1 NHS Health would like to Fiona Bell, NHS Education for Scotland; acknowledge the contribution of the Mary Colvin, NHS Tayside; members of the primary care guidance Claire Fitzsimons, University of reference group and to thank them for Strathclyde/SPARColl; their time and invaluable advice in the Liz Grant, NHS Greater & Clyde; development of this resource: Maureen Kidd, NHS Health Scotland; Matthew Lowther, Scottish Government; Paul MacIntyre, Royal Alexandra Hospital/Scottish Government; Nanette Mutrie, University of Strathclyde/SPARColl; Lorna Renwick, NHS Health Scotland; Graeme Scobie, NHS Health Scotland; Morag Thow, Glasgow Caledonian University.

Published by Health Scotland

Edinburgh Office: Woodburn House, Canaan Lane Edinburgh, EH10 4SG Glasgow Office: Elphinstone House, 65 West Regent Street Glasgow, G2 2AF

© NHS Health Scotland, 2008 All rights reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-84485-427-1

Health Scotland is a WHO Collaborating 50% Centre for Health Promotion and Public Health Development 2 KEY FACTS

• Adults should accumulate at least maximum cardiovascular benefit, this • In Scotland, 97% of the population 30 minutes of moderate-intensity level is likely to be unattainable and are registered with a GP practice and activity on five days of the week; unsustainable for the majority of the 88% of patients will have visited their children should accumulate at least population, and therefore encouraging local GP team at least once during one hour of moderate-intensity moderate activity will be the priority. the past year. In addition, around activity daily. This is the minimum For most people, the easiest and most one in every ten people in Scotland recommended level – in the simplest acceptable forms of physical activity visits a community pharmacy every terms, being ‘physically active’ is are those that can be incorporated into day. The primary care setting is defined as meeting this everyday life. therefore uniquely placed to raise recommended level. public awareness of the key messages • Only one in three adults living in around physical activity. • The majority of Scots do not meet Scotland is aware of the recommended the minimum recommended levels level of physical activity. of physical activity: 67% of women and 56% of men aged 16–74 years • Physical inactivity contributes to a are not active enough for their health1; broad range of chronic diseases, such 26% of boys and 37% of girls are not as coronary heart disease, stroke, active enough for their health. diabetes and some cancers.

• ‘Moderate’ activity, such as brisk • Regular physical activity can have walking, noticeably increases the a high preventative and therapeutic heart rate to the level at which the effect on up to 20 chronic diseases or pulse can be felt and brings a feeling disorders. The greatest health benefits of increased warmth; ‘vigorous’ occur when the least active people activity, such as jogging, causes rapid become moderately active. breathing and a substantial increase 1 These figures are drawn from the Scottish Health Survey 2003. in heart rate. Although regular The Scottish Health Survey will run continuously from 2008 with national data available annually after 2009. Data at the health board level will be vigorous physical activity confers available for most boards from 2012.


How to use this resource 5Part Three Part Four Translating evidence into ADDITIONAL PATIENT ADVICE Engaging with patients or clients 6 practice 27 AND INFORMATION 41

What you should say The role of primary care in Benefits of physical activity 43 to your patient – promoting physical activity 29 if you have less than 30 seconds 7 What you should tell your GP A population approach? 30 or practitioner before you change your activity levels 44 Motivating patients to become Part One more active 32 Getting started 45 Why promoting physical activity matters 9 Getting started 33 Symptoms during physical activity 46 Best buy in health 11 The four types of physical activity 34 How to avoid injuries 47 The health benefits of What activity can be included in being active 12 the recommended level? 35 Calorie burning guide 48

Other benefits of being active 14 Building up gradually 37 Bibliography and further reading 50

Local knowledge 38 Useful contacts 52 Part Two Guidelines and Contraindications and risks 39 recommendations 17

Children and young people 19

Adults 22

Older adults 25

4 HOW TO USE THIS RESOURCE Physical inactivity has been recognised as This guide has been put together for primary Part One identifies the benefits of a significant risk factor for many chronic care staff and other health professionals physical activity and supports the view that diseases. Yet, in Scotland, 6 out of 10 men (including GPs, practice nurses, health promoting physical activity is a ‘good buy’. and 7 out of 10 women are inactive and visitors, community pharmacists, dieticians, putting their health at risk because they do and podiatrists)2 to provide the evidence Part Two summarises the current not recognise its importance or relevance base for promoting physical activity and guidelines around recommended levels of to their lives. to recommend the key messages that physical activity for the following life stages: should be communicated to patients. A children over three years, young people, The challenge to primary care staff large number of patients will see a range of adults and older adults.3 across Scotland is to make physical activity primary care practitioners in the course of a higher priority in the promotion of a any single day and therefore the latter will Part Three explains why the primary person’s health and wellbeing. have the opportunity to initiate conversations care setting is particularly critical in raising about physical activity. We hope that this public awareness of the key messages Doctors, nurses and pharmacy staff can guide will give you the information and around physical activity. It also attempts to all play a key role in helping patients to support you need to do this. support practitioners by translating these understand the value of physical activity recommendations into practical advice for their health and providing access to This resource provides guidance on how for patients. information, motivation and advice about to offer routine advice and encouragement what patients can do. to patients around physical activity. It does Finally, in Part Four, details are not cover the more extended, individually- provided for other sources of professional focused interventions to identify and modify or patient support, including where to go those factors that influence activity levels. for information on local opportunities to be Further guidelines on these will be published physically active. separately when evaluation of current UK and Scottish programmes have been completed.

2 Hereafter, the collective term for these different professional groups will be ‘primary care practitioners’.

3 Note that this guidance focuses on individuals who have no serious physical limitations that might inhibit progress towards a more active lifestyle.

5 ENGAGING WITH PATIENTS OR CLIENTS Primary care professionals were The key messages that frontline staff involved in the development of this should aim to get across to patients guide, and the message from them are summarised on the next page. was clear. In the lived reality of the Even in a brief exchange with patients, primary care setting, time is always there might be an opportunity to at a premium. A distinction therefore supplement these messages with needs to be made between what can useful tips about getting started and realistically be achieved within different providing leaflets or information about time-length scenarios, ranging from local opportunities to be active a very brief exchange of less than (see Part Four). By engaging with 30 seconds to slightly longer (but patients in this way, primary care probably still less than two minutes). practitioners will be ‘sowing the Beyond two minutes, it is assumed seed’ for subsequent health-related that there will be an opportunity for behaviour change. more in-depth tailored advice and goal setting.

6 What you should say to your patient – if you have less than 30 seconds

• In order to benefit your • Walking is an easy way to get health, make you feel better started. This should be at a and maintain your body weight, brisk pace; enough to make you should do regular physical you feel warmer and breathe activity and try not to sit for more deeply but without any long periods of time. discomfort. Slowly increase the length of each session and then • You should do at least 30 think about trying other minutes of moderate-intensity activities; include some physical activity, above usual stretching and resistance activity at work or home, on at exercises (these can be least five days of the week. If performed at home and need you are already overweight or not involve any obese, then you should aim to special clothing or do between 60 and 90 minutes equipment). on five days of the week. This can be achieved in shorter • You are more likely bouts of 10 or 15 minutes to remain physically throughout the day. active if you find an activity that you enjoy and that can be fitted into your everyday life.

7 8 P a r Part 1 t 1 Why Promoting Physical Activity Matters


Let’s Make Scotland More Active (2003)4 is the national physical activity strategy and it provides the rationale and impetus for encouraging more people in Scotland to adopt more active lifestyles.

