3f}umb 46 895



Additional Land taken for the Purposes of an Abattoi'r in Blocks 11 Road closed in Block IV, Wai-iti Survey District, Waimea Oounty and VI, Otahuku S~trt'ey District [L.S.] B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General [L.S.] MICHAEL MYERS, A PROCLAMATION Administrator of the Government URSUANT to section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, A PROCLAMATION P Lieutenant-General Sir Bernard Cyril Freyberg, the Governor. URSUANT to the Public Works Act, 1928, I, Sir Michael Myers, General of the of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as P the Administrator of the Government of the Dominion of closed the portion of road described in the Schedule hereto. New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the additional la,nd described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for the purposes SCHEDULE of an abattoir and shall vest in the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens APPROXIMATE area of the piece of road closed: 1 acre 0 roods of the City of Auckland as from the date hereinafter mentioned; 15 perches. and I do also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and Adjoining or passing through Sections 186 and 186A, Moutere after the first day of July, one thousand mne hundred and forty­ District. six. Situated in Block IV, Wai·iti Survey District (Nelson R.D.). (S.O. 9419.) SCHEDULE In the Nelson Land District; as the same is more particularly ApPROXIMATE area of the piece of additional land taken: 130 acres delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 123134, deposited in the 2 roods 35 perches. office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured Reing part Hamlin's Grant. green. Situated in Blocks II and VI, Otahuhu Survey District (Auck- Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General land R.D.). (S.O. 33885.) . of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the In the North Auckland Land District; as the same is more Seal of that Dominion, this 25th day of June, 1946. particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 12_3384, deposited R. SEMPLE, Minister of Works. in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured yellow. GOD SAVE THE KING! (P.W. 42/759.) Given under the hand of His Excellency the Administrator of the Government of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 12th day of Portion of a Public Domain set apart for Defence Purposes in the June, 1946. Oity of Hamilton R. SEMPLE, Minister of Works. [L.S·] B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General GOD SAVE THE KING! A PROCLAMATION (P.W. 53/360.) URSUANT to the Public Works Act, 1928, I, Lieutenant­ P General Sir Bernard Cyril Freyberg, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the portion of public domain described in the Schedule hereto Revoking a Proclamation taking Land for Road in Block IV, Belmont is hereby set apart for defence purposes; and I do also declare Survey District that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and forty-six. [L.S.] B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION SCHEDULE URSUANT to the Public Works Act, 1928, I, Lieutenant­ APPROXIMATE area ofthe piece ofland set apart: 2 roods 4·1 perches. P General Sir Bernard Cyril Freyberg, the Governor-General Being part Section 34, Hamilton East Town Belt. of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby revoke the Proclamation Situated in Block II, Hamilton Survey District (City of da;ted the twenty-sixth day of September, one thousand nine Hamilton) (Auckland R.D.). (S.O. 32416.) hundred and forty-five, published in the New Zealand Gazette No. 62 of the fourth day of October of the same year, at page 1224, In the Auckland Land District; as- the same is more parti. and deposited in the Deeds Registry Office at Wellington under cularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 120520, deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon No. 3601, taking land for road. coloured yellow. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General Seal of that Dominion, this 25th day of June, 1946. of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 25th day of June, 1946. R. SEMPLE, Minister of Works. R. SEMPLE, Minister of Works. GOD SAVE THE KING! GOD SAVE THE KING! (P.W. 70/9/32/0.) (P.W. 32/700/3/1.) A THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46

Orown Land set apart as a Permanent State Forest corner of Section lO3R; thence in a north-westerly direction in a direct line bounded by part of Section 78, Ocean Beach District, and [L.S.] MICHAEL MYERS, part of Section I, Block XV, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District Administrator of the Government aforesaid, to the starting-point at the south-westerly corner of Section 44, Block VI, Town District aforesaid. A PROCLAMATION Also all that portion of land being part of Sections 78, 79, 80, y virtue and in exercise of the powers and authorities conferred 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 107R, 108R, 70, Sections 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, B upon me by section eighteen of the Forests Act, 1921-22, 40,41,42,43,44,45,46,71,72,73,74,75,76,77, 102R, 109R, Ocean I, Sir Michael Myers, the Administrator of the Government of the Beach District, part Section I, Block XIII, Dunedin and East Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby set apart the Crown land Taieri Survey District, and all the road-lines within the boundaries described in the Schedule hereto as a permanent State forest. hereinafter described: Bounded, commencing at the most southerly corner of Section lO3R, Ocean Beach District; thence in a south­ SCHEDULE westerly direction along the north boundary of the road-line inter­ secting Sections 78 and 79, and bounded towards the north-west by MARLBOROUGH LAND DIS'rRICT.-NELSON CONSERVANCY part of the said Sections 78 and 79, Ocean Beach District; thence ALL that area in the Marlborough Land District, Marlborough -across the said road-line ; thence in a south-westerly direction County, containing by admeasurement 58 acres, more or less, and bounded towards the north-west by part of Sections 80, 81, 82, 83, being Section 9, Block XV, Wakamarina Survey District. As the 84, and 85; thence in a south-easterly direction bounded towards same is more particularly delineated in plan No. 104/37, deposited the south-west by part of Sections 85, 107R, and 70 to a road-line on in the Head Office of the State Forest Service at Wellington, and lines and bearings delineated on the Survey Office plan No. 9459; thereon bordered red. (Blenheim S.O. plan 1186.) thence across the said road-line; thence in a westerly direction bounded towards the north by the said road-line; thence in a Given under the hand of His Excellency the Administrator of south-easterly direction bounded towards the south-west by other the Government of the Dominion of New Zealand, and part of said Section 70 to a road-line; thence in a north-easterly issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 12th day of direction bounded towards the south-east by part of the said road;; June, 1946. line; thence across the road-line in a south-easterly direction bounded C. F. SKINNER, Commissioner of State Forests. towards the south-west by Section 47, Ocean Beach District; thence in a south-westerly direction towards the north-west by Section 47 GOD SAVE THE KING! aforesaid and part of Section 48, Ocean Beach District; thence in a (S.F. 6/4/14.) south-easterly direction and a south-westerly direction bounded towards the west by part of Section I and a road reserve along the coast-line, Block XIII, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District, Boundaries of Oity oj Dunedin and Oounty of Taieri altered to the sea, as described in Certificates of Title, Volumes 218/179 and 275/29; thence in an easterly direction bounded by the sea to B. C. FREYBERG, Governor·General a point in line with the south-western boundary of the Original ORDER IN COUNCIL Section 32, Ocean Beach District, on the south-western boundary of the City of Dunedin; thence generally in a north-westerly At the Government House at Wellington, this 26th day of direction bounded towards the north-east by the said City of Dunedin June, 1946 - to the centre-line Of Corstorphine Road, as described in Gazette Present: No. 1945, page 576; thence to the southern corner of Section 103R HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL aforesaid to the starting-point. W. O. HARVEY, Clerk of the Executive Council. HEREAS in pursuance of section one hundred and thirty-seven W of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1933, a petition was (LA. 103/5/81.) presented to the Governor-General praying that certain areas be excluded from the County of Taieri and included in the City of Dunedin: Oonsenting to Additional Land being taken for the Purposes of an And whereas a Commission appointed under the said section Abattoir in Blocks II and VI, Otahuhu SU1'vey D1:strict held inquiries and recommended that the said areas be excluded from the County of Taieri and included in the City of Dunedin: MICHAEL MYERS, And whereas it is deemed expedient to make the alterations of Administrator of the Government boundaries recommended by the said Commission: Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the powers and ORDER IN COUNCIL authorities vested in him by the Municipal Corporations Act, 1933, At the Government House at Wellington, this 14th day of and of all other powers and authorities enabling him in that behalf, Julie, 1946 - His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice Present: and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby declare that as on and from the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred HIS EXCELLENCY THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE GOVERNMENT and forty-six, the areas described in the Schedule hereto shall be IN COUNCIL excluded from the County of Taieri and included in the City of URSUANT to the Public Works Act, 1928, His Excellency Dunedin. P the Administrator of the Government of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby consent to SCHEDULE the additional land described in the Schedule hereto' being taken AREAS EXCLUDED FROM COUNTY OF TAIERI AND INCLUDED IN for the purposes of an abattoir. CITY OF DUNEDIN ALL that portion of land being part of Section 18, Sections 19, 20, SCHEDULE 21, Original Sections 22, 23, 24, 25, Sections 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, ApPROXIMA1:'E area of the piece of additional land permitted to be 32, 33, part of Sections 99R, 100R, I11R, and part of 676R, Block V, taken: 130 acres 2 roods 35 perches. Lower Kaikorai Survey District, and part of Secti()n 45, Block VI, Being part Hamlin's Grant. Town District, together with all the existing road-lines within the Situated in Blocks II and VI, Otahuhu Survey District (Auck­ boundaries hereinafter described: Bounded, commencing at the land R.D.). (S.O. 33885.) most northerly corner of Section 19, Block V, Lower Kaikorai Survey District; thence in a south-westerly direction bounded towards the In the North Auckland Land District; as the same is more north-west by part Section I of 49, a road-line, Sections 48, 47, 45, particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 123384, deposited a road-line, and 711R, Block VI, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon District; thence in a south-easterly direction bounded towards the coloured yellow. south-west by Section 45 and part of Section 99R, part of the Kaikorai W. O. HARVEY, Clerk of the Executive Council. Valley Road, Block V, Lower Kaikorai Survey District, and part of (P.W. 53/360.) Section 45, Block VI, Town District, in the Borough of Green Island, to the boundary of the City of Dunedin; thence in a north-westerly and north-easterly direction bounded towards the north-east and south-east by Sections 42, 46, 47, 48, by part of Barr Street and Office in the Administrative Division under the Public Service Act, Kenmure Road, and Section 50, Block VI, Town District, in the 1912 said City of Dunedin; thence in a westerly direction bounded towards the north and north-east by part of Sections 17, 18, and a road-line, MICHAEL MYERS, Block V, Lower Kaikorai Survey District, to the starting-point. Administrator of the Government Also all that portion of land being part of Sections 36, 39, 40, ORDER IN COUNCIL 44, 98R, and Section 43, Block VI, Town District, part of Section I, Block XV, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District, Section 103R, At the Government House at Wellington, this 12th day of part of Section 78, Ocean Beach District, and portion of the South June, 1946 Road, Riselaw Road, and Corstorphine Road within the boundaries Present: hereinafter described: Bounded, commencing at the south-westerly corner of the said Section 44, Block VI, Town District; thence in a HIS EXCELLENCY THE _ADM1NISTRATOR OF THE GOVERNMENT north-westerly direction bounded towards the south-west by part of IN COUNCIL said Section I and part of Section 98R, Block XV, Dunedin and East HEREAS by subsection two of I'!ect.ion eighteen of the Public Taieri Survey District, to a point on the centre-line of South Road; W Service Act, 1912, it is enacted that the Commissioner may, thence in a north-easterly direction along the centre-line of South whenever it appears advantageous to the Public Service so to do, Road to a point in line with the south-west boundary of Section 42, certify to the Governor-General that it is expedient to add any Block VI, Town District; thence in an easterly, south-easterly, and office to or to abolish any office from the Administrative Division of southerly direction bounded by the City of Dunedin, following the the Public Service of New Zealand~ and the Governor-General in centre-line of South Road, Riselaw Road, and Corstorphine Road, as Council may, upon such certificate, add any office to the Adminis- described in Gazette No. 1945, page 576; thence to the most southerly trative Division or abolish any office therein: - JUNE 27J THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE

And whereas the Public Service Commissioner has certified to A uthorizing the Laying-off of a Street off Fraser Street, in the Borough the Administrator of the Government that it is expedient to abolish of Tauranga, of a width less than 66 ft. but not less than 50 ft., the office of Director of National Service and Controller of Man­ subject to a Oondition as to the Building-line power, National Service Department, from the said Administrati.ve Division, an~, further, that it is expedient to add the office of Director of Employment, National Employment Service, to the B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General said Administrative Division: ORDER IN COUNCIL Now, therefore, His Excellency the Administrator of the Govern­ ment of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance a,nd exercise At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 19th day' of of the powers conferred on him by the sa,id section, and of all other June, 1946 powers enabling him in this behalf, and acting by and with the Present: advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, THE RIGHT HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN CoUNCIL doth herehy abolish the office of Director of National Service and Controller of Man-power, National Service Department, from the URSUANT to the Public Works Act, 1928, and the Municipal said Administrative Division, and doth further hereby add the P Corporations Act, 1933, His Excellency the Governor-General office of Director of Employment, National Employment Service, of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and to the said Administrative Division. consen~ of the Executive Council of the said Do"minion, doth hereby authOrIze the Tauranga Borough Oouncil to permit the laying-off of 'V. O. HARVEY, Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. the proposed street described in the Schedule hereto of a width less than sixty-six feet, but not less than fifty feet, subject to the condition that no building or part of a building shall at any time be erected on Office in the Administmtive Dim:sion under the Public Service the land fronting the said street within a distance of forty-eight feet Act, 1912 from the centre-line of the said street.

MICHAEL MYERS, Administrator of the Government SCHEDULE ORDER IN COUNCIL THAT proposed street off Fraser Street in the Auckland Land District, At the Government House at Wellington, this 12th day of Borough of Tauranga, containing by admeasurement 2 roods ,Tune, 1946 31 perch~s, more of less, being parts Lots 3, 7, 13, 14, 16, and 20, Present: D.P. 14326, being parts Allotments 615, 616, 618, 619, 621, and 622 of Section 2, Town of Tauranga. As the same is more particularly HIS EXCELLENCY TIlE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE GOVERNMENT delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 123328, deposited in the IN CO-UNCIL office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured HEREAS by subsection two of section eighteen of the Public red. W Service Act, 1912, it is enacted that the Commissioner may, O. HARVEY, Clerk of the Executive Council. whenever it appears advantageous to ··the Public Service so to do, w. certify to the Governor-General that it is expedient to add a,ny (P.W. 51/2944.) office to or to abolish any office from the Administrative Division of the Public Service of New Zealand, and the Governor-General in Council may, upon such certificate, a,dd any office to the Adminis­ trative Division or abolish any office therein: The Northern Side of Portion of Majoribanks Street, in the Oity of And whereas the Public Service Commissioner has certified to Wellington, exempted from the Provisions of Section 128 of the the Administrator of the Government that it is expedient to abolish Public Works Act, 1928, subject to a C01"bdition as to the Building. the office of Under-Secretary, Native Department, from the said line Administrative Division, and, further, that it is expedient to add the office of Under-Secretary and Native Trustee, Native Depart­ ment, t9 the said Administrative Division: B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General Now, therefore, His Excellency the Administrator of the Govern­ ORDER IN COUNCIL ment of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred on him by the said section, and of all other At the Government House at Wellington, this 26th day of powers enabling him in this behalf, and acting, by and with the June, 1946 advice and consent of the Executive Council of the gaid Dominion, Present: doth hereby abolish the office of Under-Secretary, Native Depart­ HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL ment, from the said Administrative Division, and doth further hereby add the office of Under-Secretary and Native Trustee, URSUANT to section one hundred and twenty-eight of the Native Department, to the said Administrative Division. P Public Works Act, 1928, His Excellency the Governor-General W. O. HARVEY, of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advic~,and Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. , consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby approve of the following resolution passed by the Wellington City Council on the fifteenth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and Offices abolished from the Administrat'ive Division ~tnder the Public forty-six, viz. :- Service Act, 1912 "The Wellington City Council, being the local authority having control of the streets in the City of Wellington, by MICHAEL MYERS, resolution declares that the provisions of section one ·hundred Administrator of the Government and twenty-eight ofthe Public Works Act, 1928, shall not apply ORDER IN COUNCIL to that part of the northern side of Majoribanks Street fronting At the Government House at Wellington, this 12th day of Lots 1 and 2, D.P. 12620"; June, 1946 subject to the condition that no building or part of a building shall Present: at any time be erected on the land fronting the northern side of the HIS EXCELLENCY THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE GOVERNlYIENT portion of Majoribanks Street (described in the Schedule hereto) IN COUNCIL within a distance of thirty-three feet from the centre-line of the said portion of street. HEREAS by subsection two of section eighteen of the Public W Service Act, 1912, it is enacted that the Commissioner may, whenever it appears advantageous to the Public Service so to do, SCHEDULE certify to the Governor-General that it is expedient to add any offtce to or to abolish any office from the Administrative Division of THE northern side of all that portion of street situated ip. the the Public Service of New Zealand, and the Governor-General in Wellington Land District, City of Wellington, known as Majoribanks Oouncil may, upon such certificate, add any office to the Adminis­ Street, fronting Lots 1 and 2, D.P. 12620, being part Section 374, trative Division or abolish any office therein: Town of Wellington. As the same is more particularly delineated And whereas the Public Service Commissioner has certified to on the plan marked P.W.D. 123742, deposited in the office of the the Administrator of the Government that it is expedient to abolish Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured red. from the Administrative Division the offices set out in the Schedule W. O. HARVEY, Clerk of the Executive Council. attached hereto: "I Now, therefore, His Excellency the Administrator of the Govern­ (P.W. 51/524.) ment of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred on him by the said section, and of all other powers enabling him in this behalf, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, Officers authori1-ed to take and receive Statutory Declamtions doth hereby abolish from the said Administrative Division the offices set out in the Schedule attached hereto. B. 'C. FREYBERG, Governor·General SCHEDULE URSUANT to the authority conferred upon me by the -three­ Inspector of-Customs. hundred-and·first section of the Justices of the Peace Act, Secretary of Education. P1927, I, Lieutenant-General Sir Bernard Cyril Freyberg, the Secretary, Government Insurance Department. Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do 'hereby R,egistrar of Friendly Societies and Superintendent, National notify and declare that the persons whose names are set 'out in the Provident Fund. Schedule hereto, being officers in the service of the Crown holding Commissioner of Pensions. the offices stated opposite their names respectively in the said Director of National Development. Schedule, are authorized to take and receive statutory declarations W. o. HARVEY, under the three-hundred-and-first section' of the Justices, of the . Acting Clerk of t~e Executive CoMcil. Peace Act, 1927." 898 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE tNo. 46

SOHEDULE Appointments, Promotions, Relinquishment of Commission, and John Finlaison McDougall, Postmaster and Telephonist, Retirements of Officers of the New Zealand Military Forces Oardrona. George William Marsh, Postmaster, Fairlie. Army Department, William Bambridge Robertson, Deputy Ohief Postmaster, Wellington, 26th June, 1946. Invercargill. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to Vincent Peter Scaletti, Postmaster, Otorohanga. H approve of the following appointments, promotions, relin­ John Henry Shelker, Deputy Ohief Postmaster, Palmerston quishment of commission, and retirements of officers of the New North. Zealand Military Forces :- Aileen Mildred Martyn, Temporary Postmistress, Te Uku. John McKinnon, Postmaster, Wairoa. N.Z. STAFF OORPS Edwin Hamilton Tyler, Manager, Money-order and Savings­ Lieutenant-Oolonel (temp. Oolonel) F. L. Hunt, O.B.E., to be bank Branch, Auckland. temp. Brigadier whilst carrying out the duties of Acting Adjutant­ J ohh Thomas Adams, Senior Supervisor, Olerical Branch, General and Member of the Army Board. Dated 20th April, 1946. Ohristchurch. Lieutenant (temp. Oaptain) L. G. S. Oross relinquishes his com­ Herbert John Down, Manager, Money Order and Savings-bank mission in the N.Z. Staff Oorps. Dated 13th June, 1946. Branch, Ohristchurch. George Maitland Gwynne, Deputy Ohief Postmaster, Napier. N.Z. PERMANENT STAFF Rupert Joseph Winter Blick, Deputy Ohief Postmaster, Nelson. Henry Alexander Newing Oatana.ch, Deputy Ohief Postmaster, Temp. Oaptain and Quartermaster A. O. Wood, D.O.M., is Wanganui. posted to the Retired List with the rank of Oaptain and Quarter­ John Toner, Manager, Money-order and Savings-bank Branch, master. Dated 8th June, 1946. Wellington. REGIMENT OF ROYAL N.Z. ARTILLERY As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, Temp. Oaptain and Quartermaster R. Kerr is posted to the this 22nd day of June, 1946. Retired List with the rank of Oaptain and Quartermaster. Dated H. G. R. MASON, Minister of Justice. 5th June, 1946. N.Z. TEMPORARY STAFF Temp. Lieutenant O. E. Slade-Jones to be temp. Oaptain. Appointment of Members oj Wate1iront Indulitry Commission Dated 13th May, 1946. Temp. Lieutenant W. Mann is posted to the Retired List with the rank of Lieutenant. Dated 13th June, 1946. B. O. FREYBERG, Governor-General N.Z. INFANTRY URSUANT to the Waterfront Industry Emergency Regulations The North Auckland Regiment P 1946, I, Lieutenant-General Sir Bernard Oyril Freyberg, the Alwyn Gilbert Long to be 2nd Lieutenant (on prob.), and is Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby seconded to the Dargaville District High School Oadets, Area 3. appoint- Dated 3rd May, 1946. Frederick William Ongley, Esquire, Judge of the Oompensation , Oyril Oharles Wild to be 2nd Lieutenant (on prob.), and is Oourt, seconded to the Dargaville District High School Oadets, Area 3. Dated 3rd May, 1946. to be the Ohairman of the Waterfront Industrv Oommission, on and from the first day of July, one thousand nin~ hundred and forty­ SCHOOL OADET UNITS six; and Avondale Technical High School Cadets, Area 1 Keith Alexander Belford, of Wellington; and George Leslie Almond, of New Plymouth (nominated by the Oaptain W. R. H. Martin to be temp. Major. Dated 10th June, New Zealand 'Waterside Employers' Association Industrial 1946. Association of Employers); and RESERVE OF OFFICERS Harold Barnes, of Auckland; and N.Z. Army Nursing Service John Flood, of Lyttelton (nominated by the New Zealand Sister I. M. Turnbull (nee Young) is posted to the Retired List. Waterside Workers' Industrial Union of Workers), Dated 19th June, 1946. to be members of the Oommission for a term commencing on the F. JONES, Minister of Defence. . first day of JUly, one thousand nine hundred and forty-six, and expiring on the twenty-ninth day of Februa,ry, one thousand nine hundred and forty-eight. Appointments, Promotions, Relinquishments of Commis8ion8, and As witness the hand. of His Excellency the Governor-General, Retirements of Officers of the New Zealand Military FO'f'ces this 26th day of ,June, 1946. JAS. O'BRIEN, Army Department, For the Minister of Labour. Wellington, 26th June, 1946. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to H approve of the following appointments, promotions, relin­ quishments of commissions, and retirements of officers of the New Appointment of Member8 of Medical Council under Medical Zealand Military Forces :- Practitioners Act, 1914 N.Z. STAFF OORPS Oaptain D. Ourtis is posted to the Retired List. Dated 2nd June, 1946 . . B. O. FREYBERG, Governor-General N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred N.Z. PERMANENT STAFF I upon me by section three of the Medical Practitioners Act, Sergeant Leslie Arthur Pearce to be temp. Oaptain and Quarter- 1914, I, Lieutenant-General Sir Bernard Oyril Freyberg, the master. ?ated 14th March, 1946. . Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby reappoint- N.Z. ARMY ORDNANCE OORPS Sir Donald Johnstone McGavin, Kt., O.M.G., D.S.O., M.D., Temp. Major D. I. Strickland relinquishes his commlSSlOn in F.R.O.S., and the N.Z. Army Ordnance Oorps. Dated 10th June, 1946. Oharles Ritchie Burns, M.D. (Univ. N.Z.), F.R.O.P. (Lond.), Staff Sergeant Leslie Norman Restieaux to be temp. Captain and Quartermaster. Dated 12th May, 1946. to be members of the Medical Oouncil under the aforesaid Act. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, N.Z. TEMPORARY STAFF . this 22nd day of June, 1946. The undermentioned to be temp. Oaptains:­ A. H. NORDMEYER, Minister of Health. Temp. Lieutenants- V. T. Sheehy. Dated 1st June, 1946. A. B. Ourrie. Dated 15th June, 1946. David Ivan Strickland. Dated 11th June, 1946. Appointment to the Royal New Zealand Navy TERRITORIAL FOROE Navy Office, N.Z. ARMOURED OORPS Wellington, 17th June, 1946. 3rd N.Z. Armoured Regiment IS . Excellency the Governor-General has .been pleased to 2nd Lieutenant (temp. Oaptain) M. J. Coop is posted to the H. accept the transfer of Temporary Lieutenant (Special Retired List with the rank of Oaptain. Dated 15th January, 1946. Branoh) Charles Gillett Schumacher from the Royal New Zealand Naval Volunteer Reserve to the Royal New Zealand Navy, and to N.Z. ARTILLERY appoint him to a Short-service Oommission with the rank of Lieu­ Temp. Major S. F. Oatchpole, M.O., is posted to the Retired tenant (Electrical Branch), with seniority of 4th January; 1945, in List with the rank of Major. Dated 8th June, 1946. the Royal New Zealand Navy for a period of three years,to date from 1st June, 1946, under the provisions of the Naval Defence N.Z. OORPS OF SIGNALS Act, 1913. Temp. Captain A.D. Lawless is posted to the Retired List with F. JONES, Minister of Defence. the rank of Major. Dated '15th June,1946. JUNE 27] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 899

N.Z. INFANTRY Captain J. R. Gillies, and is reposted to The Auckland Regi­ The Auckland Regiment (Oountess of Ranfurly's Own) ment (Countess of Ranfurly's Own) with the temporary rank of Captain, with seniority from 19th January, 1945. Dated 8th May, Temp. Major H. Woodyear-Smith is posted to the Retired List 1946. with the rank of Major. Dated 7th June, 1946. Captain H. H. Lawrence, and is reposted to The Canterbury Regiment with the temporary rank of Captain, with seniority from The H auraki Regiment 8th May, 1945. Dated 12th June, 1946. ' Major E. G. Kedgley, from the Retired List, to be temp. Major, Lieutenant (Acting-Captain) H. J. Needham, N.Z. Corps of with seniority from 4th October, 1942, and is seconded to the Signals, and is reposted to the Territorial Force with the temporary Tauranga District High School Cadets, Area 2. Dated 17th June, rank of Lieutenant, with seniority from 14th May, 1944. Dated 1st 1946. June, 1946. The Wellington West Ooast Regiment Sister M. C. Ruck (nee Dean), N.Z. Army Nursing Service, and is reposted to the Territorial Force with the rank of Sister, with Thomas Edmund Douds (late temp. Lieutenant, N.Z. Artillery) seniority from 23rd April, 1941. Dated 13th November, 1945. to be temp. Lieutenant, with seniority from 1st April, 1943, and is Sister G. E. Brown, N.Z. Army Nursing Service, and is reposted seconded to the Foxton District High S~hool Cadets, Area 6. Dated to the Territorial Force with the rank of Sister, with seniority from 2nd April, 1946. 16th June, 1943. Dated 15th April, 1946. Sister M. J. Brown, N.Z. Army Nursing Service, and is reposted The Taranaki Regiment to the Territorial Force with the rank of Sister, with seniority fi.·om John Benjamin Thurston (late temp. Captain, The Wellington 6th February, 1942. Dated 13th June, 1946. Regiment (City of Wellington's Own) ) to be temp. Captain, and is seconded to the Hawera Technical High School Cadets, Area 8. OFFICERS STB,UOK OFF THE STREGTH OF THE 2ND NEW ZEALAND Dated 8t~ December, 1945. EXPEDITIONARY FORCE Major L. A. Pearce, and is reposted to the N.Z. Permanent The Oanterbury Regiment Staff. Dated 13th March, 1946. Lloyd George Selwyn Cross (late Major, 2nd N.Z. Expeditionary Temp. Lieutenant G. L. Budd, and relinquishes his commission. Force) to be temp Major, with seniority from 28th September, 1944. Dated 1st May, 1946. Dated 14th June, 1946. Temp. Lieutenant J. Houlihan, and relinquishes his com­ Temp. Captain H. H. Lawrence is posted to the Retired List mission. Dated 1st May, 1946. with the rank of Captain. Dated 12th June, 1946. Clarence Henry Theodore Miller to be 2nd Lieutenant (on prob.), The notice published in the New Zealand Gazette No. 21, dated and is seconded to the Timaru Technical College Cadets, Area 10. 4th April, 1946, relative to 2nd Lieutenant M. McG. Fraser, is hereby Dated 15th March, 1946. cancelled and the following substituted :- " 2nd Lieutenant M. McG. Fraser, and is reposted to the SOHOOL CADET UNITS Reserve of Officers, Supplementary List, with the temporary Takapuna Grammar School Oadets, Area 1 rank of Lieutenant. Dated 22nd May, 1946." 2nd Lieutenant E. T. Giles to be temp. Lieutenant. Dated 5th T. W. Searle, Esq., Y.M.C.A. Dated 18th December, 1945. June, 1946. S. R. D. Potter, Esq., Y.M.C.A. Dated 31st January, 1946. N.Z. CHAPLAINS DEPARTMENT The undermentioned officers, and are reposted to the Reserve The Rev. Albert Anthony Garfield Welsh to be Chaplain, 4th of Officers, Supplementary List :- Class (Roman Catholic). Dated 5th June, 1946. Temp. Lieutenant-Colonel G. E. Archey, O.B.E. Dated 13th N.Z. MEDICAL CORPS June, 1946. Lieutenant (temp. Major) H. A. A. Stevely, M.C., Ch.B., is Lieutenants- posted to the Retired List with the rank of Major. Dated 25th E. D. Burton, with the temporary rank of Captain. Dated May, 1946. 4th May, 1946. Lieutenant (temp. Captain) A. C. Hayton, M.B., Ch.B., to be R. C. Connell. Dated 5th May, 1946. temp. Major. Dated 4th June, 1946. H. B. Lawry, with the rank of Lieutenant. Dated 15th The undermentioned Lieutenants to be temp. Captains:­ June, 1946. C. F. McKee, M.B., Ch.B. Dated 7th April, 1946. The undermentioned officers, and are posted to the Reserve of A. G. Armitage, M.B., Ch.B. Dated 26th May, 1946. Officers, Supplementary List :- Captains (Acting-Majors)- N.Z. DENTAL CORPS E. L. Hendry, with the rank of Captain. Dated 10th Lieutenant (temp. Major) N. E. Wickham, B.D.S., is postecl to June, 1946. the Retired List with the rank of Major. Dated 30th March, 1946. J. S. Berry, with the rank of Captain. Dated 12th June, Lieutenant P. S. Mackenzie, B.D.S., to be temp. Captain. 1946. Dated 5th June, 1946. Captain H. M. Sunley. Dated 12th April, 1946. Lieutenant R. F. Stockwell, B.D.S., to be temp. Captain, and Lieutenants- remains seconded to the Royal N.Z. Air Force. Dated 12th June, A. J. J. Edmonds. Dated 28th May, '1946. 1946. S. S. Deans. Dated 14th June, 1946. 2nd Lieutenant W. A. Watson. Dated 16th June, 1946. N.Z. ARMY NURSING SERVICE The undermentioned officers, and are posted to the Retired Sister M. C. Ruck (nee Dean) is posted to the Retired List. List :- Dated 13th November, 1945. Lieutenants- RESERVE OF OFFICERS C. J. Arroll. Dated 11th June, 1946. C. D. Baker. Dated 17th June, 1946. Supplementary List L. T. Skipage, M.C. Dated 19th June, 1946. Temp. Captain E. Proctor is posted to the Retired List with 2nd Lieutenant D. J. A. Johnston. Dated 17th June, 1946. the rank of Captain. Dated 6th June, 1946. F. JONES, Minister of Defence. OFFICERS OEASING TO BE SEOONDED TO THE 2ND NEW ZEALAND EXPEDITIONARY FOROE With reference to the notice published in the New Zealand Gazette No. I, dated lOth January, 1946, relative to Major H. Wood­ Appointments and Relinquishment of Appointment in the Royal New vear-Smith, for" Dated 18th December, 1945," substitute" Dated Zealand Air Force 7th June, 1946." Major N. E. Wickham, B.D.S., N.Z. Dental Corps, and is reposted to the Territorial Force with the temporary rank of Major, Air Department, with seniority from lOth February, 1945. Dated 30th March, 1946. Wellington, 20th May, 1946. Major H. A. A. Stevely, M.B., Ch.B., N.Z. Medical Corps, and IS Excellency the Administrator of the Government has been is rep os ted to the Territorial Force with the temporary rank of H pleased to approve of the following relinquishment and Major, with seniority from 14th June, 1945. Dated 25th May, 1946. appointments of officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Force:- Major S. F. Catchpole, M.C., N.Z. Artillery, and is reposted to Air Vice-Marshal Sir Leonard Monk Isitt, K.B.E., R.N.Z.A.F., the Territorial Force with the temporary rank of Major, with seniority relinquishes the appointment of Chief of the Air Staff and First from 1st January, 1945. Dated 8th June, 1946. Member of the Air Board and also the appointment of Air Officer Major R. V. Milne, and is reposted to The Taranaki Regiment Commanding Royal New Zealand Air Force. Dated 15th May, 1946. with the temporary rank of Major, with seniority from 31st May, Air Commodore Arthur de Terrotte Nevill, C.B.E., R.N.Z.A.F., 1945. Dated 11th June, 1946. 'is appointed Chief of the Air Staff and First Member _of the Air Captain (Acting-Major) A. D. Lawless, N.Z. Corps of Signals, Board, and, in addition, Air Officer Commanding Royal New Zealand and is reposted to the Territorial Force with the temporary rank of Air Force, and is granted the temporary rank of Air Vice-Marshal. Captain, with seniority from 15th Ja,nuary, 1945. Dated 15th June, Dated 16th May, 1946. 1946. Air Vice-Marshal Sir Leonard Monk Isitt, K.B.E., R.N.Z.A.F., Captain M. J. Coop, and is reposted to the 3rd N.Z. Armoured is appointed Chairman of Directors of the New Zealand National Regiment with the temporary rank of Captain, with seniority from Airways Corporation. Dated 16th May, 1946. 25th October, 1941. Dated 15th January, 1946. Captain G. M. Turner, B.D.S., N.Z. Dental Corps, and is reposted F. JONES, to the Territorial Force with the temporary rank of Captain, with Minister of Defence and seniority from 4th November, 1942. Dated 2nd March, 1946. :LVIinister in Charge of the Air Department. DO() THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46

Consul of Switzerland at Wellington appointed Appointment of Officers for the Purpose8 of the Fi8herie8 Act, 1908

