Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Amended Agenda October 1, 2019 Page 1




III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Commissioner Oley



VI. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (09/17/2019 Regular Meeting)


VIII. RESOLUTIONS, SPECIAL TRIBUTES & PRESENTATION 1. Presentation of Annual Report for Special Drainage Assessments by Mr. David Thompson, Monroe County Drain Commissioner 2. Resolution Declaring October 2019 as United Way month in Monroe County

IX. FINANCE MATTERS 1. Approval of the 10/2/2019 Accounts Payable Current Claims Report in the amount of $1,174,119.48

2. Presentation from Mr. Michael Bosanac, Administrator/Chief Financial Officer on the 2020-2021 Preliminary Recommended Budget.

Link to 2020 Preliminary Budget: Preliminary%20Budget%20Submittal%20protected.pdf

X. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of Non-Claims a. Check Register dated 09/20/2019 in the amount of $593,115.99 b. Check Register dated 09/27/2019 in the amount of $1,020,657.51

XI. COMMUNICATIONS Board Action: Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Amended Agenda October 1, 2019 Page 2

1. Letter dated September 20, 2019 from Mr. David Thompson, Monroe County Drain Commissioner, requesting approval of the 2019 Annual Report for Special Drainage Assessments in the amount of $2,715,924.06 and placement on the Grand Levy for spreading of assessments.

2. Letter dated September 12, 2019 from Mr. Mark Hammond, Director, Monroe County Emergency Management Division, requesting approval to accept the Fiscal Year 2019 Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) grant between the State Police Emergency Management, Homeland Security Division and the Monroe County Emergency Management Division, in the amount of $36,850. This grant provides 35.69% of the Emergency Management Division Director’s salary and fringe benefits. There is no County match.

3. Letter dated October 1, 2019 from Ms. Alana Horkey, Victim Rights Coordinator, Office of the Prosecuting Attorney, requesting approval to accept a Crime Victim Rights Grant for FY2020 from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services in the amount of $205,426 for the purpose of implementing the requirements of the William Van Regenmorter Crime Victim Rights Act, P.A. 87 of 1985. This grant requires a County match of $29,306 of which $7,327 is included in the 2019 Prosecutor’s Office budget and $21,979 to be included in the 2020 Prosecutor’s Office budget.

4. Letter dated September 25, 2019 from Ms. Aundrea Armstrong, Human Resources Director, requesting approval to fill a Deputy Clerk I position in the 1st District Court. The cost of filling the position is included in the 1st District Court’s 2019 budget.

5. Letter dated September 25, 2019 from Ms. Aundrea Armstrong, Human Resources Director, requesting approval to fill a Shift Coordinator position at Fairview. The cost of filling the position is included in the Fairview’s 2019 budget.

6. Appointment of Board/Commission Members A. Monroe County Economic Development Board i. Letter dated September 5, 2019 from Mr. Tracy Oberleiter, Chairman, Monroe County Economic Development Corporation recommending the appointment of Mr. Matt Zook to an unexpired term on the Monroe County Economic Development Corporation to represent Tourism. The term will expire on December 31, 2020. ii. Monroe County Economic Development Corporation Roster



XIV. NEW BUSINESS Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Amended Agenda October 1, 2019 Page 3

1. Reappointments of Board/Commission members distributed for information only at this time. No action to be taken until the October 15, 2019 meeting. A. Monroe County Library System Board i. Letter dated September 17, 2019 from Ms. Nancy Bellaire, Director, Monroe County Library System requesting the reappointment of Mrs. Bernie Smith another five (5) year term to commence on January 1, 2020 and end on December 31, 2024. ii. Monroe County Library System Board Roster B. Emergency Medical Authority i. Letter dated September 11, 2019 from Mr. William Urbanski, Chairman, requesting the reappointment of Ms. Robin Miller, Mr. James Neorr, Mr. James Bennett and Mr. Douglas Steinman to terms that commence on January 1, 2020 and end on December 31, 2021. Mr. Urbanski’s term ends on December 31, 2019 and he has declined to be reappointed. ii. Emergency Medical Authority Roster


XVI. CLOSED SESSION 1. Closed Session with Legal Counsel to discuss legal opinion set forth in written attorney/client privileged communication MCL 15.268(h).




The County of Monroe will provide necessary auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audiotapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting to individuals with disabilities at the meeting upon one week’s notice to the County of Monroe. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the County of Monroe by writing or calling the following: Human Resources - 125 East Second Street, Monroe, MI 48161 - Voice (734) 240-7295 and TDD (734) 240-7300 Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes September 17, 2019 Page 1


I. CALL TO ORDER The Monroe County Board of Commissioners held a regular meeting in the Board Chambers in the City of Monroe on Tuesday, September 17, 2019. Chairman Lievens called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


Roll call by Deputy Clerk, Lisa Sanders, as follows:

PRESENT ABSENT David Hoffman Jerry Oley Mark Brant David Swartout Dawn Asper Greg Moore, Jr. George Jondro J. Henry Lievens Jason Turner

A quorum being present, the Board proceeded to conduct business.

III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Lievens led the Pledge of Allegiance.

IV. OPENING PRAYER Deputy Clerk, Lisa Sanders led the Opening Prayer.

V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Commissioner Hoffman, seconded by Commissioner Oley to approve the Agenda as presented.

Roll call by Clerk as follows:

AYE NAY EXCUSED ABSTAIN David Hoffman Jerry Oley Mark Brant David Swartout Dawn Asper Greg Moore, Jr. George Jondro J. Henry Lievens Jason Turner

Motion carried.

VI. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (09/03/19 Regular) Motion by Commissioner Turner, seconded by Commissioner Jondro to approve the minutes as presented for the Tuesday, September 3, 2019 Regular Meeting and waive the reading thereof. Voice vote taken. Motion carried.

Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes September 17, 2019 Page 2

VII. PUBLIC COMMENT— Deputy Brian Francisco—President of Deputy Sheriffs Association. Thank you to the county, especially Mr. Bosanac, Ms. Armstrong and Mr. Greene for the time and effort spent speaking with us on some issues that we had. It’s a heartfelt thank you for the positive way the county talked with us.

Matt Vanisacker—of the Monroe County BDC. The BDC is in support of the Toledo Water Contract. Water is vital component to Economic Development in Monroe County. This will assist us in bringing new businesses to Monroe County.

Kim Giarmo—6331 Ave. D in North Shores (LaSalle Township). Commissioner Swartout and I have spoken and he’s on top of this issue. We need someone to enact a sea wall ordinance and we need drainage. Commissioner Thompson’s hands are tied. We have mold, sink holes and health issues. Nobody’s listening, nobody’s helped; in 21 years no one has helped. We have several residents losing homes. If we don’t have drainage by next summer, our homeowner’s insurance company will drop us. Our township has done nothing. It’s been going on for 21 years. If there is something that can be done we sure need the help.


IX. FINANCE MATTERS 1. Approval of the 09/04/2019 Accounts Payable Current Claims Report in the amount of $380,677.12

Motion by Commissioner Hoffman, seconded by Commissioner Brant to accept the 09/04/2019 Accounts Payable Current Claims Report in the amount of $380,677.12

Roll call by Clerk as follows:

AYE NAY EXCUSED ABSTAIN David Hoffman Jerry Oley Mark Brant David Swartout Dawn Asper Greg Moore, Jr. George Jondro J. Henry Lievens Jason Turner

Motion carried.

X. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of Non-Claims a. Check Register dated 09/06/2019 in the amount of $396,867.68 b. Check Register dated 09/13/2019 in the amount of $376,352.75

Motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Turner to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.

Roll call by Clerk as follows:

AYE NAY EXCUSED ABSTAIN David Hoffman Jerry Oley Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes September 17, 2019 Page 3

Mark Brant David Swartout Dawn Asper Greg Moore, Jr. George Jondro J. Henry Lievens Jason Turner

Motion carried.

XI. COMMUNICATIONS Board Action: 1. Letter dated August 22, 2019 from W. Thomas Graham, County Legal Advisor, submitting a new Toledo Water Supply Contract to replace the current contract and recommending approval of the contract and the terms and conditions including a duration of 40 years. a. Letter b. Memorandum c. 2019 Water Supply Contract d. Authorizing Resolution

Mr. David Thompson, Monroe County Drain Commissioner, Mr. Tim Csurgo, Monroe County Deputy Drain Commissioner and Mr. Thomas Graham, Legal Advisor explained the history of the water contract, the negotiations of, the benefits of and answered questions from the Commissioners. Chairman Lievens summarized that this contract will provide safe, reliable and affordable water to serve South County.

Motion by Commissioner Swartout, seconded by Commissioner Moore to accept the communication, place it on file and approve a new Toledo Water Supply Contract by approving the resolution authorizing the Chairman to execute the Contract on behalf of the County of Monroe.

Roll call by Clerk as follows:

AYE NAY EXCUSED ABSTAIN David Hoffman Jerry Oley Mark Brant David Swartout Dawn Asper Greg Moore, Jr. George Jondro J. Henry Lievens Jason Turner

Motion carried.

2. Memorandum dated September 11, 2019 from W. Thomas Graham, County Legal Advisor regarding attached resolution to provide for continuation of a post-retirement supplemental pension benefit check to qualified retirees through the year 2023 and thereafter the supplemental payment would end.

Commissioner Jondro explained the history of the post-retirement pension benefit check. Commissioner Turner asked if we are aware of any communication that has been sent out to the retirees regarding this resolution. It needs to be communicated to them ahead of time. Commissioner Jondro said that nothing was going to be communicated until this resolution was passed but he will make sure it gets sent out to the retirees in a timely manner so they are aware.

Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes September 17, 2019 Page 4

Motion by Commissioner Jondro, seconded by Commissioner Turner to accept the resolution as drafted by legal counsel and approve the resolution with immediate effect.

Roll call by Clerk as follows:

AYE NAY EXCUSED ABSTAIN David Hoffman Jerry Oley Mark Brant David Swartout Dawn Asper Greg Moore, Jr. George Jondro J. Henry Lievens Jason Turner

Motion carried.

3. Letter dated August 29, 2019 from Mr. Mark Hammond, Emergency Management Director, requesting approval to accept additional funding from the Southeastern Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) Planning Board for Monroe County for $148,876. This funding is to support local efforts to prevent terrorism and other catastrophic events in our region. There is no County match amount for the grant.

Mr. Hammond explained the grant and answered questions from Commissioners. Some of the uses for the grant are to hire analysts to be part of a team that listens for terrorist threats, the Monroe County Fair, equipment for first responders, trainings, and solution area planners. He introduced Ms. Brenda Sullivan the new Assistant Director of the Emergency Management Department.

Motion by Commissioner Hoffman, seconded by Commissioner Moore to accept the communication, place it on file and approve accepting additional funding from the Urban Area Initiative Grant (UASI) for Monroe County in the amount of $148,876 to support local efforts to prevent terrorism and other catastrophic events in our region.

Roll call by Clerk as follows:

AYE NAY EXCUSED ABSTAIN David Hoffman Jerry Oley Mark Brant David Swartout Dawn Asper Greg Moore, Jr. George Jondro J. Henry Lievens Jason Turner

Motion carried.

4. Letter dated September 12, 2019 from Ms. Aundrea Armstrong, Human Resources Director recommending approval of the tentative collective bargaining agreement between the County of Monroe, the Monroe County Sheriff and the Police Officers Association of Michigan (Deputy Sheriffs). The new agreement is effective September 1, 2019 expiring on June 30, 2023.

Ms. Armstrong explained the request and summarized the Collective Bargaining Agreement and answered questions from the Commissioners. Ms. Armstrong expressed thanks for the team approach that was taken during the negotiations. Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes September 17, 2019 Page 5

Motion by Commissioner Oley, seconded by Commissioner Swartout to approve the tentative collective bargaining agreement between the County of Monroe, the Monroe County Sheriff and the Police Officers Association of Michigan (Deputy Sheriffs) effective September 1, 2019 expiring June 30, 2023 and authorize the Chairman to execute the same on behalf of the County.

Roll call by Clerk as follows:

AYE NAY EXCUSED ABSTAIN David Hoffman Jerry Oley Mark Brant David Swartout Dawn Asper Greg Moore, Jr. George Jondro J. Henry Lievens Jason Turner

Motion carried.

5. Letter dated September 11, 2019 from Ms. Aundrea Armstrong, Human Resources Director requesting approval to fill a Resident Care Worker position at Fairview. The cost of filling this position is in Fairview’s 2019 budget.

Ms. Armstrong explained the request.

Motion by Commissioner Asper, seconded by Commissioner Turner to accept the communication, place it on file and approve the request to fill a Resident Care Worker position at Fairview with funding included in Fairview’s 2019 budget.

Roll call by Clerk as follows:

AYE NAY EXCUSED ABSTAIN David Hoffman Jerry Oley Mark Brant David Swartout Dawn Asper Greg Moore, Jr. George Jondro J. Henry Lievens Jason Turner

Motion carried.

6. Appointment of Board/Commission Members A. Monroe County Board of Canvassers i. Letter dated August 26, 2019 from Ms. Sharon Lemasters, Monroe County Clerk/Register of Deeds recommending the reappointment of Ms. Laurie Burson as the Democratic Party representative on the Board of Canvassers and Ms. Ruth McPeek as the Republican Party representative. The term will commence on October 31, 2019 and expire on October 31, 2023. ii. Board of Canvassers roster

Chairman Lievens read the request into the record.

Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes September 17, 2019 Page 6

Motion by Commissioner Jondro, seconded by Commissioner Moore to accept the communication, place it on file and approve the recommendation to appoint Ms. Laurie Burson as the Democratic Party representative and Ms. Ruth McPeek as the Republican Party representative on the Board of Canvassers. The term will commence on October 31, 2019 and expire on October 31, 2023.

Roll call by Clerk as follows:

AYE NAY EXCUSED ABSTAIN David Hoffman Jerry Oley Mark Brant David Swartout Dawn Asper Greg Moore, Jr. George Jondro J. Henry Lievens Jason Turner

Motion carried.



XIII. NEW BUSINESS— 1. Appointment of Board/Commission Members distributed for information only. No action to be taken until the October 1, 2019 meeting. A. Monroe County Economic Development Board i. Letter dated September 5, 2019 from Mr. Tracy Oberleiter, Chairman, Monroe County Economic Development Corporation recommending the appointment of Mr. Matt Zook to an unexpired term on the Monroe County Economic Development Corporation to represent Tourism. The term will expire on December 31, 2020. ii. Monroe County Economic Development Corporation Roster

Chairman Lievens read the request into the record and advised that this item will be voted on at the October 1, 2019 meeting.

XIV. PUBLIC COMMENT— Brian Francisco--Thank you Commissioners for approving the tentative CBA. It was a very positive experience and I’d like to thank Mr. Bosanac, Ms. Armstrong and Mr. Greene who were just fantastic throughout this process. XV. ANNOUNCEMENTS—Next Meeting is October 1, 2019

Mr. Bosanac, Administrator/CFO said they are preparing the Budget and there will be a Budget Outline presentation at the October 1 meeting. I think we are going to project a surplus this year. Working with Departments for final budget numbers.

XVI. MEMBERS TIME— Commissioner Oley—Pass

Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes September 17, 2019 Page 7

Commissioner Turner—Thank you to the City of Toledo, Drain Commissioner Thompson and Legal for bringing this water contract. Thank you to Brian Francisco, the deputies, the 2nd floor staff and Jim Greene for this collective bargaining agreement. We care very much about what the deputies do for our community.

Commissioner Jondro—Great job to everyone for the water contract, the collective bargaining agreement and thanks to deputies out on the road.

Commissioner Asper—Thanks to our very professional staff who represent us well. Glad the negotiations worked out.

Commissioner Brant—Thank you to Brian Francisco for your cooperation on the negotiating team.

Commissioner Hoffman—I hope we can help this lady in North Shores and other areas but I’m not sure how we can help. So much water is coming in and there is so much mold.

Commissioner Swartout—I’ve been in communication with the township and there are some things in process. LaSalle township was enforcing things one way and I’m trying to convince them to do it another way.

Commissioner Moore—Thank you for the hard work on the Toledo water contract. I really like Mr. Bosanac’s Administrator reports. It’s full of very good information that is to the point. It helps me answer questions from constituents. Thank you to Chairman Lievens for all the work you did regarding the water contract.

Commissioner Lievens—My email was hacked. We have to be careful with our email. Thank you to everyone for your work on the Toledo water contract. Safe, reliable, affordable water is important. There is a different culture on the Board regarding CBA negotiations than in the past. There is an issue with pagers not toning properly again in Dundee and Bedford. I relayed this to staff to look into it.

XVII. ADJOURNMENT— Motion by Commissioner Brant, seconded by Commissioner Moore to adjourn. Chairman Lievens adjourned the meeting at 6:58 p.m. with no further business.

RESOLUTION Declaring October as United Way Month in Monroe County “Live United”

WHEREAS, the United Way of Monroe/Lenawee Counties is launching its annual campaign drive with the goal to raise funds to strengthen our community by improving education, financial stability and health; and

WHEREAS, local and state health and human service partner agencies receive funds from the United Way of Monroe/Lenawee Counties, which, in turn, provides services to nearly three out of ten residents in Monroe County; and

WHEREAS, volunteers and businesses throughout Monroe County donate their time and energy to help raise the funds necessary to make the United Way of Monroe/Lenawee Counties a success for all the citizens of Monroe County; and

WHEREAS, the United Way can provide funding to many local organizations, which provide greatly needed services to the citizens of Monroe County; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that on this 1st day of October, 2019, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners hereby urges all citizens of Monroe County to donate their time and resources to support the annual United Way Campaign and thereby the continuation of vital services to those in need.

Resolution offered by Commissioner J. Henry Lievens, Chairman Resolution supported by Commissioner Greg Moore, Jr., Vice-Chairman

J. Henry Lievens, Chairman Greg Moore, Jr., Vice-Chairman David C. Hoffman District 9 District 8 District 1

Mark Brant Dawn A. Asper George L. Jondro District 2 District 3 District 4

Jason R. Turner Jerry A. Oley David G. Swartout District 5 District 6 District 7

[RAP205] OPTIMUM PAYMENTS SUMMARY PAGE 1 OFFICE: 001 RUN: 004462 PAYMENT DATE: 10/02/19 PAY-THROUGH DATE: 09/24/19 Vendor Name Amount Count ------

000000010295 ASD SPECIALTY HEALTHCARE, LLC 8123.25 2 000000010343 ACCESS INTERACTIVE LLC 1237.50 1 000000010700 ADVANCE TEMPORARY SERVICES INC 1545.12 2 000000010706 ADVANCED CORRECTIONAL HEALTHCA 41639.30 6 000000010817 ALL AMERICAN KARATE LLC 3240.00 1 000000011855 AMERICAN PROFICIENCY INSTITUTE 519.00 1 000000012398 ARBOR INSPECTION SERVICES, LLC 1040.00 3 000000012950 AVENTIS PASTEUR 4505.03 1 000000020004 B & L OFFICE MACHINES 60.00 1 000000020070 BOB BARKER COMPANY, INC. 23.40 1 000000020072 BAKER'S GAS & WELDING SUPPLIES 118.08 7 000000020405 BEDFORD TOWNSHIP SEWER O & M 100.00 2 000000021010 BOILERS, CONTROLS & EQUIPMENT 165.35 1 000000021200 BRENT'S LOCKSMITH 253.52 1 000000021257 BROMBERG & ASSOCIATES LLC 378.00 2 000000030009 CDW GOVERNMENT INC. 381.88 1 000000031179 COMPASSIONATE COMPANIONS, INC. 12208.33 1 000000031357 CONCIERGE CORRECTIONS LLC 7521.36 1 000000031823 CASA 5881.44 1 000000031830 COUNTY AGENCY ADMINISTRATIVE 23133.51 11 000000040047 DATA LEGAL 1366.76 2 000000041001 THE DETROIT NEWS 170.00 1 000000042380 DYKEMA GOSSETT PLLC 7600.00 1 000000050009 E & B FIRE AND SAFETY INC 1232.80 2 000000050031 ECOLAB 353.74 1 000000050590 EXCEL SYSTEMS GROUP INC 234.18 1 000000050594 CAMFIL, USA INC. 248.40 1 000000060199 FFF ENTERPRISES, INC 814.72 1 000000060210 FIFTH THIRD BANK 306.72 1 000000060232 FINISHERS UNLIMITED OF MONROE, 1799.06 1 000000060695 FORESTRY SUPPLIERS, INC. 89.96 1 000000060698 FORENSIC FLUIDS LABORATORIES, 3750.00 2 000000060790 FRAME'S PEST CONTROL, INC. 304.00 3 000000061065 FRIENDLY FORD INC 704.37 1 000000070009 GALL'S INC. 146.00 1 000000070050 GEAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 306.00 3 000000070200 GENERAL LINEN/UNIFORM SERVICE 41.12 2 000000070326 GLOBAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY 575.80 1 000000070345 GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF SOUTHEA 16.58 1 000000070623 GRAPHIC SCIENCES, INC 1683.31 1 000000070693 GREAT LAKES DIVECENTER, INC. 2700.00 1 000000080001 HABITEC SECURITY 150.00 1 000000080089 HAZCORP ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 665.00 1 000000080350 HERKIMER RADIO SERVICE 855.00 2 000000080836 HOME DEPOT USA INC 368.77 1 000000080904 HOUSE ARREST SERVICES, INC. 12043.95 4 000000080922 HR STAFFING TEAM, LLC 5877.92 2 000000080980 THE HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK 37.34 1 000000090190 ISC 925.00 1 [RAP205] OPTIMUM PAYMENTS SUMMARY PAGE 2 OFFICE: 001 RUN: 004462 PAYMENT DATE: 10/02/19 PAY-THROUGH DATE: 09/24/19 Vendor Name Amount Count ------

000000100451 JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC. 4636.60 2 000000110290 KENT COMMUNICATIONS INC 919.20 1 000000120125 TRANSIT COMMISSION 350.00 1 000000120250 LAMOUR PRINTING LLC 105.00 1 000000120340 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES, INC. 42.24 1 000000120390 LANSING SANITARY SUPPLY, INC 347.34 2 000000121003 LOWERY CORP 615.17 3 000000130012 MCELHENEY LOCKSMITHS INC. 245.00 1 000000130121 I.M. DIAGNOSTICS 298.83 1 000000130180 MANPOWER, INC. 1688.04 4 000000130185 MANNIK & SMITH GROUP INC 10668.90 2 000000130307 MASSERANT'S FEED & GRAIN INC 10.98 1 000000130450 McKESSON GENERAL MEDICAL CORP 145.16 6 000000130700 MELLOCRAFT 5860.52 13 000000130902 MERCY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL CORPOR 590.00 1 000000131496 MICHIGAN STATE POLICE - CASHIE 1765.00 1 000000131511 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 1350.00 1 000000132050 MILLCRAFT PAPER COMPANY 5708.79 5 000000132159 SYMPHONY DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES N 50.00 1 000000132449 MONROE CO HEALTH DEPT 15.00 1 000000132620 MONROE CONSERVATION DISTRICT 1192.00 1 000000132850 MONROE NEWS 333.00 2 000000133600 MONROE VETERINARY CLINIC 1709.80 8 000000140499 NORTHERN CONCRETE PIPE, INC. 28231.00 1 000000150310 OPTUMINSIGHT, INC. 87.23 1 000000160948 PITNEY BOWES INC 2313.23 3 000000161075 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS 1650.87 1 000000161190 PRECISION DYNAMICS CORP. 373.55 1 000000170160 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS INC 271.04 2 000000170300 QUILL CORPORATION 429.42 4 000000180018 RAY O'HERRON CO INC 114.26 12 000000180315 REDWOOD BIOTECH INC 1363.86 1 000000180842 VET 339.40 1 000000180915 ROCKWOOD AUTO PARTS, INC. 2580.94 15 000000181001 ROSE PEST SOLUTIONS 372.00 3 000000181075 RR DONNELLEY 269.16 2 000000190110 SAFETY SYSTEMS, INC. 72.00 1 000000190405 ST. PIERRE ACE HARDWARE 221.27 3 000000191250 S.E.MICH.HEALTH ASSOCIATION 26231.73 1 000000191500 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 502.69 6 000000191600 SIEB PLUMBING & HEATING 1220.23 3 000000191803 JOHNSON CONTROLS FIRE PROTECTI 290.00 1 000000191815 SINGLE SOURCE, INC. 4371.97 2 000000191985 SMARTSHEET INC. 1188.00 1 000000192121 GLAXOSMITHKLINE PHARMACEUTICAL 1440.60 1 000000192299 SOUTH COUNTY WATER SYSTEM 340.00 2 000000192421 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 203.79 1 000000192892 STEVENS DISPOSAL 1702.10 4 000000192920 STONECO OF MICHIGAN 132.54 1 [RAP205] OPTIMUM PAYMENTS SUMMARY PAGE 3 OFFICE: 001 RUN: 004462 PAYMENT DATE: 10/02/19 PAY-THROUGH DATE: 09/24/19 Vendor Name Amount Count ------

000000193070 SUPPLYDEN INC. 90.51 1 000000200421 THE TICKET DOCTOR 312.96 1 000000201000 TOLEDO PHYSICAL EDUCATION SUPP 297.44 1 000000220002 VWR SCIENTIFIC 589.34 1 000000220175 VICTORY CARPET OUTLET INC. 12500.00 1 000000230138 WAYNE CO MEDICAL EXAMINERS OFF 10150.00 11 000000230401 THOMSON REUTERS 666.08 1 000000230868 WORLDWIDE INTERPRETERS INC 858.30 4 000000230887 WYANDOTTE ALARM 200.97 1 000000230891 WYANDOTTE ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. 73.04 2 000000260040 ZUERCHER TECHNOLOGIES, LLC 645622.80 2 000000400170 CITY OF MONROE 6475.00 1 000000501251 MONROE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 123.00 1 000000509850 JAMES RISINGER 129.52 1 000000509855 LAURA PAPENHAGEN 56.96 2 000000510855 TITLE CHECK, LLC 3898.56 1 000000700499 AMY L BOISVENUE 79.95 1 000000700690 NICOLE L. LINDSAY 474.35 2 000000720001 ABC COUNTERTOPS 3151.00 1 000000720153 AAMER BHURGRI, MD 275.00 1 000000720223 TERRENCE P. BRONSON 1417.40 2 000000721118 JOHN D KOHLER\ARCHITECT PC 825.00 1 000000721126 SANDRA KURTANSKY 300.00 1 000000721374 YOLANDA MORALES 410.00 1 000000721903 MARGARET ANN SCHILLING 825.00 1 000000722304 WALLACE PSYCHSERVICES LLC 1600.00 1 000000731232 SARAH MATTIMOE 148.48 1 000000750497 TIMOTHY LAITUR 1750.00 1 000000750703 JESSICA M. PALADINO 1450.00 1 000000821145 LESLIE CLANTON 24.00 2 000000821551 ANTOINETTE CARDER 121.22 1 000000821770 LORI SARNOWSKI 150.44 1 000000822398 JAMIE DEAN 217.91 1 000000823377 CAROLYN GARDETTO 29.00 1 000000824195 WENDY HOEVEMEYER 31.32 1 000000824698 SUSAN KANDES 103.60 1 000000825068 DONNA KUTI 24.00 2 000000826125 JENNA MORSE 383.79 1 000000826208 DAVID NAGY 90.63 1 000000826230 BRIAN NAREWSKI 334.08 1 000000826422 ROBIN OPFERMANN 89.32 1 000000827456 RYAN D SIMMONS 63.34 4 000000827813 JACQUELINE SWEARINGEN 193.55 1 000000828680 CEILIA WODARSKI 278.41 1 000000828747 LESLIE ZINI 357.19 1 000000870065 ANGEL HOUSE 7831.53 1 000000870331 CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF SHIAWASS 1282.88 2 000000870535 ENNIS CENTER FOR CHILDREN 773.76 2 000000870624 FAMILY & COMMUNITY SERVICES 760.29 1 [RAP205] OPTIMUM PAYMENTS SUMMARY PAGE 4 OFFICE: 001 RUN: 004462 PAYMENT DATE: 10/02/19 PAY-THROUGH DATE: 09/24/19 Vendor Name Amount Count ------

000000871900 SAMARITAS 1568.84 4 000000871981 CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF SE MICHI 1282.88 2 000000902116 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 119759.40 7 000000902121 BUCK & KNOBBY EQUIP CO INC 105.00 1 000000902213 CARTER LUMBER 359.94 1 000000902606 W W GRAINGER INC 122.76 1 000000903011 KENNEDY INDUSTRIES 10383.75 1 000000903104 LAMBERTVILLE TRUE VALUE HARD. 23.62 2 000000903181 MENARDS 246.05 1 000000903213 STONECO, INC. 1471.74 2 000000903220 MONROE PUBLISHING COMPANY 137.80 1 000000903239 MONROE COUNTY ENTERPRISE FUND 52419.12 5 000000903829 SPICER GROUP 5031.25 1 CTY HEALTH Managing Contraception, LLC 94.50 1 VET BUREAU MARY GAIL BENETEAU 521.89 1 VET BURIALS JAMIE NEIDLINGER 300.00 1

**** TOTALS: 1174119.48 329

NON-CLAIM RUN 09/20/19

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - 09/19/19 PAGE 1 Company 01 County of Monroe

PARAMETERS FOR PAYMENT RUN NUMBER 004460 ------Company code 01 Office code 001 Discount type A Run schedule A Priorities 000 TO 000 Select type Type codes Bank code Checks? Y Transfers? Y BACS? Y Drafts? Y Manuals? Y Others? Y Vendor ------NON-CLAIM RUN 09/20/19

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 09/19/19 PAGE 2 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 004460 Payment Date 09/20/19 Pay-thru Date 09/18/19

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

AT & T 000000010000 734R0110210 5214043 09/12/19 225.14 0.00 225.14 242283509 5214082 09/17/19 1394.28 0.00 1394.28 DUE100419 5214112 09/17/19 100.83 0.00 100.83 DUE 10.4.19 5214113 09/17/19 72.00 0.00 72.00 BILL091019 5214114 09/17/19 351.88 0.00 351.88 DUE.100419 5214115 09/17/19 149.47 0.00 149.47 2293.60 0.00 2293.60 000000536321

AT&T MOBILITY 000000010026 X09142019 5214084 09/17/19 4321.98 0.00 4321.98 28725440972 5214105 09/17/19 135.63 0.00 135.63 09142019 5214135 09/18/19 136.25 0.00 136.25 4593.86 0.00 4593.86 000000536322

AT & T 000000012805 DUE 100119 5214116 09/17/19 95.60 0.00 95.60 95.60 0.00 95.60 000000536323

B & L OFFICE MACHINE 000000020004 101459 5214040 09/12/19 100.00 0.00 100.00 101459#2 5214041 09/12/19 40.00 0.00 40.00 140.00 0.00 140.00 000000536324

REPUBLIC SERVICE OF 000000020010 259-2723674 5214100 09/17/19 5297.15 0.00 5297.15 5297.15 0.00 5297.15 000000536325

BERLIN SENIOR CITIZE 000000020750 90909040956 5214143 09/18/19 1602.12 0.00 1602.12 1602.12 0.00 1602.12 000000536326

CHARTER COMMUNICATIO 000000030566 28976091019 5214121 09/17/19 205.91 0.00 205.91 205.91 0.00 205.91 000000536327

COMCAST CABLEVISION 000000031085 852910191 5214182 09/18/19 289.94 0.00 289.94 289.94 0.00 289.94 000000536328

CONSUMERS ENERGY 000000031502 8/12-9/10 5214083 09/17/19 8529.25 0.00 8529.25 DUE 100419 5214124 09/17/19 449.41 0.00 449.41 8978.66 0.00 8978.66 000000536329

DTE ENERGY 000000040600 143 ARBOR 5214081 09/16/19 9.36 0.00 9.36 9.36 0.00 9.36 000000536330

FIFTH THIRD BANK 000000060211 0366 5214080 09/16/19 1549.52 0.00 1549.52 1549.52 0.00 1549.52 000000536331

LAKE ERIE TRANSIT CO 000000120125 598 5214042 09/12/19 150.00 0.00 150.00 599 5214107 09/17/19 150.00 0.00 150.00 300.00 0.00 300.00 000000536332

ARTHUR LESOW COMMUNI 000000120750 90912024533 5214146 09/18/19 1056.00 0.00 1056.00 NON-CLAIM RUN 09/20/19

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 09/19/19 PAGE 3 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 004460 Payment Date 09/20/19 Pay-thru Date 09/18/19

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

1056.00 0.00 1056.00 000000536333

LIVING INDEPENDENCE 000000120967 90916112242 5214145 09/18/19 6619.80 0.00 6619.80 6619.80 0.00 6619.80 000000536334

MCI RESIDENTIAL SERV 000000130016 8/3-9/2 5214085 09/17/19 13.93 0.00 13.93 13.93 0.00 13.93 000000536335

MICHIGAN GAS UTILITI 000000131350 DUE09.13.19 5214133 09/17/19 36.35 0.00 36.35 36.35 0.00 36.35 000000536336

MICH MUNICIPAL RISK 000000131392 D19081029 5214111 09/17/19 30425.80 0.00 30425.80 30425.80 0.00 30425.80 000000536337

MICHIGAN WORKS! 000000131611 0234-0041 5214104 09/17/19 950.00 0.00 950.00 950.00 0.00 950.00 000000536338

SYSCO DETROIT LLC 000000131804 258893282 5214070 09/13/19 1093.79 0.00 1093.79 258888293CR 5214086 09/17/19 -1.03 0.00 -1.03 258888215CR 5214087 09/17/19 -0.06 0.00 -0.06 258884128 5214088 09/17/19 799.34 0.00 799.34 258897196 5214089 09/17/19 1251.50 0.00 1251.50 258893281 5214129 09/17/19 1174.53 0.00 1174.53 4318.07 0.00 4318.07 000000536339

MILAN SENIORS FOR HE 000000131835 MILANCTR918 5214151 09/18/19 5071.00 0.00 5071.00 5071.00 0.00 5071.00 000000536340

VISA 000000132175 8/6-9/5 5214090 09/17/19 2335.69 0.00 2335.69 2335.69 0.00 2335.69 000000536341

MONROE FAMILY YMCA 000000132435 092019 YMC 5214152 09/18/19 1034.28 0.00 1034.28 1034.28 0.00 1034.28 000000536342

AMERICAN RED CROSS 000000132517 JULY 2019 5214075 09/13/19 12.00 0.00 12.00 12.00 0.00 12.00 000000536343

MONROE CO. OPPORTUNI 000000132600 90917030543 5214144 09/18/19 9269.84 0.00 9269.84 9269.84 0.00 9269.84 000000536344

MONROE COUNTY SALVAT 000000132618 AUG.2019 5214076 09/13/19 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 25.00 000000536345

MONROE SENIOR CITIZE 000000133450 90918102433 5214147 09/18/19 2.44 0.00 2.44 90918100802 5214148 09/18/19 73.20 0.00 73.20 90918103705 5214149 09/18/19 90.89 0.00 90.89 90918112141 5214150 09/18/19 608.78 0.00 608.78 NON-CLAIM RUN 09/20/19

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 09/19/19 PAGE 4 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 004460 Payment Date 09/20/19 Pay-thru Date 09/18/19

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

775.31 0.00 775.31 000000536346

MONROE WATER DEPT. 000000133650 DUE 100419 5214123 09/17/19 79.24 0.00 79.24 79.24 0.00 79.24 000000536347

PERFECTION BAKERIES, 000000160355 204124716 5214091 09/17/19 95.00 0.00 95.00 204125319 5214092 09/17/19 140.00 0.00 140.00 204125310 5214093 09/17/19 160.00 0.00 160.00 204125506 5214094 09/17/19 275.00 0.00 275.00 210125306 5214110 09/17/19 52.84 0.00 52.84 204124126 5214136 09/18/19 195.00 0.00 195.00 204124825 5214137 09/18/19 230.00 0.00 230.00 204125523 5214138 09/18/19 225.00 0.00 225.00 1372.84 0.00 1372.84 000000536348

PRAIRIE FARMS DAIRY, 000000161170 9020975 5214071 09/13/19 100.50 0.00 100.50 9020976 5214130 09/17/19 7.21 0.00 7.21 9020977 5214131 09/17/19 65.73 0.00 65.73 173.44 0.00 173.44 000000536349

PREMIER INSURANCE 000000161281 J.DONNELLY 5214106 09/17/19 242.60 0.00 242.60 242.60 0.00 242.60 000000536350

VARIPRO 000000161454 OCT 2019 5214127 09/17/19 201624.61 0.00 201624.61 091219WRAP 5214128 09/17/19 85.00 0.00 85.00 201709.61 0.00 201709.61 000000536351

GLAXOSMITHKLINE PHAR 000000192121 8252914633 5214102 09/17/19 3186.00 0.00 3186.00 3186.00 0.00 3186.00 000000536352

STATE OF MICHIGAN 000000192730 K.RUTHERFOR 5214039 09/12/19 10.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 10.00 000000536353

TELNET WORLDWIDE, IN 000000200250 175710 5214126 09/17/19 2338.05 0.00 2338.05 2338.05 0.00 2338.05 000000536354

UNITED PARCEL SERVIC 000000210200 5R74X1359 5214101 09/17/19 10.80 0.00 10.80 10.80 0.00 10.80 000000536355

U.S. FOODSERVICE INC 000000210260 2988394CM 5214095 09/17/19 -10.64 0.00 -10.64 2988447CM 5214096 09/17/19 -9.25 0.00 -9.25 2668321 5214097 09/17/19 2044.84 0.00 2044.84 2747255 5214098 09/17/19 2630.13 0.00 2630.13 4655.08 0.00 4655.08 000000536356

VERIZON WIRELESS 000000220156 486187252 5214183 09/18/19 422.48 0.00 422.48 422.48 0.00 422.48 000000536357

WOMEN EMPOWERING WOM 000000230856 JUNE 2019 5214074 09/13/19 23.00 0.00 23.00 NON-CLAIM RUN 09/20/19

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 09/19/19 PAGE 5 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 004460 Payment Date 09/20/19 Pay-thru Date 09/18/19

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

23.00 0.00 23.00 000000536358

ZUERCHER TECHNOLOGIE 000000260040 249542 5214134 09/18/19 5400.00 0.00 5400.00 5400.00 0.00 5400.00 000000536359

MONROE CITY TREASURE 000000400171 107934M 5214108 09/17/19 949.13 0.00 949.13 949.13 0.00 949.13 000000536360

MONROE COUNTY 000000500002 092019 35A 5214153 09/18/19 43.70 0.00 43.70 092019 39A 5214154 09/18/19 21072.11 0.00 21072.11 21115.81 0.00 21115.81 000000536361

MONROE COUNTY FINANC 000000500251 3554 5214044 09/12/19 531.76 0.00 531.76 531.76 0.00 531.76 000000536362

MONROE CO.FRIEND OF 000000500660 19-245400FH 5214077 09/16/19 1000.00 0.00 1000.00 1000.00 0.00 1000.00 000000536363

SCOTT BEARD 000000509820 213-225 5214184 09/18/19 814.20 0.00 814.20 814.20 0.00 814.20 000000536364

COUNTY AGENCY ADMINI 000000510800 SEPT/OCT 5214103 09/17/19 2992.00 0.00 2992.00 2992.00 0.00 2992.00 000000536365

MONROE CO. EMP. RETI 000000550200 092019 RTS 5214155 09/18/19 10152.96 0.00 10152.96 092019 RTD 5214156 09/18/19 852.37 0.00 852.37 092019 RTC 5214157 09/18/19 1898.32 0.00 1898.32 092019 RET 5214158 09/18/19 14531.60 0.00 14531.60 092019 PST 5214159 09/18/19 701.38 0.00 701.38 092019 339 5214160 09/18/19 621.67 0.00 621.67 092019 33D 5214162 09/18/19 767.14 0.00 767.14 29525.44 0.00 29525.44 000000536366

AFLAC 000000550204 092019 55 5214163 09/18/19 1856.89 0.00 1856.89 092019 52 5214164 09/18/19 3035.98 0.00 3035.98 4892.87 0.00 4892.87 000000536367

AIG VALIC 000000550207 092019 05 5214165 09/18/19 75.00 0.00 75.00 75.00 0.00 75.00 000000536368

ING, INVESTMENT SERV 000000550209 092019 02A 5214166 09/18/19 628.14 0.00 628.14 092019 02B 5214167 09/18/19 333.82 0.00 333.82 961.96 0.00 961.96 000000536369

UNITED WAY OF MONROE 000000550215 092019 31 5214168 09/18/19 267.31 0.00 267.31 267.31 0.00 267.31 000000536370

MISDU 000000550225 092019 22 5214169 09/18/19 1172.40 0.00 1172.40 NON-CLAIM RUN 09/20/19

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 09/19/19 PAGE 6 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 004460 Payment Date 09/20/19 Pay-thru Date 09/18/19

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

1172.40 0.00 1172.40 000000536371

FLORIDA STATE DISBUR 000000550226 092019 20 5214170 09/18/19 48.00 0.00 48.00 48.00 0.00 48.00 000000536372

LARRY VANWASSHENOVA 000000550238 092019 46 5214171 09/18/19 185.00 0.00 185.00 185.00 0.00 185.00 000000536373

US DEPTARTMENT OF ED 000000550257 092019 46 5214172 09/18/19 212.80 0.00 212.80 212.80 0.00 212.80 000000536374

DAVID RUSKIN, CHPTR 000000550275 092019 46 5214173 09/18/19 105.69 0.00 105.69 105.69 0.00 105.69 000000536375

GREAT-WEST LIFE & AN 000000550280 092019 03 5214174 09/18/19 8178.50 0.00 8178.50 8178.50 0.00 8178.50 000000536376

MICHIGAN EDUCATION S 000000550284 092019 MES 5214175 09/18/19 184.00 0.00 184.00 184.00 0.00 184.00 000000536377

AXA EQUITABLE 000000550285 092019 04 5214176 09/18/19 1353.00 0.00 1353.00 1353.00 0.00 1353.00 000000536378

KRISPEN S. CARROLL, 000000550290 092019-46 5214177 09/18/19 560.55 0.00 560.55 560.55 0.00 560.55 000000536379

MONROE CO.RETIREE HE 000000550325 092019 CRH 5214178 09/18/19 939.05 0.00 939.05 092019 SRH 5214179 09/18/19 5335.17 0.00 5335.17 092019 DRH 5214180 09/18/19 489.82 0.00 489.82 092019 RHC 5214181 09/18/19 6921.43 0.00 6921.43 13685.47 0.00 13685.47 000000536380

JANICE A STUCK 000000721978 JULY.2019 5214161 09/18/19 279.00 0.00 279.00 279.00 0.00 279.00 000000536381

CINCINNATI INSURANCE 000000730327 5572RST 5214186 09/18/19 12.50 0.00 12.50 12.50 0.00 12.50 000000536382

FARM BUREAU INSURANC 000000730391 5574RST 5214188 09/18/19 20.00 0.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 20.00 000000536383