10 BEST BUY IN Health

As a nation, Scotland is inactive, unfit and This breadth of action, combined with the The national strategy recognises that the increasingly overweight or obese. The health current prevalence of inactivity in Scotland, prevalence of inactivity cannot be changed of two-thirds of the Scottish adult population makes the encouragement of active lifestyles overnight. The target is that, by 2022, 50% is at risk because they are not sufficiently a critical element of any public health of adults and 80% of children will meet the active to benefit their health5. The effects of strategy – in short, promoting physical recommended levels of physical activity. inactive lifestyles are serious and associated activity can be viewed as a ‘best buy’. This is an ambitious goal requiring a reversal with disease, disability and poor mental of current trends and a 1% increase in health. Notably, physical inactivity is one of Let’s Make Scotland More Active physical activity levels year on year. Research the most common modifiable risk factors for acknowledges the considerable preventative indicates that the greatest health gains will coronary heart disease and accounts for over and therapeutic potential of physical activity be achieved by targeting those who are one-third of deaths from the disease.6 to reduce the burden of ill health. The currently inactive. national strategy sets out its positive vision There is compelling evidence to support for Scotland: the view that regular physical activity can have a beneficial effect on up to 20 chronic ‘People in Scotland will enjoy the diseases or disorders.7 benefits of having a physically active life.’

To achieve this vision, there is a need for all primary care practitioners to work together to promote more physical activity in more people’s lives.


Being physically active is essential for good have documented a dose-response • Type 2 diabetes health. Whilst physical activity constitutes relation between physical activity and risk There are 172,789 people in Scotland an effective therapy for many conditions, the of CVD and premature mortality in men diagnosed with diabetes,13 representing 3.4% strongest effects are seen in prevention. and women.11 of the total population, although this probably understates the case as it is thought that Increasing physical activity decreases • Obesity many cases of diabetes remain undiagnosed. the risk of: Low levels of physical activity in Scotland are Physically active people have a 33–50% a significant factor in the dramatic increase lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than • Cardiovascular disease (CVD) in prevalence of obesity. Scotland has one inactive people. The greater the amount Although death rates have been falling in of the highest levels of obesity amongst of exercise taken, the lower the risk of the last twenty years, CVD continues to be Organisation for Economic Co-operation developing the disorder. Moderate to high a major cause of mortality and morbidity in and Development countries, second only to levels of physical fitness appear to reduce Scotland. In 2005, coronary heart disease the USA, reaching 22% in men and 24% in the risk of all-cause mortality in patients with and stroke accounted for 18.5% and 10.4% women in 2003.12 type 2 diabetes.14 of all deaths.8 Inactive people have almost double the risk of having a heart attack than their active contemporaries.9 Estimates have shown that 37% of CHD deaths can be attributed to physical inactivity. This compares to 19% of CHD deaths attributable to smoking.10 Several large-scale studies

The health effects of an inactive life are serious. Inactivity accounts for over a third of deaths from heart “ disease and threatens the progress made in this area over many years. Added to this is the disease, disability and poor mental health that comes from growing levels of obesity and a lack of physical strength. Physical inactivity has been called the ‘silent killer of our time’. Let’s Make Scotland More Active. ”

12 • Osteoporosis have a 30% lower risk of breast cancer than • Memory loss and dementia Physical activity as a way to prevent the least active.18 Physical activity is also Physical activity is associated with a reduced osteoporosis is based on evidence that it can associated with a reduced risk of breast risk of developing problems of cognitive regulate bone maintenance and stimulate cancer in post-menopausal women. impairment in older adults and may have the bone formation, including the accumulation The higher the level of physical activity, potential to prevent, delay or slow down the of minerals.15 Physical activity in later life may the lower the risk of breast cancer. progression of dementia.20 delay the progression of osteoporosis, as it slows down the rate at which bone mineral • Mild anxiety and depression • Age-related deterioration in density is reduced; however, it cannot Physical activity has the capacity not only to functional capacity reverse advanced bone loss. In addition to add years to life, but also to bring life to years Regular physical activity is particularly the benefit to bone health, physical activity through reduced risk of mental disorders, important for older people for the also strengthens muscles and improves improved quality of life and psychological maintenance of mobility and balance, thereby reducing the overall risk of wellbeing.19 independent living. falls and fractures.

• Breast and colo-rectal cancer Physical activity is associated with a reduction in overall risk of cancer.16 The most active individuals have on average a 40–50% lower risk of developing colon cancer than the least active individuals.17 Women with higher levels of physical activity


It is now widely accepted that health is more These positive responses lie at the heart of than the absence of disease, and that it is a strong positive and motivational message – a positive concept emphasising social and insofar as regular physical activity generates personal resources, as well as physical a resource for daily living that can be capacities. We know that people who are nurtured and renewed. The benefits of being active feel better and are able to deal with active extend beyond those of individual life’s stresses and strains and have a better health and wellbeing. The promotion of sense of wellbeing. If we think of our health physical activity can play an important role in as the capacity to have a life well-lived, the inequalities agenda. then physical activity is a critical component. When people move from being sedentary to being more active on a regular basis, Targeting relatively inactive groups, such they report a very positive message – they as black and ethnic minorities, people with speak of being more energised, feeling more disabilities and people living in disadvantaged dynamic and having more vitality. Their mood communities, can significantly reduce the is improved, they feel less anxious and their health inequality gap in Scotland. On a sleep is improved. societal level, increasing opportunities for being active can play an important role in community cohesion and connectivity, community and rural regeneration, and a reduction in antisocial behaviour.

Promoting physical activity addresses a wide range of agendas: • Prevention of ill health • Therapeutic intervention • Focus for wider social benefits – It reduces the risk of developing specific – It has a beneficial effect on many – It can be used as a tool to regenerate conditions and of becoming overweight chronic diseases or disorders. communities and rural areas. or obese. – It can be a resource to energise – It can foster community cohesion – It reduces the risk of developing daily living. and connectivity. complications of immobility. – It can restore physical capacity and – It can help address anti-social – It delays functional decline and onset improve employability. behaviour. of dependency. 14 The evidence around the benefits of The benefits of regular physical activity to moderate physical activity is robust and an individual’s mental health and wellbeing compelling. Those who are active enjoy should not be underestimated. Furthermore, greater life expectancy, with reduced risks of active living also positively contributes to CHD, stroke, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, social cohesion. colo-rectal cancer and osteoporosis, and a consequent reduction in incidents of fractured hips and vertebrae.


4 Scottish Executive, Let’s Make Scotland More Active, 2003. 5 Scottish Executive, Scottish Health Survey, 2003.

6 McPherson K, Britton A, Causer L. Coronary Heart Disease. Estimating the impact of changes in risk factors. : The Stationery Office, 2000.

7 Department of Health, At least five a week. Evidence on the impact of physical activity and its relationship to health. A report from the Chief Medical Officer, London, 2004.

8 General Register Office for Scotland Annual Review. www.gro-scotland.gov.uk/statistics/publications-and-data/annual- report-publications/rgs-annual-review-2005/chapter-2/chapter-2- causes-of-death-statistics-trends/index.html

9 Department of Health, At Least Five a Week.

10 McPherson K, Britton A, Causer L. Coronary Heart Disease. Estimating the impact of changes in risk factors. London: The Stationery Office, 2000.

11 Haskell, W.L., Lee, I-M., Pate, R.P., Powell, K.E., Blair, S.N., Franklin, B.A., Macera, C.A., Heath, G.W., Thompson, P.D., and Bauman, A. Physical activity and public health. Updated Recommendation for adults from the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association. 2007.

12 ScotPHO, Obesity in Scotland, An epidemiology briefing 2007.

13 www.scotpho.org.uk/home/Healthwellbeinganddisease/Diabetes/ diabetes_keypoints.asp (accessed 12 February 2008).

