S13314 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 16, 2009 Medicare, is going to be filled so that The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without CPT John L. Hallett III, 30, of Con- seniors will no longer have that period objection, it is so ordered. cord, CA, died August 25 in southern of uncertainty where their bills have f Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when reached a level where they are dis- enemy forces attacked his vehicle with HONORING OUR ARMED FORCES qualified from payment—the so-called an improvised explosive device. Cap- doughnut hole. It will be filled. It will Mrs. BOXER. Madam President, I tain Hallett was assigned to the 1st give them peace of mind that if they rise today to pay tribute to three , 17th , 5th have expensive pharmaceuticals, they young Americans who have been killed Stryker , 2nd Infantry , will have no interruption in coverage in Iraq since July 28. This brings to 882 Fort Lewis, WA. the number of servicemembers either in the future when it comes to those SPC Tyler R. Walshe, 21, of Shasta, from California or based in California pharmaceuticals. CA, died August 31 in southern Afghan- that have been killed while serving our For seniors, these are two major istan, of wounds suffered when enemy country in Iraq. This represents 20 per- things—to put Medicare on sound fi- forces attacked his unit with an impro- cent of all U.S. deaths in Iraq. nancial footing and to fill the dough- vised explosive device. nut hole under the Medicare prescrip- SPC Lukas C. Hopper, 20, of Merced, CA, died October 30, southeast of Walshe was assigned to the 1st Bat- tion part of the program. talion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 5th It also is going to give seniors for the Karadah, Iraq, of injuries sustained during a vehicle roll-over. Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, first time access to the kind of preven- Fort Lewis, WA. tive care—regular checkups—they need First Class Hopper was assigned to the SPC Jonathan D. Welch, 19, of Yorba for peace of mind and so doctors and 1st Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Linda, CA, died August 31 in Shuyene professionals can catch problems be- Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, Sufia, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered fore they get worse. 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, when enemy forces attacked his unit This bill is a positive bill, a positive NC. SPC Christopher M. Cooper, 28, of with an improvised explosive device. step forward. Oceanside, CA, died October 30 in Babil Specialist Welch was assigned to the Yesterday, we had a chance as a Sen- province, Iraq, of injuries sustained 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, ate Democratic caucus to meet with from a noncombat related incident. 5th Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Divi- President Obama. We went to the Specialist Cooper was assigned to the sion, Fort Lewis, WA. White House, the Executive Office 2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry, 172nd In- Building, and the President talked to PO3 James R. Layton, 22, of River- fantry Brigade, Schweinfurt, Germany. bank, CA, died September 8 in Kunar us about what this bill means. He re- PVT Jhanner A. Tello, 29, of Los An- minded us that seven Presidents have province, Afghanistan, while sup- geles, CA, died December 10 in Bagh- porting combat operations. Petty Offi- tried to do this and failed. He told us dad, Iraq, of injuries sustained from a when he started this trek that he want- cer 3rd Class Layton was assigned to an noncombat related incident. Private embedded training team with Com- ed to be the last President to deal with Tello was assigned to the 3rd Aviation health care reform because he wanted bined Security Transition Command in Support Battalion, 227th Aviation Afghanistan. to get it done. I feel the same way. I Regiment, 1st Air Cavalry Brigade, 1st think the American people feel the Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, TX. Capt Joshua S. Meadows, 30, of same way. I would also like to pay tribute to Bastrop, TX, died September 5 while I am sure there is confusion. There the 27 soldiers from California or based supporting combat operations in Farah have been a lot of misstatements made in California