ES WAGNER CONSTRUCTI 000000730407 5577RST 5214187 09/18/19 10.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 10.00 000000536384

GMAC INSURANCE CO 000000730450 5573RST 5214189 09/18/19 12.50 0.00 12.50 12.50 0.00 12.50 000000536385

TODD AND LISA JONES 000000730705 5576RST 5214190 09/18/19 50.00 0.00 50.00 NON-CLAIM RUN 09/20/19

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 09/19/19 PAGE 7 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 004460 Payment Date 09/20/19 Pay-thru Date 09/18/19

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

50.00 0.00 50.00 000000536386

JENNIFER KALISCH 000000730743 5567RST 5214191 09/18/19 45.00 0.00 45.00 45.00 0.00 45.00 000000536387

NABIL KESTO 000000730746 5568RST 5214192 09/18/19 60.00 0.00 60.00 60.00 0.00 60.00 000000536388

PIONEER STATE MUTUAL 000000731430 5570RST 5214193 09/18/19 390.94 0.00 390.94 390.94 0.00 390.94 000000536389

STATE FARM INSURANCE 000000731964 5571RST 5214194 09/18/19 80.00 0.00 80.00 80.00 0.00 80.00 000000536390

ALAN JAMES WALLACE 000000732295 5575RST 5214195 09/18/19 55.00 0.00 55.00 55.00 0.00 55.00 000000536391

JULIE SMITH 000000827504 AUG. 2019 5214045 09/12/19 110.49 0.00 110.49 110.49 0.00 110.49 000000536392

SCOTT AND MARYNE BEN 000000870170 0719FST-JS 5214118 09/17/19 61.77 0.00 61.77 61.77 0.00 61.77 000000536393

MICHAEL AND PATRICIA 000000870405 0719FST-JS2 5214117 09/17/19 164.72 0.00 164.72 164.72 0.00 164.72 000000536394

MICHAEL & ANGELA GER 000000870649 0819FST-SC 5214119 09/17/19 206.88 0.00 206.88 206.88 0.00 206.88 000000536395

JIMMY & JESSICA KABR 000000871090 0819FST-LW 5214120 09/17/19 641.44 0.00 641.44 641.44 0.00 641.44 000000536396

JAYLEI RICHARDS 000000871831 0819FST-JR 5214125 09/17/19 659.37 0.00 659.37 659.37 0.00 659.37 000000536397

MICHAEL & MARGIE SPA 000000871965 0819FST-EB 5214122 09/17/19 946.29 0.00 946.29 946.29 0.00 946.29 000000536398

AT & T 000000903800 091719 5214099 09/17/19 246.95 0.00 246.95 246.95 0.00 246.95 000000536399

SCHUMAKER BROTHERS 000000903819 091619 5214078 09/16/19 500.00 0.00 500.00 091619 5214109 09/17/19 7000.00 0.00 7000.00 7500.00 0.00 7500.00 000000536400

AUSTIN HARVEY ANIMAL CNTL 13700 5214140 09/18/19 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 25.00 000000536401

JOHN SOKOTUK ANIMAL CNTL 13735 5214142 09/18/19 25.00 0.00 25.00 NON-CLAIM RUN 09/20/19

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 09/19/19 PAGE 8 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 004460 Payment Date 09/20/19 Pay-thru Date 09/18/19

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

25.00 0.00 25.00 000000536402

KAREN KOLAR ANIMAL CNTL 13763 5214141 09/18/19 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 25.00 000000536403

ANGELA CUPP ANIMAL CNTL 13799 5214139 09/18/19 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 25.00 000000536404

TERRY MORGAN FAMILY COURT 17-24067BND 5214185 09/18/19 1.11 0.00 1.11 1.11 0.00 1.11 000000536405

GABBY'S LADDER HMN RESOURCE APRIL 2019 5214072 09/13/19 25.21 0.00 25.21 25.21 0.00 25.21 000000536406

HOLIDAY CAMP C/O MON HMN RESOURCE MAY2019 5214073 09/13/19 27.00 0.00 27.00 27.00 0.00 27.00 000000536407

THOMAS ABALOS JURY NICHOLS 8/19A 5214046 09/13/19 42.50 0.00 42.50 42.50 0.00 42.50 000000536408

JOSE HIRAM ALAMO JURY NICHOLS 8/19B 5214047 09/13/19 41.50 0.00 41.50 41.50 0.00 41.50 000000536409

THOMAS ROLLO BAXTER JURY NICHOLS 8/19C 5214048 09/13/19 36.00 0.00 36.00 36.00 0.00 36.00 000000536410

JEFFREY GLEN BROWN JURY NICHOLS 8/19D 5214049 09/13/19 15.60 0.00 15.60 15.60 0.00 15.60 000000536411

JENNA LYNN BUSH JURY NICHOLS 8/19E 5214050 09/13/19 15.40 0.00 15.40 15.40 0.00 15.40 000000536412

WILLIAM JACKIE CLOUS JURY NICHOLS 8/19F 5214051 09/13/19 15.60 0.00 15.60 15.60 0.00 15.60 000000536413

LAWRENCE ALBERT DESL JURY NICHOLS 8/19G 5214052 09/13/19 48.70 0.00 48.70 48.70 0.00 48.70 000000536414

DOROTHY ANN GUDES JURY NICHOLS 8/19H 5214053 09/13/19 41.50 0.00 41.50 41.50 0.00 41.50 000000536415

OTTO HAROLD HAMMOND JURY NICHOLS 8/19I 5214054 09/13/19 16.00 0.00 16.00 16.00 0.00 16.00 000000536416

SEAN DAVID JORGENSEN JURY NICHOLS 8/19J 5214055 09/13/19 60.80 0.00 60.80 60.80 0.00 60.80 000000536417

JESSE RUSSELL KARKHE JURY NICHOLS 8/19K 5214056 09/13/19 19.80 0.00 19.80 NON-CLAIM RUN 09/20/19

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 09/19/19 PAGE 9 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 004460 Payment Date 09/20/19 Pay-thru Date 09/18/19

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

19.80 0.00 19.80 000000536418

DAVID ALAN KREIGER JURY NICHOLS 8/19L 5214057 09/13/19 38.50 0.00 38.50 38.50 0.00 38.50 000000536419

JENNIFER LANGENDERFE JURY NICHOLS 8/19M 5214058 09/13/19 19.00 0.00 19.00 19.00 0.00 19.00 000000536420

MARTIN ALLEN MCVICAR JURY NICHOLS 8/19N 5214059 09/13/19 41.50 0.00 41.50 41.50 0.00 41.50 000000536421

WILLIAM JAMES MORRIS JURY NICHOLS 8/19O 5214060 09/13/19 31.40 0.00 31.40 31.40 0.00 31.40 000000536422

MARTIKA LYNN PERKINS JURY NICHOLS 8/19P 5214061 09/13/19 39.50 0.00 39.50 39.50 0.00 39.50 000000536423

CHRISTINE DIANE RAYM JURY NICHOLS 8/19Q 5214062 09/13/19 39.50 0.00 39.50 39.50 0.00 39.50 000000536424

BRADLEY WAYNE ROBERT JURY NICHOLS 8/19R 5214063 09/13/19 15.60 0.00 15.60 15.60 0.00 15.60 000000536425

JOSHUA LEE ROWLAND JURY NICHOLS 8/19S 5214064 09/13/19 74.00 0.00 74.00 74.00 0.00 74.00 000000536426

DANIEL DONALD SEITZ JURY NICHOLS 8/19T 5214065 09/13/19 19.80 0.00 19.80 19.80 0.00 19.80 000000536427

EMILY JO SHORT JURY NICHOLS 8/19U 5214066 09/13/19 33.20 0.00 33.20 33.20 0.00 33.20 000000536428

GARY ALLEN STANDIFER JURY NICHOLS 8/19V 5214067 09/13/19 15.40 0.00 15.40 15.40 0.00 15.40 000000536429

BRYAN EDWARD THOMAS JURY NICHOLS 8/19W 5214068 09/13/19 31.00 0.00 31.00 31.00 0.00 31.00 000000536430

ESTHER MARIE THOMPSO JURY NICHOLS 8/19X 5214069 09/13/19 15.20 0.00 15.20 15.20 0.00 15.20 000000536431

UNITED SECURITY FINA TREASURER 82981 5214038 09/12/19 184910.00 0.00 184910.00 184910.00 0.00 184910.00 000000536432

BANK BNK001 - TOTAL 593115.99 0.00 593115.99 *

OFFICE 001 - TOTAL 593115.99 0.00 593115.99 **

NON-CLAIM RUN 09/27/19

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - 09/26/19 PAGE 1 Company 01 County of Monroe

PARAMETERS FOR PAYMENT RUN NUMBER 004464 ------Company code 01 Office code 001 Discount type A Run schedule A Priorities 000 TO 000 Select type Type codes Bank code Checks? Y Transfers? Y BACS? Y Drafts? Y Manuals? Y Others? Y Vendor ------NON-CLAIM RUN 09/27/19

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 09/26/19 PAGE 2 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 004464 Payment Date 09/27/19 Pay-thru Date 09/25/19

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

AT&T MOBILITY 000000010026 DUE100119 5214359 09/25/19 25.35 0.00 25.35 9142019 5214362 09/25/19 2339.22 0.00 2339.22 2364.57 0.00 2364.57 000000536433

AREA AGENCY ON AGING 000000012654 90924012828 5214363 09/25/19 995.00 0.00 995.00 995.00 0.00 995.00 000000536434

BAKER'S GAS & WELDIN 000000020072 01259683-0 5214348 09/25/19 112.50 0.00 112.50 01259694-0 5214349 09/25/19 209.71 0.00 209.71 322.21 0.00 322.21 000000536435

CHARTER COMMUNICATIO 000000030566 11123091319 5214251 09/23/19 147.71 0.00 147.71 147.71 0.00 147.71 000000536436

COMCAST 000000031086 88098292 5214268 09/24/19 515.00 0.00 515.00 515.00 0.00 515.00 000000536437

CONSUMERS ENERGY 000000031502 092319 5214235 09/23/19 3.51 0.00 3.51 092319A 5214236 09/23/19 22.32 0.00 22.32 092319B 5214237 09/23/19 53.98 0.00 53.98 092319C 5214238 09/23/19 19.21 0.00 19.21 092319D 5214239 09/23/19 19.21 0.00 19.21 DUE101419 5214356 09/25/19 3.79 0.00 3.79 122.02 0.00 122.02 000000536438

CRYSTAL FLASH LIMITE 000000031933 25543742 5214369 09/25/19 668.98 0.00 668.98 668.98 0.00 668.98 000000536439

DTE ENERGY 000000040600 92001258452 5214255 09/23/19 2.49 0.00 2.49 2.49 0.00 2.49 000000536440

DTE ENERGY 000000040603 DUE 100919 5214249 09/23/19 106.80 0.00 106.80 DUE 101119 5214269 09/24/19 99.67 0.00 99.67 DUE 101519 5214355 09/25/19 42.70 0.00 42.70 249.17 0.00 249.17 000000536441

DUNDEE SENIOR CITIZE 000000042250 90920011010 5214366 09/25/19 15268.26 0.00 15268.26 15268.26 0.00 15268.26 000000536442

FIFTH THIRD BANK 000000060211 #1207 5214240 09/23/19 287.69 0.00 287.69 287.69 0.00 287.69 000000536443

HABITEC SECURITY 000000080001 JOB 34402 5214286 09/25/19 5590.00 0.00 5590.00 5590.00 0.00 5590.00 000000536444

AARON JOHN ADAMS 000000120490 1879 5214353 09/25/19 95.00 0.00 95.00 95.00 0.00 95.00 000000536445

LITTLE CAESAR ENTERP 000000120965 152012 5214263 09/24/19 75.00 0.00 75.00 NON-CLAIM RUN 09/27/19

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 09/26/19 PAGE 3 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 004464 Payment Date 09/27/19 Pay-thru Date 09/25/19

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

LITTLE CAESAR ENTERP 000000120965 152013 5214265 09/24/19 37.50 0.00 37.50 152014 5214266 09/24/19 42.00 0.00 42.00 154.50 0.00 154.50 000000536446

MICHIGAN GAS UTILITI 000000131350 092319 5214234 09/23/19 42.88 0.00 42.88 DUE 101019 5214271 09/24/19 38.65 0.00 38.65 81.53 0.00 81.53 000000536447

SYSCO DETROIT LLC 000000131804 258897197 5214223 09/23/19 857.57 0.00 857.57 258901390CR 5214224 09/23/19 -1.35 0.00 -1.35 258901461CR 5214225 09/23/19 -5.44 0.00 -5.44 258906720 5214253 09/23/19 841.16 0.00 841.16 258906721 5214254 09/23/19 20.96 0.00 20.96 258906719 5214256 09/23/19 43.48 0.00 43.48 258886221 5214257 09/23/19 50.45 0.00 50.45 258905392 5214267 09/24/19 58.46 0.00 58.46 1865.29 0.00 1865.29 000000536448

VISA 000000132175 2960092719 5214360 09/25/19 5551.53 0.00 5551.53 2960SEP2019 5214367 09/25/19 5191.65 0.00 5191.65 10743.18 0.00 10743.18 000000536449

MONROE COUNTY DENTAL 000000132420 OCT 2019 5214212 09/20/19 1763.93 0.00 1763.93 OCT 2019 5214213 09/20/19 81.31 0.00 81.31 1845.24 0.00 1845.24 000000536450

MONROE FAMILY YMCA 000000132435 90920031418 5214364 09/25/19 2601.20 0.00 2601.20 90919011234 5214365 09/25/19 201.60 0.00 201.60 2802.80 0.00 2802.80 000000536451

MONROE CO.HEALTH INS 000000132450 OCT 2019 5214210 09/20/19 222.63 0.00 222.63 OCT. 2019 5214211 09/20/19 10.95 0.00 10.95 OCT.2019 5214216 09/20/19 4784.43 0.00 4784.43 OCT-2019 5214217 09/20/19 17610.07 0.00 17610.07 OCT/2019 5214218 09/20/19 1187.43 0.00 1187.43 OCT- 2019 5214219 09/20/19 1187.43 0.00 1187.43 25002.94 0.00 25002.94 000000536452

PERFECTION BAKERIES, 000000160355 210126011 5214208 09/20/19 37.10 0.00 37.10 204126007 5214226 09/23/19 175.00 0.00 175.00 204126207 5214227 09/23/19 230.00 0.00 230.00 204126016 5214228 09/23/19 145.00 0.00 145.00 210126010 5214264 09/24/19 40.70 0.00 40.70 627.80 0.00 627.80 000000536453

POSTMASTER 000000161100 26210315659 5214260 09/23/19 234.85 0.00 234.85 234.85 0.00 234.85 000000536454

PRAIRIE FARMS DAIRY, 000000161170 9029394 5214209 09/20/19 65.73 0.00 65.73 NON-CLAIM RUN 09/27/19

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 09/26/19 PAGE 4 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 004464 Payment Date 09/27/19 Pay-thru Date 09/25/19

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

PRAIRIE FARMS DAIRY, 000000161170 9029393 5214258 09/23/19 83.85 0.00 83.85 149.58 0.00 149.58 000000536455

PREMIER INSURANCE 000000161281 R.WHITTEN 5214241 09/23/19 270.95 0.00 270.95 270.95 0.00 270.95 000000536456

SOUTH COUNTY WATER S 000000192299 DUE 100719 5214243 09/23/19 20.48 0.00 20.48 20.48 0.00 20.48 000000536457

U.S. BANCORP EQUIPME 000000209970 395162969 5214357 09/25/19 311.46 0.00 311.46 311.46 0.00 311.46 000000536458

UNITED PARCEL SERVIC 000000210200 EY9780379 5214229 09/23/19 23.69 0.00 23.69 8119379 5214259 09/23/19 15.34 0.00 15.34 5R74X1369 5214262 09/24/19 10.81 0.00 10.81 49.84 0.00 49.84 000000536459

U.S. FOODSERVICE INC 000000210260 90801 5214207 09/20/19 1245.72 0.00 1245.72 31960 5214230 09/23/19 3315.69 0.00 3315.69 2895549 5214231 09/23/19 2578.77 0.00 2578.77 7140.18 0.00 7140.18 000000536460

MONROE CITY TREASURE 000000400171 2019 SUMMER 5214278 09/24/19 746.57 0.00 746.57 746.57 0.00 746.57 000000536461

BEDFORD TOWNSHIP TRE 000000400206 2019SUMM 5214272 09/24/19 1271.24 0.00 1271.24 1271.24 0.00 1271.24 000000536462

BERLIN CHARTER TOWNS 000000400211 2019SUMMER 5214276 09/24/19 204.40 0.00 204.40 204.40 0.00 204.40 000000536463

DUNDEE TOWNSHIP TREA 000000400216 2019SUMMER 5214273 09/24/19 299.70 0.00 299.70 299.70 0.00 299.70 000000536464

ERIE TOWNSHIP TREASU 000000400220 2019SUMMERT 5214274 09/24/19 16.01 0.00 16.01 16.01 0.00 16.01 000000536465

FRENCHTOWN TOWNSHIP 000000400231 2019 SUMMER 5214275 09/24/19 1385.57 0.00 1385.57 1385.57 0.00 1385.57 000000536466

ESTRAL BEACH VILLAGE 000000400361 2019 SUMMER 5214277 09/24/19 187.31 0.00 187.31 187.31 0.00 187.31 000000536467

MONROE COUNTY 000000500003 OCT 2019 5214214 09/20/19 438.49 0.00 438.49 OCT. 2019 5214215 09/20/19 7.90 0.00 7.90 446.39 0.00 446.39 000000536468

MONROE COUNTY FINANC 000000500251 3560 5214347 09/25/19 304.07 0.00 304.07 NON-CLAIM RUN 09/27/19

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 09/26/19 PAGE 5 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 004464 Payment Date 09/27/19 Pay-thru Date 09/25/19

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

304.07 0.00 304.07 000000536469

MONROE COUNTY GENERA 000000501100 SEPT.2019 5214199 09/20/19 48.91 0.00 48.91 48.91 0.00 48.91 000000536470

SCOTT BEARD 000000509820 082919 5214247 09/23/19 12.00 0.00 12.00 12.00 0.00 12.00 000000536471

MONROE COUNTY 000000510725 SEP 2019 5214201 09/20/19 1035.16 0.00 1035.16 1035.16 0.00 1035.16 000000536472

MONROE CO. EMP. RETI 000000550200 SEPT 2019 5214200 09/20/19 45288.58 0.00 45288.58 45288.58 0.00 45288.58 000000536473

MONROE CO.UNEMPLOYME 000000550310 SEPT 2019 5214205 09/20/19 65.61 0.00 65.61 SEPT.2019 5214206 09/20/19 1.79 0.00 1.79 67.40 0.00 67.40 000000536474

MONROE COUNTY WORKER 000000550315 SEPT 2019 5214202 09/20/19 2.01 0.00 2.01 2.01 0.00 2.01 000000536475

MONROE CO.LONG TERM 000000550320 SEPT.2019 5214203 09/20/19 1134.51 0.00 1134.51 SEP 2019 5214204 09/20/19 32.84 0.00 32.84 1167.35 0.00 1167.35 000000536476

DENNIS BAKER 000000730087 5565RST 5214197 09/19/19 45.00 0.00 45.00 5569RST 5214198 09/19/19 20.00 0.00 20.00 65.00 0.00 65.00 000000536477

MONROE HIGH SCHOOL 000000731307 5578RST 5214196 09/19/19 50.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 000000536478

ALANA HORKEY 000000824248 091319 5214299 09/25/19 81.13 0.00 81.13 81.13 0.00 81.13 000000536479

ZACHARY CURTIS 000000870365 0819FST-ZC 5214220 09/23/19 659.37 0.00 659.37 659.37 0.00 659.37 000000536480

BEDFORD TOWNSHIP 000000902130 SWR #5 DEBT 5214232 09/23/19 239.66 0.00 239.66 239.66 0.00 239.66 000000536481

CHEVRETTE GRADALL SE 000000902208 092319 5214370 09/25/19 25000.00 0.00 25000.00 25000.00 0.00 25000.00 000000536482

HEANEY GENERAL CONTR 000000902716 PAY APP#10 5214221 09/23/19 789959.82 0.00 789959.82 789959.82 0.00 789959.82 000000536483

SPICER GROUP 000000903829 197514 5214222 09/23/19 51636.00 0.00 51636.00 NON-CLAIM RUN 09/27/19

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 09/26/19 PAGE 6 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 004464 Payment Date 09/27/19 Pay-thru Date 09/25/19

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

51636.00 0.00 51636.00 000000536484

US BANK 000000904001 5375400 5214233 09/23/19 250.00 0.00 250.00 250.00 0.00 250.00 000000536485

DIANE GOODRIDGE ANIMAL CNTL 13324 5214350 09/25/19 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 25.00 000000536486

ADRIANA MARTINEZ ANIMAL CNTL 13662 5214354 09/25/19 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 25.00 000000536487