14 Department of Health, At Least Five a Week.

15 Ibid.

16 World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research. Food, nutrition, physical activity, and the prevention of cancer: a global perspective. Washington DS, 2007.

17 Department of Health, At Least Five a Week.

18 Ibid.

19 Taylor A.H. ‘Physical activity, anxiety, and stress: A review’ in Biddle SJH, Fox KR, Boutcher SH. Physical activity and psychological wellbeing. London, 2000: 10-45.

20 Boutcher SH. ‘Cognitive performance, fitness and ageing’ in Biddle SJH, Fox KR, Boutcher SH. Physical activity and psychological wellbeing. London, 2000: 10-45.



The evidence clearly demonstrates that an inactive lifestyle has a significant negative impact on both individual and public health. The benefits of physical activity promotion are therefore substantial, but how much physical activity is needed to confer these benefits?

18 Children and young people

The following advice on physical activity It is important for the primary care team There is a strong justification for encouraging and other very similar recommendations to be aware of the most authoritative young people to be physically active. have been established by various bodies guidelines currently available so that they can The main reasons are: through rigorous processes of review and advise parents and carers on how much discussion. The most authoritative and widely physical activity is necessary for the health • healthy growth and development accepted of these are detailed below and are and wellbeing of their children. of the musculo-skeletal system, which segmented into different age groups: can reduce the later risk of osteoporosis children and young people, adults and Young people • energy balance for the maintenance older adults. Children and young people very rarely have of healthy weight lifestyle-related diseases, such as high • opportunity for social interaction, Activity recommendations for individual blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis or achievement and mental wellbeing; those diseases fall beyond the remit of this CVD, so the normal markers of morbidity who have a positive experience of physical resource, although practitioners will be and mortality are not evident. Nevertheless, activity are more likely to continue into directed towards the relevant SIGN children and adolescents can present with adulthood. (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network) high levels of a range of risk factors for guidelines. However, reference is made diseases, for example obesity, raised blood Let’s Make Scotland More Active endorses to specific recommendations relating to pressure, low bone mineral density and the recommendation that children and overweight and obese patients when adverse lipid profiles. This is very important young people should participate in physical these differ from those relating to as there is growing evidence that the activity of at least moderate intensity on most healthy-weight patients. determinants of adult diseases are laid down days of the week. One hour per day is the early in life and, in this sense, childhood and minimum needed to provide direct health adolescence could be said to form the early benefits, learn and practise a wide range of phases of accumulated exposure to risk activities, and live actively as a habit. factors throughout the life course.

All children and young people, including those with disabilities, should take part in at least one hour a day of “ physical activity, which should include physical education, play, sports, exercise, dance, outdoor activities, active travel and support to be active in their daily tasks at home, school and in the community. Let’s Make Scotland More Active. ”


At Least Five a Week21 goes further and unstructured physical activity, and should not recommends that, at least twice a week, be sedentary for more than 60 minutes at a some of these activities should help to time except when sleeping. improve bone health (weight-bearing exercises) and enhance and maintain Guideline 3: muscular strength and flexibility. Preschool children should develop movement skills that are building blocks for more Pre-school Children (3-5 years) complex movement tasks. The best available advice for children in early years is drawn from the work of the Guideline 4: US-based Early Childhood Physical Activity Preschool children should have indoor Task Force22, which highlighted the and outdoor areas that meet or exceed significance of regular physical activity recommended safety standards for in early childhood education. performing major-muscle activities.

Guideline 1: Guideline 5: Preschool children should accumulate at Individuals responsible for the wellbeing of least 60 minutes of structured physical preschool children should be aware of the activity daily. importance of physical activity and facilitate the child’s movement skills. Guideline 2: Preschool children should engage in at least 60 minutes and up to several hours daily of

Families play an important role in a child’s physical activity, and all parents therefore should have support to gain the necessary skills and confidence to take an active role in helping their children enjoy an active life. Play@home fosters the development of good parenting skills and introduces positive attitudes to physical activity from birth. This programme will be rolled out in Scotland from 2008; for further information contact the national Play@home coordinator [email protected]

20 For preschool children it is argued that basic Pre-adolescence (6-12 years) The suggestion therefore is that within the movement skills, such as running, jumping, More recently, the National Association for 60 minutes of daily physical activity, young throwing and kicking, do not simply emerge Sport and Physical Education23 provided people need to engage in longer periods of as a child grows older but result from an detailed guidance for primary school physical activity and there should be every interaction between hereditary potential and aged children. opportunity for some periods of intensive movement experience. These behaviours are activity. A reduction in extended periods also clearly influenced by the environment. Guideline 1: of sitting should be encouraged. For instance, a child who does not have Children should accumulate at least 60 access to stairs may be delayed in stair minutes and up to several hours of age- The most authoritative guidelines for obesity climbing and a child who is discouraged from appropriate physical activity on all, or most in children and young people can be found in bouncing and chasing balls may lag behind days, of the week. This daily accumulation SIGN guidelines No. 69.24 There is increasing in hand-eye coordination. should include moderate and vigorous evidence that physical inactivity, particularly physical activity with the majority of the time increased TV viewing, is a risk factor for the being spent in activity that is intermittent development of obesity in children in nature. and adolescents.

Guideline 2: The guidelines suggest that weight Children should participate in several bouts maintenance and/or weight loss can be of physical activity lasting 15 minutes achieved only by sustained lifestyle changes or more each day. such as: (i) increasing habitual physical activity to a minimum of 60 minutes of Guideline 3: moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per Children should participate each day and (ii) reducing physical inactivity day in a variety of age-appropriate physical (e.g. watching TV and playing computer activities designed to achieve optimal health, games) to less than two hours per day on wellness, fitness and performance benefits. average or the equivalent of 14 hours per week. Guideline 4: Extended periods (periods of two hours or more) of inactivity are discouraged for children, especially during the daytime hours.


The American College of Sports Medicine Muscle-strengthening These recommended levels of activity can be (ACSM) first published guidelines in 1995, physical activity achieved either by doing all the daily activity which were subsequently accepted To promote and maintain good health in one session or through several shorter worldwide. In a more recent report,25 and physical independence, the following bouts of activity of a minimum of 10 minutes the expert panel updated the 1995 activities should be undertaken on a or more, accumulated throughout the day. recommendations on the types and amounts minimum of two days each week: of physical activity needed by healthy adults to improve and maintain health. Although • Eight to ten exercises performed on two fundamentally unchanged, the updated or more non-consecutive days each week, recommendations serve to clarify and using the major muscle groups. To maximise amplify the 1995 document. strength development, a resistance (weight) should be used that allows 8–12 repetitions These guidelines represent minimal of each exercise, resulting in volitional requirements for people who want to fatigue. Muscle-strengthening activities enhance their health and are applicable to include a progressive weight-training healthy adults aged between 18 and 65 programme, weight-bearing callisthenics, years. They stipulate that adults should stair climbing and similar resistance undertake a combination of aerobic and exercises that use the major muscle groups. muscle-strengthening physical activities:

Aerobic physical activity • moderate intensity for a minimum of 30 minutes on five days each week or • vigorous intensity for a minimum of 20 minutes on three days each week or • combination of moderate and vigorous activity. For example, a person can meet the recommendation by walking briskly for 30 minutes twice during the week and then jogging for 20 minutes on two other days.