Ministry of External Affairs, Marine' Department, Wellington, 25th June, 1946. Wellington, 24th June, 1946. ' IS Excellency the Governor-General directs it to be notified y direction of the Hon. Minister of Marine, it is hereby notified H that the appointment of B that his Excellency the Governor-General has, in pursuance Ernst Theiler, Esquire, of the provisions of the Fisheries Act, 1908, and of th~ Official Appointments and Documents Act, 1919, appointed as Consul of Switzerland at, Wellington has been provisionaJJy recognized. Norman Cuthbert Berndtson, of Milford, P. FRASER, Minister of External Affairs. to be an Inspector of Sea-fishing for the purposes of Part I of the first-mentioned Act. Crown Solicitor appointed Leslie William Angus, Leslie Thomas Pracy, and Crown Law Office, John Henderson Wellington, 21st June, 1946. to be officers for the purposes of Part II of the first-mentioned Ad. IS Excellency the Governor-General has this day been pleased George Eric Logie, of N gahere, H to appoint - to be an officer for the purposes of Part II of the first-mentioned Act John Ferguson Strang in respect of the Grey District Acclimatization District. to be Crown Solicitor at Hamilton, vice Harry Thomas Gillies, W. C. SMITH, Secretary. resigned. H. G. R. MASON, Attorney-General. Member8 of Land Sales Committee8 appointed Member of Licensing Committee appointed Department of Lands and Survey, Department of Justice, Wellington, 24th June, 1940. Wellington, 24th June, 1946. OTICE is hereby given that His Excellency the Governor­ IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to N General in Council, acting pursuant to the provisions of H appoint subsections two and three of section seventeen of the Servicemen's James William Arbury, Esquire, Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, has appointed- to be a member of the Licensing Committee for the District of Charles Byers Barrowclough, of Dunedin, Solicitor, to be Thames. Chairman of the Otago Land Sales Committee in place of H. G. R MASON, Minister of Justice. Eric James Anderson, resigned; John William Kealy (jun.), of Auckland, Solicitor, to be Chair­ man of the South Auckland Land Sales Committee in Waterfront Indu8try Emergency Regulation8 1946.-Appointment of place of Nelson Ashley Ching, deceased; General Manager and A88i8tant General jllanager Warrington McCarten Taylor, of Dunedin, Solicitor, to be the deputy on the Otago Land Sales Committee of Charles N pursuance of the powers in that behalf conferred upon him Byers Barrowclough, the Chairman of that committee; and I by the Waterfront Industry Emergency Regulations 1946, ~lan Smyth, of Invercargill, Solicitor, to be the deputy on the the Minister of Labour doth hereby appoint- Southland Land Sales Committee of Thomas Rewi Pryde, Arthur Ernest Bockett the Chairman of that committee. to the position of General Manager of the Waterfront Industry R. G. MACMORRAN, Under-Secretary for Lands. Commission, and (L. and S. 13/207/1.) William John Cuthbert to the position of Assistant General Manager of the Waterfront Industry Commission. Appointment8 in the Public Service Dated at Wellington, this 26th day of June, 1946. Office of the Public' Service Commissioner, JAS. O'BRIEN, Wellington, 25th June, 1946. For the, Minister of Labour. HE Public Service Commissioner has made the following T appointments in the Public Service :- Appointment8 to the Staff of Hi8 Excellency the Governor-General Robert Gray Buchan Government House, to be an Inspector for the purposes of the Stock Act, 1908, on and Wellington, 17th June, 1946. from the 9th day of April, 1946. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to George William Marsh H make the following appointments to his staff:- to be Registrar of Marriages and of Births and Deaths for the To be Military Secretary and Comptroller of the Hou8ehold­ District of Mount Cook, on and from the 16th day of May, 1946. Major the Honourable George Neville Clive Wigram, M.C., Norman Bertram Stevens ? Grenadier Guards. to be Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Oromahoe, on To be Official Secretary- and from the 27th day of May, 1946. David Emmet Fouhy, Esquire, C.B.E. Riwai Hiwinui Tawhiri To be Aide8-de-Camp- to be Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Tokata, on and Flight Lieutenant Michael James Burke Cole, D.F.C., Royal from the 27th day of May, 1946. Air Force. Lieutenant David Anning Loram, Royal Navy. Beryl May Eilers (Miss) By Command. to be Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Arapaoa, on and D. E. FOUHY, Official Secretary. from the 27th day of May, 1946. Phoebe Garrey (Miss) M ini8ter appointed to be Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Whakawhitira, on and from the 27th day of May, 1946. Official Secretary's Office, Leslie George Spiller Government House, Wellington, 25th June, 1946. -.::::TIS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to to be Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Raupunga, on and fro~ the 27th day of May, 1946. ~-1 appoint- The Honourable William Edward Parry Kenneth Leonard Goodman to be Minister of Social Security. to be Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Manutahi, on and from the 27th day of May, 1946. By Command. D. E. FOUHY, Official Secretary. Robert Leslie Paterson to be Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Takapau, Deputy Registrar8 of Marriage8, rec., appointed on and from the 1st day of June, 1946. , Harold Wiggins Registrar-General's Office, to be Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Huntly, Wellington, 25th June, 1946. on and from the 6th day of June, 1946. ' T is hereby notified that the following appointments have been Ethelbert Frank Codyre I made:- Ernest Theodore Bensemann to be Registrar of Marriages and of Births, and Deaths for the District of Takapau, on and from the 6th day of June, 1946, and to be Deputy Registrar of Marriages and of Births and Deaths for to be Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Takapau, on and the District of'Motupiko, on and from the 5th day of June, 1946. from the Bth day of June, 1946. . Francis Xavier O'Neill Charles Winter Farrer to be Deputy Registrar of Marriages and of Births and Deaths for to be Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Piopio, on and the District of Karamea, on and from the 5th day of June, 1946. from the 1st day of July, 1946,. '. P. H. WYLDE, Deputy Registrar-General. L. A. ATKINSON, Secr.e1KJ.ry. JUNE 27] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 901

Notice ~bnder the National Savings Act, 1940, Section 4 or where no lectures were held in any such subject at the School of Mines at which he was a student, or where the Minister is satisfied Wellington, 17th June, 1946. on the certificate of a Director of a School of Mines that a student N terms of section 4 of the National Savings Act, 1940, T, Daniel has, either prior to or during his attendance at a School of Mines I Giles Sullivan, acting for the Minister of Finance, hereby completed a satisfactory course of study in any such subject at prescribe that the seventh investment period shall run fl'Om the some other institution. :~Oth June, 1946, to the 30th June, 1947. 9. The power of waiver exercisable under the last preceding The rate of interest to be paid on investments made during such clause shall be so exercised that no student shall be eligible to sit investment period shall be 3 per cent. the examination unless he has attended the lectures prescribed by Moneys invested during such investment period by deposit in clause 7 in at least four subjects. an investment account shall be repaYl:"!>ble on the 30th day of June, 10. In order to qualify for a partial pass in the examination a 1949. candidate must obtain not less than 60 per cent. of the marks in Provided that where interest is not withdrawn in terms of each of four subjects. The remaining two subjects may be passed section 8 (2) of the said Act and is added to the principal moneys of separately provided the whole examination is concluded not later the investor, such amount of interest, together with interest thereon, than the second examination succeeding the examination at which shall be repayable on the 30th day of June, 1947. the candidate passed the first section. National savings bonds issued during such investment period 11. No payment on account of any scholarship will be made shall be repayable five years after the date of issue thereof. until the whole examination is passed and the candidate commences his studies at the University of Otago. D. G. SULLIVAN, 12. Every candidate must make application to sit the exami­ For the Minister of Finance. nation to the Under-Secretary of the Mines Department at Wellington not later than the 1st day of November preceding the examinat~on. Such application must state the branch of mining the candidate Notice ~tnder the National Savings ·Act, 1940, Section 6- intends to take up and the subjects in which he desires to be examined, and must be accompanied by a fee of £1 and a certificate from the Wellington, 17th June, 1946. Director of a School of Mines stating the number of lectures which N terms of section 5 of the National Savings Act, 1940, I, Daniel the candidate has attended in each subject. I Giles Sullivan, acting for the Minister of Finance, hereby Candidates who elect to pass the examination in sections a·s authorize the trustees of the undermentioned savings-banks (being provided by clause 7 must make separate applications for examination savings-banks constituted under the Savings-bank Act, 1908) to in respect of each section, and each application must be accompanied receive investments by way of deposits in investment accounts under by a fee of £1 and a certificate of attendance from the Director of a the National Savings Act, 1940, during the investment period School of Mines. expiring on the 30th June, 1947:- 13. Candidates must present themselves for examination on the Auckland Savings-bank. days fixed, as provided in clause 4 hereof. New Plymouth Savings-bank. 14. The Minister of Mines retains to himself the right to cancel Dunedin Savings- bank. any scholarship should the holder attend irregularly or be reported Invercargill Savings- bank. for idleness or bad conduct, and may, if he considers it reasonable D. G. SULLIVAN, or necessary, hold any scholarship over for such period as he thinks fit. For the Minister of Finance. 15. There will be refunded by the Mines Department to holders of scholarships having to pay more than £5 for the return railway (second-class), steamer, or motor-service fares to Dunedin any New Zealand Schools of Mines.-R~des Governing Scholarship excess over the sum of £5, but such refund will only be made once" Examinations in .each year. Refunds of motor-service fares will be made only in cases where neither steamer nor railway transport is available or Mines Department, where the cheapest form of transport is by motor-service. Receipts Wellington, 24th June, 1946. for each fare paid in excess of 5s. (other than railway fares) must IX scholarships will be offered annually for competition by accompany each application for a refund. S students attending Schools of Mines within the Dominion­ 16. These rules supersede the regulations of 17th June, 1941, three for the South Island and three for the North Island. published in the New Zealand Gazette of the 26th June, 1941, at 2. The scholarships will be tenable for four years at the· Uni­ page 2032. versity of Otago and will be of an annual value of £85 each to JAS. O'BRIEN, successful candidates who, while attending the classes at the For the Minister of Mines. University of Otago, have to reside away from their homes, and of (Mines, N. 17/20.) £45 each to successful candidates who are able to reside at their homes while attending the University classes. 3. Holders of scholarships "lill be required to attend during the University session at the University of Otago (no class fees will bt;l charged on subjects contained in the curriculum of the Otago Approval of Testing Officer under the Motor-drivers Regulations 1940 School of Mines), and during the long recess will also be required to engage in approved practical work at one of the mines or batteries in the Dominion, or in the field with the New Zealand Geological N terms of Regulation 5 of the Motor-drivers Regulations 1940, Survey Department. I the Minister of Transport doth hereby approve of the person 4. Qualifying examinations for scholarship candidates will be named in Column 2 of the Schedule hereunder being a Testing held in or about the month of November in each year on such days Officer under the said regulations for the authority specified in and at such centres as the Under-Secretary of the Mines Department Column 1 of the said Schedule. may appoint. 5. The examination will embrace six of the following subjects, the scope and standard of which are prescribed in the syllabus of SCHEDULE the New Zealand Schools of Mines :- Column 1. Column 2. (1) Mathematics. Pahiatua Borough Council .. Alfred Hamilton. (2) Elementary Mechanics. (3) Theoretical Chemistry. Dated at Wellington, this 20th day of June, 1946. (4) Practical Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis. JAS O'BRIEN, Minister of Transport. (5) Electricity. (6) Geometrical and Mechanical Drawing. (7) General and Mining Geology. (8) Metallurgy of Gold and Silver. (9) (a) Coal-mining; or (b) Metal-mining. Excluding Streets from Limitation as to Speed imposed by the Motor­ (10) Winding, Haulage, and Pumping. vehicles Amendment Act, 1936, Section 3 (11) Ventilation. (12) Land and Mine Surveying. N terms of section 3 of the Motor-vehicles Amendment Act, 1936, Three subjects-namely, Mathematics, Electricity, and either I the Minister of Transport doth hereby exclude the streets Elementry Mechanics or Theoretical Chemistry-will be compulsory described in the Schedule hereto from the limitation as to speed for all candidates. imposed by the said section. 6. The scholarships will be awarded to those candidates who, having complied with the prescribed conditions, obtain the highest total marks in three compulsory subjects and three optional subjects, but no scholarship shall be awarded to any candidate unless he has SCHEDULE obtained not less than 60 per cent. of the marks in each of these six SITUATED within Onerahi Town Disttict- subjects. Whanga;ei-Taumaterau Main Highway No. 301 (all that portion 7. The examination may be passed as a whole or in sections, within the Onerahi Town District as now constituted, and shall be open to all students attending Schools of Mines who are a distance of approximately 1 mile 58 chains. not less than sixteen years of age on the 1st day of November of Church Street (all that portion commencing at its junction with the year in which the examination is held: Provided that no student, the Whangarei-Taumaterau Main Highway and terminating unless granted exemption under the next succeeding clause, shall be at a point 3 chains measured along the said street in a eligible for examination in any subject unless he has attended northerly direction from its junction with Handforth regularly at a School of Mines within the Dominion for not less than Street, a distance of approximately 41 chains). one year at least SO per cent. of the lectures in that subject. S. The Minister of Mines may grant such exemption from the Dated at Wellington, this 20th day of June, 1946. requirements of the last preceding clause as he thinks reasonable' in JAS. O'BRIEN, Minister of TranspOi't. any case where it was not practicable for a student to attend 80 per cent. of the lectures in a subject in which he desires to be examined, (TT.9/15/21O/1.) 902 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46

Classification of Roads in Thames Oounty Puriri Wharf Road (from its junction with the Thames-Paeroa State Highway to the Paeroa-Thames Line Railway Crossing). N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred on him by the Townsend Road. I Transport Department Act, 1929, and the Heavy Motor­ Wainui Road (from its junction with theThames-Paeroa State vehicle Regulations 1940, the Minister of Transport doth hereby Highway to the Paeroa-Thames Line Railway Crossing). revoke the Warrants described in the First Schedule hereto, so far Warehoe West Road. . as they relate to the classification of roads in the Thames County, Whangamata Port Road. and doth hereby declare that the road described in the Second Roads cla,ssified in Class Five : Available for the use thereon Schedule hereto shall belong to the class of road shown in the said of any multi-axled heavy motor-vehicle or any trailer which with Second Schedule, and doth hereby approve of the Thames County the load it is carrying has an axle weight of not more than 2!tons Council's proposed classification of the roads described in the Third on anyone axle, or of any other heavy motor-vehicle which with Schedule hereto and situated in the Thames County. the load it is carrying has an axle weight of not more than 3 tons on anyone axle:- Hape Creek Road. F~RST SCHEDULE Hikuai Settlement Road (from Boom Creek Bridge to end of the said road). No.of Date of Gazette. Page of Hikutaia Block Road. Date of Warrant. I Gazette. IGazette/ ! Hudson's Road. Karaka Creek Road. 21st December, 1932 78 I 22nd December, 1932 2790 Kauaeranga-Hikuai Road (from opposite the second branch 16th May, 1934 I 36 I 17th May, 1934 1456 of the Tairua River to the Ngarua Stream or fourth branch of Tairua River). --'------Kirikiri Road (from the first ford crossing Kirikiri Stream to SECOND SCHEDULE the end of the said road). . McBeth Road. THAMES COUNTY Omahu..:.Otamakite Road (from the ford crossing Puarere Stream ROADS classified in Class Three : Available for the use thereon of any to the end of the said road). multi-axled heavy motor-vehicle or any trailer which with the load Onetai East Road. it is carrying has an axle weight of not more than 5 tons on anyone Opoutere-Ohui Road (from the Kapakapa Stream Outlet to axle, or of any other heavy motor-vehicle which with the load it the end of the said road). is carrying has an axle weight of not more than 5t tons on anyone Pepe Road. axle :- Puhoi Creek Road. Thames-Paeroa State Highway No. 15 (all that portion within Puriri-Neavesville Road (from the second bridge over the Thames County). Kotorepupuai Stream to the end of the said road). Puriri Wharf Road (from the Paeroa - Thames Line Railway Crossing to the end of the said road). THIRD SCHEDULE Rangihau Stream Road. Tararu Creek Road. THAMES COUNTY Te Horete Road. ROADS classified in Class Three: Available for the use thereon of Wainui Road (from the Paeroa - Thames Line Railway Crossing any multi-axled heavy motor-vehicle or any trailer which with the to the end of the said road). load it is carrying has an axle weight of not more than 5 ,tons on any Waiomo Creek Road. one axle, or of any other heavy motor-vehicle which with the load Warehoe East Road. it is carrying has an axle weight of not more than 5t tons on anyone Whitipirorua Road. axle :- Dated at Wellington, this 17th day of June, 1946. Hikutaia - Netherton Ferry Main Highway No. 316 (all that JAS. O'BRIEN, Minister of Transpot~. portion within Thames County). (TT. 10/205.) Wharepoa Road Main Highway No. 405. Tapu-Kaimarama Main Highway No. 485 (all that portio~ Agreement for Grant of Easement in favour of the Public Trustee within Thames County). over Land in the Oity of Wellington to be taken for Post and Coroglen-Waihi via Whangamata Main Highway No. 586 (all Telegraph Purp08es (P08tma8ter' s Re8idence) a88ented to that portion within Thames County). Pipiroa-Kopu Main Highway No. 599 (all that portion within Thames County). HEREAS by an agreement dated,the 26th day of April, 1946, Thames-Cormandel Main Highway No. 600 (all that portion W the Public Trustee a,greed to His Majesty the King taking within Thames County). under the Public Works Act, 1928, an area of approximately 27 perches, being Lot 5 of Block E, D.P. 1543, being part Section 38, Roads classified in Class Four: Available for the use thereon Karori District, for Post and Telegraph purposes (postmaster's of any multi-axled heavy motor-vehicle or any trailer which with residence) : the load it is carrying has an axle weight of not more than 3t tons And whereas the Public Trustee is entitled to compensation on anyone axle, or of any other heavy motor-vehicle which with for his freehold interest in the said area of 27 perches: the load it is carrying has an axle weight of not more than 4 tons on And whereas the Minister of Works has agreed to grant to the anyone axle :- Public Trustee an easement to provide for the encroachment of a Corbett Road. dwelling over portion of the aforesaid area of 27 perches in part Factory North Road. satisfaction of the compenstaion aforesaid, and to provide a sum Factory South Road. of money in satisfaction of the residue of the said compensation: Hauraki Road. And whereas the Public Trustee has agreed to accept such Hikuai Settlement Road (from its junction with the Coroglen­ grant of easement and sum of money in full satisfaction of the Waihi via Whangamata Main Highway to Boom Creek said compensation: Bridge). Now, therefore, the Minister of Works doth hereby give notice, Hikutaia-Whangamata Road (from its junction with the in pursuance of section 97 of the Public Works Act, 1928, that. he Thames-Paeroa State Highway to the Hikutaia. Stream). assents to the agreement hereinbefore referred to. Hikutaia-Whangamata Road (from its junction with the Dated at Wellington, this 19th day of June, 1946. Coroglen-Waihi via Whangamata Main Highway to the R. SEMPLE, Minister of Works. first ford). (P.W.20/1168.) Kauaeranga-Hikuai Road (from the Thames Borough boundary 'to Ruauka Stream). Kauaeranga-Hikuai Road (from opposite the second branch of Agreement for Grant of Right-of-Way in favour of Ralph Sanft, of the Tairua River to its junction with the Coroglen-Waihi Auckland, Ohemi8t, over, Land in the Suburbs of Auckland, via Whangamata Main Highway at Hikuai). assented to Kauaeranga South Road. Kirikiri Road (from its junction with the Thames-Paeroa State HEREAS by an agreement dated the 30th day of May, 1946, Highway to the first ford crossing Kirikiri Stream). W Ralph Sanft, of Auckland, Chemist, agreed to His Majesty Kohuroa No.1 Road. the King taking under the Public Works Act, 1928, all that piece Kohuroa No.2 Road. of land containing 32·1 perches, being Lot 34, D.P. 14054, of Allot­ Matatoki Road. ment 122, Section 10, Suburbs of Auckland: Ohuamuri Road. And whereas the said Ralph Sanft was entitled to compensation Omahu-Otamakite Road (from its junction with the Thames­ for his freehold interest in the said area of 32·1 perches: Paeroa State Highway to the ford crossing Puarere Stream). And whereas the Minister of Works has agreed to grant to the Omahu Valley Road. . said Ralph Sanft a right-of-way over part of the said Lot 34 in part O'Neill Road (from its junction with the Thames-Paeroa State satisfaction of the compensation aforesaid, and to provide a sum of Highway to the Paeroa-Thames Line Railway Crossing). . money in satisfaction of the residue of the said compensation: Onetai West Road (from its junction with the Thames-Paeroa And whereas the said Ralph Sanft has agreed to accept such State Highway to the Paeroa-Thames Line Railway grant of right-of-way and sum of money in satisfaction of the said Crossing). , compensation: Opoutere-Ohui Road (from its junction with the Coroglen­ Now, therefore, the Minister of Works hereby gives notice, in Waihi via Whangamata Main Highway to Kapakapa pursuance of section 97 of the Public Works Act, 1928, that he assents Stream Outlet). to the agreement hereinbefore referred to. , Puriri-Neavesville Road (from its junction with the Thames­ Paeroa State Highway to the second bridge over the Dated at Wellington, this 24th day of June, 1940. Kotorepupuai Stream). R. SEMPLE, Minister of Works. puriri Valley Road. (P.W. 20/421/1.) JUNE 27] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 903

Office of the Minister of Works, ''''ellington, 24th June, lO-W. N pursuance of section 4 of the Enginoers RegistrutionAmendment Act, 1944, publication is given to this list of Registered Engineers I whose Annual I'ractising Certificates are current until 31st March, 1947. R. SEMPLE, -Minister of ,-",T arks.

ENGINEERS REGISTRATION BOARD OF NEW ZEALAND LIST OF REGISTERED ENGINEERS AS AT 7TH JUNE, 1946, AND EXPIRING 31sT MARCH, 1947 Explanation The list is in two parts as follows :- Part A.-Giving those registered by examination or by" recognized certificate" under one of the following subsections ofthe 1924 Act:- 6 (i) a.-Registration by virtue of holding a "recognized certificate" in the form of a Diploma of Corporate Membership of one of the British Institutions of Civil, Electrical, or Mechanical Engineers, and of having had not less than three years' experience in the practice of engineering. 6 (i) c.-Registration by virtue of a pass in examinations approved by the Board (being the full associated membership examinations of one of the British Institutions of Civil, Electrical, or Mechanical Engineers, or equivalent exempting examinations), and also of ha'Ying had not less than three years' experience in the practice of engineering. Part B.-Giving those registered under one of the following subsections, now expired, of the 1924 Act or amendments:- 6 (i) b of the 1924 Act, which provided for registration during the first period of operation of the 1924 Act of a person who had then attained the age of twenty-five years and had been engaged during a period of not less than six years before the com­ mencement of the Act in the acquiSition of professional knowledge, or in the practice of engineering in a manner satisfactory to the Board, and who made application for registration within twelve months after the commencement of the Act. 2 (i) of the 1928 amendment, which in effect re-enacted clause 6 (i) b of the 1924 Act with respect to any licensed surveyor in New Zealand who satisfied the Board that he had prior to the coming into operation of the 1924 Act substantial practical experience in engineering as part of his practice or employment whether on his own account or otherwise, and who made application for registration within six months of the passing of the amendment: Indicated by t in Oolumn 3. Section 7 of the 1944 amendment, which provided for the registration of engineers who, within the twelve years prior to the passing of the amendment, had had six years responsible engineering practice, or substantially equivalent experience, in local authority work, and who applied within six months of the passing of the amendment. Provision is made for special consideration to discharged servicemen who apply within six months of their discharge: Ind'ir;ated by * 1:n Oolumn 3. Particulars in the lists as entered under each column are as follows :- Oolu,mn 1.-This contains the name of each engineer who at the date of the list is the holder of an Annual Practising Certificate issued under section 3 of the 1944 Amendment Act. An engineer who has been registered is required to hold a current Annual Practising Certificate in order to retain the full rights of registration. The qualifications, involving University degrees and recognized certificates or approved examinations, are taken from the person's application for Practising Certificate and have not been verified or checked against the person's registered particulars. ' Oolumn 2.-This gives the postal address, either business or residential, as on the application for Annual Practising Certificate. Oolumn 3.-This shows the date of original registration. Oolumn 4.-This shows the class of engineering in which the Board has accepted the engineer's training and experience as a qualification for registration. Engineering is classified only in the three main branches of Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical. Where an engineer has not satisfied the Board's requirements for qualification in one of these main branches, the restrictive or specialist class in which he is accepted is shown. It is also to be noted that corporate membership of one of the recognized British Engineering Institutions entitles the holder to be styled as a " Chartered Engineer," but this information is omitted from the list. PART A REGISTERED BY EXAMINATION OR BY "RECOGNIZED CERTIFICATE"

Oolumn 1. Oolumn 2. Oolumn 3·1 Oolumn 4. Address. Date of Name. I Registration. Qualification.'l.

Acheson, Arthur Raymond, B.E. Public Works Department, Palmerston North 16/2/34 Civil. Adams, Edward Howard Moxhay, A.M.Inst.C.E. Care of District Engineer, Railways Depart- 2/5/46 Civil. ment, Wellington Adams, Robert Andrew, A.M. Inst.C.E ... Public Works Department, Auckland 8/3/26 Civil. Adams, Rolf Cherry, B.E. Ministry of Works, Wellington .. 26/11/25 Civil. Agar, George Lawrence, B.Sc., A.M.LE.E. Post and Telegraph Department, Wellington 10/3/37 Electrical. Ainslie, Archibald, A.M.I.Mech.E. The Shell Co. of N.Z., Ltd., P.O. Box 647, 30/3/39 Mechanical. Wellington Ainsworth, Joseph Sargon, A.M.I.E.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Christchurch 16/6/26 Electrical. * Albertson, George William, A.M.Inst.C.E. Public Works Department, Wellington 5/5/26 Civil. Alecock, Charles Edward King, A.M.Inst.C.E. Public Works Department, Wellington 22/12/29 Civil. Allen, Carrol, A.M.I.E.E. Auckland Transport Board, P.O. Box 984, 6/12/44 Electrical. Auckland Allen, Phillip Shearman, B.C.E. (Melb.), M.Sc. 11 Johnston Street, Wellington 30/3/32 Civil. Alley, Philip John, B.E., A.M.Inst.C.E. Waimairi County Council, Papanui, Christ- 11/8/37 Civil. church Anderson, George Pellew, B.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 26/11/25 Civil. Anderson, John Nesbit P.O. Box 28, Patea 20/7/27 Civil. Andrew, James Ale:-xander, A.M.Inst.C.E. Public Works Department, Hamilton 6/6/45 Civil. Andrews, Herbert St. Clair Porter, A.M.Inst.C.E. Railways Department, Wanganui .. 2/5/46 Civil. Andrews, Robert' Cyril, B.E. Care of Bank of New South-Wales, Ltd., George 30/9/29 ElectriCal. Street, , N.ew South Wales Angus, Neil Paterson, A.M.Inst.C.E. Harbour Board, Auckland 7/4/26 Civil. Annabell, Reynolds John Borough Council, Feilding 30/3/39 Civil. Anstiss, Maurice Owen Kinloch, A.M.lnst.C.E. Borough Office, Upper Hutt 20/1/44 Civil. Armstrong, George Kent, B.E., A.M.Inst.C.E. City Engineer's Office, Dunedin 25/1/46 Civil. Askin, Frank Richardson, B.E., A.M.Inst.C.E. P.O. Box 4, Dunedin 27/4/45 Civil. Babbage, Alfred Alister, A.M.Inst.C.E .. . P.O. Box 2027, Auckland 28/8/35 Civil. Bach, Hubert Reynolds, A.M.Inst.C.E .. . City Council, Lower Hutt 7/3/32 Civil. Baggs, Aubrey Dormer, M.I.E.E. ., Post and Telegraph Department, Wellington 6/1/38 Electrical. Baker, Raymond Danvers, A.M.Inst.C.E. Borough Council Office, Onehunga 18/8/30 Civil. Ball, Thomas Murdy, A.M.Inst.C.E. 283 Coutts Street, Kilbirnie 12/8/25 Civil. Ballinger, Kenneth Alan, A.M.Inst.C.E. . . Lake County Council, P.O. Box 25, Queenstown 6/12/44 Civil. Barker, Theodore Dela bere, lVLLMech.E., 136 Manchester Street, Christchurch 8/3/26 Mechanical. M.LStruct.E. Barltrop, Sturz Barton, A.M.LMech.E. . . Railways Department, 'Wellington 2/5/46 Mechanical. Bartley, Russell Howard, M.LE.E., lVLI.Mech.E. Auckland Electric-power Board, Queen Street, 8/3/26 Electrical and Mechanical. Auckland Batten, Mounsey, A.lVLlnst.C.E. 'Public Works Department, Napier 5/2/46 Civil. Battersby, George Herbert, B.Sc. (Eng.), A.lVLI.E.E. Municipal Electricity Dept., Christchurch 3/8/38 Electrical. Beale, Herbert Rene, A.M.LE.E. P.O. Box 27, Rotoma 16/8/33 Electrical. Bearman, Cyril Wallace George, A.M.LE.E. 39 Grafton Road, Roseneath, -Wellington 1/10/45 Electrical. Beaumont, George Maurice, A.lVI.lnst.C.E. Borough Office, Gisborne -25/3/46 Civil.

* See also Part n. B 904 THE NEW. ZEALAND ·GAZETTE [No. 46


Oolumn 1. Oolumn 2 •. Om_n 3'1 Ool-umn 4. I Date of Name. Address. Registration. Qualifications.

Beck, Gordon McLean, A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, vVellington 2/5/46 Civil. Begg, Adam Gordon, B.E. (Civil), A.M.lnst.C.E ... Ministry of Works, Wellington 1/3/33 Civil. Bell, Graham Brook, B.E., B.Sc., A.M.lnst.C.E. .. 6 Pukehana Avenue, Epsom, Auckland 18/8/26 Civil. Bell, William Leslie, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works De'partment, Wellington 16/6/26 Civil. Bennett, William Harry, A.M.lnst.C.E ... Public Works Department, Wellington 18/8/26 Civil. Bentley, Lionel John, A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Invercargill 2/5/46 Civil. Bettany, Alfred Wiremu City Council, Hamilton .. 30/3/39 Civil. Bishop, Charles Tho:Q1as, A.M:I.Mech.E. . . Railways Department, Dunedin .. 2/5/46 Mechanical. Bishop, Coleridge Hamiora Brunsdon, A.M.LMech.E. Railways Department, Auckland .. 10/5/46 Mechanical. Bishop, John Montague, B.E., A.M.I.E.E. South Canterbury Electric-power Board, P.O. 28/3/30 Electrical and Mechanical. Box 207, Timaru Black, Kinley Harold, B.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Frozen Products, Ltd., P.O. Box 907, 16/5/41 Electrical and Mechanical. Wellington Blacker, Edward, A.M.lnst.C.E. P.O. Box 36, Dunedin .. . 2/5/46 Civil. Blair, David, A.M.I.Mech.E ... Department of Health, Wellington 27/4/45 Mechanical. Blakeley, Philip William, A:M.LE.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 1l/10/43 Elect:rica1. Bloodworth, William Aspin, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. .. State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 2/10/39 Civil. Bluck, George Alfred, B.E. Public Works Department, Rotorua 9/1/46 Civil. Boak, Claude William, A.M.LE.E. Borough Council, Tauranga 16/5/29 Electrical. Boivin, Victor George, A.M.I.Mech.E. Marine Department, Wellington .. 9/9/32 Mechanical. Bollons, Alan Awarua, A.M.I.E.E. Post and Telegraph Department, Wellington 2/5/46 Electrical. Booth, John James, B.A., A.M.lnst.C.E ... 117 Dilworth Building, Auckland 17/8/41 Civil. Bosselman, Vernon Cranley, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. .. Public Works Department, Kaitaia 2/12/27 Civil. Bourke, Harold, B.E. P.O. Box 242, Wellington 23/5/34 Electrical. Boyce, Lindsay Barratt, A.M.lnst.C.E ... City Council, Auckland .. 9/1/46 Civil. Boyd, Wynn Paul Railways Department, Hamilton .. 8/5/46 Civil. Breeze, George Edward, M.I.Mech.E. 177 The Parade, Island Bay, Wellington 26/11/25 Mechanical. Bremner, Archibald Bryce, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Greymouth 26/11/25 Civil. Brickell, Richard Goulden, M.lnst.C.E., P.O. Box 1708, Wellington 13/12/45 Civil. A.M.I.Struct.E. Bridges, George Arthur, A.M.lnst.C.E. .. 16 Beswick Street, Timaru 20/7/26 Civil. Brodie, John Earle, M.Sc., B.E., A.M.I.E;E. Care of A. and G. Price, Ltd., Thames 16/6/26 Electrical and Mechanical. Brooker, Donald P.O. Box 383, Hamilton 5/7/29 Civil. Brooke-White, John, B.E., M.Sc. 4 Awatea Terrace, Palmerston North 2/5/46 Civil. Brown, Eric Keith, A.M.I.E.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 2/10/39 Radio. Brown, Ian Harvey .. State Hydro-electric Department, Palmerston 27/4/45 Electrical. North Bruce, John Fraser, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E ... Clyde Engineering Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 1000, 15/1/40 Civil. Wellington Bryce, John Francis, A.M.LE.E. Horowhenua Electric-power Boa.rd, P.O. Box 6/6/45 Electrical. 22, Levin Bryden" Perci val Benton, A.M.lnst.C.E., Railways Department, Wellington 18/3/27 Civil. A.M.I.Struct.E. Buckingham, Alfred, B.E., A.M.I.E.E. .. North Canterbury Electric-power Board, 7/2/27 Electrical. Rangiora Bunby, Hubert Stapylton, A.M.Inst.C.E. Auckland City Council, Auckland 20/1/44 Civil. Burgoyne, Philip, A.M.lnst.C.E. Borough Council, Blenheim 28/3/28 Civil. Burkitt, Cyril Whaler, A.M.I.Mech.E. Harbour Board, Napier 9/5/46 Mechanical. Butler, John Henry, M.Sc. State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 5/5/33 Electrical. Caldwell, Athol Ceadric Albin, B.E., A.M.I.E.E. , State Hydro-electric Department, Hamilton .. 8/3/26 Electrical. Callander, Alexander Robert, A.M.lnst.C.E. . Housing Construction Division, Public Works 19/9/29 Civil. Department, Wellington Calwell, Dan, A.M.lnst.C.E. Harbour Board, Wellington 27/3/46 Civil. Cameron, Donald Lochiel, B.E. (Elec.), A.M.I.E.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Hamilton 25/5/27 Electrical. Campbell, Athol John Care of Brown, Rathbone, Ltd., P.O. Box 2165, 28/8/35 Electrical. Auckland Campbell, Archibald Parkes, B.E. 21 Ponsonby Road, Karori, Wellington 8/5/46 Civil. . Campbell, Malcolm, A.M.I.Mech.E. Care ofCossens and Black, Ltd., P.O. Box 102, 30/3/31 Mechanical. Dunedin Campbell, Robert Archibald,A.M.lnst.C.E. 136 Manchester Street, Christchurch 5/5/26 Civil. Carmichael, John Somerville, A.M.lnst.C.E. City Engineer's Department, Wellington 27/4/45 Civil. Carter, Norman Robey, B.Sc. Public Works Department, Private Bag 127, 22/3/29 Civil. Wairoa Charman, Arthur Jack, A.M.lnst.C.E. Lyttelton Harbour Board, Christchurch 30/4/45 Civil. Charman, Bryan William, A.M.lnst.C.E. Harbour Board, Timaru 14/6/45 Civil.. Cheal, Arthur Ernest Auckland Electric-power Board, Auckland 20/7/26 Electrical. Christie, John Hellard, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Departmen~, Wellington 20/7/27 Civil. Clark, Arnold Edwin, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Mangakino, via 14/6/45 Civil. Tokoroa Clark, Charles Railways Department, Christchurch 17/5/46 Civil. Clarke, Joseph Edward, A.M.lnst.C.E. City Engineer's Department, Auckland 6/12/44 Civil. Clarkson, Thomas Reynolds, A.M.I.E.E... Post and Telegraph Department, Wellington 30/3/39 Electrical. Clendon, Thomas Vivian, A.M.lnst.C.E. .. P.O. Box 289, Wellington 15/1/46 Civil. Cockerill, Henry Walter, A.M.I.E.E. 19 Rata Road, Hataitai, Wellington 9/9/32 Electrical. Coffey, Albert William, B.E., A.M.I.E.E. Housing Construction Division, Public Works 3/8/38 Electrical. Department, Wellington Cole-Baker, Brian Mortimer, A.M.I.E.E. .. Waimairi County Council, Papanui, Christ- 1l/8/37 Electrical. church Coleman, Vernon George, B.Sc., A.M.lnst.C.E. City Engineer's Department, Auckland 7/6/45 Civil. Collins, Francis Henry, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. Harbour Board, Wellington 16/8/33 Civil. Collins, George Henry Edward, A.M.lnst.C.E. 30 Anzac Street, Takapuna, Auckland 6/6/45 Civil. Collins, John Christopher, B.E. (Elec.) .. State Hydro-electric Department, Napier 18/8/26 Electrical. Collins, Noel Wallace, B.E., M.Sc., A.M.lnst.C.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 27/4/45 Civil. Combes, Frank Roy, B.E., A.M.LE.E. .. Whakatane Paper Mills, Ltd., Whakatane ., 7/4/26 Electrical. Comrie, Robert John, A.M.lnst.C.E. Municipal Chambers, Timaru 16/10/36 Civil. Connan, William James, A.M.LE.E. Post and Telegraph Department, Auckland .. 6/1/38 Electrical. Cooper, Benj amin William Binion, B.E., Waimea County Office, Nelson 17/8/31 Civil. A.M.lnst.C.E. Corbett, John James, A.M.LMech.E. Whakatane Paper Mills, Ltd., Whakatane 9/1/46 Mechanical. Corkill, Francis Malcolm, B.E., M.8c., M.lnst.C.E. P.O. Box 7, Invercargill .. 16/10/25 Civil. Cory-Wright, Silston .. P.O. Box 1230, Wellington 18/8/30 Civil. Cotton, Richard Bohun, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Christchurch 5/5/26 Civil. Cowell, Charles Henry, A.M.LMech.E. Marine Department, Dunedin 2/5/46 Mechanical. Crabb, Hugh Houlton, B.E. (Elec.) Care of E. C. Gough, Ltd., Christchurch 22/1/42 Electrical. JUNE 27] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE' 905