JEREMY JOHNSON JURYWEIPERT 1000 5214304 09/25/19 22.00 0.00 22.00 22.00 0.00 22.00 000000536488

NANCY FLYNN JURYWEIPERT 135 5214292 09/25/19 21.80 0.00 21.80 21.80 0.00 21.80 000000536489

DION MASSEY JURYWEIPERT 1359 5214315 09/25/19 21.40 0.00 21.40 21.40 0.00 21.40 000000536490

AMY ROELANT JURYWEIPERT 1500 5214326 09/25/19 17.80 0.00 17.80 17.80 0.00 17.80 000000536491

ERIC SCOTT JURYWEIPERT 1541 5214331 09/25/19 22.00 0.00 22.00 22.00 0.00 22.00 000000536492

PAMELA SUTHERLAND JURYWEIPERT 1543 5214337 09/25/19 32.40 0.00 32.40 32.40 0.00 32.40 000000536493

MICHELLE LANGEVIN JURYWEIPERT 1565 5214311 09/25/19 36.00 0.00 36.00 36.00 0.00 36.00 000000536494

DIANA MATAYA JURYWEIPERT 16 5214316 09/25/19 31.20 0.00 31.20 31.20 0.00 31.20 000000536495

ERNEST SELLERS JR JURYWEIPERT 178 5214332 09/25/19 31.20 0.00 31.20 31.20 0.00 31.20 000000536496

ROBERT ZIMMERMAN JURYWEIPERT 1794 5214346 09/25/19 21.40 0.00 21.40 21.40 0.00 21.40 000000536497

HEATHER RORK JURYWEIPERT 1909 5214327 09/25/19 21.40 0.00 21.40 21.40 0.00 21.40 000000536498

CLAIRE WILLIAMSON JURYWEIPERT 1925 5214344 09/25/19 21.80 0.00 21.80 21.80 0.00 21.80 000000536499

MICHAEL TOMALEWSKI JURYWEIPERT 2061 5214340 09/25/19 35.60 0.00 35.60 NON-CLAIM RUN 09/27/19

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 09/26/19 PAGE 7 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 004464 Payment Date 09/27/19 Pay-thru Date 09/25/19

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

35.60 0.00 35.60 000000536500

LINDSAY KING JURYWEIPERT 2271 5214308 09/25/19 19.40 0.00 19.40 19.40 0.00 19.40 000000536501

MICHAEL PHILLIPS JURYWEIPERT 2342 5214322 09/25/19 24.20 0.00 24.20 24.20 0.00 24.20 000000536502

DEBRA HINKLEY JURYWEIPERT 2394 5214295 09/25/19 19.40 0.00 19.40 19.40 0.00 19.40 000000536503

KELLI PLUMB JURYWEIPERT 2579 5214323 09/25/19 19.80 0.00 19.80 19.80 0.00 19.80 000000536504

MARK KELLEY JURYWEIPERT 260 5214307 09/25/19 32.00 0.00 32.00 32.00 0.00 32.00 000000536505

RONALD BOISVENUE JURYWEIPERT 2792 5214283 09/25/19 16.60 0.00 16.60 16.60 0.00 16.60 000000536506

DARLENE THOMPSON JURYWEIPERT 2832 5214339 09/25/19 37.20 0.00 37.20 37.20 0.00 37.20 000000536507

TROY HURLEY JURYWEIPERT 2867 5214301 09/25/19 18.20 0.00 18.20 18.20 0.00 18.20 000000536508

EHREN PAUL JURYWEIPERT 3052 5214320 09/25/19 17.80 0.00 17.80 17.80 0.00 17.80 000000536509

THOMAS CARTER JR JURYWEIPERT 322 5214285 09/25/19 23.00 0.00 23.00 23.00 0.00 23.00 000000536510

LESLIE ORTMAN JURYWEIPERT 3587 5214319 09/25/19 22.20 0.00 22.20 22.20 0.00 22.20 000000536511

ANNA KIRK JURYWEIPERT 3738 5214309 09/25/19 21.00 0.00 21.00 21.00 0.00 21.00 000000536512

KIMBERLY DAVIS JURYWEIPERT 3930 5214290 09/25/19 37.60 0.00 37.60 37.60 0.00 37.60 000000536513

KRISTINE MARTIN JURYWEIPERT 4163 5214314 09/25/19 36.80 0.00 36.80 36.80 0.00 36.80 000000536514

JOSHUA FORTNER JURYWEIPERT 4296 5214293 09/25/19 17.40 0.00 17.40 17.40 0.00 17.40 000000536515

RHONDA MACHCINSKI JURYWEIPERT 4381 5214313 09/25/19 18.40 0.00 18.40 NON-CLAIM RUN 09/27/19

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 09/26/19 PAGE 8 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 004464 Payment Date 09/27/19 Pay-thru Date 09/25/19

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

18.40 0.00 18.40 000000536516

DARLENE KRUEGER JURYWEIPERT 4438 5214310 09/25/19 22.60 0.00 22.60 22.60 0.00 22.60 000000536517

JOHN KALICH JURYWEIPERT 4467 5214305 09/25/19 18.20 0.00 18.20 18.20 0.00 18.20 000000536518

ELAINE KELLEY JURYWEIPERT 469 5214306 09/25/19 19.40 0.00 19.40 19.40 0.00 19.40 000000536519

TIMOTHY WOLVERTON JURYWEIPERT 4739 5214345 09/25/19 15.40 0.00 15.40 15.40 0.00 15.40 000000536520

JARED GROLL JURYWEIPERT 4950 5214294 09/25/19 21.80 0.00 21.80 21.80 0.00 21.80 000000536521

DAVID SCHMIDT JURYWEIPERT 4984 5214329 09/25/19 21.80 0.00 21.80 21.80 0.00 21.80 000000536522

JERRY MEYER JURYWEIPERT 5037 5214318 09/25/19 16.00 0.00 16.00 16.00 0.00 16.00 000000536523

BETTY HOMBRINK JURYWEIPERT 5084 5214297 09/25/19 22.80 0.00 22.80 22.80 0.00 22.80 000000536524

GARY JEWELL JURYWEIPERT 5205 5214303 09/25/19 20.40 0.00 20.40 20.40 0.00 20.40 000000536525

CURTIS LIEDEL JR JURYWEIPERT 5267 5214312 09/25/19 17.80 0.00 17.80 17.80 0.00 17.80 000000536526

CHRISTINA COVERT JURYWEIPERT 5370 5214288 09/25/19 15.40 0.00 15.40 15.40 0.00 15.40 000000536527

ROBERT SHERRY JURYWEIPERT 5466 5214333 09/25/19 17.00 0.00 17.00 17.00 0.00 17.00 000000536528

STEVEN BARTMAN JURYWEIPERT 5704 5214282 09/25/19 17.40 0.00 17.40 17.40 0.00 17.40 000000536529

DOUGLAS SCHEICH JURYWEIPERT 573 5214328 09/25/19 36.00 0.00 36.00 36.00 0.00 36.00 000000536530

JADA SMITH JURYWEIPERT 5868 5214335 09/25/19 22.60 0.00 22.60 22.60 0.00 22.60 000000536531

JULIE WAGNER JURYWEIPERT 6110 5214342 09/25/19 15.80 0.00 15.80 NON-CLAIM RUN 09/27/19

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 09/26/19 PAGE 9 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 004464 Payment Date 09/27/19 Pay-thru Date 09/25/19

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

15.80 0.00 15.80 000000536532

EMILY BRUNER JURYWEIPERT 6208 5214284 09/25/19 15.40 0.00 15.40 15.40 0.00 15.40 000000536533

SEAN HOWELL JURYWEIPERT 6532 5214300 09/25/19 33.60 0.00 33.60 33.60 0.00 33.60 000000536534

SHANE AIKEY JURYWEIPERT 6541 5214281 09/25/19 18.20 0.00 18.20 18.20 0.00 18.20 000000536535

RYAN TOWNSEND JURYWEIPERT 668 5214341 09/25/19 23.80 0.00 23.80 23.80 0.00 23.80 000000536536

DIANE SCHMIDT JURYWEIPERT 6726 5214330 09/25/19 23.00 0.00 23.00 23.00 0.00 23.00 000000536537

GWEN DAVISON JURYWEIPERT 6753 5214291 09/25/19 17.80 0.00 17.80 17.80 0.00 17.80 000000536538

KIMBERLY SIELER JURYWEIPERT 6787 5214334 09/25/19 21.40 0.00 21.40 21.40 0.00 21.40 000000536539

DAVID ROBINSON JURYWEIPERT 7317 5214325 09/25/19 16.20 0.00 16.20 16.20 0.00 16.20 000000536540

JAMIE RAUCH JURYWEIPERT 7332 5214324 09/25/19 21.40 0.00 21.40 21.40 0.00 21.40 000000536541

KELLY ST PIERRE JURYWEIPERT 7388 5214336 09/25/19 21.00 0.00 21.00 21.00 0.00 21.00 000000536542

DANIEL COSBY JURYWEIPERT 7695 5214287 09/25/19 38.00 0.00 38.00 38.00 0.00 38.00 000000536543

JASON CROTS JURYWEIPERT 7960 5214289 09/25/19 38.80 0.00 38.80 38.80 0.00 38.80 000000536544

DENNIE WILLIAMS JURYWEIPERT 7988 5214343 09/25/19 21.80 0.00 21.80 21.80 0.00 21.80 000000536545

JOHNTHAN HOLTON JURYWEIPERT 8295 5214296 09/25/19 18.60 0.00 18.60 18.60 0.00 18.60 000000536546

EVELYN IOTT JURYWEIPERT 836 5214302 09/25/19 16.20 0.00 16.20 16.20 0.00 16.20 000000536547

ANTONIO TAYLOR JURYWEIPERT 8369 5214338 09/25/19 16.20 0.00 16.20 NON-CLAIM RUN 09/27/19

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 09/26/19 PAGE 10 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 004464 Payment Date 09/27/19 Pay-thru Date 09/25/19

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

16.20 0.00 16.20 000000536548

SUSAN MCKENNA JURYWEIPERT 8484 5214317 09/25/19 21.80 0.00 21.80 21.80 0.00 21.80 000000536549

NICOLE PHILIPPON JURYWEIPERT 869 5214321 09/25/19 16.20 0.00 16.20 16.20 0.00 16.20 000000536550

CARL HOPPE JURYWEIPERT 89 5214298 09/25/19 36.00 0.00 36.00 36.00 0.00 36.00 000000536551

JERMAINE BENNING MANTIS MTS-71-19 5214280 09/25/19 1000.00 0.00 1000.00 1000.00 0.00 1000.00 000000536552

FRECHTOWN SQ PSHIP C TREASURER 18-002089 5214261 09/24/19 19782.34 0.00 19782.34 19782.34 0.00 19782.34 000000536553

BANK BNK001 - TOTAL 1020657.51 0.00 1020657.51 *

OFFICE 001 - TOTAL 1020657.51 0.00 1020657.51 **



2019 DRAIN REPORT.xlsx 9/23/2019 11:44


Honorable Commissioners of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Monroe:

In compliance with the provisions of Section XI, Chapter II, Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, I have the honor to submit the Annual Report as County Drain Commissioner of said County of Monroe covering the period from September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2019.

The following drains (see Section III) are being placed on the Grand Levy for assessment have either: 1) bonds to be paid 2) a contract has been awarded, 3) or maintenance costs assessed since the last Annual Report

Introduction Page 1 2019 DRAIN REPORT.xlsx 9/23/2019 11:54 Drain Status

The following are Chapter 20 Drains: North Shores Frenchtown Resort Authority The following drains have petitions or applications filed. The Board of Determination has determined them a necessity since the last Annual Report:

Nadeau, BOD Meeting 8/1/19

The following drains are ready for the engineering phase. (They have been, or are ready to be, surveyed. After the survey, they are almost ready for bid.) Thornton Miller & Malosh Plum Creek Monroe Consolidated

The following drains are presently under or ready to begin construction: Kelley Dundee & Raisinville #2 Fitzgerald Sink Creek & Extension Sandy Creek Peters Burton & White I/C

The following drains were adjourned and/or are still adjourned by the Board of Determination since the last Annual Report: None The following drains had petitions or applications filed. The Boards of Determination have determined them NOT to be a necessity since the last Annual Report: West, BOD Meeting 3/19/19 The following petitions or applications have been dropped for either: lack of interest, have been resolved by maintenance, or have been determined not to be feasible since the last Annual Report:

The following drains have petitions or applications filed, but no further action has been taken since the last Annual Report:

Lockwood, signed in November 2018, BOD to come Cooper, Snell & Ansel, signed in March 2019, BOD to come Ida, signed in March 2019, BOD to come Berry, Babcock & Baker, signed in May 2019, BOD to come

Section I Drain Status Page 2 2019 DRAIN REPORT.xlsx 9/23/2019 11:56 Section II Assessments Total of Railamerica Municipality Municipality Canadian Norfolk Norfolk Western Order Location(s) Code Name of Drain Type Lands Mun.+Land+Mun County/Roads MDOT Ann Arbor RR Conrail RR CSX RR AKA Indiana & Total Railroads Grand Total (Twp./Vil/Cit) Roads National RR Southern RR RR Dundee & Rds Ohio 1 00 A Multiple Location Drain #425 D088 Raisinville 425$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - (Sullivan Rd Hutting (Minx Rd. 5 00 A Multiple Location Drain #425 H072 425$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Culvert) Little Lake 9 00 A Multiple Location Drain #425 L078C 425$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - (Culvert)

13 00 A Multiple Location Drain A007 Albert Johnson M$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 138.43 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 138.43

23 00 A Multiple Location Drain B080 Bowen M $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 52.20 $ 57.30 $ - $ - $ - $ 26.16 $ - $ - $ - $ 26.16 $ 135.66

28 00 A Multiple Location Drain B096 Brost M$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 198.55 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 198.55

32 00 A Multiple Location Drain B118 Burton & White I/C P$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,029.07 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,029.07

38 00 A Multiple Location Drain C008 Carleton Tile M$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 564.71 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 564.71

49 00 A Multiple Location Drain C062 Cortz P$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,115.67 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,115.67

55 00 A Multiple Location Drain C094 Curtis M$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 324.85 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 324.85

Dundee & 65 00 A Multiple Location Drain D088 P-$ $ - $ - $ - $ 1,769.79 $ - $ - $ 783.16 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 783.16 $ 2,552.95 Raisinville #2

71 00 A Multiple Location Drain F004 Falk M$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 121.34 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 121.34

75 00 A Multiple Location Drain F012 Fishburn M$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 390.08 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 390.08

84 00 A Multiple Location Drain F040 French Creek P$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 6,529.68 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 6,529.68

92 00 A Multiple Location Drain G042 Grosvenor Tile P$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 13,265.10 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 13,265.10

102 00 A Multiple Location Drain H072 Hutting M$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 67.03 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 67.03

105 00 A Multiple Location Drain I004 Indian Creek M$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,275.81 $ 228.76 $ 132.33 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 132.33 $ 5,636.90

116 00 A Multiple Location Drain L006 Lakeside P$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4,284.84 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4,284.84

120 00 A Multiple Location Drain L036 Lawrence M$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 113.94 $ 154.21 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 268.15

125 00 A Multiple Location Drain L078 Little Lake P$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 16,902.49 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 16,902.49

Loss-Marine & 128 00 A Multiple Location Drain L108 P-$ $ - $ - $ - $ 2,040.97 $ - $ - $ 243.74 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 243.74 $ 2,284.71 Grundman Macon Middle Br 132 00 A Multiple Location Drain M004 M-$ $ - $ - $ - $ 191.40 $ 40.03 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1.18 $ 1.18 $ 232.61 I/C

136 00 A Multiple Location Drain M022 Mason Run P$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 12,614.94 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 12,614.94

150 00 A Multiple Location Drain M094 Moses M$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 372.78 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 372.78

154 00 A Multiple Location Drain M104 Muddy Creek P$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,927.88 $ - $ - $ 157.06 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 157.06 $ 6,084.94

159 00 A Multiple Location Drain M130 McFetridge Tile MYM 2018-2020$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 942.45 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 942.45

168 00 A Multiple Location Drain O020 S Br Otter M$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 462.92 $ - $ 727.90 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 727.90 $ 1,190.82

172 00 A Multiple Location Drain P010 Peters P$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,899.13 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,899.13

177 00 A Multiple Location Drain P020 Pin Oak TOA$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

Section II Assessments Assessment Key: 425=Culvert Replacement 425 Agreement, M=Maintenance, MYM=Multi-Year Maintenance, P=Project, PSM = Pump Station Maint., TOA=Township Only Assessment 2019 DRAIN REPORT.xlsx 9/23/2019 11:56 Section II Assessments Total of Railamerica Municipality Municipality Canadian Norfolk Norfolk Western Order Location(s) Code Name of Drain Type Lands Mun.+Land+Mun County/Roads MDOT Ann Arbor RR Conrail RR CSX RR AKA Indiana & Total Railroads Grand Total (Twp./Vil/Cit) Roads National RR Southern RR RR Rds Ohio 181 00 A Multiple Location Drain P042 Post Rd. TOA$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

185 00 A Multiple Location Drain R002 Rabideau P$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4,085.81 $ - $ - $ 505.73 $ - $ 616.98 $ - $ 578.52 $ - $ 1,701.23 $ 5,787.04

193 00 A Multiple Location Drain S010 Sandy Creek P$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 33,169.66 $ - $ - $ 1,856.75 $ - $ - $ - $ 810.07 $ - $ 2,666.82 $ 35,836.48

204 00 A Multiple Location Drain S068 Sink Creek P$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,916.78 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,916.78

220 00 A Multiple Location Drain T036 Tollgate M$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 126.95 $ 234.44 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 361.39

223 00 A Multiple Location Drain V002 Vanderwalker M$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 260.92 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 260.92

231 00 A Multiple Location Drain W008 Wager & Pink I/C P$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,165.08 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,165.08

244 00 A Multiple Location Drain W082 Wry Tile P$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 27,741.86 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 27,741.86 Wry Tile 245 00 A Multiple Location Drain W082S (Supplemental P-$ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Benefit) 00 A Multiple Location Drain Total $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 147,738.26 $ 1,039.59 $ 860.23 $ 3,546.44 $ - $ 643.14 $ - $ 1,388.59 $ 1.18 $ 6,439.58 $ 155,217.43

Little Swan 12 01 Ash Township #425 L092 425$ 29,810.51 $ 29,810.51 $ 29,810.51 (Sweitzer Culvert)

39 01 Ash Township C008 Carleton Tile M$ 225.00 $ 1,533.20 $ - $ 1,758.20 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,758.20

210 01 Ash Township S126 Steffas TOA$ 250.00 $ - $ - $ 250.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 250.00

Swan Creek, North 215 01 Ash Township S178 M$ 350.00 $ 2,205.53 $ - $ 2,555.53 $ 152.45 $ 738.61 $ - $ - $ 53.41 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 53.41 $ 3,500.00 Br

230 01 Ash Township W006 Wager M$ 150.00 $ 1,150.39 $ - $ 1,300.39 $ 138.60 $ - $ - $ 61.01 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 61.01 $ 1,500.00

232 01 Ash Township W008 Wager & Pink I/C P$ 2,479.90 $ 8,091.24 $ - $ 10,571.14 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 10,571.14

01 Ash Township Total $ 33,265.41 $ 12,980.36 $ - $ 46,245.77 $ 291.05 $ 738.61 $ - $ 61.01 $ 53.41 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 114.42 $ 47,389.85

Little Lake 10 02 Bedford Township #425 L078C 425$ 5,145.22 $ - $ - $ 5,145.22 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,145.22 (Culvert)

24 02 Bedford Township B080 Bowen M$ 61.00 $ 522.49 $ - $ 583.49 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 583.49

26 02 Bedford Township B083 Bragden Ck M$ 500.00 $ 2,933.02 $ - $ 3,433.02 $ 1,566.98 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000.00

Brentridge Br. 27 02 Bedford Township B089 M$ 100.00 $ 651.04 $ - $ 751.04 $ 248.96 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000.00 Halfway Creek

31 02 Bedford Township B102 Bullock & Ext M$ 500.00 $ 4,141.80 $ - $ 4,641.80 $ 358.20 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000.00

35 02 Bedford Township B126 Butternut Tile M$ 100.00 $ 635.81 $ - $ 735.81 $ 264.19 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000.00

41 02 Bedford Township C009 Captiva Estates M$ 250.00 $ 1,637.26 $ - $ 1,887.26 $ 612.74 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,500.00

44 02 Bedford Township C016 Case Gardens MYM 2017-2019$ 1,000.00 $ 2,655.62 $ - $ 3,655.62 $ 1,237.11 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4,892.73

45 02 Bedford Township C020 Center M$ 300.00 $ 2,238.75 $ - $ 2,538.75 $ 461.25 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,000.00

Chanson Val, Br of 46 02 Bedford Township C023 TOA$ 100.00 $ 801.24 $ - $ 901.24 $ 98.76 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000.00 Halfway Creek

54 02 Bedford Township C090 Crosscreeks M$ 300.00 $ 2,337.89 $ - $ 2,637.89 $ 362.11 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,000.00

63 02 Bedford Township D080 Dull P$ 1,931.58 $ 14,898.85 $ - $ 16,830.43 $ 1,487.33 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 18,317.76

Section II Assessments Assessment Key: 425=Culvert Replacement 425 Agreement, M=Maintenance, MYM=Multi-Year Maintenance, P=Project, PSM = Pump Station Maint., TOA=Township Only Assessment 2019 DRAIN REPORT.xlsx 9/23/2019 11:56 Section II Assessments Total of Railamerica Municipality Municipality Canadian Norfolk Norfolk Western Order Location(s) Code Name of Drain Type Lands Mun.+Land+Mun County/Roads MDOT Ann Arbor RR Conrail RR CSX RR AKA Indiana & Total Railroads Grand Total (Twp./Vil/Cit) Roads National RR Southern RR RR Rds Ohio Eagle Ridge Br of 68 02 Bedford Township E011 M$ 100.00 $ 652.88 $ - $ 752.88 $ 247.12 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000.00 Flat Creek

76 02 Bedford Township F012 Fishburn M$ 195.00 $ 1,156.93 $ - $ 1,351.93 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,351.93

81 02 Bedford Township F026 Fortuna Tile MYM 2015-2019$ 500.00 $ 3,975.47 $ - $ 4,475.47 $ 404.42 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4,879.89