22 Moderate or Vigorous? The updated 2007 recommendation clearly Moderate-intensity activity is equivalent to states that the recommended amount a brisk walk that noticeably accelerates the of aerobic activity (whether moderate or heart rate – in the range of 3.0–6.0 METs*. vigorous) is in addition to routine activities of daily living which are of light intensity, (such Vigorous-intensity activity is exemplified as casual walking or shopping), or less than by jogging, and causes rapid breathing and 10 minutes. While it acknowledges that few a substantial increase in heart rate – more activities in contemporary life are conducted than 6.0 METs. routinely at a moderate intensity for at least 10 minutes in duration, some activities like *MET stands for ‘metabolic equivalent’. walking briskly to work, mowing the lawn, 1 MET represents a person’s metabolic rate vacuuming the carpet could be included. (rate of energy expenditure) when at rest. MET values are assigned to activities to denote their intensity and are given in multiples of The dose-response relation between physical resting metabolic rate. For example, walking activity and health benefits, in particular the elicits an intensity of 3-6 METS, depending on lowering of the risk of cardiovascular disease how brisk the walk is. and premature mortality, means that those who exceed the recommended 30 minutes are likely to gain additional risk reductions.


Overweight or obese patients The NICE Guidelines26 for England and The prevalence of obesity in Scotland has Wales recommend that adults should be increased over the past two decades, encouraged to increase their physical activity reaching 22% in men and 24% in women even if they do not lose weight as a result, in 2003. About 60% of the population because of all the other health benefits aged 16 and over are overweight or obese. which physical activity can bring, such Overweight or obese patients should be as reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and encouraged to address energy expenditure cardiovascular disease. by increasing the daily amount of physical activity they do. The recommendations for physical activity are summarised as follows: (i) To prevent the gradual adult transition to overweight or obesity requires 45–60 minutes of moderate intensity activity per day, particularly if energy intake is not reduced and (ii) people who have been obese and who have lost weight should be advised that they may need to do 60–90 minutes of moderate intensity activity a day to sustain their weight loss.

The decline in daily levels of physical activity and rise of sedentary lifestyles are increasingly seen as important “ factors contributing to the obesity epidemic in developed countries. ScotPHO, Obesity in Scotland. An epidemiology briefing 2007. Page 31. ”

24 Older Adults

Older people face the prospect of increased The recommendation27 for older adults Aerobic physical activity morbidity and mortality as part of the describes the amounts and types of physical As for adults, the recommendation is for a natural ageing process. They experience activity that promote health and prevent minimum of 30 minutes’ moderate-intensity a gradual loss in muscle mass, muscle disease. It applies to: activity on five days each week or 20 strength, muscle power, balance, flexibility minutes’ vigorous intensity three times a and cardio-respiratory function. There is also • all adults aged over 65 years week or a combination of both moderate and a decline in cognitive abilities, and a higher • adults aged 50–64 years with ‘clinically vigorous activity. risk of cognitive impairment, depression, significant’ chronic conditions (for which osteoarthritis and falls. Older people are they are receiving, or should receive, Although the adult recommendation defines more likely to be dependent on others and regular medical care and treatment) aerobic intensity in absolute terms (e.g. susceptible to fear of crime and traffic. • adults aged 50–64 years with expressed in METS), a different definition There is little recognition of the substantial ‘clinically significant’ functional limitations of aerobic intensity is appropriate for older decline in functional capacity: this can have (that impair their ability to engage in adults, because fitness levels can be low. important implications for performing many physical activity). Moderate-intensity aerobic activity involves activities of daily living that often go a moderate level of effort relative to an unnoticed until a threshold is reached when The physical activity recommendations individual’s aerobic fitness. Thus, for some suddenly a person cannot do a particular for adults are also appropriate for older older adults, a moderate-intensity walk will task. This results in a loss of independence adults and include both aerobic and muscle- be a slow walk, whereas for others it will be and an inability to participate fully in life. strengthening activities. However, specific a brisk walk. additional activities are recommended as Physical activity can play an important role in particularly beneficial, in particular those that delaying the ageing process and in helping maximise strength development and promote older people to maintain functional capacity flexibility and balance. and to reduce their risk of health problems.


21 Department of Health At Least Five a Week. Evidence on the impact Muscle-strengthening of physical activity and its relationship to health. A report from the Chief physical activity Medical Officer. London, 2004. As for adults, it is recommended that 22 http://www.aahperd.org/naspe/template.cfm?template=ns_active. html (accessed 12 February 2008). eight to ten exercises are performed on two 23 National Association for Sport & Physical Education (NASPE) http:// or more non-consecutive days per week, www.aahperd.org/naspe/template.cfm?template=ns_children.html using the major muscle groups. In addition, (accessed 12 February 2008). 24 Management of Obesity in Children and Young People (Guidelines older adults should use a resistance No. 69, 2003) www.sign.ac.uk/guidelines/fulltext/69/index.html weight that allows 10–15 repetitions for (accessed 12 February 2008). 25 Haskell, W.L., Lee, I-M., Pate, R.P., Powell, K.E., Blair, S.N., Franklin, each exercise. B.A., Macera, C.A., Heath, G.W., Thompson, P.D., and Bauman A. Physical Activity and Public Health. Updated Recommendation for Adults from the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Flexibility Association. Circulation 2007; 116. To maintain the flexibility necessary for 26 www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/pdf/word/CG43NICEGuideline.doc regular physical activity and daily life, 27 Nelson, M.E., Rejeski, W.J., Blair, S.N., Duncan, P.W., Judge, J.O., King, A.C., Macera, C.A., and Castanda-Sceppa, C. older adults should perform activities Physical activity and public health in older adults. Recommendation from the American College of Sports Medicine and the American that maintain or increase flexibility on Heart Association. Circulation 2007, 116, 1094–1105. at least two days each week for at least 10 minutes each day.

Balance To reduce the risk of injury from falls, older adults should perform exercises that maintain or improve balance.



Part Three adopts a patient-centred approach and aims to support health practitioners in encouraging patients to take greater responsibility for their own health and wellbeing.

Thus, while Part Two provided the most recent guidelines around promoting physical activity, the purpose of this section is to translate a set of numbers (such as those in the physical activity recommendations) into practice – by considering what types of activity are appropriate and how they might be integrated into everyday life.

28 The Role of Primary Care in Promoting Physical Activity

In Scotland, 88% of people registered with wellbeing, an approach that has been ‘The primary care workforce should take a GP practice saw a member of the practice endorsed in the recent Better Health, Better the opportunity whenever possible to team during the year ending March 2006; Care plan for NHS Scotland.29 Specifically, identify inactive adults and encourage within this group, patients saw a member of the role of primary care professionals should them to achieve 30 minutes of moderate the practice team an average of four times be to raise awareness among patients of the intensity physical activity on 5 days of the during the year.28 Primary care practitioners importance of physical activity to their health week or more. Judgement should be used are therefore in an ideal position to provide and to provide advice about how they might to determine when this recommendation a clear and concise public health message become more active. In 2006, the National is inappropriate.’ on the recommended levels of physical Institute of Clinical Health and Excellence activity to benefit health. They are regarded (NICE) issued recommendations about brief ‘Individual needs, preferences and as a reliable source of health information interventions in primary care to increase circumstances should be taken into and every consultation represents a physical activity. Brief interventions were account to develop physical activity goals. unique opportunity to provide personalised defined as opportunistic advice, discussion, Written information about the benefits of counselling on how to become more active. negotiation or encouragement. Although physical activity and local opportunities NICE guidelines do not apply in Scotland, should be provided. Follow up should be Given the high prevalence of inactivity, we NHS Health Scotland convened an expert at appropriate intervals over a 3-to-6- can assume that the majority of patients who group to provide a Scottish context to these month period.’ present to primary care will benefit from recommendations and concluded that the being more physically active. Doctors, following NICE recommendations were based nurses, health visitors, pharmacists and on the best available evidence: other practitioners can support and encourage patients to take greater responsibility for their own health and

Surveys show that only one in three adults in Scotland is aware of the minimum recommended level of physical activity. There is also scope for improvement in awareness amongst primary care practitioners. The primary care setting is uniquely placed to raise public awareness of the key messages around physical activity. Since most adults in Scotland are not active enough to benefit their health, it follows that all patients presenting to primary care would benefit from brief advice and encouragement to be more physically active.


Reviews to date have not provided clear % MALE guidance on how to assess the physical 90 FEMALE activity levels of patients. Work is currently 80 in progress in Scotland, in collaboration 70 with other UK regions, to identify the most appropriate and accessible validated tool for 60 identifying those patients who are inactive. 50 40 For the purpose of this guide, it is suggested 30 that all patients coming through the primary care setting would benefit from increasing 20 their activity levels. 10 0 2-4 5-7 8-10 11-12 13-15 16-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 Age

Figure 1: Percentage of Scottish population meeting recommended physical activity levels (from Scottish Health Survey 2003)

The 2003 Scottish Health Survey shows an alarming decline in activity among adults as they get older. By the time they are 65 and 74, almost 9 in 10 men and women fall short of the recommended amount of physical activity. A number of studies show that, overall, adults with a disability and those from ethnic minority groups are less active than people from other groups. This puts them at higher risk of the diseases associated with inactivity.

30 The ‘entry points’ for discussion around • Smokers who are being referred to • Population surveys have reported that the patients’ physical activity levels are manifold, smoking cessation support. Exercise prevalence of physical inactivity is higher and will vary from one patient to another. has been found to be an effective non- in some ethnic minority groups, people in Examples of prompts for initiating discussion pharmacological tool for controlling low-income households and people with with patients around physical activity include cigarette cravings.31 Increasing physical low levels of education. There is one caveat registration with a GP practice, consultation activity during this time might also reduce insofar as there is an inverse correlation for related conditions (e.g. type 2 diabetes the likelihood of increasing weight (and with social grade when walking (as part of and CVD) and routine health checks. prevent subsequent relapse). daily routine) and occupation are taken into account, due to lower levels of car Although a population approach is ownership and higher levels of manual advocated, there are subgroups in the labour, respectively. population30 that warrant particular attention:

• Health surveys indicate that women are generally less active than men, with participation levels dropping off markedly during teenage transition. Women are also likely to become less active with the onset of family responsibilities or gain weight at particular stages of their life, such as during and after pregnancy and the menopause. Physical activity has been shown to have a positive effect on several menopause symptoms; in addition, physical activity promotes better sleep, which may help to reduce feelings of extreme tiredness, improve mood and reduce stress, anxiety and feelings of depression.


The decision to change any health-related When a person becomes physically For older adults, the following benefits behaviour lies ultimately with the patient. active they are likely to: of being active may be emphasised: In practice, the practitioner needs to demonstrate an understanding of the • feel better in terms of higher subjective • helps individuals to stay in touch with patient’s point of view and listen more wellbeing, improved mood and emotions, friends and neighbours, and get out and than tell, with the aim of ‘finding things out’ life satisfaction, quality of life and vigour about; for example, going to the shops or and discovering the patient’s readiness • feel better about themselves through visiting family or friends for change. improved physical self-perception and • maintains independence and mobility in improved self-esteem later life Qualitative research involving focus groups • be able to concentrate better • reduces likelihood of falling and suggests that the most motivating reasons • have improved sleep (longer and more sustaining injuries. for being active are those that are more deeply); those who do not have a good about individual wellbeing and that are often quality or quantity of sleep are particularly the most immediate, obvious or tangible likely to benefit to the patient. Using a patient-centred • feel more generally relaxed (reduction approach, the following benefits might be of trait anxiety) and after single episodes more compelling than those that are more of activity (reduction of state anxiety) concerned with physical health, • have a coping strategy for stress are longer-term or are deferred. (especially useful when coping with nicotine withdrawal for those smokers in the early stages of cessation).

Walking has been described as near-perfect exercise. Even walking at a moderate pace of 5 km/hour (3 “ miles/hour) expends sufficient energy to meet the definition of moderate intensity physical activity. Compared with many sports and other recreational pursuits, walking is a popular, familiar, convenient, and free form of exercise that can be incorporated into everyday life and sustained into old age. Let’s Make Scotland More Active. ”


Advice to patients about increasing their Each city, town and village has a basic physical activity should focus on activities framework of paths that are available for that can fit easily into their everyday life and recreation and everyday journeys. These are tailored to their individual preferences ‘core paths’ provide opportunities for and circumstances. Some patients will enjoy walking, cycling, riding and other activities structured activity such as going to the gym; for people of all ages and abilities. They are others may prefer to take up a new leisure of particular benefit because they are close interest, such as a dance class or undertake to where people live and link into, and environmental volunteering such as Green support wider paths networks. In this Gyms; and others may wish to introduce respect, outdoor access officers in local active commuting to work into their daily authorities are useful contacts in order to get routine. In reality, the typical desirable activity local information (see Part Four). Walking pattern will be a composite one and will can also be done in an indoor environment, include a mix of personal transport and job- such as using the stairs instead of the lift related, household and recreational activities. or escalator.

Walking is an ideal activity to promote to inactive people. It is common to virtually everyone and does not need special skills or equipment. It is convenient and may be fitted into daily routines. It can be self-regulated in intensity, duration and frequency and is inherently safe. It reaches a level of moderate intensity when the walker is breathing deeper than normal but still able to talk fairly easily and the heart is beating faster but not racing.

33 TRANSLATING EVIDENCE INTO PRACTIcE the FOUR types of physical activity

Generally, activity can be classified yoga, t’ai chi, weights or resistance exercises For balance, in order to improve and into four types: (which can be done at home, in a class maintain balance, give confidence in or at a gym). moving and help to prevent accidental falls. For stamina, in order to keep lungs, heart Examples: most activities that involve and circulation healthy and in good working For flexibility, in order to maintain a full standing, such as walking, t’ai chi, order. Examples: brisk walking, gardening, range of movement and to help people dancing, keep-fit classes or specific washing the car, aerobics class, movement stay independent and move more easily balance exercises. class, dancing, swimming, aqua aerobics, as they get older. Regular flexibility activity cycling, various sports. will increase the range of motion for joints, increase relaxation, reduce muscle tension For strength, in order to maintain muscle and reduce the risk of future injury. Retaining and bone strength and help with daily tasks flexibility will mean that as people get older as people get older, such as climbing the they will still be able to put on their shoes stairs, getting out of a chair easily or opening and socks, reach for something on a high a jar. Stronger, larger muscles burn more shelf, get in and out of the bath, wash their calories so their use can help a person keep hair or turn their head easily to look behind to a healthy weight. Strength activities will when parking the car. also help with good posture and balance. After the age of 40 it is important to maintain Examples: gentle bending, reaching and muscle strength because inactivity can stretching (in the morning after waking up, contribute to a loss of muscle strength by after sitting for long periods in the office, 1% per year. Examples: climbing stairs, or before going to bed in the evenings), walking uphill, lifting and carrying shopping, t’ai chi, yoga, Pilates, dancing, swimming, digging the garden, weight training, Pilates, bowling, golf, housework such as vacuuming and sweeping.

STAMINA FLEXIBILITY STRENGTH BALANCE Brisk walking, gardening Vacuuming, yoga or DIY Climbing stairs, doing Try dancing, t’ai chi or or swimming will will keep you supple. digging or carrying keep fit classes. keep lungs, heart and shopping helps keep circulation in good shape. muscles and bones strong.

