Victorian Athletic League Inc.





Victorian Athletic League Inc.


Victorian Athletic League Inc ABN 94 382 804 163

Office Location Staircase 6, Level 2, Olympic Boulevard, Olympic Park, Phone: (03) 9428 7077 Fax: (03) 9427 9183 Email: [email protected]

Postal Address PO Box 2194, Richmond South, , 3121

Directors George Flack President/Chairman Andrew McManus Vice President Sue Dunbar Paul Connolly Robert Astill Brian Marantelli Noel Rexter Robert Lehmann Angela Wilson Chris Tuohy

Administration and Staff Mark Howard Chief Executive Officer Terry O'Donnell Sprint Handicapper Mark O'Brien Distance Handicapper Rick Trusler Chief Steward John Holloway Assistant Steward Nila Blennerhassett Race Recorder Sue Dunbar Wind gauge operator Bill Sutton Starter Matthew Webster Starter Robert Astill Starter Murray MacPherson Starter Maurice Campbell Starter Graeme Humphries Starter Gary Mahon Starter Ian Cox Transport Joy Cox Colours

Lawyer Auditor Brown & Co E taxation Accounting and Financial Services Level 3, 1 Collins St Level 1, 980 Main Rd Melbourne Victoria 3000 Eltham Victoria 3095


Victorian Athletic League Inc.


SEASON 2008 - 2009

SUNDAY JULY 26th 2009


Commencing at 10.00 am

For a 10.30 Start


Victorian Athletic League Inc.

1 Opening and Welcome

2 Voting Eligibility

3 Apologies and Attendance

4 Acceptance of 2008 Minutes

5 Copy of the 2008 Minutes

6 Reports

6.1 President's Report 6.2 Chief Steward's Report 6.3 Sprint Handicapper's Report 6.4 Distance Handicapper's Report 6.5 Chief Executive Officer's Report

7 Constitutional Motions

8 Life Membership Award

9 Vale

10 Presentation of Awards

11 Election of Directors

12 Calendar

13 General Business

14 Finance Reports

15 Forum

16 Lunch


Victorian Athletic League Inc.





Apologies - Terry O'Donnell, John Holloway


A copy of those minutes is included in this document for your information.


Victorian Athletic League Inc.

Minutes of the 2008 Annual General Meeting Held at Olympic Park, Lightning Lounge Melbourne

1 Opening and Welcome

Meeting opened at 10.30am

2 Voting Eligibility

Ararat, Ballarat, Burramine, Bendigo, Casey Scorpions, Cricket Willow, Dandenong, Geelong, Keilor, Maryborough, Northcote, Noble Park, New Zealand, Ringwood, Rye, Sandringham, Stawell, St Bernard's, Terang, VRTA, Wangaratta

3 Apologies and Attendance


Steve Hocking Bendigo Frances Connell Burramine Pat Connell Burramine Adrian Tinetti Daylesford Anton Mahony Keilor Rick Dunbar Northcote Bill Sutton Noble Park Max Martin Maryborough Bob Woodbridge Ringwood Brian Morgan Ringwood Bob Wishart Sandringham David Haigh VRTA Greg Strano Wangaratta Greg O'Keefe Wangaratta Ian Lawrie Stawell Peter Donovan Stawell Terry O'Donnell Handicapper Rick Trusler Chief Steward Mark O'Brien Handicapper Hugh Peucker Life Member George Flack President Graeme Ireland Vice President Sue Dunbar Director Andrew McManus Director Robert Astill Director Angela Wilson Director Brian Marantelli Director Noel Rexter Director Wally Meechan Director Mark Howard CEO John Henry Observer Tom Burke Observer David Gynther Athletics Australia


Geelong, Terang, Casey, Ballarat, Ararat, John Holloway, Rob Lehmann.

Apologies Accepted

Moved Ringwood Seconded Bendigo

Carried 6

Victorian Athletic League Inc.

Acceptance of 2007 Minutes

Moved Bendigo Seconded Northcote


Meeting Suspended

The meeting was suspended as David Gynther from Athletics Australia gave a talk to the clubs in relation to permits for their meetings.

David explained that AA planned on introducing permits for running meetings to all athletic organisations across the country. Some VAL members expressed their concern that AA may have some controlling rights of VAL meetings. A cost for the permits will be free. Some members expressed concern that a cost may be implemented in the future.

Generally the main concern from the VAL perspective is that AA would have too much control of the VAL meetings.

The advantages to the permits is that the VAL will be officially linked to Athletics Australia which would have many positives to it.

David Gynther will be forwarding further information to the clubs in the next couple of weeks.

Meeting re-opened at 11.15pm


Reports 6.1 Presidents Report, Report 6.2 Chief Stewards, 6.3 Sprint Handicappers, 6.4 Distance Handicapper and 6.5 Chief Executive Officers Report were all presented to the gallery.

Moved Ringwood Seconded Northcote


Constitutional Motions

There were no Constitutional Motions put forward


Victorian Athletic League Inc.


Daniel "Keith" Smith Charlie Booth Jack Trusler Stewart Bradley Robert Ward

A minutes silence was observed to remember those lives and their contribution to our sport.

Presentation of Awards

A Life membership award was presented to Graeme Ireland.