Giant Oaks Br. Of 91 02 Bedford Township G013 M$ 200.00 $ 1,310.53 $ - $ 1,510.53 $ 489.47 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,000.00 Little Lake

95 02 Bedford Township H001 Hackman Estates M$ 150.00 $ 1,156.36 $ - $ 1,306.36 $ 193.64 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,500.00

Hemmingway Br 97 02 Bedford Township H025 M$ 200.00 $ 1,278.50 $ - $ 1,478.50 $ 521.50 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,000.00 Springbrook Hidden Valley Br of 98 02 Bedford Township H037 M$ 300.00 $ 2,028.22 $ - $ 2,328.22 $ 671.78 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,000.00 Halfway Creek Hickory Creek Br. 99 02 Bedford Township H039 M$ 750.00 $ 5,347.54 $ - $ 6,097.54 $ 1,402.46 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 7,500.00 Of Indian Creek Howard St & N 101 02 Bedford Township H064 P$ 22,686.75 $ 75,284.50 $ - $ 97,971.25 $ 29,840.65 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 127,811.90 Park

106 02 Bedford Township I004 Indian Creek M$ 4,052.37 $ 38,301.64 $ - $ 42,354.01 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 42,354.01

Kimberly Oaks Br. 112 02 Bedford Township K020 M$ 250.00 $ 1,463.11 $ - $ 1,713.11 $ 786.89 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,500.00 of Springbrook

113 02 Bedford Township K022 King St. Tile M $ 100.00 $ 693.41 $ - $ 793.41 $ 206.59 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000.00

115 02 Bedford Township K044 Krawetz & Miller M$ 1,000.00 $ 7,161.75 $ - $ 8,161.75 $ 1,519.44 $ - $ 318.81 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 318.81 $ 10,000.00

Legacy Estates Br 123 02 Bedford Township L045 M$ 400.00 $ 3,657.42 $ - $ 4,057.42 $ 942.58 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000.00 of Center

126 02 Bedford Township L078 Little Lake P$ 14,357.59 $ 122,117.14 $ - $ 136,474.73 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 136,474.73

Meadows Br. Of 142 02 Bedford Township M035 M$ 250.00 $ 1,642.32 $ - $ 1,892.32 $ 607.68 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,500.00 Halfway Creek

145 02 Bedford Township M052 Mildred Ave. Tile M$ 200.00 $ 928.24 $ - $ 1,128.24 $ 871.76 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,000.00

Montevallo Br. 149 02 Bedford Township M079 M$ 200.00 $ 1,314.19 $ - $ 1,514.19 $ 485.81 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,000.00 Vangunte

158 02 Bedford Township M124 McClanathan P$ 3,210.48 $ 22,318.39 $ - $ 25,528.87 $ 3,371.24 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 28,900.11

165 02 Bedford Township N025 Northern Pines M$ 100.00 $ 674.96 $ - $ 774.96 $ 225.04 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000.00

169 02 Bedford Township O020 S Br Otter M$ 75.00 $ 463.51 $ - $ 538.51 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 538.51

Prairie Woods Br. 184 02 Bedford Township P049 M$ 500.00 $ 3,034.23 $ - $ 3,534.23 $ 1,465.77 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000.00 Hooper Run

186 02 Bedford Township R002 Rabideau P$ 2,304.59 $ 7,997.92 $ - $ 10,302.51 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 10,302.51

191 02 Bedford Township S004 Salter M$ 250.00 $ 1,932.38 $ - $ 2,182.38 $ 317.62 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,500.00

192 02 Bedford Township S006 Samaria Tile M$ 500.00 $ 3,430.00 $ - $ 3,930.00 $ 594.93 $ - $ 475.07 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 475.07 $ 5,000.00

Silo Meadows Br. 203 02 Bedford Township S065 M$ 750.00 $ 4,901.59 $ - $ 5,651.59 $ 1,848.41 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 7,500.00 Bragden

207 02 Bedford Township S077 Smith Cent Estates M$ 150.00 $ 874.42 $ - $ 1,024.42 $ 475.58 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,500.00

208 02 Bedford Township S110 Springbrook M$ 750.00 $ 5,564.85 $ - $ 6,314.85 $ 1,185.15 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 7,500.00

Stongate Br of 211 02 Bedford Township S139 M$ 350.00 $ 2,288.83 $ - $ 2,638.83 $ 861.17 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,500.00 Bragden

Section II Assessments Assessment Key: 425=Culvert Replacement 425 Agreement, M=Maintenance, MYM=Multi-Year Maintenance, P=Project, PSM = Pump Station Maint., TOA=Township Only Assessment 2019 DRAIN REPORT.xlsx 9/23/2019 11:56 Section II Assessments Total of Railamerica Municipality Municipality Canadian Norfolk Norfolk Western Order Location(s) Code Name of Drain Type Lands Mun.+Land+Mun County/Roads MDOT Ann Arbor RR Conrail RR CSX RR AKA Indiana & Total Railroads Grand Total (Twp./Vil/Cit) Roads National RR Southern RR RR Rds Ohio 213 02 Bedford Township S167 Summerlyn, Br of A M$ 500.00 $ 3,465.66 $ - $ 3,965.66 $ 1,034.34 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000.00

Summerfield 214 02 Bedford Township S168 M$ 100.00 $ 728.16 $ - $ 828.16 $ 171.84 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000.00 Farms

216 02 Bedford Township S184 Swiss Garden P$ 13,128.75 $ 48,405.05 $ - $ 61,533.80 $ 8,938.49 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 70,472.29

Temperance Tile 218 02 Bedford Township T010 M$ 500.00 $ 3,317.75 $ - $ 3,817.75 $ 1,182.25 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000.00 #1 Timber Creek 219 02 Bedford Township T034 M$ 250.00 $ 1,766.80 $ - $ 2,016.80 $ 483.20 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,500.00 Canyon Village Meadows 228 02 Bedford Township V023 M$ 250.00 $ 1,689.05 $ - $ 1,939.05 $ 560.95 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,500.00 Br Flat Creek Waterford, Br of 236 02 Bedford Township W027 M$ 250.00 $ 1,721.45 $ - $ 1,971.45 $ 528.55 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,500.00 Bragden

238 02 Bedford Township W068 Wiseman Tile M$ 250.00 $ 1,136.34 $ - $ 1,386.34 $ 1,113.66 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,500.00

248 02 Bedford Township Z001 Zeiler Farms M$ 50.00 $ 320.65 $ - $ 370.65 $ 129.35 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 500.00

02 Bedford Township Total $ 80,398.33 $ 418,955.91 $ - $ 499,354.24 $ 70,376.96 $ - $ 793.88 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 793.88 $ 570,525.08

110 03 Berlin Township J014 John L Street Tile M$ 40.00 $ 240.92 $ - $ 280.92 $ 119.08 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 400.00

Lillian M Ext. of 124 03 Berlin Township L074 M$ 150.00 $ 1,006.53 $ - $ 1,156.53 $ 343.47 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,500.00 Lang

153 03 Berlin Township M102 Mouillier Crk P$ 4,731.71 $ 34,967.65 $ - $ 39,699.36 $ 3,661.52 $ - $ - $ 184.80 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 184.80 $ 43,545.68

Pheasant Run Br 176 03 Berlin Township P011 M$ 750.00 $ 4,757.30 $ - $ 5,507.30 $ 1,992.70 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 7,500.00 Little Swan Creek

182 03 Berlin Township P042 Post Rd. TOA$ 50.00 $ - $ - $ 50.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 50.00

233 03 Berlin Township W008 Wager & Pink I/C P$ 7,507.85 $ 16,730.69 $ - $ 24,238.54 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 24,238.54

03 Berlin Township Total $ 13,229.56 $ 57,703.09 $ - $ 70,932.65 $ 6,116.77 $ - $ - $ 184.80 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 184.80 $ 77,234.22 Dundee & 2 04 Dundee Township #425 D088 Raisinville 425$ 2,166.67 $ - $ - $ 2,166.67 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,166.67 (Sullivan Rd 47 04 Dundee Township C024 Charles Johnson TOA$ 100.00 $ - $ - $ 100.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 100.00

56 04 Dundee Township C094 Curtis M$ 658.50 $ 5,129.24 $ 401.95 $ 6,189.69 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 6,189.69

Dundee & 66 04 Dundee Township D088 P$ 2,133.99 $ 10,293.03 $ - $ 12,427.02 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 12,427.02 Raisinville #2

119 04 Dundee Township L025 Lapp & Burwitz M$ 250.00 $ 1,976.46 $ - $ 2,226.46 $ 268.13 $ - $ - $ 5.41 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5.41 $ 2,500.00

Loss-Marine & 129 04 Dundee Township L108 P$ 2,255.65 $ 16,207.31 $ - $ 18,462.96 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 18,462.96 Grundman Macon Middle Br 133 04 Dundee Township M004 M$ 290.00 $ 2,838.56 $ - $ 3,128.56 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,128.56 I/C

194 04 Dundee Township S010 Sandy Creek P$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

224 04 Dundee Township V002 Vanderwalker M$ 28.00 $ 371.37 $ - $ 399.37 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 399.37

04 Dundee Township Total $ 7,882.81 $ 36,815.97 $ 401.95 $ 45,100.73 $ 268.13 $ - $ - $ 5.41 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5.41 $ 45,374.27

Little Lake 11 05 Erie Township #425 L078C 425$ 5,145.22 $ - $ - $ 5,145.22 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,145.22 (Culvert)

25 05 Erie Township B080 Bowen M$ 39.00 $ 241.85 $ - $ 280.85 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 280.85

Section II Assessments Assessment Key: 425=Culvert Replacement 425 Agreement, M=Maintenance, MYM=Multi-Year Maintenance, P=Project, PSM = Pump Station Maint., TOA=Township Only Assessment 2019 DRAIN REPORT.xlsx 9/23/2019 11:56 Section II Assessments Total of Railamerica Municipality Municipality Canadian Norfolk Norfolk Western Order Location(s) Code Name of Drain Type Lands Mun.+Land+Mun County/Roads MDOT Ann Arbor RR Conrail RR CSX RR AKA Indiana & Total Railroads Grand Total (Twp./Vil/Cit) Roads National RR Southern RR RR Rds Ohio 62 05 Erie Township D056 Dohm Tile M$ 150.00 $ 979.77 $ - $ 1,129.77 $ 124.06 $ 246.17 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,500.00

69 05 Erie Township E026 Erie Village Sewer M$ 500.00 $ 3,081.89 $ - $ 3,581.89 $ 898.12 $ 519.99 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000.00

117 05 Erie Township L006 Lakeside P$ 8,454.71 $ 7,023.92 $ - $ 15,478.63 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 15,478.63

127 05 Erie Township L078 Little Lake P$ 8,799.82 $ 24,986.67 $ - $ 33,786.49 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 33,786.49

155 05 Erie Township M104 Muddy Creek P$ - $ 8.56 $ - $ 8.56 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 8.56

187 05 Erie Township R002 Rabideau P$ - $ 18,546.05 $ - $ 18,546.05 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 18,546.05

05 Erie Township Total $ 23,088.75 $ 54,868.71 $ - $ 77,957.46 $ 1,022.18 $ 766.16 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 79,745.80

19 06 Exeter Township B030 Batway M$ 75.00 $ 575.23 $ - $ 650.23 $ 99.77 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 750.00

53 06 Exeter Township C082 Cranberry TOA$ 150.00 $ - $ - $ 150.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 150.00

111 06 Exeter Township K012 Kelley P$ 2,605.09 $ 12,574.25 $ - $ 15,179.34 $ 2,276.82 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 17,456.16

195 06 Exeter Township S010 Sandy Creek P$ 1,852.16 $ 7,285.73 $ - $ 9,137.89 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 9,137.89

06 Exeter Township Total $ 4,682.25 $ 20,435.21 $ - $ 25,117.46 $ 2,376.59 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 27,494.05

29 07 Frenchtown Charter Township B096 Brost M$ 175.00 $ 2,002.11 $ - $ 2,177.11 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,177.11

36 07 Frenchtown Charter Township C002 Calkins M$ 250.00 $ 2,059.50 $ - $ 2,309.50 $ 190.50 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,500.00

58 07 Frenchtown Charter Township C096 Cypress Pointe M$ 500.00 $ 2,673.04 $ - $ 3,173.04 $ 1,826.96 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000.00

70 07 Frenchtown Charter Township F/043 Frenchtown Resort M$ 147,060.00 $ - $ - $ 147,060.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 147,060.00

88 07 Frenchtown Charter Township F-043 Frenchtown Resort M$ 19,980.00 $ - $ 19,980.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 19,980.00

89 07 Frenchtown Charter Township G010 Gerick Tile P$ 3,507.64 $ 21,021.92 $ - $ 24,529.56 $ 3,386.70 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 27,916.26

93 07 Frenchtown Charter Township G042 Grosvenor Tile P$ - $ 46,704.55 $ - $ 46,704.55 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 46,704.55

Marshall Field Br. 135 07 Frenchtown Charter Township M011 M$ 250.00 $ 1,682.94 $ - $ 1,932.94 $ 567.06 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,500.00 Of Walker

137 07 Frenchtown Charter Township M022 Mason Run P$ - $ 14,556.37 $ - $ 14,556.37 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,037.10 $ - $ 1,998.90 $ - $ 1,150.07 $ - $ 4,186.07 $ 18,742.44

143 07 Frenchtown Charter Township M036 Meadow Drive Tile M$ 100.00 $ 731.84 $ - $ 831.84 $ 168.16 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000.00

Monroe Country 148 07 Frenchtown Charter Township M076 M$ 75.00 $ 485.17 $ - $ 560.17 $ 189.83 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 750.00 Club

178 07 Frenchtown Charter Township P020 Pin Oak TOA$ 125.00 $ - $ - $ 125.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 125.00

183 07 Frenchtown Charter Township P042 Post Rd. TOA$ 50.00 $ - $ - $ 50.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 50.00

196 07 Frenchtown Charter Township S010 Sandy Creek P$ - $ 119,929.97 $ - $ 119,929.97 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 119,929.97

221 07 Frenchtown Charter Township T036 Tollgate M $ 125.00 $ 434.14 $ - $ 559.14 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 559.14

235 07 Frenchtown Charter Township W016 Walker P$ - $ 23,387.69 $ - $ 23,387.69 $ 4,612.11 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 558.82 $ 558.82 $ 28,558.62

241 07 Frenchtown Charter Township W079 Woodland Farms M$ 500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ - $ 5,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000.00

Section II Assessments Assessment Key: 425=Culvert Replacement 425 Agreement, M=Maintenance, MYM=Multi-Year Maintenance, P=Project, PSM = Pump Station Maint., TOA=Township Only Assessment 2019 DRAIN REPORT.xlsx 9/23/2019 11:56 Section II Assessments Total of Railamerica Municipality Municipality Canadian Norfolk Norfolk Western Order Location(s) Code Name of Drain Type Lands Mun.+Land+Mun County/Roads MDOT Ann Arbor RR Conrail RR CSX RR AKA Indiana & Total Railroads Grand Total (Twp./Vil/Cit) Roads National RR Southern RR RR Rds Ohio 07 Frenchtown Charter Township Total $ 152,717.64 $ 260,149.24 $ - $ 412,866.88 $ 10,941.32 $ - $ - $ 1,037.10 $ - $ 1,998.90 $ - $ 1,150.07 $ 558.82 $ 4,744.89 $ 428,553.09

Hutting (Minx Rd. 6 08 Ida Township #425 H072 425$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Culvert)

18 08 Ida Township B022 Bates P$ 4,143.50 $ 18,997.33 $ - $ 23,140.83 $ 2,420.30 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 25,561.13

48 08 Ida Township C054 Cook M$ 700.00 $ 5,755.53 $ - $ 6,455.53 $ 544.47 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 7,000.00

50 08 Ida Township C062 Cortz P$ - $ 845.54 $ - $ 845.54 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 845.54

77 08 Ida Township F012 Fishburn M$ 245.00 $ 2,227.67 $ - $ 2,472.67 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,472.67

80 08 Ida Township F014 Fitzgerald P$ 4,585.80 $ 17,204.18 $ - $ 21,789.98 $ 3,496.61 $ - $ 590.16 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 590.16 $ 25,876.75

90 08 Ida Township G012 Gerwick Tile M$ 250.00 $ 1,995.17 $ - $ 2,245.17 $ 254.83 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,500.00

103 08 Ida Township H072 Hutting M$ 125.00 $ 2,146.70 $ - $ 2,271.70 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,271.70

121 08 Ida Township L036 Lawrence M$ 30.00 $ 92.92 $ - $ 122.92 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 122.92

131 08 Ida Township L112 Lulu Tile M$ 100.00 $ 748.38 $ - $ 848.38 $ 56.25 $ - $ 95.37 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 95.37 $ 1,000.00

144 08 Ida Township M037 Metz Tile M$ 100.00 $ 843.03 $ - $ 943.03 $ 56.97 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000.00

146 08 Ida Township M056 Mill Street M $ 200.00 $ 1,456.44 $ - $ 1,656.44 $ 343.56 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,000.00

151 08 Ida Township M094 Moses M$ 450.00 $ 3,855.55 $ - $ 4,305.55 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4,305.55

156 08 Ida Township M104 Muddy Creek P$ - $ 13,655.74 $ - $ 13,655.74 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 13,655.74

160 08 Ida Township M130 McFetridge Tile MYM 2018-2020$ 900.00 $ 6,601.54 $ - $ 7,501.54 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 7,501.54

170 08 Ida Township O020 S Br Otter M$ 375.00 $ 3,273.14 $ - $ 3,648.14 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,648.14

173 08 Ida Township P010 Peters P$ 6,349.61 $ 22,588.95 $ - $ 28,938.56 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 28,938.56

190 08 Ida Township R041 Robinshire M$ 200.00 $ 1,573.20 $ - $ 1,773.20 $ 226.80 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,000.00

225 08 Ida Township V002 Vanderwalker M$ 150.50 $ 1,267.10 $ - $ 1,417.60 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,417.60

08 Ida Township Total $ 18,904.41 $ 105,128.11 $ - $ 124,032.52 $ 7,399.79 $ - $ 685.53 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 685.53 $ 132,117.84

Hutting (Minx Rd. 7 09 LaSalle Township #425 H072 425$ 10,535.06 $ - $ - $ 10,535.06 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 10,535.06 Culvert)

104 09 LaSalle Township H072 Hutting M$ 125.00 $ 36.27 $ - $ 161.27 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 161.27

108 09 LaSalle Township I014 Isadore P$ 1,331.13 $ 7,076.64 $ - $ 8,407.77 $ 548.36 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 8,956.13

114 09 LaSalle Township K024 Kinne M$ 150.00 $ 1,099.72 $ - $ 1,249.72 $ 124.17 $ 57.15 $ - $ - $ - $ 68.96 $ - $ - $ - $ 68.96 $ 1,500.00

157 09 LaSalle Township M104 Muddy Creek P$ 10,499.43 $ 45,686.87 $ - $ 56,186.30 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 56,186.30

162 09 LaSalle Township N/022 North Shores P$ 60,766.67 $ - $ - $ 60,766.67 $ 3,171.33 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 63,938.00

164 09 LaSalle Township N022 North Shores M$ 40,000.00 $ - $ - $ 40,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 40,000.00

171 09 LaSalle Township O020 S Br Otter M$ 300.00 $ 1,822.53 $ - $ 2,122.53 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,122.53

Section II Assessments Assessment Key: 425=Culvert Replacement 425 Agreement, M=Maintenance, MYM=Multi-Year Maintenance, P=Project, PSM = Pump Station Maint., TOA=Township Only Assessment 2019 DRAIN REPORT.xlsx 9/23/2019 11:56 Section II Assessments Total of Railamerica Municipality Municipality Canadian Norfolk Norfolk Western Order Location(s) Code Name of Drain Type Lands Mun.+Land+Mun County/Roads MDOT Ann Arbor RR Conrail RR CSX RR AKA Indiana & Total Railroads Grand Total (Twp./Vil/Cit) Roads National RR Southern RR RR Rds Ohio 174 09 LaSalle Township P010 Peters P$ - $ 393.74 $ - $ 393.74 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 393.74

237 09 LaSalle Township W066 Winchester Tile M$ 200.00 $ 987.40 $ - $ 1,187.40 $ 203.70 $ 608.90 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,000.00

09 LaSalle Township Total $ 123,907.29 $ 57,103.17 $ - $ 181,010.46 $ 4,047.56 $ 666.05 $ - $ - $ - $ 68.96 $ - $ - $ - $ 68.96 $ 185,793.03

17 10 London Township B014 Barnes MYM 2019-2020$ 350.00 $ 3,035.41 $ - $ 3,385.41 $ 114.87 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,500.28

42 10 London Township C010 Carmel M$ 150.00 $ 1,220.64 $ - $ 1,370.64 $ 129.36 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,500.00

61 10 London Township D026 Deck TOA$ 75.00 $ - $ - $ 75.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 75.00

72 10 London Township F004 Falk M$ 117.75 $ 944.68 $ - $ 1,062.43 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,062.43

96 10 London Township H011 Haner Direct TOA$ 150.00 $ - $ - $ 150.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 150.00

166 10 London Township O008 Ostrander Tile M$ 100.00 $ 818.68 $ - $ 918.68 $ 81.32 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000.00

197 10 London Township S010 Sandy Creek P$ 12,965.16 $ 59,371.99 $ - $ 72,337.15 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 72,337.15

201 10 London Township S014 N Br Sandy Creek P$ 3,278.36 $ 16,505.62 $ - $ 19,783.98 $ 1,522.63 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 21,306.61