Column 1. Column 2. Column 3'1 Column 4. Date of Name. Address. I Registration. Qualiflcation~. Creagh, Edric Collingwood, A.M.LE.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 16/10/25 Electrical. Cromie, Ian Arthur, A.M.Inst.C.E. Borough Council, Whangarei 16/1/36 Civil. Crookes, Samuel Irwin, M.·LE.E. 76-77 Pbwer Boa,rd Building, Queen Street, 26/11/25 Civil. * Auckland Dallas, David Bruce, A.M.Inst.C.E. Care of Downer and Co., Ltd.,' Post-office, 8/1/46 Civil. Titirangi, Auckland Dalmer} ErIe Brooklyn, B.E., B.Com. Amuri County Council, Culverden 31/3/38 Civil. Dalmer, Isaac 30 Hawkesbury Avenue, Christchurch 16/10/25 ElectricaL Davenport, Arthur Egbert, B.E. (Elec.), A.M.LE.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 25/5/27 Electrical. Davidson, Norman Alexander, B.E., A.M.LE.E. " Waitaki Electric-power Board, P.O. Box 57, 22/3/29 Electrical. Oamaru Davis, Cecil Reginald, B.E., B.Sc., A.M.Inst.C.E ... Harbour Board, Napier .. 13/8/40 Civil. Dawson, William John Mathers, M.LE.E. 3 Shortland Street, Whangarei 26/11/25 Electrical. Day, Arthur Charles, B.Sc. (Eng.) P.O. Box 1686, Wellington 8/8/45 Mechanical. Dickens, Thomas Arthur John, A.M.LE.E., State Hydro-electric Department, Addington 7/6/45 Electrical. A.M.Inst.C.E. Dickson, Arthur Howden, A.M.LMech.E. P.O. Box 513, Dunedin .. 30/3/39 Mechanical. Dickson, Arthur James, B.E., A.M.Inst.C.E. City Engineer's Department, Auckland 30/3/32 Civil. Dinnie, Alexander, M.Inst.C.E. Public Works Department, Napier 18/9/25 Civil and Electrical. Doidge, Oliver Joseph, A.M.Inst.C.E. .. Railways Department, Christchurch 16/6/26 Civil. Doig, Fergus Martin, A.M.LE.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Palmerston 7/6/45 Electrical. North Douglas, Valentine Edmund, B.E., A.M.Inst.C.E. Waipawa County Office, Waipawa .. 15/4/35 Civil. Dow, John, A.M.Inst.C.E. Railways Department, Wanganui 2/5/46 Civil. Downer, Arnold Fielder, A.M.Inst.C.E. P.O. Box 1184, Wellington 9/12/26 Civil. Drew,. William Arthur Henry, A.M.Inst.C.E. City Engineer's Department, Dunedin 17/7/45 Civil. Drewry, James Joseph, A.M.LMech.E. .. Care of Mason Bros. Engineering Co., Ltd., 13/8/40 Mechanical. P.O. Box 1633, Auckland Drummond, Ronald George Nelson Catchment Board, Nelson " 9/9/32 Civil. Duffil, Walter Charles, A.lVLInst.C.E., A.lVLLMech.E. Raglan County Office, Ngaruawahia 31/3/38 Civil. Duke, William Reginald Harvey, A.M.LMech.E ... 48 Park Street, Dunedin .. 15/1/40 Mechanical. Dyhrberg, Alfred Architectural Division, Public Works Depart- 15/1/41 Civil. ment, Christchurch Earnshaw, Vincent Rees, M.LMech.E., A.M.LE.E. 23 Margaret Street, Wadestown, Wellington 7/4/26 Electrical and Mechanical. Eastgate, Edward Lancelot, A.M.LE.E. P.O. Box 602, Dunedin .. 26/11/25 Electrical. Easton, Matthew George, A.M.Inst.C.E. .. Public Works Department, Taumarunui 7/4/26 Civil. Edgar, George Thomas, M.LE.E. 245 Cumberland Street, Dunedin .. 16/10/25 Electrical. Edwards, Wilfred Price, A.M.LStruct.E. I 9 Imlay Crescent, Ngaio, Wellington. 7/11/44 Structural. Ellis, Arthur Eric Mellor Otago Central Electric-power Board, P.O. 23/7/28 Electrical. Box 13, Alexandra Ellis, Cecil Maurice, B.Sc. Care of Arthur Ellis and Co., Ltd., Private Bag, 10/3/37 Electrical. Dunedin Ellis, James Rutherford, A.M.LE.E. The Central Waikato Electric-power Board, 7/4/26 ElectricaL Private Bag, Hamilton 'Ellis, Robert Henry " Housing Construction Department, Wellington 2/12/40 Electrical. Elsby, Leslie Francis, B.E., M.LMech.E. Care of The Shell Co., of N.Z., Ltd., P.O. Box 30/3/39 Mechanical. 1663, Wellington Evans, Elwyn Frank, A.M.Inst.C.E. Public Works Department, Greymouth 16/6/26 Civil. Evans, Hugh Edgar, B.E. . State Hydro-electric Department, Palmerston 30/4/45 Electrical. North . Fairbairn, Vincent, B.E., A.M.LE.E. Post and Telegraph Department, Wellington 17/7/45 Electrical. Fairmaid, Allan John, B. Sc., A.M.Inst.C.E., Borough Council, Greymouth 16/10/25 Civil and Mechanical. A.M.LMech.E. Featherstone, William, A.M.LMech.E. Railways Department, Wellington 2/5/46 Mechanical. Ferriday, Edmund Grieves Care of G. Windsor Allen, Ltd., 21 Mahony's 5/5/33 Civil. Buildings, Shortland Street, Auckland Finlayson, Eric George Bruce County Council, Milton 6/1/38 Civil. Firth, Cyril Wilfred,A.M.Inst.C.E. Waterworks Engineer's Department, Town 25/6/36 Civil. Hall, Auckland Fish, Robert Percy, A.M.Inst.C.E. Borough Council, Hastings 18/8/30 Civil. Fisher, Walter Malcolm, A.M.Inst.C.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 24/1/31 . Civil. Fitt, Frank Herbert. A.M.LE.E. Care of Turnbull and Jones, Ltd., Wellington 22/3/29 Electrical. Flynn, Edward Allan,.B.E., A.M.Inst.C.E. Public Works Department, Stratford 24/8/45 Civil. Fooks, Alfred Charles Lindsay, B.E., A.M.Inst.C.E. Public Works De'partment, Nelson 27/4/45 Civil. Ford, James, B.E., A.M.Inst.C.E. .Public Works Department, Karapiro Hydro, 11/8/37 Civil. Cambridge Forsyth, Andrew Eric, B.E., A.M.Inst.C.E. Transport Department, '\Vellington 17/8/31 Civil. Forsyth, John Cossa,r, B.Sc., M.LE.E. ., Municipal Electricity Department, P.O. Box 25/5/27 Electrical. 526, Christchurch Foster, Robert Hesledon, A.M.Irist.C.E. 5 Westbourne Road, Remuera. Auckland 7/6/45 Civil. Fraser, Frederick George Hornes Buildings, Vulcan Lane, Auckland .. 15/8/40 Civil. Frost, Cyril Alexander, B.E. P.O. Box 863, Wellington 3/6/38 Electrical. Frost, James Lawrence, B.Sc., A.M.LStruct.E. Public Works Department, Wellington 7/11/44 Structural. Fryer, Percy William, M.Inst.C.E. 262 Page's Road, Bromley, Christchurch 8/3/26 Civil. Furkert, Frederick William, M.Inst.C.E., M.LMech.E. Millistry of Works, Wellington 4/8/25 Civil and Mechanical. Fyfe, Leslie John Graham, B.E., A.Iv.I.I.E.E. Waitemata Electric-power Board, P.O. Box 28/8/35 Electrical. 2218, Auckland Fyfe, Reginald John, B.Sc., A.M.LE.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 6/6/45 Electrical. Galbraith, Augustus William de Rohan, M.Inst.C.E. 1 The Spur, Clifton, Sumner 16/6/26 Civil .. Gallot, Norman Ch&rles, A.M.Inst.C.E ... City Engineer's Department, Auckland 7/6/45 Civil. Gandell, Alan Thoma.s, A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Auckland " 2/5/46 Civil. Gard, Reginald John, A .. M.LMech.E. Railways Department, Wellington .. 2/5/46 Mechanical. Garden, Eoin Robert, A.M.Inst.C.E.,.A.M.LMech.E. 5 Liverpool Street, Dunedin 2/5/46 Mechanical and Civil.. -' Gardiner, John Henry, A.M.LE.E. Otago Electric-power Board, P.O. Box .3,. 2/10/39 Electrical. Milton Garlick, Eric John, A.M.Inst.C.E. Public Works Department, Dunedin 22/3/29 Civil. Garrett, Roy Ellison, B.E., A.M.Inst.C.E. Manukau County Council, P.O. Box 1427, 11/8/37 Civil. Auckland Gatfield, Alfred Charles, B.Sc., A.M.LE.E. Post and Telegraph Department, Wellington 14/3/45 Electrical. Gemmell, Frank Douglas, B.Sc., A.M.Inst.C.E. Public Works Department, Napier 14/6/45 Civil. Gentry, Frederick Charles, B.Sc., A.M.LE.E. Post and Telegraph Department, Wellington 2/5/46 Electrical. George, Ernest Winsloe, A.M.Inst.C.E. P.O. Box 1024, Christchurch 26/11/25 Civil.

* See also Part B. THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46


Oolumn 1. Oolumn 2. Oolumn 3'1 Column 4. Address. Date of Qualifications. Name. I Registration.

Gibbon, Victor, A.M.LMech.E ... Auckland and Transport Board, P.O. Box 984, 6/1/38 Mechanical. Auckland Gilkison, John Thomson, RE., A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Karapiro Hydro, 14/6/45 Civil. Cambridge Gillett, Colin Anson, A.M.lnst.C.E. P.O. Box 1139, Wellington 16/lO/36 Civil. Gilmour, Robert, A.M.lnst.C.E. Borough Council, Timaru 21/8/41 Civil. Glasse, Alfred Onslow, M.LE.E. Auckland Electric-power Board, Private Bag, 7/4/26 Electrical. Auckland Goodman, Harry Bayliss Borough Council, Rotorua 16/12/42 Civil. Goodman, Howard Roi, A.M.LE.E. Railways Department, Wellington .. 26/11/25 Electrical. Goodsir, James Archibald, A.M.lnst.C.E. City Engineer's Department, Auckland 9/1/46 Civil. Gosset, Edward Lind, A.M.LE.E. Mount Maunganui, Tauranga 8/3/26 Electrical. Gough, Edgar Charles, RE., A.M.lnst.C.E. Care of E. C. Gough, Ltd., 236 Tuam Street, 26/11/25 Civil and Electrical. Christchurch Grant, Arthur Poeb, RE., A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Wellington 16/10/25 Civil. Grant, David Leslie, A.M.LE.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Invercargill 30/3/32 Electrical. Grant, Frank Douglas, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Wellington 23/7/28 Civil. Grant, William Hunter, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Kaikoura 29/5/44 Civil. Gray, Charles Marshall, A.M.LE.E. Waitemata Electric-power Board, 81 Albert 14/9/34 Electrical. Street, Auckland Gray, William Arthur, M.Sc., M.lnst.C.E. 509 Smith's Buildings, Albert Street, Auckland 4/8/25 Civil. Gray, William Thompson, A.M.LMech.E. 52 Clyde Street, Island Bay, Wellington 27/4/45 Mechanical. Green, Ernest Hedley Roy, M.Sc., M.LE.E. General Post Office, Wellington 18/8/26 Electrical. Greer, John Lawrence, A.M.lnst.C.E. Harbour Board, Auckland 2/5/46 Civil. Gregory, William Henry, M.LE.E.' State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 16/6/26 Electrical. Greig, John Charles, RSc., A.M.LE.E. .. Post and Telegraph Department, Wellington 30/3/39 Electrical. Grocott, Keith Dryden, RSc. .. Post and Telegraph Department, Wellington 6/12/44 Electrical. Gwynn, Percy Harold, A.M.LE.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 12/8/25 Electrical. Hallewell, Geoffrey James, A.M.lnst.C.E., Public Works Department, Kaitawa 7/6/45 Civil. A.M.LStruct.E. Halley, David John Bruce, B.E. 430 Featherston Street, Palmerston North .. 21/6/45 Civil. Hamilton, Basil Long, B.A., A.M.lnst.C.E. 67 Owairaka Avenue, Mount Albert, Auckland 8/10/26 Civil. Hamilton, Ernest Francis, A.M.LMech.E. Railway Workshops, Lower Hutt .. 2/5/46 Mechanical. Hansen, Neil Gilbert .. Franklin County Office, Pukekohe 15/3/46 Civil. Hardey, John Ernest, A.M.LE.E. 59 Aro Street, Wellington 7/4/26 Electrical. Hardie, Herbert John, A.M.LE.E. Mines Department, Wellington 26/11/25 Electrical. Hardy, J olm Laurence, RE. State Hydro-Electric Department, Wellington 8/1/46 Civil. Harris, Allan Greenwood, RE., A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Wellington 13/8/40 Civil. Harris, Bernard John, RE., A.M.I.E.E., Malvern Electric-power Board, Darfield 29/5/44 Electrical and Mechanical. A.M.LMech.E. Harrison, Thomas Frederick Grattan, RSc., Post and Teleg~aph Department, Wellington 2/5/46 Electrical. A.M.LE.E. Harrison, Walter Leslie, B.E., RSc., A.M.I.E.E ... National Broadcasting Service, Wellington .. 7/3/32 ElectricaL Hawcridge, John Robert Arthur, A.M.lnst.C.E. Geraldine County Office. Geraldine 6/1/38 Civil. Hawk, Charles Henry McLeod, A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Hamilton .. 2/5/46 Civil. Heays, Harry Cecil, A.M.LMech.E. Department of Scientific and Industrial Re- 7/4/26 Mechanical. search, vVellington Hellaby, Joseph Arthur Burdett, A.M.LE.E. P.O. Box 367, Auckland .. 5/5/26 Electrical. Henderson, John Findlay, RE., A.M.lnst.C.E .. Public Works Department, Auckland 30/4/45 Civil. Hendriksen, Eric Ernest, M.Sc., B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Wellington 2/10/39 Civil. Heyward, Charles William, A.M.LE.E. .. General Post Office, Wellington 10/5/46 Electrical. Hicks, Frederick Vernon, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 18/8/30 Civil. Hirst, Leslie Henry Samuel, A.lYLlnst.C.E. Public Works ])epartment, Wellington 14/3/45 Civil. Hogg, George Fraser, A.M.lnst.C.E. City Council, Lower Hutt 8/1/46 Civil. Holderness, Drummond, M.lnst.C.E. Harbour Board, Auckland 8/3/26 Civil. Hollands, Edwin Frank 35 Ohinerau Street, Remuera 12/8/25 Electrical. Holst, Erik Aidan Ola,f, A.M~Inst.C.E. Railways Department, Wanganui .. 29/1/46 Civil. Horn, James Kawarau, M.Sc., RE., A.M.LE.E. Electricity Dept., City Council, Wellington .. 30/3/39 Electrica.l. Howorth, Robert James· Walton, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. City Engineer's Office, Dunedin 16/lO/36 Civil. Hugbes, William, A.M,LE.E. .. Technical College, Christchurch 7/6/45 Electrical. Humc, Harry Lanceldt, RE., RSc., A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Wellington 9/9/32 Civil. Hurrell, John, A.M.lnst.C.E. .. Public Works Department, Nelson 4/5/45 Civil. Hutchinson, Henry State Coal-mines, Greymouth 15/1/41 Civil. Hutchison, Alan James Hanna, RSc., A.lVLlnst.C.E. Harbour Board, Wellington 9/9/32 Civil. Hutchison, Eric Auckland Electric-power Board, Queen Street, 18/8/26 Electrical. Auckland Hutton, Leslie Bertram, RE., M.LE.E. P.O. Box 1667, Wellington 8/3/26 Electrical. Hutton, William Augustus, RSc. R.D., Whakatane 16/6/26 Civil. Ives, Archibald Charles, RE., A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Wellington 6/12/44 Civil. Jackson, Cyril Lyndon, B.A. Borough Council, P.O. Box 1, Petone 20/7/27 Civil. Jackson, Frederic, RSc., RE., A.M.lnst.C.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Hamilton 30/3/32 Civil. Jackson, James Bryce, B.E. Public Works Department, Auckland 22/3/29 Civil. James, Arthur Lance, A.l\1.Inst.C.E. City Engineer's Department, Wellington 27/4/45 Civil. James, Eric Edward .. State Hydro-electric Department, Christchurch 15/6/45 Electrical. James, Lindsay Samuel, RE. .. State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 25/3/46 Civil. Jamieson, Douglas, A.l\1.I.E.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Auckland 7/6/45 Electrical. J ecks, Arthur Horsey, RE., A.M.lnst.C.E. City Council Chambel'S, 196 Manchester Street, 3/11/28 Civil. Christchurch Jeffreys, Francis Bernard Christison, A.l\I.Inst.C.E. City Engineer's Departlllent, Wellington 28/8/35 Civil. Jeffs, Arthur Joseph, A.M.l.E.E. Railways Department, Wellington 6/1/38 Electrical. Jeffs, Eric Arthur, A.l\I.l.E.E. .. P.O. Box 88, Invercargill 6/12/44 Electrical. , Jenkins, Eric James, RE. Ashburton County Office, Ashburton 14/1/46 Civil. Johns, Leonard Seymour, A.M.LE.E. Gough, Gough, and Hamer, Ltd., Christchurch 27/4/33 Electrical. Johnston, James Angus Robert, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Wellington 24/1/31 Civil. Johnston, Lester Malcolm, A.M.I.Mech.E. Railways Department, Wellington 2/5/46 Mechanical. Johnston, Thomas Arthur, RE. Public Works Department, Wellington 16/6/26 Civil. Jones Frederick, William Osborn, RE., Public Works Department, Wellington 2/5/46 Civil. A.M.lnst.C.E., A.M.I.Struct.E. Jones, Harold Charles Courtenay, RE. .. City Engineer's Department, Christchurch .. 15/3/46 Civil. Jones, Kenneth Francis, A.M.lnst.C.E ... Cook County Office, Gisborne 14/9/34 Civil. Jones, Nelson, M.LE.E. Care of National Electrical and Engineering 7/4/26 Electrical. Co., Wellington Jones, Reginald Cleveland, A.M.LE.E., State Hydro-electric Department, Auckland 14/7/26 Electrical and Mechanical. A.M.I.Mech.E. Jones, Stanley Walter, M.lnst.C.E. P.O. Box 632, Auckland .. 5/5/26 Mechanical. *

'" See also Part B. JUNE 27] TItE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 907


Column 1. Column 2. Column 3'1 Column 4. Date of Name. .Address. I Registration. Qualifications.

Kalaugher, Edgar Denis, B.E... Public Works Department, Fordell 13/2/46 Civil. Kaye, Robert Leslie, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Stratford 8/3/26 Civil. Keenan, Henry Bryant, A.M.LE.E. W airarapa Electric-power Board, Carterton 3/6/38 Electrical. Keller, Peter, A.M.lnst.C.E. 137 Vivian Street, New Plymouth .. 20/7/26 Civil. Kelly, Trevor Erle, B.Sc., A.M.LE.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Napier .. 2/10/39 Electrical. Kemp, Herbert George, A.M.lnst.C.E., A.M.LE.E. Ashburton Electric-power Board, Ashburton 7/4/26 Civil. * Kennedy, David Service, A.M.lnst.C.E. Harbour Board, Greymouth 28/8/35 Civil. Keogh, Alexander Patrious Southland County Office, Invercargill 6/1/38 Civil. Kerr, Rodger Norman, A.M.LMech.E. .. Marine Department, Wellington 24/8/45 Mechanical. Kidson, Charles ldrys, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. 8 Whitby Road, Nelson .. 5/5/26 Civil. King, George Davis, A.M.lnst.C.E. Taieri County Office, Mosgiel 22/1/42 Civil. King, George Whitaker, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. P.O. Box 118, Te Aro, Wellington 11/8/37 Civil. King, Kenneth Walter, B.E. Christchurch Drainage Board, 198 Hereford 15/1/40 Civil. Street, Christchurch King, Wilford Bertrand, A.M.LE.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Napier 16/6/26 Civil and Electrical. Kissel, Frederick Templeton M.'1nheim, B.Sc. (Eng.), State Hydro~electric Department, Wellington 12/8/25 Civil, Electrical, and A.M.lnst.C.E., M.LE.E. Mechanical. Laing, Percy Lyndon, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Auckland 15/3/46 Civil. Lancaster, John Gill, M.Sc., B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E., P.O. Box 920, Wellington 16/6/26 Mechanical and Electrical. M.LE.E. Lancaster, Roy, B.E. Public Works Department, Nelson 14/9/34 Civil. Lane, Douglas Alfrey, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public 'Works Department, Dunedin 20/9/38 Civil. Langbein, Charles, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Dunedin 26/11/25 Civil. Langbein, Fritz, A.1VLLC.E. Public Works Department, Wellington 26/11/25 Civil. Langbein, William, A.M.LE.E. Electric-power Board, P.O. Box 131, \Vairoa 20/1/44 Electrical. Langbein, William Theodore, A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Dunedin 16/6/26 Civil. Langridge, William Lutener, A.M.LE.E. Public Works Department, Wellington 31/3/38 Electrical. Latta, Matthew Garnet, M.LE.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 27/4/45 Electrical. Laverty, Joseph, A.M.lnst.C.E. Otago Harbour Board, Dunedin 18/1/46 Civil. Lee, John Harsant, B.Sc., M.LE.E. Care of Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., 12/8/25 Electrical. Ltd., Woodward Street, Wellington Lee-Smith, Alfred Francis, B.E. South Canterbury Electric-power Board, P.O. 7/3/32 Electrical. Box 207, Timaru Limbrick, Arthur Edmund Orchard Timaru Technical College, Timaru 12/8/361 Mechanical. Lincoln, Leslie Arnold, A.M.lnst.C.E. City Engineer'S Department, Auckland 18/4/45 Civil. Lindsay, Robert Lang, A.M.lnst.C.E. Ashburton County Council, P.O. Box 43, 16/10/36 Civil. . Ashburton Litherland, Wilfred John, A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Auckland .. 2/5/46 Civil. Lloyd, Frank Robert, B.Sc. Post and Telegraph Department, Wellington 27/4/45 Electrical. Logan, Thomas Bastin, B.E., A.M.l.E.E. 914 Duke Street, Hastings 15/3/46 Electrical. Lough, Jack Reginald, A.M.LE.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Hamilton 7/3/45 Electrical. Lovatt, Cyrus Gordon, B.Sc., A.M.LE.E. Post and Telegraph Department, Wellington 6/12/44 Electrical. Lovatt, Cyrus Roy, M.Sc., A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Wellington 30/3/32 Civil. Lovatt, Edwin Henry, B.Sc., A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Wellington 7/11/44 Civil. Lovatt, Robert Henry, A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Christchurch 5/5/26 Civil. Lush, Arthur, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. Canterbury University College, Christchurch 8/3/26 Civil and Electrical. Lusty, Horace Campbell, A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Wellington 18/3/27 Civil. Lyth, Norman Rowe, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Wanganui 26/11/25 Civil. Lythgoe, Joseph, A.M.LE.E. .. South Taranaki Electric-power Board, Hawera 7/4/26 Electrical. Macallan, Ian, A.M.lnst.C.E. .. Maritime Building, Wellington 15/1/41 Civil. MacCurdy, Roy Bruce Avey, A.M.l.Mech.E. Public Works Department, Wellington 3/6/38 Mechanical. MacDiarmid, Stuart Campbell .. Care of National Electrical and Engineering 3/4/46 Electrical. Co., Ltd., Wellington Macdonald, Stewart James, B.Sc., A.1VLLE.E. Post and Telegraph Department, Auckland .. 3/4/46 Electrical. MacFarlane, Gordon Allan, A.M.LStruct.E. Borough Office, Ashburton 6/12/44 Structural. Macfarlane, Pharic, A.M.lnst.C.E. Dunedin Drainage and Sewerage Board, 14/10/42 Civil. Dunedin MacGib bon, Roy Gregor State Hydro-electric Department, Christchurch 18/8/30 Mechanical and Electrical. Mackenzie, Eric Bruce, RE., A.M.LE.E ... State Hydro-electric Department, Nelson 18/12/40 Electrical. . Mackersey, Colin Alleyne, M.LE.E. Railways Department, Wellington . 7/2/27 Electrical. Macky, William Graham, RSc., A.M.lnst.C.E. Waipu County Council, Te Awamutu 23/7/28 Civil. McEnnis, Edward Walpole, B.E. Public Works Department, Gisborne 9/1/46 Civil. McGregor, Archibald Andrew David, M.Sc., RE., Massey Agricultural College, Palmerston North 30/3/32 Electrical. A.M.LE.E. . McIntosh, James Colin, M.Sc ... Post and Telegraph Department, Christchurch 23/3/45 Electrical. McIntyre, Colin, A.M.LE.E. .. State Hydro-electric Department, Napier 18/2/43 . Electrical. McIntyre, Robert, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Temuka 25/5/27 Civil. McIvor, Joseph George Pahiatua County Office, Pahiatua 19/9/29 Civil. McKenzie, Burt, A.M.lnst.C.E ... County Office, Otorohanga 10/9/35 Civil. McKenzie, Ernest Frederick, A.M.LE.E ... Wellington Technical College, Wellington 16/6/26 Civil. * McKenzie, George Holmes, A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Greymouth 2/5/46 Civil. McKillop, Edgar Ravenswood Ministry of W orks, Wellington 5/5/26 Civil. McKinnon, Ian Walmsley Public Works Department, Methven 30/4/45 Civil. McLennan, Roderick Arthur, B.E. New Zealand Standards Institute, Wellington 9/2/32 Electrical. McLeod, Henry Francis, A.M.LE.E. Taumarunui Borough Council, Taumarunui .. 18/8/30 I Electrical. McLeod, Leonard Malcolm Public Works Department, Dannevirke 27/4/45 I Civil. McLeod, Neil Gloster, M.LE.E. Thames Valley Electric-power Board, Te Aroha: 16/6/26 Electrical. McLeod, Norman John Murdoch, M.I.Mech.E. Clyde Engineering, Ltd., Wellington 7/3/32 Mechanical. McNair, Ian Bruce, A.M.LE.E. Dominion Motors, Ltd., 65 Courtenay Place, 20/1/44 Electrical. Wellington Malcolm, Ian McLean, A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Dunedin .. 27/4/45 Civil. Mandeno, Lloyd, RE., M.LE.E. P.O. Box 1277, Auckland 16/6/26 Civil. * Mann, Sidney Rheese, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. County Office, Stratford 11/8/37 Civil. Mansergh, Dennis Blackwood, RA. (Cantab.) Candy Filters (N.Z.), Ltd., P.O. Box 1773, 20/1/44 Civil. Auckland Manssen, Norman Bernard, B.E. Department of Scientific and Industrial 14/3/45 Electrical. Research, New Zealand, care of Box 159, Station H, Montreal, Canada Marchbanks, Donald Stuart Gore, M.lnst.C.E. Harbour Board, Wellington 16/6/26 Civil. Marriott, Rowland Fitchett, A.M.LMech.E. Railways Department, Dunedin 2/5/46 Mechanical. Marshall-Smith, Charles Frederick, B.E., RSc. 131 Victoria Street, Hawera 7/4/26 Civil.

* See also Part B. THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46


Column 1. (Jolumn 2. Column 3'1 Column 4. Date of Name. Address. I Registration. Qualifications.

Martin, George Winnington, A.M.I.Mech.E. P.O. Box 904, Dunedin .. 30/3/39 Mechanical. Martin, James Keble, RE., B.Sc., A.M.lnst.C.E ... School of Engineering, Canterbury University 7/11/44 Civil. College, Christchurch Martin, Robert Steel, A.M.lnst.C.E. Egmont County Office, Opunake .. 15/1/40 Civil. Mason, David Erskine Sinclair, A.M.lnst.C.E. Bluff Harbour Board, Bluff 28/3/28 Civil. Mathewson, Eric Walter, RE., A.M.LE.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Hamilton .. 1/10/45 Electrical. Matthewson, Frank, RE., A.M.I.E.E. Poverty Bay Electric-power Board, Gisborne 16/10/25 Electrical. Maud, Albert, A.M.I.Mech.E. .. Maude, Kirk, Machinery, Ltd., Woodward 21/8/41 Mechanical. Street, Wellington Maunder, Richard Stanley, M.I.E.E. P.O. Box 1667, Wellington 8/3/26 Electrical. Mawson, Keith James, A.M.lnst.C. E., City Engineer's Department, Wellington 28/8/35 Civil. A.M.I.Struct.E. May, Leslie, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Whangarei 26/11/25 Civil. Mead, Arthur David, RE., A.M.lnst.C.E. Auckland City Council, Auckland 26/11/25 Civil. Meadowcroft, Leonard Lincoln, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Kaikoura 2/10/39 Civil. Meredith, Richard Sunderland Sheriff, B.E., State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 21/8/41 Electrical. A.M.I.E.E. Mill, Alexander, A.M.LE.E. Borough Council Office, Thames .. 28/6/45 Electrical. Miller, Athol John McDonald, A.M.lnst.C.E. Lower Clutha River Trust Office, Balclutha .. 30/3/39 Civil. Milne, Brian Edwin, RE., A.M.I.E.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Tuai 22/1/42 Electrical. Milward, George Robert South Canterbury Catchment Board, Timaru 19/10/31 Civil. Mitchell, Archibald Charles, M.LMech.E. P.O. Box 203, Wellington 16/6/26 Mechanical. Mitchell, Alexander Stewart, M.LMech.E., P.O. Box 1656, Wellington. 7/4/26 Mechanical and Electrical. * A.M.I.E.E. Mitchell, James William Elbert, A.M.LE.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Greymouth 17/7/44 Electrical. Moorhouse, Terence, A.M.lnst.C.E. Mackenzie County Office, Fairlie .. 18/8/30 Civil. Murison, Athol Huntly, A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Wellington 28/6/45 Civil. Murphy, Vernon Alan, A.M.lnst.C.E., A.M.LStruct.E. Railways Department, Wellington 30/3/32 Civil. Murray, Andrew, A.M;Inst.C.E. P.O. Box 821, Auckland 15/1/41 Civil. Mynott, William Lambert Auckland Metropolitan Drainage Board, 17/8/31 Civil. Auckland Neale, Rpnald Douglas, RE., A.M.LE.E. Canterbury University College, Christchurch 15/1/40 Electrical. Newnham, William Langston, M.lnst.C.E. 27 Friend Street, Karori, Wellington 12/8/25 Civil. Newton-King, Cecil Richard, RE., A.M.lnst.C.E. .. Paengaroa, Bay of Plenty 9/1/46 Civil. Nicol, Stuart Maxton, A.M.LE.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Christchurch 2/5/46 Electrical. Norris, John, A.M.Inst.C.E. County Office, Rose Street, Whangarei 31/3/38 Civil. O'Hara, William Keith Macky, A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Hamilton· .. 2/5/46 Civil. Overton, Thomas Richard, M.LE.E. North Auckland Electric-power Board, P.O. 26/11/25 Electrical. Box 110, Dargaville Owen, Alexander Cay, B.E., M.LE.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Palmerston N. 16/10/25 Civil and Electrical. Palaii'et, Charles Rowland, M.I.Mech.E., M.LE.E. .. 7 Grosvenor Terrace, Wellington . . . 10/8/43 Mechanical and Electrical. Palmer, Thornton John, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. City Engineer's Office, Dunedin " .. 16/6/26 Civil. Paterson, Neville Lloyd, A.M.lnst.C.E ... Fletcher Holdings, Ltd., Private Bag, Auckland 8/8/45 Civil. Patterson, David Moore, RE., A.M.lnst.C.E. Selwyn County Council, P.O. Box 4, Hororata 7/11/44 Civil. Patterson, Henry James Noble, RE., A.M.LE.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Hamilton 10/8/43 Electrical. Payne, Lintorn Simmons, M.LE.E. Southland Power-supply, Dee Street, 7/4/26 Electrical. Invercargill . Pearce, Walter Care of H. F. Toogood, Esquire, 234 The 17/8/31 Civil. Terrace, Wellington Peat, Cyril David, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. Akitio County Office, Pongaroa 17/10/45 Civil. Penman, Douglas George, A.M.lnst.C.E. City Engineer's Department, Auckland 16/2/34 Civil. Perry, John Garnet, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. City Engineer's Office, Lower Hutt 2/5/46 Ci,vil. Philpott, Henry Edwin Redmond, M.LE.E. C.P.O. Box 646, Wellington 18/9/25 Electrical. Plank, Charles Selwood, A.M.LE.E. 15 Braithwaite Street, Karori, Wellington 5/5/26 Electrical. Plank, Charles Stephen, A.M.LE.E. Post and Telegraph Department, Auckland 11/8/37 Electrical and Telegraph. Potter, William Henry, A.M.I.E.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Auckland 9/1/46 Electrical. Powell, Edward Guy Samuel, RE., A.M.lnst.C.E., 106 Gloucester Street, Christchurch 30/4/45 Civil. A.M.I.Struct.E. Powell, Percival Herbert Canterbury College, Christchurch " 16/10/25 Electrical. Prickett, John Howard, M.LE.E. Standard Telephones and Cables Pty., Ltd., 27/4/45 Electrical. 125-9 Manners Street, Wellington Pryor, Charles Geoffrey, RSc., A.M.LE.E. Post and Telegraph Department, Napier 9/1/46 Electrical. Puddy, William Edward, A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Greymouth 2/5/46 Civil. Pugh, Charles Trevor, B.E., A.M.LE.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 11/9/44 Electrical. Purchase, Harry Zander, A.M.LMech.E., A.M.LE.E. Railways Department, Wellington .. 2/5/46 Mechanical and Electrical. Raeburn, John Lindsay, A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Auckland " 2/5/46 Civil. Ramsay, Walter, A.M.I.E.E. .. Public Works Department, Wellington 30/4/45 Electrical. Rappe, Keith George .. Railways Department, Auckland 10/5/46 Mechanical. Rapson, Samuel Morris, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Depa.rtment, Wellington 1/10/45 Civil. Rapson, Victor Charles Walton, A.M.lnst.C.E. State Forest Service, Wellington " 23/7/28 Civil. Rasmussen, Wilfred Neill, A.M.LE.E. Springs - Ellesmere Electric - power Board, 25/6/36 Electrical. Leeston ' Rea, Robert Cosbourne Inglewood County Council, Inglewood 30/3/39 Civil. Read, Eric Edward, A.M.LE.E. ' Corporation Transport, Dunedin " 11/8/37 Electrical. Read, George Stuart James, M.Sc., A.M.LMech.E., Railways Department, Wellington .. 26/2/40 Mechanical and El~ctrical. A.M.I.E.E. Redpath, Francis Reginald, A.M.LE.E. P.O. Box 158, Christchurch 14/9/34 Electrical. Reid, Hugh Murray, A.M.lnst.C.E. Earthworks Ltd., P.O. Box 626, Palmerston 16/10/36 Civil. North Reynolds, James Anthony, A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Invercargill 2/5/46 Civil. Riddell, James Oliver, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Methven 5/5/33 Civil. Ritchie, Robert Francis Deans, B.Sc., RE., Public Works Department, Lake Tekapo 8/10/45 Civil. A.M.lnst.C.E. Hydro, via Timaru Ro berts, Edward Fletcher, A.M.lnst.C.E., 186 Stuart Street, Dunedin 8/3/26 Civil a.nd Mechanical. A.M.LMech.E. . Roberts, Frederick Kelly, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Wellington 16/8/33 Civil. Roberts, James Samuel, A.M.lnst.C.E. City Engineer's Office, Invercargill 11/8/37 Civil. Roberts, Robert James, A.M.LE.E. Public Works Department, Auckland 12/8/25 Electrical. Roberts, Richard Thomas ,Candy Electric Totalizator, Addington Trotting 20/7/26 Electrical and Telegraph. Grounds, Christchurch Robertson, Leonard Melrose Craigie, A.M.lnst.C.E. City Engineer's Department, Wellington 6/1/38 Civil. Robinson, Edward Lamerton, A.M.lnst.C.E. South Canterbury Catchment Board, P.O. 17/8/31 Civil. , Box 109, Ashburton Robinson, Isaac Richard, M.LE.E. Hutt Valley Electric-power Board, Lower Hutt 26/11/25 Civil and Electrical. Rogers, Joseph William, B.E., A.M.LE.E. Thames Valley Electric-power Board, Te 3/10/38 Electrical. Aroha

* See also Part B. JUNE 27] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 909


Column 1. Column 2. Column 3'1 Column 4. Name. Address. Date of Qualifioations. I Registration.

Ronayne, Robert Henry Price, A.M.Inst.C.E. Public Works Department, Tauranga .. 16/10/25 Civil. * Rothmann, Siegfried, Dipl. lng., Dr.Eng. State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 2/10/39 Electrical. Row, Leslie Franklin, A.M.lnst.C.E., A.M.LE.E. City Engineer'S Office, Wanganui .. 23/7/28 Civil and Electrical. Rowntree, John Burgess, A.M.lnst.C.E. Metropolitan Drainage Board, Auckland 4/5/45 Civil. Royds, Harold George, A.M.lnst.C.E. P.O. Box 870, Christchurch 20/7/26 Civil. Rushton, George, A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Dunedin 28/8/35 Civil. Russell, Cecil Ruffell, M.Sc., A.M.LE.E. .. P.O. Box 606, Christchurch 4/8/25 Civil and Electrical. Russell, Norman Oliver, A.M.lnst.C.E. .. Railways Department, Christchurch 2/5/46 Civil. Russell, Robert Angus Hamilton, B.Sc., A.M.LE.E. Railways Department, Christchurch 13/2/46 Electrical. Sampson, Gerard William, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Wanganui 16/10/25 Civil. Sandford, Kenneth William, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E ... Borough Engineer's Office, Levin .. 13/2/46 Civil. Schnackenberg, Ellis Carl, B.Sc., A.lVLlnst.O.E. Public Works Department, Wellington 2/5/46 Civil. Scott, Edwin Fox, A.M.lnst.C.E. Drainage Board, Christchurch .. 20/7/27 Civil. Scoular, Spencer Gray, B.E., M.lnst.C.E. Dunedin City Corporation, Dunedin 25/6/36 Civil. Searle, George, M.Sc., A.M.LE.E. Radio Section, Post Office Building, Wellington 30/5/46 Electrical. Service, William John, A.M.LE.E. Post and Telegraph Department, Christchurch 2/5/46 Electrical. Shackleton, Allan James, A.M.LE.E. Gisborne High School, Gisborne 28/8/35 Electrical. Shanks, William James, A.M.l.E.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Nelson 8/8/45 Electrical. Sharp, George Lionel Gordon .. Franklin Electric-power Board, Pukekohe 18/8/30 Civil. Sharp, Ronald Wilson City Council, Auckland .. 30/3/39 Civil. Sheard, Kenneth Arthur, B.Sc., A.M.LE.E. Post and Telegraph Department, Wellington 5/3/46 Electrical. Shrimpton, Geoffrey, A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, lnvercargill 2/5/46 Civil. Simmers, George Archibald Keith, A.lVLlnst.C.E. Railways Department, 'Vellington .. 8/5/46 Civil. Simmers, Keith Annand, B.E ... Richardson, McCabe, and Co., Ltd., 13 Grey 3/6/38 Electrical. St., Wellington Simmers, Robert, B.Sc., A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Dunedin 9/12/26 Civil. Simmons, Allan Tiefaine B.Sc., A.M.lnst.C.E., City Engineer's Office, Auckland .. 25/6/36 Civil. A.M.LMech.E. Simpson, Ralph Annand, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. Ministry of Works, Wellington 10/3/37 Civil. Sisson, Frederick Almond, A.M.lnst.C.E. City Engineer's Department, Auckland 8/10/45 Oivil. Slevin, Edward, A.M.LE.E. Franklin Electric-power Board, Pukekohe 29/6/45 Electrical. Slyfield, Robert Gordon, A.M.lnst.C.E. 307 Southern Cross Buildings, Chancery Street, 5/5/26 Civil. . Auckland Smart, Eric Copland, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Wellington 15/3/46 CiviL Smart, Fred, M.Sc., A.M.lnst.C.E., A.M.LStruct.E. City Engineer's Department, Wellington 1I/8/37 Civil. Smith, Charles Edgar, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Christchurch 17/8/31 Civil. Smith, George Walter Wallace Public Works Department, R.N.Z.A.F., Ohakea 5/7/29 I Electrical. Smith, Harry Louis Percy, A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Wellington 16/6/26 Civil. Smith, John Holmes, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. State Forest Service, Wellington .. 21/6/45 Oivil. Smith, John Ralfe, A.M.LE.E. National Broadcasting Service, Wellington .. 7/4/26 Electrical. Smith, Rex Challingsworth, A.M.LE.E ... State Hydro-electric Department, Hamilton 16/5/41 Electrical. Smithson, Archihald Charles Bruce, B.E. Waterworks Department, Town Hall, Auckland 15/1/40 .Civil. Southern, Harold Slater, A.M.lnst.C.E ... Public Works Department, Christchurch 21/6/45 Civil. Spencer, Seymour Thomason, A.M.lnst.C.E. Box B, Concrete Co., Crowhurst Street, 16/6/26 Civil. Newmarket, Auckland Spooner, Bruce William, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Kaitawa, Private 8/8/45 Civil. Bag 127, Wairoa Stanton, Travis Mackenzie, B.E.' Care of A. H. Manson, P.O. Box 188, Christ- 30/3/39 Civil. church Stent, Richard, A.M.lnst.C.E. City Engineer's Department, Wellington 18/8/30 Civil. Stephens, John Grant, A.M.LE.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Christchurch 7/4/26 Electrical. Stevens, Hubert Garibaldi, A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Auckland .. 2/5/46 Civil. Stewart, Frederick Howard, A.M.lnst.O.E. City Engineer's Department, Wellington 27/4/45 Oivil. Stewart, John McCulloch, A.M.LE.E. .. National Electrical and Engineering Co., Ltd., 22/3/29 Electrical. P.O. Box 1055, Wellington Struthers, William, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Auckland 16/10/25 Civil. Suckling, Eustace Edgar, M.Sc., A.M.LE.E. Medical School, King Street, Dunedin 27/4/45 Electrical. Sutton, John Richard, A.M.lnst.C.E. .. Harbour Board, Auckland 17/8/31 Civil. Swanson, Alexander Cochrane, A.M.lnst.C.E. Otago Harbour Board, Dunedin 22/12/29 Civil. Swanston, Frederic Romeril State Hydro-electric Department, Nelson 18/8/30 Electrical. Swift, Leslie Albert, A.M.LE.E. Railways Department, Christchurch 30/3/31 Electrical.· Syme, William James, A.M.lnst.C.E. .. 176 Gloucester Street, Christchurch 10/3/37 Civil. Tapper, Kenneth Purcell, B.E., A.lVLInst.C.E. P.O. Box 315, Whangarei 15/3/46 Civil. Taylor, Charles Emery, A.M.LMech.E ... Taylor and Pointon, Ltd., P.O. Box 367, 16/6/26 Mechanical. Palmerston North Taylor, Edward Morgan, B.Sc., A.M.lnst.C.E. Care of Taylor'S Ltd., 32A Lichfield Street, 6/6/45 Civil. Christchurch Taylor, Harold Ferguson, B.E ... Care of Candy Filters (N.Z.), Ltd., Chancery 18/8/26 Civil. Chambers, O'Connell Street, Auckland Tewsley, Eric Neill, A.M.LE.E. National Electrical and Engineering Co., Ltd., 7/4/26 Electrical. Customs Street West, Auckland Thomas, George Ivan Bickerdyke, A.lVLInst.C.E. City Engineer's Department, Wellington 8/3/26 Civil. Thomas, Malcolm James, A.M.Inst.C.E. Public 'Vorks Department, Paeroa 8/3/26 Civil. Thomas, Richard Norman Borough Council, Lyttelton 28/3/28 Electrical. Thomass, Lewis Hamilton, B.E., B.Sc., A.M.lnst.C.E. Care of Gummer and Ford, N.Z. Insurance 25/3/46 Oivil. Building, Queen Street, Auckland Thompson, Hugh Montgomery, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Tauranga 20/7/27 Oivil. Thompson, Lisle Broughton, B.E., A.M.LE.E. Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical 00., Ltd., P.O. 10/8/43 Electrical. Box 1546, Wellington Thompson, Thomas Eric, B.Sc., A.M.LE.E. Post and Telegraph Department, Hamilton .. 2/5/46 Electrical. Thornton, Onslow Garth, A.M.Inst.C.E. Public Works Department, Hamilton 16/10/25 Civil. Todd, Alexander Douglas, B.Sc. Public Works Department, Wellington 17/7/45 Civil. Tomkins, Ralph Oliver, A.M.lnst.C.E. .. . . Kawhia County Office, Kawhia 9/1/46 Civil. Toogood, Henry Featherston, M.lnst.C.E., 234 The Terrace, Wellington 8/3/26 Electrical, Mechanical, M.LMech.E., M.LE.E. and Civil. Torrie, Rodger Ralph, A.M.lnst.C.E. . . 4 Nixon Avenue, Otahuhu 18/8/30 Civil. Turner, Charles William Oakey, n.Sc., M.Eng. Ministry of W orks, Wellington . 23/1/42 Civil and Mechanicai. Tustin, Charles Joseph, A.l\Llnst.C.E. Public 'Vorl~s Department, Wellington 2/12/40 Oivil. Tyrrell, Leslie Osborne, A.M.LE.E. Post and Telegraph Department, Christchurch 2/5/46 Electrical. Urwin, Thomas Arthur Oare of Saxton and Urwin, P.O. Box II 6, 18/8/30 Oivil. New Plymouth Utting, Leslie Ernest .. Manukau County Council, P.O. Box 1427, 16/8/33 [ Civil. Auckland ------.---- * See also Part B. 910 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46


Oolumnl. Oolumn2. OOlumna'l Oolumn 4. Date of Name. Address. I Registration. Qualifications.

Vamos, George, Dipl. Mech. Ing. (Budapest) 12 'Blakey Avenue, Wellington 25/1/46 Heating and Ventilating. Veitch, Robert Davidson, M.LE.E. Timaru Borough Council, Timaru .. 7/5/32 Electrical. Veitch, -William Mouat Bolt, A.M.LE.E. Post and Telegraph Department, Wellington 8/4/46 Electrical. Vickerman, Hugh, M.Sc., M.lnst.C.E. P.O. Box 920, Wellington 16/6/26 Civil. Vickerman, Neville Longbourne, A.M.lnst.C.E. Harbour Board, Auckland 16/6/26 Civil. Vincze, Stephen Alexander, A.M.I.E.E., Dipl. Ing. State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 20/5/40 Electrical. Von Sturmer, Douglas, A.M.lnst.C.E. .. Fell and Harley's Buildings, Hardy Street, 17/8/37 Civil. Nelson Walker, Alfred Greville, A.M.lnst.C.E ... 508 R.S.A. Building, High Street, Auckland . 5/5/26 Civil. Walker, Lawrence Galwey, A.M.LMech.E. Care of John Burns and Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 642, 2/10/39 Mechanical. Christchurch , Walker, Robert George, B.Sc., A.M.LE.E. Post and Telegraph Department, Invercargill 16/12/42 Electrical. Wall, Albert, A.M.I.Mech.E. Marine Department, Auckland 9/1/46 Mechanical. Walter, Charles Lockhart, A.M.LE.E. Central Waikato Electric-power Board, 6/12/44 Electrical. Hamilton Ward, Anzac Mussared, A.M.LMech.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 15/3/46 Mechanical. Wareing, John, AoM.lnst.C.E. .. City Engineer's Department, Wellington 27/4/45 Civil. Waters, William Alexander, M.LE.E. Commercial Buildings, The Square, Palmerston 26/11/25 Electrical. North -Watson, Struan Robertson, B.E., M.LE.E. Care of Watson and Watson, 44 Esk Street, 20/3/46 Electrical. Invercargill Watt, John Duncan, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Alexandra 18/8/26 Civil. Watt, William Railways Department, Christchurch 2/5/46 Mechanical. Watts, Henry Robert, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. Southland Countv Office, P.O. Box 33, Inver- 12/7/45 Civil. cargill • Webling, John Keith Lhidsay, A.M.LMech.E. Care 9fShe11 Co. ofN.Z., Ltd., Wellington 30/3/39 Mechanical. Wedekind, Dick Ie Doux John Railways Department, Dunedin .. . 2/5/46 Mechanical. Welch, Jack Warwick Francis, A.M.LE.E. P.O. Box 390, Wellington 20/6/44 Electrical. Wheeler, Charles Millward, B.E., A.l\Llnst.C.E. Ministry of Works, Wellington 17/4/46 Civil. Williams, David Gwyn State Hydro-electric Department, Khandallah 26/11/25 Electrical. Substation, Wellington Williams, Philip Leslie Bruce, B.E. Care of Dominion Breweries, Ltd., P.O. 10, 1/3/33 Electrical. Otahuhu , Williams, Thomas, B.Sc. Post and Telegraph Department, Hamilton .. 20/6/44 Electrical. Wilson, Charles Gardiner, A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Wellington 27/4/45 Civil. ,\Vilson, Gavin Trengove, RE. State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 27/4/45 Electrical. Wilson, James Bruce, B.E. Railways Department, Wellington 6/12/44 Civil. Wise, Henry Robert, B.E., A.M.LE.E. Care of G. T. Gillies, Thames Street, Oamaru i8/3/27 Electrical. Withers, Bernard Tyndall, A.l\LLE.E. .. P.O. Box 252, Timaru .. 31/7/42 Radio and Electrical. Withers, Lester Frank, A.M.LE.E. State Hydro-electric Department, Auckland .. 16/8/33 Electrical. Wolland, George William Liverton, A.M.LE.E. Railways Department, "\Voburn ,\Vorks, Lower 30/3/32 Electrical. Hutt Wood, Bernard Harold, B.Sc., B.Com., A.M.LE.E. Telegraph Engineer's Office, Nelson 3/4/46 Electrical. Wood, Eric, A.M.lnst.C.E. Railways Department, Wanganui .. 2/5/46 Civil. Wood, Frederick Collis, B.E., A.M.lnst.C.E. Hume Steel, Ltd., P.O. Box 287, Wellington 12/7/45 Civil. Wotten, Hector .r ohn Langdon, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Wellington 18/8/30 Civil. ,Wright, Joseph, A.M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Department, Naval Base, 5/5/26 Civil. Devonport, Auckland Wright, Trevor Moncrief, A.M.lnst.C.E. .. Public Works Department, Christchurch 16/6/26 Civil. Wyles, Guy Wilfrid, A.M.T.E.E. Railways Department, vVellington 18/8/26 Electrical. Young, Robert Douglas, A.M.lnst.C.E. Borough Office, Thames 1/10/45 Civil. Young, William Fairlie, A.M.lnst.C.E. Pu blic Works Department, Wellington 30/4/45 Civil. Ziman, Louis Isaac, A.M.LMech.E. Public Works Department, Wellington 16/6/26 Mechanical.


Oolumnl. Oolumn2. Columna. I Oolumn 4. Name. Date of Address. I Registration. Qualifications. Adams, Ernest Feltus Queen Street, Thames 16/10/25 Civil. Adams, James Henry, B.Sc. Public Works Department, Papakura 16/10/25 Civil. Ainsworth, Joseph Sargon, A.M.LE.E ... (See Part A) 16/6/26 Mechanical. Aked, Walter Edward Wellington City Corporation, Wellington 16/6/26 Structural. Alcock, Norman Forrest Newmarket Borough Council, Auckland 1/10/45* Municipal. Allum, John Andrew Charles .. P.O. Box 769, Auckland 26/11/25 Electrical. Andrews, Norman' Alexander Waimea Electric-power Board, P.O. Box 5, 1/10/45* Electric-supply. Richmond Andrews, Sydney Weymouth Care of Andrews and Beaven, Ltd., P.O. Box 16/6/26 Mechanical. 138, Christchurch. Annabell, Stanley Borough Council, Otahuhu 17/7/45* Municipal. Annand, Bertram Charles Public Works Department, Trentham Military 26/11/25 Civil. Camp Baird, James Reginald Citv Council, Hamilton .. 17/7/45* Municipal. Baldwin, Horace Stewart Care ofW. G. Lowe and Sons, Ltd., Auckland 26/11/25 MechanicaL Barclay, ,\Villiam Public Works Department, Paeroa .. 16/10/25 Civil. Barnes, Edward John 91 Beauchamp Street, '\Yellington 6/1/38 Municipal. Bascand, Arthur Charles Marine Department, vVestport 24/8/45* Harbour. Basstian, Basil Christopher Southland County Office, Invercargill 8/10/26 County. Beere, Wynford Ormsby Public Works Department, Wellington 16/10/25 Civil. Begbie, Wilfred Ernest Mount Albert Borough Council, Auckland 17/7/45* Municinal. Bettany, Arnold Crompton Franklin County Office, Pukekohe .. 17/7/45* County. Birkmyer, James Bruce King Street, Opotiki 16/5/29t Civil. Black, Ralph .Tohn .. lYlaniototo County, Ranfurly 17/7/45* Countv. Black, ,\Villiam Prentice Waimate County Council, Waimate 16/10/25 Civil .• Blake, Edward Vincent . Public Works Department, Auckland .. 14-/7/26 Road. Bond, Herbert Victor Manawatu County Council, Sanson .. 17/7/45* County. Bongard, James Rossiter Tauranga Electri~-power Board, Tauranga .. 17/7/45* Electric-supply. Brebner, Cedric Havelock I County Office, \I'\'hakatane ...... 18/9/25 County. * Section 7 of 1944 amendment. t 1928 amendment. JUNE 27] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 911


Column 1. Column 2. 3 Column 4. I CdumnDate of °1 Name. Address. Registration. Qualifications.

Brown, Arthur Ernest Care of J. F. Hargrave, Ltd., Christchurch 5/5/26 Mechanical. Browne, Richard Herbert Waitomo County Council, Te Kuiti 5/5/26 County. Bryant, Ernest Te Awamutu Electric-power Board 12/7/45* Electric-supply. Bullivant, William Waimea County Office, Nelson 8/8/45* County. Bunyard, Frederick Charles 23 Empire Street, Cambridge 26/11/25 Civil and Mechanical. Carman, Arthur Charles 170 Dalrymple Street, Invercargill 8/3/26 Mechanical and Electrical. Chamberlain, Oscar Edinborough State Hydro-electric Department, Auckland .. 1/10/45* Electric-supply. Clark, .Tohn, A.M.I.Mech.E. Care of Jas. J. Niven and Co., Ltd., Waghorne 16/6/26 Mechanical. Street, Port Ahuriri Clifford, Stanley Bruce Bay of Islands County Office, P.O. Box 11, 20/7/26 County. Kawakawa Collin, Albert Heich .. State Forest Service, Wellington .. 7/4/26 Mechanical. Collins, Eric Arthur .. Levels Countv· Office, P.O. Box 56, Timaru 24/8/45* County. Cowing, Jacob Busby 262 Childers 'Road. Gisborne 26/11/25 Civil. Cox, Trevor \Va.keford Public Works Department, Auckland 24/8/45* Road. Crawford, Hugh School of Mines, Thames 26/11/25 Mining; Crookes, Samuel Irwin, M.l.E.E. (See Part A) 26/11/25 Electrical. Crookes, Samuel Irwin (jun.) Power Board Building, Queen Street, Auckland 7/4/26 Electrical. Crosbie, Francis Leslie Otago Hospital Board, Dunedin .. 17/7/45* Hospital. Crow, Edward State Housing Department, Palmerston North 26/11/25 Civil and Mechanical. Cullens, James Flat 1, 952 Colombo Street, Christchurch .. 16/6/26 Civil. Cutten, William Latham City Council, Palmerston North .. 26/11/25 Electrieal. Davies, Frederick Albert Care of the Steel Construction Co., Ltd., P.O. 16/10/25 Structural. . Box 1580, Auckland Dawber, Royden Robert Public Works Department,Westport, 18/9/25 Civil. Dawson, John 34 Margot Street, Epsom, Auckland 4/8/25 Civil. Dawson, Lionel Stanhope Marine Department, Auckland 5/5/26 Mechanical. Devlin, Frederick Osmond Dannevirke Electric-power Board .. 17/7/45* Electric-supply. Dicker, John David Bay of Plenty Electric-power Board, Opotiki 8/8/45* Electric-supply. Dickie, Leslie William Wellington City Corporation Tramway Work- 17/7/45* Mechanical. shops, Kilbirnie, Wellington Dix, Thomas Borough Council, Waitara .. 16/10/25 Municipal. Dix, Thomas Burman Ross Wiatotara County Office, Wanganui 16/10/25 County. Donnelley, Leonard Sidney. Royal New Zealand Air Force, Wellington 13/9/45* County. Drake, Bernard John Borough Office, Wairoa .. 1/10/45* Municipal. Dyett, Henry Lewis Percy 11 Johnston Street, Wellington 16/5/29t Road. Earnshaw, Francis Allan Care of Moult, Ltd., P.O. Box 581, Wellington 16/6/26 Electrical. Edwards, Selwyn Harbour Board, Auckland 7/4/26 Electrical. Ensoll, John Robert .. Public Works Department, Wanganui 14/7/26 CIvil. Ensor, Gilbert William Matamata County Office, Tirau 9/1/46* County. Fennell, Michael Murchison County Council, Murchison 26/11/25 County. Ferguson, John Alexander Mitchell Hawke's Bay Electric-power Board, P.O. Box 1/10/45* Electric-supply. 555, Hastings FitzGerald, Maurice Edward William Rose Street, Tirau 5/5/26 Civil. Fleming, Elliott Nelson City Council, Nelson. 26/11/25 Electrical. Fookes, Noel Cracroft Clifton County Office, Waitara • . . . 1/10/45* County. Fox, Robert Care of A. D. Riley and Co., Ltd., 66-68 The 16/10/25 Municipal. Terrace, Wellington . Fraser, William Mackenzie Harbour Board, Whangarei 26/11/25 Civil. Freeman, Frederick Willie 91 Gloucester Street, Christchurch 16/10/25 Civil. Frieboe-Funch, Christian Public Works Department, Wellington 24/8/45* Structural. Fry, Roland Evelyn .. 18 Endean's Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland 22/12/29* Road. Fuller, Claude Elliott, B.E. Care of National Electrical and Engineering 17/7/45* Electrical. Co., Ltd., Wellington Gardiner, William Ivan Public Works Department, Mangakino 9/1/46* Gilchrist, Geoffrey William, B.Sc. Telegraph Engineer's Office, Whangarei 29/8/45* Telegraph. Goldsbro, Henry Edgar Care of Bitumix Ltd., 77 Queen St., Auckland 5/5/26 Civil. Goldsmith, Bernard Harry Taranaki Electric-power Board, Eltham 9/12/26 Electrical. Goodbehere, Samuel Frederick John Public Works Department, Mangakino, via 9/1/46* Road. Tokoroa Goudie, Thomas Steel Public Works Department, Auckland 24/8/45* Structural. Green, Eric Wallace Care of Rimu Gold Dredging Co., Ltd., Hokitika 16/6/26 Civil. Grierson, Charles Kirkpatrick 201 Victoria Arcade, Queen Street, Auckland 5/5/26 Road. Griffiths, Arthur Tennyson Borough Council, Devonport, Auckland 7/4/26 Civil. Hall-Jones, William .. Rotokauri R.D., Frankton Junction 5/6/26 Civil. Hamilton, John State Hydro-electric Department, Hamilton 26/11/25 Electrical. Harris, Harold Wilson Waimakariri River Trust, Private Bag, 17/7/45* River Control. Christchurch Harrison, Percy 201 Victoria Arcade, Shortland Street, Auck­ 16/5/29 Road. land Hartridge, Edgar Ceci~, A.M.I.Mech.E. Care of Canterbury Frozen Meat Co., Ltd., 7/4/26 Mechanical. P.O. Box 283, Christchurch Hastie, David Henry .. Municipal Electricity Department, Napier 17/7/45* Electric-supply. Hawes, John Emanuel Harbour Board, New Plymouth 17/7/45* Harbour. Hay, Thomas Tyrrell King Care of Waitakere Brick and Tile Co., Ltd., 7/4/26 Municipal. P.O. Box 1148, Auckland Hazledine-Barber, Edward Hauraki Plains County Council, Ngatea 24/8/45* County. Hempleman; Frank Giles Care of Bitumix Ltd., 77 Queen St., Auckland 18/8/26 Civil. Heughan, David .. Department of Labour, Auckland 7/4/26 Mechanical and Electrical. Hogg, Herbert Luke .. Waimarino County Office, Raetihi 8/3/26 County. Holgate, Peter PfudentialBuilding, Lambton Qy., Wellington 12/7/45* Structural. Hooker, George Brocklehurst Public Works Department, Taumarunui 24/8/45* Road. Hope, Owen Morley .. T. and G. Buildings, 192 Hereford Street, 26/11/25 Civil. Christchurch Horner, Burnham Hirst Piako County Council, Te Aroha 26/11/25 Civil. Howell, Reginald George Waikato CountY. Council, Grey Street, Hamil. 1/10/45* County. ton East Huggett, William Henry Municipal Electricity Department, Liardet St., 16/6/26 Electrical. New Plymouth Hughes, John Richard City Engineer's Department, Palmerston North 16/6/26 Civil. Hundleby, Basil Marlborough County Council, Blenheim 12/7/45* County.

• S(lction 7 of 1944 awendment. t 1928 amendmenti. o 912 THE NEW ZEALAND' GAZETTE


Column!. Column 2. Column 4. I o~.om3·1Date of .. Name. Address. Registration. Qualificatiom.

Hursthouse, Demiis Wilson Te Awanga (R.D.), Napier 8/3/26 Civil and Mechanical. Ingram, John Thomas State Hydro~electric Department, Wellington 24/8/45* Structural. Innis, Robert Leslie .. Lands and Survey Department, Auckland .. 22/12/29t Land Drainage. Irvine., Alexander MacPherson Care of Electric Construction Co. of N.Z., 14/7/26 Electrical. Fort Street, Auckland James, Mark Borough Council, ,New Plymouth ., 15/3/46* Municipal. Jenkins, Ambrose Colter Public Works Department; Whangarei' 24/8/45* Civil. Jenkinson, Edgar Eaton .. Public Works Department, Gisborne 24/8/45* Road. Jenssen, Kolbjorn Thorvaldsson Wellington Harbour Board, Wellington 12/7/45* Harbour. Jones, Stanley Walter, M.Inst.C.E. (See Part A) . . , 5/5/26 Civil. Kemp, Herbert George, A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.LE.E. (See Par.t A) . . . . ~ . . . . 7/4/26 Electrical. Kennings, Sydney Eldridge .. Banks Box Buildings, 47 St. Paul St., Auckland 17/7/45* Electrical. Kensington, Edward Trevor Public Works Dep.artment, Hinds ., 24/8/45* Hydraulic. Kepple, George William Tawa Street~ Melville, Hamilton .. 16/6/26 Electrical. King, Jack Ian . . . . P.O. Box 887, Wellington 12/7/45* Structural. Lambourne, James Ernest Kerr N.Z. Insurance Building, Rattray and Craw- 16/5/2~t Civil. ford Streets, Dunedin Langford, James Stanley Westland Power, Limited, Hokitika 16/6/26 Electrical. Langlands, Henry John Public Works Department, Wellington 7/9/45* Road. Larcomb, Victor Ernest Care of The ShellCo.ofN.Z"Ltd., Wellington 7/2/27 Civil. Learmont, Tom P.O. Box 113, Greymouth 7/4/26 Mining and Civil. Leeder, Gordon Stanley City Council, Wellington .. 16/6/26 Municipal. Lenihan, Francis Joseph , . .- Public Works, Department, Wellington 24/8/45* Municipal. Lewthwaite, Frederick Arnold Banks Peninsula Electric"power Eoard, 17/7/45* Electric supply. Duvauchelle Lindell, Gordon Anderson, A.M.I.Struct.E. _ Public Works Department, Wellington 2/5/46* Structural. Lindsay, George Percival ThamesValley Electric~power Board, Te Aroha 12/7/45* Electric-supply. Lopdell, William James 34 Marewa Road, Greenlane, Auckland 26/11/25 Civil. . Lough, Royle Chalmers Public Works Department, Wellington 24/8/45* Land Drainage. Low, Victor Thomas, A.M.LStruct.E. State Hydro-electric Department, .Wellington 24/8/45* Structural. Luke, Kenneth Ewart City Council, Wellington . 26/11/25 Civil. Macdonald, Norman Andrew Lothian ~ . , Drainage Engineer's'Office, Dunedin .. ·24/8/45* Drainage. MacLean, George Frederick Marlborough Electric"power Board, Blenheim 7/4/26 Electrica.l and MechaniC'ltl. McArthur, James Frederick TeRangiita, via National Park 5/5/26 Civil. McFerran, James Stanley Municipal Milk Depa,rtment, Wellington 17/7/45* Mechanical. McKenzie, Ernest Frederick, A.M.LE.E. (See Part A) 16/6/26 ElectricaL McKenzie, Lester James Public Works Department, Karapiro Hydro, 29/8/45* Civil. Cambridge McKinlay, John Southern Cross Building, Chancery Street, 18/8/26 Mining. Auckland McLay, Arthur Cleland Clutha County Office, Balclutha 15/3/46* County. Mabson, Cyril Rous ., Borough Council, Masterton 12/7/45* Municipal. Mainland. Ravmond Ferrier Borough Office, New Plymouth 18/8/26 Civil. Mandeno; Lloyd, B.E., M.LE.E. (See Part A) 16/6/26 Rli3ctrical. Martin, Gerald Fitzgerald 11 Johnston Street, Wellington 16/5/29t R,oad. Matthews, Harold Humphrey, A.M.Ll\fech.E. Borollgh Office, :Rangiora 20/7/26 Mechailical and Electrical. Menzies, James Edwin Public Works Department, Inyercargill 7/4/26 Civil. Miles, Percy Vincent Charles Richard, M.LE.E. 37 Bolton Street, Wellington 7/4/26 Telegraph. Mi tchell, Alexander Stewart, M.LMech.E., (See Part A) 7/4/26 Civil. A.M.LE.E. Montgomery, Basil Law State Hydro-electric Department, Wellington 1/10/45* Transmission Line. Mowat, Robert McGregor Locke Street, Wairoa 26/11/28 Civil. Mowat, William Alfred Public Works Department, Lake Tekapo 20/7/26 Mechanical. Muggeridge, Frank Hawera County Council, Hawera .. 1/10/45* County. N elson, Gordon Whitemore State Hydro-electric Depa,rtment, Wellington 24/8/45* Structural. Osborn, Thomas Lester Anderson State Hydro-electric Department, Hamilton 1/10/45* Electric-supply. Page, Robert Milton .. One Tree Hill Borough Council, Auckland 17/7/45* County. Park, Frank Leslie Public Works Department, Hamilton 24/8/45* Civil. Parsons, Robert Roy .. Public Works Department, Auckland' 9/1/46* Road. Paterson, Archie Donald Care of British Pavements, Christchurch 16/6/26 Civil. Paterson, Henry Louis 158 Rattray Street, Dunedin 22/12/29t Civil. Pearless, Reginald Lessel Care of Stellin Constrnction, Ltd., P.O. 16/6/26 Civil. Box 1111. Wellington Percy, Charles Uawa{Jounty Office, Tolaga Bay .. 7/9/45* Courity. Persson, Edward City Council, Palmerston North 24/8/45* Municipal. Pickering, Lionel,Charles Kairanga County Council, Palmerston North 24/8/45* County. Pickford, Howard· Makara County Office, Wellington 26/11/25 Municipal. Piper, Percival Wensley Care of the New Zealand Refrigerating Co., 5/5/26 Mechanical. Ltd., Burnside, Green Island Pufiett, Robert Hawke's Bay County Council, Hastings 26/11/25 County. Rabone, Thoma.s Cedric Victor , Public Works Department, Auckland 12/8/25 Civil. Revington, William Daly Tramway Office, Cathedral Sq., Christchurch 17/7/45* Transport. . Richards, William Davies, A.M.I.Mech.E. City Corporation Transport Dept., Dunedin 8/3/26 Mechanical. Richardson, Harry McKellar White High Street, Blenheim 22/12/29t Civil. Robertson, Thomas Stuart Rotorua County Council, Rotorua 17/7/45* County. Robinson, Ernest Crellin Public Works Department, Auckland 7/4/26 Civil. Rochfort, Guy Catchment Board Office, Napier .. 5/7/29t Civil. Ronayne, Robert Henry Price, A.M.lnst.C.E. (See Part A) 16/10/25 Mechanical. Sanderson, N evilla Rabiri Cambridge Borough Council, Cambridge 1217 /45* Municipal. Sarjeant, Reginald Cranmer Riccarton Borough Council, Riccarton 8/10/45* Electric-supply. Saxelby, Guy Bolding Wallace County Council, Otautau .. ' 7/4/26 County. Schadick, Campbell Frederick Buller_County Office~ Westport 16/10/25 County. Scott, Donald Harcus"A.M.lnst.C.E. Care of Shell Co. ofN.Z~, Ltd., Wellington .. 16/10/25 CiviL Scott, Frederick Samuel Care of Scott Bros., Ltd'., .Christchurch 7/4/26 Mechanical. Seerup, Harold Ohura County Conncil, Ohura 1/1Q/45* County. Simmonds, Joseph Charles, B.Sc. Department of. Housing Construction, 14/7/26 Civil. Wellington , Sims, Sydney Bennet,t Security Buildings, Victoria Street, Hamilton 16/10/25 Civil. Sladden, Hubert 20 Brandon Street, Wellington 16/6/26 Civil. Slinger, Archibald Audrey Road, Takapuna, Auckland 16/10/25 Civil. Smith, Harold Welton Public Works Depa,rtment, Invercargill 24/8/45* Road. Snell, Edward George Qpunake Electric-power Board, Opunake 1/10/71:5* Electric-supply. Somers, Ewart, B.E ... Cit,y Council, Christchurch 17/7/45* Civil. Spanhake, Sidney Laurence Hobson County Council, Dargaville 18/9/25 County. Sparrow, Leonard Charles Hughes " Oaklands," Smart Road R.D., N. Plymouth 16/6/26 Electrical.

• Section 7 of 1944 amendment. t 1928 amendment. JUNE 27] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE


Columnl. Column 2. Column 4. I 'Dateamumn'ol of Name. Address •. Registration. Qualifications.

Stanton, William Walter Taumarunui County Council, Taumarunui .. 1/10/45* County. Stocks, Frank Care of the Steel Construction Co., Ltd., P.O. 17/7/45* Structural. Box 1580, Auckland Stone, William James Gas Department, Wanganui 18/8/26 Gas. Surridge, William Arthur Sydney State Hydro-electric Department, Karapiro, 1/10/45* Erection. Private Bag, Cambridge Swinburne, Cecil Gordon City Engineer's Department, Wellington 26/11/25 Civil. Tassell, Alan William Otamatea County Council, Paparoa 9/1/46* County. Taylor, Edward Lands and Survey Department, Auckland 14/7/26 Land Drainage. Theed, Alfred Maylin Mangonui County Council, Kaitaia 17/7/45* County. Thomas, Eric Ray Care ofWaikato Engineers' and Traders' Ltd., 8/8/45* Municipal. P.O. Box: 478, Hamilton Thompson, Harold Henry Newport Public Works Department, Maungaturoto, 24/8/45* Road. North Auckland Thomson, James Edward P.O. Box 376, Hamilton .. 14/7/26 Municipal. Townley, Richard Bruce Public Works Department, Blenheim 16/6/26 Road. Trevarthen, Douglas Edwin Waipa County Office, Te Awamutu 15/3/46* County. Trotter, Sinclair Grey Electric-power Board, Greymouth 17/7/45* Electric-supply. Truman, Harold Arthur Borough Council, Dannevirke 24/8/45* Municipal. Turner, Frederick Oliver Borough Council, Pukekohe ·9/1/46* Municipal. Turner, William Herbert City E.ngineer's Department, Wellington 12/7/45* Municipal. Tyler,James. 80 Mountain Road, Epsom, Auckland 5/5/26 Civil. Upton, William Westwood Opotiki County Council, Opotiki " 18/9/25 County. Vezey, Henry Albert .. Lake County Office, Queenstown .. 8/8/45 County. Watkins, Henry Herbert Auckland Metropolitan Drainage Board, 5/5/26 Civil. Auckland Webb, Herbert Wanganui-Rangitikei Electric-power Board, 18/8/26 Electrical. Wanganui Webster, Israel City Council, Hamilton .. 17/7/45* Electric-suppJy. Webster, John Lands and Survey Department, Auckland .. 18/8/26 Civil. Welch, John Francis Care of Dental and Medical Supply Co., Ltd., 18/8/26 Electrical. P.O. Box 1531, Wellington Williams, David Rees Public Works Department, Auckland 24/8/45* Civil. Williams, Ernest Arthur Dalton Street, Napier 26jll/29 Municipal. Wilson, Archie Douglas North Canterbury Hospital Board, Christ­ . 8/8/45* Hospital. church Wilson, Robert Alexander Public Works Department, Opotiki 26/11/25 Civil. Wimberley, Reginald John Care of National Electric and Engineering Co., 18/8/26 Electrical. Wellington Winter, Oscar Nero ., Waiapu County Council, Te Puia Springs .. 8/5/46* County. Woodward, Arnold Adler Waikato County Council, Hamilton East 5/5/26 County. Worley, Ralph Palliser, M.Sc. N.Z. Insurance Building, Queen St., Auckland 16/6/26 Civi1. Wright, Kenneth Moncrieff Raglan County Council, Ngaruawahia 5/5/26 County. Wright, Mauriee McGill Care of N.Z. Farmers' Fertilizer Co., Ltd., 26/11/25 Electrical. P.O. Box 41, New Plymouth

• Section 7 of 1944 amendment. I certify that the foregoing is a true copy, as recorded in this office, of the names and qualifications of all persons to whom current Annual Practising Certificates have. been issued as at 7th June, 1946. E.E. HENDRIKSEN, Registrar.

