MainSheet The Newsletter of Thames YachT club m arch march 2013 2013 MT h e N eain w s l e tt er ofS Thamesheet Yach T c l u b From the Commodore From the Vice Commodore Is IT sPrING YeT???? I am sure this is well, it’s finally time to put this winter the question on everyone’s mind it has and all the snow we had behind us and been a long winter. The officers, executive begin to plan for a great 2013 TYc committee and members are working hard to season. we will kick off this year with get the club ready for your use this summer. our traditional so it is time to read your emails and the main St. Patrick’s Day pot-luck party sheet so that you are aware when volunteers on Saturday, March 16th, at 6:30 are needed. ($12.00 per person). Please bring your favorite dish to I want to thank the people from the south field that took an share (s-Z entrée, a-h dessert, I-r appetizers) and rsvp to interest in the reorganization plan and came to the meeting to get
[email protected]. your questions answered. This is a project that is long over due so Mark your calendar with these 2013 tYC activities! that our mooring field can be ready for new members so thanks March 16 St. Patrick’s Day Pot Luck 6:30 Pot Luck to the committee. April 12 General Membership Meeting 6:00 Pot Luck house has a big job that will be starting at the end of march so Dinner/7:00 Meeting they will be looking for volunteer so be on the lookout for the May 4 Spring Clean Up Day 8:00 a.m.