10 London Township Total $ 17,186.27 $ 81,897.02 $ - $ 99,083.29 $ 1,848.18 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 100,931.47

14 11 Milan Township A007 Albert Johnson M$ 140.00 $ 1,250.52 $ - $ 1,390.52 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,390.52

73 11 Milan Township F004 Falk M$ 32.25 $ 283.98 $ - $ 316.23 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 316.23

Macon Middle Br 134 11 Milan Township M004 M$ 210.00 $ 1,428.83 $ - $ 1,638.83 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,638.83 I/C

163 11 Milan Township N018 Nolan & Engle M$ 250.00 $ 1,918.68 $ - $ 2,168.68 $ 331.32 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,500.00

189 11 Milan Township R032 Rice TOA$ 50.00 $ - $ - $ 50.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 50.00

11 Milan Township Total $ 682.25 $ 4,882.01 $ - $ 5,564.26 $ 331.32 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,895.58

Canterbury Farms 37 12 Monroe Charter Township C003 M$ 350.00 $ 2,343.57 $ - $ 2,693.57 $ 806.43 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,500.00 Br of Pike Swale Dartmoor Br. Of 59 12 Monroe Charter Township D009 M$ 250.00 $ 1,315.61 $ - $ 1,565.61 $ 934.39 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,500.00 Davis Dunbar Est. Br. 64 12 Monroe Charter Township D081 M$ 250.00 $ 1,560.83 $ - $ 1,810.83 $ 689.17 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,500.00 Antweiler

85 12 Monroe Charter Township F040 French Creek P$ - $ 31,456.02 $ - $ 31,456.02 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 31,456.02

Monroe 147 12 Monroe Charter Township M070 M$ 4,048.88 $ 29,491.88 $ - $ 33,540.76 $ 6,459.24 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 40,000.00 Consolidated

188 12 Monroe Charter Township R010 Rambow Tile TOA$ 100.00 $ - $ - $ 100.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 100.00

Sheffied Village 202 12 Monroe Charter Township S053 M$ 250.00 $ 1,507.45 $ - $ 1,757.45 $ 680.87 $ 61.68 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,500.00 Plat 1

239 12 Monroe Charter Township W074 Wood Tile TOA$ 50.00 $ - $ - $ 50.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 50.00

Woodside Est Br of 240 12 Monroe Charter Township W075 M$ 150.00 $ 868.39 $ - $ 1,018.39 $ 318.12 $ 163.49 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,500.00 Davis Swale

242 12 Monroe Charter Township W082 Wry Tile P$ 10,205.62 $ 47,479.03 $ - $ 57,684.65 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 57,684.65 Wry Tile 246 12 Monroe Charter Township W082S (Supplemental P$ 60,356.25 $ - $ - $ 60,356.25 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 60,356.25 Benefit)

Section II Assessments Assessment Key: 425=Culvert Replacement 425 Agreement, M=Maintenance, MYM=Multi-Year Maintenance, P=Project, PSM = Pump Station Maint., TOA=Township Only Assessment 2019 DRAIN REPORT.xlsx 9/23/2019 11:56 Section II Assessments Total of Railamerica Municipality Municipality Canadian Norfolk Norfolk Western Order Location(s) Code Name of Drain Type Lands Mun.+Land+Mun County/Roads MDOT Ann Arbor RR Conrail RR CSX RR AKA Indiana & Total Railroads Grand Total (Twp./Vil/Cit) Roads National RR Southern RR RR Rds Ohio 12 Monroe Charter Township Total $ 76,010.75 $ 116,022.78 $ - $ 192,033.53 $ 9,888.22 $ 225.17 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 202,146.92 Dundee & 3 13 Raisinville Township #425 D088 Raisinville 425$ 2,166.67 $ - $ - $ 2,166.67 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,166.67 (Sullivan Rd Ida (Lehr Road 8 13 Raisinville Township #425 I002 425$ 6,270.00 $ - $ - $ 6,270.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 6,270.00 Culvert)

16 13 Raisinville Township B012 Barnaby M$ 200.00 $ 1,649.21 $ - $ 1,849.21 $ 150.79 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,000.00

30 13 Raisinville Township B096 Brost M $ 175.00 $ 949.34 $ - $ 1,124.34 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,124.34

60 13 Raisinville Township D010 Dashner MYM 2019-2021$ 1,250.00 $ 10,308.43 $ - $ 11,558.43 $ 941.55 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 12,499.98

Dundee & 67 13 Raisinville Township D088 P-$ $ 10,464.46 $ - $ 10,464.46 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 10,464.46 Raisinville #2

83 13 Raisinville Township F032 Foy M $ 150.00 $ 1,260.54 $ - $ 1,410.54 $ 89.46 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,500.00

100 13 Raisinville Township H046 Hoffman M $ 300.00 $ 2,643.50 $ - $ 2,943.50 $ 56.50 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,000.00

Loss-Marine & 130 13 Raisinville Township L108 P$ 2,255.65 $ 6,947.26 $ - $ 9,202.91 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 9,202.91 Grundman

138 13 Raisinville Township M022 Mason Run P$ 9,485.07 $ 7,653.45 $ - $ 17,138.52 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 17,138.52

161 13 Raisinville Township M130 McFetridge Tile MYM 2018-2020$ 100.00 $ 1,456.05 $ - $ 1,556.05 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,556.05

179 13 Raisinville Township P020 Pin Oak TOA $ 125.00 $ - $ - $ 125.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 125.00

Plum Grove Br. 180 13 Raisinville Township P025 M$ 250.00 $ 1,713.20 $ - $ 1,963.20 $ 536.80 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,500.00 Plum Creek

198 13 Raisinville Township S010 Sandy Creek P$ 19,139.04 $ 66,170.20 $ - $ 85,309.24 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 85,309.24

Strasburg, West 212 13 Raisinville Township S146 M$ 100.00 $ 803.24 $ - $ 903.24 $ 96.76 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000.00 Bran

217 13 Raisinville Township S186 Sycamore Swale M $ 870.00 $ 7,681.13 $ - $ 8,551.13 $ 148.87 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 8,700.00

226 13 Raisinville Township V002 Vanderwalker M$ 171.50 $ 1,250.61 $ - $ 1,422.11 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,422.11

13 Raisinville Township Total $ 43,007.93 $ 120,950.62 $ - $ 163,958.55 $ 2,020.73 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 165,979.28

21 14 Summerfield Township B051 Bentwood Trail M$ 150.00 $ 1,146.17 $ - $ 1,296.17 $ 203.83 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,500.00

33 14 Summerfield Township B118 Burton & White I/C P$ - $ 14,496.39 $ - $ 14,496.39 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 14,496.39

51 14 Summerfield Township C062 Cortz P $ - $ 7,159.98 $ - $ 7,159.98 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 7,159.98

78 14 Summerfield Township F012 Fishburn M$ 5.00 $ 58.40 $ - $ 63.40 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 63.40

122 14 Summerfield Township L036 Lawrence M$ 120.00 $ 988.93 $ - $ 1,108.93 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,108.93

152 14 Summerfield Township M094 Moses M$ 50.00 $ 271.67 $ - $ 321.67 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 321.67

175 14 Summerfield Township P010 Peters P$ - $ 5,643.99 $ - $ 5,643.99 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,643.99

205 14 Summerfield Township S068 Sink Creek P$ - $ 14,531.62 $ - $ 14,531.62 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 14,531.62

229 14 Summerfield Township W002 Wadsworth M$ 150.00 $ 1,262.45 $ - $ 1,412.45 $ 70.83 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 16.72 $ - $ - $ 16.72 $ 1,500.00

14 Summerfield Township Total $ 475.00 $ 45,559.60 $ - $ 46,034.60 $ 274.66 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 16.72 $ - $ - $ 16.72 $ 46,325.98

Section II Assessments Assessment Key: 425=Culvert Replacement 425 Agreement, M=Maintenance, MYM=Multi-Year Maintenance, P=Project, PSM = Pump Station Maint., TOA=Township Only Assessment 2019 DRAIN REPORT.xlsx 9/23/2019 11:56 Section II Assessments Total of Railamerica Municipality Municipality Canadian Norfolk Norfolk Western Order Location(s) Code Name of Drain Type Lands Mun.+Land+Mun County/Roads MDOT Ann Arbor RR Conrail RR CSX RR AKA Indiana & Total Railroads Grand Total (Twp./Vil/Cit) Roads National RR Southern RR RR Rds Ohio 4 15 Whiteford Township #425 H068 Hubbard & Clampit 425$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 7,066.52 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 7,066.52

20 15 Whiteford Township B048 Bergman Tile M$ 250.00 $ 1,869.92 $ - $ 2,119.92 $ 244.15 $ 135.93 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,500.00

22 15 Whiteford Township B070 Block TOA$ 100.00 $ - $ - $ 100.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 100.00

34 15 Whiteford Township B118 Burton & White I/C P$ - $ 699.24 $ - $ 699.24 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 699.24

52 15 Whiteford Township C074 Cox TOA$ 200.00 $ - $ - $ 200.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 200.00

74 15 Whiteford Township F008 Faxon P $ 1,864.34 $ 10,607.43 $ - $ 12,471.77 $ 518.06 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 12,989.83

79 15 Whiteford Township F012 Fishburn M$ 55.00 $ 666.92 $ - $ 721.92 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 721.92

82 15 Whiteford Township F030 Fox M$ 281.60 $ 1,245.15 $ - $ 1,526.75 $ 233.25 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,760.00

107 15 Whiteford Township I004 Indian Creek M$ 1,000.00 $ 1,009.09 $ - $ 2,009.09 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,009.09

Ottawa River, N. 167 15 Whiteford Township O012 P-$ $ 19,361.38 $ - $ 19,361.38 $ 2,419.20 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 21,780.58 Br.

206 15 Whiteford Township S068 Sink Creek P$ - $ 10,622.88 $ - $ 10,622.88 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 10,622.88

209 15 Whiteford Township S116 Stahlbaum P$ - $ 5,306.80 $ - $ 5,306.80 $ 574.24 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,881.04

234 15 Whiteford Township W010 Wahl MYM 2017-2020$ 300.00 $ 2,505.42 $ - $ 2,805.42 $ 194.60 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,000.02

15 Whiteford Township Total $ 4,050.94 $ 53,894.23 $ - $ 57,945.17 $ 11,250.02 $ 135.93 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 69,331.12

40 41 Village of Carleton C008 Carleton Tile M$ 25.00 $ 94.85 $ 57.24 $ 177.09 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 177.09

43 41 Village of Carleton C011 Carleton Crossings M$ 350.00 $ 2,475.90 $ 674.10 $ 3,500.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,500.00

141 41 Village of Carleton M030 Mathews Tile M$ 150.00 $ 1,025.04 $ - $ 1,175.04 $ 324.96 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,500.00

41 Village of Carleton Total $ 525.00 $ 3,595.79 $ 731.34 $ 4,852.13 $ 324.96 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,177.09

57 42 Village of Dundee C094 Curtis M$ 91.50 $ 893.96 $ - $ 985.46 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 985.46

42 Village of Dundee Total $ 91.50 $ 893.96 $ - $ 985.46 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 985.46

199 46 Village Maybee S010 Sandy Creek P$ - $ 5,766.85 $ - $ 5,766.85 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,766.85

Village Court Br of 227 46 Village Maybee V021 M$ 150.00 $ 713.57 $ 636.43 $ 1,500.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,500.00 Antes

46 Village Maybee Total $ 150.00 $ 6,480.42 $ 636.43 $ 7,266.85 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 7,266.85

118 51 Luna Pier L006 Lakeside P$ 50,728.26 $ 56,068.88 $ - $ 106,797.14 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 106,797.14

51 Luna Pier Total $ 50,728.26 $ 56,068.88 $ - $ 106,797.14 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 106,797.14

15 53 City of Milan A007 Albert Johnson M$ 60.00 $ 394.85 $ 16.20 $ 471.05 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 471.05

53 City of Milan Total $ 60.00 $ 394.85 $ 16.20 $ 471.05 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 471.05

86 55 City of Monroe F040 French Creek P$ - $ 264.57 $ - $ 264.57 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 264.57

Frenchtown 87 55 City of Monroe F043 PSM$ - $ 4,990.53 $ 1,455.08 $ 6,445.61 $ - $ 5,097.72 $ - $ 720.34 $ - $ - $ - $ 696.33 $ - $ 1,416.67 $ 12,960.00 Resort/City (PSM)

Section II Assessments Assessment Key: 425=Culvert Replacement 425 Agreement, M=Maintenance, MYM=Multi-Year Maintenance, P=Project, PSM = Pump Station Maint., TOA=Township Only Assessment 2019 DRAIN REPORT.xlsx 9/23/2019 11:56 Section II Assessments Total of Railamerica Municipality Municipality Canadian Norfolk Norfolk Western Order Location(s) Code Name of Drain Type Lands Mun.+Land+Mun County/Roads MDOT Ann Arbor RR Conrail RR CSX RR AKA Indiana & Total Railroads Grand Total (Twp./Vil/Cit) Roads National RR Southern RR RR Rds Ohio 94 55 City of Monroe G042 Grosvenor Tile P$ 5,979.56 $ 19,964.83 $ 4,265.60 $ 30,209.99 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 30,209.99

109 55 City of Monroe I016 Ives TOA$ 100.00 $ - $ - $ 100.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 100.00

139 55 City of Monroe M022 Mason Run P$ 63,233.78 $ 74,833.66 $ 19,764.09 $ 157,831.53 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 157,831.53 Mason Run 140 55 City of Monroe M022 (Detroit Ave. & P$ 23,633.24 $ - $ - $ 23,633.24 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 23,633.24 fencing 1st 200 55 City of Monroe S010 Sandy Creek P$ - $ 4,442.88 $ - $ 4,442.88 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4,442.88

222 55 City of Monroe T036 Tollgate M$ 125.00 $ 955.91 $ 304.04 $ 1,384.95 $ - $ - $ - $ 45.38 $ - $ - $ - $ 149.14 $ - $ 194.52 $ 1,579.47

243 55 City of Monroe W082 Wry Tile P$ 3,076.97 $ 8,232.79 $ 4,515.02 $ 15,824.78 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 15,824.78 Wry Tile 247 55 City of Monroe W082S (Supplemental P$ 8,325.00 $ - $ - $ 8,325.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 8,325.00 Benefit) 55 City of Monroe Total $ 104,473.55 $ 113,685.17 $ 30,303.83 $ 248,462.55 $ - $ 5,097.72 $ - $ 765.72 $ - $ - $ - $ 845.47 $ - $ 1,611.19 $ 255,171.46

Grand Total $ 755,517.90 $ 1,628,465.10 $ 32,089.75 $ 2,416,072.75 $ 276,516.70 $ 8,669.23 $ 2,339.64 $ 5,600.48 $ 53.41 $ 2,711.00 $ 16.72 $ 3,384.13 $ 560.00 $ 14,665.38 $ 2,715,924.06

Section II Assessments Assessment Key: 425=Culvert Replacement 425 Agreement, M=Maintenance, MYM=Multi-Year Maintenance, P=Project, PSM = Pump Station Maint., TOA=Township Only Assessment 2019 DRAIN REPORT.xlsx Section III Prepays & Payoffs

Treas. Type Prepay or Name of Drain Location Parcel Number Actual Date Receipt Total Collected Payoff Number D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 04 Dundee Twp 04 121 001 20 2/1/2019 79925 805 Prepay$ 906.93 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 04 Dundee Twp 04 116 012 10 2/1/2019 79925 805 Prepay$ 262.69 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 04 Dundee Twp 04 116 016 00 2/4/2019 79925 805 Prepay$ 347.76 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 04 Dundee Twp 04 116 002 00 2/8/2019 79947 805 Prepay$ 2,849.73 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 04 Dundee Twp 04 121 001 30 2/8/2019 79947 805 Prepay$ 771.59 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 04 Dundee Twp 04 116 019 00 2/8/2019 79947 805 Prepay$ 907.71 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 04 Dundee Twp 04 116 014 20 2/8/2019 79947 805 Prepay$ 297.49 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 04 Dundee Twp 04 116 015 00 2/8/2019 79947 805 Prepay$ 220.15 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 04 Dundee Twp 04 121 001 00 2/8/2019 79947 805 Prepay$ 1,086.37 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 04 Dundee Twp 04 116 008 00 2/12/2019 80001 805 Prepay$ 2,795.59 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 04 Dundee Twp 04 116 003 00 2/12/2019 80001 805 Prepay$ 156.73 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 04 Dundee Twp 04 121 008 00 2/12/2019 80001 805 Prepay$ 686.51 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 04 Dundee Twp 04 116 006 00 2/12/2019 80001 805 Prepay$ 162.92 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 04 Dundee Twp 04 121 001 400 2/12/2019 80002 805 Prepay$ 900.75 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 04 Dundee Twp 04 116 004 00 2/14/2019 80028 805 Prepay$ 156.73 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 04 Dundee Twp 04 121 001 10 2/14/2019 80028 805 Prepay$ 907.71 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 04 Dundee Twp 04 121 002 30 2/19/2019 80080 805 Prepay$ 301.36 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 04 Dundee Twp 04 116 020 02 2/19/2019 80080 805 Prepay$ 941.27 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 04 Dundee Twp 04 116 012 00 2/19/2019 80080 805 Prepay$ 1,480.80 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 04 Dundee Twp 04 116 014 01 2/19/2019 80085 805 Prepay$ 591.38 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 04 Dundee Twp 04 116 001 10 2/22/2019 80145 805 Prepay$ 219.38 K012 Kelley 06 Exeter Twp 06 035 015 10 6/25/2019 81854 805 Prepay$ 825.22 K012 Kelley 06 Exeter Twp 06 035 006 00 6/26/2019 81873 805 Prepay$ 394.59 K012 Kelley 06 Exeter Twp 06 035 005 00 6/26/2019 81873 805 Prepay$ 2,779.88 K012 Kelley 06 Exeter Twp 06 035 011 00 7/2/2019 81974 805 Prepay$ 294.02 K012 Kelley 06 Exeter Twp 06 026 014 00 7/2/2019 81974 805 Prepay$ 2,844.35 K012 Kelley 06 Exeter Twp 06 027 035 00 7/2/2019 81974 805 Prepay$ 974.79 K012 Kelley 06 Exeter Twp 06 027 037 00 7/2/2019 81974 805 Prepay$ 974.79 K012 Kelley 06 Exeter Twp 06 035 009 00 7/2/2019 81974 805 Prepay$ 652.46 K012 Kelley 06 Exeter Twp 06 035 004 00 7/2/2019 81974 805 Prepay$ 394.59 K012 Kelley 06 Exeter Twp 06 027 036 00 7/9/2019 82052 805 Prepay$ 1,297.13 K012 Kelley 06 Exeter Twp 06 026 018 00 7/16/2019 82143 805 Prepay$ 1,674.91 K012 Kelley 06 Exeter Twp 06 035 003 00 7/16/2019 82141 805 Prepay$ 1,619.47 K012 Kelley 06 Exeter Twp 06 035 015 00 7/16/2019 82141 805 Prepay$ 826.51 K012 Kelley 06 Exeter Twp 06 035 014 00 7/30/2019 82343 805 Prepay$ 373.51 K012 Kelley 06 Exeter Twp 06 035 013 00 7/30/2019 82343 805 Prepay$ 760.03 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 014 018 00 12/12/2018 79215 805 Prepay$ 3,013.38 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 014 020 00 12/12/2018 79215 805 Prepay$ 2,466.63 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 021 002 40 12/19/2018 79322 805 Prepay$ 895.99 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 021 009 10 12/21/2018 79356 805 Prepay$ 986.72 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 022 002 00 12/21/2018 79356 805 Prepay$ 2,129.81 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 017 043 20 12/26/2018 79381 805 Prepay$ 1,208.92 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 014 012 00 12/26/2018 79381 805 Prepay$ 3,207.94 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 015 019 02 12/26/2018 79381 805 Prepay$ 526.73 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 021 002 50 12/26/2018 79381 805 Prepay$ 594.88 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 021 002 10 12/26/2018 79381 805 Prepay$ 394.14 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 021 002 20 12/26/2018 79381 805 Prepay$ 389.65 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 021 009 00 12/28/2018 79417 805 Prepay$ 2,057.41

Section III Prepays & Payoffs Page 1 2019 DRAIN REPORT.xlsx Section III Prepays & Payoffs

