Sec.: Name:

Experiment: Reproductive Organs (B. Science 10-39-3c)

Purpose: To examine and draw microscopic pictures of a cross - section of testis and ovaries.

Materials: slide Hr 101 - 103 , slide Hr 201 - 202, and 205

M~thods : 1. Examine the cross section of a testis (Hr 101 • 103). Notice the many cross sections of tiny tubules within. Draw a cross section of one of these tubules. Label the , and record the , magnification. : 2. Draw one sperm and label the three regions: (head, middle section, tail). Also label nucleus, mitochondria, and end of tail. 3. Examine the cross section of an ovary (Hr 201 - 202, 205). Notice the many within the ovary. Are all eggs of the same maturity? 4. Draw a portion of the ovary. Label the mature eggs present. How does the size of the mature ovum compare to that of the ?

Results: 'I. cross section of testis 3. mature: 4. mature ovum is: sketch of cross section of ovary


2. one sperm Sec.: Name: Conclusions: 1. What gland in brain releases hormones to stimulate the sex organs to mature during ? 2. What are the sex glands in males called? In females? males: females: 3. What would happen if more than one was released during ?

Discussion: 1. Fill in the blank with the appropriate words. are oval - shaped male sex glands. is the sac containing the male sex organs. There are over meters of tubules in each testis. are tightly coiled tubules in testes. are female sex glands. is a hollow, thick - walled organ in females. where sperm mature on route to vas deferens. _____ narrow neck of uterus just before the vagina. proper name for the egg produced in humans. _____ is the release of the ovum from the follicle. is the hormone released by anterior lobe of pituitary which causes a mass of ovarian cells to form a follicle which makes an ovum part of sperm that provides energy for sperm to move. where eggs develop. sometimes called fallopian tubes. takes $perm to glands that secrete fluid. is the breakdown and discharge of the soft uterine tissues and unfertilized egg. tube through which sperm leave the body. _____ secretes fluid that mixes with sperm to form semen.

2. Why must the ovum be so much largerthan the sperm?

3. Why must sperm be suspended in seminal fluid in order to fertilize an ovum?

4. Why are hundreds of millions of sperm released just to fertilize a single human ovum?

5. If a woman began puberty at the age of 15, started at 45, and ovulated approximately every 28 days between puberty and menopause, how many of the 400 000 eggs in her ovaries would she release?

6. Quote portions of the following texts that records God's direction for men and women in regards to sexual activity: Ex. 20:14 I Thess. 4: 1 - 8 Gal 5:19-21