34 What activity can be included in the recommended level?

The updated recommendation now clearly ‘Moderate’ activity means any activity that The amount of activity that a person needs states that the recommended amount of leaves a person feeling warm and breathing to do to achieve an activity of moderate aerobic activity (whether of moderate or more deeply than usual. It stimulates the intensity varies considerably. A person who vigorous intensity) is in addition to those body’s cardio-respiratory, musculoskeletal is unfit or overweight may only have to walk routine activities of daily living that are and metabolic systems, and over time up a slope to experience those feelings, of light intensity (such as self care, casual causes them to adapt and become more whereas a very fit athlete may be able to walking or grocery shopping) or that last efficient. A person who is doing moderate run quite fast before the feelings become less than 10 minutes (such as taking out the intensity activity will usually experience: apparent. In short, in an activity such as rubbish or walking from the car park walking, it is important for an individual to to work or the shops). • an increase in breathing rate focus on their perception of the effort they • an increase in heart rate, to the level at need to make, rather than their speed. However, there are some activities that are which the pulse can be felt. Note that the conducted at a moderate intensity for at least term ‘out of breath’ should be avoided, as 10 minutes as part of daily life and these can research indicates that this description may be counted towards the recommendation; for alarm some patients example, brisk walking to work, gardening • a feeling of increased warmth, possibly with a shovel, mowing the lawn, washing accompanied by sweating on hot or the car. Table 1 overleaf gives examples of humid days. common physical activities and classifies them according to their level of intensity.

35 TRANSLATING EVIDENCE INTO PRACTIcE What activity can be included in the recommended level?

One simple method for measuring the intensity of an activity is the ‘talk test’. Intensities and energy expenditure for common types of physical activity • A person who is active at a light- intensity level should be able to sing Activity Intensity Intensity (METS) while doing the activity. Ironing Light 2.3 • One who is active at a moderate- intensity level should be able to carry on a Cleaning and dusting Light 2.5 conversation comfortably while engaging in Walking – strolling, 2mph Light 2.5 the activity. Painting/decorating Moderate 3.0 • If a person is breathing deeply and unable Walking – 3mph Moderate 3.3 to carry on a conversation the activity can be considered vigorous. Hoovering Moderate 3.5 Golf – walking, pulling clubs Moderate 4.3 Another way of checking intensity is to Badminton – social Moderate 4.5 use the ‘breathing test’. It is important Tennis – doubles Moderate 5.0 to tell the patient to pay attention to their breathing. Most people breathe through Walking – brisk, 4mph Moderate 5.0 their noses when they are in a resting or in Mowing lawn – walking, using power-mower Moderate 5.5 a low impact state. When the intensity of Cycling – 10-12mph Moderate 6.0 an activity is increased, the body requires Aerobic dancing Vigorous 6.5 more oxygenated blood flow and therefore they begin to open their mouths. Explain to Cycling – 12-14mph Vigorous 8.0 the patient that complete mouth breathing Swimming – slow crawl, 50 yards per minute vigorous 8.0 (without feeling any discomfort) is a good Tennis – singles Vigorous 8.0 indicator that they have reached the Running – 6mph (10 minutes/mile) Vigorous 10.0 appropriate intensity. Running – 7mph (8.5 minutes/mile) Vigorous 11.5 Running – 8mph (7.5 minutes/mile) Vigorous 13.5

MET = Metabolic equivalent 1 MET = A person’s metabolic rate (rate of energy expenditure) when at rest 2 METS = A doubling of the resting metabolic rate Source: Based on data from Ainsworth et al, 200047

36 Building up gradually

Individuals taking up activity for the first incorporated into everyday life, for example into three parts – morning, afternoon and time, or rediscovering it after a period of walking or cycling instead of travelling by evening and try to undertake 20 minutes, inactivity, should be encouraged to build up car or taking up active leisure pursuits in total, of physical activity during each gradually to the recommended level. This will and hobbies such as gardening or social segment (morning, afternoon, evening). inevitably be a slow process, starting with sporting activities. light-intensity activities, such as walking or This could include walking to and from work easy gardening, which can be increased in Adults who are overweight or obese will as part of a journey, walking during a lunch duration or intensity gradually over time. need to recognise that their daily requirement break and include some activity during for physical activity has to increase from the evening. Thirty minutes of moderate Accumulating activity in shorter bouts of 30 minutes of moderate activity to between activity will provide health benefits, whereas 10 or 15 minutes makes it easier and more 60 and 90 minutes of moderate activity. moving towards 60 minutes will make a acceptable for most people, as well as In order to achieve this level of activity, contribution to losing weight. If increased selecting those activities that can be adults are advised to segment the day activity is accompanied with some dietary changes, significant weight reductions can be achieved.


The primary care setting (GP practice, Providing information will make it easier medical centre, community pharmacy) is for patients to access local opportunities located at the heart of the community and and enable them to make a longer-term is therefore well placed to provide information commitment to being active. to patients or customers about local opportunities to be active. It is recommended that primary care teams, pharmacies and individual practices make available a list of physical activity opportunities in their local area. Information about these can be drawn from a number of sources, for example national agency or local authority websites and leaflets (see Part Four for more details).

The Physical Activity and Health Alliance, or PAHA, is an online community for practitioners engaged in physical activity and health across Scotland. The current membership of over 2000 professionals draws from a broad and diverse physical activity workforce, including those from health, education, environment, transport and planning. The website www.paha.org.uk is a first port of call for information and resources to help members of the physical activity workforce implement the national physical activity strategy Let’s Make Scotland More Active. PAHA organises networking events across Scotland and is developing ‘Active Scotland’, a website enabling both practitioners and the general public to search by postcode and activity type for details of local opportunities to be physically active.

38 Contraindications and Risks

Physical activity has both risks and benefits, Similarly, the risk of sudden cardiac arrest It is generally believed that the benefits and therefore the objective is to provide or myocardial infarction is very low in of regular moderate-to-vigorous intensity guidelines that minimise risks and maximise generally healthy adults during moderate- physical activity far outweigh the risks. benefits. The wide range of health benefits intensity physical activities but the risk of from physical activity can be experienced cardiovascular complications increases The American College of Sports and with only small risks of negative effects, such transiently during vigorous physical exertion, Medicine provides the most authoritative as injury. especially for those who have latent or guidelines to understanding contraindications, documented CHD and are habitually namely when patients should not engage in Many of these risks are reduced to minimal sedentary. Sudden cardiac death, especially physical activity without medical review. The levels if activity is limited to moderate activity in younger people, is a rare, albeit high- British Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation and if people progress gradually from one profile, risk of vigorous physical activity. is producing comprehensive guidelines for level of intensity to another. The absolute rate of sudden death occurring the UK and these will be available during during and up to 30 minutes after vigorous 2008. If patients are diagnosed with any Healthy adults who meet the activity is extremely low, even in individuals of the following then they would not be recommendations by performing moderate- with cardiac disease – one sudden death per considered eligible to participate in an intensity activities have an overall musculo- 1.51 million episodes of physical exertion.32 exercise referral scheme for example: skeletal injury rate that is not much different It is also worth noting that, compared with than inactive adults. Risk of musculo-skeletal their sedentary counterparts, physically • resting systolic blood pressure ≥ 180 injuries increases as the intensity and active individuals have a 25–50% lower mmHg/diastolic ≥ 100 mmHg amount of the activity increases. Although overall risk of developing CVD. • febrile illness physical activity above the minimal • uncontrolled or unstable angina recommendations results in additional health • acute uncontrolled psychiatric illness benefits, the associated musculo-skeletal • osteoporosis (T score ≥ 2.5) health risks are increased as well, possibly • significant drop in blood negating some of the added benefit. pressure during exercise • uncontrolled diabetes • unstable or acute heart failure.