Notice of Intention to take La1~d in Block I X, Belmont Survey District, Haztraki Plains Drainage Area.-Not·ice oJmaking and levying Rates .. . for Better Utilization

CLARENCE· FARRINGDON. SKINNER, Mimster of Lands, OTICE is hereby given that it is proposed, under the provisions I tI in exercise of the powers conferred upon me by the Hauraki N of the Public Works Act, 1928, and section 30 of the Finance Plains Act, 1926, do hereby make and levy on the unimproved value Act (No.2), 1945, to take the land described in the Schedule bereto of all lands within the district· constituted under the said Act the for better utilization: And notice is hereby further given that the general rates to meet maintenance-costs for the period from 1st April, 1946, to 31st March, 1947, described in the Schedule hereto. plan of the land required to be taken is deposited in the. post-office as at Lower Hutt and is there open for inspection; and that all persons The amount of such rates will be payable in ohe SUpl on the affected by the taking of the said la.nd should, if they have any 3rd July, 1946. well-grounded objections to the ta~ing of s~ch land, set forth the The rate book of the district is open for inspection at the office sam~ in writing, and sen<.l such writing, within forty days from the of the Collector of Rates, Chief Drainage Engineer's Office, Room 45, first publication of this notice, to the Minister of Works at Wellington. Government Buildings, Customs Street West, Auckland, and a copy of same may ,be inspected at the office of the Land Drainage Engineer, at Kerepeehi. at all times at which those offices are open. for the transaction of public business. SCHEDUL·E

ApPROXlMA.'l'E area~ of thepie.ces of~land ~equire~ to be taken: SCHEDULE .' A~ It-. P. ... . '" ~eing ..... CLASS A.-":On the unimproved value of all lands classified as Class A ~5 3' 0 . ;Part S~ction .188, Hu:tt District ~ edged red. . by the appraiser appOinted under the said Act, sevenpence and 14 1 8 ].larts Sections 56 and 188 .. Hutt District; . edged ·,-fifty-seven one··h-gndredths of a penny (7·57d.) i:Q. thel'0und.··· green •. . CL4SS B.-On the unimproved value of a.ll lauds 60. class~ed a,s Bituatedin l310ck IX. Belmont· Survey District.. Class ~, fO'QIpenc~~nd thirty~three one~hundredths of ~ peb,ny . . In the Wellington Land DiS-trict; as. the same are. mar-e (4·33d.) in the'pound. . particularly delineated on the plan markedP_W.D. 123701, deposited CLASS C.-On the unimproved value of all lands so classified as in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon Class C, one penny and eight one-hundredths of a penny . coloured as above mentioned. (1·08d.) in the pound. As witness my hand at Wellington, this 24th day of ,June, 1946. Dated at Wellington, this 26th day of-June, 1946. R. SEMPLE, Minister of Works: C. F. SKINNER, Minister of Lands.

(P.~. 80/4.) (L. and S. 15/13/154.) 914 ~ THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No~- 46;'

The Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943.-Notice And .whereas the said committee, not beuig satisfied that the declaring Land taken for the Settlement .. of a Discharged Crown had decided not to acquire. or· arrange for the acquisition B.ervicerf1,an of the land, did on the 14th day of May, 1946, make an order determining the basic value of the land and no appeal from the HEREAS an application has been made for the consent of the said order was made within the time prescribed by the said Act or W Land Sales, Court to a transaction which relates to the land within any further time allowed by the Court: described in the Schedule hereto and to which Part III of the And whereas the said land is not the land of any serviceman Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, applies: who is for the time being serving outside New Zealand in any of And whereas the Land Sales Committee to which the application His Majesty's Forces or in any- British ship: has been referred is of opinion that the land to which the application Now, therefore, the Minister of Lands, acting in pursuance of relates is farm land suitable for the settlement of a discharged section 51 of the said Act, doth hereby declare that the said land is serviceman: taken for the settlement of a discharged serviceman, and hereby And whereas the said committee, not being satisfied that the specifies the 18th day of July, 1946, as the date on which the said Crown had decided not to acquire or arrange for the acquisition' of land shall be deemed to be vested in His Majesty the King. the land, did on the 14th day of May, 1946, make an order deter~ mining the basic value of the land and no appeal from the Baid SCHEDULE order was made within the time prescribed by the said Act or within WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT any further time allowed by the Court:· ALL that area containing thirteen (13) acres three (3) roods, being And whereas the said land is not the land of any serviceman who Lot 5, Deposited Plan 872, part Section 3, Manawatu-Kukutauaki is for the time being serving outside New Zealand in any Of His 7D Block, and being the whole of the land comprised in certificate Majesty's Forces or in any British ship: of title, Vol. 92, folio 158 (Wellington Registry). Now, therefore, the Minister of Lands, acting in pursuance of Also all that area containing thirteen (I3) acres thirty (30) section 51 of the said Act, doth hereby declare that the said land is perches, being Lot 4, Deposited Plan 872, part Section 3, Manawatu­ taken for the settlement of a discharged serviceman, and hereby Kukutauaki 7D Block, and being the whole of the land comprised specifies the 18th day of J-qly, 1946, as the date on which the said in certificate of title, Vol. 92, folio 160 (Wellington Registry). land shall be deemed to be vested in His Majesty the King. As witness my hand, this 24th day of June, 1946. C. F. SKINNER, Minister of Lands. SCHEDULE (L. and S. 36/1444/628.) HAWKE'S BAY LAND DISTRICT The Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943"-Notice ALL that area co~taining by admeasure:ment twenty-two (22) declaring Land taken for the Settlement ·ofa Di8charged acres (2) roods and thirty-five (35) perches, situated in Block IV, Serviceman ' .. Te Mata Survey District, part Heretaunga Block, being Lot 23, Deposited Plan No. 1028, and being all the lalld in certificate of title, Vol. 10, folio 251 (Hawke'S Bay Registry). HEREAS an application has been made for the consent of the W. Land Sales Court to a transaction which relates to the land As witness my hand, this 24th day of June, 1946. described in the Schedule hereto and to which Part III of the C. F. SKINNER, MInister of Lands. Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, applies: And whereas the Land Sales Committee to which the application (L. and S. 36/1444/702.) has been referred is of opinion that the land to which the application relates is farm land suitable, or adaptable for the settlement of a . discharged serviceman: And whereas the said committee, not being satisfied that the The Serviceme-n's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943.-Notice Crown had decided not to acquire or arrange for the ac.quisition of declaring Land taken for the Settlement of a Discharged the land, did on the 24th day of May, 1946, make'an orderdetermiriing Serviceman the basic value of the land and no appeal from the said order was made within the time prescribed by the said Act .or within any HEREAS an application has bee~ ma.de .for the consent of the further time allowed by the Court : ...... _ .. W Land Sales Court to a transactlOn which relates to the land And whereas the said land is not the land of any servic€)man described in the Schedule hereto and to which Part III' of the who is for the time being serving outside.NewZealand iii any of Servicemen's Settlement and Land Salet:! Act, 1943, applies: His Majesty's Forces or in any British ship: '. ' And whereas the Land Sales Committee to which the application Now, therefore, the Minister of Lands, acting in pursuance of has been referred is of opinion that the land to which the application section 51 of the said Act, doth hereby declare that the said land is relates is -faI!mland suitable for- the settlement of a discharged taken for the settlement. of a discharged serviceman, and hereby serviceman : specifies the 9th day of July, 1946, as the date on which the said . And whereas the sai~ committee, not being satisfied that the land.shall be deemed to be vested in His Majesty the King. , Crown: had decided not to acquire or arrange for the acquisition of the land, did on the 14th day of May, 1946, make an order deter­ SOHEDULE' mining the basic value of, the land and no appeal from the said order WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT was made within, the time prescribed by the said Act or within any ALL that parcel of land containing five hundred and twenty-seven further time allowed by the Court: (527) acres two (2) roods and twenty (20) perches, more or less, And wher{)as the said . land is not the land of any serviceman situate in Block Vaf the WangaehuSur.veyDistrict,. and Block VIII wh-o IS for'the tune-herngserviilg-outslde New Zealand in any of of the Ikitara Survey District, being Sections Nos. 21l, 212, and His Majesty's Forces or in any British ship: parts of Sections Nos. 210, 214, 245, and 246, Left Bank, Wanganui Now, therefore, the Minister of Lands, acting in pursuance of River, and being also Lot 2 on Deposited Plan No. 7678, together sectioll 51 of the si1id Act, doth:. her~by .deQI~re,thatthe Said, land is. with the right-of-way appurtenant thereto over Lot 1 on the said taken for the settlement of a discharged serviceman, and hereby Deposited Plan 7678, and being the whole of the land comprised in specifies the 18th day of July, 1946,. as the date on which the said certificate of title, Vol. 362, folio 224 (Wellington Registry). land shallbe. deemed to be~ve:~ed in ~is ~M;ajesty the King. , As witness my hand, this 15th day ofJune, 1946. SOHEDULE- C. F. SKINNER, Minister of Lands. ' (L. and S.36/1444/60'4.) ' .. NELSON LiND DISTRICT ------Ar.L.thatarea in"the 'Buller Oounty, containi;ng ,by aqmeafnrrement The Servicemen's Settlement and ,La'Y1jd Sales.. Act, 1948.~Notice' 'of ' two hundred. and twenty (2:20) acres, .three, (3) rood.r;;" thirty (30) Intention to take [Jand perches, being Sections 20, 23, 31, 38, and 40, all Square 137, and situated ill- Block 'VI,' Waitakere Bur'vey District, together.:with. Section 5. l3lock III, Wait~kere. S~vey Pistrict, excepting 'thereout RE Mi?ister ?f Lands, acting in, pursuance of section ~4 oflQ.e' the dam, a reserve' 50 liil.ks in width surrotihding' tlfe dam, a water­ T. ServlCemen s Settlement and Land Sales Act; 1943"heteby gives' notice of his intention to take the lands described 'in· the: race tlierefro.in~' and a reserve '15 'links in' 'width on. each side of the water-race, and- being aU the land in: cei'tific~tes of title, V61. II, Schedule hereto under Part II .ofthesaid Act, and specifies the 3rd - folio'76;Vot~'12;folio 203, VoL 13, folios 31 anq II23 Vot14;folio day of March, 1947, as the date on which possession of the land is 241; 'and the baiance· of tue--Iand in' i;iei:tificl;tte of .title; Vol. 22, foli9 required, and the 12th day of August; 1946, as the date on or before 45 (Nelson Registry). which objections may be made under section 25 of the said Act. As witness my hand, this 24th-.day of June, 1946. SCHE'DULE C. F ... SKINNER, Minister of Lands. :- GISB'E>RNE 'LAND .DIsTRlm\ '.. (L. 'and S ... 36/1444/695.J 4L that parcel of land containi:ng.three thousand seven hundred ·and forty-four (3:.744). acres . and twelve. (12) ..perches~more or less, being HangaroayMatawai 2c.Block, TfI,uwharetoi lA. Block, SeciJons 25,36,73, 74, 75, 76, and 77, Hangaroa Village" Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, Tltf,S~ff)icerne,n'$, ~ttftement~'arul-:'Laf1,d '8~le8"'Act;'1943:~Notice­ 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 11), 16, 17, ~1, 2~, 78,~9, and Part 8, Block YIII, ·--decw!ting --Luwd: 'take1,{, Jot--t'lie- -8ettl-ement --0/- ci;'"' Di~t;lta;rged Hangaroa Survey' District, and being aU'the land comprised in certifi· Serviceman ...... - -... . . cate -of title, V91. 89, folio 9 (Gisbo.rne Registry),' sUbject as. to -Pitrt to section 248 of the Native Land Act,'1931. . '.' ' .. '.. . " HEREASan application has been made for the consent of the Also all that parcel of .land containing. sixty-six (66) acres W Land Sales Court to a transaction which relates to the land two (2) roods and. two and two-tenths (2'2) perches, more of less, described in the Schedule hereto and to which Part III of the being Section 25. Block VIII, Hangaroa Survey District, and being all the land comprisedin.certificate oftitie, VoL 91, folio 98 (Gisborne Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act; 1943,applies--:' Registry). . And whereas the Land Sales Committee to which the application has been teferred is' of opinioh that the 'land to which the application As witness my hand~ this 18th day of June, 1946. relates is farm land suitable or adaptable for ,the. settlement of a C. F. SKINNER, Minister of Lands.__ discharged serviceman: (L. and S. 21/149/2597.) JUNE 27] THE- NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 915

The· Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943.-Notice of SCHEDULE Intention to take Land OTAGO LAND DISTRICT ALL those parcels of land containing together five (5) acres two (2) HE Minister of Lands, acting in pursuance of section 24 of the roods and six (6) perches, Ip-ore or less, being section 557R and part T Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, hereby of Section 564R, Block II, Otepopo Survey District, being all the gives notice of his intention to take the lands described in the land in certificate of title, Vol. 141, folio 140 (Otago Registry). Schedule hereto under Part II of the said Act, and specifies the And also an those parcels of land containing together oue lst day of April, 1947, as the date on which possession of the land thousand two hundred and twenty-two (1,222) acres and nine is required, and the 21st day of August, 1946, as the date on or before (9) perches, more or less, being Sections 106, 107, 108, 109, 131, which objections may be made under section 25 of the said Act. 140, 141, 146, 147, and parts of Sections 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, llO, 129, 130, I of 132, 2 of 132, Block II, Otepopo Survey District, being all the land in certificate of title, Vol. 241, SCHEDULE folio 1I6, limited as to parcels (Otago Registry). OTAGO LAND DISTRICT As witness my hand, this 7th day of June, 1946. ALL those parcels of land containing together one thousand four C. F. SKINNER, l\finister of Lands. hundred and fifty-six (1,456) acres three (3) roods and twenty-five (L. and S. 21/149/650.) (25) perches, more or less, being Sections 111, 112,121,122,123,125, 126, 127, 128, and parts of Sections 7, 8, 9, 16, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61,62,63,64,93,94,95,96,97,98,110,113,115, 116, 11~ 120, 124, 129, 130, I of 132, 2 of 132, and 133, Block II, Otepopo Survey The Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943.-Notice of District, being all the land in certificate of title, Vol. 241, folio 1I8, Intention to take Land limited as to parcels and title (Otago Registry). Also all those parcels of land containing together eighteen (18) HE Minister of Lands, acting in pursuance of section 24 of the acres and eleven (II) perches, more or less, being parts of Section 564R, T Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, hereby gives Block II, Otepopo Survey District, being all the land in certificate of notice of his intention to take the lands described in the Schedule title, Vol. 146, folio 132 (Otago Registry). , hereto under Part II of the said Act, and specifies the 28th day of And also all that parcel ofland containing one (I) acre two (2) February, 1947, as the date on which possession of the land is roods twenty-six (26) perches, more or less, being Section 560R, required, and the 12th day of August, 1946, as the date on or before Block II, Otepopo Survey District, being all the land in certificate which objections may be made under section 25 of the said Act. of title, Vol. 146, folio 133 (Otago Registry). As witness my hand, this 7th day of June, 1946. C. F. SKINNER, Minister of Lands. SCHEDULE (L. and S. 21/149/650.) SOUTHLAND LAND DISTRICT ALL those parcels of land containing by admeasurement eight hundred and forty-seven (847) acres and fifteen (15) pole!:!, more The Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943.-Notice of or less, being Sections 4, 5, 6, and 14, and part Sections 3, 7, 8, 9, Intention to take Land 10, and II, (part Deposited Plan 1419), Block II, Mataura Hundred, and being the whole of the land contained in certificate- of title, HE Minister of Lands, acting in pursuanc~ of section 24 of the Vol. 154, folio 21)7 (Southland Registry), and also all those pa,rcels T Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, hereby of land containing by admeasurement fifteen (15) acres, more or gives notice of his intention to take the lands described in the Schedule less, being Lots I, 2, and 3, Deposited Plan 1273, being part Sections hereto under Part II of the said Act, and specifies· the 1st day of 7 and 8, Block II, Mataura Hundred, and being the balance of the April, 1947, as the date on which possession of the land is required land contained in certificate of title, Vol. 87, folio 125 (Southland and the 21st day of August, 1946, as the date on or before which Registry). . objections may be made under section 25 of the said Act. As witness my hand, this 10th day of June, 1946. C. F. SKINNER, Minister of Lauds. (L. and S. 21/149/2790.) SCHEDULE OTAGO LAND DISTRICT ALL those parcels of land containing together one thousand one Notice of Re80lution of Optician8 Board authorizing Additional hundred and eighty-se~en (1,187) acres two (2) roods, more or less, Abbreviations being Sections 7, 10, II, 1 of 12, 2 of 18, 19, 20, I of 21,2 of 21, and pa,rts of Sections 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, I of 18, 22, 23, 1 of 24, 2 of 24, 25, 26, Block I, Otepopo Survey District, being all UR.SUANT to R~gulation 8 of the Practising Opticians Regula­ the land contained in certificate of title, Vol. 241, folio 101, limited P tIOns 1942 (SerIal number 1942/343), the following resolution as to parcels (Otago Registry). of the Opticians Board has been approved by me, and I accordingly Also all those parcels of land containing together eighty-five direct the pUblication of the terms thereof in the Gazette as follows :_ (85) acres andthirtY-Hix (36) perches, more or less, being parts of Any registered optician who is the holder of any of the quaUfi­ Section I of 136, 2 of 136, and 138, Block. II, Otepopo Survey cations by examination set out below may use in reference to himself District, being all the land in certificate of title, Vol. 241, folio 220, in any notice or advertisement relating to his calling, services, or limited as to parcels (Otago Registry). " wares, as an optician, the descriptions of the qualification he holds Also an those parcels of land containing together thirty (30) in the words set out below as aforesaid or the abbreviation thereof acres and fifteen (15) perches, more or less, being Sections 565R, set out opposite such description. These qualifications, descriptions, 566R, 570R, and part Section 50, Block I, Otepopo Survey District, and abbreviations are in addition to those appearing in New Z-ealand being all the land in certificate of title, Vol. 256, folio 283 (Otago Gazette No. I of 13th January 1944, page 17:- .. Registry)...... Qualification and Description. Authorized Abbreviation. Also all those parcels of land containing together five (5) acres Fellowship of the Worshipful Company of two (2) roods nine (9) perches, more or less, being Sections 561R, Spectacle Makers, London (Honours 562R, 563R, and parts .of Section 564R, Block II, Otepopo Survey Examination) .. .. F.S,M.C. (Hons). District, being balance of land in certificate of title, Vol. 256, folio Fellowship of the British Optical Association, 282 (Otago Registry). Also all those parcels of land containing together three hundred London (Honours Examination) .. F.B.O.A. {Hons}. and eig~ty~niue (389) acres two (2)roods, more Or less, being Sections Given under my hand at Wellington, this 20th day of June, 1946: 89,90,135,137, and parts of Sections 91, 1I3, 1I5, 1I6, 1I7; 1I8, 120, 124, 134, 13]ock II, Otepopo Survey District, being all the land A. H. NORDMEYER, Minister of Health: in certificate of title, Vol. 241, folio Ill, limited as to parcels (Otago Registry). . And also an those parcels of land containing together forty- The Lemon Marketing Regulations 1940.-Notice fixing Prices oj . eight (48}acres two (2) roods thirty-two (32) perches, more or less, certain Grade8' . being parts of Section 40, Block I, Otepopo Survey District, being all the land in certificate. of title, Vol. 260, folio 71, limited as to Office of the Minister of Marketing, parcels (Otago Registry). Wellington, 13th June, 1946. As witness my hand, this 7th: day of June, 1946. URSUANT to Regulation 5: I of the Lemon Marketing Regu­ C. F. SKINNER;.l\finister of Lands. P. lations 1940, I hereby fix the following prices per 100sebus4el tQ be pa~d 1;>y the. Marketing Department fOl'·lemons delivered to (L. and S. 21/149/650.) the Department during theundermentioned period. The prices of Preferred Commercial· and Commercial Grades are fixed on a basic rate of 4s. 8d.per loose bushel. The Servicemen's Settlement and LandSitles Act, 1943.-Notice of Intention to take Land Period of delivery (both days inclusive) ~ ·lst June to 30th June, 1946:- HE Minister of Lands, acting in pursuance of section 24 of the Loose packed fresh lemons, Preferred Commercial s. d. T Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, hereby Grade ...• 8 6 gives notice of his intention to take the lands described in the Schedule Loose packed fresh lemons, Commercial Grade 7 0 hereto under Part II of the said Act, aud specifies the 1st day of Loose packed fresh lemons, First-grade Peel 4 9 April, 1947, as the date on which possession of the land is required, Loose packed fresh lemons, Second-grade Peel 3 2 and the 21st day of August, 1946, as the date on or before which Loose packed fresh lemons, Juice Grade .• 1 7 objections may be made uuder section 25 of the said Act. B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing. Ut6 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE tNo. 46

, Election of Members of the Bay of Islands Bobby Oalf Pool Oommittee Election of Members of the Karamea-Ool'byvale Bobby Oalf Pool Committee

URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, URSUANT to the Bobb. y Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, P notice has been received that- . P notice has been received that- Albert Cyril Baldwin, Rodger Arthur Jennings, Edwin Dixon, Leslie Harold Currie, Arthur Conrad Hingston, Richard John Robert Gillbanks, Harold Matthew Martin, David Jardine Jennings, Sydney Walter Smith, and Philip Charles Ball, James Edward White William Edward Gourley, and have been duly elected to be members of the Bay of Islands Bobby Vincent David Rhind Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulations. have been duly elected to be members of the Karamea-Corbyvale Bobby Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulations. Dated at Wellington, this 20th day of June, 1946. Dated at Wellington, this 24th day of June, 1946. B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing. B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing.

Election of Members of the Katikati Bobby Oalf Pool OOm,mittee

Election of Members of the Oambr·idge Bobby Oalf Pool Oommittee URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations, 1946, P notice has been received that- URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, Robert Darnell Bakewell, notice has been received that- Norman Caldwell, P Garnet Wallace Rapley, David Michael Bourke, Cyril Oscar Allan Vince, John Partick Bourke, Mervyn Walter Waterson, Lawrence Carey, Ronald Clive Whitehead, Charles Harris Humphries, Digby Frederick Wickham, William Noel Johnstone, Ernest Hough, and William Norman Perry, and Sydney Wright Cesare Russo have been duly elected to be members of the Katikati BobbY"Calf have been duly elected to be members of the Cambridge Bobby Pool Committee established by thef:laid regulations. Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulations. Dated at Wellington, this 20th day of June, 1946. Dated at Wellington, this 20th day of June, 1946. B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing. B. ROBER,TS, Minister of Marketing. Election of Members of the Kokatahi-Koiterangi-Arahura Bobby Oalf Pool Oommittee

URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 194;6, Election of Members of the Gisborne and East Ooast Bobby Oalf POQl notice has been received that- . Oommittee . P Fl,'ederick Henrv Martin, William David John Monk, URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, John Francis Ward, notice has been received that- Maurice Paterson, P Edward Leslie Jamieson, Myles Doyle, James Fleming, and Herbert MacDonell White, Charlie Alexander Jamieson William Alexander McCliskie, have been duly elected to be members of the Kokatahi-Koitera"ugi­ Claud John Hamilton, Arahura Bobby Calf Pool Committee established by the said Arthur Donald, regulations. George Brown, and Dated at Wellington, this 24th day of June, 1946. Ernest Harold Baker , B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing. have been duly elected to be members of the Gisborne and East Coast Bobby Pool Committee established by the said regulations. Election of Members of the Ladbrooks-Halswell-Oashmere BobbY,Calf pated at Wellington, this 24th day of June, 1946. Pool Oommittee " B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing. URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations "}9.;t6, P notice has been received that- James Reuben Parish, Frank Sparks, Election of Membftrs of the liikurangi Bobby Oalf Pool Oommittee William Wilson, Henry McGough, John YoungPethig, ·URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, George Angus William Mugford, P. notice has been l,'eceived that- Cedric Robert Totterstall Ward, John Murdoch McKenzie, Albert John Parlane, and Joseph Hay, . James Alexander Foster James Campbell, have been dllly elected to be members of the Ladb:rooks-R~lswel1- Henry William Rush:, Cashmere Bobby Calf Pool CQmmittee estalrIished by the said Charles Kenroy Munro, and regulations. Leslie James Rouse Dated at Wellington, this 24th day of June, 1946. have been duly elected to be members of the Hikuraugi Bobby B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing. Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulations. Dated at Wellington, this 24th day of June, 1946. Election of Members of the Matamata District Bobby 'OalJ Pool Oommittee B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing. URSUANT to. the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, P notice has been received that- Hector Ewen Sutherland, Election of Members of the Inglewood Bobby Oalf Pool Oommittee Philip Rogers Hawke, Arthur Mark Austin Wright, Peter Darragh, URSU.A. NT . to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, George Duxfield, P ~ notice has been received tha,t~ William Henry George Allen, Roy Fitzroy All!l-n, Lewis Watkins, Ronald Clyde Bishop, J ohri Moody-Hill; Frank Selby Burson, Morgan Edward Gould, Augustine Michael Coyne, James Diprose, Alick Hall, Arthur Langiands, Frank Laurence, and Philip Percy Scherer, William Robinson Raymond Harry Rollett, and Arthur James Carter have been duly elected to be members of the Inglewood Bobby Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulations. have been duly elected to be members of the Matamata. District Bobby Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulations. Dated at Wellington, this 24th day of June, 1946. Dated at Wellington, this 24th day of June, 1946. B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing. B. ROBERTS,Minister of Marketing. JUNE 27] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 917

Election of Members of the Maungaturoto Bobby Calf Pool Oommittee Election of Members of the Ruawai Bobby Calf Pool Oommittee

URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, P notice has been received that- P notice has been received that- Arthur Stanley Flower, Robert Frederick Anson, Keith John Mountaine, Ernest Clifford Dunn, James Deeming, Eglinton Krew Hames, William Emerson Dunn, Walter George Johnstone Lowther, Carl Alexander Lindquist, Cecil Edward Robinson, Edgar Ruskin Hames, Frederick Nelson Simpkin, and Charles Watkin Foote, Edgar William Smith Gordon Mclean, and have been duly elected to be members of the Ruawai Bobby Calf Leonard Thornborrow Rowson Pool Committee established by the said regulations. have heen duly elected to be members of the Maungaturoto B"bby Dated at W~llington, this 20th day of June, 1946. Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulations. B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing. Dated at Wellington, this 24th day of June, 1946. B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing. Election of Members of the Takaka Bobby Oalf Pool Oommittee

URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, P notice has been received that- Election of Members of the Paeroa Robby Oalf Pool Oommittee Walter Joseph Emmett Jenkins, Bernard Joseph V\T oods, URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, George Keith Webley, notice has been received that- Samuel Leonard Holden, and P Kenneth William Baird . Herbert Morgan, William James Noble, have been duly elected to be members of the Takaka Bobby Calf James Irwin, Pool Committee established by the said regulations. John William Armstrong, Dated at Wellington, this 24th day of Jt~ne, 1946. Herbert John Day, B~ ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing. Horace Clephane J ackson~ and .J ohn Kenneth Dean Election of lYlembers of the Tauranga Bobby Oalf Pool Oommittee have been duly elected to be members of the Paeroa Bobby Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulations. URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, Dated at Wellington, this 20th day of June, 1946. P notice has been received that- B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing. Peter Thomas Keam, Arthur Charles Harrison, Harry Ormsby Lloyd, Sidney George Williams, Joseph Henry Grant, Election of Members of the Paraparaumu. Waikanae Bobby Calf Pool William James Kennedy, and Committee Reginald William Strugnell have been duly elected to be members of the Tauranga Bobby Calf URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, Pool Committee established by the said regulations. notice has been received that- P Dated at Wellington, this 24th day of June, 1946. William Henry Potts, Alfred Hardham, B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing. Samuel Ian Nicholson, William Stanley Eatwell, Election of 1YI embers of the Te Pnke Bobby Oalf Pool Oommittee Gilbert Courdray Maclean, Gilbert Hawkins Howell, and URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, Robert Thompson P. notice has been received that- have been duly elected to be members of the Paraparaumu·"\Vaikanae John Alexander Pattie, Bobby Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulations. Milford George Cruickshank, Dated at Wellington, this 20th day of June, 1946. Ernest Morton, Archibald Hamilton Snodgrass, B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing. Joseph Neale Blaymires, Henry Innes, and Wilfred Edmund Deacon Wickham have been duly elected to be members of the Te Puke Bobby Calf Election of lYlembers of the Ptttarnrn Bobby Oalf Pool Oommittee Pool Committee established by the said regula,tions. . Dated at Wellington, this 20th day of June, 1946. URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing. P notice has been received that- Kenneth Seymour Cox, Election of Members of the Waimamaku Bobby Oalf Pool Oommittee George Ireland, Laurence Newell, URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, Cecil Walsh, P notice has been received that- John Poole, Charles Alfred Deihl, George Douglas Parlane, Abraham Richardson, Henry Lewis Hedger, Lindsay Bent, and Mervyn George Bracey, Frederick Peters Frederick Hook, vValter N aera, have been duly elected to be members of the Putaruru Bobby Calf William Henry Fell, and Pool Committee established by the said regulations. Noel Stewart Hallahan Dated at Wellington, this 24th day of June, 1946. have been duly elected to be members of the Waimamaku Bobby Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulations. B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing. Dated at Wellington, this 20th day of June, 1946. B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing.

Election of Members of the Rahotu . Oape Bobby Calf Pool Oommittee Election of Members of the Whenuakura· Waverley Bobby Calf Pool - Oommittee URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, . notice has been received that- URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, P notice has been received that- William Henry Butler, P Gerald Douglas Dawson, William George Belton, Patrick Brophy, Frank Parsons, William Archibald Corbett, and Ernest Clifton Hone, Richard Fleming Andrew Lawson Elmslie, and Donald Stewart have been duly elected to be members of the Rahotu·Cape Bobby Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulations. have been duly elected to be members of the Whenuakura·Waverley Bobby Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulations. Dated at Wellington, this 20th day of June, 1946. Dated at Wellington, this 20th day of June, 1946. B. ROBER:r'S, Minister of Marketing. B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing. 918 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46

Members of the Tokarahi Rabbit Board elected.-(Notice No. Ag. 4300) Thomas Borthwick and Sons (A'sia), Ltd., at Feilding. Thomas Borthwick and Sons (A'sia), Ltd., at Makarewa. _ Office of the Minister of Agriculture, Thomas Borthwick and Sons (A'sia), Ltd., at Tokomaru Bay•. _Wellington, 21st June, 1946. Thomas Borthwick and Sons (A'sia), Ltd., at Waingawa. OTIOEhas been received under the hand of the Returning Thomas Borthwick and Sons (A'sia), Ltd., at Waitara. N Officer for the purposes of the first election of members of Oanterbury Frozen Meat and Dairy Produce Export 00., Ltd., the Tokarahi Rabbit Board established under the Rabbit Nuisance at Belfast. Act, 1928, that- Oanterbury Frozen Meat and Dairy Produce Export 00., Ltd., Arthur James Hore, at Fairfield. Alan Lindley Murray, Oanterbury Frozen Meat and Dairy Produce Export 00., Ltd., Morrell Llewllyn Roberts, at Pareora. Roy Oharles Ruddenklau, and Oo-operative Wholesale Society, Ltd" at Longburn. Walter James Smith Gear Meat 00., Ltd., at Petone. Gisborne Refrigerating 00., Ltd., at Kaiti. have been duly elected to be members of the said Board. Hawke's Bay Farmers' Meat 00., Ltd., at Whakatu. B. ROBERTS, Minister of Agriculture. R. and W. Hellaby, Ltd., at Westfield. Nelson Freezing 00., Ltd., at Stoke. Nelson's (New Zealand), Ltd., at Tomoana. Members of the Waipawa-Ngaruroro Rabbit Board elected.-(Notice New Zealand Refrigerating 00., Ltd., at Burnside. No. Ag. 4301) New Zealand Refrigerating 00., Ltd., at Imlay. --New Zealand Refrigerating 00., Ltd., at Islington. Office of the Minister of Agriculture, New Zealand Refrigerating 00., Ltd., at Picton. Wellington, 21st June, 1946. New Zealand Refrigerating 00., Ltd., at Pukeuri. OTIOE has been received under the hand of the Returning New Zealand Refrigerating 00., Ltd., at Smithfield. N Officer for the purposes of the first election of members of North Oanterbury Sheep-farmers' Oo-operative Freezing 00.,' the Waipawa-Ngaruroro Rabbit Board established under the -Ltd., at Kaiapoi. Rabbit Nuisance Act, 1928, that- Ocean Beach Freezing 00., Ltd., at: Ocean Beach; Patea Freezing 00., Ltd., at Patea. Oecil George Averill, Southland Frozen Meat and Produce Export 00., Ltd., at Oswald Oooke Burrell Olarkson, - Makarewa. Dugald John Riggir, Southland Frozen Meat and Produce Export 00., Ltd., at Oharles Athol Williams, and Mataura. Isaac Ross Williams South Otago Freezing 00., Ltd.,'at Finegand, Balclutha. have been duly elected to be members of the said Board. Swift (New Zealand) 00., Ltd., at Wairoa. Waitaki Farmers' Freezing 00., Ltd., at Pukeuri. B. ROBERTS, Minister of Agriculture. Wellington Meat Export 00., J,td., at Ngahauranga. Westfield Freezing 00., Ltd., at Westfield. Dated this 27th day of June, 1946. Industrial Man-power Emergency Regulations 1944.-Revocation of Declaration of Essential Industry No. 4 A. McLAGAN, Minister of Industrial Man-power.

N pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation II Industrial Man-power Emergency Regulations 1944.-Revocation of I of the Industrial Man-power Emergency Regulations 1944, the Declarati~n of Essential Undertakings No. 62 and .Amendments Minister of Industrial Man-power doth hereby revoke the Declaration of Essential Industry No.4, as published in the New Zealand Gazette N pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by RegUlation II No.8 of the 22nd January, 1942. I of the Industrial Man-power Emergency Regulations 1944, the This revocation takes effect as on the 29th June, 1946, and Minister ofIndustrial Man~powerdoth hereby revoke the-Declaration affects the industry of coal-mining, including Government under­ of Essential Undertakings NO._.62, as published in the New Zealand takings engaged therein. Gazette No. 36 of the 9th April, 1942, together with the amendments Dated this 27th day of June, 1946. _ thereto, as notified in the- A. McLAGAN, Minister of Industrial Man-power. New Zealand Gazette No. 42 of 23rd April, 1942. New Zealand Gazette No. 49 of 14th May, 1942. New Zealand Gazette No. 53 of 4th June, 1942. Indust1'ial Man-power Bmergency Regulations 1944.-Revocation of New Zealand Gazette No. 60 of 18th June, 1942. Declaration of Essential Industry No.7 and Amendments New Zealand Gazette No. 64 of 25th June, 1942. New Zealand Gazette No. 69 of 16th July, 1942. N pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation II New Zealand Gazette No. 70 of 23rd July, 1942. I of the Industrial Man-power Emergency Regulations 1944, the New Zealand Gazette No; 60 of 29th July; 1943. Minister of Industrial Man-power doth hereby revoke the Declaration New Zealand Gazette No. 105 of 2nd December, 1943. of Essential Industry No.7, as published in the New Zealand Gazette New Zealand Gazette No. 24 of 12th April, 1945. No.8 of the 22nd January, 1942, together with the amendments New Zealand Gazette No. 46 of 5th July, 1945. thereto, as notified in the- New Zealand Gazette No. 60 of 27th September, 1945. New Zealand Gazette No. 66 of 25th October, 1945. New Zealand Gazette No. 42 of 23rd April, 1942. New Zealand Gazette No. 71 of 15th November, 1945. New Zealand Gazette No. 40 of 27th May, 1943. New Zealand Gazette No. 76 of 6th December, 1945. 'This revocation takes effect as on the 29th June, 194G, and New Zealand Gazette No.5 of 31st January, 1946. affects the industry of sawmilling, including Government under­ New Zealand Gazette No. 19 of 28th March, 1946. takings engaged therein, any factory or. industrial plant directly This revocation takes effect as on the 29th June, --1946, and dependent on supplies -of logs and producing material therefrom, affects the undertakings set forth hereunder :~ whether for sale, for use, or for further manufacture, by any process, Berth Leyi and 00. (Incorporated), at Petone. of lengthwise sawing, of ms.ceration into wood-fibre, or of peeling S. H. Brown and 00., Ltd., at Horotiu. or slicing into veneers or plywood, and also any operations engaged S. H. Brown and 00., Ltd., at'Moerewa. in the supply Of logs to these factories or industrial plants, or in the S. H. Brown and 00., Ltd., at Southdown. delivery of timber materials as required by the Timber Oontroller, Early and Moor, at Ocean Beach. or in the production ofpower and telegraph poles, railway sleepers, Early and Moor, at Wairoa. fencing materials, and firewood. Independent Oasing 00., at Kaiapoi. Dated this 27th day of June, 1946. Nelson's (New Zealand), Ltd., at Kaiti, Gisborne. A. McLAGAN, Minister of Industrial Man-power. Oppeuheimer Oasing 00., Ltd., at Hastings. Oppenheimer Oasing 00., Ltd., at Masterttm. Oppenheimer Oasing 00., Ltd., at Nelson. Industrial Man-power Emergency Regulations 1944.-Revocation of S. Oppenheimer and 00. (Incorporated), at Gisborne. Declaration of Essential Undertakings No. 15 and Amendments S. Oppenheimer and 00. (Incorporated), at Petone. S. Oppenheimer and 00. (Incorporated), at Tokomaru Bay. N pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by. Regulatio~ II S. Oppenheimer and 00. (Incorporated), at Wanganui. I of the Industrial Man-power Emergency Regulations 1944, the S. Oppenheimer and 00. (Incorporated), at Westfield. - Minister of IndustJ,'ial Man-power doth hereby revoke the Declaration Dated this 27th day of June, 1946. of Essential Undertakings No. 15, as published in the New Zealand A. McLAGAN, Minister of Industrial Man-power. Gazette No.8 of 22nd January, 1942, together with the amendments thereto, as notified in the- Industrial Man-power Emergency Regulations 1944.-Revocation of New Zealand Gazette No. 14 of 12th February, 1942. Declaration of Essential Undertakings No. 80 and Amendments New Zealand Gazette No. II4 of 23rd December, 1942. New Zealand Gazette No'. 77 of 31st August, 1944. New Zealand Gazette No. 49 of 19th July, 1945. -N pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation II New Zealand Gazette No.2 of 17th January, 1946. I of the Industrial Man-power Emergency Regulations 1944, the New Zealand Gazette No.7 of 7th February, 1946. Minister of Industrial Man-power doth hereby revoke the Declaration of Essential Undertaking No. 80, as published in the New Zealand This revocation takes effect as on the 29th June, 1946, and Gazette No. 64 of the 25th June, 1942, together with the amendments affects the undertakings set forth hereunder :- thereto, as notified in the- - - Auckland Farmers' Freezing 00., Ltd., at Horotiu. New Zealand Gazette No. 92 of 15th October, 1942. Auckland Farmers' Freezing 00., Ltd., at Moerewa. New Zealand Gazette No. 96 of 29th October, 1942. Auckland Farmers' Freezing 00., Ltd., at Southdown. New Zealand Gazette No. 49 of 19th July, 1945. Thomas Borthwick an~ Sons (A'sia), Ltd., at Belfast. New Zealand Gazette No.2 of 17th January, 1946. JUNE 27] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 919

'l'his revoca,tion takes effect as on the 29th .J une, 1!)46, and affects Notice to Jl:lariners No. 21 of 1946 the head offices of the undertakings set forth hereunder ;- Auckhmd Farmers' Freezing Co., Ltd., at Auckland. Marine Department, '1'. Borthwick and Sons (A'sia), Ltd., at Christchurch. Wellington, N.Z., 21st June, 1946. T. Borthwick and Sons (A'sia), Ltd., at Masterton. NEW ZEALAND.-NoRTH ISLAND.-COOK STRAIT Canterbury Frozen Meat Co., Ltd., at Christchurch. W. and R. Fletcher (N.Z.), Ltd., at Wellington. Proofing of Gun, Coast Battery Gear Mcat Co., Ltd., at Wellington. OTICE is hereby givl?n that the proofing of a gun of the Coast Gisborne Sheep-farmers' Frozen Meat and Mercantile Co., Ltd., N Battery will take place between 1000 hours and 1200 hours at Gisborne. New Zealand standard times on the 27th and 28th June, 1946. Hawke's Bay Farmers' Meat Co., Ltd., at Hastings. Mariners and others are warned to keep clear of the following R. and W. Hellaby, Ltd., at Auckland. area during the aforementioned times :- New Zealand Refrigerating Co., Ltd., at Christchurch. (a) Northern boundary: A line from Brothers Light in a Oppenheimer Casing Co., Ltd., at Wellington. 0 Sims, Cooper, and Co., Ltd., at Christchurch. 090 direction to the shore. 0 Southland Frozen Meat and Dairy Produce Export Co., Ltd., (b) Southern boundary: A line 140 from Sinclair Head. at Invercargill. (c) All waters between (a) and (b) above to a distance of twenty Swift (N.Z.) Co., Ltd., at Christchurch. miles from the coast. . On completion of the exercise a radio broadcast will be made. Dated this 27th day of June, 1946. Authority: Army Department, 18/6/46. A. Me LAGAN, Minister of Industrial Man-power. W. C. SMITH, Secretary. (M. 25/14-00.)