who have died while serv- province, Afghanistan. Captain Mead- about death panels and things that ing our country in Operation Enduring ows was assigned to 1st Marine Special really have no basis in fact. But people Freedom since July 28. Operations Battalion, Marine should be confident that when the SPC Matthew K.S. Swanson, 20, of Forces Special Operations Command, AARP, the American Association of Lake Forest, CA, died August 8 at the Camp Pendleton, CA. Retired Persons, stands up and says National Naval Medical Center in Be- TSgt James R. Hornbarger, 33, of this is a good bill for the seniors in thesda, MD, of injuries sustained dur- Castle Rock, WA, died September 12 as America under Medicare and Social Se- ing a vehicle roll-over July 19 in Logar a result of a non-hostile incident in the curity and for their families; when province, Afghanistan. Specialist Mediterranean. medical professionals, doctors and Swanson was assigned to the 3rd Bri- Hornbarger was assigned to the 9th medical professionals, stand up and say gade Special Troops Battalion, 3rd Bri- Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Beale this is a good bill, that we have the gade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Di- Air Force Base, CA. kind of support we need to say to the vision, Light Infantry, Fort Drum, NY. SGT Joshua M. Hardt, 24, of Apple- American people that this is an impor- LCpl Javier Olvera, 20, of Palmdale, gate, CA, died October 3 in Kamdesh, tant step forward in health care protec- CA, died August 8 while supporting Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when tion in America. combat operations in Helmand prov- enemy forces attacked his contingency It is time for us to make history and ince, Afghanistan. Lance outpost with small arms, rocket-pro- pass this bill. Let’s do it and do it in Olvera was assigned to 2nd Battalion, pelled grenade and indirect fires. Ser- time for Members to enjoy Christmas 8th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Divi- geant Hardt was assigned to the 3rd with their families. sion, II Marine Expeditionary Force, Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th I yield the floor and suggest the ab- Camp Lejeune, NC. Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Di- PFC Brian M. Wolverton, 21, of Oak sence of a quorum. vision, Fort Carson, CO. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Park, CA, died August 20 in Kunar clerk will call the roll. province, Afghanistan, of wounds suf- SSgt Aaron J. Taylor, 27, of Bovey, The assistant legislative clerk pro- fered when insurgents attacked his MN, died October 9 while supporting ceeded to call the roll. unit with indirect fire. Private First combat operations in Helmand prov- Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, I ask Class Wolverton was assigned to the 1st ince, Afghanistan. Staff Sergeant Tay- unanimous consent that the order for Battalion, 32nd Infantry Regiment, 3rd lor was assigned to Marine Wing Sup- the quorum call be rescinded. Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain port Squadron 372, Marine Wing Sup- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Division, Light Infantry, Fort Drum, port Group 37, 3rd Marine Aircraft objection, it is so ordered. NY. Wing, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, CA. f LCpl Donald J. Hogan, 20, of San Clemente, CA, died August 26 while LCpl Alfonso Ochoa, Jr., 20, of MORNING BUSINESS supporting combat operations in Armona, CA, died October 10 while sup- Mr. DURBIN. I ask unanimous con- Helmand province, Afghanistan. Lance porting combat operations in Farah sent that the Senate proceed to a pe- Corporal Hogan was assigned to 1st province, Afghanistan. Lance Corporal riod of morning business, with Sen- Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Ochoa was assigned to 2nd Battalion, ators permit to speak for up to 10 min- Marine Division, I Marine Expedi- 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Divi- utes each. tionary Force, Camp Pendleton, CA. sion, III Marine Expeditionary Force,