Treas. Type Prepay or Name of Drain Location Parcel Number Actual Date Receipt Total Collected Payoff Number F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 014 008 00 12/28/2018 79417 805 Prepay$ 2,017.55 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 015 018 00 12/28/2018 79417 805 Prepay$ 474.98 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 015 015 00 1/3/2019 79488 805 Prepay$ 270.63 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 015 009 20 1/3/2019 79487 805 Prepay$ 670.33 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 017 043 00 1/3/2019 79487 805 Prepay$ 1,869.92 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 021 001 10 1/3/2019 79487 805 Prepay$ 580.51 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 015 014 00 1/3/2019 79487 805 Prepay$ 498.55 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 021 007 27 1/9/2019 79548 805 Prepay$ 1,460.70 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 014 001 00 1/9/2019 79548 805 Prepay$ 3,140.24 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 015 024 00 1/9/2019 79548 805 Prepay$ 3,477.05 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 014 024 00 1/9/2019 79548 805 Prepay$ 2,017.55 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 014 011 00 1/9/2019 79548 805 Prepay$ 3,252.51 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 021 002 30 1/9/2019 79548 805 Prepay$ 725.34 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 021 001 00 1/9/2019 79548 805 Prepay$ 1,171.04 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 021 003 00 1/9/2019 79548 805 Prepay$ 4,824.27 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 021 003 10 1/9/2019 79549 805 Prepay$ 1,456.21 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 021 002 60 1/9/2019 79549 805 Prepay$ 634.62 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 015 016 00 1/9/2019 79551 805 Prepay$ 468.24 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 015 017 00 1/9/2019 79551 805 Prepay$ 482.84 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 014 003 10 1/11/2019 79575 805 Prepay$ 2,578.90 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 014 006 00 1/11/2019 79575 805 Prepay$ 1,680.74 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 015 009 00 1/11/2019 79576 805 Prepay$ 670.33 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 021 009 30 1/25/2019 79768 805 Prepay$ 854.56 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 021 009 20 1/25/2019 79768 805 Prepay$ 552.69 C062 Cortz 08 Ida Twp 08 031 014 01 4/16/2019 80900 805 Prepay$ 573.69 C062 Cortz 08 Ida Twp 08 031 015 00 4/19/2019 80956 805 Prepay$ 393.43 C062 Cortz 08 Ida Twp 08 031 015 03 4/24/2019 81015 805 Prepay$ 2,511.62 C062 Cortz 08 Ida Twp 08 031 015 10 4/24/2019 81015 805 Prepay$ 409.73 C062 Cortz 08 Ida Twp 08 031 022 00 4/24/2019 81015 805 Prepay$ 296.23 C062 Cortz 08 Ida Twp 08 031 014 30 4/24/2019 81015 805 Prepay$ 292.10 C062 Cortz 08 Ida Twp 08 031 016 00 4/29/2019 81067 805 Prepay$ 2,305.15 C062 Cortz 08 Ida Twp 08 031 014 40 4/29/2019 81067 805 Prepay$ 772.92 C062 Cortz 08 Ida Twp 08 031 023 00 4/29/2019 81067 805 Prepay$ 296.23 C062 Cortz 08 Ida Twp 08 031 017 10 4/29/2019 81067 805 Prepay$ 772.92 C062 Cortz 08 Ida Twp 08 031 014 67 4/29/2019 81067 805 Prepay$ 732.33 C062 Cortz 08 Ida Twp 08 031 014 50 5/3/2019 81133 805 Prepay$ 955.82 C062 Cortz 08 Ida Twp 08 031 020 00 5/8/2019 81209 805 Prepay$ 296.23 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 017 018 00 5/10/2019 81239 805 Prepay$ 154.65 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 016 012 20 5/17/2019 81332 805 Prepay$ 270.50 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 017 006 00 5/17/2019 81332 805 Prepay$ 270.50 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 010 027 00 5/17/2019 81332 805 Prepay$ 2,799.44 C062 Cortz 08 Ida Twp Ida Township 5/17/2019 81332 805 Prepay$ 1,240.00 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 017 021 19 5/17/2019 81332 805 Prepay$ 367.48 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 008 022 00 5/17/2019 81332 805 Prepay$ 283.12 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 008 009 69 5/17/2019 81332 805 Prepay$ 277.40 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 008 009 10 5/17/2019 81332 805 Prepay$ 180.38 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 011 022 00 5/17/2019 81332 805 Prepay$ 271.39 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 008 029 00 5/17/2019 81332 805 Prepay$ 253.38 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 011 020 00 5/17/2019 81332 805 Prepay$ 855.95

Section III Prepays & Payoffs Page 2 2019 DRAIN REPORT.xlsx Section III Prepays & Payoffs

Treas. Type Prepay or Name of Drain Location Parcel Number Actual Date Receipt Total Collected Payoff Number B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 008 016 00 5/17/2019 81332 805 Prepay$ 200.20 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 011 026 01 5/17/2019 81332 805 Prepay$ 447.13 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 016 003 20 5/17/2019 81332 805 Prepay$ 210.42 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 016 005 00 5/17/2019 81332 805 Prepay$ 270.50 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 008 014 00 5/17/2019 81332 805 Prepay$ 110.98 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 017 011 00 5/17/2019 81332 805 Prepay$ 187.59 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 020 020 01 5/17/2019 81332 805 Prepay$ 631.01 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 010 023 20 5/17/2019 81332 805 Prepay$ 2,239.30 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 010 027 02 5/17/2019 81332 805 Prepay$ 360.63 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 008 031 00 5/17/2019 81331 805 Prepay$ 230.63 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 007 026 39 5/17/2019 81331 805 Prepay$ 255.41 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 009 023 20 5/17/2019 81331 805 Prepay$ 138.47 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 017 001 00 5/17/2019 81331 805 Prepay$ 1,407.89 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 010 026 00 5/17/2019 81331 805 Prepay$ 937.43 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 017 003 00 5/21/2019 81377 805 Prepay$ 631.01 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 007 026 09 5/21/2019 81377 805 Prepay$ 255.27 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 017 022 20 5/21/2019 81377 805 Prepay$ 275.91 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 008 009 39 5/21/2019 81377 805 Prepay$ 315.02 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 017 026 00 5/21/2019 81377 805 Prepay$ 225.43 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 017 030 00 5/21/2019 81376 805 Prepay$ 180.74 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 017 029 00 5/21/2019 81376 805 Prepay$ 168.66 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 016 010 10 5/21/2019 81376 805 Prepay$ 189.39 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 016 002 02 5/21/2019 81376 805 Prepay$ 361.44 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 008 025 00 5/21/2019 81376 805 Prepay$ 128.10 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 008 009 49 5/21/2019 81376 805 Prepay$ 280.87 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 017 001 40 5/23/2019 81413 805 Prepay$ 304.75 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 016 006 00 5/23/2019 81413 805 Prepay$ 1,800.84 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 017 022 40 5/23/2019 81413 805 Prepay$ 294.84 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 008 023 00 5/23/2019 81413 805 Prepay$ 165.05 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 017 007 00 5/28/2019 81465 805 Prepay$ 288.53 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 017 022 10 5/28/2019 81465 805 Prepay$ 275.91 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 009 028 10 5/28/2019 81465 805 Prepay$ 205.61 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 008 018 00 5/28/2019 81465 805 Prepay$ 401.64 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 009 028 00 5/28/2019 81465 805 Prepay$ 894.08 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 008 031 20 5/28/2019 81465 805 Prepay$ 269.88 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 010 023 10 5/28/2019 81465 805 Prepay$ 697.61 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 016 012 10 5/28/2019 81465 805 Prepay$ 1,081.64 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 009 025 00 5/28/2019 81465 805 Prepay$ 1,352.01 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 016 012 00 5/28/2019 81465 805 Prepay$ 2,523.65 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 009 023 00 5/28/2019 81465 805 Prepay$ 936.17 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 008 009 30 5/31/2019 81520 805 Prepay$ 247.97 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 016 002 01 5/31/2019 81520 805 Prepay$ 2,128.63 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 010 020 00 5/31/2019 81520 805 Prepay$ 1,502.79 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 016 004 00 5/31/2019 81520 805 Prepay$ 450.75 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 017 021 09 5/31/2019 81520 805 Prepay$ 491.67 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 008 012 00 5/31/2019 81520 805 Prepay$ 185.33 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 017 022 30 5/31/2019 81520 805 Prepay$ 275.91 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 016 007 00 5/31/2019 81520 805 Prepay$ 254.28 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 016 011 00 5/31/2019 81520 805 Prepay$ 254.28

Section III Prepays & Payoffs Page 3 2019 DRAIN REPORT.xlsx Section III Prepays & Payoffs

Treas. Type Prepay or Name of Drain Location Parcel Number Actual Date Receipt Total Collected Payoff Number B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 017 005 00 5/31/2019 81520 805 Prepay$ 225.44 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 008 021 00 5/31/2019 81520 805 Prepay$ 141.62 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 007 001 00 5/31/2019 81520 805 Prepay$ 367.39 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 017 027 10 5/31/2019 81515 805 Prepay$ 180.37 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 017 022 00 5/31/2019 81515 805 Prepay $ 341.70 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 007 026 19 5/31/2019 81515 805 Prepay$ 255.32 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 008 011 00 6/3/2019 81546 805 Prepay$ 1,126.70 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 017 025 00 6/3/2019 81546 805 Prepay$ 225.44 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 010 031 00 6/6/2019 81592 805 Prepay$ 1,532.27 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 008 037 00 6/12/2019 81670 805 Prepay$ 270.50 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 009 023 10 6/14/2019 81697 805 Prepay$ 189.07 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 009 028 60 6/14/2019 81697 805 Prepay $ 288.53 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 009 028 70 6/14/2019 81697 805 Prepay$ 631.46 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 008 015 00 6/19/2019 81779 805 Prepay$ 364.68 B022 Bates 08 Ida Twp 08 009 027 00 6/26/2019 81873 805 Prepay$ 3,785.41 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 13 Raisinville Twp 13 223 317 10 2/1/2019 79925 805 Prepay$ 278.15 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 13 Raisinville Twp 13 215 320 00 2/4/2019 79925 805 Prepay$ 514.04 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 13 Raisinville Twp 13 222 210 01 2/4/2019 79925 805 Prepay$ 4,678.53 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 13 Raisinville Twp 13 215 322 00 2/8/2019 79947 805 Prepay$ 1,807.18 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 13 Raisinville Twp 13 222 209 00 2/8/2019 79947 805 Prepay$ 2,256.53 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 13 Raisinville Twp 13 222 416 00 2/8/2019 79947 805 Prepay$ 156.53 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 13 Raisinville Twp 13 222 212 00 2/8/2019 79947 805 Prepay$ 138.77 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 13 Raisinville Twp 13 222 417 10 2/8/2019 79947 805 Prepay$ 265.78 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 13 Raisinville Twp 13 223 321 00 2/12/2019 80001 805 Prepay$ 153.64 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 13 Raisinville Twp 13 215 321 00 2/12/2019 80001 805 Prepay$ 3,176.81 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 13 Raisinville Twp 13 223 434 00 2/12/2019 80001 805 Prepay$ 537.25 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 13 Raisinville Twp 13 222 107 00 2/12/2019 80002 805 Prepay$ 3,399.62 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 13 Raisinville Twp 13 223 316 00 2/14/2019 80028 805 Prepay$ 193.85 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 13 Raisinville Twp 13 222 108 00 2/14/2019 80028 805 Prepay$ 233.82 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 13 Raisinville Twp Raisinville Twp. 2/22/2019 80145 805 Prepay$ 5,684.64 S068 Sink Creek 14 Summerfield Twp 14 135 021 10 12/28/2018 79381 805 Prepay$ 396.45 S068 Sink Creek 14 Summerfield Twp Summerfield 1/3/2019 79487 805 Prepay$ 5,981.50 S068 Sink Creek 14 Summerfield Twp 14 135 012 01 1/3/2019 79487 805 Prepay$ 3,265.11 S068 Sink Creek 14 Summerfield Twp 14 135 021 00 1/3/2019 79487 805 Prepay$ 1,058.45 S068 Sink Creek 14 Summerfield Twp 14 135 019 00 1/3/2019 79487 805 Prepay$ 1,231.30 S068 Sink Creek 14 Summerfield Twp 14 135 013 10 1/9/2019 79551 805 Prepay$ 478.69 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 001 50 4/16/2019 80900 805 Prepay$ 387.03 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 002 40 4/19/2019 80957 805 Prepay$ 408.59 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 036 00 4/19/2019 80957 805 Prepay$ 412.20 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 030 50 4/19/2019 80956 805 Prepay$ 573.58 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 030 40 4/19/2019 80956 805 Prepay$ 595.04 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 031 60 4/19/2019 80956 805 Prepay$ 919.04 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 035 00 4/19/2019 80956 805 Prepay$ 566.56 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp Summerfield 4/19/2019 80956 805 Prepay$ 4,960.00 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 006 00 4/24/2019 81015 805 Prepay$ 1,842.70 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 042 00 4/24/2019 81015 805 Prepay$ 360.20 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 001 02 4/24/2019 81015 805 Prepay$ 2,281.32 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 030 15 4/24/2019 81015 805 Prepay$ 783.24 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 001 60 4/24/2019 81015 805 Prepay$ 1,002.50

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Treas. Type Prepay or Name of Drain Location Parcel Number Actual Date Receipt Total Collected Payoff Number C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 001 20 4/24/2019 81017 805 Prepay$ 444.60 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 030 10 4/29/2019 81067 805 Prepay$ 675.93 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 030 30 4/29/2019 81067 805 Prepay$ 360.20 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 037 20 4/29/2019 81067 805 Prepay$ 415.61 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 030 20 4/29/2019 81067 805 Prepay$ 777.46 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 037 30 4/29/2019 81067 805 Prepay$ 495.06 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 037 03 4/29/2019 81067 805 Prepay$ 1,217.42 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 040 00 4/29/2019 81067 805 Prepay$ 360.20 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 004 00 4/29/2019 81067 805 Prepay$ 430.98 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 037 60 4/29/2019 81067 805 Prepay$ 573.99 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 030 00 5/3/2019 81133 805 Prepay$ 764.57 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 007 00 5/3/2019 81133 805 Prepay$ 1,800.18 C062 Cortz 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 031 70 5/6/2019 81172 805 Prepay$ 939.33 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp 15 001 028 00 12/28/2018 79381 805 Prepay$ 396.45 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp 15 002 012 00 12/28/2018 79381 805 Prepay$ 603.88 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp 15 002 047 30 12/28/2018 79417 805 Prepay$ 543.56 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp 15 001 029 01 1/3/2019 79488 805 Prepay$ 4,268.18 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp 15 001 036 20 1/3/2019 79488 805 Prepay$ 407.26 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp 15 001 034 00 1/3/2019 79487 805 Prepay$ 1,120.24 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp 15 001 027 00 1/3/2019 79487 805 Prepay$ 396.45 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp 15 002 047 90 1/3/2019 79487 805 Prepay$ 981.22 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp 15 002 047 80 1/3/2019 79487 805 Prepay$ 1,032.04 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp 15 002 047 70 1/3/2019 79487 805 Prepay$ 680.82 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp 15 002 048 20 1/3/2019 79487 805 Prepay$ 600.05 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp 15 002 004 00 1/9/2019 79548 805 Prepay$ 2,667.10 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp 15 002 003 00 1/9/2019 79548 805 Prepay$ 3,265.11 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp 15 002 006 00 1/9/2019 79548 805 Prepay$ 746.57 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp 15 002 014 01 1/9/2019 79548 805 Prepay$ 5,896.19 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp 15 001 030 30 1/9/2019 79548 805 Prepay$ 681.85 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp 15 002 020 00 1/9/2019 79548 805 Prepay$ 690.75 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp 15 002 014 10 1/9/2019 79551 805 Prepay$ 707.52 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp 15 002 009 00 1/9/2019 79551 805 Prepay$ 743.63 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp Whiteford Twp 1/22/2019 79715 805 Prepay$ 6,745.10 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp 15 001 030 10 1/25/2019 79768 805 Prepay$ 713.47 B022 Bates Ann Arbor RR Ann Arbor RR 6/12/2019 81670 805 Prepay$ 1,372.96 S068 Sink Creek MDOT MDOT 1/25/2019 79769 805 Prepay$ 7,098.41 D088 Dundee/Raisinville #2 MDOT MDOT 3/1/2019 80297 805 Prepay$ 5,144.01 805 Prepay Total$ 250,759.03 L078 Little Lake 02 Bedford Twp 02 665 009 00 12/4/2018 79095 851 Payoff $ 283.24 L078 Little Lake 02 Bedford Twp 02 013 003 10 12/12/2018 79214 851 Payoff $ 936.91 H064 Howard St. 02 Bedford Twp 02 300 013 00 12/12/2018 79214 851 Payoff $ 5,805.08 H064 Howard St. 02 Bedford Twp 02 015 119 00 12/13/2018 79246 851 Payoff $ 20,542.86 L078 Little Lake 02 Bedford Twp 02 018 056 00 12/26/2018 79383 851 Payoff $ 231.49 L078 Little Lake 02 Bedford Twp 02 013 060 00 3/20/2019 80515 851 Payoff $ 412.15 L078 Little Lake 02 Bedford Twp 02 010 056 00 3/25/2019 80575 851 Payoff $ 881.27 L078 Little Lake 02 Bedford Twp 02 010 055 00 3/25/2019 80575 851 Payoff $ 602.44 L078 Little Lake 02 Bedford Twp 02 600 013 00 3/26/2019 80604 851 Payoff $ 129.52 L078 Little Lake 02 Bedford Twp 02 008 037 20 4/5/2019 80737 851 Payoff $ 152.35 S184 Swiss Garden 02 Bedford Twp 02 103 002 00 4/29/2019 81066 851 Payoff $ 13,974.96

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Treas. Type Prepay or Name of Drain Location Parcel Number Actual Date Receipt Total Collected Payoff Number D080 Dull 02 Bedford Twp 02 675 014 00 5/17/2019 81335 851 Payoff $ 354.36 L078 Little Lake 02 Bedford Twp 02 252 012 00 6/6/2019 81593 851 Payoff $ 142.93 H064 Howard St. 02 Bedford Twp 02 015 086 00 6/28/2019 81918 851 Payoff $ 739.16 H064 Howard St. 02 Bedford Twp 02 260 031 00 6/28/2019 81918 851 Payoff $ 739.16 H064 Howard St. 02 Bedford Twp 02 260 032 00 6/28/2019 81918 851 Payoff $ 837.68 L078 Little Lake 02 Bedford Twp 02 013 054 60 7/2/2019 81973 851 Payoff $ 963.24 M124 McClanathan 02 Bedford Twp 02 555 024 00 7/30/2019 82387 851 Payoff $ 964.91 M102 Mouiller Creek 03 Berlin Twp 03 032 011 00 10/30/2018 78646 851 Payoff $ 107.58 M102 Mouiller Creek 03 Berlin Twp 03 033 010 10 7/2/2019 81973 851 Payoff $ 122.02 L108 Loss Marine 04 Dundee Twp 04 121 016 00 6/25/2019 81860 851 Payoff $ 97.35 R002F Rabideau 05 Erie Twp 05 235 047 00 10/4/2018 78262 851 Payoff $ 293.06 L078 Little Lake 05 Erie Twp 05 020 017 00 10/30/2018 78645 851 Payoff $ 666.44 L006 Lakeside 05 Erie Twp 05 003 015 00 11/14/2018 78831 851 Payoff $ 2,206.01 L006 Lakeside 05 Erie Twp 05 002 018 20 3/15/2019 80456 851 Payoff $ 2,581.04 R002 Rabideau 05 Erie Twp 05 140 038 00 8/20/2019 82647 851 Payoff $ 260.15 S010 Sandy Creek 06 Exeter Twp 06 033 023 20 7/16/2019 82140 851 Payoff $ 163.42 M022 Mason Run 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 007 031 00 10/4/2018 78262 851 Payoff $ 93.29 G042F Grosvenor 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 809 139 00 10/4/2018 78262 851 Payoff $ 721.09 G042F Grosvenor 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 882 041 00 10/23/2018 78556 851 Payoff $ 528.18 M022 Mason Run 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 768 044 00 10/23/2018 78568 851 Payoff $ 236.86 S010 Sandy Creek 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 752 031 00 10/30/2018 78645 851 Payoff $ 44.80 S010 Sandy Creek 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 809 108 00 11/1/2018 78687 851 Payoff $ 47.02 G042F Grosvenor 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 809 108 00 11/1/2018 78687 851 Payoff $ 644.09 S010 Sandy Creek 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 943 071 00 1/9/2019 79547 851 Payoff $ 42.66 M022 Mason Run 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 905 007 00 1/16/2019 79643 851 Payoff $ 245.75 W016 Walker 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 011 012 50 1/25/2019 79770 851 Payoff $ 49.48 S010 Sandy Creek 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 065 073 00 2/8/2019 80003 851 Payoff $ 776.48 W016 Walker 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 859 012 00 2/19/2019 80081 851 Payoff $ 39.90 W016 Walker 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 859 014 00 2/19/2019 80081 851 Payoff $ 39.90 W016 Walker 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 859 018 00 2/19/2019 80081 851 Payoff $ 40.07 W016 Walker 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 859 019 00 2/19/2019 80081 851 Payoff $ 45.66 W016 Walker 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 859 020 00 2/19/2019 80081 851 Payoff $ 44.14 W016 Walker 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 859 027 00 2/19/2019 80081 851 Payoff $ 40.22 W016 Walker 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 859 029 00 2/19/2019 80081 851 Payoff $ 39.61 W016 Walker 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 859 038 00 2/19/2019 80081 851 Payoff $ 39.90 W016 Walker 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 859 040 00 2/19/2019 80081 851 Payoff $ 41.87 W016 Walker 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 859 091 00 2/19/2019 80081 851 Payoff $ 39.75 W016 Walker 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 859 092 00 2/19/2019 80081 851 Payoff $ 39.46 W016 Walker 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 859 097 00 2/19/2019 80081 851 Payoff $ 39.00 W016 Walker 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 859 098 00 2/19/2019 80081 851 Payoff $ 39.61 W016 Walker 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 859 099 00 2/19/2019 80081 851 Payoff $ 39.61 S010 Sandy Creek 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 072 004 10 3/25/2019 80575 851 Payoff $ 253.41 M022 Mason Run 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 956 033 00 3/26/2019 80604 851 Payoff $ 249.82 S010 Sandy Creek 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 028 063 10 4/5/2019 80738 851 Payoff $ 583.05 W016 Walker 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 530 020 00 4/19/2019 80952 851 Payoff $ 48.71 S010 Sandy Creek 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 008 045 00 5/3/2019 81132 851 Payoff $ 212.42 S010 Sandy Creek 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 863 002 00 6/6/2019 81593 851 Payoff $ 60.83 S010 Sandy Creek 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 990 020 00 6/25/2019 81860 851 Payoff $ 42.50 S010 Sandy Creek 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 877 030 00 6/25/2019 81860 851 Payoff $ 42.29