A certificate of appreciation award was presented given to Robert Irvine, the Stawell Athletic Club received the award on behalf of Robert.

Election of Directors

There were two new nominations for the board.

• Paul Connolly • Chris Tuohy

Angela Wilson will continue as the VRTA rep on the board and Robert Astill, Robert Lehmann and Wally Meechan put themselves up for re-election.

Graeme Ireland has stood down from the board.

Robert Astill, Chris Tuohy, Paul Connolly and Wally Meechan gave a two minute speech on why they should be re-elected. Andrew McManus read a statement on behalf of Rob Lehmann who was an apology from the meeting.

A secret ballot vote then took place.

The scrutineers were Mark Howard, George Flack and Andrew McManus

After the votes were counted the following candidates were elected to the board.

Robert Astill Paul Connolly Rob Lehmann Chris Tuohy

Wally Meechan was commended by the chairman for his 17 years service to the board. 8

Victorian Athletic League Inc.


The only issue with the current calendar is the weekend of the 21st February where we have 3 meetings clashing New Zealand, Keilor and Noble Park. Keilor and New Zealand are locked into Saturday 21st February. Noble Park will be accessing their options but are not keen to run back to back with Keilor.

General Business

Working with Children

Terry O'Donnell explained the Government's change of policy concerning working with children and how it will affect VAL clubs from June 2009. More information will be released to clubs as it comes to hand.


Max Martin presented his case for the publishing of results for each VAL meeting to be published in the Herald-Sun. Max passed the contact details onto Rick Dunbar for Nila, who will use this contact to hopefully gain some exposure for the VAL.

Finance Reports

The VAL reported a $3,126 profit the last financial year - The profit and loss statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement were presented to the clubs.

Moved Northcote Seconded Keilor


Election of President to the board

George Flack was elected President of the board

Moved Robert Astill Seconded Brian Marantelli


Election of Vice-President

Andrew McManus was elected Vice-President

Moved Angela Wilson Seconded Robert Astill



Victorian Athletic League Inc.


6.1 President's Report 6.2 Chief Steward's Report 6.3 Sprint Handicapper's Report 6.4 Distance Handicapper's Report 6.5 Chief Executive Officer's Report

6.1 President's Report

In tabling this year’s President’s Report I felt it important to mention that the Board and its CEO have taken the VAL light years ahead of where the Board was positioned 6 years ago when I joined to now be financially comfortable amongst other things.

Much has been achieved in the past 12 months from Succession Plans to Strategic Plans covering areas such as Membership, Governance, Financial, Administration, Relations, Clubs, Rules & Regulations and Reviews of Annual reports and previous Strategic Plans. There is still more to do in areas of accreditation by working with local TAFE Colleges to bring about a standard and a professional aspect to sport not already there.

Your Board Members and CEO work diligently behind the scenes on a regular daily basis as evidenced by the huge volumes of email flicking between one another. Board meetings each month constantly review the Strategic Plans winter or summer – it’s no different. A special thank you goes to each of the Board Members for the selfless desire to put into the sport their “all” sometimes under extremely difficult situations balancing their own lives with the situational duties that their Board Member role dictates.

The Board introduced an extreme temperatures policy in view of the unprecedented high temperatures experienced during January and February 2009 with the Chief Steward having the power to defer or cancel an event due to this or any other natural disaster that may ensue. Black Saturday 7th February 2009 being a prime example whereby the commencement of the St Albans meeting was delayed.

Special mention must be made of the staff appointed by the Board including all Stewards, Handicappers, ground staff and volunteers all ably supported by a motivated and hard working CEO in Mark Howard who has been with the VAL 4 years. I wish to thank each and every one of them for their tireless work often under some very ordinary circumstances especially when breakdowns in equipment occur on meeting day. 10

Victorian Athletic League Inc.

The Board and CEO have had to put up with some quite “ordinary” problems that have taken up inordinately lengthy periods of time, resources and sometimes at an extreme self-sacrifice due to a rather immature minority.

One of the notable achievements during my time on the VAL Board has been the establishment of the franchise arrangement with Cook’s Gardens Reserve in Wanganui NZ. Whilst the first meeting in February 08 happened on a smaller than expected basis – there was a sense of pride in extending professional athletics to another country. I’m sure that the sport will flourish in NZ once the local council, administrators, sporting bodies and individuals commit to the concept. Much time, money and patience has been spent by myself and the VAL Board in assisting Wanganui to achieve success. I have every confidence in their success into the future.

I thank the Board and CEO for their professionalism in dealing with all of their tasks thoroughly and to the satisfaction of everyone else.

A President’s Award was introduced as a result of last year’s debrief. It was my pleasure to announce the inaugural winner of the VAL President’s Award at this year’s VRTA Presentation Night to be Bendigo’s John Burke – a “silent achiever” in our professional athletics sport.

The VRTA continues to provide input to the sport and their representation on the VAL Board also enables much to be achieved in a rather harmonious manner.

Its heartiest congratulations to Aaron Stubbs on his win at Stawell this year.

Lastly, the VAL Board fully supports Meeting remaining at Stawell. I have personally offered to assist the Stawell Athletic Club given my qualifications and vast experiences in the areas that will assist the Stawell Athletic Club overcome it’s current dilemmas.