Ind~tstrial Man-power Emergency Regulations 1944.-Revocation of Declaration of Essential Undertakings No. 99 and Amendments Notice to Persons affected by Applications for Licenses under Part III of the Industrial Efficiency Act, 1936 N pursuance ·of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 11 I of the Industrial Man-power Emergency Regulations 1944, the Minister of Industrial Man-power doth hereby revoke the Declaration Manufacture for Sale of Footwear of Essential Undertakings No. 99, as published in the New Zealand N. Rose, Hokianga Road, Dargaville, has applied for a license Gazette No. 24 of the 8th April, 1943, together with the amendments to manufacture sandals. thereto, as notified in the- R. J. CummiIigs, 341 Lincoln Road, Addington, Christchurch, New Zealand Gazette No. 40 of 27th May, 1943. has. applied for a license to manufacture vVedgie and beach sandals New Zealand Gazette No. 42 of 3rd June, 1943. by the tack method. New Zealand Gazette No. 49 of 1st July, 1943. New Zealand Gazette No. 56 of 30th August, 1945. Radio-manufacturing Industry New Zealand Gazette No.5 of 31st January, 1946. G. S. Benson and F. P. Wills, 39 Henley Road, Mount Eden, This revocation takes effect as on the 29th June, 1946, and Auckland, have applied for a license to manufacture car radios. affects the undertakings set forth hereunder in respect only of the K. S. Stanbury and G. R. Greenwood, 490A Colombo Street, maintenance and protection of exotic forests, except those workers Christchurch, have applied for a license to manufacture two hundred whose wages are subsidized wholly or in part from Government radio receiving-sets per annum. funds under Scheme No. 13 :- E. W. Devery, 22 Fleet Street, Eden Terrace, Auckland, has Afforestation Proprietary, Ltd., at Taupo. applied for a license to manufacture radio receiving-sets. Christchurch City Council. M. T. Swinburne, Swinburne's Radio Service, 85-87 New North Commercial Pine Forests, Ltd. Road, Auckland, has applied for an extension of his existing license Dunedin City Council. so as to permit the manufacture of an unlimited number of portable Hawke's Bay Forests, Ltd. sets and one hundred other types of sets per year. Invercargill City Council. R. W. Duffin, 40 Meadowbank Road, Remuera, Auckland, has Kaingaroa Forests, Ltd. applied for a license to manufacture radio receiving-sets. Mackenzie County Council. Mamaku Forests, Ltd. Pharmacy Industry Matakana Afforestation, Ltd. D. L. Jones, Grip Lodge; Sockburn, Christchurch, has applied Nelson Pine Forests, Ltd. for a license to operate a new pharmacy at 202, 204, or 206 Fendalton New Zealand Pinelands Proprietary, Ltd. Road. . N.Z. Timberlands, Ltd. S. Pendrigh and D. S. Dodds, 195 Papanui Road, Christchurch, Pacific Forests, Ltd. have applied for a license to operate a new pharmacy at 21 Fendalton Putaruru Pine and Pulp Co. (N.Z.), Ltd. Road. Selwyn Planta,tion Board. Tasman Forests, Ltd. Retall Sale and Distribution of Motor-spirit Waratah Paper and Pulp Co., Ltd. Whakatane Paper Mills, Ltd. H. B. Davies, 36 lVIatai Street, Hamilton, has applied for a Wellington City Council. license to resell motor-spirit from three pumps to be installed on All afforestation operations being carried on by the State Forest proposed service-station premises to be erected on northern corner Service. of Clarkin and Hukunui Roads, Fairfield district. L. M. Franchi, Marine Hotel, Whakataki, has applied for a Dated this 27th day of June, 1946. license to resell motor-spirit from one pump to be installed on hotel A. Me LAGAN, Minister of Industrial Man-power. premises at the junction of the lVIaitaikona, Castlepoint, and Masterton Roads. Rotorua Engineering Co., Ltd., Tutanekai Street West, Rotorua, has applied for a license to resell motor-spirit from two pumps to be Officiating M'inisters fm' 1946.-Notice No. 19 installed inside garage premises at Hinemoa Street, Rotorua. R. Gilmour, Avondale Road, Taradale, has applied for a Registrar-General's Office, license to resell motor-spirit from one pump to be installed on garage Wellington, 21st June, 1946. premises at Avondale Road, Taradale. Sutton Bros., Ltd., P.O. Box 39, Lyttelton, has applied for a URSUANT to the provisions of the Marriage Act, 1908, the license to resell motor-spirit from one pump to be installed on a P following name of an officiating minister within the meaning launch jetty at Lyttelton. of the said Act is published for general information:- ,\V. H. Ryan, trading as "Altamotors," 150 Ponsonby Road, Auckland, has applied for a license to resell motor-spirit from one The Salvat~on Army pump to be installed inside garage premises, 150 Ponsonby Road, Captain Elliott McKane Major. Auckland. P. H. WYLDE, Deputy Registrar-Genera,I, J. E. Hansen, Hansen Engineering Co., 252 Great South Road, Remuera, Auckland, has applied for a license to regell motor-spirit from one pump to be installed on garage premises, 252 Great South Road, Remuera, Auckland. R E. Stretch, Seddon, has applied for a license to resell motor· Notice to Mariners No. 20 of 1946 spirit from one pump to be installed on the kerbside at garage premises Seaview Road, Seddon. Marine Department, R. B. Win, Richmond Motors, Cambridge Street, Richmond, Wellington, N.Z., 21st .June, 1946. has applied for a license to resell motor.spirit from one pump to be installed in an open yard at garage premises in Cambridge Street, NEW ZEALAND.-SOUTH ISLAND.-ONEKAKA Richmond. Wharf Repairs Applicants and other persons considering themselves to be Position: Lat., 400 45' S.; long., 1720 42'·5 E. (approx.). materiaUy affected by the decisions of the Bureau of Industry on Details: Notice is hereby given that a considerable portion of these applications should, not later than the llth day of July, 19~6, the wharf at Onekaka has collapsed, and until repairs are effected submit any written evidence and representations they may deSIre masters of vessels are warned that they use the wharf at their own to tender. All communications should be addressed to the Secretary, risk. Bureau of Industry, P.O. Box 3025, Wellington. W. C. SMITH, Secretary. (M.4/1422.) G. L. O'HALLORAN, Secretary. D 920 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46


CLuKATOLOGIOAL TABLE Summary of the Records· of Temperature, Rainfall, and Sunshine for May, 1946

Air Temperatures in Degrees (FahrenheIt.) Rainfall in Inches.

Absolute Maximum and Most In a Bright Means of I Minimum. Day. Mean i Sun­ Station. DUference --·----;----1--. ---:-1 --I No. Difference shine Total of from (Hours) from I ~ I ~I Fall. wet Normal. AlB la!d Normal.! 1'1 Date. II ! Date. Days. Max. I Min. B. I ~ = Ft. OF. OF. OF. OF. OF. In. In. Te Paki, Te Hapua .. 200 64·2 52·2 58·2 +1·3 68·0 II 36·0 29 12·48 17 +6·67 4·27 1 155·5 Waipapakauri .. 6 66·1 49·7 57·9 (+0'5) 70·4 17 36·8 29 6·43 18 (+1·34) 2·01 3 .. Waipoua State Forest .. 225 65· 0 49·6 57 . 3 +3·0 70·4 7 37·6 30 6·47 19 (+2·56) 1·18 20 106·8 Dargaville . . . . 3 Rive'rhead .. .. 105 64 . 7 48· I 56·4 +3'4 75·0 13 32·5 13,30 7·04 21 (+ I· 25) I· 83 16 .. 'Vhenuapai .. .. 101 64·0 49·8 56·9 .. 67·7 1 34·8 13 6 . 84 22 .. 1·38 16 .. Auckland .. .. 160 63·9 54·1 59·0 +2·4 ,69·3 5 46·0 13 5·76 19 +0·78 1·25 4 142·3 Paerata . . . . 166 .. 51·4 .. .. 41·2 13 8·01 20 +3·33 2·03 21 .. Thames .. .. 4 64·0 50·7 57·4 70·8 5 39·4 13 7·Il 23 .. 1·24 17 126·5 Whareka wa Nursery, 50 64·5 49· 1 56 . 8 +3·2 68·5 7,2534·0 13 9·10 25 ( + 2: 50) 1 . 93 16 .. Whangamata- Maioro .. .. 172 63·8 51·1 57·4 (+2·7) 70·2 23 37·4 13 g·85 21 (+4·62) 2·05 14 Waihi .. .. 404 63·3 49·3 56·3 +4·1 71·0 25 33·0 13 9·60 23 +1·56 1·81 16,21 109·9 Te Aroha .. .. 46 64·5 49·5 57·0 +3·7 . 74·0 5 33·0 13 6·93 21 +1·49 1·09 21 Tauranga .. .. 10 64·3 49·6 57·0 +3·7 69·0 25 36·3 12 6·15 16 +1·71 1·88 16 129·1 Ruakura Farm, Hamilton 131 62·9 47·4 55·2 +3·5 69·6 5 29·5 13 6·40 22 +1·82 0·92 14 Il5·3 Rotoehu Plantation " 235 63·2 45·9 54·6 (+4'3) 69·9 25 33·4 29 8·62 9 (+2·44) 3·25 4 ·Rotorua .. .. 931 61·8 46·4 54·1 +3·1 70·1 5 32·1 13 5·55 12 +0·09 1·21 16 109·3 Whakarewarewa .. 1,000 61·9 43·5 52·7 +3·1 69·8 5 29·4 13 5·35 Il +0·29 1·23 16 Gisborne .. .. 12 62·8 48·0 55·4 (+2·6) 72·8 6 33·6 13 7·60 20 (+3·Il) 1·89 23 IlO'3 Manutuke Research Sta­ 20 62·4 46·9 54·6 (+2·8) 70·5 19 34·8 13 8'39 16 3·06 23 IlO'5 , tion, Gisborne Onepoto, Lake Waikare- 2,110 55·5 45·6 50·6 (+2·7) 67·0 5 38·3 12 10·21 23 +2·64 2·90 23 moana New Plymouth .. 160 61· 7 50·1 55·9 +2·5 66·6 2 40·9 II 5·35 19 -0,54 1·05 17 150·9 Chateau Tongariro .. 3,670 49·3 37·9 43·6 +3·0 58·0 2 29·0 12,29 6·94 19 (-1·02) 1·29 18 .. Karioi . . .. 2,125 56 ·138· 7 47 ·4 +3'3 67·0 17 27·9 29 2·36 15 -1·58 0·68 • 8 " Napier .. .. 5 63 ·1 48·7 55·9 +3·5 70·2 13 36·1 13 8·75 15 +5·54 1·92 22 ,123·9 Hastings . . .. -45 64·4 48·3 56·4 +5·6 73·5 5 33·0 13 7·86 18 +4·44 2·19 16 .. Taihape .. .. 2,157 55·8 44·2 50·0 +3·5 64·4 7 35·0 29 3·00 16 -0·33 0·69 8 .. Wanganui . . . . 72 .. .. .' ...... Waipukurau . . 450 59·6 43·7 51·6 (+2·5) 69·2 6 30·6 13 6·27 17 (+2·60) 1·26 16 .. Tangimoana . . 8 63·4 46·6 55·0 +3·9 70·0 3 34·0 29 2·80 14 -0·60 1·05 8 .. Ohakea .. .. 167 61·9 47·6 54·8 (+4·0) 69·5 5 37·0 29 4·13 12 (+0·86) 1·40 8 .. Plant Research Bureau, 110 60·9 47·3 54·1 +3·6 67·0 5 36·5 29 3·46 17 (+0·06) 0·64 8 ,Il9·2 Palmerston North Pahiatua . . . . 384 59·9 45·7 52·8 +3·4 68·5 4 32·0 12 3·74 19 -0·98 0·81 16 Kapiti Island. . . 44 Waingawa, Masterton 350 59·7 42·5 51·1 +1'5 71·0 6 30·0 12 5·54 15 +1·54 1·81 8 99'5 Wallaceville . . . . 195 60·0 43·0 51·5 (+2·1) 68·0 2 29·8 12,30 4·62 II -0·38 3·01 8 nO·1 Wainui-o-mata . . 290 59·5 44·1 51·8 (+3·3) 66·8 2 29·8 31 7·16 13 4·20 8 Wellington.. .. 415 57·5 48·2 52·8 +1·6 66·0 1 40·3 30 6·03 13 +1·69 2'83 8 Il4·3 Nelson ., .. 24 60·7 45·2 53·0 +2·5 67·4 2 36·6 30 4·43 Il +1·28 1·51 8 160'0 Appleby, Nelson . . 57 60·8 43·4 52·1 +2·1 67·0 22 35·2 30 4·80 10 (+1·80) 1·60 8 Woodbourne . . 89 60·4 43·3 51·8 (+1·3) 68·8 6 32·9 30 3·82 Il (+1·16) 1·45 8 Blenheim . . . . 60 59·4 41·5 50·4 +1·4 68·0 6 29·2 30 4·02 12 (+1·72) 1·70 8 151·6 Golden Downs . . 900 " Waihopai . . . . 860 58·7 41·2 50·0 +2·3 70·8 6 32·8 29 2·58 10 (-0·38) 0·61 8,16 Westport .. .. 7 59·8 45·6 52·7 (+2·5) 68·2 2 38·0 28 4·83 13 (-1·35) 1·80 7 158·7 Molesworth ., .. 2,930 50·5 32·2 41·4 (+1·0) 61·2 20 20·0 31 2·36 14 (-0·06) 0·93 7 Hanmer Springs .. 1 ,225 55·1 36·8 46·0 +1·5 68·0 4 23·2 30 5·30 10 +0·70 1·86 8 Il8·2 Hokitika Airfield . . 12 59·0 41·7 50·4 (+2·2) 68·6 1 32·0 16 5·92 10 -3·53 1·79 6 167·7 Balmoral .. .. 743 55·6 38·0 46·8 -2·4 69,5- 4 25·0 31 5·23 Il (+2,42) 1·44 17 Lake Coleridge .. 1,195 54·9 34·2 44·6 ---:-0·9 67·0 3 25·6 25 2·26 9 -0·56 0·70 17 Darfield . . . . 640 55·6 37·1 46·4 (+0·2) 72·6 3 29·7 30 8·60 Il +5·61 3·47 17 Christchurch " 22 55·9 41·0 48·4 +0·9 70·0 3 31·4 11 5·72 14 +2·84 2·77 17 Wigram .. " 74 56·7 40·4 48·6 (+0·6) 72·6 3 30·4 11 4·73 10 (+1,94) 2·20 17 Ill·5 Rudstone, Methven " 1,217 54·8 39·4 47·1 +0·3 67·2 3 30·0 24 5·72 14 +2·56 2·03 17 120·5 Lincoln ., .. 36 56·0 39·9 48·0 +1·5 72·0 3 29·1 16 4·24 13 +1·76 1·46 17 Il8·2 Akaroa (Onawe, Duvau- 150 56·8 44·9 50·8 (+0·4) 73·0 . 4 38·0 11 7·43 14 (+0·36) 1·70 17 90·7 chelle's Bay) Hermitage, Mount Cook 2,510 .. .. Ashburton .. 323 55·4 37·0 46·2 +0·3 66·5 3 25·5 31 5·38 14 +2·86 2·60 7 125·9 Jacksons Bay " 22 56·5 44·5 50·5 +1·3 63·2 1 37·5 15 14·10 9 (-1·42) 3·81 3 Lake Tekapo . " 2, 350 50·8 30·6 40·7 -0·6 64·9 3 23·2 15 0·30 7 -1·89 0·12 7 141·7 Fairlie • . .. 1 ,000 55·1 31·1 43·1 -0,3 68·5 13 20·0 31 2·77 8 +0·74 1·60 7 144·5 Timaru .. " 56 54·8 37·8 46·3 ~0'4 64·6 3 28·8 31 3·44 II + 1 . 93 1 ·20 17 130·6 Milford Sound . . 20 54·8 39·0 46·9 (+1'0) 63·0 3 30·6 30 11·56 9 (-10·66) 4·40 6 Waimate .. .. 200 56·9 38·9 47·9 +0·2 69·4 3 29·0 31 3·38 7 +1·66 2·00 17 Il3·2 Queenstown . . " 1,100 54·2 35·9 45·0 +0·9 65·8 4 29·8 30 1·71 7 -0·95 1·29 6 123·2 Ophir . . .. 1 ,000 52·8 29·1 41·0 +0·1 68·5 4 18·2 17 0·62 4 -0·47 0·37 7 Waipiata . . .. 1 , 550 51·4 33·1 42·2 ~0'2 64·0 4,6 24·5 24 1·05 9 -0·29 0·24 26 154·6 Alexandra . . 520 53·8 30·4 42·1 -0·8 70·0 4 20·7 17 0·54 8 -0·39 0·17 7 162·3 Manorburn Dam .. 2,448 47·8 29·7 38·8 -0'5 57·5 2 27·0 15 0·78 13 -1,05 0·26 7 Dunedin . . . . 690 52·7 41·4 47·0 +0·5 62·8 6 36·2 15 3·98 14 +0·52 l·ll 7 ll6·4 Taieri .. .. 80 55·4 34·5 45·0 (-0·9) 68·2 6 24·7 16 3·21 14 <+0·91) 1·21 7 East Gore . . . . 245 Gore .. " 240 54·8 34·8 44·8 -0·7 67·0 3 27·0 17,31 1·79 12 .. 0·59 6 134·6 Invercargill " " 32 54·6 34·4 44;5 -1·2 69·0 3 23·0 25 2·18 14 -2·02 0·93 6 137·1 Invercargill (City Engi- 8 54· 9 36 . 1 45·5 -0·7 68,3 3 25 . 1 24 2· 06 13 -2·25 0·97 6 .. neer) JUNE 27] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 921

CLDUTOLOGIOAL TABLE-Continuea Summary of the Records oj Temperature, Rainfall, and SU'Mhi,ne for .1.1!ay, 1946-oontinued

cP ~ .8 Alr Temperatures In Degrees (Fahrenheit). Rainfall In Inches• as --- = Means of Absolute Maximum and Most ina Bngtli. ~..:j Mean Minimum. I Day. Sun- Station. .... (IJ ----- (IJ. of Difference No • DUlerence shine

Kapiti Island, April, 1946 44 63·7 " .. .. 69·0 22 .. .. 2·83 7 -0·65 0·87 6 " Wainui - 0 - mata, April, 290 62·8 46·7 54·8 (+1'4) 70·0 4 32·6 17,26 4'00 12 .. 1·65 lO .. 1946 Golden Downs, March, 900 69·7 45'6 57·6 +0'8 78·5 20 32'5 6 4·00 12 (+1'30) 1·49 1 .. 1946 Golden Downs, April, 900 62·4 40·9 51·6 -0,6 72·0 5 27·5 16 5'06 7 (+1·04) 2·37 7 .. 1946 Darfield, April, 1946 640 60·9 42·2 51·6 ( -1·4) 78·0 4,5 33·6 21 1·77 7 -0,54 0·73 6 .. Alraroa (Onawe, Duvau- 150 61·5 48·0 54·8 (-1·0) 73·2 13 40·5 16 1·98 II (-1'·99) 0·48 6 118·9 chelle's Bay), ApI., 1946 I NOTE.-At stations where departures from normal are in parentheses the record has been maintained for less than ten years in the case of temperatures and for less than twenty years in the case of rainfall and the normals are partly interpolated. NOTES ON THE WEATHER FOR MAy, 1946 General.-Several rather slow-moving depressions to the north and east of the North Island gave a prevalence of easterly or north­ easterly winds which brought unsettled conditions to eastern districts, rain being more frequent in the North Island than in the South. Hawke's Bay especially has received great benefit from the soaking rains. As in April, westerlies were not prominent. The mild wet weather in the north has maintained a good late growth, but in the more southern districts where several sharp frosts occurred this has been checked. Humidities have been high, and drying winds would benefit pastures and also the ground for cultivation. Rainjall.-Rainfall totals were above average in eastern and central portions of Auckland, also in Gisborne, Hawke's Bay, and Wellington, as well as near the east coast of the South Island. Deficiencies occurred elsewhere, and Murchison, Reefton, Otira, and Invercargill received barely half their usual rain. Amounts were double the average about coastal Hawke's Bay and from Blenheim to Timaru. Some notable falls were 12·89 in. at Wharerata (Cook County) for the three days 22nd-24th; and on the 17th, Kekerangu received 6'43, Clarence 5'26, and Kaikoura 5'09 in. Temperatures.-Mean temperatures were above normal generally, with appreciable departures in northern districts but decreasing towards the south as the result of frosty nights. For the North Island as a whole it was the mildest May since 1928. SUWJhine.-The duration of bright sunshine was almost normal in Taranaki and better than average in Westland, Otago, and Southland, but was poor over the remainder of the country. The deficits averaged at least an hour a day in eastern districts from Waihi to Masterton. The last fortnight was very clear west of the Southern Alps, and Haast, with 178·5 hours, had the highest total this month. Weather Seq~£ence.--During the opening days an extensive anticyclone centred near Chatham Islands was moving slowly away, while pressure remained low to the north of the Dominion. Strong north-easterly winds were giving rain at times to the east coast north of Tauranga, but settled conditions prevailed elsewhere. -A trough arriving on the 3rd gave heavy rain in the far south-west. After a weak cold front passed late on the 4th, a small wedge moved over tl}e South Island. The area of heavy rain had meantime been moving from the far north down the east coast to southern Hawke's Bay. The passage of a depression forming on a cold front which began to move north-eastward over the South Island on the 6th was associated with widespread rain. By the 9th the disturbances were passing off the North Island, and south-westerlies were general. Except for a few showers in the more exposed districts, the weather became fair. A high-pressure ridge was across the North Island on the 12th. A cold front arriving on the 13th gave some heavy rain in Westland, and behind a secondary the next day an anticyclonic cell moved on to the South Island on the 15th. The two fronts were then giving scattered rains over the North Island, but precipitation became more general on the 16th and later spread to most of the South Island, there being a depression to the north-west while the anticyclone moved away eastward. With a low-pressure area west of Nelson there were some thunderstorms in western districts of the North Island and some heavy easterly rains between Timaru and Cape Campbell on the 17th-18th, but, with the system travelling to the south-east, the 19th was a fair day in most places. An anticyclone was then passing northern New Zealand. This intensified when'located to the north-east, and a low in the northern Tasman Sea gradually moved eastward, passing North Cape on the 22nd and continued slowly south-eastward. North­ easterly winds were giving scattered rains in the North Island. By the 23rd a fast-moving anticyclone was over southern New Zealand, and winds had become more southerly and strengthened, with considerable rain east of the North Island ranges. As the depression and anticyclone continued eastward the weather was mostly cloudy along the East 90ast with patches of rain, especially on the 27th, when a secondary depression was off Canterbury. The weather on the 28th and 29th was more generally settled, an anticyclone covering New Zealand on the latter day. As it shifted eastwards easterly winds predominated, and scattered showers occurred north of Castlepoint. M. A. F. BARNETT, Director.


STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF THE RESERVE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND AS AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON MONDAY, 17TH JUNE, 1946 Liabilities A.ssets £ s. d. 7. Reserve­ £ s. d. 1. General Reserve Fund 1,500,000 0 0 (a) Gold 2,801,877 10 0 2~ Bank-notes 44,408,331 0 0 (b) Sterling exchange* 84,640,480 13 3 3. Demand liabilities­ (e) Gold exchange (a) State 17.836,078 16 11 8. Subsidiary coin 50,401 14 5 (b) Banks 61,682,660 2 10 9. Discounts- (e) Other 472,281 19 6 (a) Commercial and agricultural bills 4. Time deposits _ (b) Treasury and local-body bills o. Liabilities in currencies other than New lO. Advances- Zealand ourrency 30,298 2 4 (a) To the State or State undertakings­ 6. Other liabilities 3,544,568 13 6 (1) Marketing organizations (2) For other purposes .. 34,025,000 0 0 (b) To other public authorities (e) Other 11. Investments .. 4,016,242 0 8 12. Bank buildings 13. Other assets .. 3,940,216 16 9 £(N.Z.)129,474,218 15 1 £(N.Z.)129,474,218 15

, • Expressed In New Zealand currency. Proportion of rHerve (No.7 less No.5) to notes and other demand liabili~es, 70·267 per oent. W. R. EGGERS, Chief Aooountant. 922 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46



27TH MAY, 1946 0 (In accordance with section 46 of th~ Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act, 1933) (All Amount8 in New Zealand Currency) J.,IABILITIES

Union Bank I National Commercial Bank of Bank of )' Bank Bank of Bank of of ~ New of New Zealand, Australia, Totals. New Zealand. Australia, I" South Wales. I Australasia. - I Limited. I Limited. Limited.

£ £ £ £ £ £ (a) Demand liabilities in New zea·1 *45,8i5,10sl 14,484,438 15,103,185 10,590,307 21,120,477 7,786,774 1}4,900,289 land (b) Time liabUities in New Zealand I 10.864,874 1 6,163,481 5,444,752 3,336,963 5,700,719 1,812,473 33,323,262 (c) Demand liabilities elsewhere . 315,626 55,943 203,255 443,374 252,678 77,093 1,347,969 than in New Zealand incurred in respect of New Zealand business (d) Time liabilities elsewhere than 37,770 21,987 30,989 30,372 121,118 in New Zealand incurred in respect of New Zealand business (j) Notes of own issue in circula­ tion payable in New Zealand (m) New Zealand business-Excess 12,348,283 79,629 2,558,052 3,801,745 178,035 18,9(j5,744 of assets over liabilities Totals .. 1-(;9,38-1,-6-61- -20~05-,-4--78-1'-20-,-7-51-,-1-9'2-1--16--,-9-59-,""';'6-8'5- -30~o5,"991-9, 854:375168,658-,3-82


Bank Union Bank Bank of Bank National Commercial of of I Bank of Bank of - Australia, New of New Zealand, Australia, Totals. New Zealand. I Limited. South Wales. A ustraJasia. Limited. I I Limited.

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ e} Reserve balances held in the 19,550,265 9,201,244 8,263,079 8,524,243 9,167,169 4,148,809 58,854,809 Reserve Bank of New Zealand f) Overseas assets in respect of New Zealand business~ (I) In London .. " 6,774,642 49.5,779 2,766,787 144,285 2,599,987 92,229 12,873,709 (2) Elsewhere than in London 1,135,603 8,286 5,512 465,857 686,741 .. 2,301,999 (g) (1) Gold and gold bullion held ...... in New Zealand (2) Subsidiary coin held in New 337,708 55,518 84,275 67,782 15~, 713 33,751 736,747 Zealand h} Aggregate advances in New 21,672,435 7,452,180 6,731,510 3,965,734 13,l41,311 2,969,350 55,932,520 Zealand k} Aggregate discounts in New 56,855 28,962 .. 14,978 130,210 37,547 268,552 . Zealand (i) Reserve ,Bank of New Zealand 4,103,010 327,890 503,561 477,901 1,002,772 188,422 6,603,556 notes k) Securities held in New Zealand- (1) Government o. .. 13,599,149 2,921,822 1,953,619 2,717,437 3,439,062 2,142,636 26,773,725 ! (2) Other than Government 1;441,081 221,290 • 0 526,268 .. 106,996 2,295,635 (l) Value of land, buildings, furni- 710,913 92,507 345,110 55,200 581,026 134,635 1,919,391 ture, fittings, and equipment held in New Zealand (m) New Zealand business-Excess .. .. 97,739 ...... 97,739 of liabilWes over assets ------Totals .. .. 69,381,661 -----1------20,805,478 20,751,192 16,959,685 30,905,991 ---I--9,854,375 168,658,382

• Includes transfer from. Long-term Mortgage Department of £106,511. (h k) Aggregate unexercised overdraft authorities, £45,817,994. Wellington, New Zealand, 20th June, 1946. T. P. HANNA, Chief Cashier.


STATEMENT OF THE AMOUNT OF LIABILITIES AND ASSETS· OF THE LONG-TERM MORTGAGE DEPARTMENT OF THE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND . AS AT THE 27TH DAY OF MAy, 1946 . Liabilities £ s. d. Assets £ s. d" Capital 703,125 0 0 Loans 596,614 0 ° Debentures and debenture stock Transfers to Bank 106,511 ° 0 Transfers from Bank Other aBsets Other liabilities £703,125 0 ° £703,125 0 .()

Wellington, New Zealand, 20th June, 1946. T. P. HANNA, Chief Cashier. JUNE 27] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 923

Abstract oj RaiZways Working Account

..Il'OUR-WEEKLY PERIOD ENDED 31ST MAROH, 1946 1ST APRIL, 1945, TO 31ST MAROH, 1946 Section. Revenue. Expenditure. Net Revenue. Revenue. Expenditure. Net Revenue. I I l £ £ £ £ £ £ North Island main line and branche6 684,304 624,221 60,083 8,492,966 7,665,752 827,214 South Island main line and branches 407,506 397,361 10,145 4,596,252 4,847,874 -251,622 Nelson 3,078 2,881 197 15,369 36,098 -20,729

Tot~, railway operation .. 1,094,888 1,024,463 70,425 13,104,587 12,549,724 554,863 Miscellaneous and subsidiary services 240,070 195,876 44,194 2,340,260 1,835,120 505,140

Total 1,334,958 1,220,339 114,619 15,444,847 14,384,844 1,060,003


£ £ Passenger ...... 311,820 3,912,509 Maintenance- £ I £ Parcels, luggage, and mails .. .. 34,548 426,619 Way and works ...... 185,083 2,524,485 Goods ...... 737,716 8,515,673 Signals and electrical appliances .. 34,125 375,499 Labour and demurrage .. .. 10,804 249,786 Rolling-stock ...... 283,879 3,055,303 Transportation- Total railway operation .. .. 1,094,888 13,104,587 Locomotive . , .. .. 217,745 2,627,868 Traffic ...... 292,751 3,618,584 Passengers ...... No. 2,374,676 32,417,675 General charges ...... -9,413 125,081 Superannuation subsidy .. .. 20,293 222,904 Live.stock .. " .. Tons 121,547 822,275 Timber ...... 51,091 582,065 Total operating expenditure .. 1,024,463 12,549,724 Other goods ...... " 600,519 7,806,126 Net operating revenue 70,425 " .. .. 554,863 Total goods .. .. 773,157 9,210,466 " Total railway operating revenue .. 1,094,888 13,104,587 Road Motor Services- Passengers ...... No. 1,451,376 16,587,833 £ Revenue ...... £ 105,224 1,098,944 Capital cost of open lines as at 31st March, 1945 '. 71,353,574

Notices under the Regulations Act, 1936

NOTICE is hereby given in pursuance of the Regulations Act, 1936, of the making of regulations and Orders as under :-

Authority for Enactment. Serial I Date of I Price (Postage I Short Title or SUbject-m::e_r_. ~~ __~ ___ ~N_u_m_b_er_.~ __ ~n_a_ct_m~~ __l~._e_x_tr_a_)._

-~------~~~------~~-.---- I

Air Navigation Act, 1931 Air Navigation Regulations 1933, Amendment No. 12 1946/96 15/5/46 Id. Air Navigation Act, 1931 Air Navigation Regulations 1933, Amendment No. 13 1946/97 14/6/46 Id. Cinematograph Films Act, 1928 Cinematograph Films (Storage, Exhibition, and 1946/98 19/6/46 Id. Renting) Regulations 1929, Amendment No.3 Cinematograph Films Act, 1928 Cinematograph Operators Licensing Regulations 1946/99 19/6/46 Id. 1938, Amendment No.3 Prisons Act, 1908, and the Criminal Prisons Regulations 1946 1946/100 19/6/46 2d. Appeal Act, 1945 Emergency Regulations Act, 1939 Emergency Regulations Revocation Order No.3 1946/101 26/6/46 2d. Emergency Regulations Act, 1939 Waterfront Industry Emergency Regulations 1946 1946/102 26/6/46 9d.

--~~------~~~-~~~~--~~~-~-~~------~~~~-~~--~----~~~--~ Copies can be purchased at the Government Printing and Stationery Office, Lambton Quay, Wellington. Prices for quantities supplied on application. Copies may be ordered by quoting serial number. E.V. PAUL, Government Printer.

Notice of Adoptions under Part IX of the Native Land Act, 1931

Native Land Court Office, vVanganui, 17th June, 1946. T is hereby notified that the orders of adoption as set out in the Schedule hereunder have been made by the Native Land Court under the I provisions of the Native Land Act, 1931. L. J. BROOKER, Registrar.

Whakaatu tangohanga Tarnariki Whangai i raro 0 Wahi IX 0 te Tun Whenua Maori, 1931

Tari Kooti Whenua Maori, Whanganui, 17 0 Hune, 1946. HE whakaaturanga tenei kia mohiotia ai kua hangaia e te Kooti Whenua Maori i raro i nga tikanga 0 te ture vVhenua Maori, 1931, etahi ota whakamana i te tangohanga 0 etahi tamariki whangai, e whakaaturia e te Kupu Apiti i raro iho nei. ... TE PURUKA, Kai-rehita.


Nama Nga Tamariki Whangai Ahua me Nga TaU hangaiaTeRai te Ota I Matua Whangai Matua Tipu (No.). (Adopted Children). (Age and Sex). (Date of (Adopting Parents). (Natural Parents). I Order).

18/429 Gary Wills, ara (alias) Male (taane), 9 months 22/1/46 Hemotapua Hoera Paratene Moana (Joyce Mona Butler) Motuwhara (9 marama) me (and) Eric Wills. 18/455 Aniwaniwa-o-Rongomai '. Male (taane), 11 years 5/4/46 Atiria te Whiti .. .. Ngatuhituhi te Whiti. ' (11 tau) 18/438 Te Puawaitanga Taunga- Female (wahine), 9 years 14/2/46 Te Aroha Taungakore .. Te Hura Taungakore me kore (9 tau) (and) Mere Taungakore. 18/440 Turanganui Meihana Kohatu Male (taane), 3 years (3 tau) 26/2/46 Kohatu te Rewha me (and) Maringa Kohatu me (and) Taina Kohatu Rangi Wi Paki. 924 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46

Notice of Adoption8 under Part IX of the Native Land Act,1931 Retailers' Prices 6. The maximum price that may be charged or received by any Tokerau Native Land Court Office, retailer for any essence of coffee and chicory to which this Order Auckland, 19th June, 1946. applies shall be determined as follows :- T is hereby notified that the orders of adoption as set out in the I Schedule hereunder have been made by the Native Land (a) When sold by a retailer whose premises are situate in any Court under the provisions of the Native Land Act, 1931. area within which any wholesaler normally undertakes the free delivery of goods to retailers, the maximum price J. H. ROBERTSON, Registrar. shall be- For 8t oz. bottles 2s. 3d. each. (b) When sold by a retailer whose premises are situate elsewhere, Whakaatu tangohanga Tamaiti Whangai i raro 0 Wahi IX 0 te the maximum price fixed by paragraph (a) hereof may Pure Whenua Maori, 1931 be increased by a proportionate part of any freight -- " charges incurred, and where that proportionate part is -Tari Kooti Whenua Maori, Tokerau, not an exact number of pence or half-pence the price Akarana, 19 0 Hune, 1946. shall be computed to the nearest upward halfpenny. HE whakaaturanga tenei kia mohiotia ai kua hangaia e te Kooti Whenua Maori i raro i'nga tikanga 0 te Ture Whenua Maori, 1931, Special Prices where Extraordinary Oharges incurred etahi ota whakamana i te tangohanga 0 etahi tamaiti whangai, e 7. Subject to such conditions, if any, as it thinks fit, the whakaaturia nei e -te Kupu Apiti i raro nei. Tribunal, on application by the sole distributor or by any wholesa-IeJ." TE RAPIHANA, Kai-rehita. or retailer, may authorize special prices in respect of any essence of coffee and chicory to which this Order applies where for any reason extraordinary charges (freight or otherwise) are incurred by the sole distributor, or by the wholesaler or retailer. Any authority given by SCHEDULE (KUPU APITI) the Tribunal under this clause may apply with respect to a specified lot or consignment of essence of coffee and chicory or may relate N.a.ma Nga Matua Whangai Tamaiti Whangai generally to all essence of coffee and chicory to which this Order (No.). (Adopting Parents). (Adopted Child). applies sold by the sole distributor or by the wholesaler or retailer while the approval remains in force. Dated at Wellington, this 19th day of June, 1946. 248/A 'Samuel Stanley Hodgkin- Viola Ramari Brueer. The Seal of the Price Tribunal was affixed hereto in the presen-;e soli and Mary Hodgkin- of SOli (nee Smith), alias W. J. HUNTER (Judge), President. Mere Paora Heiwari [L.S.] Mete H. L. WISE, Member. 250/A Paihau Wiremu Ruka and Gwendoline Ria Shortland. Ada Ruka, alias Ira Pene Pomare 251/A Hikairo Ua and Florence Robin Paul Marsh Price Order No. 562 (Sultanas, Ourrants, and Rai8ins) Ua, alia.9 Florence Moori Keiha Herewini

URSUANT to the powers conferred on it by the Control of Price Order No. 561 (Symington's Essence of Ooffee and Ohicory) P Prices Emergency Regulations 1939,* the Price Tribunal, acting with the authority of the Minister of Industries and Commerce, doth hereby make the following Price Order:-

URSUANT to the powers conferred on it by the Control of PRELIMINARY P Prices Emergency Regulations 1939*, the Price Tribunal, 1. This Order may be cited as Price Order No. 562, and shall acting With the authority of the Minister of Industrie;; and Commerce, come into force on the 1st day of July, 1946. doth bereby make the following Price Order :- 2. (1) Price Order No. 392t is hereby revoked. (2) The revocation of the said order shall not affect the PRELIMINARY liability of any person for any offence in relation thereto committed 1. This Order may be cited as Price Order No. 561, and shall before the coming into force of this Order. come into force on the 1st day of July, 1946. 3. (1) In this Order, unless the context otherwise requires,- 2. (a) Price Order No. 57t is hereby revoked. "The said regulations" means the Control of Prices (b) The revocation of the said Order shall not affect the liability Emergency Regulations 1939*: of any person for any offence in relation thereto committed before The descriptions" I Crown ", "2 Crown ", "3 Crown ", the coming into force of this Order. and "4 Crown", in relation to sultanas, currants, and raisins im.ported into New Zealand from Australia, ApPLICATION OF THIS ORDER indicate the quality of that fruit as graded in Australia 3. This Order applies only with respect to essence of coffee and for export to New Zealand: chicory marketed under the trade name of "Symington's" and " Case-lot ", in relation to sultanas or currants, means a manufactured by or on behalf of Salmond and Spraggon, Ltd., of lot containing or reputed to contain 60 lb. of sultanas Wellington, the sole distributor to wholesalers. or 56 lb. of currants, and, in relation to raisins, means a lot containing or reputed to contain either 50 lb. in­ FIXING MAxIMUM PRICES OF ESSENCE OF COFFEE AND CHICORY TO bulk or forty-eight 12 oz. cartons or forty-six 16 oz. WHICH TillS ORDER APPLIES cartons: Sole Distributor's Price " Raisins" includes raisins of the variety known as "Laxias ". 4. (1) Subject to the following provisions of this clause, the maximum price that may be charged or received by the sole (2) Terms and expressions defined in the said regulations, when used in this Order, have the meanings severally assigned distributor for any essence of coffee and chicory to which this order thereto by those regulations. applies when sold to a wholesaler shall be- (3) The maximum prices fixed by this Order include the For 8t oz. bottles . . 18s. 5d. per dozen. prices of the cases or other containers in which any dried fruit (2) The maximum price fixed by the foregoing provisions of this to which this Order applies is delivered to the purchaser. clause is fixed subject to the same terms and conditions with respect to freight arrangements as existed between the sole distributor and ApPLICATION OF TIDS ORDER any wholesaler immediately prior to the coming into force of this 4. This Order applies with respect to the dried fruits known Order. respectivoely as sultanas, currants, and raisins. Wholesalers' P1'ices 5. The ma.ximum prices fixed by this Order apply with respect 5. The maximum price that may be charged or received by any to sales by auction as well as to other sales. wholesaler for any essence of coffee and chicory to which this Order applies when sold to a retailer shall be- FIXING MAXIMUM PRICES OF DRIED FRUITS TO wmCH TIDS ORDER For 8t oz. bottles -sold in three-dozen lots APPLIES or more 20s. 2d. per dozen, plus Wholesalers' Prices. sales tax. 6. (1) Subject to the following provisions of this clause, the For 8t oz. bottles sold in less than three­ maximum price (exclusive of sales tax) that may be oharged or dozen lots 20s. 8d. per dozen, plus received by any whQlesaler whose premises are situated in any sales tax.

* Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/275, page 1057. * Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/275, page 1057. t Gazette, 2nd October, 1941, Vol. III, page 3153. t Gazette, 19th July, 1945, Vol. II, page 931. JUNE 27] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 925 of the cities of Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, or Dunedin, (ii) If payment is made after seven days from the for any dried fruit to which this Order applies shall be computed date of the invoice but on or before the 20th day of the as follows :- month following the month in which delivery is made to the retailer, by an amount equal to 2 per cent. (a) Sultanas- s. d. thereof and the amount so calculated by a further For 1 Crown: At the rate of 69 0 per cwt. amount equal to 21- per cent. thereof; or For 2 Crown: At the rate of 71 0 For other sultanas (whether imported (iii) If payment is made after the 20th day of the from Australia or elsewhere): At month following the month in which delivery is made the rate of .. 66 0 to the retailer, by an amount equal to 2 per cent. thereof. (b) Currants- For 1 Crown: At the rate of 65 0 Retailers' Price;; ]for other currants (whether imported 7. (r) The maximum price that may be charged or received from Australia or elsewhere): by any retailer for any dried fruit to which this Order applies shall At the rate of 61 6 be determined at the rate per pound or per carton as follows:- (c) Raisin8- (i) Seeded- When sold in any Area When supplied in bulk or in within which any Wholesaler carrying on cartons (other than 12 oz. or Business in any of the 16 oz. cartons) or other con· Cities of Auckland, When sold tainers: At the rate of -- Wellington, ChristchlU'{lh, Elsewhere. 79 6 " or Dunedin normally For 12 oz. cartons: At the rate of 8 3 per dozen. undertakes the Free Forl6 oz. cartons: At the.rate of 10 2 Delivery of GOOUfl to Retailers. (ii) Unseeded- When supplied in bulk or in cartons or other containers- For 1 Crown: At the rate of 60 6 per cwt. S1.lltanas- s. d. s. d. For 2 Crown: At the rate of 63 0 1 Crown .. .. OIl per lb. o IIi per lb. For 3 Crown: At the rate of 65 0 2 Crown " .. o lIt 1 0 Others " " For 4 Crown: At the rate of 68 0 .. .. o lOt " OIl For any other un seeded raisins Ourrant8- " (whether imported from Aus· 1 Crown .. .. o 10! 011 Others 10 " " tralia or elsewhere): At the .. .. o " o lOt rate of 57 ,6 Rai8ins- " (a) Seeded- (2) Subject to the following provisions of this clause, _the When sold in bulk 1 ot ." 1 1 maximum price (exclusive of sales tax) that may be charged or or in containers " received by any other wholesalers for any dried fruit to which other than 12 oz. this Order applies shall be the appropriate price' fixed by or 16 oz. cartons subclause (1) of this clause, increased as follows :- 12 oz. cartons .. 1 0 each 1 0i each. 16 oz. cartons .. 1 2t 1 3 (b) Unseeded- " " For RaillinlS in Bulk or in When sold in bulk other than For Raisins in or in cartons or 12 oz. or 16 oz. 12 oz. or 16 oz. other containers- Cartons, and Cartons. Where the Wholesaler's Premises are for Sultanas 1 Crown .. .. o 10 per lb. o lOi per lb. situate at and Currants. 2 Crown .. .. L o lOt OIl 3 Crown .. .. J " " 4 Crown .. Increase per' I Increase per .. OIl o lIt " Hundredweight. Dozen. Others .. .. 0 " 010 9t " "

s. d. s. d. (2) If in respect of any lot of dried fruit sold by a retailer Nelson, Picton, or Invercargill 1 6 0 3 the maximum price calculated in accordance with the foregoing Blenheim, Wanganui, Masterton, or 2 0 0 3 provisions of this clause is not an exact number of pence or half· Oamaru pence, the maximum price of the lot shall be computed to the Napier, Hastings, Palmerston North, 2 6 0 4 nearest upward halfpenny. Timaru, Westport, Greymouth, or Hamilton Whangarei, Gisborne, Wairoa, New 3 0 0 5 Spet;,ial Prices w'Mre Extraordi1~ary Oharges incurred Plymouth, Dannevirke, or Hokitika Hawera 3 6 0 6 8. Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing provisions of Elsewhere 2 6 0 4 this Order and subject to such conditions, if any, as it thinks fit, the Tribunal, on application by any wholesaler or retailer, may authorize special maximum retail prices in respect of any dried fruit (3) Where anyone delivery by a wholesaler to a retailer of to which this Order applies where for any reason extraordinary any dried fruit to which this Order applies- charges (freight or otherwise) are incurred by the wholesaler or retailer. Any authority given by the Tribunal under this cIa·use (a) Comprises less than 10 case-lots, the maximum price fixed may apply with respect to a specified lot or consignment of dried by subclause (1) or subclause (2) hereof (whichever is fruit or may relate generally to all dried fruit to which this Order applicable) shall, if payment is made on or before the applies sold by the wholesaler or retailer while the approval remains 20th day of the month following the month in which in forc-e. delivery is made to the retailer, be reduced by an amount equal to 2t per cent. thereof: DUTY IMPOSED ON R.ETAILERS (b) Comprises 10 or more but fewer than 200 case· lots, the 9. Every retailer who offers or exposes any dried fruit to which maximum price fixed by subclause (1) or subclause (2) this Order applies for sale in any shop shall keep in a prominent hereof (whichever is applicable) shall be reduced as position in such proximity to the dried fruit to which it relates follows :- as to be obviously descriptive thereof a ticket,. placard, or label on which shall be stated in legible and prominent characters the (i) If payment is made on or before the 20th day following particulars:- of the month following the month in which delivery is made to the retailer by an amount equal to 2 per (a) The retail price per pound, in the case of bulk dried fruit: cent. thereof ann. the amount so calculated by a further (b) The retail price and the net weight, in the case of dried amount equal to 2t per cent. thereof; or fruit packed in cartons or other containers: (ii) If payment is made after the 20th day of the (c) In the case of sultanas, currants, and bulk unseeded raisins month following the month in which delivery is made imported from Australia, the description" 1 Crown", to the retailer, by an amount equal to 2 per cent. " 2 Crown ", "3 Crown ", or "4 Crown" (whichever is thereof: applicable) . (c) Comprises 200 or more case.lots, the maximum price fixed Dated at 'Vellington, this 18th day of June, 1946. by subclause (1) or subclause (2) hereof (whichever is applicable) shall be ;reduced as follows:- The Seal of the Price Tribunal was affixed hereto in the presence of- (i) If payment is made within seven days from the date of the invoice, by an a.mount equal to 6 per cent. [L.S.] W. J. HUNTER (Judge), President. thereof; or H. L. WISE Member. 926 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46 /

P1'ice Order No. 563 (Amending Price Order No. 307) (Jams manufactured by S. Kirkpatrick and 00., Ltd., or Thompson and Hills, Ltd.)

URSUANT to the powers conferred on. it by the Control of Prices Emergency Regulations 1939,* the Price Tribunal, acting with the P. authority of the Minister of Industries and Commerce, doth hereby make the following amending Price Order :- 1. This Order may be cited as Price Order No. 563, and shall be read together with and deemed part of Price Order No. 307t (hereinafter referred to as the principal Order). 2. This Order shall come into force on the 1st day of July, 1946. 3. The Schedule to the principal Order, as substituted by Price Order No. 360t, is hereby amended by inserting after the variety " Blackberry and apple ", and under the appropriate headings, the variety and prices set out in the Schedule hereto.

SCHEDULE -----_. ------Manufacturers' and Wholesalers' Prices. Retailers' Prices.

Net Weight I,oose, Variety. ofany Bulk, or in 14 oz., 28 oz., 6'l'!, 10's, other 14 oz., 28 oz., 6's, 10's, any other per Dozen. per Dozen. per Dozen. per D?zen. Packing, Each. Each. Each. Each. Packing, per Pound. per Pound.

s. d. s. d. I s. d. s. d. s. d. I s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Blackberry and peach 16 6 49 6 82 6 o 8 1 ot 1 II 5 9 9 7 o llt I Dated at Wellington, this 25th day of June, 1946. The Seal of the Price Tribunal was affixed hereto in the presence of- W. J. HUNTER (Judge), President. [L.S.] H. L. WISE, Member. * Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/275, page 1057. t Gazette, 1st February, 1945, Vol. I, page 99. :j: Gazette, 3rd May, 1945, Vol. II, page 467.

Price Order No. 564 (Amending Price Order No. 308) (Jams manufactured by Irvine and Stevenson's St. George 00., Ltd.)

URSUANT to the powers conferred on it by the Control of Prices Emergency Regulations 1939,* the Price Tribunal, acting with the P authority of the Minister of Industries and Commerce, doth hereby make the following amending Price Order :- 1. This Order may be cited as Price Order No. 564, and shall be read together with and deemed part of Price Order No. 308t (hereinafter referred to as the principal Order). 2. This Order shall come into force on the 1st day of July, 1946. 3. The Schedule to the principal Order, as substituted by Price Order No. 361t, is hereby amended by inserting after the variety " Blackberry and apple ", and under the a:ppropriate headings, the variety and prices set out in the Schedule hereto.

SCHEDULE --- -.-----~.-- Manufacturer's and Wholesalers' Prices. I Retailers' Prices. Variety. Net Loose, 14 oz., 28 oz., 10's Weight of Bulk,ori Il , 6's, any other 14 oz., 28 oz., 6's, 10's, any other per Dozen. per Dozen. per Dozen. per Do~en. Packing, Each. Each. Each. Each. Packing, per Pound. per Pound

s. d. I s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Blackberry and peach .. I '8 ~ 1:6 ~ 1:9 ~ 1;2 '~ I '0 t 1 ot 1 II 5 9 9 7 o llt

Dated at Wellington, this 25th day of June, 1946. The Seal of the Price Tribunal was affixed hereto in the presence of­ W. J. HUNTER (Judge), President. [L.S.] H. L. WISE, Member. * Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/275, page 1057. t Gazette, 1st February, 1945, Vol. I, page 100. :j: Gazette, 3rd May, 1945, Vol. II, page 467.

Price Order No. 565 (Amending Price Order No. 309) (Jams manufactured by Whittome, Stevenson, and 00., Ltd.)

URSUANT to the powers conferred on it by the Control of Prices Emergency Regulations 1939,* the Price Tribunai, acting with the P authority of the Minister of Industries and Commerce, doth hereby make the following amending Price Order :- . 1. This Order may be cited as Price Order No. 565, and shall be read together with and deemed part of Price Order No. 309t (hereinafter referred to as the principal Order). 2. This Order shall come into force on the 1st day of July, 1946. 3. The Schedule to the principal Order, as substituted by Price Order No. 362t, is hereby amended by inserting after the variety " Blackberry and apple" and under the appropriate headings the variety and prices set out in the Schedule hereto.


----.--.-.-~ .. Manufacturer's and Wholesalers' Prices. Retailers' Prices. I , Variety. Net Loose, 28 oz., 6's, 10's, Weight of 14 oz., 28 oz., o's, Bulk, or i n 14 oz., any other 10's, any other per Dozen. per Dozen. per Dozen. per Dozen. Packing, Each. Each. Each. Each. Packing, per Pound. I per Pound.

s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. I S. d. I s. d. I s. d.s. d. I Blackberry and peach 8 9, 16 6 49 6 82 6 . 0 8 1 ot 1 II 5 9 9 7 o llt

I I ------~------~------~------~---- Dated at Wellington, this 25th day" of June, 1946. The Seal of the Price Tribunal was affixed hereto in the presence of- [L.S.] W. J. HUNTER (Judge), President. H. L. WISE, Member. * Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/275, page 1057. t Gazette, 1st February, 1945, Vol. I, page 102. :j: Gazette, 3rd May, 1945, Vol. II, page 468. JUNE 27] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 927

Price Order No. 566 (Amending Price Order No. 310 ) (Jams manufactured by Central Otcl{Jo Fruit Co., Ltd.)

URSUANT to the powers conferred on it by the Control of Prices Emergency Regulations 1939,* the Price Tribunal, acting with the P authority of the Minister of Industries and Commerce, doth hereby make the following ~mending Price Order :- 1. This Order may be cited as Price Order No. 566, and shall be read together with and deemed part of Price Order No. 310t (hereinafter referred to as the prinCipal Order). 2. This Order shall come into force on the 1st day of July, 1946. 3. The Schedule to the principal Order, as substituted by Price Order No. 364t is hereby amended by inserting after the variety " Blackberry and apple ", and under the appropriate headings, the variety and prices set out in the Schedule hereto.


Manufacturer's and Wholesalers' Prices. Retailers' Prices.

Variety. Net Laose, Weight of Bulk, or in 14 oz., 28 oz., 6's, 10's, any other 14 oz., 28 oz., 6'11, 10's, any other (er Dozen. per Dozen. per Dozen. per Dozen. Packing, Each. Each. Each. Each. Packing, per Pound. perPound.


s. d. s. d. s. d. S. d. I s. d. I s. d. I s. d. I s. d. s. d. s. d. Blackberry and peach .. 8 9 16 6 49 6 82 6 I o 8 1 01 I II 5 9 9 7 o III I Dated at Wellington, this 25th day of June, 1946. The Seal of the Price Tribunal was affixed hereto in the presence of- W. J. HUNTER (Judge), President. [L.S.] H. L. WISE, Member. * Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/275, page 1057. t Gazette, 1st February, 1945, Vol. I, page 104. t Gazette, 3rd May, 1945, Vol. II, page 469.

Price Order No. 567 (Amending Price Order No. 311) ( Jams manufactured by J. Wattie Canneries, Ltd.)

URSUANT to the powers conferred on it by the Control of Prices Emergency Regulations 1939,* the Price Tribunal, acting with the P authority of the Minister of Industries and Commerce, doth hereby make the following amending Price Order:- I. This Order may be cited as Price Order No. 567, and shall be read together with and deemed part of Price Order No. 311 t (hereinafter referred to as the principal Order). 2. This Order shall come into force on the 1st day of July, 1946. 3. The Schedule to the principal Order, as substituted by Price Order No. 363t, is hereby amended by inserting after the variety " Blackberry and apple ", and under the appropriate headings, the variety and prices set out in the Schedule hereto.


Manufacturer's and Wholetlulers' Prices. . Retailers' Prices.

I Variety. Net Weight of any other 14 oz., 6's, Bulk, or in 14 oz., 28 oz., 6'5, 10's, 28 oz., 10's, Iany Loo~, other per Dozen. per Dozen. per Dozen. per Dozen. Packing, Each. Each. Each. Each. Packing, per Pound. per Pound. i

s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Blackberry and peach 8 9 16 6 49 6 82 6 o 8 I 01 I II 5 9 9 7 o III ··1 De,ted at Wellington, this 25th day of June, 1946. The Seal of the Price Tribunal was affixed hereto in the presence of- W. J. HUNTER (Judge), President. [L.S.] H. L. WISE, Member. * Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/275, page 1057. t Gazette, 1st February, 19,15, Vol. I, page 105. t Gazette, 3rd May, 1945, Vol. II, page 469.

Price Order No. 568 (Amending Price Order No. 31'l) (Apples and Pears)

URSUANT to the powers conferred on it by the Control of Prices Emergency Regulations 1939,* the Price Tribunal, acting with tho P authority of the :Minister of Industries and CClmmerce, doth hereby make the following amending Price Order :- 1. This Order may be cited as Price Order No. 568, and shall be read together with and deemed part of Price Order No. 317t (hereinafter referred to as the principal Order). 2. This Order shall come into force on the 1st day of July, 1946. 3. The First and Second Schedules to the principal Order, as set out in Price Order No. 555t, are hereby revoked, and the following Schedules substituted therefor respectively :- FIRST SCHEDULE MAXIMUM WHOLESALE PRICES OF ApPLES TO WHICH THIS ORDER APPLIES

Maximum Wholesale Prices (exclusive of Cost of Case).

Variety. Count. Fancy Grade. Commercial Grade. Minimum Grade. ------Per Bushel Catle. Per Bushel Calle. Per Bushel Caiie. --_. Dessert s. d. s. d. s. d. Sturmer and Dougherty ...... 100 and larger .. . . 6 9 6 9 4 6 113/125 ...... 6 9 I 6 9 4 6 138/150 ...... 6 6 6 6 4 6 163/198 ...... 5 6 5 6 4 0 216 and smaller .. .. 4 6 I 4 6 4 0 I I Delicious, Granny Smith, and other dessert .. 100 and larger .. .. 8 6 j 8 0 5 6 1I3/125 ...... 9 6 9 0 5 6 138/150 ...... 9 6 9 0 5 6 163/198 ...... 9 6 9 0 5 6 216 and smaller .. .. I 8 6 8 0 4 6 Cookers Ballarat, Lord Wolseley, and other cookers .. 100 and larger .. .. 6 9 6 9 4 1) II3/125 ...... 6 9 I 6 9 4 9 138/150 ...... 6 9 6 9 4 \) 163/198 ...... 6 9 6 9 4 (j 216 and smaller .. .. 4 9 4 9 4 0 : * Statutory Regulations 1939, Seri&l number 1939/275, page 1057. t Gazette, 15th February, 1945, Vol. I, page 162. :I: Gazette, 13th June, 1946, Vol. II, page 822. E 928 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46

SECOND SCHEDULE MAXIMUM WHOLESALE PRICES OF PEARS TO WHICH THIS ORDER APPLIES Maximum Wholesale Prices (exclusive of Cost of Case). I Variety. Count. i Fancy Grade. ICommore!aJ Gmd •• Minimum Grade. I Per Bushel Case. Per Bushel Case. Per Bushel Case. s. d. s. d. s. d. Winter Cole, Winter Nelis, P. Barry, and All counts ...... 14 6 14 6 13 (j Josephine

Dated at Wellington, this 25th day of June, 1946. The Seal of the Price Tribunal was affixed hereto in the presence of- W. J. HUNTER (Judge), President. [L.S.] H. L. WISE, Member.

Price Order No. 569 (A mending Price Order No. 497 ) (Main Orop Price Order No. 570 (Baking-powder manufactured by Potatoes) T. J. Edmonds, Ltd.)

URSUANT to the powers conferred on it by the Control of URSUANT to the powers conferred on it by the Control of P Prices Emergency R~gulations 1939,* the Price Tribunal, P Prices- Emergency Regulations 1939,* the Price Tribunal, . acting with the authority of the Minister of Industries and Commerce, acting with the authority of the Minister of Industries and Commerce, doth hereby make the following amending Price Order :- doth hereby make the following Price Order :- 1. This Order may be cited as Price Order No. 569, and shall be read together with and deemed part of Price Order No. 497t PRELIl\UNARY (hereinafter referred to as the principal Order). 1. This Order may be cited as Price Order No. 570, and shall 2. This Order shall come into force on the 1st day of July, 1946. come into force on the 1st day of July, 1946. ApPLICATION OF THIS ORDER 2. (I) Price Order No. 24t is hereby revoked. (2) The revocation of the said Order shall not affect the 3. (I) This Order applies with respect to all potatoes which, liability of any person for any offence in relation thereto committed being subject to the principal Order, are sold by a grower for delivery before the coming into force of this Order. at any time after the commencement of this Order and on or before the 30th day of November, 1946. ApPLICATION OF THIS ORDER (2) For the purposes of this Order no potatoes sold on the basis of f.o.b.s.i. or f.o.r.s.i. shall be deemed to be delivered to the 3. This Order ~pplies only with respect to baking and cake purchaser after the commencement of this Order if- powders manufactured by T. J. Edmonds, Ltd., and marketed under (a) In the case of sales f.o.b.s.i. the vessel on which the the trade name of " Acto " or " Sure to Rise." potatoes are laden leaves the port of shipment at any time before midnight on the 30th day of June, 1946; or FIXING MAXIMUM PRICES OF BAKING AND CAKE POWDERS TO (b) In the case of sales f.o.r.s.i. the trucks on which the WHICH THIS ORDER APPLIES potatoes are laden leave the grower's station at any JJ{amtfacturer's Prices time before midnight of the said date. ~. (I) Subject to the following provisions of this clause, the (3) Except as provided in the last preceding subclause, potatoes maXImum price that may be. charged or received by the manu­ sold f.o.b.s.i. or f.o.r.s.i. shall be deemed to be delivered to the facturer for any baking or cake powders to which this Order applies purchaser after the commencement of this Order notwithstanding when sold to a wholesaler shall be- that they may have been actually laden on board any vessel or trucks before the commencement of this Order. " Acto." " Sure to Rise." MODIFICATION OF PRINCIPAL ORDER WITH RESPECT TO POTATOES Per Dozen. I Per Dozen. THAT ARE SUBJECT TO THIS ORDER 4. (I) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the s. d. s .. d. principal Order the maximum price that may be charged by any For 5 lb. tins 71 0 156 0 grower for any potatoes to which this Order applies shall be For 14 oz. tins 13 9 29 0 determined in accordance with the following scale, namely:- For 4 oz. tins 5 0 II 0 (a) For Sutton's Supreme or King Edward potatoes grown in the South Island and sold for delivery- Maximum Price per Ton f.o.b.s.i. (2) The maximum prices fixed by the foregoing provisions of a Port in the South Island. this clause shall be reduced by a trade discount of 10 per cent. (f.a.q.). (Under-grade). thereof with respect to " Acto" baking and cake powders or 7t per From 1st July, to 31st July, 1946 £ s. d. £ s. d. cent. thereof with respect to "Sure to Rise" baking and· cake (both days inclusive) 8 15 0 7 15 0 powders, and in each case the price so calculated shall be further From August, 1946, to November, 1946: Pending the· issue reduced by a discount of2t per cent. thereof where payment is of an amending Price Order, and subject to the provisions made on or before the 20th day of the month following the month of any such Order, the prices as at 31st July, 1946, shall in which the sale is made to the wholesaler. also apply with respect to potatoes sold for delivery in the (3) The maximum prices fixed by the foregoing provisions of months of August to November. this clause are fixed as for delivery (whether made to a wholesaler (b) For any other variety of potatoes grown in the South or to any person on behalf of a wholesaler) by the consignor on the Island and sold for delivery- same terms and conditions as to payment of charges on accou,nt of Maximum Price per Ton f.o.b.s.i. sea freight, marine insurance, landing, cartage, and rail freight as a Port in the South Island. existed between, manufacturer and wholesaler with respect to (f.a.q.). (Under-grade). " Acto" baking and cake powders prior to the coming into force From 1st July to 31st July, 1946 £ s. d. £ s. d. of this Order. (both days inclusive) . . 8 5 0 7 5 0 From August, 1946, to November, 1946: Pending the issue of Wholesalers' Prices an amending Price Order, and subject to the provisions of any such Order, the prices as at 31st July, 1946, shall also 5. (1) Subject to the following provisions of this clause, the a.pply with respect to potatoes sold for delivery in the maximum price that may be charged or received by any wholesaler for any baking or cake powders to which this Order applies shall months of August to November. be-- . (c) For potatoes (other than" tagged" potatoes) grown in the North Island and sold for delivery- l\Iaximulll Price per Ton f.o.r.s.i. " Acto." "Sure to Rise." the Grower's Station. Per Dozen. Pel' Dozen. (f.a.q.). (Under-grade). I From 1st July to 31st July, 1946 £ s. d. £ s. d. (both days inclusive) " 10 10 0 9 10 0 s. d. s. d. For 5 lb. tins 71 0 156 0 From August, 1946, to November, 1946: Pending the issue of For 14 oz. tins an amending Price Order, and subject to the provisions 13 9 29 0 For 4 oz. tins 5 0 of any such .Order, the prices as at 31st JUly, 1946, shall II 0 also apply WIth respect to potatoes sold for delivery in the months of August to November. (2) The maximum prices fixed by the foregoing provisions of (2) With respect to" tagged" potatoes the maximum price that this clause are fixed subject to the same quantity stipulations, terms, may be charged by the grower shall be the price fixed in accordance and conditions with respect to cash and quantity discounts and with with paragraph (c) of the last preceding subclause for f.a.g. respect to payment of charges on account of sea freight, marine potatoes, but may exceed such price by an amount not exceeding insurance, landing, cartage, and rail freight as existed between lOs. a ton in any case. wholesaler and retailer with respect to "Acto" baking and cake Dated at Wellington, this 25th day of June, 1946. powders prior to the coming into force of this Order, except that the The Seal of the Price Tribunal was affixed hereto in the quantity discount on "Sure to Rise" baking and cake powders presence of- shall be 31 per cent. (3) The provisions of subclause (2) of this clause shall apply [L.S.] W. J. HUNTER (Judge), President. with respect to assorted lots as well as to other lots. H. L. WISE, Member. * Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/275 page 1,Q57 Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/275, page l05'l. 28th 1946, I, 284. '. . '. * t (l«r;ettea February, Vol. page t Stp,tutory Regulations 1941~ Serial number 1941/4Q, page 184. JUNE 27J THE NEW ZEALAND G-AZETTE

Retailers' Prices Public Trust Office.-Alteration and Reconstitution of Local Districts 6. The maximum price that may be charged or received by any retailer for any baking or cake powders to which this Order HEREAS by section 2 of the Public Trust Office Amendment applies shall be determined as follows ;- W Act, 1921-22, it is enacted that the Public Trustee may, by notice in the Gazette, from time to time establish and define, abolish, When sold by a Retailer whose alter, and reconstitllte local districts for the purposes of the said Premises are situate When sold by a Act: in any Area within Retailer whose And whereas, in pursuance of the said power, notices establish­ which any Wholesaler Premises are Situate normally undertakes Elsewhere. ing, defining, and altering or reconstituting the local districts to the Free Delivery of be controlled by the respective District Public Trustees at Gisborne, Goods to Retailers. Hamilton, and Te Aroha were published in the· New Zealand Gazette of the 13th day of April, 1922, the 19th day of November, 1925, "Sure to "Sure to the 11th day of September, 1930, the 4th day of December, 1930, " Acto." Rise." " Acto." Rise." the 15th day of February, 1934, and the 13th day of November Each. Each. Each. . Each. 1941 ; I And whereas it has become expedient to establish a new local district to be known as the Tauranga District, to consist of s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. part of the lands formerly included in the said local districts of For 5 lb. tins .. 7 6 16 0 7 8 16 2 Gisborne, Hamilton, and Te Aroha : For 14 oz. tins .. 1 5! 3 0 1 6 3 °i Now, therefore, in pursuance and in exercise· of the powers For 4 oz. tins .. 0 6i 1 2 0 7 1 2i conferred on me by the said section 2, I, William George Baird, the Public Trustee of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby alter, reconstitute, and define the said local districts of Gisborne, Spe~ial Prices where Extraordinary Oharges incurred Hamilton, and Te Aroha, and do hereby establish and define the 7. Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing provisions of this local district of Tauranga so that as from the 1st day of May, 1946, Order and subject to such conditions, if any, as it thinks fit, the the lands included in the said respective local districts shall be Tribunal, on application by the manufacturer, or by any wholesaler as set out hereunder ;- . or retailer, may authorize special maximum prices in respect of any baking or cake powders to which this Order applies where for any LOCAL DISTRICT OF GISBORNE reason extraordinary charges (freight or otherwise) are incurred by The Borough of Gisborne, the whole of the counties of Waipu, the manufacturer or by the wholesaler or retailer. Any authority Matakaoa, Uawa, Waikohu, and Cook, and that portion of the given by the Tribunal under this clause may apply with respect to a County of Wairoa north and east of the Ruakituri River from where specified lot or consignment of baking or cake powders or may relate it crosses the Wairoa-Waikohu County boundary to its junction with generally to all baking or cake powders to which this Order applies the Hangaroa River, and north and west of the Hangaroa River sold by the manufacturer, or by the wholesaler or retailer, while the from its junction with the Ruakituri River to where it crosses the approval remains in force. Cook County boundary. Dated at Wellington, this 25th day of June, 1946. LOCAL DISTRICT OF HAMILTON The Seal of the Price Tribunal was affixed hereto in the presence of- The City of Hamilton, the boroughs of Cambridge, Huntly, W. J. HUNTER (Judge), President. Matamata, Morrinsville, Ngaruawahia, Rotorua, Taumarunui, Te [L.S.] H. L. WISE, Member. Awamutu, and Te Kuiti, the town districts of Leamington, Manunui, Ohura, Otorohanga, and Putaruru, the whole of the counties of Kaitieke, Ohura, Kawhia, Waipa, Matamata, Rotorua, Otorohanga, Notice of Intention to exercise Powers in 1'espect of Unclaimed Property and Taumarunui, the County of Waitomo. (excluding that area situated in the south-western portion thereof and comprising the In the matter of the Public Trust Office Act, 1908, and its whole of the Awakino and Awakino North Survey Districts, amendments; Blocks IX, XIII, XIIIA, XIV, XIVA, and XV, Awakino East HE"REAS Percival James Halcroft, formerly of Christchurch, Survey District, and also comprising those portions of Blocks IX W Labourer, is the owner of the real and personal property set and X, Whareorino Survey District, bounded by a line commencing out in the Schedule hereto; And whereas it is not known where at the mouth of the Waikawau River and proceeding generally the said Percival James Halcroft is or whether he is alive or dead: easterly first along the said river to the northern boundary of And whereas the exercise of the powers set out in section 87 of the Kinohaku West E Section. ID 2A, and thence along the northern Pablic Trust Office Act, 1908, as amended by section 21 of the boundaries of the said Section ID 2A and Sections 1D 2B 2, ID 2B 1, Finance Act (No.2), 1936, is advisable in the interests of the said and part of IE to the western boundary of Section 5; thence southerly Percival James Halcroft: And whereas the value of such real and along the western boundaries of the said Section 5 and Section 7 ; personal property does not exceed £1,000: And whereas the Public thence easterly and southerly along the northern and eastern 'rrust Office Board has consented to the . exercise by the Public boundary of Section lc 2, Kinohaku West E; thence westerly Trustee of such powers as aforesaid: Now, therefore, the Public along the southern boundaries of the said Blocks IX and X, Whareo­ Trustee of the Dominion of New Zealand doth hereby declare his rino Survey District; and thence northerly along the western intentiol}. to exercise in respect of such real and personal property boundary of the said Block IX to the point of commencement at and of all other property of the said Percival James Halcroft all the the mouth of the Waikawau River); those portions of the counties powers set forth in section 87 of the Public Trust Office Act, 1908, of Waikato and Raglan south of a line drawn from the mouth of as amended by section 21 of the Finance Act (No.2), 1936. the Kawa Stream opposite Woodleigh, through Rangiriri and Te Kauwhata to the junction of the Te Kauwhata - Thames Road and SCHEDULE the Morrinsville (Tahuna) - Auckland Road; that portion of the County of Piako south of a line drawn from the south-eastern corner (a) All that piece of land containing 30 perches, more or less, of that county through Waitoa to the north-western corner of the situated in the Linwood Ward, City of Christchurch, being Lots 112 said county; also that portion of the County of Taupo north of a and 119 on Deposited Plan No. 27, being part of Rural Section line extending from the junction of the counties of Whakatane, No. 48, and being the whole of the land comprised and described Wairoa, and Taupo in a south-westerly direction to the Tauranga­ in certificate of title, Vol. 219, folio 21 (Christchurch Registry). Taupo River, and thence along that river to its mouth. (b) Moneys held by Mr. A. L. Jones, Land-agent, Christchurch, on behalf of the said Percival James Halcroft, being rentals collected in respect of the said real property, and amounting at the date of LOCAL DISTRICT OF TE ARoHA this notice to approximately £65. The boroughs of Te Aroha, Paeroa, Thames, and Waihi, the Dated at Wellington, this 18th day of June, 1946. whole of the counties of Coromandel, Thames, Ohinemuri, and W. G. BAIRD, Public Trustee. Hauraki Plains, that portion of the County of Piako north of a line drawn from the south-eastern corner of the said county through Waitoa to the north-western corner of the said county; also that Unclaimed Lands.-Notice by the P~lblic Tru.stee under the Public portion of the County of Tauranga bounded by a line commencing Trust Office Act, 1908 (Part II), and its Amendments at the mouth of the Tahawai Stream and following the coast-line to the northern boundary of the said county; thence along the To the owner of the following land, that is to say: All that parcel boundary to the Te Aro_ha Reserve· Trig. Station, and thence in of land containing 30 acres, more or less, being Allotment 162 an easterly direction along the northern boundaries of Blocks VII, of the Parish of Te Papa. Block I, Otanewainuku Survey VIII, and IX of the Katikati Survey District to the point of District, and being the balance of the land comprised in commencement. certificate of title, Vol. 24, folio 38, of the Register-book at Auckland, the registered proprietor of which is George Lloyd, LOCAL DISTRICT OF TAURANGA of Tauranga, Settler. The boroughs of Tauranga, Mount Maunganui, Opotiki, Te HEREAS, a.fter due inquiry, the owner of the above-described Puke, and Whakatane, the whole of the counties of Whakatane and W land cannot be found; And whereas the said owner has Opotiki, and the County of Tauranga, excluding that area bounded no known agent in New Zealand; by a line commencing at the mouth of the Tahawai Stream and Now, the Public Trustee hereby calls upon such owner, within following the coast-line to the northern boundary of the said county; six months of the date of the publication of this notice in this thence along the boundary to the Te Aroha Reserve Trig. Station, Gazette, to establish to the satisfaction of the Public Trustee his and thence in an easterly direction along the northern boundaries title to the said land, and if he fails or neglects so to do the Public of Blocks VII, VIII, and IX of the Katikati Survey District to Trustee will exercise as regards the said land the powers and autho­ the point of commencement. rities granted to him in and by the Public Trust Office Act, 1908 Given under the hand and Seal of the Public Trustee, this (Part II), and its amendments. 18th day of June, 1946. Dated this 19th day of June, 1946. W. G. BAIRD, Public Trustee. [L.S.] 'W. G. BAIRD, Public Trustee. 930 THE, NEW ZEALA.ND GAZETTE "[No.'.46-