VerDate Nov 24 2008 03:53 Dec 17, 2009 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16DE6.059 S16DEPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with SENATE December 16, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S13315 Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Kaneohe hicle with a rocket-propelled grenade. Sen. Stabenow, Chair; Sen. Leahy; Sen. Bay. Sergeant Wolf was assigned to the Harkin; Sen. Nelson; Sen. Casey; Sen. Ben- SPC Jesus O. Flores, Jr., 28, of La 704th Brigade Support Battalion, 4th net; Sen. Cornyn, Ranking; Sen. Cochran; Mirada, CA, died October 15 in Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Di- Sen. McConnell; Sen. Grassley; and Sen. Thune. Kandahar province, Afghanistan, of vision, Fort Carson, CO. Subcommittee on Energy, Science and wounds suffered when enemy forces at- LCpl Cody R. Stanley, 21, of Technology: Renewable energy production tacked his vehicle with an improvised Rosanky, TX, died October 28 while and energy efficiency improvement on farms explosive device. Specialist Flores was supporting combat operations in and ranches and in rural communities; food assigned to the 569th Mobility Aug- Helmand province, Afghanistan. Lance and agricultural research, education, eco- mentation , 4th Engineer Bat- Corporal Stanley was assigned to 3rd nomics and extension; innovation in the use talion, Fort Carson, CO. Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment, 1st of agricultural commodities and materials. Sen. Bennet, Chair; Sen. Conrad; Sen. Nel- SPC Michael A. Dahl, Jr., 23, of Marine Division, I Marine Expedi- son; Sen. Brown; Sen. Klobuchar; Sen. Moreno Valley, CA, died October 17 in tionary Force, Marine Corps Air Stabenow; Sen. Gillibrand; Sen. Thune, Argahndab, Afghanistan, of wounds Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Ranking; Sen. Lugar; Sen. Roberts; Sen. suffered when enemy forces attacked Palms, CA. Johanns; Sen. Grassley; and Sen. Cornyn. his vehicle with an improvised explo- SFC David E. Metzger, 32, of San Subcommittee on Hunger, Nutrition, and sive device. Specialist Dahl was as- Diego, CA, died October 26 of wounds Family Farms: Domestic and international signed to 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry suffered when the MH–47 helicopter he nutrition and food assistance and hunger Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade, 2nd In- was aboard crashed in Darreh-ye Bum, prevention; school and child nutrition pro- grams; local and healthy food initiatives; fu- fantry Division, Fort Lewis, WA. Afghanistan. tures, options and derivatives; pesticides; LCpl David R. Baker, 22, of Paines- Metzger was assigned to the 3rd Bat- and general legislation. ville, OH, died October 20 while sup- talion, 7th Special Forces Group, Air- Sen. Brown, Chair; Sen. Leahy; Sen. Har- porting combat operations in Helmand borne, Fort Bragg, NC. kin; Sen. Baucus; Sen. Stabenow; Sen. Casey; province, Afghanistan. Lance Corporal Sgt Charles I. Cartwright, 26, of Sen. Klobuchar; Sen. Bennet; Sen. Baker was assigned to 1st Battalion, Union Bridge, MD, died November 7 Gillibrand; Sen. Lugar, Ranking; Sen. Coch- 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Divi- while supporting combat operations in ran; Sen. McConnell; and Sen. Cornyn. Subcommittee on Production, Income Pro- sion, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Farah province, Afghanistan. Sergeant tection and Price Support: Production of ag- Camp Pendleton, CA. Cartwright was assigned to 1st Marine ricultural crops, commodities and products; SPC Kyle A. Coumas, 22, of Special Operations Battalion, U.S. Ma- farm and ranch income protection and as- Lockeford, CA, died October 21 in rine Corps Forces Special Operations sistance; commodity price support programs; Kandahar province, Afghanistan, of Command, Camp Pendleton, CA. insurance and risk protection; fresh water wounds suffered when enemy forces at- LCpl Justin J. Swanson, 21, of Ana- food production. tacked his vehicle with an improvised heim, CA, died November 10 while sup- Sen. Casey, Chair; Sen. Leahy; Sen. Har- explosive device. Specialist Coumas porting combat operations in Helmand kin; Sen. Conrad; Sen. Baucus; Sen. Brown; Sen. Roberts, Ranking; Sen. Cochran; Sen. was assigned to 1st Battalion, 17th In- province, Afghanistan. Lance Corporal Johanns; Sen. Grassley; and Sen. Thune. fantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Swanson was assigned to 1st Battalion, Subcommittee on Domestic and Foreign Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Divi- Marketing, Inspection, and Plant and Ani- Fort Lewis, WA. sion, I