MAGAZINE & RUNS LIST February to April 2001 50 Cycles by Cycle World 244a London Road, Waterlooville ( 023 9224 0087 Extensive range of parts, accessories & clothing Repairs Hand-built wheels Agent for Argos Racing Cycles for resprays, repairs and hand-built cycles Open Monday to Saturday Closed Wednesday pm CTC discount The Quarterly Magazine of the Portsmouth District Association, February 2001 The Cyclists’ Touring Club page 4 Editorial opinions Welcome 8 AGM minutes 10 P&O confusion 11 75th anniversary celebrations 12 The history of an old fool 14 Where were they? 15 BHF Westbourne ride 16 Playing hopscotch on a tandem 20 Cycling matters 21 Photographic hints 22 Kennet and Avon canal 24 Derek's diary 1962 25 Havant cycle-way advisory panel 26 Christmas 2000 27 Joyce is the choice 28 Brook Meadow 30 Errors and apologies Sales & Wants 31 Leaky patch Portsmouth DA events 18 Feb 75km ride 9 May Breakfast ride to Stonehenge 15-19 May Spring break Barneville-Carteret 20 May DA photo 30 June Hillclimb and freewheel 7 July 75 minute rides 6-24 Sep Dordogne week 10 Nov Barn dance DA President: Dave Pilbeam ( 023 9226 7095 DA Secretary: Mike Elson ( 023 9247 5785 Newsletter Editor: Keith Wileman ( 01243 372841 (email)
[email protected] Newsletter Sales: Mike Edwards ( 01243 371267 Copy for next issue as soon as possible - 30th March latest to Keith, 3 Danbury Court, Emsworth, PO10 7RD Cover design by Rob Iredale Portsmouth DA on the internet: Email:
[email protected] 4 Portsmouth DA Magazine Editorial opinions The old Portsmouth DA had the same problem until at the prize presentation lunch in January I In May this year the DA will be 75 years old met our newest recruit, John Robert Bailey.