Public Trust Office Act, .1908, and its Amendment8.-Election to admini8ter Estates

OTICE is hereby given that the Public Trustee has filed in the Supreme Court an election to administer in respect of the several N estates of the persons deceased whose names, residences, and occupations (so far as known) are hereunder set forth :-

Date Election Testate or Stamp Office No·1 Name. Occupation. Residence. Date I I Iof Death. I filed. Intestate. concerned. I Allen, Harriet Jane .. .. Widow .. .. Nelson . . .. 9/7/44 7/6/45 Intestate Nelson. 2 Barron, Charles James .. Farmer .. . . Wairau Valley .. 22/9/45 7/6/45 Testate Blenheim. 3 Cobb, Edward Richard .. Porter .. . . Nelson (formerly 13/5/46 7/6/45 Nelson . Blenheim) " 4 Cunningham, Mary Jane .. Married woman .. Oamaru .. .. 13/4/46 7/6/45 Dunedin . 5 Dundas, Theresa .. .. Widow .. . . Cambridge (formerly 20/4/46 7/6/45 " Auckland . Waihi) "

6 Gibbs, Daisy ...... Spinster " .. Dunedin .. .. 16/5/46 7/6/45 Dunedin . 7 Glover, Mary Jane .. .. Married woman . . Hawera .. 24/4/46 7/6/45 " New Plymouth . 8 Johnston, Sidney Herbert .. Timekeeper, Public Kaitawa ., .. 16/3/46 7/6/45 Int~state Napier." Works Department 9 McQuillan, Edward Joseph .. WatersideI' .. .. Wellington . . 10/4/46 7/6/45 Testate Wellington. 10 Pumphry, Elizabeth Francis .. Married woman .. Rangataua .. 3/5/46 7/6/45 II Rhodes, Annie Lily " " .. .. " .. Levin (formerly 14/4/46 7/6/45 Collingwood) " "

12 Robertson, Thomas McKenzie Painter .. " Auckland .. 25/10/45 7/6/45 Intestate Auckland. Robinson 13 Ross, John Donald McFadyen .. Retired storekeeper .. Auckland .. Testate 19/4/46 7/6/45 " 14 Smith, Charles Joseph Seymour .. Steel worker .. Frankton Junction II/5/46 7/6/45 15 Speakman, William Henry .. Retired baker .. Auckland . . 16/5/46 7/6/45 " " 16 Walker, Albert Frederick .. Sheet-metal worker Auckland .. 1/7/44 7/6/45 " " (airman) " " 17 Willoughby, William Robert Retired drover .. Masterton .. 7/4/46 7/4/45 Intestate Wellington. Seymour

Public Trust Office, Wellington, 10th June, 1946. W. G. BAIRD, Public Truste~'.

Public Trust o.ffice Act, 1908, and its Amendments.-Election to administer Estates

OTICE is hereby given that the Public Trustee has filed in the Supreme Court an election to administer in respect of the several N. estates of the persons deceased whose names, residences, and occupations (so far as known) are hereunder set. forth :- .1 Occupation. Residence. ' Date ElectionDate I Testate or I Stamp Office No.1 Nam,. t concerned. I of Death. I filed. Intestate. ---~------I Fairhall, Charles John Joseph .. Farmer Rapaura 4/3/39 16/4/46 Intestate Blenheim. de bonis non 2 Bloomfield, George'Thomas Retired labourer .. Wellington 13/4/46 21/6/46 Intestate Wellington. 3 Brookes, Lucy Margaret May .. Married woman .. Christchurch 17/8/42 21/6/46 Testate Hokitika. ' 4 Carroll, Annie Catherine Widow .. .. Gisborne 23/4/46 21/6/46 Gisborne. 5 Eades, Frank William Storeman .. Nelson 3/3/46 21/6/46 Nelson. 6 Ferguson, James .. Retired farm ha.nd .. New Plymouth 29/5/46 21/6/46 New Plymouth. 7 Harrison, Harold Robert Porter (formerly motor- Auckland 20/5/46 21/6/46 Auckland. driver) 8 Hill, Alice Emma .. Widow .. Christchurch .. 28/4/46 21/6/46 Christchurch. 9 Martin, James Stewart Retired postmaster .. Auckland (formerly 26/4/46 21/6/46 Auckland. Christchurch) 10 Pearcey, Elizabeth Mary Spinster Wellington .'. 30/5/45 21/6/46 Wellington. II Stalker, Grace .. Auckland .. 31/5/46 21/6/46 Auckland. 12 Teschner, Alec Wallace Cle~k (airm~~) Wellington .. 20/9/45 21/6/46 Int~state Invercargill. 13 Thomas, Andrew Joseph Miner (soldier) Howard, Murchison 28/6/42 21/6/46 'restate Wellington. 14 Todd, Alfred Ernest .. Retired farmer "j New Lynn (formerly 26/4/46 21/6/46 Auckland. Te Rehunga) . 15 Ward, Georgina Mary Domestic duties . . Havelock North .. 26/10/44 21/6/46 Napier.

Public Trust Office, Wellington, 24th June, 1946. W. G. BAIRD, Public Trustee.

Sitting of the Native Land Oourt at Wanganui on 2nd July, 1946

Native Land Court Office, Wanganui, 18th June, 1946. OTICE is hereby given that th.e application, pursuant to section 104 of the' Public Works Act, 1928, mention. ed iIi the Schedule hereto N will be heard by the Native Land Court sitting atWanganui on the 2nd July, 1946. or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will allow.


No. I Applicant. Name of La:nd. Nature of Application.

868 MiI1iste+of Works Part Awarua 20 13L Block .. To ascertain amount of compensation payable to Native owners for land taken under section 104 of the Public Works Act, 1928, for the Moawhango Native School. 869 Part Ruatangata In 40 2 Block To ascertain amount of compensation payable to the Native owners for land taken under section 104 of the Public Works Act, 1928, for the purpose of the Turakina-Okoia Railway Deviation. JUNE 27J THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 931

Sitting of the Native Land Court at Gisborne on the 9th July, 1946

Office of thlil Native Land Court, Gisborne, 12th June, 1946. OTICE is hereby given that the Native Land Court will sit at Gisborne on Tuesday, the 9th day of July, 1946, or as soon thereafter as N possible, to hear and determine the matter mentioned in the Schedule hereunder. . - R. J. THOMPSON, Registrar. [Gisborne 1946/7-5.J SCHEDULE

No. Applicant. Name of Land. Nature of Application.

711 Minister of Works Kaiti 336D 2A, 2B, 2c For assessment under section 104 of the Public Works Act, 1928, of the amount of compensation that ought to be paid to the owners of the said lands for portions thereof taken for a rifle range. .

BANKRUPTCY NOTICES VIDENCE having been furnished of the loss of certificate of E title, Vol. 321, folio 165 (Canterbury Registry), for Lot 39, In Bankruptcy.-Suprerne Court Deposited Plan 1807, part of Rural Section 1371, situate in Block X, Christchurch Survey District, whereof HENRY CHARLES ELL, RCHIBALD MACDONALD, of 587 New North Road, Kingl'­ of Christchurch, Wheelwright, is the registered proprietor, together with an application to issue a new certificate of title in lieu thereof, A land, Auckland, Traveller, was adjudged bankrupt on the 24th June, 1946. Creditors' meeting will be held at my office on I hereby give notice of my intention to issue such new certificate of Friday, the 5th July, 1946, at 10.30 a.m. title at the 'expiration of fourteen days from the date of the Gazette containing this notice. V. R. CROWHURST, Official Assignee. Dated this 18th day of June, 1946, at the Land Registry Office, 3rd Floor, Smith's Buildings, Albert Street, Auckland. Christchurch. A. L. B. ROSS, District Land Registrar.

In Ban"kruptcy.-:-Supl;eme Court VIDENCE having been furnished of the loss of the outstanding ORDON HILLMAN LANE, of 1 Raglan Street, Port Ahuriri, E duplicate of Memorandum of Lease 10676 of Lots 1 and 2, G Hairdresser, was adjudged bankrupt on the 25th June, 194ft Deposited Plan 1929, part of Lot 50 of the Christchurch Town Creditors' meeting wjll be held at the Courthouse, Napier, on Friday, Reserves, situate in the City of Christchurch, being the land 5th July, 1946, at II a.m. comprised in certificate of title, Vol. 262, folio 287 (Canterbury Registry), whereof PETROL SUPPLIES, LIMITED, having its A .•J. BENNETTS, Official Assignee. registered office at Wellington, is the registered lessee, together with an application to register a surrender of the said memorandum of lease dispensing with the production of the said outstanding dupli­ In B'1nkruptcy cate, I hereby give notice of my intention to register such surrender of lease at the expiration of fourteen days from the date of the OTICE is hereby given that the first and final dividend of Gazette containing this notice. N 4s. 10'05d. in the pound is now payable at my office on alJ Dated this 18th day of June, 1946, at the Land Regis~ry Office, proved and accepted claims in the estate of Raymond John Watts, Christchurch. . of Wellington, Buyer. A. L. B. ROSS, District Land Registrar. Dated at Wellington, this 21st day of June, 1946. F. B. JAMESON, Official Assignee. VIDENCE having been furnished of the loss of certificate of E title, Vol. 221, folio 70 (Canterbury Registry), for part of Lot 189 on Deposited Plan 2, part of Rural Section 79, situate in the City of Christchurch, whereof JAMES FLETCHER, of Christ­ LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES church, Gardener (now deceased), is the registered proprietor, together with au application to issue a new certificate of title in VIDENCE of the loss of certificate of title, Vol. 159, folio 54 lieu thereof, I hereby give notice of my intention to issue such new E (Auckland Registry), for Lot 3, Deposited Plan 4512, being certificate of title at the expiration of fourteen days from the date parts of Allotments 39, 39A, and 40A. of Section 5, Suburbs of Auck­ of the Gazette containing this notice. land, in favour of GORDON REGINALD IRELAND, of Lower Dated this 25th day of June, 1946,at the Land Registry Office, Hutt, Motor Mechanic, and SELWYN JACK IRELAND, of Auck­ Christchurch. land, Insurance-agent, having been lodged with me together with an A. L. B. ROSS, District Land Registrar. application for a new certificate oftitle in lieu thereof, notice is hereby given of my intention to issue such new certificate of title after fourteen days from 27th June, 1946. ADVERTISEMENTS . Dated this 21st day of June, 1946, at the Land Registry Office, Auckland. R. F. BAIRD, District Land Registrar. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (6) OTICE is hereby given that the name of the undermentioned VIDENCE of the loss of certificate of title, Vol. 222, folio 32 N company has been struck off the Register and the company E (Wellington Registry), for 3 acres 3 roods, more or less, dissolved :- ' situate in Block X. of the Waitohu Survey District, being part of Renshaw Syndicate, Limited. 1935/54. Pukehou 5L No. 1 Block, in the name of PETER VELLA, formerly Given under my hand at Auckland, this 20th day of June, 1946. of Otaki, Sheep-farmer, but now of Auckland, retired, having been L. G. TUCK, Assista,nt Registrar of Companies. lodged with me together with an application (K. 26162) for the issue of a provisional certificate of title in lieu thereof, notice is hereby given of my intention to issue such provisional certificate THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (6) of title after fourteen days from the date of the Gazette containing this notice. OTICE is hereby given that the names of the undermentioned Dated this 25th day of June, 1946, at the Land Registry Office, N companies have been struck off the Register and the companies Wellington. _ __ _ _ dissolved :- E. C. ADAMS, District Land Registrar. George Lawton & Son, Limited. 1944/53. Avalon Stores, Limited. 1936/189. Given under my hand at Wellington, this 25th day of June, 1946. VIDENCE of the loss of certificate of title, Vol. 122, folio 58 E (Wellington Registry), for 3 roods 29ih-ths perches, more or H. B. WALTON, Assistant Registrar of Companies. less, situate in Ballance Street and Margaret Street, in the Borough of Shannon, being part of Subdivision 2D 2 of the Manawatu­ THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (~) Kukutauaki Block, and being also parts of Lots 44 and 45 on Deposited. Plan No. 368, in t.he name of SAMUEL WILLIAM OTICE is hereby -given that at the expiration of three monthfl CARTER, of Shannon, Farmer, having been lodged with me N from the date hereofthe name of the undermentioned company together with an application (K. 26159) for the issue of a new will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the Register certificate of title in lieu thereof, notice is hereby given of my and the company dissolved:- intention to issue such new certificate of title after fourteen days from the date of the Gazette containing this notice. Re-Nu Produces (N.Z.), Limited. 1939/13. Dated this 25th day of June, 1946, at the Land Registry Office, Given under my hand at Invercargill, this 19th day of June, Wellington. 1946. E. C. ADAMS, District Land Registrar. C. L. HARNEY, Assistant Registrar of Companies. THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46



In the matter of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1933, and the Public Works Act, 1928. OTICE is hereby given that the Whangarei Borough Council proposes, under the provisions of the above-mentioned Acts, to execute a N certain public work-namely, the widening of Station Road in the Borough of Whangarei-and for the purposes of such public work the land described in the Schedule hereto is required to be taken: And notice is hereby further given that a plan of the land so required to be taken is deposited in the public office of the Town Clerk to the said Council, situate in Bank Street, and is open for inspection (without fee) by all persons during ordinary office hours. ' All persons affected by the execution of the said public work or by the taking of such land who have any well-grounded objections to the execution of the said public work or to the taking of the said land must state their objections in writing, and send the same, within forty days from the first publication of this notice, to the Town Clerk at the Council Chambers, Bank Street. SCHEDULE

Approximate Area 1 Situated in the of Par~el of Land Description of the Land. PlanShown numbered on s.o·1 Coloured on Plan 1 required to be taken. Borough of

A. R. P. 0 o 18·8 Part Lot 1, D.P. 31425, being part Allotment 1, Whangarei Parish. 33853 Red .. .'. Whangarei. Situated in Blocks XII, Purua Survey District, and IX, Whangarei Survey District

Dated this 8th day of June, 1946. 175 . L. O. HALL, Town Clerk.



Extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Petone Borough N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in that Council held at the Borough Council Chambers on Monday, I behalf by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, the Levin Borough the 27th day of May, 1946. . Council hereby resolves as follows :- N pursuance and· exercise of the powers vested in it in that "That, for the purpose of providing the interest and other I behalf by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, the Petone charges on a special loan of two thousand two hundred and fifty Borough Council hereby resolves as follows :- pounds (£2,250), authorized to be raised by the Levin Borough " That for the purpose of providing the half-yearly instalments Council under the above-mentioned Act, for the purpose of erecting of principal and interest payable in respect of a special loan of fifteen a residence for the occupancy of the Borough Engineer, the Levin thousand pounds (£15,000), authorized to be raised by the Petone Borough Council hereby makes and levies a special rate of forty­ Borough Council under the above-mentioned Act for the purpose of- eight four-hundredths (48j400ths) of a penny in the pound upon "(1) Building a stormwater culvert and the purchase of the rateable value (on the basis of the unimproved value) of all pumping plant to deal with stormwater in the Bouveri@ rateable property in the Borough of Levin; and that such special Street and Ava Street area; rate shall be an annual-recurring rate during the currency of such "(2) Building a stormwater culvert for the purpose of loan, being a period of twenty-five (.25) years or until the loan is diverting Edmund's Creek and the erection of a gate fully paid off." valve in the Nelson Street culvert, with discharge pump H. B. BURDEKIN, Mayor. to eliminate flooding in Regent and John Streets; 176 H. L. JENKINS, Town Clerk. "(3) Building a drain to carry the Huia Street, Cuba and Jackson Streets corner flood waters; and " (4) Raising the level of Atiawa Street so as to divert flood- WANGANUI CITY COUNCIL water to proper channels, RESOLUTION MAKING AND LEVYING SPECIAL RATE the Petone Borough Council hereby makes and levies a special rate of one hundred and twenty-two four-hundredths of a penny in the N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in that behalf pound upon the rateable value (on the basis of unimproved value) I by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, the Wanganui City of all rateable property of the Borough of Petone ; and that such Council hereby resolves as follows :- special rate shall be an annua-I-recurring rate during the currency of the said loan and be payable yearly on the first day of August in " That, for the purpose of providing the half-yearly instalments each and every year during the currency of such loan, being a period of principal and interest on a "loan of £61,000,' authorized to be of twenty-five years or until the loan is fully paid off." raised by the Wanganui City Council under the above-mentioned Act, for the purpose of improvements, renewals, and extensions in Moved by his Worship the Mayor (H. Green, Esquire), seconded respect of various main sewers and outfalls in the city, the said by Councillor J. Huggan, and carried. Wanganui City Council hereby makes and levies a special rate of 173 HAROLD GREEN, Mayor. 0·609 of a penny in the pound upon the rateable value (on the basis of the unimproved value) of all rateable property of the City of Wanganui, comprising the whole of the City of Wanganui, the boundaries whereof are defined in the New Zealand Gazette of the MEDICAL REGISTRATION 12th day of August, 1926, No. 53, ?-t pages 2500 and 2501; and that such special rate shall be an annually recurring rate during the ARCHIBALD JAMES CAMPBELL, M.B., B.S. (Melb.), 1935, currency of such loan and be payable yearly on the 1st day of April I .. D.T.R.E. (Melb.), 1939, D.D.R. (Melb.), 1941, now residing in each and every year during the currency of such loan, being a in Christchurch, hereby give notice that I intend applying on the period of twenty-five (25) years from the date of the raising of the 10th July, 1946, to have my name placed on the Medical Register loan or until the loan is fully paid off." of the Dominion of New Zealand; and that I have deposited the The common seal of the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of the evidence of my qualification in the office of the Department of City of Wanganui was hereto .affixed this 21st day of June, 1946, Health at Wellington. by order ofthe Wanganui City Council by and in the presence of- Dated at Christchurch, this 10th day of June, 1946. [L.S.] W. J. ROGERS, Ml1yor. ARCHIBALD JAMES CAMPBELL. 178 C. R. WHITE, Town Clerk. Radium Department, Christchurch Hospital. 174

KING DRENCHER, LIMITED DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP IN VOLUNTARY LIQUII?ATION E, the undersigned, heretofore carrying on business in partner­ W -ship at 40 Mount Eden R,oad, Auckland, under the style or OTI. CE is' here by given, in accordance with the provisions of firm name of "The Auckland Terazzo Company," hereby give N section 232 of the Companies Act, 1933, that a general notice that the said partnership has been dissolved by mutual meeting of the company will be held at the office of the liquidator on agreement as from the 31st day of May, 1946, and that all claims Friday, the 19th day of July, 1946, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, against the said firm and all moneys due to it are to be respectively for the purpose of receiving the liquidator's final accounts and lodged with and paid to The Auckland Terrazzo Company at the report on the winding-up, and to pass a resolution as to the disposal above address. . of the books and papers of the company. The business is henceforth being carried on under the same Dated this 20th day of June, 1946. name at the same address by Mr. GIOVANNI DozzI. L. N. ROSS, Dated at Auckland, this 17th day of June, 1946. Public Accountant, Liquidator. G. DOZZI. 708-9-10 Colonial Mutual Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland. 177 L. GIACON. 179 JUNE 27] THE NEW ZEALAND'GAZETTE 933



URSUANT to section 47 of the Cemeteries Act, 1908, I, Arnold In the matter of the Counties Act, 1920, and the Public Works P Henry Nordmeyer, Minister of Health, do hereby approve Act, 1928. the by-laws made under the said section by the trustees of the OTICE is hereby given that the Coromandel County Council Aramoho Crematorium-namely, the Wanganui City Council-on N proposes, under the provisions of the above-mentioned Acts, the 14th day of May, 1946, the short title assigned to which is " The to execute a certain public work-namely, the Sandy Bay - Stony Wanganui City By-law No. 15." Bay Road-and for the purposes of such public work and severance As witne.ss my hand at Wellington, this 14th day of June, 1946. the lands described in the Schedule hereto are required to be taken: Notice is hereby further given that a plan (Survey Office 180 A. H. NORDMEYER, Minister of Health. No. 32546) of the lands so required -to be taken is deposited in the public office of the Clerk to the said Council, situate at the Council Chambers, Kapanga Road, Coromandel, and is open for inspection (without fee) by all persons during ordinary office hours. CANTERBURY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE All persons affected by the execution of the said public work or by the taking of such lands who have any well-grounded objections ELECTION OF MEMBER OF COUNCIL to the execution of the said public work or the taking of the said lands must state their objections in writing, and send the same to, OTICE is hereby given, pursuant to regulations for the conduct or lodge the same at, the office of the County Council, Kapanga N of elections of members of the Council of Canterbury Road, Coromandel, within forty days from the firs:\i publication of University College, that, in connection with an election to be held this notice-i.e., on or before the 5th day of August, 1946. on 8th July, 1946, to fill a casual vacancy caused by the death of Colonel G. -J. Smith, the following was the only nomination THE SCHEDULE received :- Jack Thomas Watts (representing Canterbury members of Approximate 1 Area of Parcels I Coloured Parliament), of Land requir­ Being portion of on Plan and that Mr. Watts has been declared duly elected for the unexpired ed to be taken. portion of Colonel Smith's term-viz., :until 30th June, 1947. C. C. KEMP, Returning Officer. A. R. p ... 4 0 35 Part Okahutai B Block Yellow. Canterbury University College, Christchurch, 20th June, 1946. o 0 13 Accretion to Okahutai B Block Sepia. 181 o 0 12·5 Part Okahutai A Block 1 1'31 Part Okahutai A Block o 2 33 Accretion to Okahutai A Block Y~ilow. BLUFF BOROUGH COUNCIL o 0 13 Land below mean high-water mark, being part Okahutai Stream-bed RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE 5·45 (Severance) part Okahutai B Block Edged yellow. ESOLVED that the Bluff Borough Council, in pursuance and R exercise of the powers vested in it by the Local Bodies' All situated in the County of Coromandel. Loans Act, 1926, on page 542 of the New Zealand Gazette No. 28, All situated in Block I, Harataunga Survey District. 2nd May, 1946, and of all other powers (if any) it thereunto enabling, Dated at Coromandel, this 21st day of June, 1946. hereby resolves as follows :- "1. That the Council do proceed to raise a loan of eighteen 183 J. H. LUCAS, County Clerk. thousand pounds (£18,000) from the State Advances Corporation of New Zealand for the purpose of building houses. "2. That the said special loan be called Housing Loan, 1946, NELSON CITY COUNCIL of £18,000. "3. That the currency of the said loan shall be for a term of NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TAKE LAND twenty (20) years. "4. That the said loan be raised by the issue of forty debentures In the matter of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1933, and in each for £601 13s. 9d., including principal and interest at three the matter of the Public Works Act, 1928. pounds (£3) per centum per annum, redeemable at intervals of six OTICE is hereby given that the Nelson City Council proposes, months. N under the provisions of the above-mentioned Acts, to execute "5. That the principal and interest in respect of the said special a certain public work-namely, the providing of additional land for loan be payable at the Bank of New Zealand, Invercargill. the purpose of the Spol'ts~ground in the City of Nelson known as "6. That the security for the said special loan be a special Trafalgar Park-and for the purposes of such public work the lands annually recurring rate of fourpence and five-eighths of a penny described in the' Schedule hereto are required to be taken: (4!d.) in the pound upon the rateable value on the basis of the And notice is hereby further given that a plan of the lands so unimproved value of all rateable property in the Borough of Bluff, required to be taken is deposited in the public office of the Town and that upon the gazetting of the resolution making such special Clerk to the said Council situate in Trafalgar Street, and is open for rate the same shall, without further act of the Conncil, be deemed inspection (without fee) by all persons during ordL'1ary office hours. to be and shall be appropriated and pledged for the purpose of All persons affected by the execution ofthe said public work or by the securing the repayment of the said loan with interest thereon (as taking of such lands who have any well-grounded objections to the aforesaid), and that the debentures aforesaid and moneys to become execution of the said public work or to the taking of the said lands due thereunder be secured upon such special rate. must state their objections in writing, and send the same, within " 7. That the common seal of the Corporation be affixed to the forty days from the first publication of this notice, to the Town said debentures, and that His Worship the Mayor and Town Clerk Clerk at the Council Chambers, Trafalgar Street, Nelson. be and are hereby authorized to sign and countersign the same respectively. _ SCHEDULE " 8. That copies of this resolution and all other resolutions, ApPROXIMATE area of parcels of. land required to be taken: orders, and documents relating to this loan, verified by the Mayor 2 roods 12 perches. and the Town Clerk as correct extracts from the minutes of pro­ Being portion of Section No. 239A, and being Lot 7 on Deposited ceedings of the Council, may from time to time be sealed with the Plan No. 93; coloured red on plan. common seal of the Council as evidence of the same and issued as Situated in the City of Nelson. may be requisite." I hereby certify that this is a true copy of the resolution passed Dated this 24th day of June, 1946. at the meeting of the Bluff Borough Council held on the 18th day of 185 F. MITCHELL, Town Clerk. May, 1946, a.t 7.30 p.m. 182 R. F. FOOTE, Town Clerk. In the Supreme Court of New Zealand, No. C. 590. Canterbury District DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP (Christchurch Registry). In the matter of the Companies Act, 1933, and in the matter OTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore sub­ of the SOUTHERN CROSS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, LIMITED N_ sisting between CECIL ALEXANDER CHIRNSIDE and DAVID Roy (in Liquidation). McLACHLAN, who carried on business as Motor-body Builders and OTICE is hereby given that a petition for the winding-up of Repairers, formcrly at No. 47 Chapman Street, Kaikorai, Dunedin, N the above-named company by the Supreme Court, or in the and latterly at No. 182 Cargill Road, Dunedin, under the name of alternative subject to the supervision of the Supreme Court, was on " Chirnside and McLachlan," has been dissolved by mutual consent the 24th day of June, 1946, presented to the said Court by from the 31st dav of Mav, 1946, the said DAVID Roy l\,IcLACHLA:~ Amalgamated Brick and Pipe Company, Limited, a company duly retiring from thc"busjnos~. incorporated under the Companies Act, 1933, having Its registered The business will in future be carried on by CECIl. ALEXANDER office at Queen's Arcade Building, Customs Street East, Auckland, CHIRNSIDE at No. 182 Cargill Road, Dunedin, under the name of and that the said petition is directed to be heard before the Court "Chirnside's Garage." sitting at Christchurch on Monday, the 29th day of July, 1946, at Dated the 19th day of June, 1946. ten o'clock in the forenoon; and any creditor or contributory of C. A. CHIR.NSIDE. the said company desirous to support or oppose- the making of an 184 D. R. McLACHLAN. order on the said petition may appear at the time of hearin~ iq ..934 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46

person or by his Counsel for that purpose; and a copy of the REPORT OF THE ECONOMIC COMMITTEE, 1932 petition will be furnished to any creditor or contributory of the said company requiring the same by the undersigned on payment of the IN PAMPHLET FORM regulated charge for the same. - A. C. PERRY, 75 pages and cover Solicitor for the Petitioner. . Price, 9d. Postage, 2d. Address for service is at the offices of Messieurs Wilding and Acland, 77 Hereford Street, Christchurch. NOTE.-Any person who intends to appear on the hearing of the said petition must serve on or send by post to the above named, CONTENTS notice in writing of his intention so to do. The notice must state PAGE the name and address and description of the person, or, if a firm, ADVER'ITSEMENTS 931 the name, address, and description of the firm, and an address for ApPOINTMENTS, ETC. 900 service within three miles of the office of the Supreme Court at Christchurch, and must be signed by the per~on or firm or his or BANKRUPTOY N OTIOES 931 their solicitor (if any), and must be served, or, if posted, must be sent by post in sufficient time to reach the above-named petitioner's DEFENOE N OTIOES 898 address for service not later than eleven o'clock in the fOIenoon on the 27th day of July, 1946. 186 LAND- Abattoir, Consenting to Additional Land being taken for the Purposes of 896 Abattoir, Additional Land taken for the Purposes of 895 STATUTORY REGULATIONS Boundaries altered . _ ...... , 896 Defence Purposes, Portion of a Public Domain set apart . for...... 895 NDER the Regulations Act, 1936, statutory regulations Permanent State Forest, Crown Land set apart as a 896 U of general legislative force are no longer published Post and Telegraph Purposes (Postmaster's Residence), in the New Zealand Gazette, but are supplied under anyone Agreement for Grant of Easement in favour of Public or more of the following anangements!- Trustee over Land to be taken for . . 902 (1) All regulations serially as issued (punched for Public Works Act: Agreement for Grant of Right-of-way filing) subscription 30s. per annum in advance. over Land ...... , . 902 (2) Annual volume· (including index) bound in buckram, Public Works Act: Notice of Intention to take Land for 25s. (Volumes for years 1940, 1941, and 1942 are Better Utilization 913 out of print.) Roads, Classification of 902 (3) Serially as issued and annual bound volume, as in Road closed 895 (1) and (2) above, on combined subscription basis, Road, Revoking a Proclamation taking Land for 895 428. per annum in advance. Servicemen's Settlement and I~and Sales Act, Notices (4) Separate regulations as issued. declaring Land taken under . . 914 (5) Loose-leaf binder for filing serial issues, lOs. Gd.;· Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, Notices of postage free. Intention to take Land under . . 914 Street, Authorizing the Laying-off of .. ..~ 897 The price of each regulation is printed thereon, facili­ Street, Portion of, exempted from the Provisions of tating the purchase of extra copies. Section 128 of the Public Works Act, 1928 897 Orders on the subscription basis should be placed now with the Government Printer, Wellington. Separate copies LAND TRANSFER AOT N OTIOES .. 931 may be purchased at the Chief Post-offices at Auckland, Christchurch, or Dunedin. . MISOELLANEOUS- Abstract of Railways· Working Account .. 923' Bobby Calf Pool Committees, Election of Members of 916 Drainage Area: Notice of making and levying Rates .. 913 THE NE\V ZEALAND GAZETTE Electoral Amendment Act: Boundaries of Electoral and Licensing Districts defined (Gazette No. 15) .. 863 UBSCRIPTIONS.-The subscription is at the rate of Essential Industries and Undertakings, Revocation of ., 918 S £3 3s. per annum, including postage, PAYABLE IN Governor-General, Appointments to the Staff of the 900 ADVANCE. Governor-General's Speech (Gazette No. 44) 855 Single copies of the Gazette as follows:- Industrial Efficiency Act, Notice to Persons affected by Ordinary Weekly Gazette: For the first 32 pages, 9d., Applications for Licenses under. . ., 919 increasing by 3d. for every subsequent 16 pages or Lemon Marketing Regulations: Notice fixing Prices of part thereof; postage, ld. certain Grades . . . . 915 Supplementary and Extraordinary Gazettes: For the Medical Council, Appointment of Members of .. 898 first 8 pages, 6d.; over 8 pages and not exceeding Meteorological Returns for May, 1946 .. 921 32 pages, 9d., increasing by 3d. for every subsequent Motor-drivers Regulations, Approval of Testing Officer 16 pages or part thereof; postage, 1d. under.. .. 901 Advertisements are charged at the rate of 6d. per line Motor-vehicles Amendment Act, Excluding Streets from for the first insertion, and 3d. per line for the second and Limitation as to Speed imposed by the . . . . 901 any subsequent insertions. . National Savings Act, Notices under the 901 All advertisements should be written ,on one side of the Native Land Act, Notices of Adoptions under .. 923 paper, and signatures, &c., should be written in a legible Native Land Court, Sittings of the .. 930 hand. New Zealand Schools of Mines: Rules Governing Scholar- ship Examinations ...... The number of insertions required must be written 901 across the face of the advertisement. Officiating Ministers for 1946 .. 919 Opticians Board, Notice of Resolution 915 ~he New Zealand Gazette is published on Thursday Price Orders-·- evemng of each week, and notices for insertion must be 561 (Essence of Ooffee and Ohicory) received by the Government Printer before 12 o'clock ,of the No. 924 day preceding publication. No. 562 (S1.lltanas, 01.lrrants, and Raisins) 914 Nos. 563-567 (Jam) . . .. 926 No. 568 (Apples and Pears) 927 1ST NEW ZEALAND EXPEDITIONARY FORCE, 1914-18 No. 569 (Main Orop Potatoes) 928 No. 570 (Baking-powder) .. 928 Public Service Act, Offices abolished from the Administra- OLL OF HON0l!~ published in 1924 by the DEFENCE DEPARTMENT, gIVIllg- . tion Division under the ...... 897 R Public Service Act, Offices in the Administration Division (1) A ~ist of members. of t~e 1st ~ew Zealand Expedi­ under...... 896 tIOnary Force killed III actIOn, died of wounds Public Trustee: . Elections to administer Estates 930 inflicted, of accidents occurring, or disease eon­ Public Trust Notices 929 tracted while on active service. Rabbit Boards, Election of Members of 918 (2) Those who died after discharge from the 1st New Registered Engineers, Annual List of .. 903 Zealand Expeditionary Force from wounds inflicted Regulations under the Regulations Act 923 or disease contracted while on active service up Reserve Bank of New Zealand- to 31st December, 1923. Bank Returns (Supplementary) .. 922 (3) Those who died from accident occurring or disease Monthly Statement of Trading Banks 922 contracted while training with or attached to the Weeklv Statement of Assets and Liabilities 921 1st New Zealand Expeditionary Force of New Statutory Declarations, Officers authorized to take and Zealand. receive .. 897 Price, 3s. 6d.; postage free. ·Waterfront Industry Commission, Appointment of Mem- Apply- bers of ., ...... 898 GOVERNMENT PRINTER, or CHIEF POSTMASTERS AT SHIPPING- AUCKLAND, CHRISTCHURCH, OR DUNEDIN. Notices to Mariners 919

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