Marine Expeditionary Force, mal Health: Agricultural trade; foreign mar- Capt Kyle R. Van De Giesen, 29, of Camp Pendleton, CA. ket development; domestic marketing and North Attleboro, MA, died October 26 PFC Marcus A. Tynes, 19, of Moreno product promotion; marketing orders and while supporting combat operations in Valley, CA, died November 21 in regulation of agricultural markets and ani- Helmand province, Afghanistan. Cap- Kandahar province, Afghanistan, of mal welfare; inspection and certification of plants, animals and products; plant and ani- tain Van De Giesen was assigned to wounds sustained when enemy forces mal diseases and health protection. Marine Light Attack Helicopter - attacked his vehicle with an impro- Sen. Gillibrand, Chair; Sen. Conrad; Sen. ron 169, Marine Aircraft Group 39, 3rd vised explosive device. Private First Baucus; Sen. Nelson; Sen. Klobuchar; Sen. Marine Aircraft Wing, I Marine Expedi- Class Tynes was assigned to the 2nd Johanns, Ranking; Sen. Lugar; Sen. McCon- tionary Force, Camp Pendleton, CA. Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry nell; and Sen. Roberts. Capt David S. Mitchell, 30, of Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, * Senator Lincoln and Senator Chambliss Loveland, OH, died October 26 while 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, serve as ex officio members of all sub- committees. supporting combat operations in NC. f Helmand province, Afghanistan. Cap- f tain Mitchell was assigned to Marine ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE, Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 367, NUTRITION AND FORESTRY SUB- Marine Aircraft Group 39, 3rd Marine COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Aircraft Wing, I Marine Expeditionary TRIBUTE TO CANADIAN SENATOR Force, Camp Pendleton, CA. Mrs. LINCOLN. Madam President, JERAHMIEL ‘‘JERRY’’ GRAFSTEIN Capt Eric A. Jones, 29, of West- the Committee on Agriculture, Nutri- ∑ Mr. CARDIN. Madam President, I chester, NY, died October 26 while sup- tion and Forestry has amended and wish to draw the attention of my col- porting combat operations in Helmand adopted subcommittees for the 111th leagues to the retirement of Jerahmiel province, Afghanistan. Captain Jones Congress. On behalf of myself and Sen- S. Grafstein from the Canadian Senate. was assigned to Marine Light Attack ator CHAMBLISS, I ask unanimous con- As a member and now as Chairman of Helicopter Squadron 169, Marine Air- sent that a copy of the subcommittees the Helsinki Commission, I have had craft Group 39, 3rd Marine Aircraft be printed in the RECORD. the privilege to know and work with Wing, I Marine Expeditionary Force, There being no objection, the mate- Jerry Grafstein over the years through Camp Pendleton, CA. rial was ordered to be printed in the participation in the Parliamentary As- Cpl Gregory M.W. Fleury, 23, of An- RECORD, as follows: sembly of the Organization for Secu- chorage, AK, died October 26 while sup- UNITED STATES SENATE COMMITTEE ON rity and Cooperation in Europe—the porting combat operations in Helmand AGRICULTURE, NUTRITION, AND FORESTRY OSCE. I know that my colleague from province, Afghanistan. Corporal Fleury 111th Congress Ohio, Senator VOINOVICH, also knows was assigned to Marine Light Attack SUBCOMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Jerry well, having just worked with Helicopter Squadron 169, Marine Air- Subcommittee on Rural Revitalization, him on a resolution at this year’s An- craft Group 39, 3rd Marine Aircraft Conservation, Forestry and Credit: Rural nual Session of the Assembly in Wing, I Marine Expeditionary Force, economic revitalization and quality of life; Vilnius, Lithuania, on combating anti- rural job and business growth; rural elec- Semitism. I suspect that many of my Camp Pendleton, CA. trification, telecommunications and utili- SGT Eduviges G. Wolf, 24, of Haw- ties; conservation, protection and steward- other Senate colleagues have also thorne, CA, died October 25 in Kunar ship of natural resources; state, local and worked with him over the years, as province, Afghanistan, of wounds suf- private forests and general forestry; agricul- have many of our colleagues in the fered when insurgents attacked her ve- tural and rural credit. House of Representatives.

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