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Treas. Type Prepay or Name of Drain Location Parcel Number Actual Date Receipt Total Collected Payoff Number M022 Mason Run 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 962 021 00 7/16/2019 82142 851 Payoff $ 252.82 S010 Sandy Creek 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 020 029 00 7/16/2019 82142 851 Payoff $ 73.15 S010 Sandy Creek 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 804 009 00 7/16/2019 82140 851 Payoff $ 45.16 S010 Sandy Creek 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 752 035 00 7/19/2019 82184 851 Payoff $ 46.18 S010 Sandy Creek 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 752 055 00 7/30/2019 82342 851 Payoff $ 45.44 M022 Mason Run 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 768 051 00 8/2/2019 82387 851 Payoff $ 241.80 S010 Sandy Creek 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 021 025 00 8/7/2019 82462 851 Payoff $ 84.72 W016 Walker 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 009 059 01 8/13/2019 82541 851 Payoff $ 92.75 G042F Grosvenor 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 809 027 00 8/20/2019 82647 851 Payoff $ 609.05 S010 Sandy Creek 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 809 027 00 8/20/2019 82647 851 Payoff $ 45.13 S010 Sandy Creek 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 942 036 00 8/30/2019 82819 851 Payoff $ 44.22 W016 Walker 07 Frenchtown Twp 07 756 023 00 851 Payoff $ 39.50 F014 Fitzgerald 08 Ida Twp 08 021 005 20 4/5/2019 80738 851 Payoff $ 448.88 P010 Peters 08 Ida Twp 08 016 018 10 7/16/2019 82140 851 Payoff $ 52.82 M104 Muddy Creek 09 LaSalle Twp 09 205 032 00 2/5/2019 79949 851 Payoff $ 87.98 F040 French Creek 12 Monroe Charter 12 260 054 00 10/4/2018 78262 851 Payoff $ 106.54 W082 Wry Tile 12 Monroe Charter 12 120 025 00 10/4/2018 78262 851 Payoff $ 3,161.38 W082 Wry Tile 12 Monroe Charter 12 120 012 00 11/27/2018 78995 851 Payoff $ 3,161.37 F040 French Creek 12 Monroe Charter 12 020 022 92 4/30/2019 81087 851 Payoff $ 371.83 F040 French Creek 12 Monroe Charter 12 260 096 00 6/6/2019 81593 851 Payoff $ 107.02 F040 French Creek 12 Monroe Charter 12 266 009 00 7/23/2019 82236 851 Payoff $ 127.28 F040 French Creek 12 Monroe Charter 12 260 059 00 8/2/2019 82387 851 Payoff $ 109.72 F040 French Creek 12 Monroe Charter 12 450 001 01 8/7/2019 82462 851 Payoff $ 104.00 F040 French Creek 12 Monroe Charter 12 135 008 00 9/6/2019 82897 851 Payoff $ 102.14 S010 Sandy Creek 13 Raisinville Twp 13 102 105 01 10/23/2018 78556 851 Payoff $ 596.49 S010 Sandy Creek 13 Raisinville Twp 13 103 428 00 4/9/2019 80783 851 Payoff $ 436.99 M022 Mason Run 13 Raisinville Twp 13 460 037 00 4/24/2019 81016 851 Payoff $ 431.29 S010 Sandy Creek 13 Raisinville Twp 13 111 461 00 5/3/2019 81132 851 Payoff $ 456.03 L108 Loss Marine 13 Raisinville Twp 13 226 102 65 6/28/2019 81918 851 Payoff $ 87.34 B022 Bates 14 Summerfield Twp 14 136 037 50 5/28/2019 81461 851 Payoff $ 518.07 P010 Peters 14 Summerfield Twp 14 113 039 10 8/30/2019 82819 851 Payoff $ 26.43 O012 Ottawa River, N Br 15 Whiteford Twp 15 016 004 00 3/6/2019 80329 851 Payoff $ 160.26 S068 Sink Creek 15 Whiteford Twp 15 002 016 00 4/19/2019 80958 851 Payoff $ 506.78 L006 Lakeside 51 Luna Pier Twp 51 120 074 00 2/22/2019 80146 851 Payoff $ 1,229.31 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 59 01523 000 10/16/2018 78438 851 Payoff $ 236.58 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 59 01233 000 10/16/2018 78438 851 Payoff $ 238.01 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 59 00903 000 10/23/2018 78556 851 Payoff $ 241.66 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 59 01221 000 11/14/2018 78831 851 Payoff $ 238.01 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 59 00759 000 11/27/2018 78995 851 Payoff $ 240.98 S010 Sandy Creek 55 City of Monroe 55 59 00060 001 11/29/2018 79038 851 Payoff $ 46.16 G042F Grosvenor 55 City of Monroe 55 59 00060 001 11/29/2018 79038 851 Payoff $ 628.27 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 59 01476 001 1/9/2019 79547 851 Payoff $ 237.46 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 69 01011 000 1/22/2019 79716 851 Payoff $ 243.04 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 69 01006 000 2/4/2019 79924 851 Payoff $ 238.86 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 59 00277 000 2/4/2019 79924 851 Payoff $ 248.85 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 69 01349 002 2/7/2019 79949 851 Payoff $ 242.43 G042F Grosvenor 55 City of Monroe 55 59 00079 000 3/20/2019 80515 851 Payoff $ 613.66 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 59 00673 001 3/22/2019 80555 851 Payoff $ 241.47 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 59 00467 000 3/26/2019 80604 851 Payoff $ 246.27

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Treas. Type Prepay or Name of Drain Location Parcel Number Actual Date Receipt Total Collected Payoff Number M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 69 00544 165 3/29/2019 80655 851 Payoff $ 245.90 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 59 01217 000 4/30/2019 81087 851 Payoff $ 238.92 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 69 00544 324 5/6/2019 81173 851 Payoff $ 252.13 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 69 01231 002 5/8/2019 81208 851 Payoff $ 283.35 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 69 00545 307 5/13/2019 81258 851 Payoff $ 242.29 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 69 00331 000 5/17/2019 81335 851 Payoff $ 240.97 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 69 00270 092 5/17/2019 81335 851 Payoff $ 245.96 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 59 01836 000 5/31/2019 81517 851 Payoff $ 241.86 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 59 01677 000 5/31/2019 81516 851 Payoff $ 243.30 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 59 01822 000 6/19/2019 81780 851 Payoff $ 239.00 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 69 00216 017 6/25/2019 81860 851 Payoff $ 240.71 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 69 00270 079 6/25/2019 81860 851 Payoff $ 244.18 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 69 00545 285 6/26/2019 81874 851 Payoff $ 244.19 G042F Grosvenor 55 City of Monroe 55 59 00243 000 7/2/2019 81973 851 Payoff $ 541.65 S010 Sandy Creek 55 City of Monroe 55 59 00243 000 7/2/2019 81973 851 Payoff $ 41.47 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 69 00238 000 7/9/2019 82051 851 Payoff $ 242.49 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 59 01787 042 7/16/2019 82142 851 Payoff $ 243.53 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 69 00216 035 7/16/2019 82140 851 Payoff $ 240.86 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 69 00544 368 7/17/2019 82159 851 Payoff $ 244.58 G042F Grosvenor 55 City of Monroe 55 59 00084 000 7/19/2019 82184 851 Payoff $ 619.62 M022 Mason Run 55 City of Monroe 55 59 00179 000 7/23/2019 82236 851 Payoff $ 244.27 851 Payoff Total $ 84,495.02 GRAND TOTAL$ 335,254.05




WHEREAS, the Monroe County Drain Commissioner is required to make an annual report for the County drains and County drain districts, and to report the financial statements regarding those drains and drainage districts; and

WHEREAS, the Monroe County Drain Commissioner has submitted the 2019 Drain Report to the Monroe County Board of Commissioners dated September 20, 2019; and

WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners has placed the consideration for approval of said 2019 Drain Report on the October 1, 2019 Monroe County Board of Commissioners regular meeting; and

WHEREAS, the special drainage assessments as indicated in the 2019 Drain Report were in the total amount of $2,715,924.06, including $276,516.70 assessed against the County at large; and

WHEREAS, the Monroe County Drain Commissioner has requested that the special drainage assessments as designated and explained in the 2019 Drain Report be placed on the County’s Grand Levy.

NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Monroe County Board of Commissioners of the County of Monroe, Michigan, a Michigan County government, pursuant to Public Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, the Drain Code of 1956, does hereby accept the Monroe County Drain Commissioner’s 2019 Drain Report, and places said 2019 Drain Report on file with the records of the County of Monroe, and it is further

RESOLVED, that the special drain assessments in the form and in the amounts as shown in the 2019 Drain Report be directed to the Monroe County Equalization Department to be included in the Grand Levy, which is then to be submitted to the County Board for further action on said Grand Levy at a later date.

This Resolution was adopted by the Monroe County Board of Commissioners at a regular meeting of the Monroe County Board of Commissioners held at the Monroe County Board of Commissioner’s Chambers, Monroe County Courthouse, Monroe County, Michigan, by a vote of the majority of the membership of the County Board of Commissioners on the 1st day of October, 2019.

This Resolution was offered by Commissioner ______, and supported by Commissioner ______.

A roll call vote was taken and this Resolution was passed by a vote of:

Those Commissioners voting in favor of the Resolution were as follows:

Those Commissioners voting against the Resolution were as follows:

Those Commissioners who abstained were as follows:

This Resolution was declared adopted.

______J. Henry Lievens, Chairman Monroe County Board of Commissioners ATTEST:

______Sharon D. Lemasters Monroe County Clerk




WHEREAS, in accordance with Public Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, the Drain Code of 1956, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners reviews the Monroe County Drain Commissioner’s annual report for County special drainage assessments for the year ending October 1 of each year; and

WHEREAS, the Monroe County Equalization Department does include the spreading of assessments for the special drainage assessments from the Monroe County Drain Commissioner’s annual report in its annual apportionment report and grand levy; and

WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners does then approve of the Monroe County Equalization Department apportionment report and grand levy on an annual basis; and

WHEREAS, as part of each annual report by the Monroe County Drain Commissioner, there is a Monroe County at large assessment which includes a portion of the drainage assessments to be assessed against the County for the benefit the County of Monroe receives from the special drainage assessments; and

WHEREAS, for the year 2019, the County of Monroe’s at large assessment for the special drainage assessments is in the amount of $276,516.70; and

WHEREAS, the County of Monroe’s at large assessments are directly related to the drainage of County roads in the County of Monroe; and

WHEREAS, Public Act 327 of the Public Acts of 1972, which amended Public Act 51 of the Public Acts of 1951, specifically under MCL §247.664(a), provides for fifty percent (50%) of the cost of the drain assessment against a county for the drainage of county roads to be paid for by the county road commission from county road funds; and

WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners, has accepted the Monroe County Drain Commissioner’s annual report for special drainage assessments for 2019, and desires to assess fifty percent (50%) of the County of Monroe’s at large assessment ($276,516.70), to be apportioned to the Monroe County Board of Road Commissioners in the amount of $138,258.35.

NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Monroe County Board of Commissioners of the County of Monroe, Michigan, a Michigan County government, pursuant to Public Act 327 of the Public Acts of 1972, which amended Public Act 51 of the Public Acts of 1951, specifically under MCL §247.664(a), apportions fifty percent (50%) of the 2019 County of Monroe at large assessment for special drainage assessments, to the Monroe County Board of Road Commissioners, and

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that whereas the total County of Monroe at large assessment for the special drainage assessments for 2019 is in the amount of $276.516.70, the amount of $138,258.35 shall be and hereby is apportioned back to the Monroe County Board of Road Commissioners for it to reimburse the County of Monroe and/or pay the Monroe County Drain Commissioner directly, and to make said reimbursement or payment from its county road funds as provided by law; and

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution shall be provided forthwith to the Monroe County Board of Road Commissioners, with a second copy to be provided to the Monroe County Drain Commissioner.

This Resolution was adopted by the Monroe County Board of Commissioners at a regular meeting of the Monroe County Board of Commissioners held at the Monroe County Board of Commissioner’s Chambers, Monroe County Courthouse, Monroe County, Michigan, by a vote of the majority of the membership of the County Board of Commissioners on the 1st day of October, 2019.

This Resolution was offered by Commissioner ______, and supported by Commissioner ______.

A roll call vote was taken and this Resolution was passed by a vote of:

Those Commissioners voting in favor of the Resolution were as follows:

Those Commissioners voting against the Resolution were as follows:

Those Commissioners who abstained were as follows:


This Resolution was declared adopted.

______J. Henry Lievens, Chairman Monroe County Board of Commissioners ATTEST:

______Sharon D. Lemasters Monroe County Clerk


MONROE COUNTY HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 125 East Second Street  Monroe, Michigan 48161- 2197 Telephone (734) 240-7295  Fax (734) 240-7266  Toll Free (888) 354-5500 Ext 7295

September 25, 2019

Mr. J. Henry Lievens, Chairman Monroe County Board of Commissioners 125 East Second Street Monroe, MI 48161

Re: Request To Fill Deputy Clerk I Position-1st District Court

Dear Chairman Lievens and Board Members:

Enclosed you will find a request from Ms. Michelle Marcero, District Court Administrator to fill a Deputy Clerk I position. Sue Maier, Director of Fiscal Services and I have reviewed Ms. Marcero’s request with respect to funding, and have concluded the cost of filling the position is included in the 1st District Court’s 2019 budget.

Accordingly, I recommend the Board of Commissioners approve filling the Deputy Clerk I position in 1st District Court as outlined in enclosed request.


Aundrea Armstrong Human Resources Director



September 24, 2019

Mr. Henry Lievens, Chairman Monroe County Board of Commissioners 125 E. Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161

Re: Vacancy

Dear Chairman Lievens:

This is to request the filling of an entry level Deputy Clerk I position within the 1st District Court- Traffic Division-South County Magistrate Office.

The open position resulted from an employee resignation.

Please advise if you require any additional information.


Michelle M. Marcero, Court Administrator/Magistrate 1st District Court-Monroe County



Vacancy Job Title:

Brief Job Description:

Budgeted Position: ______YES If YES, are Funds Available? ______YES * Must be verified by Finance/HR

______NO *Must provide Funding Plan, verified by

______NO If NO, please provide the following: Job Description (Must have with New Position, Reclassification) Point Factoring (Must have with New Position, Reclassification) Reorganization Plan (When applicable) Funding Plan Required, Verified by Finance (Include Finance Worksheet)

Department Summary: (Importance of filling vacancy, risks, timing, etc.)

Completed By: DATE:

Human Resources/ Finance Use:


Finance Reviewer: DATE: HR Reviewer: DATE:

APPROVED BY THE OPERATIONS COMMITTEE APPROVED BY THE FULL BOARD ITEM DATE Department Union Grade Step Classification WAGES FRINGES TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET 2019 13600 union_07A RYE5 2 DEPUTY CLERK I-DC $ 29,011 $ 23,983 $ 52,993 ACTUAL COST THROUGH 10/5/16 13600 union_07A RYE5 2 DEPUTY CLERK I-DC $ 23,780 $ 17,348 $ 41,128 REMAINING BUDGET $ 5,231 $ 6,635 $ 11,865

PROPOSED DOH: 10/7/19 13600 union_07A RYE5 1 DEPUTY CLERK I-DC $ 6,072 $ 3,391 $ 9,463


ANNUAL PROPOSED 2019 13600 union_07A RYE5 1 DEPUTY CLERK I-DC $ 27,314 $ 23,323 $ 50,637 MONROE COUNTY HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 125 East Second Street  Monroe, Michigan 48161- 2197 Telephone (734) 240-7295  Fax (734) 240-7266  Toll Free (888) 354-5500 Ext 7295

September 25, 2019

Mr. J. Henry Lievens, Chairman Monroe County Board of Commissioners 125 East Second Street Monroe, MI 48161

Re: Request To Fill Shift Coordinator Position- Fairview

Dear Chairman Lievens and Board Members:

Enclosed you will find a request from Ms. Laura Papenhagen, Fairview Superintendent to fill a Shift Coordinator position. Sue Maier, Director of Fiscal Services and I have reviewed Ms. Papenhagen’s request with respect to funding, and have concluded the cost of filling the position is included in the Fairview’s 2019 budget.

Accordingly, I recommend the Board of Commissioners approve filling the Shift Coordinator position at Fairview as outlined in enclosed request.


Aundrea Armstrong Human Resources Director

Visit the Monroe County Website:



Vacancy Job Title:

Brief Job Description:

Budgeted Position: ______YES If YES, are Funds Available? ______YES * Must be verified by Finance/HR

______NO *Must provide Funding Plan, verified by

______NO If NO, please provide the following: Job Description (Must have with New Position, Reclassification) Point Factoring (Must have with New Position, Reclassification) Reorganization Plan (When applicable) Funding Plan Required, Verified by Finance (Include Finance Worksheet)

Department Summary: (Importance of filling vacancy, risks, timing, etc.)

Completed By: DATE:

Human Resources/ Finance Use:


Finance Reviewer: DATE: HR Reviewer: DATE:

APPROVED BY THE OPERATIONS COMMITTEE APPROVED BY THE FULL BOARD ITEM DATE Department Union Grade Step Classification WAGES FRINGES TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET 2019 67010 union_04GA RYE5 2 AFTERNOON SHIFT COORD $ 28,767 $ 16,302 $ 45,069 ACTUAL COST THROUGH 10/6/19 67010 union_04GA RYE5 2 AFTERNOON SHIFT COORD $ 22,903 $ 12,208 $ 35,111 REMAINING BUDGET $ 5,864 $ 4,095 $ 9,958

PROPOSED DOH: 10/7/19 67010 union_04GA RYE5 1 AFTERNOON SHIFT COORD $ 6,019 $ 3,408 $ 9,427


ANNUAL PROPOSED 2019 67010 union_04GA RYE5 1 AFTERNOON SHIFT COORD $ 27,335 $ 23,415 $ 50,750 Monroe County Economic Development Corporation Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197 Telephone: 734.240.7003 – Fax: 734.240.7004 Tracy Oberleiter, Chairman – Barry Buschmann, Vice-Chairman Lisa Sanders, Deputy Clerk/Administrative Assistant

September 5, 2019

Mr. J. Henry Lievens, Chairman Monroe County Board of Commissioners 125 E. Second Street Monroe, MI 48161

Re: Recommendation for Appointment to Economic Development Corporation

Dear Chairman Lievens and Members:

Please accept this correspondence as a request for approval to appoint Mr. Matt Zook to the Monroe County Economic Development Corporation, representing Tourism, for an unexpired term ending December 31, 2020.

At a regularly scheduled meeting of the Monroe County Economic Development Corporation a unanimous vote was cast to recommend the appointment of Mr. Zook.

Sincerely, Tracy Oberleiter Tracy Oberleiter, Chairman Monroe County Economic Development Corporation


Economic 13 Members/ Development 6 Year Terms Corporation Government - County Greg Moore, Jr. 12/31/2020

Labor Dan Minton 12/31/2024

Finance Tracy Oberleiter 12/31/2024 Government - County David Swartout 12/31/2020

Industry & Small Business Tim Lake 12/31/2019 Public & Private Engineering

Planning & Management Services Barry Buschmann 12/31/2020 Utility Provider Mike Baker 12/31/2020

Agriculture Timothy Janssen 12/31/2020 Hospitality/Tourism Industry Vacant 12/31/2020

Kim Comerzan, MSN, RN, Health Care CNS 12/31/2021

Employment Services Stacey Goans 12/31/2021

Self Employed Scot Laskey 12/31/2022

Retail Sales Tom Allen 12/31/2023

Monroe County Library System Board

Library 5 Members/ Board No Representation 5 Year Term Required Michael Grodi 12/31/2022

No Representation Required Randy Kuckuck 12/31/2023 No Representation

Required Bernie Smith 12/31/2019 No Representation Required Catharine Calder 12/31/2020 No Representation Required Maryanne Bourque 12/31/2021

Monroe County Emergency Medical Authority Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197 Telephone: 734.240.7003 – Fax: 734.240.7004 William Urbanski, Chairman – David L. Brown, Vice-Chairman Lisa Sanders, Deputy Clerk

September 11, 2019

Mr. J. Henry Lievens, Chairman Monroe County Board of Commissioners 125 E. Second Street Monroe, MI 48161

Dear Chairman Lievens and Members:

Please accept this correspondence as a request for approval to reappoint Ms. Robin Miller, Mr. James Neorr, Mr. James Bennett and Mr. Douglas Steinman to the Monroe County Emergency Medical Authority for 2-year terms commencing January 1, 2020 and ending December 31, 2021.

My term on the Monroe County Emergency Medical Authority expires on December 31, 2019 and I respectfully decline to be reappointed. Although I have enjoyed my time on the Board, I feel the time has come for me to resign. I would appreciate it if you would accept my resignation and I thank you for the opportunity to serve on the Monroe County Emergency Medical Authority.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely, William Urbanski William Urbanski, Chairman Monroe County Emergency Medical Authority

/ls Emergency Medical Authority Roster

David Brown Emergency 9 Members/ Citizen At Large Medical 2 Year Terms Authority 12/31/2020 Michael Demski

Citizen At Large

12/31/2020 Duane "Rick" Grassley, Jr.

Citizen At Large

12/31/2020 Robin Miller

Citizen At Large

12/31/2019 James Neorr

Citizen At Large

12/31/2019 James Bennett Citizen At Large 12/31/2019 Douglas Steinman Citizen At Large 12/31/2019 William Urbanski--resigning Citizen At Large 12/31/2019 Tammy Chlebowski, RN Healthcare 12/31/2020