28 Practice Team Information (PTI), ISD Scotland 2007. Physical activity has both risks and benefits, The recommendation to be habitually active www.isdscotland.org/isd/information-and-statistics. and therefore the objective is to provide is usually general in nature (e.g. ‘walk more’ jsp?pContentID=3680&p_applic=CCC&p_service=Content.show& (accessed 12 February 2008). guidelines to the patient that minimise risks or ‘try to be more active’), does not involve 29 Scottish Government Better Health Better Care: Action Plan 2007. and maximise benefits. any support structure and is appropriate if the following are both true: (i) the person 30 Scottish Executive, Scottish Health Survey 2003. 33 31 Taylor, A.H., Ussher, M., & Faulkner, G. The acute effects of exercise Although exercise referrals fall beyond the is receptive and capable of carrying the on cigarette cravings, withdrawal symptoms, affect and smoking remit of this guidance, the National Quality recommendation into action independently behaviour: a systematic review. Addiction 2007, 102, 534-543. 32 Department of Health, Physical Activity Care pathway: Guide for Assurance Framework published by the (i.e. they are in the appropriate frame of mind practitioners, 2007. Department of Health in 2001 provides some to change their activity levels and to find useful pointers when considering medico- means to do this that are safe and effective) legal issues pertaining to encouraging and (ii) the person’s condition (health risk patients to be more active generally. factors) and needs (which may be social and/or emotional and/or medical) do not The Framework distinguishes between the require tailored programming. two distinct, but related, approaches within the overall context of physical activity: When increased physical activity is simply (i) recommending that a particular patient recommended, the clinical and legal tries to be more habitually active in order responsibility usually remains with the to gain health benefits, compared with health professional, although the patient (ii) specifically directing a patient through the or client also has responsibility for his or referral process to personnel and facilities her own actions when, and if, they put the through which a tailored exercise programme recommendations into practice. This is can be devised and delivered to him or her. in contrast with exercise referrals, when The former is relevant to this guidance. the responsibility for safe and effective management, design and delivery of the 33 Exercise referral is the system by which the exercise programme passes to the exercise GP or practice nurse refers patients to facilities and leisure professionals who should be such as leisure centres or gyms for assessment and supervised exercise programmes. members of a professional register and carry their own professional indemnity insurance.



This section provides patient advice on the benefits of getting active and tips on getting started. The information in the following pages can be shown to the patient during a consultation, photocopied for giving to the patient or incorporated into health information leaflets for patients. There are also patient leaflets available from national organisations such as NHS Health Scotland and the British Heart Foundation, and contact details for these and other organisations relevant to the promotion of physical activity are provided. Finally, for those primary care practitioners who want to find out more, there is a bibliography and sources for further reading at the end of the section.

42 Benefits of physical activity

Increasing physical activity Increasing physical activity improves: decreases:

longevity risk of heart attack flexibility risk of stroke function and independent living risk of developing type 2 diabetes bone strength risk of some cancers quality of sleep risk of fractures weight control depression wellbeing obesity risk of memory loss and some types of dementia


What you should tell your GP or practitioner before you change your activity levels

• you have a heart condition • your doctor has said that • you are middle-aged or older or you have had a stroke, and you have bone, joint or muscle and have not been physically your doctor recommended problems that could be made active but are now planning only medically supervised worse by the proposed a relatively vigorous exercise physical activity physical activity programme.

• you often have pains or • you have a medical condition pressure in the left or mid-chest or other physical reason not area, left neck, shoulder or arm mentioned here that might need special attention in an • you have developed chest pain exercise programme or discomfort within the (e.g. insulin-dependent diabetes) last month

• you tend to lose consciousness or fall due to dizziness

• you feel extremely breathless after mild exertion

• your doctor has recommended that you take medicine for your blood pressure, a heart condition or a stroke


Choose a time of day that suits Set goals and work toward Wear comfortable footwear and you and does not make you them, starting with short-term loose clothing that is suitable for alter your routine too much. and realistic goals. Reward the prevailing conditions. Reduce Find an activity that you enjoy. yourself when you have reached the time and intensity By choosing activities you enjoy, one of your goals. of physical activity during you will be more likely to stick temperature extremes, including with them. Take three to five minutes at high humidity. the beginning of any physical If you have been inactive for activity (e.g. walking, jogging, a while, begin by choosing swimming, cycling) to properly moderate-intensity activities you warm up your muscles and enjoy the most (see Table 1 for prepare yourself for exercise by details of the intensity/energy gradually increasing the intensity expenditure of different types of the activity – start off slowly of activities). Gradually build up and build up to your normal the time spent doing the activity pace. As you near the end of the by adding a few minutes every activity, cool down by reducing few days or so until you can the level of intensity. Finish by comfortably perform a minimum stretching the muscles you recommended amount of activity used. Recruit a friend or join a (30 minutes per day). group activity. Some people find it easier to stay active in a social As the minimum amount environment. becomes easier, gradually increase either the length of time performing an activity or increase the intensity of the activity, or both. 45 ADDITIONAL PATIENT ADVICE AND INFORMATION GETTING STARTED Symptoms during physical activity Remember to drink water regularly Stop the activity if you feel any What is normal: throughout the day. of these: • faster pulse Do not drink alcohol or eat a • chest tightness, discomfort or pain • breathing deeply large meal (wait for two hours) • dizziness or light-headedness • breathing faster prior to undertaking your daily • difficulty breathing or • feeling warm physical activity. breathlessness • sweating • nausea Listen to your body – keep an eye on • hallucinations What is not normal: your level of fatigue, heart rate and • unsteadiness physical discomfort. • profuse sweating • heaviness in your chest (angina) • cold clammy skin • chest pain, pain in the arm, neck If you are poorly or unwell do not • headaches or jaw exercise – take a rest day. • visual disturbance • irregular heartbeats • leg pain or ache • extreme breathlessness Explore new physical activities; • palpitations • wheezing, not being able to catch try something you have not done for (feeling of pounding or racing heart) your breath a long time. Vary your activities, • faintness • light-headedness both for interest and to broaden the • confusion • nausea range of benefits. • nervousness • extreme fatigue • numbness • numbness Reward and acknowledge • hand tremors • pain of any kind your efforts. • sharp joint pain or any acute pain • irregular, rapid or fluttery heartbeat Patients need to be advised that if • fever they are about to start exercising and they experience any of the following If you have diabetes: stop the activity symptoms then they should stop if you experience shakiness, tingling exercising and seek advice. lips, hunger, weakness or palpitations.

46 How to Avoid Injuries

• If you have been sedentary for • Take three to five minutes at the • Start at an easy pace – increase a long time, are overweight, have beginning of any physical activity time or distance gradually. a high risk of CHD, or some other to properly warm up your muscles chronic health problem, then see by slowly increasing the level of • Drink plenty of water throughout your doctor for a medical evaluation intensity. As you near the end of the day to replace lost fluids. Drink a before beginning a physical activity the activity, cool down by reducing glass of water before you get moving, programme. the intensity. (For example, before and drink another half cup for every jogging walk for three to five minutes, 15 minutes that you remain active. • Wear comfortable, properly fitted increasing your pace to a brisk footwear and comfortable, loose- walk. After jogging, walk briskly, • Be aware of the signs of fitting clothing that is appropriate for decreasing your pace to a slow walk overexertion. Breathlessness and the weather and the activity. over three to five minutes. Finish by muscle soreness could be stretching the muscles you used – in danger signs. • Listen to your body – monitor this case, primarily the muscles of your level of fatigue, breathing and the legs.) physical discomfort.

