Quaker Higher Education QHE a Publication of the Friends Association for Higher Education
Quaker Higher Education QHE A Publication of the Friends Association for Higher Education Volume 12: Issue 1 April 2018 What connections and overlaps are many Friends, in Deconstructing White authentic, Spirit-led, Light-filled, and which Fragility: Nurturing Resilient Anti-Racist are forced, imposed, even violent and Practice in Our Daily Life. He reports on a erasing? This query emerges for us from the FAHE workshop that grappled with Robin five essays and poems gathered for this DiAngelo’s often stark text about the Spring 2018 issue of Quaker Higher arrogance and entitlement of white fragility Education. This will be Don Smith’s last issue as co-editor, and I (Abigail) want to Minette Coleman “drops some knowledge hold up his work and legacy of seven years. on us” about Connections – on Sharing Black and Quaker History, reveling in the Roger Reynolds, Humanities & Technology stories, histories, and realities she has Director at Olney Friends School, opens this unearthed as Historian of the Black Alumni issue with Monster Girls: Nimona and of Guilford College. You can follow Empathic Reading—and great illustrations! Minnette @MinnetteColeman and her novel Roger shows how exploring this action-hero online. graphic novel can encourage students and teachers to risk transgressive, empowering, In Envisioning a Future: FAHE in the Days and truly empathic interactions within the Ahead, C. Wess Daniels and Deborah Shaw classroom and with the text. of Guilford College help us understand some of the work ahead for our organization. Paul Moke, political scientist at Wilmington College, draws us into another imagined We close with two poems by Hugh Ogden, world: the subsistence homesteads (March 11, 1937-December 31, 2006), communities developed for underemployed Professor of English at Trinity College, mining families during the Depression, in Haverford College, ’59.
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