Artificial Intelligence in Case Management F2 Version 6.2
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06/2019 cView Artificial Intelligence in Case Management F2 Version 6.2 In this issue Artificial intelligence in the public sector New F2 version 6.2 with emphasis on automatisation The basic principles of artificial intelligence AI case management F2 version 6.2 emphasises Artificial intelligence in case management Though the public sector is in- to its missing emphasis on the rule-based management can be supported when vesting heavily in artificial intel- type, which is exactly what is needed for relevant. The model also facilitates the im- ligence, many projects are still the automating of case management. plementation of artificial intelligence, so it in their research phase. Many Instead, recognition-based techniques happens as part of a controlled and agile solutions are characterised by are tested and implemented, and while transformation. supporting simple, stand-alone they may be appropriate, they are mostly work routines. The enthusiasm is used for point solutions or in relation to F2 as a platform allows for great impro- present, but so far results have estimation and counselling. vements, as the model ensures that the been modest. administrative tasks are the starting point. Integrated artificial intelligence F2 also facilitates an ongoing optimisa- Artificial intelligence offers a set of IT Based on a model of digital bureaucracy, tion of the authority while experience tools that provides great opportunities, F2 offers a new and effective approach to is accumulated and new techniques are especially in relation to the public sector. artificial intelligence. The model ensures implemented. Artificial intelligence, then, Already today there are great improve- an effective integration and supports both becomes not only an independent science ments to be made, because a large part types of artificial intelligence as well as project, but a natural part of the authori- of administrative case management is agile implementation. ty’s digital transformation and evolution rule-based. Coincidentally, the rule-based in both the short and the long run. type of artificial intelligence is the most The model helps describe an authority’s advanced. work flow in detail, down to case types, In this issue of cView, we present F2 versi- tasks and roles. With a basis in this de- on 6.2 with a special emphasis on artificial Artificial intelligence means “mimicking scription case processes and tasks can be intelligence. We will tell you about the human cognition”. There are several automated by implementing artificial in- new functions in F2 version 6.2, including kinds of human thinking, however. telligence directly in the flow and on each a number of fully integrated robots, and Today we are working on mimicking two individual step. F2 ensures an effective we will tell you about the theory, model basic ways of thinking: integration and supports and utilises both and techniques which make F2 a unique types of artificial intelligence as a fully platform for artificial intelligence in relati- • Rule-based thinking, e.g. used for com- integrated part of the standard system on to case management. puter chess and in both the authority’s processes and • Recognition-based thinking, e.g. speech case management. or image recognition The many case areas which are exclusi- The public sector’s limited success with vely rule-based can then be fully auto- artificial intelligence so far may be due mated, and estimations during the case 2 | cView – AI case management F2 version 6.2 F2 version 6.2 emphasises Automatisation In F2 version 6.2 cBrain has added several • Robot case creation • Robot for hearings involving external new functions and options to the standard • Automated tasks for case steps participants product, not least when it comes to • Robot for producing documents • Mass processing of cases artificial intelligence and automatisation. governed by a rule- and context-based • Robot for case monitoring Support for both rule-based and recog- phrase archive nition-based artificial intelligence is fully • Support for rulings In addition, new functions and improve- integrated in F2 version 6.2, making it an • Robot for case guide and variance ments have been implemented across the especially effective platform for automa- processing product, several of which are inspired by ting work tasks and case management. • Robot for rule-based self-service user suggestions and feedback including - The ability to delete a case, e.g. to meet data protection regulations. Robot for case Automated tasks creation for case steps Central to every case process is Based on the “digital bureaucracy” As an example F2 may automatically the case creation. But creating a model, F2 enables the creation of case offer information on parts of the case or case can be laborious and quality guides which determine the steps and verify reported case information through assurance difficult. F2 solves this tasks that a given case type must go the use of rules and lookup functions. using automated case creation, a through. When a case is created, it is context-sensitive robot that supports possible to attach a case guide from the Automating tasks saves time and helps fast and secure case creation. case guide library. increase quality. Additionally, and crucially, it ensures compliance with The robot is based on a library Each step comprises a number of tasks. administrative requirements. Basing of case templates. When the user Automation of these tasks is possible the automatisation on a case guide creates a case, a template can be since rules can be attached to a step, ensures that even an entirely automated attached based on which the robot and each step may call on external case process is fully documented as if performs a number of tasks in rela- functions. An entire task or parts the case were handled manually. The tion to e.g. attachment of security thereof may be completed by calling on documentation covers both the overall groups, participants, keywords or a external services. A recognition routine process as well as each step and its given case guide. which offers counselling on estimations tasks, decisions and rulings. based on available data may also be With case templates, case creation activated. This enables F2 to perform is faster and many errors are elimi- many of the work tasks which the case nated. The robot may be activated manager before performed manually. by a user or by F2. For example, in relation to self-service the robot may be activated on a given case step Case guide model after case creation, fully automating the process. A case guide consists of a number Case guide of steps, each with a number of tasks to be performed. Many tasks can be automated Casesteps through rules which are applied to a given step. The tasks may be performed by the authority or Tasks by a citizen or another external participant. cView – AI case management | 3 F2 version 6.2 – continued Robot for Robot for case guide producing docu- and variance processing ments governed The F2 standard product allows for the In this relation, the robot also supports by a rule- and definition and storage of case guides. a so-called “navigation function”. If context-based In this context variance is central. navigation is present on a given step of It is possible to define variance in a case or record, the robot determines phrase archive relation to the case guide itself, e.g. what is presented to the user. For the which steps to follow, and in relation user, this means that clicking on a to automating tasks performed on the record in a given list in F2 opens those A central element of case mana- individual steps of the case process. tasks that must be performed in order gement is the production of notes, to progress to the next step. It is a emails, letters and other documents. This means that rules may be attached means of guiding the user’s work using F2 offers a robot which allows for which govern a concrete case guide, lists, or bookcases, made possible by large parts of document production and the case guide itself may be redefi- the F2 robot that governs the overall to be automated through an ad- ned with additional case steps if chan- execution of the case. vanced rule-based phrase archive. ges are made to the case’s information. When the robot is activated, it Variance may also be governed reviews the relevant case informa- A case that progresses through the steps by checklists. If the case is missing tion and relevant templates and of a case guide will often be represen- information, for example, the F2 phrases. The phrase archive is ted by lists that are presented to the robot can add an additional step to comprised of rules with full access user in F2’s main window. The user will ensure that the case is fully examined to case information and is able experience the robot for case guide and before proceeding. Through rules and to utilise templates for e.g. Word variance through the case’s progress variance, the robot can also determine documents or emails. from list to list, which can be thought of which further case steps are relevant in as a relocation from one bookcase to relation to a concrete ruling. This means that F2 can generate another. even complex documents automati- cally. It also allows for automatisati- on of even the complex steps of the case process. Example: When a new case is received from a self-service site, the case creation robot ensures that the Robot for rule-based case is created correctly and atta- self-service ches a case guide. As a first step of the case guide, the document pro- ducing robot generates a document Case guides in F2 can support the The rule-based self-service is gover- or an email based on the informati- entire case process from self-service ned by a robot with full access to the on which the citizen has entered th- to case management, ruling, finalising self-service solution, the case informa- rough the self-service site.