business." I worry about." during redecking of the Dudley Little (new) bridges. But councillor David Hull disagreed, suggesting Terrace Graydon predicts the project won't finish in the sched- Ed Graydon (.3ity agrees keep t)ench farm zoning McCONNELL AVENUE res- cultural residential zoning. idents were out in force Monday The change will meananother night to protest zoning changes public hearing is required,fit least that would ban new agricultural two weeks away. development on the western part Planning consultant- Bruce T -,-,- of the bench. Anderson noted the decision could " -p'ut'~btiiicliih-a diiYic'~ii~sitionl '~ first major rebuild of the city's Because the Official zoning bylaw since 1966. Community Plan identifies the area The proposed replacement as amore strictly residential use, bylaw creates a number of new council couldn't reasonably turn zones, includ!ng rural residential down a rezoning to RR-1 in the (RR-1) -- which would apply to area, he said. And that would raise the area west of Marshall St. and the possibility of residential subdi- north of McConnell to Halliwell. visions springing up in the midst of But numerous residents said the agricultural zone ~ and then they had bought property there conflict with existing farms. recently with intentions of carry- Planning consultant Bruce ing out small scale fanning. Anderson noted the long-term plan A rural residential zoning to transform the area into a more would mean farms already devel- strictly residential zone has been oped could remain, but new farm part of the Official Community buildings couldn't be built and Plan since council adopted it two existing ones couldn't be replaced, years ago. "There's a large group of us Joe Barbosa queried council keen on staying the way we are," on a provision that would ban any Dave Shannon, of 5228 construction within 60 metres of McConnell, told the public hearing the Skeena River, on the zoning bylaw, That means any house that He presented a 16-name peti- bums on Skeena St. or Kerr St. tion to council asking for the area cannot be rebuilt, he noted. to be designated agricultural resi. City councillors said the dential (AR-2). change was ordered by the envi,. Council agreed Monday night ronment ministt:y to meet flood- to change the area back to an agri- plain requirements. II Goal-hungry SCI landfill plan CENTENNIAL LIONS' Andrew McColl slashes in for a shot on the Wildwood under-10 Terrace Youth Soccer action at Christy Park fieldsl Scoring goals is a specialty with the division leading Lions who have outscored their opponents 25-9 to date. Tonight, beginning at 6:30 p.m. the Lions gets dumpea on will be trying to keep their five-game unbeaten streak alive against Elkers Au[o Supply. REGIONAL District dircetom Terrsco-Thornhill. have turned thumbs down on a And regional district planner Skeens Cellulose application to Brace Lennox pointed out it was create a waste wood dump near unlikely such development could the airport. take place on a wood waste dis- The company currently uses a po~l site without "substantial re- landfill off the West Kalum Rd. habilitation due to potential but this is about to reach capacity. leschate, methane gas generation It's a jungle out there for COs Retained by SCI to Invest/gate and spontaneous combustion con- poss~le replacement sites, Adam A COUGAR, wolves and a are rare in this area. suspects the culprits were dogs charging bear have kept conser. would have never made it." Enginccdng checked out seven, Based on the above, directors "They depend on a large deer that had begun to go wild. Also last week, comervation of. vation officers busy of late. population for their survival," he two north of Terrace off I~tlum decided to object to SCI's "It sounds like it's more con- ricers were forced to destroy a Lake Drive and the others to the proposal, suggesting the company The action started last week said. "In this area there's not sistent with dog attacks," he said/ with reports of a cougar spotted problem bear Friday around the south of the airport and Thonhill. further inves~ate one of the sites many cougars. We get maybe a "There have been complaints in around the s~ooi in Kitsmaat Exstew River forest reception Based on the soils, Bamcss of off Kalum Lake Drive between Village. site. the land, highway access and Glacierand Lcanto Creeks. The big cat hadn't done any- The bear had •been tn the area proximity to Terrace, Adam In a report to directors, Lennox for quite some time, Fujlno said, thing aggressive, conservation of. "'If tl~ey were wolves and that pup ran into the Engineering recommended a said Adam Engineering had indi- ricer Ken Fujino said, but officers and wasn't causin 8 problems ini- 30ha site located cast of the air. cated it would do so. have decided to u 7 to relocate it bush, It would Imve never made it.'" ....... FUJINO tially. port lands and stretching to tlwy Operation of the landfill would bemuse of its proxlrnity to school Then he started getting Into gar- 37 South. see trenches of up to 4m being children. bage, and he Iml all fear of However, the terrain and lees. excavated. Wood waste would be He said a Terrace man with people once the publk started tloa benefits which the co~dtant dumped into the ~ach to a maxl. sighting a year." the past of dogs packing in that feedi~ him. trained dogs is on call to come highlighted are also what makes mum of 3m then coveted with a Also in IGtimat, in the Qua,sine area." Conservation officers dewar and assist officers the next area, t man reported being at- the area attractive for iadustrhl or thinner layer of the materials ex. time the cougar /s spotted. The He predicted the man's puppy, responded after repom of the ag, commerehl development at ~me cavated to estate the trench. tadked by a pack of five wolves which returned after being at- gresstve beat chaw,h8 veldcles t. plan tsto tree It, tranquilize it, last week. point in the future, That layering would be repeated tacked, would not have survived the area. ' With that in mlnd, the airport so that over the lifetime of the and then relocate it, Fujino said. He was knocked down but un. if the encounter had been with Conservation officer Fujino called it a dusk case of bench has been earmarked In the landfill m estimated at 30 years Manta hurt, ,while his two dogs were wolves. "If they were wolves and a bear being needlessly deal,eyed res~qudng study for pomlible Melderb said cougar slghttnss wounded ht the attack.
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