47 CALORIE BURNING GUIDE A guide to energy expenditure of different types of activities

&(9.;.9> (&147.*85*7-4:7¢ (&147.*85*7-4:7¢ 89 0, 89 0, Badminton - single / recreational 310 370 Bicycling – 10 mph 370 440 Callisthenics (continuous) Low intensity 245 290 Medium intensity 395 470 High intensity 585 690 Dancing 225 265 Domestic work (cleaning windows, scrubbing floor – no pause) 225 265 Driving car 85 100 Food preparation 120 140 Golf 225 265 Jogging (5.5 mph) 585 690 Lawn mowing – power mowing 225 265 Making beds 185 220 Office work 130 150 Painting house 185 220 Shopping 150 180 Sitting reading 80 96 Swimming (30 yards per minute) 375 455 Table tennis – recreational 270 315 Tennis singles 380 450 Walking at 3.5 mph 280 330 Watching TV 70 80 Washing the car 205 245 Window cleaning 205 245 Writing 80 95

Taken from: The Turnaround Lifestyle System (1987). Exercise and Health Research Group, Loughborough University.


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British Heart Foundation (BHF) and a strong contributor to the Scottish tourist healthy living and increased physical activity with National Centre for Physical Activity and Health – economy. The organisation promotes public traditionally ‘hard-to-reach’ groups of people. www.bhfactive.org.uk participation in cycling events, gives training to ensure The BHF National Centre for Physical Activity and people can cycle with confidence, and provides Living Streets – Health provides a comprehensive information centre for engineering services to ensure that cyclists are www.livingstreets.org.uk professionals, including an advice service and useful catered for on Scotland’s roads and paths. Living Streets is a charity that campaigns to create factsheets. Contact the Information Centre on 01509 better streets and public spaces for people on foot. Their 223259 or [email protected]. Forestry Commission Scotland – work spans policy, research, lobbying and advice, and forestry.gov.uk/scotland delivers practical, positive solutions to pedestrian issues. British Trust for Conservation Volunteers – Forestry Commission Scotland serves as the forestry (BTCV) www.btcv.org department of the Scottish Government. Their mission NHS Health Scotland – The British Trust for Conservation Volunteers is to protect and expand Scotland’s forests and www.healthscotland.com manages voluntary environmental projects and woodlands, and increase their value to society and the Health Scotland is the national health improvement engages over 140,000 volunteers annually within the environment. Notably, the Woods In and Around Towns agency. Its website provides information, resources and delivery of the BTCV Green Gym programmes. BTCV (WIAT) initiative aims to increase the contribution of learning/development opportunities to support health Green Gym helps people of all ages to be physically woodland to the quality of life in Scotland’s urban and improvement practitioners. Resources include leaflets active and mentally well by offering the opportunity post-industrial areas. that are useful to hand out to members of the general to ‘work out’ in the open air through local, practical public (Active Living Booklet series; Get You and your environmental work. BTCV has a Scotland office in Greenspace Scotland – Family Moving; Help Yourself to Lose Weight; Help Stirling and can be contacted on 01786 479697 or www.greenspacescotland.org.uk Yourself to Reduce the Risk of High Blood Pressure; email ‘[email protected]’. Greenspace Scotland was established in 2003 Keeping Active During and After Pregnancy and the to promote a step change in the development and popular Hassle Free Exercise). British Waterways Scotland – management of quality greenspaces in towns and cities. www.scottishcanals.co.uk/forth/index.html Their goal is that everyone living and working in urban OPENspace – Scotland’s inland waterways have undergone a physical Scotland has easy access to a quality greenspaces that www.openspace.eca.ac.uk transformation and have taken on a new lease of meet local needs and improve their quality of life. OPENspace is the research centre for inclusive access life. They are now a thriving leisure resource, for the to outdoor environments. Its work covers all types of people of and visitors to Scotland, to bring benefit to jogscotland – landscape, in urban or countryside contexts, the benefits the communities through which they run. In Scotland www.jogscotland.org.uk it can offer and the barriers to access. the 137-mile (220-km) canal network, originally built This organisation delivers simple and gentle walk/ between 1768 and 1822, includes the Caledonian, jog/run programmes to encourage everyone to get Paths for All Partnership – Crinan, Forth and Clyde, Union and Monkland canals. out and be active. The organisation trains leaders, www.pathsforall.org.uk and provides support, advice and promotion for The Paths for All Partnership facilitates the development Cycling Scotland – jogging groups across the country in local communities of paths for recreation, health and wellbeing, www.cyclingscotland.org and in workplace settings as well as organising events strengthening communities, sustainable transport and Cycling Scotland aims to mainstream cycling as a such as the Co-op jogscotland 5K challenges. The economic development. There are two main areas of sustainable mode of transport, a means of exercise leaders have experience of developing and promoting activity: Outdoor Access and Paths to Health.

52 Paths to Health – making. The website carries summary data and physical activity and health by evaluating the effects of www.pathsforall.org.uk/pathstohealth statistics, background information, interpretation, interventions, with a particular interest in walking as a Paths to Health promotes walking for health. policy notes, commentaries on data sources, mode of physical activity. They provide advice on how to set up walking projects references and links to further information for a and provide training, grants and resources to support wide range of topics relating to the health of the Scottish Tourist Board – the promotion of walking in local areas. The initiative Scottish population. www.visitscotland.com now extends to 200 community-based health walks The website contains suggestions for walks from an schemes and involves over 20,000 people. Contact Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives – easy stroll to a wilderness trek, with coloured boot the local Paths to Health Development Officer for www.healthscotland.org.uk/hwl icons and walks-grading information to make it easier more information – details are on the website. The link The Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives brings to select the route. The ‘great outdoors’ section for all of the outdoor access officers across Scotland together Scotland’s Health at Work (SHAW) and Safe includes bike route ideas and maps. is ‘www.outdooraccess-scotland.com’, through and Healthy Working (SaHW) under the same umbrella. which contact details for the rangers’ services can be The Centre has also taken responsibility for the business Sportscotland – obtained. This is the main site for the Scottish Outdoor and employability strands of Scotland Against Drugs. www.sportscotland.org.uk Access Code, which explains access rights and This organisation is the national agency for sport in responsibilities. Scottish Disability Equality Forum (SDEF) – Scotland. Their mission is to encourage everyone in www.sdef.org.uk Scotland to discover and develop their own sporting Physical Activity and Health Alliance (PAHA) – The Scottish Disability Equality Forum contact is Keith experience, and consequently increase participation www.paha.org.uk Robertson. He is the Access Development Officer and and improve performances in Scottish sport. PAHA is an online community for practitioners engaged is the main link with all the Local Access Panels around in physical activity and health across Scotland. The Scotland (his email address is: keith.robertson@sdef. Sustrans – website contains information and resources to help org.uk). www.sustrans.org.uk members of the physical activity workforce implement Sustrans is the UK’s leading sustainable transport the national physical activity strategy, ‘Let’s Make Scottish Natural Heritage – charity and works towards achieving a vision of a Scotland More Active’. You will find a link here to the www.snh.org.uk world in which people can choose to travel in ways that Active Scotland website. The natural heritage is one of Scotland’s biggest assets. benefit their health and the environment. The National The role of Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) is to look Cycle Network is their great success story – the first SCOTPHO – after the natural heritage, help people to enjoy and value 10,000 miles of the network have been completed and www.scotpho.org.uk it, and encourage people to use it sustainably. carry over 230 million journeys each year. In addition, This collaboration brings together the key Sustrans currently co-ordinates over 2000 volunteer national organisations involved in public health Scottish Physical Activity Research Collaboration rangers who maintain routes in their communities. intelligence in Scotland, and ensures that the public (SPARColl) – health community has easy access to clear and www.sparcoll.org.uk relevant information/statistics to support decision- SPARColl aims to contribute to the evidence base on

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