In closing I wish to thank everyone for their support provided over the past 6 years to myself and to the VAL Board Members both past and present during that time who have given me advice and help – Thank YOU one and all.

George Flack



Victorian Athletic League Inc.

6.2 Chief Steward's Report

The year 2008/2009 has been another well conducted season by the VAL. Again our numbers held up well and I’m sure we witnessed the emergence of a future star of our sport in Aaron Stubbs with him winning in convincing fashion the Stawell Easter Gift. It must be mentioned that this years Stawell was one of the most open affairs witnessed for many a year and is a credit to the Sprint Handicapper, Terry O’Donnell and the handicap system in achieving such.

As I mentioned, we witnessed greater participation at most meetings from athletes and this trend does auger well for the future of not only our member clubs but also for our sport in general.

The conducting of the Melbourne Gift by the VAL was a new and potentially profitable venture by the VAL and warrants further exploration as a source of valuable funds for the Sport. The venue being located in the city was new and whilst the surface was somewhat substandard due to current watering restrictions it was enthusiastically supported by the athletes. It would be good if such a meeting did continue on the calendar.

I wish to express my thanks for the tireless work of Mark Howard and his prompt assistance. Thanks must also be given to the Board, whose members work with the interests of our great sport and for the most part gain very little recognition for their considerable efforts.

Lastly, I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to Terry O’Donnell, Mark O’Brien and John Holloway for their unswerving support and assistance in the somewhat thankless tasks that the Stewarding panel face on a weekly basis.

It is with great regret that I have, at the end of this season, had to tender my resignation as Chief Steward. Like most who retire from competing because their body gives way, so it is with me. The years of training have finally taken their toll on my knees, as most here can relate to. I did not feel that I could satisfactorily complete my duties to the standard that I require of myself and VAL and sadly have had to relinquish my role.

However, I look forward to the next season. I have been approached to stand for election to the Board and I have humbly accepted such challenge. I wish to continue to use the considerable experience I have gained in the service of the VAL and its member clubs for the betterment of the sport as an unaligned, independent candidate working for ALL clubs without fear or favour. 12

Victorian Athletic League Inc.

I thank all for their support and encouragement over the years and also thank those for their support in the upcoming election.

Rick Trusler

Chief Steward

Above….300m Women's at St Bernard's

Above….800m Gift at St Bernard's


Victorian Athletic League Inc.

6.3 Sprint Handicapper's Report

The past year has seen a large growth in participants, new registrations and some exciting talent. The meeting entries in most cases have increased substantially with some exciting racing to keep the public happy. This year nobody has dominated the racing scene which has happened in previous years and thus is good for the sport with many now competitive which has contributed to the increases and renewed interest.

We continue to attract a lot of interstate runners who now understand our handicapping and realize they will be competitive provided they compete in Victoria. The ladies this year have increased in numbers and again for once nobody has dominated the competition.

The 300 metres that a lot of clubs have added to their programs have been a bonanza with close races and a lot of athletes entering to take advantage of the new distance. It is a race that suits sprinters, middle distance runners, women and veterans and thus the appeal. The two new meetings of Melbourne and St. Albans were well attended and runners supported them well considering the latter was held on black Saturday. The St. Albans meeting has committed long term and intend increasing their prize money gradually. They are now trying to establish a permanent Saturday night on the calendar.

There were many highlights of the year and a few were

1. The effort of Robert Ballard at age 44 to win Wangaratta gift off a tight mark which he had earnt from his outstanding win at the Bay Sheffield meeting in South Australia. 2. The emergence of an outstanding talent in Aaron Stubbs who won the Stawell gift. 3. The number of people who ran a time at Stawell that put them in the gift with a chance. 4. The win of Peter Walsh at Burramine after being competitive all year. 5. The win of Trisha Grieves at Stawell after trying many times previously. Her trips from Western Australia where our sport is limited encouraged her to relocate to Sydney and get more experience under the handicap system. 6. The improved standard that most clubs improved on this year in running carnivals. Our congratulations to the Maryborough club on the meeting of the year as it certainly was the best Maryborough carnival we have seen for many years. 14

Victorian Athletic League Inc.

I will be overseas at the time of the annual meeting so please accept my apologies. Finally I would like to thank all officials from both the VAL and the clubs for their support through the year as this makes the job enjoyable. I have no doubt the sport is on the up and expect to see more registrations, entries and participants next season. Already a number of new meetings have expressed interest in looking at running a meeting.

Terry O'Donnell

Sprint Handicapper

Above….The Inaugural presentation of the 120m AWD Gift run at Melbourne. Right to Left Chris Mullins (2nd), Aaron Lethlean (1st), Tim Sullivan (3rd) Cindy Caldeira (Melbourne City Council)


Victorian Athletic League Inc.

6.4 Distance Handicapper's Report

For the third season in a row we achieved an increase in participation rates across most circuit events with an overall increase of 11.2% in entries and 15.3% in starters for all distances from 400 to 3200. This was despite a significant increase in the number of 300 metre events conducted, which negatively impact on the 400 fields. Part of this improvement was a decrease in the percentage of scratchings, again a consistent trend over the last 3 years.

Looking at individual events, the 400 novice series was a fantastic success. Including the 10 person final at Stawell there were 9 Novice/Restricted events conducted with an average 41 entries and 28 starters. It was only a few years ago when the Novice 400 at Epping was a straight final. The success of this event has shown the benefit of the free first year registration policy and introduced a number of new athletes to the VAL. The racing was also highly competitive and exciting and on a few occasions showed up the Open 400 competitors for effort.

The women's 400s probably stagnated slightly with a reduction in the number of events from 12 to 10 in season 2008/09. The average number of entries and starters both increased by 1 to 37 and 24. With no women's 400 between the VRTA meeting in October and Maryborough in January, the event started slowly but by Bendigo and Stawell we saw healthy increases and quality racing. I am concerned however, that some clubs are opting for the “bums on seats” approach and choosing a women's/vets 300 in preference to a women's 400. In order to continue to grow the sport and encourage the increased participation of women by providing them with their own event, I would ask clubs to stick with the women's 400.

The Open 400 was conducted at 18 meetings in 2008/09, 1 down from the previous season. Despite losing athletes to both the vets 300s and the novice 400s, average entries increased by 7% to 98 and starters by 6% to 54. Scratchings remain high in this event as it remains the “emergency” event for sprinters not progressing to finals. Again the 400s at Stawell and Bendigo saw healthy increases in numbers. In the main racing over this distance was tight and competitive with many sensational races such as the Ringwood Gift, Bendigo Opal and Stawell. Steinhouser v Ballard v Hargreaves at Ringwood was an absolute standout. I firmly believe that the Open 400s are a somewhat untapped resource and deserve a higher priority at some meetings. Numbers and racing are great and the Ringwood meeting has shown what can be achieved when making it the Gift event. Whilst smaller meetings often have to put up with low 16

Victorian Athletic League Inc. participation and uncompetitive performances in their sprint gift event due to sprinters having such a wide choice of gifts, I would encourage clubs to consider allocating the gift status to another event such as the 400, 800 or 1600 where athletes would be much more appreciative.

The 550 was conducted at 3 meetings, 2 of them at the start of the season and Stawell, which is obviously far from ideal. Entries were up 9% to 59 and starters up 4% to 35. Scratchings remain fairly high with athletes again using it as a speculative or emergency event. It tends to be an exciting race and now that it is handicapped as a stand alone event I would encourage all athletes, especially sprint / 400 types to add it to their list of distances. I’d also suggest clubs that aren’t altogether happy with their 400s (i.e. those just prior to the major 400s) consider the 550 as a viable alternative. This would help provide the event with a bit more continuity and would lead to an increase in participation.

After a few years of significant growth the 800 Open was conducted at 15 meetings with numbers remaining constant, averaging 63 entries and 37 starters. Whilst this is a little disappointing I believe it suffers from often being programmed at the commencement of meetings and a lack of prizemoney. Those clubs that have made the 800 a high priority, such as St Bernards and Bendigo, whose prizemoney both now exceed Stawell, have seen positive results. Other meetings where the prizemoney for the 800 remains low, have seen a drop off in participation. Again the racing over this distance was excellent with the photo finish result in the 800 final at Stawell being a highlight.

With the introduction of a Women's 800 at Stawell and sponsorship throughout the season by the VCCL, this became a genuine event in 2008/09. In all it was conducted at 8 meetings and averaged 26 entries and 18 starters. Stawell provided 40 entries and 29 starters with 3 competitive heats and a super tight final. In order for us to provide a viable option for female athletes it is essential that we continue to promote this event as it is the only stand alone women's distance event on the VAL calendar. Without doubt it attracted new registrations to the VAL and I encourage clubs to consider it as a part of a well rounded program of events attractive to all groups of athletes.

The Open 1600s was conducted at 18 meetings, with average entries up a significant 18% to 66 and starters up 22 % to 39. In addition there were 6 Novice 1600s with numbers again on the improve, averaging 23 entries and 17 starters. There were some great racing and performances however the occurrence of a couple of blowouts at Stawell was disappointing and needs to be addressed. Over the last 3


Victorian Athletic League Inc. years there has only been 3 1600s won in under 4.00 with the only time under 3.58 being the Restricted 1600 at Stawell this year, won in a ludicrous 3.52.7. Such a time renders all but the winner uncompetitive and I take personal responsibility for this and apologise to the athletes adversely affected. I have adopted a policy in the Novice 1600s of giving all athletes a winning chance by adjusting their novice marks much quicker than their open marks. Unfortunately this has backfired on me in the last 2 Restricted 1600s at Stawell and as a result, whilst I will maintain the same policy in the Novice 1600s throughout the season, the handicaps for the Restricted 1600 at Stawell will be much closer to their open marks.

We conducted 3 2000s in 2008/09 with the invitational backmarkers event at Noble Park being a fantastic race. I believe this distance remains a viable alternative at meetings such as St Bernards and Noble Park where athletes are not interested in the 1600 because of forthcoming major meetings.

A 3200 was added to Wangaratta, making 2 for the season and numbers were well up with an average of 51 entries and 31 starters. This distance is definitely on the way back when you compare this to the poor attendances 4 years back. I thank the distance athletes for supporting it and would love to see it added to a city meeting early in the season to give it a bit more continuity.

From a handicapping perspective I thought the tighter AP time ranges were generally accepted by the athletes and contributed to more competitive racing. The use of a greater level of discretion in the handicaps of OGA athletes in the smaller events, on the basis that their mark can be reduced for the premier races, also worked well and will be continued. I do believe however, we need to continue to encourage athletes to race competitively each week, rather than purely running for the tick and have made a few proposals to the board accordingly. If they are accepted these will be detailed prior to the start of the season.

I also wish to comment on the success of a number of younger athletes at Stawell. Whilst they performed tremendously well and thoroughly deserved their wins, in order to provide a level playing field for all it needs to be remembered that younger athletes can improve significantly with natural physical progression and this needs to be considered when reviewing their handicaps and start marks.

In my opinion the key to the continued growth of the VAL will be in providing an attractive product to the athletic community. We all have a role in that and need to continually strive to be innovative and be


Victorian Athletic League Inc. vigorous in the pursuit of new registrations. Quality communication is then essential to maintain their interest. The overall size of the athletic pool in this country is stagnant at best so we must strive to be better in order to grab a bigger slice.

Finally I would like to thank the entire VAL community for their support and understanding. I am most grateful to Nila Blennerhassett, Sue Dunbar , Mark Howard, Terry O’Donnell, Rick Trusler, John Holloway, and all the other officials for their help and patience and the board also for its support and encouragement. In particular I would like to express my gratitude to the athletes and coaches for their tremendous acceptance of myself in this role. I have really enjoyed my involvement with all of you throughout the season in sharing our common passion of professional foot running.

Mark O'Brien Distance Handicapper

Above....Rye 1600m Open 19

Victorian Athletic League Inc.

6.5 Chief Executive Officer's Report

Season 2008/2009 was in my opinion, one of the most successful seasons for many years. The Victorian Athletic League conducted twenty five meetings which opened with Geelong greyhounds in October. We also had the addition of two new meetings to the calendar which included the new event at the St Albans Football Club as well as the newly created Melbourne Gift which was run in Carlton. Both events returned a number of high-quality results, attendance and entry numbers were extraordinary and were well received both by athletes and trainers.

The free registration category in 2008/09 attracted some 146 new runners, the retention rate from the previous season was 50%. This initiative helped boom the newly created Sportzbiz Novice 400m series which was supported by eight clubs who hosted the series of events. For the first time novice 400m runners had events to look forward to each week. The discretionary handicapping of these events encouraged athletes to enter and the series was commended by the athletes and trainers via the Victorian Athletic League survey. The final of the series was run at Stawell and was one of the most entertaining and dramatic races of the carnival. The Victorian Athletic League is delighted to announce that Sportzbiz have confirmed that they will again sponsor the series of events in season 2009/10.

The Victorian Cross Country League and RetireInvest once again generously sponsored the 1600m Novice series. The series has been a regular on the Victorian Athletic League calendar of events for the past couple of years and has assisted in developing quality distance running as well encouraging new competitors. Next season these events have also been confirmed on the Victorian Athletic League calendar.

In December 2008 the Victorian Athletic League introduced two new initiatives which were beneficial to the league. A new classification of registration was introduced which allowed AWD's (athletes with a disability) free registration. We also introduced a rule which allowed AWD athletes to compete in Veterans events where the limits are larger than the normal open events. Further to this, the Victorian Athletic League with the assistance of the Melbourne City Council launched an event in Melbourne which led to the running of the Inaugural AWD 120m Gift event. Eight events were run with impressive entries for a first meeting.

Another new initiative was the Inaugural Golf day which was held at Northern Golf Club in Glenroy. The day was a fantastic day for all 20

Victorian Athletic League Inc. involved. It also allowed the Victorian Athletic League business people and sponsors a networking opportunity. Special thanks must go out to Chris Tuohy, Brian Marantelli and Andrew McManus who assisted significantly with the launch of the event. The annual golf day next season will be held on Friday 16th October at the Sunshine Golf Club in Derrimut. The 2009/10 season will also be launched on this day. We encourage all clubs to be in attendance.

Season 2009/10 will see the introduction of another new initiative created by the board. This will be the implementation of a junior series which will target athletes aged between 13-17 years of age. The Victorian Athletic League also plans on introducing a new age registration category to cater for these new athletes.

In May of 2008 the board also took a giant step forward when they updated the Victorian Athletic League's strategic plan. The board has listed its objectives and results of the past year in this document. Each year the board will review the success of the strategic plan and it will be modified from year to year over the next five years. I believe that the implementation of this plan has assisted the board in achieving the outstanding results of the past year.

Our overall registration count was 765, this figure was up 70 from last season. As mentioned earlier we had 146 new registrations which we hope to retain for next season. Overall entry numbers were up at every event except for two meetings. All clubs should be congratulated for this excellent result.

The finishes of our events last season were a particular highlight. No one has dominated or won multiple events during the season which has been a major problem in the past. We now have more winners and better competition for the athletes. The handicapping of our events has been a feature with close finishes of the 400m events one of the highlights of the season.

The 2008 Stawell Gift saw a sensational win to up and comer Aaron Stubbs. Aaron as an 18 year old won the gift impressively off 7.25m in a stylish time of 11.92. We wish Aaron the best of luck in taking his running to the next level.

