Bland Shire Council ______The Local Government Area of Bland is located on the northern fringes of the Riverina, . It covers an area of 8557.7 square kilometres and supports a population of 5959 (2017 figures). The twin townships of West and Wyalong have a joint population of 3,893 and serve the role as the major service centre for the shire. Other communities include , , , , , and . Today the Shire is a blossoming rural economy built around sheep, cattle, wheat and other crop varieties. In recent times, has also experienced significant developments away from agriculture. Evolution Mining has established a major industrial operation, committing to the Lake Cowal Gold project and Pace Farm has the biggest egg producing facility in the southern hemisphere.

Work Placement Positions

Human Resource Management

Diversity of Human Resource Management - Council is a major employer with a diverse workforce located at Council sites and depots throughout the Bland Shire region. There are many differing skill areas and technical abilities within our workforce: plant operations, labouring, construction, finance, customer service, building surveying and planning, outdoor staff, engineering, administration, community services, economic development, mechanics and others.

Subject: Session 2 (60) BUS370 120 hours



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Council Accountancy Practice - Council accountancy practice assists the interpretation and application of management reporting, accounting, auditing and financial reporting. It is the basis for audit and review functions to be undertaken in the context of comprehensive and approved accounting standards: providing reliable, comparable and readily comprehensible financial information that is invaluable for making and evaluating decisions about the allocation of scarce resources; assessing the

performance, financial position, finances and investments of Councils; and, enhancing the accountability of Councils to the community.

Subject: Session 2 (60) ACC275 100 hours



Further (e.g., placement topics/content, closing date, etc.) Information:
