Congressional Record—Senate S13314
S13314 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 16, 2009 Medicare, is going to be filled so that The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without CPT John L. Hallett III, 30, of Con- seniors will no longer have that period objection, it is so ordered. cord, CA, died August 25 in southern of uncertainty where their bills have f Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when reached a level where they are dis- enemy forces attacked his vehicle with HONORING OUR ARMED FORCES qualified from payment—the so-called an improvised explosive device. Cap- doughnut hole. It will be filled. It will Mrs. BOXER. Madam President, I tain Hallett was assigned to the 1st give them peace of mind that if they rise today to pay tribute to three Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 5th have expensive pharmaceuticals, they young Americans who have been killed Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, will have no interruption in coverage in Iraq since July 28. This brings to 882 Fort Lewis, WA. the number of servicemembers either in the future when it comes to those SPC Tyler R. Walshe, 21, of Shasta, from California or based in California pharmaceuticals. CA, died August 31 in southern Afghan- that have been killed while serving our For seniors, these are two major istan, of wounds suffered when enemy country in Iraq. This represents 20 per- things—to put Medicare on sound fi- forces attacked his unit with an impro- cent of all U.S. deaths in Iraq. nancial footing and to fill the dough- vised explosive device. Specialist nut hole under the Medicare prescrip- SPC Lukas C.
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