Financially, the board has presented a $5,815 profit for the previous season. New initiatives have assisted in turning the financial situation of the Victorian Athletic League. As part of the board's five year strategic plan we visualise to be in a financial situation where we can sponsor races for clubs.


Victorian Athletic League Inc.

Finally I wish to thank the Victorian Athletic League board for all their support throughout the season. A special mention must go to our two new members who the clubs elected last AGM. The two new members of the board Chris Tuohy and Paul Connolly have taken the board to a new level. Chris has introduced a number of new initiatives and was instrumental in organising the VAL golf day. He also assisted in the marketing of our new AWD gift carnival in Melbourne. Paul Connolly has spent countless hours working on VAL issues. He has taken many new roles which include our finance director presenting detailed profit loss statements at our monthly meeting, he also re-wrote the handicapping guidelines, advised the board on legal issues as well as representing us when called upon. He also was on the handicap review panel.

I would also like to thank our retiring president George Flack who has guided me through my time as CEO of the VAL. George has been a tremendous leader and his time and effort along with his financial support has seen the VAL move ahead in leaps and bounds. Andrew McManus recently took the role of Vice-President and has shown leadership in all facets including chairing meetings when George has been unable to attend.

I would also like to thank our officials Terry O'Donnell, Mark O'Brien, Rick Trusler, John Holloway, Nila Blennerhasset, Sue Dunbar, Ian and Joy Cox, Matthew Webster, Bill Sutton, Robert Astill, Stawell starters and all the club volunteers who all give up their weekends to support the sport. I wish all concerned the best of luck for the upcoming season.

Mark Howard Chief Executive Officer

Above….Heat of the 70m Open at Keilor


Victorian Athletic League Inc.

7 Constitutional Motions


8 Life Membership Award

9 Vale

John Keenan Ken "Crusher" Webb Syd McGain Greg Connell Des Fitzgerald

10 Presentation of Awards

11 Election of Directors

There is one new nomination for the board

• Rick Trusler

Andrew McManus, Noel Rexter, Brian Marantelli and Sue Dunbar have re-nominated.

George Flack has stood down from the board.


Victorian Athletic League Inc.

12 Draft Calendar

Status V. A. L. Meetings Meeting Date Meadowglen (VRTA) Sunday 18th October 2009 Confirmed Geelong Greyhounds Friday 23rd October 2009 Confirmed Geelong Greyhounds Friday 30th October 2009 Confirmed Cranbourne Races Sunday 8th November 2009 Confirmed Dandenong Show Saturday 14th November 2009 Confirmed Movember Gift NEW Sunday 22nd November 2009 Confirmed Terang Sunday 29th November 2009 Confirmed Melbourne City Thursday 3rd December 2009 Confirmed Tullamarine NEW Saturday 5th December TBA Zatopek Thursday 10th December 2009 Confirmed th Northcote Sunday 13 December 2009 Confirmed Maryborough Friday 1st January 2010 Confirmed Cricket Willow Saturday 2nd January 2010 Confirmed Rye Saturday 9th January 2009 Confirmed th Ringwood Sunday 17 January 2010 Confirmed Wangaratta Saturday 23rd January 2010 Confirmed St Albans Saturday 30th January 2010 Confirmed Casey Fields NEW Friday 5th February 2010 Confirmed Sandringham Sunday 7th February 2010 Confirmed th Ballarat Saturday 13 February 2010 Confirmed Ararat Sunday 14th February 2010 Confirmed Keilor Saturday 20th February 2010 Confirmed Noble Park Sunday 28th February 2010 Confirmed Bendigo Sat 6th - Sun 7th March 2010 Confirmed Gift NEW Saturday 13th March 2010 Confirmed Burramine Saturday 20th March 2010 Confirmed St Bernard’s Sunday 28th March 2010 Confirmed Stawell Sat 3rd - Mon 5th April 2010 Confirmed VIC state Champ/s 26th - 28th March Confirmed Australian Champ/s 16th - 18th April Confirmed


Victorian Athletic League Inc.


13.1 Reduction of the registration age 13.2 Working with children 13.3 New U17 events 13.4 Insurance

Above….70m Womens St Bernards


Victorian Athletic League Inc.


Victorian Athletic League Incorporated Balance Sheet As At 30 April, 2009 30/04/09 30/04/08 $ $ $

Reserves Unappropriated Profits 29,195 23,380

Current Assets Cash at Bank 1,683 14,417 Sundry Debtor - ATO 10,264 0 Cash at Call V2 22,684 7,472 Cash Management Account 5,561 4,550 40,192 26,439

Current Liabilities GST Control -37 -1,765 PAYG Withholding Due 3,044 1,200 Superannuation Payable 4,389 422 Sundry Creditor 9,518 9,739 16,914 9,596

Working Capital 23,278 16,843

Fixed Assets Plant & Equipment at Cost 48,092 48,092 Less Accumulated Depreciation -43,068 -41,989 5,023 6,103

Computer Equipment at Cost 22,627 21,718 Less Accumulated Depreciation -21,963 -21,652 664 66

Database at Cost 2,800 2,800 Less Accumulated Depreciation -2,570 -2,432 230 368 5,917 6,537

Net Assets 29,195 23,380


Victorian Athletic League Inc.

Victorian Athletic League Incorporated Profit & Loss Statement Year Ended 30 April, 2009 30/04/2009 30/04/2008 $ $ $

Income Club Deposits 4,700 5,250 Entry Fees - Allocated 174,503 157,399 Fines & Appeals 1,255 2,489 Interest Received 227 714 Registrations 46,135 35,320 Sponsorship 13,627 3,500 Van Hire VCCL 1,800 1,800 Past Runners Assoc 0 5,070 NZ Franchise 0 5,981 Fundraising 9,713 0 Raffle 1,010 4,695 Sundry 34 0 253,004 222,218 Expenses Audit Fees 2,800 1,840 Advertising 133 41 Appeal Expenses 900 850 Bank Charges 3,840 3,363 Club Payments 99,924 90,512 Conferences 407 1,057 Depreciation 1,529 1,544 Drug Testing 1,439 109 Fundraising Costs 6,386 0 Insurance 732 678 Internet 218 200 Legal Fees 1,159 2,226 License Fees 117 656 Postage 1,006 1,611 Printing & Stationery 3,683 2,985 Prize Money Paid 9,438 4,599 Rent 5,920 4,262 Repairs & Replacements 510 1,354 Sashes 1,284 934 Subscriptions 5,170 0 Sundry Expenses 989 1,457 Superannuation 4,980 4,221 Telephone 3,302 3,154 Tolls - Citylink 300 1,400 Travel 1,401 1,841 Van Expenses 8,088 7,102 VRTA Payment 1,782 0 Wages - Casuals 29,345 33,631 Wages - Other 49,022 46,388 Workers Compensation 1,385 1,078 27

Victorian Athletic League Inc.

247,189 219,093

Net Profit 5,815 3,125


Victorian Athletic League Inc.


Victorian Athletic League Inc.



Above….120m Open St Bernards


Victorian Athletic League Inc.


Summary of performance against our six strategic objectives in season 2008/09


Objective: New coaches


• Season 2008/09 delivered a significant increase in registrations • Increased attendance numbers of athletes in all events • Increased in new (free registration category) registrations

Looking forward

• The VAL has a plan to approach schools to promote the league


Objective: Succession plan for VAL


• Produced office documents which outline procedures for office succession plan

Looking forward

• University students will be working in the VAL office during the season.


Objective: Financial to the point of supporting clubs in running meetings


• Monthly budget is reported at each monthly meeting • Board has reviewed income of registration fees and entry fees • Board created several news streams of revenue

Looking forward

• Board is approaching several organisations to hopefully find a major sponsor


Victorian Athletic League Inc.


Objective: Streamline Administration Process


• Board reviewed current office procedures

Looking forward

• The VAL will use volunteer university students to assist with office operations.


Objective: Develop - To initiate and develop relations with key stakeholders


• The Victorian Athletic League has developed a working relation with Athletics Victoria. • The VAL will be moving to Albert Park sharing office facilities with Athletics Victoria.

Looking forward

• The Victorian Athletic League plans to promote the junior series with VLAA and to establish a working relationship with Little Athletics.


Objective: To ensure the development and survival of clubs


• How to run a meeting document has been updated • VAL to seek new clubs

Looking forward

• New clubs have already been established including Euroa, Frankston, Tullamarine, Casey and another CBD location gift.


Victorian Athletic League Inc.


Season Season Dandenong 2007/08 2008/09

300m Open 35 31 300m Wom/Vets 47 47 1600m Novice 13 NA 550m Open 36 46 2000m Open 25 1600m 53

Total 156 177 UP 21


400m Open 32 40 300m Veterans 22 21 400m Women's 11 300m 12 1600m Open 27 800m 40

Total 92 113 UP 21


70m Open 77 84 200m Gift 71 65 550m Open 50 50 300m Veterans 46 45 400m Nov 17 38 400m Women's 25 26 2000m Open 31 1600 35 1600m Women's 9 1600Nov 17

Total 326 360 UP 34


Victorian Athletic League Inc.


120m Wom/Vets 38 36 120m Gift 43 54 300m Wom/Vets 42 48 400m Open 49 57 1600m Open 33 33 800m Open 36 34 70m Open 50 56

Total 291 318

UP 27


1600m Novice 19 NA 120m Gift 61 300m Veterans 48 1600m Open 41 400m Women's 32 400m Open 73 800m Open 60 70m Open 72 120m Women's 30

Total 436


800m Women's 23 70m Open 104 120m Open 89 1600m Open 71 120m AWD 8 300m Woms/Vets 76 400m Open 104

Total 475


400m Open 52 300m 60 2000m Open 32 43

Total 84 103 UP 19


Victorian Athletic League Inc.


100m Women's 37 Wom/Vets 72 100m Gift 76 84 1600m Open 37 65 400m Open 98 80 300m Veterans 53 Wom/Vets 86 1600m Veterans 19 NA 0 800m Open 55 59 70m Open 75 84 800m Woman's 25 24 70m Novice 34 48 400m Novice 0 55

Total 509 657 UP 148


120m Gift 69 65 1600m Wom/Vets 29 32 400m Women's 30 30 200m Open 59 60 300m Veterans 50 60 400m Open 72 71 1600m Open 34 37 70m Novice 21 32 70m Open 74 55 120m Women's 28 32 800m Open 48 48 120m Veterans 43 45 120m Novice 21 32 400m Novice 0 37 70m Women's 0 24

Total 578 660 UP 82


Victorian Athletic League Inc.


1600m Novice 19 25 300m Veterans 53 56 400m Women's 41 32 400m Open 86 101 1600m Open 55 51 70m Open 89 92 800m Open 70 53 100m Women's 36 27 100m U25 20 NA 0 100m Gift 83 68

Total 552 505 DOWN 47


300m Veterans 61 55 120m Women's 33 34 120m Gift 63 77 1600m Wom/Vets 24 27 1600m Open 47 53 400m Women's 43 36 400m Open 103 112 800m Open 74 63 70m Novice 34 48 70m Open 81 77

Total 563 582 UP 19


100m Open 84 100 100m Women's 40 38 1600m Novice 23 23 400m Novice 0 54 400m Gift 93 86 400m Women's 42 32 1600m Open 49 49 70m Open 79 87 70m Novice 34 47 300m Veterans 0 56 800m Women's 0 25

Total 444 597 UP 153


Victorian Athletic League Inc.


120m Gift 62 83 120m Novice 22 31 120m Wom/Vets 46 55 300m Veterans 45 50 400m Women's 24 30 400m Open 80 105 1600m Open 44 3200 46 70m Open 77 98 800m Open 56 60

Total 456 558 UP 102


100m Veterans 41 58 100m Gift 81 98 1600m Front 38 78 1600m Back 37 300m Wom/Vet 67 99 400m Open 103 102 70m Open 92 103 800m Women's 21 26

Total 480 564 UP 84


800m Open 7 70m Open 18 110m Women's 9 300m Veteran's 14 110m Gift 21 400m Women's 6 1600m Open 8 1600m Veteran's 7 1600m Women's 5 400m Open 15

Total 110 NA


Victorian Athletic League Inc.

St Albans

70m Open 108 120m Novice 38 120m Gift 82 120m Women's 37 300m Veterans 64 300m Women's 39 400m Open 110 800m Open 67 1600m Novice 17 1600m Open 52

Total 614


120m Novice 44 56 120m Gift 82 108 120m Veterans 49 52 400m Back 66 79 400m Front 109 126 1600m Open 52 65 1600m Women's 10 NA 0 800m Back 35 38 800m Front 61 57 70m Open 103 138 120m Women's 28 40

Total 639 759 UP 120


120m Gift 74 88 300m Wom/Vets 59 87 400m Open 70 70 1600m Open 50 54 70m Open 69 97 100m Women's 24 36 400m Novice 0 35

Total 346 467 UP 121


Victorian Athletic League Inc.


120m Women's 43 37 120m U21 40 33 800m Open 62 58 800m Women's 18 21 120m Gift 95 90 400m Novice 43 43 300m Veterans 80 75 400m Women's 45 39 1600m Front 35 40 400m Open 93 87 1600m Back 34 40 70m Open 128 124

Total 716 687 DOWN 29

Noble Park

70m Open 96 87 100m Novice 36 40 120m Women's 33 27 100m Veterans 53 300 85 120m Gift 66 66 800m 1600m Novice 21 Woms 19 1600m Open 51 69 400m Open 111 71 800m Open 61 60 2000m Invite 22 400m Novice 43

Total 528 589 UP 61


Victorian Athletic League Inc.


100m Women's 28 24 100m Veterans 36 45 120m Novice 22 23 120m Gift 64 65 400m Women's 32 27 400m Open 84 88 1600m Open 41 45 70m Open 80 83 800m Open 56 51 120m U21 3 100m 22

Total 446 473 UP 27


70m Open 95 113 120m Gift 75 84 120m Women's 30 41 800m Women's 26 29 800m Open 42 61 400m Opal 67 74 400m Women's 38 41 1600m Front 39 47 1600m Back 33 38 400m Novice 46

Total 445 574 UP 129

St Bernards

70m DON 40 45 70m Open 75 91 120m Open 77 100 120m Women's 35 70 46 400m Open 93 300 109 300m Women's 40 50 800m Gift 43 48 800m Veterans 52 40 2000m Open 40 42 1600m Women's 12 23

Total 507 594 UP 87


Victorian Athletic League Inc.


70m Open 168 196 100m Veterans 92 81 120m Women's 63 83 100m Novice 62 71 100m Youth 22 21 120m Gift 153 169 200m Open 130 158 400m Back 84 104 400m Women's 66 73 400m Front 64 63 550m Open 75 79 800m Open 96 85 800m Women's NA 40 1500m 300m Wom/Vets 60 Vets 105 1600m Novice 26 31 1600m Front 43 53 1600m Back 40 53 3200m Open 46 56

Total 1290 1521 UP 231

REGO's 2007/2008 2008/2009

Combined 16 9 Complimentary 88 146 First year 15 13 International 42 5 Interstate 173 209 Premium 108 95 Standard 183 209 Trainer 23 30 Youth 46 49

Total 694 765 UP 71


Victorian Athletic League Inc.

The Victorian Athletic League wishes to thank it sponsors and supporters for season 2008/2009. Support the sponsors that help grow your sport.



Victorian Athletic League Inc.



Victorian Athletic League Inc.


Victorian Athletic League Inc.



Victorian Athletic League Inc.